2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

254 lines
7.7 KiB

'url:dojox/widget/Dialog/Dialog.html':"<div class=\"dojoxDialog\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"dialog\" aria-labelledby=\"${id}_title\">\n\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"titleBar\" class=\"dojoxDialogTitleBar\">\n\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"titleNode\" class=\"dojoxDialogTitle\" id=\"${id}_title\">${title}</span>\n\t</div>\n\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"dojoxDialogWrapper\">\n\t\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"containerNode\" class=\"dojoxDialogPaneContent\"></div>\n\t</div>\n\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"closeButtonNode\" class=\"dojoxDialogCloseIcon\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onclick: onCancel\">\n\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"closeText\" class=\"closeText\">x</span>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n"}});
define("dojox/widget/Dialog", [
"dojo", "dojox", "dojo/text!./Dialog/Dialog.html",
"dijit/Dialog", "dojo/window", "dojox/fx", "./DialogSimple"
], function(dojo, dojox, template){
dojo.getObject('widget', true, dojox);
dojo.declare('dojox.widget.Dialog', dojox.widget.DialogSimple,
// summary:
// A Lightbox-like Modal-dialog for HTML Content
// description:
// An HTML-capable Dialog widget with advanced sizing
// options, animated show/hide and other useful options.
// This Dialog is also very easy to apply custom styles to.
// It works identically to a `dijit.Dialog` with several
// additional parameters.
templateString: template,
// sizeToViewport: Boolean
// If true, fix the size of the dialog to the Viewport based on
// viewportPadding value rather than the calculated or natural
// stlye. If false, base the size on a passed dimension attribute.
// Eitherway, the viewportPadding value is used if the the content
// extends beyond the viewport size for whatever reason.
sizeToViewport: false,
// viewportPadding: Integer
// If sizeToViewport="true", this is the amount of padding in pixels to leave
// between the dialog border and the viewport edge.
// This value is also used when sizeToViewport="false" and dimensions exceeded
// by dialog content to ensure dialog does not go outside viewport boundary
viewportPadding: 35,
// dimensions: Array
// A two-element array of [widht,height] to animate the Dialog to if sizeToViewport="false"
// Defaults to [300,300]
dimensions: null,
// easing: Function?|String?
// An easing function to apply to the sizing animation.
easing: null,
// sizeDuration: Integer
// Time (in ms) to use in the Animation for sizing.
sizeDuration: dijit._defaultDuration,
// sizeMethod: String
// To be passed to dojox.fx.sizeTo, one of "chain" or "combine" to effect
// the animation sequence.
sizeMethod: "chain",
// showTitle: Boolean
// Toogle to show or hide the Title area. Can only be set at startup.
showTitle: false,
// draggable: Boolean
// Make the pane draggable. Differs from dijit.Dialog by setting default to false
draggable: false, // simply over-ride the default from dijit.Dialog
// modal: Boolean
// If true, this Dialog instance will be truly modal and prevent closing until
// explicitly told to by calling hide() - Defaults to false to preserve previous
// behaviors.
modal: false,
constructor: function(props, node){
this.easing = props.easing || dojo._defaultEasing;
this.dimensions = props.dimensions || [300, 300];
_setup: function(){
// summary: Piggyback on dijit.Dialog's _setup for load-time options, deferred to
this._navIn = dojo.fadeIn({ node: this.closeButtonNode });
this._navOut = dojo.fadeOut({ node: this.closeButtonNode });
layout: function(e){
_setSize: function(){
// summary: cache and set our desired end position
this._vp = dojo.window.getBox();
var tc = this.containerNode,
vpSized = this.sizeToViewport
return this._displaysize = {
w: vpSized ? tc.scrollWidth : this.dimensions[0],
h: vpSized ? tc.scrollHeight : this.dimensions[1]
}; // Object
show: function(){
if(this.open){ return; }
dojo.style(this.closeButtonNode,"opacity", 0);
dojo.style(this.domNode, {
overflow: "hidden",
opacity: 0,
width: "1px",
height: "1px"
dojo.style(this.containerNode, {
opacity: 0,
overflow: "hidden"
// prevent escape key from closing dialog
// connect to body to trap this event from the Dialog a11y code, and stop escape key
// from doing anything in the modal:true case:
this._modalconnects.push(dojo.connect(dojo.body(), "onkeypress", function(e){
if(e.charOrCode == dojo.keys.ESCAPE){
// otherwise, allow clicking on the underlay to close
this._modalconnects.push(dojo.connect(dijit._underlay.domNode, "onclick", this, "onCancel"));
_handleNav: function(e){
// summary: Handle's showing or hiding the close icon
var navou = "_navOut",
navin = "_navIn",
animou = (e.type == "mouseout" ? navin : navou),
animin = (e.type == "mouseout" ? navou : navin)
// an experiment in a quicksilver-like hide. too choppy for me.
hide: function(){
// summary: Hide the dialog
// if we haven't been initialized yet then we aren't showing and we can just return
this._fadeIn && this._fadeIn.stop();
if (this._scrollConnected){
this._scrollConnected = false;
dojo.forEach(this._modalconnects, dojo.disconnect);
this._modalconnects = [];
delete this._relativePosition;
node: this.domNode,
duration:this.sizeDuration || this.duration,
width: this._vp.w - 1,
height: 5,
onBegin: dojo.hitch(this,function(){
this._fadeOut.play(this.sizeDuration / 2);
this.open = false;
}, */
_position: function(){
if(!this._started){ return; } // prevent content: from firing this anim #8914
delete this._sizing;
if(!this.open){ dojo.style(this.containerNode, "opacity", 0); }
var pad = this.viewportPadding * 2;
var props = {
node: this.domNode,
duration: this.sizeDuration || dijit._defaultDuration,
easing: this.easing,
method: this.sizeMethod
var ds = this._displaysize || this._setSize();
props['width'] = ds.w = (ds.w + pad >= this._vp.w || this.sizeToViewport)
? this._vp.w - pad : ds.w;
props['height'] = ds.h = (ds.h + pad >= this._vp.h || this.sizeToViewport)
? this._vp.h - pad : ds.h;
this._sizing = dojox.fx.sizeTo(props);
this._sizingConnect = this.connect(this._sizing,"onEnd","_showContent");
_showContent: function(e){
// summary: Show the inner container after sizing animation
var container = this.containerNode;
dojo.style(this.domNode, {
overflow: "visible",
opacity: 1
dojo.style(container, {
height: this._displaysize.h - this.titleNode.offsetHeight + "px",
width: this._displaysize.w + "px",
dojo.anim(container, { opacity:1 });
return dojox.widget.Dialog;