
627 lines
21 KiB
Raw Normal View History

define("dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/IndirectSelection", [
], function(declare, array, evt, lang, html, win, connect, has, query, keys, string, _Plugin, EnhancedGrid){
var gridCells = lang.getObject("dojox.grid.cells");
var RowSelector = declare("dojox.grid.cells.RowSelector", gridCells._Widget, {
// summary:
// Common attributes & functions for row selectors(Radio|CheckBox)
//inputType: String
// Input type - Radio|CheckBox
inputType: "",
//map: Object
// Cache div refs of radio|checkbox to avoid querying each time
map: null,
//disabledMap: Object
// Cache index of disabled rows
disabledMap: null,
//isRowSelector: Boolean
// Marker of indirectSelection cell(column)
isRowSelector: true,
//_connects: Array
// List of all connections.
_connects: null,
//_subscribes: Array
// List of all subscribes.
_subscribes: null,
//checkedText: String
// Checked character for high contrast mode
checkedText: '✓',
//unCheckedText: String
// Unchecked character for high contrast mode
unCheckedText: 'O',
constructor: function(){
this.map = {}; this.disabledMap = {}, this.disabledCount= 0;
this._connects = []; this._subscribes = [];
this.inA11YMode = html.hasClass(win.body(), "dijit_a11y");
this.baseClass = "dojoxGridRowSelector dijitReset dijitInline dijit" + this.inputType;
this.checkedClass = " dijit" + this.inputType + "Checked";
this.disabledClass = " dijit" + this.inputType + "Disabled";
this.checkedDisabledClass = " dijit" + this.inputType + "CheckedDisabled";
this.statusTextClass = " dojoxGridRowSelectorStatusText";//a11y use
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid, 'dokeyup', this, '_dokeyup'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid.selection, 'onSelected', this, '_onSelected'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid.selection, 'onDeselected', this, '_onDeselected'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid.scroller, 'invalidatePageNode', this, '_pageDestroyed'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid, 'onCellClick', this, '_onClick'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid, 'updateRow', this, '_onUpdateRow'));
formatter: function(data, rowIndex, scope){
// summary:
// Overwritten, see dojox.grid.cells._Widget
var _this = scope;
var clazz = _this.baseClass;
var checked = _this.getValue(rowIndex);
var disabled = !!_this.disabledMap[rowIndex];//normalize 'undefined'
clazz += _this.checkedClass;
if(disabled){ clazz += _this.checkedDisabledClass; }
}else if(disabled){
clazz += _this.disabledClass;
return ["<div tabindex = -1 ",
"id = '" + _this.grid.id + "_rowSelector_" + rowIndex + "' ",
"name = '" + _this.grid.id + "_rowSelector' class = '" + clazz + "' ",
"role = 'presentation' aria-pressed = '" + checked + "' aria-disabled = '" + disabled +
"' aria-label = '" + string.substitute(_this.grid._nls["indirectSelection" + _this.inputType], [rowIndex + 1]) + "'>",
"<span class = '" + _this.statusTextClass + "'>" + (checked ? _this.checkedText : _this.unCheckedText) + "</span>",
setValue: function(rowIndex, inValue){
// summary:
// Overwritten, see dojox.grid.cells._Widget
// Simply return, no action
getValue: function(rowIndex){
// summary:
// Overwritten, see dojox.grid.cells._Widget
return this.grid.selection.isSelected(rowIndex);
toggleRow: function(index, value){
// summary:
// toggle checked | unchecked state for given row
// index: Integer
// Row index
// value: Boolean
// True - checked | False - unchecked
this._nativeSelect(index, value);
setDisabled: function(index, disabled){
// summary:
// toggle disabled | enabled state for given row
// idx: Integer
// Row index
// disabled: Boolean
// True - disabled | False - enabled
if(index < 0){ return; }
this._toggleDisabledStyle(index, disabled);
disabled: function(index){
// summary:
// Check if one row is disabled
return !!this.disabledMap[index];
_onClick: function(e){
// summary:
// When mouse click on the selector cell, select/deselect the row.
if(e.cell === this){
_dokeyup: function(e){
// summary:
// Event handler for key up event
// - from dojox.grid.enhanced._Events.dokeyup()
// e: Event
// Key up event
if(e.cellIndex == this.index && e.rowIndex >= 0 && e.keyCode == keys.SPACE){
focus: function(rowIndex){
// summary:
// Set focus to given row
// rowIndex: Integer
// Target row
var selector = this.map[rowIndex];
if(selector){ selector.focus(); }
_focusEndingCell: function(rowIndex, cellIndex){
// summary:
// Set focus to the ending grid cell(rowIndex,cellIndex) when swipe selection finished
// rowIndex: Integer
// Row index
// cellIndex: Integer
// Column index
var cell = this.grid.getCell(cellIndex);
this.grid.focus.setFocusCell(cell, rowIndex);
_nativeSelect: function(index, value){
// summary:
// Use grid's native selection
this.grid.selection[value ? 'select' : 'deselect'](index);
_onSelected: function(index){
// summary:
// Triggered when a row is selected
this._toggleCheckedStyle(index, true);
_onDeselected: function(index){
// summary:
// Triggered when a row is deselected
this._toggleCheckedStyle(index, false);
_onUpdateRow: function(index){
// summary:
// Clear cache when row is re-built.
delete this.map[index];
_toggleCheckedStyle: function(index, value){
// summary:
// Change css styles for checked | unchecked
var selector = this._getSelector(index);
html.toggleClass(selector, this.checkedClass, value);
html.toggleClass(selector, this.checkedDisabledClass, value);
selector.setAttribute("aria-pressed", value);
selector.firstChild.innerHTML = (value ? this.checkedText : this.unCheckedText);
_toggleDisabledStyle: function(index, disabled){
// summary:
// Change css styles for disabled | enabled
var selector = this._getSelector(index);
html.toggleClass(selector, this.disabledClass, disabled);
html.toggleClass(selector, this.checkedDisabledClass, disabled);
selector.setAttribute("aria-disabled", disabled);
this.disabledMap[index] = disabled;
if(index >= 0){
this.disabledCount += disabled ? 1 : -1;
_getSelector: function(index){
// summary:
// Find selector for given row caching it if 1st time found
var selector = this.map[index];
if(!selector){//use accurate query for better performance
var rowNode = this.view.rowNodes[index];
selector = query('.dojoxGridRowSelector', rowNode)[0];
if(selector){ this.map[index] = selector; }
return selector;
_pageDestroyed: function(pageIndex){
// summary:
// Explicitly empty map cache when a page destroyed
// See dojox.grid._Scroller.invalidatePageNode()
// pageIndex: Integer
// Index of destroyed page
var rowsPerPage = this.grid.scroller.rowsPerPage;
var start = pageIndex * rowsPerPage, end = start + rowsPerPage - 1;
for(var i = start; i <= end; i++){
delete this.map[i];
//console.log("Page ",pageIndex, " destroyed, Map=",this.map);
destroy: function(){
for(var i in this.map){
delete this.map[i];
for(i in this.disabledMap){ delete this.disabledMap[i]; }
array.forEach(this._connects, connect.disconnect);
array.forEach(this._subscribes, connect.unsubscribe);
delete this._connects;
delete this._subscribes;
//console.log('Single(Multiple)RowSelector.destroy() executed!');
var SingleRowSelector = declare("dojox.grid.cells.SingleRowSelector", RowSelector, {
// summary:
// IndirectSelection cell(column) for single selection mode, using styles of dijit.form.RadioButton
inputType: "Radio",
_selectRow: function(e){
// summary:
// Select the target row
// e: Event
// Event fired on the target row
var index = e.rowIndex;
if(this.disabledMap[index]){ return; }
this._focusEndingCell(index, 0);
this._nativeSelect(index, !this.grid.selection.selected[index]);
var MultipleRowSelector = declare("dojox.grid.cells.MultipleRowSelector", RowSelector, {
// summary:
// Indirect selection cell for multiple or extended mode, using dijit.form.CheckBox
inputType: "CheckBox",
//swipeStartRowIndex: Integer
// Start row index for swipe selection
swipeStartRowIndex: -1,
//swipeMinRowIndex: Integer
// Min row index for swipe selection
swipeMinRowIndex: -1,
//swipeMinRowIndex: Integer
// Max row index for swipe selection
swipeMaxRowIndex: -1,
//toSelect: Boolean
// new state for selection
toSelect: false,
//lastClickRowIdx: Integer
// Row index for last click, used for range selection via Shift + click
lastClickRowIdx: -1,
//toggleAllTrigerred: Boolean
// Whether toggle all has been triggered or not
toggleAllTrigerred: false,
unCheckedText: '&#9633;',
constructor: function(){
this._connects.push(connect.connect(win.doc, 'onmouseup', this, '_domouseup'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid, 'onRowMouseOver', this, '_onRowMouseOver'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid.focus, 'move', this, '_swipeByKey'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid, 'onCellMouseDown', this, '_onMouseDown'));
if(this.headerSelector){//option set by user to add a select-all checkbox in column header
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid.views, 'render', this, '_addHeaderSelector'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid, '_onFetchComplete', this, '_addHeaderSelector'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid, 'onSelectionChanged', this, '_onSelectionChanged'));
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid, 'onKeyDown', this, function(e){
if(e.rowIndex == -1 && e.cellIndex == this.index && e.keyCode == keys.SPACE){
this._toggletHeader();//TBD - a better way
// summary:
// Toggle select all|deselect all
// checked: Boolean
// True - select all, False - deselect all
var grid = this.grid, selection = grid.selection;
selection.selectRange(0, grid.rowCount-1);
this.toggleAllTrigerred = true;
_onMouseDown: function(e){
if(e.cell == this){
_onRowMouseOver: function(e){
// summary:
// Event fired when mouse moves over a data row(outside of this column).
// - from dojox.grid.enhanced._Events.onRowMouseOver()
// e: Event
// Decorated event object which contains reference to grid, cell, and rowIndex
this._updateSelection(e, 0);
_domouseup: function(e){
// summary:
// Event handler for mouse up event - from dojo.doc.domouseup()
// e: Event
// Mouse up event
this.view.content.decorateEvent(e);//TODO - why only e in IE hasn't been decorated?
var inSwipeSelection = e.cellIndex >= 0 && this.inSwipeSelection() && !this.grid.edit.isEditRow(e.rowIndex);
this._focusEndingCell(e.rowIndex, e.cellIndex);
_dokeyup: function(e){
// summary:
// Event handler for key up event
// - from dojox.grid.enhanced._Events.dokeyup()
// e: Event
// Key up event
_startSelection: function(rowIndex){
// summary:
// Initialize parameters to start a new swipe selection
// rowIndex: Integer
// Index of the start row
this.swipeStartRowIndex = this.swipeMinRowIndex = this.swipeMaxRowIndex = rowIndex;
this.toSelect = !this.getValue(rowIndex);
_updateSelection: function(e, delta){
// summary:
// Update row selections, fired during a swipe selection
// e: Event
// Event of the current row,
// delta: Integer
// Row index delta, used for swipe selection via Shift + Arrow key
// 0: not via key, -1 : Shift + Up, 1 : Shift + Down
if(!this.inSwipeSelection()){ return; }
var byKey = delta !== 0;//whether via Shift + Arrow Key
var currRow = e.rowIndex, deltaRow = currRow - this.swipeStartRowIndex + delta;
if(deltaRow > 0 && this.swipeMaxRowIndex < currRow + delta){
this.swipeMaxRowIndex = currRow + delta;
if(deltaRow < 0 && this.swipeMinRowIndex > currRow + delta){
this.swipeMinRowIndex = currRow + delta;
var min = deltaRow > 0 ? this.swipeStartRowIndex : currRow + delta;
var max = deltaRow > 0 ? currRow + delta : this.swipeStartRowIndex;
for(var i = this.swipeMinRowIndex; i <= this.swipeMaxRowIndex; i++){
if(this.disabledMap[i] || i < 0){ continue; }
if(i >= min && i <= max){//deltaRow != 0 || this.toSelect
this._nativeSelect(i, this.toSelect);
}else if(!byKey){
this._nativeSelect(i, !this.toSelect);
_swipeByKey: function(rowOffset, colOffset, e){
// summary:
// Update row selections, fired when Shift + Cursor is used for swipe selection
// See dojox.grid.enhanced._Events.onKeyDown
// e: Event
// Event of the current row,
// rowOffset: Integer
// Row offset, used for swipe selection via Shift + Cursor
// -1 : Shift + Up, 1 : Shift + Down
if(!e || rowOffset === 0 || !e.shiftKey || e.cellIndex != this.index ||
this.grid.focus.rowIndex < 0){ //TBD - e.rowIndex == 0 && delta == -1
var rowIndex = e.rowIndex;
if(this.swipeStartRowIndex < 0){
//A new swipe selection starts via Shift + Arrow key
this.swipeStartRowIndex = rowIndex;
if(rowOffset > 0){//Shift + Down
this.swipeMaxRowIndex = rowIndex + rowOffset;
this.swipeMinRowIndex = rowIndex;
}else{//Shift + UP
this.swipeMinRowIndex = rowIndex + rowOffset;
this.swipeMaxRowIndex = rowIndex;
this.toSelect = this.getValue(rowIndex);
this._updateSelection(e, rowOffset);
_finishSelect: function(){
// summary:
// Reset parameters to end a swipe selection
this.swipeStartRowIndex = -1;
this.swipeMinRowIndex = -1;
this.swipeMaxRowIndex = -1;
this.toSelect = false;
inSwipeSelection: function(){
// summary:
// Check if during a swipe selection
// return: Boolean
// Whether in swipe selection
return this.swipeStartRowIndex >= 0;
_nativeSelect: function(index, value){
// summary:
// Overwritten
this.grid.selection[value ? 'addToSelection' : 'deselect'](index);
_selectRow: function(e){
// summary:
// Select the target row or range or rows
// e: Event
// Event fired on the target row
var rowIndex = e.rowIndex;
if(this.disabledMap[rowIndex]){ return; }
this._focusEndingCell(rowIndex, 0);
var delta = rowIndex - this.lastClickRowIdx;
var newValue = !this.grid.selection.selected[rowIndex];
if(this.lastClickRowIdx >= 0 && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && e.shiftKey){
var min = delta > 0 ? this.lastClickRowIdx : rowIndex;
var max = delta > 0 ? rowIndex : this.lastClickRowIdx;
for(var i = min; i >= 0 && i <= max; i++){
this._nativeSelect(i, newValue);
this._nativeSelect(rowIndex, newValue);
this.lastClickRowIdx = rowIndex;
getValue: function(rowIndex){
// summary:
// Overwritten
if(rowIndex == -1){//header selector
var g = this.grid;
return g.rowCount > 0 && g.rowCount <= g.selection.getSelectedCount();
return this.inherited(arguments);
_addHeaderSelector: function(){
// summary:
// Add selector in column header for selecting|deselecting all
var headerCellNode = this.view.getHeaderCellNode(this.index);
if(!headerCellNode){ return; }
var g = this.grid;
var selector = headerCellNode.appendChild(html.create("div", {
'aria-label': g._nls["selectAll"],
"tabindex": -1, "id": g.id + "_rowSelector_-1", "class": this.baseClass, "role": "presentation",
"innerHTML": "<span class = '" + this.statusTextClass +
"'></span><span style='height: 0; width: 0; overflow: hidden; display: block;'>" +
g._nls["selectAll"] + "</span>"
this.map[-1] = selector;
var idx = this._headerSelectorConnectIdx;
if(idx !== undefined){
this._connects.splice(idx, 1);
this._headerSelectorConnectIdx = this._connects.length;
this._connects.push(connect.connect(selector, 'onclick', this, '_toggletHeader'));
_toggletHeader: function(){
// summary:
// Toggle state for head selector
if(!!this.disabledMap[-1]){ return; }
this.grid._selectingRange = true;
this.grid._selectingRange = false;
_onSelectionChanged: function(){
// summary:
// Update header selector anytime selection changed
var g = this.grid;
if(!this.map[-1] || g._selectingRange){ return; }
g.allItemsSelected = this.getValue(-1);
this._toggleCheckedStyle(-1, g.allItemsSelected);
_toggleDisabledStyle: function(index, disabled){
// summary:
// Overwritten
var allDisabled = (this.grid.rowCount == this.disabledCount);
if(allDisabled != !!this.disabledMap[-1]){//only if needed
arguments[0] = -1;
arguments[1] = allDisabled;
var IndirectSelection = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.IndirectSelection", _Plugin, {
// summary:
// A handy way for adding check boxe/radio button for rows, and selecting rows by swiping(or keyboard)
// description:
// For better rendering performance, div(images) are used to simulate radio button|check boxes
// example:
// <div dojoType="dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid" plugins="{indirectSelection: true}" ...></div>
// or <div dojoType="dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid" plugins="{indirectSelection: {name: 'xxx', width:'30px', styles:'text-align: center;'}}" ...></div>
//name: String
// Plugin name
name: "indirectSelection",
constructor: function(){
//Hook layout.setStructure(), so that indirectSelection is always included
var layout = this.grid.layout;
this.connect(layout, 'setStructure', lang.hitch(layout, this.addRowSelectCell, this.option));
addRowSelectCell: function(option){
// summary:
// Add indirectSelection cell(mapped to a column of radio button|check boxes)
if(!this.grid.indirectSelection || this.grid.selectionMode == 'none'){
var rowSelectCellAdded = false, inValidFields = ['get', 'formatter', 'field', 'fields'],
defaultCellDef = {type: MultipleRowSelector, name: '', width:'30px', styles:'text-align: center;'};
if(option.headerSelector){ option.name = ''; }//mutual conflicting attrs
if(this.grid.rowSelectCell){//remove the existed one
array.forEach(this.structure, function(view){
var cells = view.cells;
if(cells && cells.length > 0 && !rowSelectCellAdded){
var firstRow = cells[0];
if(firstRow[0] && firstRow[0].isRowSelector){
console.debug('addRowSelectCell() - row selector cells already added, return.');
rowSelectCellAdded = true;
var selectDef, cellType = this.grid.selectionMode == 'single' ? SingleRowSelector : MultipleRowSelector;
selectDef = lang.mixin(defaultCellDef, option, {type: cellType, editable: false, notselectable: true, filterable: false, navigatable: true, nosort: true});
array.forEach(inValidFields, function(field){//remove invalid fields
if(field in selectDef){ delete selectDef[field]; }
if(cells.length > 1){ selectDef.rowSpan = cells.length; }//for complicate layout
array.forEach(this.cells, function(cell, i){
if(cell.index >= 0){
cell.index += 1;
//console.debug('cell '+ (cell.index - 1) + ' is updated to index ' + cell.index);
console.warn('Error:IndirectSelection.addRowSelectCell()- cell ' + i + ' has no index!');
var rowSelectCell = this.addCellDef(0, 0, selectDef);
rowSelectCell.index = 0;
this.grid.rowSelectCell = rowSelectCell;
rowSelectCellAdded = true;
}, this);
this.cellCount = this.cells.length;
destroy: function(){
delete this.grid.rowSelectCell;
EnhancedGrid.registerPlugin(IndirectSelection/*name:'indirectSelection'*/, {"preInit": true});
return IndirectSelection;