2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

1107 lines
35 KiB

define("dojox/mobile/scrollable", [
], function(dojo, connect, event, lang, win, domClass, domConstruct, domStyle, has){
var dm = lang.getObject("dojox.mobile", true);
// summary:
// Utility for enabling touch scrolling capability.
// description:
// Mobile WebKit browsers do not allow scrolling inner DIVs. (You need
// the two-finger operation to scroll them.)
// That means you cannot have fixed-positioned header/footer bars.
// To solve this issue, this module disables the browsers default scrolling
// behavior, and re-builds its own scrolling machinery by handling touch
// events. In this module, this.domNode has height "100%" and is fixed to
// the window, and this.containerNode scrolls. If you place a bar outside
// of this.containerNode, then it will be fixed-positioned while
// this.containerNode is scrollable.
// This module has the following features:
// - Scrolls inner DIVs vertically, horizontally, or both.
// - Vertical and horizontal scroll bars.
// - Flashes the scroll bars when a view is shown.
// - Simulates the flick operation using animation.
// - Respects header/footer bars if any.
// dojox.mobile.scrollable is a simple function object, which holds
// several properties and functions in it. But if you transform it to a
// dojo class, it can be used as a mix-in class for any custom dojo
// widgets. dojox.mobile._ScrollableMixin is such a class.
// Also, it can be used even for non-dojo applications. In such cases,
// several dojo APIs used in this module, such as dojo.connect,
// dojo.create, etc., are re-defined so that the code works without dojo.
// When in dojo, of course those re-defined functions are not necessary.
// So, they are surrounded by the includeStart and includeEnd directives
// so that they can be excluded from the build.
// If you use this module for non-dojo application, you need to explicitly
// assign your outer fixed node and inner scrollable node to this.domNode
// and this.containerNode respectively.
// Non-dojo application should capture the onorientationchange or
// the onresize event and call resize() in the event handler.
// example:
// Use this module from a non-dojo applicatoin:
// | function onLoad(){
// | var scrollable = new dojox.mobile.scrollable(dojo, dojox);
// | scrollable.init({
// | domNode: "outer", // id or node
// | containerNode: "inner" // id or node
// | });
// | }
// | <body onload="onLoad()">
// | <h1 id="hd1" style="position:relative;width:100%;z-index:1;">
// | Fixed Header
// | </h1>
// | <div id="outer" style="position:relative;height:100%;overflow:hidden;">
// | <div id="inner" style="position:absolute;width:100%;">
// | ... content ...
// | </div>
// | </div>
// | </body>
var scrollable = function(/*Object?*/dojo, /*Object?*/dojox){
this.fixedHeaderHeight = 0; // height of a fixed header
this.fixedFooterHeight = 0; // height of a fixed footer
this.isLocalFooter = false; // footer is view-local (as opposed to application-wide)
this.scrollBar = true; // show scroll bar or not
this.scrollDir = "v"; // v: vertical, h: horizontal, vh: both, f: flip
this.weight = 0.6; // frictional drag
this.fadeScrollBar = true;
this.disableFlashScrollBar = false;
this.threshold = 4; // drag threshold value in pixels
this.constraint = true; // bounce back to the content area
this.touchNode = null; // a node that will have touch event handlers
this.isNested = false; // this scrollable's parent is also a scrollable
this.dirLock = false; // disable the move handler if scroll starts in the unexpected direction
this.height = ""; // explicitly specified height of this widget (ex. "300px")
this.androidWorkaroud = true; // workaround input field jumping issue
this.init = function(/*Object?*/params){
for(var p in params){
this[p] = ((p == "domNode" || p == "containerNode") && typeof params[p] == "string") ?
win.doc.getElementById(params[p]) : params[p]; // mix-in params
this.touchNode = this.touchNode || this.containerNode;
this._v = (this.scrollDir.indexOf("v") != -1); // vertical scrolling
this._h = (this.scrollDir.indexOf("h") != -1); // horizontal scrolling
this._f = (this.scrollDir == "f"); // flipping views
this._ch = []; // connect handlers
has("touch") ? "touchstart" : "onmousedown", this, "onTouchStart"));
this._ch.push(connect.connect(this.domNode, "webkitAnimationEnd", this, "onFlickAnimationEnd"));
this._ch.push(connect.connect(this.domNode, "webkitAnimationStart", this, "onFlickAnimationStart"));
this._aw = this.androidWorkaroud &&
has("android") >= 2.2 && has("android") < 3;
this._ch.push(connect.connect(win.global, "onresize", this, "onScreenSizeChanged"));
this._ch.push(connect.connect(win.global, "onfocus", this, function(e){
this._sz = this.getScreenSize();
// Creation of keyframes takes a little time. If they are created
// in a lazy manner, a slight delay is noticeable when you start
// scrolling for the first time. This is to create keyframes up front.
for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
this.setKeyframes(null, null, i);
// Workaround for iPhone flicker issue
domStyle.set(this.containerNode, "webkitTransform", "translate3d(0,0,0)");
this._speed = {x:0, y:0};
this._appFooterHeight = 0;
if(this.isTopLevel() && !this.noResize){
var _this = this;
}, 600);
this.isTopLevel = function(){
// subclass may want to override
return true;
this.cleanup = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < this._ch.length; i++){
this._ch = null;
this.findDisp = function(/*DomNode*/node){
// summary:
// Finds the currently displayed view node from my sibling nodes.
if(!node.parentNode){ return null; }
var nodes = node.parentNode.childNodes;
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
var n = nodes[i];
if(n.nodeType === 1 && domClass.contains(n, "mblView") && n.style.display !== "none"){
return n;
return node;
this.getScreenSize = function(){
// summary:
// Returns the dimensions of the browser window.
return {
h: win.global.innerHeight||win.doc.documentElement.clientHeight||win.doc.documentElement.offsetHeight,
w: win.global.innerWidth||win.doc.documentElement.clientWidth||win.doc.documentElement.offsetWidth
this.isKeyboardShown = function(e){
// summary:
// Internal function for android workaround.
// description:
// Returns true if a virtual keyboard is shown.
// Indirectly detects whether a virtual keyboard is shown or not by
// examining the screen size.
// TODO: need more reliable detection logic
if(!this._sz){ return false; }
var sz = this.getScreenSize();
return (sz.w * sz.h) / (this._sz.w * this._sz.h) < 0.8;
this.disableScroll = function(/*Boolean*/v){
// summary:
// Internal function for android workaround.
// description:
// Disables the touch scrolling and enables the browser's default
// scrolling.
if(this.disableTouchScroll === v || this.domNode.style.display === "none"){ return; }
this.disableTouchScroll = v;
this.scrollBar = !v;
dm.disableHideAddressBar = dm.disableResizeAll = v;
var of = v ? "visible" : "hidden";
domStyle.set(this.domNode, "overflow", of);
domStyle.set(win.doc.documentElement, "overflow", of);
domStyle.set(win.body(), "overflow", of);
var c = this.containerNode;
// stop animation when soft keyborad is shown before animation ends.
// TODO: there might be a better way to wait for animation ending.
var mt = parseInt(c.style.marginTop) || 0;
var h = c.offsetHeight + mt + this.fixedFooterHeight - this._appFooterHeight;
domStyle.set(this.domNode, "height", h + "px");
this._cPos = { // store containerNode's position
x: parseInt(c.style.left) || 0,
y: parseInt(c.style.top) || 0
domStyle.set(c, {
top: "0px",
left: "0px"
var a = win.doc.activeElement; // focused input field
if(a){ // scrolling to show focused input field
var at = 0; // top position of focused input field
for(var n = a; n.tagName != "BODY"; n = n.offsetParent){
at += n.offsetTop;
var st = at + a.clientHeight + 10 - this.getScreenSize().h; // top postion of browser scroll bar
if(st > 0){
win.body().scrollTop = st;
if(this._cPos){ // restore containerNode's position
domStyle.set(c, {
top: this._cPos.y + "px",
left: this._cPos.x + "px"
this._cPos = null;
var tags = this.domNode.getElementsByTagName("*");
for(var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++){
tags[i].blur && tags[i].blur();
// Call dojox.mobile.resizeAll if exists.
dm.resizeAll && dm.resizeAll();
this.onScreenSizeChanged = function(e){
// summary:
// Internal function for android workaround.
var sz = this.getScreenSize();
if(sz.w * sz.h > this._sz.w * this._sz.h){
this._sz = sz; // update the screen size
this.toTransform = function(e){
// summary:
// Internal function for android workaround.
var c = this.containerNode;
if(c.offsetTop === 0 && c.offsetLeft === 0 || !c._webkitTransform){ return; }
domStyle.set(c, {
webkitTransform: c._webkitTransform,
top: "0px",
left: "0px"
c._webkitTransform = null;
this.toTopLeft = function(){
// summary:
// Internal function for android workaround.
var c = this.containerNode;
if(!c.style.webkitTransform){ return; } // already converted to top/left
c._webkitTransform = c.style.webkitTransform;
var pos = this.getPos();
domStyle.set(c, {
webkitTransform: "",
top: pos.y + "px",
left: pos.x + "px"
this.resize = function(e){
// summary:
// Adjusts the height of the widget.
// description:
// If the height property is 'inherit', the height is inherited
// from its offset parent. If 'auto', the content height, which
// could be smaller than the entire screen height, is used. If an
// explicit height value (ex. "300px"), it is used as the new
// height. If nothing is specified as the height property, from the
// current top position of the widget to the bottom of the screen
// will be the new height.
// moved from init() to support dynamically added fixed bars
this._appFooterHeight = (this.fixedFooterHeight && !this.isLocalFooter) ?
this.fixedFooterHeight : 0;
this.containerNode.style.marginTop = this.fixedHeaderHeight + "px";
// Get the top position. Same as dojo.position(node, true).y
var top = 0;
for(var n = this.domNode; n && n.tagName != "BODY"; n = n.offsetParent){
n = this.findDisp(n); // find the first displayed view node
if(!n){ break; }
top += n.offsetTop;
// adjust the height of this view
var h,
screenHeight = this.getScreenSize().h,
dh = screenHeight - top - this._appFooterHeight; // default height
if(this.height === "inherit"){
h = this.domNode.offsetParent.offsetHeight + "px";
}else if(this.height === "auto"){
var parent = this.domNode.offsetParent;
this.domNode.style.height = "0px";
var parentRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect(),
scrollableRect = this.domNode.getBoundingClientRect(),
contentBottom = parentRect.bottom - this._appFooterHeight;
if(scrollableRect.bottom >= contentBottom){ // use entire screen
dh = screenHeight - (scrollableRect.top - parentRect.top) - this._appFooterHeight;
}else{ // stretch to fill predefined area
dh = contentBottom - scrollableRect.bottom;
// content could be smaller than entire screen height
var contentHeight = Math.max(this.domNode.scrollHeight, this.containerNode.scrollHeight);
h = (contentHeight ? Math.min(contentHeight, dh) : dh) + "px";
}else if(this.height){
h = this.height;
h = dh + "px";
if(h.charAt(0) !== "-" && // to ensure that h is not negative (e.g. "-10px")
h !== "default"){
this.domNode.style.height = h;
// to ensure that the view is within a scrolling area when resized.
this.onFlickAnimationStart = function(e){
this.onFlickAnimationEnd = function(e){
var an = e && e.animationName;
if(an && an.indexOf("scrollableViewScroll2") === -1){
if(an.indexOf("scrollableViewScroll0") !== -1){ // scrollBarV
domClass.remove(this._scrollBarNodeV, "mblScrollableScrollTo0");
}else if(an.indexOf("scrollableViewScroll1") !== -1){ // scrollBarH
domClass.remove(this._scrollBarNodeH, "mblScrollableScrollTo1");
}else{ // fade or others
if(this._scrollBarNodeV){ this._scrollBarNodeV.className = ""; }
if(this._scrollBarNodeH){ this._scrollBarNodeH.className = ""; }
if(e && e.srcElement){
var _this = this;
var bounce = _this._bounce;
_this.slideTo(bounce, 0.3, "ease-out");
}, 0);
_this._bounce = undefined;
if(this._aw){ this.toTopLeft(); } // android workaround
this.isFormElement = function(node){
if(node && node.nodeType !== 1){ node = node.parentNode; }
if(!node || node.nodeType !== 1){ return false; }
var t = node.tagName;
return (t === "SELECT" || t === "INPUT" || t === "TEXTAREA" || t === "BUTTON");
this.onTouchStart = function(e){
if(this.disableTouchScroll){ return; }
if(this._conn && (new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime < 500){
return; // ignore successive onTouchStart calls
this._conn = [];
this._conn.push(connect.connect(win.doc, has("touch") ? "touchmove" : "onmousemove", this, "onTouchMove"));
this._conn.push(connect.connect(win.doc, has("touch") ? "touchend" : "onmouseup", this, "onTouchEnd"));
this._aborted = false;
if(domClass.contains(this.containerNode, "mblScrollableScrollTo2")){
}else{ // reset scrollbar class especially for reseting fade-out animation
if(this._scrollBarNodeV){ this._scrollBarNodeV.className = ""; }
if(this._scrollBarNodeH){ this._scrollBarNodeH.className = ""; }
if(this._aw){ this.toTransform(e); } // android workaround
this.touchStartX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
this.touchStartY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.clientY;
this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
this.startPos = this.getPos();
this._dim = this.getDim();
this._time = [0];
this._posX = [this.touchStartX];
this._posY = [this.touchStartY];
this._locked = false;
if(!this.isFormElement(e.target) && !this.isNested){
this.onTouchMove = function(e){
if(this._locked){ return; }
var x = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
var y = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.clientY;
var dx = x - this.touchStartX;
var dy = y - this.touchStartY;
var to = {x:this.startPos.x + dx, y:this.startPos.y + dy};
var dim = this._dim;
dx = Math.abs(dx);
dy = Math.abs(dy);
if(this._time.length == 1){ // the first TouchMove after TouchStart
if(this._v && !this._h && dx >= this.threshold && dx >= dy ||
(this._h || this._f) && !this._v && dy >= this.threshold && dy >= dx){
this._locked = true;
if(this._v && Math.abs(dy) < this.threshold ||
(this._h || this._f) && Math.abs(dx) < this.threshold){
var weight = this.weight;
if(this._v && this.constraint){
if(to.y > 0){ // content is below the screen area
to.y = Math.round(to.y * weight);
}else if(to.y < -dim.o.h){ // content is above the screen area
if(dim.c.h < dim.d.h){ // content is shorter than display
to.y = Math.round(to.y * weight);
to.y = -dim.o.h - Math.round((-dim.o.h - to.y) * weight);
if((this._h || this._f) && this.constraint){
if(to.x > 0){
to.x = Math.round(to.x * weight);
}else if(to.x < -dim.o.w){
if(dim.c.w < dim.d.w){
to.x = Math.round(to.x * weight);
to.x = -dim.o.w - Math.round((-dim.o.w - to.x) * weight);
var max = 10;
var n = this._time.length; // # of samples
if(n >= 2){
// Check the direction of the finger move.
// If the direction has been changed, discard the old data.
var d0, d1;
if(this._v && !this._h){
d0 = this._posY[n - 1] - this._posY[n - 2];
d1 = y - this._posY[n - 1];
}else if(!this._v && this._h){
d0 = this._posX[n - 1] - this._posX[n - 2];
d1 = x - this._posX[n - 1];
if(d0 * d1 < 0){ // direction changed
// leave only the latest data
this._time = [this._time[n - 1]];
this._posX = [this._posX[n - 1]];
this._posY = [this._posY[n - 1]];
n = 1;
if(n == max){
this._time.push((new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime);
this.onTouchEnd = function(e){
if(this._locked){ return; }
var speed = this._speed = {x:0, y:0};
var dim = this._dim;
var pos = this.getPos();
var to = {}; // destination
if(!this._conn){ return; } // if we get onTouchEnd without onTouchStart, ignore it.
for(var i = 0; i < this._conn.length; i++){
this._conn = null;
var n = this._time.length; // # of samples
var clicked = false;
if(n <= 1){
clicked = true;
}else if(n == 2 && Math.abs(this._posY[1] - this._posY[0]) < 4
&& has("touch")){ // for desktop browsers, posY could be the same, since we're using clientY, see onTouchMove()
clicked = true;
var isFormElem = this.isFormElement(e.target);
if(clicked && !isFormElem){ // clicked, not dragged or flicked
var elem = e.target;
if(elem.nodeType != 1){
elem = elem.parentNode;
var ev = win.doc.createEvent("MouseEvents");
ev.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, win.global, 1, e.screenX, e.screenY, e.clientX, e.clientY);
}, 0);
}else if(this._aw && clicked && isFormElem){ // clicked input fields
speed = this._speed = this.getSpeed();
if(pos.x == 0 && pos.y == 0){ return; } // initializing
dim = this.getDim();
to.y = pos.y + speed.y;
if(this._h || this._f){
to.x = pos.x + speed.x;
this.adjustDestination(to, pos);
if(this.scrollDir == "v" && dim.c.h < dim.d.h){ // content is shorter than display
this.slideTo({y:0}, 0.3, "ease-out"); // go back to the top
}else if(this.scrollDir == "h" && dim.c.w < dim.d.w){ // content is narrower than display
this.slideTo({x:0}, 0.3, "ease-out"); // go back to the left
}else if(this._v && this._h && dim.c.h < dim.d.h && dim.c.w < dim.d.w){
this.slideTo({x:0, y:0}, 0.3, "ease-out"); // go back to the top-left
var duration, easing = "ease-out";
var bounce = {};
if(this._v && this.constraint){
if(to.y > 0){ // going down. bounce back to the top.
if(pos.y > 0){ // started from below the screen area. return quickly.
duration = 0.3;
to.y = 0;
to.y = Math.min(to.y, 20);
easing = "linear";
bounce.y = 0;
}else if(-speed.y > dim.o.h - (-pos.y)){ // going up. bounce back to the bottom.
if(pos.y < -dim.o.h){ // started from above the screen top. return quickly.
duration = 0.3;
to.y = dim.c.h <= dim.d.h ? 0 : -dim.o.h; // if shorter, move to 0
to.y = Math.max(to.y, -dim.o.h - 20);
easing = "linear";
bounce.y = -dim.o.h;
if((this._h || this._f) && this.constraint){
if(to.x > 0){ // going right. bounce back to the left.
if(pos.x > 0){ // started from right of the screen area. return quickly.
duration = 0.3;
to.x = 0;
to.x = Math.min(to.x, 20);
easing = "linear";
bounce.x = 0;
}else if(-speed.x > dim.o.w - (-pos.x)){ // going left. bounce back to the right.
if(pos.x < -dim.o.w){ // started from left of the screen top. return quickly.
duration = 0.3;
to.x = dim.c.w <= dim.d.w ? 0 : -dim.o.w; // if narrower, move to 0
to.x = Math.max(to.x, -dim.o.w - 20);
easing = "linear";
bounce.x = -dim.o.w;
this._bounce = (bounce.x !== undefined || bounce.y !== undefined) ? bounce : undefined;
if(duration === undefined){
var distance, velocity;
if(this._v && this._h){
velocity = Math.sqrt(speed.x+speed.x + speed.y*speed.y);
distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(to.y - pos.y, 2) + Math.pow(to.x - pos.x, 2));
}else if(this._v){
velocity = speed.y;
distance = to.y - pos.y;
}else if(this._h){
velocity = speed.x;
distance = to.x - pos.x;
if(distance === 0 && !e){ return; } // #13154
duration = velocity !== 0 ? Math.abs(distance / velocity) : 0.01; // time = distance / velocity
this.slideTo(to, duration, easing);
this.adjustDestination = function(to, pos){
// subclass may want to implement
this.abort = function(){
this._aborted = true;
this.stopAnimation = function(){
// stop the currently running animation
domClass.remove(this.containerNode, "mblScrollableScrollTo2");
domStyle.set(this.containerNode, "webkitAnimationDuration", "0s"); // workaround for android screen flicker problem
this._scrollBarV.className = "";
this._scrollBarH.className = "";
this.getSpeed = function(){
var x = 0, y = 0, n = this._time.length;
// if the user holds the mouse or finger more than 0.5 sec, do not move.
if(n >= 2 && (new Date()).getTime() - this.startTime - this._time[n - 1] < 500){
var dy = this._posY[n - (n > 3 ? 2 : 1)] - this._posY[(n - 6) >= 0 ? n - 6 : 0];
var dx = this._posX[n - (n > 3 ? 2 : 1)] - this._posX[(n - 6) >= 0 ? n - 6 : 0];
var dt = this._time[n - (n > 3 ? 2 : 1)] - this._time[(n - 6) >= 0 ? n - 6 : 0];
y = this.calcSpeed(dy, dt);
x = this.calcSpeed(dx, dt);
return {x:x, y:y};
this.calcSpeed = function(/*Number*/d, /*Number*/t){
return Math.round(d / t * 100) * 4;
this.scrollTo = function(/*Object*/to, /*Boolean?*/doNotMoveScrollBar, /*DomNode?*/node){ // to: {x, y}
// summary:
// Scrolls to the given position.
var s = (node || this.containerNode).style;
s.webkitTransform = this.makeTranslateStr(to);
s.top = to.y + "px";
if(this._h || this._f){
s.left = to.x + "px";
this.slideTo = function(/*Object*/to, /*Number*/duration, /*String*/easing){
// summary:
// Scrolls to the given position with slide animation.
this._runSlideAnimation(this.getPos(), to, duration, easing, this.containerNode, 2);
this.slideScrollBarTo(to, duration, easing);
this.makeTranslateStr = function(to){
var y = this._v && typeof to.y == "number" ? to.y+"px" : "0px";
var x = (this._h||this._f) && typeof to.x == "number" ? to.x+"px" : "0px";
return dm.hasTranslate3d ?
"translate3d("+x+","+y+",0px)" : "translate("+x+","+y+")";
this.getPos = function(){
// summary:
// Get the top position in the midst of animation
var m = win.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.containerNode, '')["-webkit-transform"];
if(m && m.indexOf("matrix") === 0){
var arr = m.split(/[,\s\)]+/);
return {y:arr[5] - 0, x:arr[4] - 0};
return {x:0, y:0};
// this.containerNode.offsetTop does not work here,
// because it adds the height of the top margin.
var y = parseInt(this.containerNode.style.top) || 0;
return {y:y, x:this.containerNode.offsetLeft};
this.getDim = function(){
var d = {};
// content width/height
d.c = {h:this.containerNode.offsetHeight, w:this.containerNode.offsetWidth};
// view width/height
d.v = {h:this.domNode.offsetHeight + this._appFooterHeight, w:this.domNode.offsetWidth};
// display width/height
d.d = {h:d.v.h - this.fixedHeaderHeight - this.fixedFooterHeight, w:d.v.w};
// overflowed width/height
d.o = {h:d.c.h - d.v.h + this.fixedHeaderHeight + this.fixedFooterHeight, w:d.c.w - d.v.w};
return d;
this.showScrollBar = function(){
if(!this.scrollBar){ return; }
var dim = this._dim;
if(this.scrollDir == "v" && dim.c.h <= dim.d.h){ return; }
if(this.scrollDir == "h" && dim.c.w <= dim.d.w){ return; }
if(this._v && this._h && dim.c.h <= dim.d.h && dim.c.w <= dim.d.w){ return; }
var createBar = function(self, dir){
var bar = self["_scrollBarNode" + dir];
var wrapper = domConstruct.create("div", null, self.domNode);
var props = { position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden" };
if(dir == "V"){
props.right = "2px";
props.width = "5px";
props.bottom = (self.isLocalFooter ? self.fixedFooterHeight : 0) + 2 + "px";
props.height = "5px";
domStyle.set(wrapper, props);
wrapper.className = "mblScrollBarWrapper";
self["_scrollBarWrapper"+dir] = wrapper;
bar = domConstruct.create("div", null, wrapper);
domStyle.set(bar, {
opacity: 0.6,
position: "absolute",
backgroundColor: "#606060",
fontSize: "1px",
webkitBorderRadius: "2px",
MozBorderRadius: "2px",
webkitTransformOrigin: "0 0",
zIndex: 2147483647 // max of signed 32-bit integer
domStyle.set(bar, dir == "V" ? {width: "5px"} : {height: "5px"});
self["_scrollBarNode" + dir] = bar;
return bar;
if(this._v && !this._scrollBarV){
this._scrollBarV = createBar(this, "V");
if(this._h && !this._scrollBarH){
this._scrollBarH = createBar(this, "H");
this.hideScrollBar = function(){
var fadeRule;
if(this.fadeScrollBar && has("webkit")){
var node = domConstruct.create("style", null, win.doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]);
node.textContent =
" -webkit-animation-duration: 1s;"+
" -webkit-animation-name: scrollableViewFadeScrollBar;}"+
"@-webkit-keyframes scrollableViewFadeScrollBar{"+
" from { opacity: 0.6; }"+
" to { opacity: 0; }}";
dm._fadeRule = node.sheet.cssRules[1];
fadeRule = dm._fadeRule;
if(!this.scrollBar){ return; }
var f = function(bar, self){
domStyle.set(bar, {
opacity: 0,
webkitAnimationDuration: ""
if(self._aw){ // android workaround
bar.style.webkitTransform = "";
bar.className = "mblScrollableFadeScrollBar";
f(this._scrollBarV, this);
this._scrollBarV = null;
f(this._scrollBarH, this);
this._scrollBarH = null;
this.calcScrollBarPos = function(/*Object*/to){ // to: {x, y}
var pos = {};
var dim = this._dim;
var f = function(wrapperH, barH, t, d, c){
var y = Math.round((d - barH - 8) / (d - c) * t);
if(y < -barH + 5){
y = -barH + 5;
if(y > wrapperH - 5){
y = wrapperH - 5;
return y;
if(typeof to.y == "number" && this._scrollBarV){
pos.y = f(this._scrollBarWrapperV.offsetHeight, this._scrollBarV.offsetHeight, to.y, dim.d.h, dim.c.h);
if(typeof to.x == "number" && this._scrollBarH){
pos.x = f(this._scrollBarWrapperH.offsetWidth, this._scrollBarH.offsetWidth, to.x, dim.d.w, dim.c.w);
return pos;
this.scrollScrollBarTo = function(/*Object*/to){ // to: {x, y}
if(!this.scrollBar){ return; }
if(this._v && this._scrollBarV && typeof to.y == "number"){
this._scrollBarV.style.webkitTransform = this.makeTranslateStr({y:to.y});
this._scrollBarV.style.top = to.y + "px";
if(this._h && this._scrollBarH && typeof to.x == "number"){
this._scrollBarH.style.webkitTransform = this.makeTranslateStr({x:to.x});
this._scrollBarH.style.left = to.x + "px";
this.slideScrollBarTo = function(/*Object*/to, /*Number*/duration, /*String*/easing){
if(!this.scrollBar){ return; }
var fromPos = this.calcScrollBarPos(this.getPos());
var toPos = this.calcScrollBarPos(to);
if(this._v && this._scrollBarV){
this._runSlideAnimation({y:fromPos.y}, {y:toPos.y}, duration, easing, this._scrollBarV, 0);
if(this._h && this._scrollBarH){
this._runSlideAnimation({x:fromPos.x}, {x:toPos.x}, duration, easing, this._scrollBarH, 1);
this._runSlideAnimation = function(/*Object*/from, /*Object*/to, /*Number*/duration, /*String*/easing, node, idx){
// idx: 0:scrollbarV, 1:scrollbarH, 2:content
this.setKeyframes(from, to, idx);
domStyle.set(node, {
webkitAnimationDuration: duration + "s",
webkitAnimationTimingFunction: easing
domClass.add(node, "mblScrollableScrollTo"+idx);
if(idx == 2){
this.scrollTo(to, true, node);
}else if(dojo.fx && dojo.fx.easing && duration){
// If you want to support non-webkit browsers,
// your application needs to load necessary modules as follows:
// | dojo.require("dojo.fx");
// | dojo.require("dojo.fx.easing");
// This module itself does not make dependency on them.
var s = dojo.fx.slideTo({
node: node,
duration: duration*1000,
left: to.x,
top: to.y,
easing: (easing == "ease-out") ? dojo.fx.easing.quadOut : dojo.fx.easing.linear
if(idx == 2){
connect.connect(s, "onEnd", this, "onFlickAnimationEnd");
// directly jump to the destination without animation
if(idx == 2){
this.scrollTo(to, false, node);
this.resetScrollBar = function(){
// summary:
// Resets the scroll bar length, position, etc.
var f = function(wrapper, bar, d, c, hd, v){
if(!bar){ return; }
var props = {};
props[v ? "top" : "left"] = hd + 4 + "px"; // +4 is for top or left margin
var t = (d - 8) <= 0 ? 1 : d - 8;
props[v ? "height" : "width"] = t + "px";
domStyle.set(wrapper, props);
var l = Math.round(d * d / c); // scroll bar length
l = Math.min(Math.max(l - 8, 5), t); // -8 is for margin for both ends
bar.style[v ? "height" : "width"] = l + "px";
domStyle.set(bar, {"opacity": 0.6});
var dim = this.getDim();
f(this._scrollBarWrapperV, this._scrollBarV, dim.d.h, dim.c.h, this.fixedHeaderHeight, true);
f(this._scrollBarWrapperH, this._scrollBarH, dim.d.w, dim.c.w, 0);
this.createMask = function(){
// summary:
// Creates a mask for a scroll bar edge.
// description:
// This function creates a mask that hides corners of one scroll
// bar edge to make it round edge. The other side of the edge is
// always visible and round shaped with the border-radius style.
if(!has("webkit")){ return; }
var ctx;
var h = this._scrollBarWrapperV.offsetHeight;
ctx = win.doc.getCSSCanvasContext("2d", "scrollBarMaskV", 5, h);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)";
ctx.fillRect(1, 0, 3, 2);
ctx.fillRect(0, 1, 5, 1);
ctx.fillRect(0, h - 2, 5, 1);
ctx.fillRect(1, h - 1, 3, 2);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)";
ctx.fillRect(0, 2, 5, h - 4);
this._scrollBarWrapperV.style.webkitMaskImage = "-webkit-canvas(scrollBarMaskV)";
var w = this._scrollBarWrapperH.offsetWidth;
ctx = win.doc.getCSSCanvasContext("2d", "scrollBarMaskH", w, 5);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)";
ctx.fillRect(0, 1, 2, 3);
ctx.fillRect(1, 0, 1, 5);
ctx.fillRect(w - 2, 0, 1, 5);
ctx.fillRect(w - 1, 1, 2, 3);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)";
ctx.fillRect(2, 0, w - 4, 5);
this._scrollBarWrapperH.style.webkitMaskImage = "-webkit-canvas(scrollBarMaskH)";
this.flashScrollBar = function(){
if(this.disableFlashScrollBar || !this.domNode){ return; }
this._dim = this.getDim();
if(this._dim.d.h <= 0){ return; } // dom is not ready
var _this = this;
}, 300);
this.addCover = function(){
if(!has("touch") && !this.noCover){
this._cover = domConstruct.create("div", null, win.doc.body);
domStyle.set(this._cover, {
backgroundColor: "#ffff00",
opacity: 0,
position: "absolute",
top: "0px",
left: "0px",
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
zIndex: 2147483647 // max of signed 32-bit integer
has("touch") ? "touchstart" : "onmousedown", this, "onTouchEnd"));
this._cover.style.display = "";
this.setSelectable(this._cover, false);
this.setSelectable(this.domNode, false);
this.removeCover = function(){
if(!has("touch") && this._cover){
this._cover.style.display = "none";
this.setSelectable(this._cover, true);
this.setSelectable(this.domNode, true);
this.setKeyframes = function(/*Object*/from, /*Object*/to, /*Number*/idx){
dm._rule = [];
// idx: 0:scrollbarV, 1:scrollbarH, 2:content
var node = domConstruct.create("style", null, win.doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]);
node.textContent =
".mblScrollableScrollTo"+idx+"{-webkit-animation-name: scrollableViewScroll"+idx+";}"+
"@-webkit-keyframes scrollableViewScroll"+idx+"{}";
dm._rule[idx] = node.sheet.cssRules[1];
var rule = dm._rule[idx];
rule.insertRule("from { -webkit-transform: "+this.makeTranslateStr(from)+"; }");
if(to.x === undefined){ to.x = from.x; }
if(to.y === undefined){ to.y = from.y; }
rule.insertRule("to { -webkit-transform: "+this.makeTranslateStr(to)+"; }");
this.setSelectable = function(node, selectable){
// dojo.setSelectable has dependency on dojo.query. Re-define our own.
node.style.KhtmlUserSelect = selectable ? "auto" : "none";
node.style.MozUserSelect = selectable ? "" : "none";
node.onselectstart = selectable ? null : function(){return false;};
node.unselectable = selectable ? "" : "on";
var nodes = node.getElementsByTagName("*");
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
nodes[i].unselectable = selectable ? "" : "on";
// feature detection
var elem = win.doc.createElement("div");
elem.style.webkitTransform = "translate3d(0px,1px,0px)";
var v = win.doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, '')["-webkit-transform"];
dm.hasTranslate3d = v && v.indexOf("matrix") === 0;
dm.scrollable = scrollable; // for backward compatibility
return scrollable;