308 lines
9.3 KiB
308 lines
9.3 KiB
define("dojox/io/OAuth", [
"dojo/_base/kernel", // dojo
"dojo/_base/lang", // mixin
"dojo/_base/array", // isArray, map
"dojo/_base/xhr", // formToObject, queryToObject, xhr
"dojo/dom", // byId
"dojox/encoding/digests/SHA1" // SHA1
], function(dojo, lang, array, xhr, dom, SHA1){
dojo.getObject("io.OAuth", true, dojox);
dojox.io.OAuth = new (function(){
// summary:
// Helper singleton for signing any kind of Ajax request using the OAuth 1.0 protocol.
// description:
// dojox.io.OAuth is a singleton class designed to allow anyone to sign a request,
// based on the OAuth 1.0 specification, made with any of the Dojo Toolkit's Ajax
// methods (such as dojo.xhr[verb], dojo.io.iframe, etc.).
// The main method of dojox.io.OAuth is the sign method (see documentation for .sign);
// the idea is that you will "sign" the kwArgs object you'd normally pass to any of
// the Ajax methods, and then pass the signed object along. As long as the token
// object used is valid (and the client's date and time are synced with a public
// time server), a signed object should be passed along correctly.
// dojox.io.OAuth does not deal with the OAuth handshake process at all.
// This object was developed against the Netflix API (OAuth-based service); see
// http://developer.netflix.com for more details.
var encode = this.encode = function(s){
if(!("" + s).length){ return ""; }
return encodeURIComponent(s)
.replace(/\!/g, "%21")
.replace(/\*/g, "%2A")
.replace(/\'/g, "%27")
.replace(/\(/g, "%28")
.replace(/\)/g, "%29");
var decode = this.decode = function(str){
// summary:
// Break apart the passed string and decode.
// Some special cases are handled.
var a=[], list=str.split("&");
for(var i=0, l=list.length; i<l; i++){
var item=list[i];
if(list[i]==""){ continue; } // skip this one.
var tmp=list[i].split("=");
a.push([ decodeURIComponent(tmp[0]), decodeURIComponent(tmp[1]) ]);
} else {
a.push([ decodeURIComponent(list[i]), null ]);
return a;
function parseUrl(url){
// summary:
// Create a map out of the passed URL. Need to pull any
// query string parameters off the URL for the base signature string.
var keys = [
map = {},
// create the base map first.
while(i--){ map[keys[i]] = match[i] || ""; }
// create the normalized version of the url and add it to the map
var p=map.protocol.toLowerCase(),
a=a.substring(0, a.lastIndexOf(":"));
var path=map.path||"/";
// return the map
return map;
var tab="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
function nonce(length){
var s="", tl=tab.length;
for(var i=0; i<length; i++){
return s;
function timestamp(){
return Math.floor(new Date().valueOf()/1000)-2;
function signature(data, key, type){
if(type && type!="PLAINTEXT" && type!="HMAC-SHA1"){
throw new Error("dojox.io.OAuth: the only supported signature encodings are PLAINTEXT and HMAC-SHA1.");
return key;
} else {
// assume SHA1 HMAC
return SHA1._hmac(data, key);
function key(args){
// summary:
// return the key used to sign a message based on the token object.
return encode(args.consumer.secret)
+ "&"
+ (args.token && args.token.secret ? encode(args.token.secret) : "");
function addOAuth(/* dojo.__XhrArgs */args, /* dojox.io.__OAuthArgs */oaa){
// summary:
// Add the OAuth parameters to the query string/content.
var o = {
oauth_consumer_key: oaa.consumer.key,
oauth_nonce: nonce(16),
oauth_signature_method: oaa.sig_method || "HMAC-SHA1",
oauth_timestamp: timestamp(),
oauth_version: "1.0"
o.oauth_token = oaa.token.key;
args.content = dojo.mixin(args.content||{}, o);
function convertArgs(args){
// summary:
// Because of the need to create a base string, we have to do
// some manual args preparation instead of relying on the internal
// Dojo xhr functions. But we'll let dojo.xhr assemble things
// as it normally would.
var miArgs = [{}], formObject;
if(!args.content){ args.content = {}; }
var form = dojo.byId(args.form);
var actnNode = form.getAttributeNode("action");
args.url = args.url || (actnNode ? actnNode.value : null);
formObject = dojo.formToObject(form);
delete args.form;
if(formObject){ miArgs.push(formObject); }
if(args.content){ miArgs.push(args.content); }
// pull anything off the query string
var map = parseUrl(args.url);
var tmp = dojo.queryToObject(map.query);
// re-encode the values. sigh
for(var p in tmp){ tmp[p] = encodeURIComponent(tmp[p]); }
args._url = map.url;
// now set up all the parameters as an array of 2 element arrays.
var a = [];
for(var i=0, l=miArgs.length; i<l; i++){
var item=miArgs[i];
for(var p in item){
// handle multiple values
for(var j=0, jl=item.length; j<jl; j++){
a.push([ p, item[j] ]);
} else {
a.push([ p, item[p] ]);
args._parameters = a;
return args;
function baseString(/* String */method, /* dojo.__XhrArgs */args, /* dojox.io.__OAuthArgs */oaa){
// create and return the base string out of the args.
addOAuth(args, oaa);
var a = args._parameters;
// sort the parameters
if(a[0]>b[0]){ return 1; }
if(a[0]<b[0]){ return -1; }
if(a[1]>b[1]){ return 1; }
if(a[1]<b[1]){ return -1; }
return 0;
// encode.
var s = dojo.map(a, function(item){
return encode(item[0]) + "=" + encode((""+item[1]).length ? item[1] : "");
var baseString = method.toUpperCase()
+ "&" + encode(args._url)
+ "&" + encode(s);
return baseString;
function sign(method, args, oaa){
// return the oauth_signature for this message.
var k = key(oaa),
message = baseString(method, args, oaa),
s = signature(message, k, oaa.sig_method || "HMAC-SHA1");
args.content["oauth_signature"] = s;
return args;
dojox.io.OAuth.__AccessorArgs = function(key, secret){
// key: String
// The key or token issued to either the consumer or by the OAuth service.
// secret: String
// The secret (shared secret for consumers, issued secret by OAuth service).
this.key = key;
this.secret = secret;
dojox.io.OAuth.__OAuthArgs = function(consumer, sig_method, token){
// consumer: dojox.io.OAuth.__AccessorArgs
// The consumer information issued to your OpenAuth application.
// sig_method: String
// The method used to create the signature. Should be PLAINTEXT or HMAC-SHA1.
// token: dojox.io.OAuth.__AccessorArgs?
// The request token and secret issued by the OAuth service. If not
// issued yet, this should be null.
this.consumer = consumer;
this.token = token;
* Process goes something like this:
* 1. prepare the base string
* 2. create the key
* 3. create the signature based on the base string and the key
* 4. send the request using dojo.xhr[METHOD].
this.sign = function(/* String*/method, /* dojo.__XhrArgs */args, /* dojox.io.OAuth.__OAuthArgs */oaa){
// summary:
// Given the OAuth access arguments, sign the kwArgs that you would pass
// to any dojo Ajax method (dojo.xhr*, dojo.io.iframe, dojo.io.script).
// example:
// Sign the kwArgs object for use with dojo.xhrGet:
// | var oaa = {
// | consumer: {
// | key: "foobar",
// | secret: "barbaz"
// | }
// | };
// |
// | var args = dojox.io.OAuth.sign("GET", myAjaxKwArgs, oaa);
// | dojo.xhrGet(args);
return sign(method, args, oaa);
// TODO: handle redirect requests?
this.xhr = function(/* String */method, /* dojo.__XhrArgs */args, /* dojox.io.OAuth.__OAuthArgs */oaa, /* Boolean? */hasBody){
/* summary:
* Make an XHR request that is OAuth signed.
* example:
* | var dfd = dojox.io.OAuth.xhrGet({
* | url: "http://someauthdomain.com/path?foo=bar",
* | load: function(response, ioArgs){ }
* | },
* | {
* | consumer:{ key: "lasdkf9asdnfsdf", secret: "9asdnfskdfysjr" }
* | });
sign(method, args, oaa);
return xhr(method, args, hasBody);
this.xhrGet = function(/* dojo.__XhrArgs */args, /* dojox.io.OAuth.__OAuthArgs*/ oaa){
return this.xhr("GET", args, oaa);
this.xhrPost = this.xhrRawPost = function(/* dojo.__XhrArgs */args, /* dojox.io.OAuth.__OAuthArgs*/ oaa){
return this.xhr("POST", args, oaa, true);
this.xhrPut = this.xhrRawPut = function(/* dojo.__XhrArgs */args, /* dojox.io.OAuth.__OAuthArgs*/ oaa){
return this.xhr("PUT", args, oaa, true);
this.xhrDelete = function(/* dojo.__XhrArgs */args, /* dojox.io.OAuth.__OAuthArgs*/ oaa){
return this.xhr("DELETE", args, oaa);
return dojox.io.OAuth;