2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

Version 1.00
Release date: 10/04/2007
Project state:
	Scott J. Miles (sjmiles@activegrid.com)
	Steve Orvell (sorvell@activegrid.com)
	Bryan Forbes (bryan AT reigndropsfall.net)
	Nathan Toone (toonetown AT dojotoolkit.org)
Project description

TurboGrid has been made available in Dojo and is now the dojox.grid!


Dojo Core
Dojo Base (dnd)
Dijit Templated Widget
dojox.html (metrics)

None available for this version yet.

See http://www.turboajax.com/products/turbogrid/ for legacy documentation.
Installation instructions

Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:

Install into the following directory structure:

...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.

If you wish us use the old (compat / 1.2) grid, you can untar the
compatGrid.tar.gz archive.  This version of the grid is no longer maintained
or updated - but should work with any newer version of the dojo library.

dojox.grid.* is a11y enabled, please see the following doc page for more details
- http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/dojox/grid/DataGrid.html#accessibility-in-1-3-and-beyond


1. dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid
Version 0.9
Release date: 12/11/2009
Project state

	David Schwartz (drschwar@us.ibm.com, IBM, CCLA) - Author, UX design
	Wei Huang (evan@dojotoolkit.org) - Author, IndirectSelection, Menus
	Xiao Wen Zhu (xwzhu@cn.ibm.com, IBM, CCLA) 
	  - Filter, Exporter, Printer, Selector, DnD, CellMerge, Cookie, Search
	Qiang Wang (wangqsh@cn.ibm.com, IBM, CCLA) - Pagination
	Pei Wang (wpei@cn.ibm.com, IBM, CCLA) - NestedSorting
Project description

Enhanced Grid inherits base DataGrid and provides the following enhanced features:
 1. Nested Sorting
 2. Built-in declarative Indirect Selection (radio buttons and check boxes)
 3. Context menu for header, row, column and selected region
 4. Advanced Selector: support selecting rows/columns/cells via swipe
 5. Drag-n-drop: columns,rows - MOVE, cells - MOVE/COPY
 6. Filter: filter grid content in various data types
 7. Exporter: export grid content to various formats
 8. Printer: provide convenient ways for printing grid
 9. Pagination: an alternative to deal with huge data set besides the default virtual scrolling way
 10.CellMerge: merge adjacent cells within a row
 11.Cookie: persist grid preferences including column width, column order, sorting order etc.
 12.Search: a handy way for searching grid content by regular expressions

Dojo Core, dojox.grid.DataGrid

Installation instructions

Same as dojox.grid, for detail sample usages, please refer to /dojox/grid/tests/enhanced/*.html
Known issues

 - 'Claro' is the major supported theme for EnhancedGrid features
 - EnhancedGrid features are not fully compatible with complicated layouts (e.g. multiple rows in column header) and TreeGrid(SubGrid).
 - Indirect Selection is not fully compatible with Advanced Selector(for selecting row/column/cells) and DnD
 - RTL support is still in progress for Nested Sorting 

2. dojox.grid.LazyTreeGrid
Version 0.9
Release date: 
Project state

	Qiang Wang (wangqsh@cn.ibm.com, IBM, CCLA)
	Wei Huang (evan@dojotoolkit.org)
Project description

LazyTreeGrid applies virtual scrolling mechanism to nested children rows so that it's possible to 
deal with large data set specifically in tree structure with large number of children rows.  
It's also compatible with dijit.tree.ForestStoreModel

Dojo Core, dojox.grid.TreeGrid

Installation instructions

Same as dojox.grid, for detail sample usages, please refer to /dojox/grid/tests/test_treegrid_lazyloading.html
Known issues

LazyTreeGrid is not compatible with:
 - Most Enhanced Grid features
 - Complicated layouts (e.g. multiple rows in column header)