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define("dojox/grid/enhanced/_PluginManager", [
], function(dojo, lang, declare, array, connect, _Events, _FocusManager, util){
var _PluginManager = declare("dojox.grid.enhanced._PluginManager", null, {
// summary:
// Singleton plugin manager
// description:
// Plugin manager is responsible for
// 1. Loading required plugins
// 2. Handling collaborat ion and dependencies among plugins
// Some plugin dependencies:
// - "columnReordering" attribute won't work when either DnD or Indirect Selections plugin is on.
//_options: Object
// Normalized plugin options
_options: null,
//_plugins: Array
// Plugin list
_plugins: null,
//_connects: Array
// Connection list
_connects: null,
constructor: function(inGrid){
this.grid = inGrid;
this._store = inGrid.store;
this._options = {};
this._plugins = [];
this._connects = [];
inGrid.connect(inGrid, "_setStore", lang.hitch(this, function(store){
if(this._store !== store){
this.forEach('onSetStore', [store, this._store]);
this._store = store;
startup: function(){
preInit: function(){
// summary:
// Load appropriate plugins before DataGrid.postCreate().
// See EnhancedGrid.postCreate()
this.grid.focus = new _FocusManager(this.grid);
new _Events(this.grid);//overwrite some default events of DataGrid
postInit: function(){
// summary:
// Load plugins after DataGrid.postCreate() - the default phase when plugins are created
// See EnhancedGrid.postCreate()
array.forEach(this.grid.views.views, this._initView, this);
this._connects.push(connect.connect(this.grid.views, 'addView', lang.hitch(this, this._initView)));
if(this._plugins.length > 0){
var edit = this.grid.edit;
if(edit){ edit.styleRow = function(inRow){}; }
forEach: function(func, args){
array.forEach(this._plugins, function(p){
if(!p || !p[func]){ return; }
p[func].apply(p, args ? args : []);
_parseProps: function(plugins){
// summary:
// Parse plugins properties
// plugins: Object
// Plugin properties defined by user
if(!plugins){ return; }
var p, loading = {}, options = this._options, grid = this.grid;
var registry = _PluginManager.registry;//global plugin registry
for(p in plugins){
if(plugins[p]){//filter out boolean false e.g. {p:false}
this._normalize(p, plugins, registry, loading);
//"columnReordering" attribute won't work when either DnD or Indirect Selections plugin is used.
if(options.dnd || options.indirectSelection){
options.columnReordering = false;
//mixin all plugin properties into Grid
lang.mixin(grid, options);
_normalize: function(p, plugins, registry, loading){
// summary:
// Normalize plugin properties especially the dependency chain
// p: String
// Plugin name
// plugins: Object
// Plugin properties set by user
// registry: Object
// The global plugin registry
// loading: Object
// Map for checking process state
if(!registry[p]){ throw new Error('Plugin ' + p + ' is required.');}
if(loading[p]){ throw new Error('Recursive cycle dependency is not supported.'); }
var options = this._options;
if(options[p]){ return options[p]; }
loading[p] = true;
//TBD - more strict conditions?
options[p] = lang.mixin({}, registry[p], lang.isObject(plugins[p]) ? plugins[p] : {});
var dependencies = options[p]['dependency'];
dependencies = options[p]['dependency'] = [dependencies];
array.forEach(dependencies, function(dependency){
if(!this._normalize(dependency, plugins, registry, loading)){
throw new Error('Plugin ' + dependency + ' is required.');
}, this);
delete loading[p];
return options[p];
_init: function(pre){
// summary:
// Find appropriate plugins and load them
// pre: Boolean
// True - preInit | False - postInit(by default)
var p, preInit, options = this._options;
for(p in options){
preInit = options[p]['preInit'];
if((pre ? preInit : !preInit) && options[p]['class'] && !this.pluginExisted(p)){
loadPlugin: function(name){
// summary:
// Load required plugin("name")
// name: String
// Plugin name
// return: Object
// The newly loaded plugin
var option = this._options[name];
if(!option){ return null; } //return if no plugin option
var plugin = this.getPlugin(name);
if(plugin){ return plugin; } //return if plugin("name") already existed
var dependencies = option['dependency'];
array.forEach(dependencies, function(dependency){
throw new Error('Plugin ' + dependency + ' is required.');
}, this);
var cls = option['class'];
delete option['class'];//remove it for safety
plugin = new this.getPluginClazz(cls)(this.grid, option);
return plugin;
_initView: function(view){
// summary:
// Overwrite several default behavior for each views(including _RowSelector view)
if(!view){ return; }
//add more events handler - _View
util.funnelEvents(view.contentNode, view, "doContentEvent", ['mouseup', 'mousemove']);
util.funnelEvents(view.headerNode, view, "doHeaderEvent", ['mouseup']);
pluginExisted: function(name){
// summary:
// Check if plugin("name") existed
// name: String
// Plugin name
// return: Boolean
// True - existed | False - not existed
return !!this.getPlugin(name);
getPlugin: function(name){
// summary:
// Get plugin("name")
// name: String
// Plugin name
// return: Object
// Plugin instance
var plugins = this._plugins;
name = name.toLowerCase();
for(var i = 0, len = plugins.length; i < len; i++){
if(name == plugins[i]['name'].toLowerCase()){
return plugins[i];
return null;
getPluginClazz: function(clazz){
// summary:
// Load target plugin which must be already required (require(..))
// clazz: class | String
// Plugin class
return clazz;//return if it's already a clazz
var errorMsg = 'Please make sure Plugin "' + clazz + '" is existed.';
var cls = lang.getObject(clazz);
if(!cls){ throw new Error(errorMsg); }
return cls;
throw new Error(errorMsg);
isFixedCell: function(cell){
// summary:
// See if target cell(column) is fixed or not.
// cell: Object
// Target cell(column)
// return: Boolean
// True - fixed| False - not fixed
//target cell can use Boolean attributes named "isRowSelector" or "fixedPos" to mark it's a fixed cell(column)
return cell && (cell.isRowSelector || cell.fixedPos);
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// Destroy all resources
array.forEach(this._connects, connect.disconnect);
delete this._connects;
delete this._plugins;
delete this._options;
_PluginManager.registerPlugin = function(clazz, props){
// summary:
// Register plugins - TODO, a better way rather than global registry?
// clazz: String
// Full class name, e.g. "dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.DnD"
// props: Object - Optional
// Plugin properties e.g. {"dependency": ["nestedSorting"], ...}
console.warn("Failed to register plugin, class missed!");
var cls = _PluginManager;
cls.registry = cls.registry || {};
cls.registry[clazz.prototype.name]/*plugin name*/ = lang.mixin({"class": clazz}, (props ? props : {}));
return _PluginManager;