2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

223 lines
7.6 KiB

define("dojox/socket", ["dojo", "dojo/Evented", "dojo/cookie", "dojo/_base/url"], function(dojo, Evented) {
var WebSocket = window.WebSocket;
function Socket(/*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ argsOrUrl){
// summary:
// Provides a simple socket connection using WebSocket, or alternate
// communication mechanisms in legacy browsers for comet-style communication. This is based
// on the WebSocket API and returns an object that implements the WebSocket interface:
// http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/#websocket
// description:
// Provides socket connections. This can be used with virtually any Comet protocol.
// argsOrUrl:
// This uses the same arguments as the other I/O functions in Dojo, or a
// URL to connect to. The URL should be a relative URL in order to properly
// work with WebSockets (it can still be host relative, like //other-site.org/endpoint)
// returns:
// An object that implements the WebSocket API
// example:
// | dojo.require("dojox.socket");
// | var socket = dojox.socket({"//comet-server/comet");
// | // we could also add auto-reconnect support
// | // now we can connect to standard HTML5 WebSocket-style events
// | dojo.connect(socket, "onmessage", function(event){
// | var message = event.data;
// | // do something with the message
// | });
// | // send something
// | socket.send("hi there");
// | whenDone(function(){
// | socket.close();
// | });
// You can also use the Reconnect module:
// | dojo.require("dojox.socket");
// | dojo.require("dojox.socket.Reconnect");
// | var socket = dojox.socket({url:"/comet"});
// | // add auto-reconnect support
// | socket = dojox.socket.Reconnect(socket);
if(typeof argsOrUrl == "string"){
argsOrUrl = {url: argsOrUrl};
return WebSocket ? dojox.socket.WebSocket(argsOrUrl, true) : dojox.socket.LongPoll(argsOrUrl);
dojox.socket = Socket;
Socket.WebSocket = function(args, fallback){
// summary:
// A wrapper for WebSocket, than handles standard args and relative URLs
var ws = new WebSocket(new dojo._Url(document.baseURI.replace(/^http/i,'ws'), args.url));
ws.on = function(type, listener){
ws.addEventListener(type, listener, true);
var opened;
dojo.connect(ws, "onopen", function(event){
opened = true;
dojo.connect(ws, "onclose", function(event){
Socket.replace(ws, dojox.socket.LongPoll(args), true);
return ws;
Socket.replace = function(socket, newSocket, listenForOpen){
// make the original socket a proxy for the new socket
socket.send = dojo.hitch(newSocket, "send");
socket.close = dojo.hitch(newSocket, "close");
// redirect the events as well
dojo.forEach(["message", "close", "error"], proxyEvent);
function proxyEvent(type){
(newSocket.addEventListener || newSocket.on).call(newSocket, type, function(event){
var newEvent = document.createEvent("MessageEvent");
newEvent.initMessageEvent(event.type, false, false, event.data, event.origin, event.lastEventId, event.source);
}, true);
Socket.LongPoll = function(/*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Provides a simple long-poll based comet-style socket/connection to a server and returns an
// object implementing the WebSocket interface:
// http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/#websocket
// args:
// This uses the same arguments as the other I/O functions in Dojo, with this addition:
// args.interval:
// Indicates the amount of time (in milliseconds) after a response was received
// before another request is made. By default, a request is made immediately
// after getting a response. The interval can be increased to reduce load on the
// server or to do simple time-based polling where the server always responds
// immediately.
// args.transport:
// Provide an alternate transport like dojo.io.script.get
// returns:
// An object that implements the WebSocket API
// example:
// | dojo.require("dojox.socket.LongPoll");
// | var socket = dojox.socket.LongPoll({url:"/comet"});
// or:
// | dojo.require("dojox.socket.LongPoll");
// | dojox.socket.LongPoll.add();
// | var socket = dojox.socket({url:"/comet"});
var cancelled = false,
first = true,
connections = [];
// create the socket object
var socket = {
send: function(data){
// summary:
// Send some data using XHR or provided transport
var sendArgs = dojo.delegate(args);
sendArgs.rawBody = data;
var deferred = first ? (first = false) || socket.firstRequest(sendArgs) :
// got a response
socket.readyState = 1;
// remove the current connection
connections.splice(dojo.indexOf(connections, deferred), 1);
// reconnect to listen for the next message if there are no active connections,
// we queue it up in case one of the onmessage handlers has a message to send
timeoutId = setTimeout(connect, args.interval);
// now send the message along to listeners
fire("message", {data: response}, deferred);
}, function(error){
connections.splice(dojo.indexOf(connections, deferred), 1);
// an error occurred, fire the appropriate event listeners
fire("error", {error:error}, deferred);
socket.readyState = 3;
fire("close", {wasClean:false}, deferred);
return deferred;
close: function(){
// summary:
// Close the connection
socket.readyState = 2;
cancelled = true;
for(var i = 0; i < connections.length; i++){
socket.readyState = 3;
fire("close", {wasClean:true});
transport: args.transport || dojo.xhrPost,
args: args,
url: args.url,
readyState: 0,
OPEN: 1,
dispatchEvent: function(event){
fire(event.type, event);
on: Evented.prototype.on,
firstRequest: function(args){
// summary:
// This allows for special handling for the first request. This is useful for
// providing information to disambiguate between the first request and
// subsequent long-poll requests so the server can properly setup a
// connection on the first connection or reject a request for an expired
// connection if the request is not expecting to be the first for a connection.
// This method can be overriden. The default behavior is to include a Pragma
// header with a value of "start-long-poll"
var headers = (args.headers || (args.headers = {}));
headers.Pragma = "start-long-poll";
return this.transport(args);
// cleanup the header so it is not used on subsequent requests
delete headers.Pragma;
function connect(){
if(socket.readyState == 0){
// we fire the open event now because we really don't know when the "socket"
// is truly open, and this gives us a to do a send() and get it included in the
// HTTP request
// make the long-poll connection, to wait for response from the server
function fire(type, object, deferred){
if(socket["on" + type]){
var event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
event.initEvent(type, false, false);
dojo.mixin(event, object);
event.ioArgs = deferred && deferred.ioArgs;
socket["on" + type](event);
// provide an alias for Dojo's connect method
socket.connect = socket.on;
// do the initial connection
return socket;
return Socket;