2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

284 lines
8.4 KiB

define("dojox/layout/TableContainer", ["dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-construct",
"dojo/_base/array", "dojo/dom-prop", "dojo/dom-style", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "dijit/layout/_LayoutWidget"],
function(kernel, lang, declare, domClass, domConstruct, arrayUtil, domProp, domStyle, _WidgetBase, _LayoutWidget){
/*===== var LayoutWidget = dijit.layout._LayoutWidget; =====*/
var TableContainer = declare("dojox.layout.TableContainer", _LayoutWidget, {
// summary:
// A container that lays out its child widgets in a table layout.
// description:
// The TableContainer lays out child widgets in a Table layout.
// Each widget can specify a "label" or a "title" parameter.
// This label is displayed either above or to the left of
// a widget depending on whether the "orientation" attribute
// is "horiz" or "vert", for horizontal and vertical respectively.
// The number of columns is configured using the "cols" attribute.
// The width of labels can be configured using the "labelWidth" parameter.
// example:
// | <div dojoType="dojox.layout.TableContainer" orientation="vert" cols="3>
// | <div dojoType="dijit.form.TextInput" value="John" label="First Name:"></div>
// | <div dojoType="dijit.form.CheckBox" label="Is Student?:"></div>
// | <div dojoType="dojox.form.DateTextBox" label="Date Of Birth:"></div>
// | </div>
cols: 1,
// labelWidth: Number|String
// Defines the width of a label. If the value is a number, it is
// treated as a pixel value. The other valid value is a percentage,
// e.g. "50%"
labelWidth: "100",
// showLabels: Boolean
// True if labels should be displayed, false otherwise.
showLabels: true,
// orientation: String
// Either "horiz" or "vert" for label orientation.
orientation: "horiz",
// spacing: Number
// The cell spacing to apply to the table.
spacing: 1,
// customClass: String
// A CSS class that will be applied to child elements. For example, if
// the class is "myClass", the table will have "myClass-table" applied to it,
// each label TD will have "myClass-labelCell" applied, and each
// widget TD will have "myClass-valueCell" applied.
customClass: "",
postCreate: function(){
this._children = [];
// If the orientation, customClass or cols attributes are changed,
// layout the widgets again.
this.connect(this, "set", function(name, value){
if(value && (name == "orientation" || name == "customClass" || name == "cols")) {
startup: function() {
if(this._started) {
if(this._initialized) {
var children = this.getChildren();
if(children.length < 1) {
this._initialized = true;
domClass.add(this.domNode, "dijitTableLayout");
// Call startup on all child widgets
arrayUtil.forEach(children, function(child){
if(!child.started && !child._started) {
resize: function(){
// summary:
// Resizes all children. This widget itself
// does not resize, as it takes up 100% of the
// available width.
arrayUtil.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){
if(typeof child.resize == "function") {
layout: function(){
// summary:
// Lays out the child widgets.
var children = this.getChildren();
var childIds = {};
var _this = this;
function addCustomClass(node, type, count) {
if(_this.customClass != "") {
var clazz = _this.customClass+ "-" + (type || node.tagName.toLowerCase());
domClass.add(node, clazz);
if(arguments.length > 2) {
domClass.add(node, clazz + "-" + count);
// Find any new children that have been added since the last layout() call
arrayUtil.forEach(this._children, lang.hitch(this, function(child){
childIds[child.id] = child;
arrayUtil.forEach(children, lang.hitch(this, function(child, index){
if(!childIds[child.id]) {
// Add pre-existing children to the start of the array
// Create the table. It fills the width of it's container.
var table = domConstruct.create("table", {
"width": "100%",
"class": "tableContainer-table tableContainer-table-" + this.orientation,
"cellspacing" : this.spacing
var tbody = domConstruct.create("tbody");
addCustomClass(table, "table", this.orientation);
var width = Math.floor(100 / this.cols) + "%";
var labelRow = domConstruct.create("tr", {}, tbody);
var childRow = (!this.showLabels || this.orientation == "horiz")
? labelRow : domConstruct.create("tr", {}, tbody);
var maxCols = this.cols * (this.showLabels ? 2 : 1);
var numCols = 0;
// Iterate over the children, adding them to the table.
arrayUtil.forEach(this._children, lang.hitch(this, function(child, index){
var colspan = child.colspan || 1;
if(colspan > 1) {
colspan = this.showLabels ?
Math.min(maxCols - 1, colspan * 2 -1): Math.min(maxCols, colspan);
// Create a new row if we need one
if(numCols + colspan - 1 + (this.showLabels ? 1 : 0)>= maxCols) {
numCols = 0;
labelRow = domConstruct.create("tr", {}, tbody);
childRow = this.orientation == "horiz" ? labelRow : domConstruct.create("tr", {}, tbody);
var labelCell;
// If labels should be visible, add them
if(this.showLabels) {
labelCell = domConstruct.create("td", {"class": "tableContainer-labelCell"}, labelRow);
// If the widget should take up both the label and value,
// then just set the class on it.
if(child.spanLabel) {
domProp.set(labelCell, this.orientation == "vert" ? "rowspan" : "colspan", 2);
else {
// Add the custom label class to the label cell
addCustomClass(labelCell, "labelCell");
var labelProps = {"for": child.get("id")};
var label = domConstruct.create("label", labelProps, labelCell);
if(Number(this.labelWidth) > -1 ||
String(this.labelWidth).indexOf("%") > -1) {
// Set the width of the label cell with either a pixel or percentage value
domStyle.set(labelCell, "width",
String(this.labelWidth).indexOf("%") < 0
? this.labelWidth + "px" : this.labelWidth);
label.innerHTML = child.get("label") || child.get("title");
var childCell;
if(child.spanLabel && labelCell) {
childCell = labelCell;
} else {
childCell = domConstruct.create("td", {
"class" : "tableContainer-valueCell"
}, childRow);
if(colspan > 1) {
domProp.set(childCell, "colspan", colspan);
// Add the widget cell's custom class, if one exists.
addCustomClass(childCell, "valueCell", index);
numCols += colspan + (this.showLabels ? 1 : 0);
if(this.table) {
// Refresh the layout of any child widgets, allowing them to resize
// to their new parent.
arrayUtil.forEach(children, function(child){
if(typeof child.layout == "function") {
this.table = table;
destroyDescendants: function(/*Boolean*/ preserveDom){
// summary:
// Destroys all the widgets inside this.containerNode,
// but not this widget itself
arrayUtil.forEach(this._children, function(child){ child.destroyRecursive(preserveDom); });
_setSpacingAttr: function(value) {
// summary:
// Sets the spacing attribute.
this.spacing = value;
if(this.table) {
this.table.cellspacing = Number(value);
// Extend the default widget with both label and title elements, as
// well as a "spanLabel" attribute. If a widget
lang.extend(_WidgetBase, {
// label: String
// The label to display for a given widget
label: "",
// title: String
// The label to display for a given widget. This is interchangeable
// with the 'label' parameter, as some widgets already have a use
// for the 'label', and this can be used instead to avoid conflicts.
title: "",
// spanLabel: Boolean
// Setting spanLabel to true makes the widget take up both the
// label and value cells. Defaults to false.
spanLabel: false,
// colspan: Number
// The number of columns this widget should span.
colspan: 1
return TableContainer;