307 lines
9.5 KiB
307 lines
9.5 KiB
.module("webui.services.rpc", [
.factory("$rpc", [
function(syscall, globalTimeout, alerts, utils, rootScope, uri, authconf, filter) {
var subscriptions = [],
configurations = [authconf],
currentConf = {},
timeout = null,
forceNextUpdate = false;
var cookieConf = utils.getCookie("aria2conf");
// try at the start, so that it is presistant even when default authconf works
if (cookieConf) configurations.unshift(cookieConf);
if (uri.search().host) {
configurations[0].auth = {
token: configurations[0].token,
user: configurations[0].username,
pass: configurations[0].password
if (["http", "https"].indexOf(uri.protocol()) != -1 && uri.host() != "localhost") {
host: uri.host(),
path: "/jsonrpc",
port: 6800,
encrypt: false
host: uri.host(),
port: uri.port(),
path: "/jsonrpc",
encrypt: uri.protocol() == "https"
host: uri.host(),
port: uri.port(),
path: authconf.path,
encrypt: uri.protocol() == "https"
// set if we got error on connection. This will cause another connection attempt.
var needNewConnection = true;
// update is implemented such that
// only one syscall at max is ongoing
// (i.e. serially) so should be private
// to maintain that invariant
var update = function() {
timeout = null;
subscriptions = _.filter(subscriptions, function(e) {
return !!e && e.once !== 2;
var subs = subscriptions.slice();
if (!subs.length) {
timeout = setTimeout(update, globalTimeout);
if (syscall.state == "initializing") {
console.log("Syscall is initializing, waiting");
timeout = setTimeout(update, globalTimeout);
if (needNewConnection && configurations.length) {
needNewConnection = false;
currentConf = configurations[0];
if (currentConf && currentConf.auth && currentConf.auth.token) {
currentToken = currentConf.auth.token;
} else {
currentToken = null;
timeout = setTimeout(update, globalTimeout);
var params = _.map(subs, function(s) {
var p = s.params;
if (currentToken) {
p = ["token:" + currentToken].concat(p || []);
return {
methodName: s.name,
params: p && p.length ? p : undefined
var error = function() {
needNewConnection = true;
var ind = configurations.indexOf(currentConf);
if (ind != -1) configurations.splice(ind, 1);
// If some proposed configurations are still in the pipeline then retry
if (configurations.length) {
"The last connection attempt was unsuccessful. Trying another configuration"
timeout = setTimeout(update, 0);
} else {
"<strong>" +
filter("translate")("Oh Snap!") +
"</strong> " +
"Could not connect to the aria2 RPC server. Will retry in 10 secs. You might want to check the connection settings by going to Settings > Connection Settings"
timeout = setTimeout(update, globalTimeout);
name: "system.multicall",
params: [params],
success: function(data) {
var failed = _.some(data.result, function(d) {
return d.code && d.message === "Unauthorized";
if (failed) {
needNewConnection = true;
"<strong>" +
filter("translate")("Oh Snap!") +
"</strong> " +
"Authentication failed while connecting to Aria2 RPC server. Will retry in 10 secs. You might want to confirm your authentication details by going to Settings > Connection Settings",
timeout = setTimeout(update, globalTimeout);
if (configurations.length) {
// configuration worked, save it in cookie for next time and
// delete the pipelined configurations!!
if (currentToken)
filter("translate")("Successfully connected to Aria2 through its remote RPC …"),
"Successfully connected to Aria2 through remote RPC, however the connection is still insecure. For complete security try adding an authorization secret token while starting Aria2 (through the flag --rpc-secret)"
configurations = [];
utils.setCookie("aria2conf", currentConf);
var cbs = [];
_.each(data.result, function(d, i) {
var handle = subs[i];
if (handle) {
if (d.code) {
console.error(handle, d);
alerts.addAlert(d.message, "error");
// run them later as the cb itself can mutate the subscriptions
cbs.push({ cb: handle.cb, data: d });
if (handle.once) {
handle.once = 2;
_.each(cbs, function(hnd) {
if (forceNextUpdate) {
forceNextUpdate = false;
timeout = setTimeout(update, 0);
} else {
timeout = setTimeout(update, globalTimeout);
error: error
// initiate the update loop
timeout = setTimeout(update, globalTimeout);
return {
// conf can be configuration or array of configurations,
// each one will be tried one after the other till success,
// for all options for one conf read rpc/syscall.js
configure: function(conf) {
"Trying to connect to aria2 using the new connection configuration"
if (conf instanceof Array) configurations = conf;
else configurations = [conf];
if (timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(update, 0);
// get current configuration being used
getConfiguration: function() {
return currentConf;
// get currently configured directURL
getDirectURL: function() {
return currentConf.directURL;
// syscall is done only once, delay is optional
// and pass true to only dispatch it in the global timeout
// which can be used to batch up once calls
once: function(name, params, cb, delay) {
cb = cb || angular.noop;
params = params || [];
once: true,
name: "aria2." + name,
params: params,
cb: cb
if (!delay) {
// callback is called each time with updated syscall data
// after the global timeout, delay is optional and pass it
// true to dispatch the first syscall also on global timeout
// which can be used to batch the subscribe calls
subscribe: function(name, params, cb, delay) {
cb = cb || angular.noop;
params = params || [];
var handle = {
once: false,
name: "aria2." + name,
params: params,
cb: cb
if (!delay) this.forceUpdate();
return handle;
// remove the subscribed callback by passing
// the returned handle bysubscribe
unsubscribe: function(handle) {
var ind = subscriptions.indexOf(handle);
subscriptions[ind] = null;
// force the global syscall update
forceUpdate: function() {
if (timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(update, 0);
} else {
// a batch call is already in progress,
// wait till it returns and force the next one
forceNextUpdate = true;