2014-06-07 21:34:32 +08:00

218 lines
5.3 KiB

var parseFiles = function(files, cb) {
var cnt = 0;
var txts = [];
var onload = function(res) {
var txt = res.target.result;
if (!cnt) {
_.each(files, function(file) {
console.log('starting file reader');
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = onload;
reader.onerror = function(err) {
// return error
// TODO: find a better way to propogate error upstream
console.log('got back error', err);
.module('webui.ctrls.modal', [
"ui.bootstrap", 'webui.services.deps', 'webui.services.modals', 'webui.services.rpc',
.controller('ModalCtrl', [
'$_', '$scope', '$modal', "$modals", '$rpc','$fileSettings', '$downloadProps',
function(_, scope, $modal, modals, rpc, fsettings, dprops) {
scope.getUris = {
open: function(cb) {
var self = this;
this.uris = "";
this.settings = {};
this.fsettings = _.cloneDeep(fsettings);
this.cb = cb;
// fill in default download properties
_.forEach(dprops, function(p) {
self.settings[p] = self.fsettings[p];
this.inst = $modal.open({
templateUrl: "getUris.html",
scope: scope
this.inst.result.then(function() {
delete self.inst;
if (self.cb) {
var settings = {};
for (var i in self.settings) {
settings[i] = self.settings[i].val;
console.log('sending settings:', settings);
self.cb(self.parse(), settings);
function() {
delete self.inst;
advance_opts: function() {
var self = this;
'settings', self.fsettings,
'Advance Download Options', 'Add', function(settings) {
for (var i in settings) {
if (fsettings[i].val != settings[i].val)
self.settings[i] = settings[i]
console.log('got back new settings:', self.settings);
parse: function() {
return _
.map(function(d) { return d.trim().split(/\s+/g) })
.filter(function(d) { return d.length })
scope.settings = {
open: function(settings, title, actionText, cb) {
var self = this;
this.settings = settings;
this.title = title;
this.actionText = actionText;
this.inst = $modal.open({
templateUrl: "settings.html",
scope: scope
this.inst.result.then(function() {
delete self.inst;
if (cb) {
function() {
delete self.inst;
scope.connection = {
open: function(defaults, cb) {
var self = this;
// XXX We need to actually clone this!
this.conf = rpc.getConfiguration();
this.inst = $modal.open({
templateUrl: "connection.html",
scope: scope
this.inst.result.then(function() {
delete self.inst;
if (cb) {
function() {
delete self.inst;
_.each(['getTorrents', 'getMetalinks'], function(name) {
scope[name] = {
open: function(cb) {
var self = this;
this.files = [];
this.settings = {};
this.inst = $modal.open({
templateUrl: name + ".html",
scope: scope
this.inst.result.then(function() {
delete self.inst;
if (cb) {
parseFiles(self.files, function(txts) {
var settings = {};
for (var i in self.settings) {
settings[i] = self.settings[i].val;
console.log('sending settings:', settings);
cb(txts, settings);
function() {
delete self.inst;
advance_opts: function() {
var self = this;
'settings', _.cloneDeep(fsettings),
'Advance Download Options', 'Add', function(settings) {
for (var i in settings) {
if (fsettings[i].val != settings[i].val)
self.settings[i] = settings[i]
console.log('got back new settings:', self.settings);
_.each(["about", "server_info"], function(name) {
scope[name] = {
open: function() {
var self = this;
this.inst = $modal.open({
templateUrl: name + ".html",
scope: scope
this.inst.result.then(function() {
delete self.inst;
function() {
delete self.inst;
rpc.once('getVersion', [], function(data) {
scope.miscellaneous = data[0];
'getUris', 'getTorrents', 'getMetalinks',
'settings', 'connection', 'server_info', 'about'
], function(name) {
modals.register(name, function() {
if (scope[name].inst) {
// Already open.
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
scope[name].open.apply(scope[name], args);