2022-05-01 03:00:26 +02:00

3.8 KiB

dotfiles - My tiling sway configuration (for Arch/Devuan/Debian)

My configurations:



  • Install dependencies:

  • Install configuration (dotfiles):

    • Clone repository and copy files to your home:

      $ git clone
      $ cd dotfiles
      $ chmod +x
      $ ./
      $ cp -rfv ~/.config/waybar/config.icons ~/.config/waybar/config


  • Network Manager (Connman or NetWorkManager):

    • By default is enabled NetWorkManager as network manager:

    • If you prefer Connman, edit the file ~/.config/sway/config:

      #exec --no-startup-id connman-gtk --tray &
      exec --no-startup-id nm-applet &
  • Monitor & resolution:

    • The configuration load my monitor configuration:

    • Use the command wlr-randr for show your config & edit the file ~/.config/sway/

      wlr-randr --output DP-1 --custom-mode 1280x1024@75Hz --pos 288,0
      wlr-randr --output DP-2 --custom-mode 1280x1024@75Hz --transform 90 --pos 1568,0
  • Screensaver:

    • The configuration file use my monitor configuration and set the time in 20 minutes:

    • Use the command wlr-randr for show your monitors & edit the file ~/.config/sway/

      # Basic configuration variables
      ScreensaverTime="1200" # 20 minutes
      monitorOne="DP-1" # First monitor
      monitorTwo="DP-2" # Second monitor
      monitorThree="" # Third monitor
  • Wallpaper:

    • By default, the config load wallpaper on ~/wallpapers/dark-city.jpg:

    • Edit ~/.config/sway/config for set your favorite wallpaper:

      exec --no-startup-id "swaybg -i ~/wallpapers/dark-city.jpg -m fill"
  • Layout:

    • By default, the config load my spanish layout.:

    • Edit ~/.config/sway/config for set your configuration:

      # Input layout
      input * {
        #xkb_layout "us"
        xkb_layout "es"
        #xkb_variant "colemak"

Keys configuration:

My list of extra combinations:

- Super + d = Open Dmenu
- Super + p = Open Wofi (run mode)
- Super + q = Open Rofi (window mode)
- Super + o = Open Wofi (drun mode)
- Super + b = Open Firefox
- Super + n = Open PCManFM
- Super + t = Open Wayland-Screenshooter
- Super + g = Open Geany
- Super + m = Open Telegram 
- Super + z = Open Wf-Recorder (Screen video recorder) 
- Super + x = Open Wdisplays
- Super + u = Open Xterm
- Super + i = Open LXAppearance
- Super + c = Open NetWorkManager
- Volume-Up = Volume +5
- Volume-Down = Volume -5
- VolumeMute = Mute Volume
- Super + Ctrl + Shift + l = Poweroff/Start screen (Screensaver step needed)
- Super + Shift + e = Logout
- Super + Backspace = Open menu Logout/Reboot/Shutdown