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define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/_SelectionPreserver", [
], function(declare, lang, connect, _SelectionPreserver){
return declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins._SelectionPreserver", _SelectionPreserver, {
// summary:
// Preserve selections across various user actions.
// description:
// Extends dojox.grid._SelectionPreserver adding a bit more support to make selection persistence working well
// with various EnhancedGrid features, e.g. filtering, nested sorting, pagination, select all etc.
// Precondition - Identifier(id) is required for store, as id is used for differentiating row items.
// Known issue - The preserved selections might be inaccurate if some unloaded rows are previously selected by range(e.g.SHIFT + click)
// example:
// | //To turn on this - set 'keepSelection' attribute to true
// | <div dojoType="dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid" keepSelection = true .../>
constructor: function(selection){
var grid = this.grid;
grid.onSelectedById = this.onSelectedById;
this._oldClearData = grid._clearData;
var self = this;
grid._clearData = function(){
self._trustSelection = [];
self._oldClearData.apply(grid, arguments);
connect.connect(selection, 'selectRange', lang.hitch(this, '_updateMapping', true, true, false)),
connect.connect(selection, 'deselectRange', lang.hitch(this, '_updateMapping', true, false, false)),
connect.connect(selection, 'deselectAll', lang.hitch(this, '_updateMapping', true, false, true))
destroy: function(){
this.grid._clearData = this._oldClearData;
reset: function(){
this._idMap = [];
this._trustSelection = [];
this._defaultSelected = false;
_reSelectById: function(item, index){
// summary:
// Overwritten
var s = this.selection, g = this.grid;
if(item && g._hasIdentity){
var id = g.store.getIdentity(item);
if(this._selectedById[id] === undefined){
s.selected[index] = this._defaultSelected;
s.selected[index] = this._selectedById[id];
g.onSelectedById(id, index, s.selected[index]);
_selectById: function(toSelect, inItemOrIndex){
// summary:
// Overwritten
this._trustSelection[inItemOrIndex] = true;
onSelectedById: function(id, rowIndex, value){},
_updateMapping: function(trustSelection, isSelect, isForAll, from, to){
// summary:
// This function try to keep the selection info updated when range selection is performed.
// 1. Calculate how many unloaded rows are there;
// 2. update _selectedById data if grid.selection._selected can be trusted, so loaded but unselected rows can
// be properly recorded.
var s = this.selection, g = this.grid, flag = 0, unloaded = 0, i, id;
for(i = g.rowCount - 1; i >= 0; --i){
flag += s.selected[i] ? 1 : -1;
id = g._by_idx[i].idty;
if(id && (trustSelection || this._selectedById[id] === undefined)){
this._selectedById[id] = !!s.selected[i];
this._defaultSelected = flag > 0;
if(!isForAll && from !== undefined && to !== undefined){
isForAll = !g.usingPagination && Math.abs(to - from + 1) === g.rowCount;
// When deselectAll, make sure every thing is deselected, even if it was selected but not loaded now.
// This occurs only when pagination's "All" is used.
if(isForAll && (!g.usingPagination || g.selectionMode === 'single')){
for(i = this._idMap.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
this._selectedById[this._idMap[i]] = isSelect;