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dotfiles - My tiling Qtile, Spectrwm, i3 , Dwm & Sway configurations (for Arch/Devuan/Debian)
### My configurations:
* [Qtile](README-qtile.md)
* [i3](README-i3.md)
* [Sway](README-sway.md)
* [Dwm](README-dwm.md)
* [Spectrwm](README-spectrwm.md)
### Install dependencies on Arch Linux:
$ sudo pacman -S spectrwm compton arc-gtk-theme xautolock kitty i3-gaps i3status \
i3blocks i3lock noto-fonts papirus-icon-theme lxappearance nitrogen lxrandr tint2 \
conky xterm exa fish bat zsh dmenu fzf calc rofi wofi picom engrampa ristretto \
xarchiver mpv ffmpeg pcmanfm ranger vlc vim geany git nodejs alsa-utils arandr \
python3 npm make cmake gcc cargo neofetch screenfetch lm_sensors pavucontrol \
xfce4-screenshooter xscreensaver alsa-utils pulseaudio-alsa light xorg-xbacklight \
xorg-xrandr sway swaybg swayidle wofi meson waybar wayland-protocols xorg-xwayland \
wf-recorder xdg-desktop-portal-wlr wl-clipboard grim slurp jq wlroots pulseaudio \
alacritty qtile python-pip
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/pacaur.git
$ cd pacaur
$ makepkg -si
$ pacaur -S pnmixer polybar nerd-fonts-complete wdisplays wlr-randr-git
$ pacaur -S nwg-wrapper
* I use `iwd` instead of `NetWorkManager` (`don't install if you prefer or use NetWorkManager`):
$ sudo pacman -S iwd
### Install dependencies on Debian/Devuan Linux:
* Open the terminal and type the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get install spectrwm i3 i3status i3blocks i3-wm i3pystatus i3lock i3lock-fancy \
compton arc-theme breeze-cursor-theme xautolock x11-xserver-utils arandr kitty \
fonts-noto papirus-icon-theme lxappearance nitrogen lxrandr pnmixer tint2 \
conky xterm exa fish bat zsh dmenu fzf apcalc rofi picom engrampa ristretto \
xarchiver mpv ffmpeg pcmanfm ranger vlc vim geany git nodejs node-base polybar \
python3 npm make cmake gcc cargo neofetch screenfetch lm-sensors pavucontrol \
xfce4-screenshooter xscreensaver alsa-utils pulseaudio-utils light xbacklight \
sway swaybg swayidle wlr-randr wdisplays wofi meson waybar wl-clipboard \
wayland-protocols libwlroots6 libcairo2 libpango-1.0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 \
libpcre++0v5 libjson-c5 xwayland libwayland-egl1-mesa libwayland-bin \
xdg-desktop-portal-wlr wf-recorder weston grim
$ git clone https://github.com/q3aql/dotfiles
$ cd dotfiles/fonts
$ sudo ./install-fonts.sh
$ cd ../scripts
$ sudo ./nwg-wrapper-install.sh
* For install `alacritty`, type this commands `(Optional)`:
$ git clone https://github.com/q3aql/dotfiles
$ cd dotfiles
$ chmod +x scripts/alacritty-install.sh
$ sudo scripts/alacritty-install.sh
* For install `i3-gaps`, type this commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/q3aql/dotfiles
$ cd dotfiles
$ chmod +x scripts/i3-gaps-install.sh
$ sudo scripts/i3-gaps-install.sh
* For install `qtile`, type this commands:
$ sudo apt install xserver-xorg xinit
$ sudo apt install libpangocairo-1.0-0
$ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-xcffib python3-cairocffi
$ pip install qtile
* I use `Connman` instead of `NetWorkManager` (`don't install if you prefer or use NetWorkManager`):
$ sudo apt-get install connman connman-gtk connman-ui connman-vpn