2021-12-06 14:58:56 +01:00

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dotfiles - My tiling i3 WM Configuration (for Devuan/Debian)
### My configurations:
* [spectrwm](
* [i3 + i3status](
* [i3 + i3blocks](
### Installation:
* **`Install dependencies:`**
* Open the terminal and type the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get install i3 i3status i3blocks i3-wm i3pystatus i3lock i3lock-fancy \
compton arc-theme breeze-cursor-theme fonts-noto papirus-icon-theme lxappearance \
nitrogen lxrandr pnmixer conky xterm exa fish bat zsh dmenu fzf apcalc rofi picom \
engrampa xarchiver mpv ffmpeg pcmanfm ranger vlc vim geany git nodejs node-base \
python3 npm make cmake gcc cargo neofetch screenfetch lm-sensors pavucontrol \
xfce4-screenshooter xscreensaver alsa-utils ristretto
* I use `Connman` instead of `NetWorkManager` (`don't install if you prefer or use NetWorkManager`):
$ sudo apt-get install connman connman-gtk connman-ui connman-vpn
* **`Install alacritty and i3-gaps (Optional):`**
* Clone repository and run the scripts for installation:
$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
$ chmod +x
$ sudo ./
$ chmod +x
$ sudo ./
* **`Install configuration (dotfiles):`**
* Clone repository and copy files to your home:
$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
$ cp -rfv .* ~/
$ cp -rfv * ~/
$ cp -rfv ~/.config/i3/config.i3blocks ~/.config/i3/
### Configuration:
* **`Network Manager (Connman or NetWorkManager):`**
* By default is enabled `NetWorkManager` as network manager:
* If you prefer NetWorkManager, edit the file `~/.config/i3/config`:
#exec --no-startup-id connman-gtk --tray &
exec --no-startup-id nm-applet &
* **`Monitor & resolution:`**
* The configuration load my monitor configuration:
* Use the command `xrandr` for show your config & edit the file `~/.config/i3/`:
sleep 2
xrandr --output DisplayPort-0 --mode 1280x1024 -r 75.02
xrandr --output DisplayPort-1 --mode 1280x1024 -r 75.02 --rotate left --right-of DisplayPort-0
* **`Wallpaper:`**
* By default, the config load wallpaper on `~/wallpapers/abstract.png`:
* Edit `~/.config/i3/config` for set your favorite wallpaper:
exec --no-startup-id "sleep 3 && nitrogen --set-scaled ~/wallpapers/abstract.png"
* **`Enable Gaps (Optional):`**
* My config work on vanilla i3wm and gaps are disabled.
* You can enable it editing 2 lines on file `~/.config/i3/config` and pressing `Win+Shift+r`:
#gaps inner 6
#gaps outer 2
* **`Battery Indicator:`**
* By default, the battery indicator is disabled on i3blocks top bar.
* You can enable it editing the lines on `~/.config/i3blocks/config` file:
### Keys configuration:
My list of extra combinations:
- Super + d = Open Dmenu
- Super + p = Open Rofi (run mode)
- Super + q = Open Rofi (window mode)
- Super + o = Open Rofi (drun mode)
- Super + b = Open Firefox
- Super + n = Open PCManFM
- Super + t = Open Rofi Theme Selector
- Super + g = Open Geany
- Super + m = Open Telegram
- Super + z = Open Nitrogen
- Super + x = Open LXRandr
- Super + u = Open Xterm
- Super + i = Open LXAppearance
- Super + c = Open NetWorkManager
- Volume-Up = Volume +5
- Volume-Down = Volume -5
- VolumeMute = Mute Volume
- Super + Ctrl + Shift + e = Poweroff screen
- Super + Shit + e = Logout
- Super + Backspace = Open menu Logout/Lock/Reboot/Shutdown
### External links:
* [Antonio Sarosi](
* [Derek Taylor](
* [TWB0109](
* [i3-style](
* [addy-dclxvi](
* [i3-gaps](