144 lines
3.9 KiB
144 lines
3.9 KiB
define("dojox/gesture/swipe", [
], function(kernel, declare, Base, dojox){
// module:
// dojox/gesture/swipe
dojox.gesture.swipe = {
// summary:
// This module provides swipe gestures including:
// 1. dojox.gesture.swipe
// A series of 'swipe' will be fired during touchmove, this will mostly
// be used to keep sliding the Dom target based on the swiped distance(dx, dy).
// 2. dojox.gesture.swipe.end
// Fired when a swipe is ended so that an bounce animation may be applied
// to the dom target sliding to the final position.
// Following information will be included in the fired swipe events:
// 1. type: 'swipe'|'swipe.end'
// 2. time: an integer indicating the delta time(in milliseconds)
// 3. dx: delta distance on X axis, dx less than 0 - moving left, dx larger than 0 - moving right
// 4. dy: delta distance on Y axis, dy less than 0 - moving up, dY larger than 0 - moving down
// Note - dx and dy can also be used together for a hybrid swipe(both vertically and horizontally)
// example:
// A. Used with dojo.connect()
// | dojo.connect(node, dojox.gesture.swipe, function(e){});
// | dojo.connect(node, dojox.gesture.swipe.end, function(e){});
// B. Used with dojo.on
// | define(['dojo/on', 'dojox/gesture/swipe'], function(on, swipe){
// | on(node, swipe, function(e){});
// | on(node, swipe.end, function(e){});
// C. Used with dojox.gesture.swipe.* directly
// | dojox.gesture.swipe(node, function(e){});
// | dojox.gesture.swipe.end(node, function(e){});
// Declare an internal anonymous class which will only be exported
// by module return value e.g. dojox.gesture.swipe.Swipe
var clz = declare(/*===== "dojox.gesture.swipe", =====*/Base, {
// defaultEvent: [readonly] String
// Default event - 'swipe'
defaultEvent: "swipe",
// subEvents: [readonly] Array
// List of sub events, used by
// being combined with defaultEvent as 'swipe.end'
subEvents: ["end"],
press: function(/*Object*/data, /*Event*/e){
// summary:
// Overwritten, set initial swipe info
if(e.touches && e.touches.length >= 2){
//currently only support single-touch swipe
delete data.context;
data.context = {x: 0, y: 0, t: 0};
data.context.x = e.screenX;
data.context.y = e.screenY;
data.context.t = new Date().getTime();
move: function(/*Object*/data, /*Event*/e){
// summary:
// Overwritten, fire matched 'swipe' during touchmove
this._recognize(data, e, "swipe");
release: function(/*Object*/data, /*Event*/e){
// summary:
// Overwritten, fire matched 'swipe.end' when touchend
this._recognize(data, e, "swipe.end");
delete data.context;
cancel: function(data, e){
// summary:
// Overwritten
delete data.context;
_recognize: function(/*Object*/data, /*Event*/e, /*String*/type){
// summary:
// Recognize and fire appropriate gesture events
var info = this._getSwipeInfo(data, e);
// no swipe happened
info.type = type;
this.fire(e.target, info);
_getSwipeInfo: function(/*Object*/data, /*Event*/e){
// summary:
// Calculate swipe information - time, dx and dy
var dx, dy, info = {}, startData = data.context;
info.time = new Date().getTime() - startData.t;
dx = e.screenX - startData.x;
dy = e.screenY - startData.y;
if(dx === 0 && dy === 0){
// no swipes happened
return null;
info.dx = dx;
info.dy = dy;
return info;
// the default swipe instance for handy use
dojox.gesture.swipe = new clz();
// Class for creating a new Swipe instance
dojox.gesture.swipe.Swipe = clz;
return dojox.gesture.swipe;
}); |