2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

106 lines
3.1 KiB

define("dojox/mobile/PageIndicator", [
"dijit/registry", // registry.byNode
], function(connect, declare, win, dom, domClass, domConstruct, registry, Contained, WidgetBase){
var Contained = dijit._Contained;
var WidgetBase = dijit._WidgetBase;
// module:
// dojox/mobile/PageIndicator
// summary:
// A current page indicator.
return declare("dojox.mobile.PageIndicator", [WidgetBase, Contained],{
// summary:
// A current page indicator.
// description:
// PageIndicator displays a series of gray and white dots to
// indicate which page is currently being viewed. It can typically
// be used with dojox.mobile.SwapView. It is also internally used
// in dojox.mobile.Carousel.
// refId: String
// An ID of a DOM node to be searched. Siblings of the reference
// node will be searched for views. If not specified, this.domNode
// will be the reference node.
refId: "",
buildRendering: function(){
this.domNode = this.srcNodeRef || win.doc.createElement("DIV");
this.domNode.className = "mblPageIndicator";
this._tblNode = domConstruct.create("TABLE", {className:"mblPageIndicatorContainer"}, this.domNode);
this.connect(this.domNode, "onclick", "onClick");
connect.subscribe("/dojox/mobile/viewChanged", this, function(view){
startup: function(){
var _this = this;
setTimeout(function(){ // to wait until views' visibility is determined
}, 0);
reset: function(){
// summary:
// Updates the indicator.
var r = this._tblNode.rows[0];
var i, c, a = [], dot;
var refNode = (this.refId && dom.byId(this.refId)) || this.domNode;
var children = refNode.parentNode.childNodes;
for(i = 0; i < children.length; i++){
c = children[i];
if(r.cells.length !== a.length){
for(i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
c = a[i];
dot = domConstruct.create("DIV", {className:"mblPageIndicatorDot"});
if(a.length === 0){ return; }
var currentView = registry.byNode(a[0]).getShowingView();
for(i = 0; i < r.cells.length; i++){
dot = r.cells[i].firstChild;
if(a[i] === currentView.domNode){
domClass.add(dot, "mblPageIndicatorDotSelected");
domClass.remove(dot, "mblPageIndicatorDotSelected");
isView: function(node){
// summary:
// Returns true if the given node is a view.
return (node && node.nodeType === 1 && domClass.contains(node, "mblView"));
onClick: function(e){
if(e.target !== this.domNode){ return; }
if(e.layerX < this._tblNode.offsetLeft){
connect.publish("/dojox/mobile/prevPage", [this]);
}else if(e.layerX > this._tblNode.offsetLeft + this._tblNode.offsetWidth){
connect.publish("/dojox/mobile/nextPage", [this]);