82 lines
2.7 KiB
82 lines
2.7 KiB
back-archive - Create backup of files or directories.
### Installation:
* Open terminal and run the following commands:
$ git clone https://gitlab.com/q3aql/back-archive
$ cd back-archive
$ sudo ./install.sh
* After running the script, you will see the following wizard.
* back-archive installer 1.0 (150521) (GPL v2.0)
* [Default: /opt/back-archive] Type the path to install: /opt/back-archive
+ Created base directory (/opt/back-archive).
+ Created configs directory (/opt/back-archive/conf).
+ Created logs directory (/opt/back-archive/log).
+ Created backups directory (/opt/back-archive/archive).
+ Copied executable to /opt/back-archive/back-archive.
+ Created /usr/bin/back-archive redirection file.
--> /opt/back-archive/back-archive
+ Installation completed.
_Dependencies: `bash`, `coreutils`, `tar`, `cron (opcional)`, `grep`_
### Enable Auto-Backups:
* If you have configured different backups and want them to run daily, you can enable them with the following commands:
$ sudo su
$ echo "0 1 * * * root /usr/bin/back-archive -run-all" > /etc/cron.d/back-archive
### Syntax:
* You can show the syntax running the command as root.
$ sudo back-archive
* back-archive v1.0 (150521) (GPL v2.0)
- Config dir: /opt/back-archive/conf
- Backups dir: /opt/back-archive/archive
- Logs dir: /opt/back-archive/log
+ Syntax:
$ back-archive -new <name-backup> --> Create new backup config (no spaces)
$ back-archive -shw <name-backup> --> Show configuration of backup config
$ back-archive -edt <name-backup> --> Edit configuration of backup config
$ back-archive -del <name-backup> --> Remove configuration of backup config
$ back-archive -log <name-backup> --> Show logging of backup configuration
$ back-archive -bck <name-backup> --> Restore backup of backup configuration
$ back-archive -run <name-backup> --> Run backup of selected backup config
$ back-archive -run-all --> Run backup of all backup configurations
$ back-archive -bck-all --> Restore all created backups
$ back-archive -list --> List all backup configurations
$ back-archive -list-bck --> List all backup files
$ back-archive -help --> Show help
$ back-archive -about --> Show about
### External links:
* [xterm homepage](https://invisible-island.net/xterm/)
* [Coreutils homepage](https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/coreutils.html)
* [Bash homepage](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/)
* [Grep homepage](https://www.gnu.org/software/grep/)