
89 lines
2.4 KiB

app.factory('$sockcall', ['$_', '$json', '$name', '$utils', function(_, JSON, name, utils) {
return {
// true when sockrpc is ready to be used,
// false when either initializing
// or no support for web sockets
initialized: false,
// ongoing connection handles containing connection id and callbacks
handles: [],
// websocket connection socket used for all connections
sock: null,
// connection configuration
conf: null,
// socket connection scheme, default to unencrypted connection
scheme: 'ws',
// called when a connection error occurs
onerror: function() {
_.each(this.handles, function(h) { h.error() });
this.handles = [];
// when connection opens
onopen: function() {
this.initialized = true;
// when message is recieved
onmessage: function(message) {
var data = JSON.parse(message.data);
// reverse loop because we are deleting elements
// while looping over the old items
for (var i = this.handles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.handles[i].id === data.id) {
this.handles.splice(i, 1);
// call to use the rpc
invoke: function(opts) {
var data = {
jsonrpc: 2.0,
id: name + '_' + utils.randStr(),
method: opts.func,
params: opts.params && opts.params.length ? opts.params : undefined
if (data.params && !data.params.length) data.params = undefined;
success: opts.success || angular.noop,
error: opts.error || angular.noop,
id: data.id
this.sock.send( JSON.stringify(data) );
// should be called initially to start using the sock rpc
init: function(conf) {
if (typeof WebSocket == "undefined") {
this.conf = conf || this.conf;
this.initialized = false;
this.scheme = this.conf.encryption ? 'wss' : 'ws';
if (this.sock) {
this.onopen = this.sock.onmessage = this.sock.onerror = this.sock.onclose = null;
this.sock = new WebSocket(this.scheme + '://' + conf.host + ':' + conf.port + '/jsonrpc');
this.sock.onopen = this.onopen;
this.sock.onclose = this.sock.onerror = this.onerror;
this.sock.onmessage = this.onmessage;