2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

370 lines
11 KiB

define("dojox/gauges/AnalogGauge", ["dojo/_base/kernel","dojo/_base/declare","dojo/_base/array","dojo/_base/lang","dojo/_base/html","dojo/_base/event",
"dojox/gfx", "./_Gauge","./AnalogLineIndicator", "dojo/dom-geometry"],
function(dojo, declare, arr, lang, html, event,
gfx, Gauge, AnalogLineIndicator, domGeometry) {
Gauge = dojox.gauges._Gauge;
return declare("dojox.gauges.AnalogGauge",Gauge,{
// summary:
// a gauge built using the dojox.gfx package.
// description:
// using dojo.gfx (and thus either SVG or VML based on what is supported), this widget
// builds a gauge component, used to display numerical data in a familiar format
// example:
// | <script type="text/javascript">
// | require(["dojox/gauges/AnalogGauge"]);
// | </script>
// |
// | <div dojoType="dojox.gauges.AnalogGauge"
// | id="testGauge"
// | width="300"
// | height="200"
// | cx=150
// | cy=175
// | radius=125
// | image="gaugeOverlay.png"
// | imageOverlay="false"
// | imageWidth="280"
// | imageHeight="155"
// | imageX="12"
// | imageY="38">
// | </div>
// startAngle: Number
// angle (in degrees) for start of gauge (default is -90)
startAngle: -90,
// endAngle: Number
// angle (in degrees) for end of gauge (default is 90)
endAngle: 90,
// cx: Number
// center of gauge x coordinate (default is gauge width / 2)
cx: 0,
// cy: Number
// center of gauge x coordinate (default is gauge height / 2)
cy: 0,
// radius: Number
// radius of gauge (default is smaller of cx-25 or cy-25)
radius: 0,
// orientation: String
// The orientation of the gauge. The value can be 'clockwise' or 'cclockwise' (default is 'clockwise')
orientation: "clockwise",
// _defaultIndicator: dojox.gauges._Indicator
// override of dojox.gauges._Gauge._defaultIndicator
_defaultIndicator: AnalogLineIndicator,
startup: function(){
// handle settings from HTML by making sure all the options are
// converted correctly to numbers and that we calculate defaults
// for cx, cy and radius
// also connects mouse handling events
arr.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){ child.startup(); });
this.startAngle = Number(this.startAngle);
this.endAngle = Number(this.endAngle);
this.cx = Number(this.cx);
if(!this.cx){this.cx = this.width/2;}
this.cy = Number(this.cy);
if(!this.cy){this.cy = this.height/2;}
this.radius = Number(this.radius);
if(!this.radius){this.radius = Math.min(this.cx,this.cy) - 25;}
_getAngle: function(/*Number*/value){
// summary:
// This is a helper function used to determine the angle that represents
// a given value on the gauge
// value: Number
// A value to be converted to an angle for this gauge.
var v = Number(value);
var angle;
if (value == null || isNaN(v) || v <= this.min)
angle = this._mod360(this.startAngle);
if (v >= this.max)
angle = this._mod360(this.endAngle);
else {
var startAngle = this._mod360(this.startAngle);
var relativeValue = (v - this.min);
if (this.orientation != 'clockwise')
relativeValue = -relativeValue;
angle = this._mod360(startAngle + this._getAngleRange() * relativeValue / Math.abs(this.min - this.max));
return angle;
_getValueForAngle: function(/*Number*/angle){
// summary:
// This is a helper function used to determine the value represented by a
// given angle on the gauge
// angle: Number
// A angle to be converted to a value for this gauge.
var startAngle = this._mod360(this.startAngle);
var endAngle = this._mod360(this.endAngle);
if (!this._angleInRange(angle)){
var min1 = this._mod360(startAngle - angle);
var min2 = 360 - min1;
var max1 = this._mod360(endAngle - angle);
var max2 = 360 - max1;
if (Math.min(min1, min2) < Math.min(max1, max2))
return this.min;
return this.max;
else {
var range = Math.abs(this.max - this.min);
var relativeAngle = this._mod360(this.orientation == 'clockwise' ?
(angle - startAngle): (-angle + startAngle));
return this.min + range * relativeAngle / this._getAngleRange();
_getAngleRange: function(){
// summary:
// This is a helper function that returns the angle range
// from startAngle to endAngle according to orientation.
var range;
var startAngle = this._mod360(this.startAngle);
var endAngle = this._mod360(this.endAngle);
if (startAngle == endAngle)
return 360;
if (this.orientation == 'clockwise'){
if (endAngle < startAngle)
range = 360 - (startAngle - endAngle);
range = endAngle - startAngle;
else {
if (endAngle < startAngle)
range = startAngle - endAngle;
range = 360 - (endAngle - startAngle);
return range;
_angleInRange: function(value){
// summary:
// Test if the angle value is in the startAngle/endAngle range
var startAngle = this._mod360(this.startAngle);
var endAngle = this._mod360(this.endAngle);
if (startAngle == endAngle)
return true;
value = this._mod360(value);
if (this.orientation == "clockwise"){
if (startAngle < endAngle)
return value >= startAngle && value <= endAngle;
return !(value > endAngle && value < startAngle);
else {
if (startAngle < endAngle)
return !(value > startAngle && value < endAngle);
return value >= endAngle && value <= startAngle;
_isScaleCircular: function(){
// summary:
// internal method to check if the scale is fully circular
return (this._mod360(this.startAngle) == this._mod360(this.endAngle));
// summary:
// returns the angle between 0 and 360;
while (v>360) v = v - 360;
while (v<0) v = v + 360;
return v;
_getRadians: function(/*Number*/angle){
// summary:
// This is a helper function than converts degrees to radians
// angle: Number
// An angle, in degrees, to be converted to radians.
return angle*Math.PI/180;
_getDegrees: function(/*Number*/radians){
// summary:
// This is a helper function that converts radians to degrees
// radians: Number
// An angle, in radians, to be converted to degrees.
return radians*180/Math.PI;
drawRange: function(/*dojox.gfx.Group*/ group, /*Object*/range){
// summary:
// This function is used to draw (or redraw) a range
// description:
// Draws a range (colored area on the background of the gauge)
// based on the given arguments.
// group:
// The GFX group where the range must be drawn.
// range:
// A range is a dojox.gauges.Range or an object
// with similar parameters (low, high, hover, etc.).
var path;
range.shape = null;
var a1, a2;
if((range.low == this.min) && (range.high == this.max) && ((this._mod360(this.endAngle) == this._mod360(this.startAngle)))){
path = group.createCircle({cx: this.cx, cy: this.cy, r: this.radius});
a1 = this._getRadians(this._getAngle(range.low));
a2 = this._getRadians(this._getAngle(range.high));
if (this.orientation == 'cclockwise')
var a = a2;
a2 = a1;
a1 = a;
var x1=this.cx+this.radius*Math.sin(a1),
var arange;
if (a1<=a2)
arange = a2-a1;
arange = 2*Math.PI-a1+a2;
path = group.createPath();
if(lang.isArray(range.color) || lang.isString(range.color)){
path.setStroke({color: range.color});
}else if(range.color.type){
// Color is a gradient
a1 = this._getRadians(this._getAngle(range.low));
a2 = this._getRadians(this._getAngle(range.high));
range.color.x1 = this.cx+(this.radius*Math.sin(a1))/2;
range.color.x2 = this.cx+(this.radius*Math.sin(a2))/2;
range.color.y1 = this.cy-(this.radius*Math.cos(a1))/2;
range.color.y2 = this.cy-(this.radius*Math.cos(a2))/2;
path.setStroke({color: range.color.colors[0].color});
}else if (gfx.svg){
// We've defined a style rather than an explicit color
path.setStroke({color: "green"}); // Arbitrary color, just have to indicate
path.setFill("green"); // that we want it filled
path.getEventSource().setAttribute("class", range.color.style);
path.connect("onmouseover", lang.hitch(this, this._handleMouseOverRange, range));
path.connect("onmouseout", lang.hitch(this, this._handleMouseOutRange, range));
range.shape = path;
getRangeUnderMouse: function(/*Object*/e){
// summary:
// Determines which range the mouse is currently over
// e: Object
// The event object as received by the mouse handling functions below.
var range = null,
pos = domGeometry.getContentBox(this.gaugeContent),
x = e.clientX - pos.x,
y = e.clientY - pos.y,
r = Math.sqrt((y - this.cy)*(y - this.cy) + (x - this.cx)*(x - this.cx))
if(r < this.radius){
var angle = this._getDegrees(Math.atan2(y - this.cy, x - this.cx) + Math.PI/2),
//if(angle > this.endAngle){angle = angle - 360;}
value = this._getValueForAngle(angle)
for(var i=0; (i<this._rangeData.length) && !range; i++){
if((Number(this._rangeData[i].low) <= value) && (Number(this._rangeData[i].high) >= value)){
range = this._rangeData[i];
return range;
_dragIndicator: function(/*Object*/ widget, /*Object*/ e){
// summary:
// Handles the dragging of an indicator to the event position, including moving/re-drawing
// get angle for mouse position
this._dragIndicatorAt(widget, e.pageX, e.pageY);
_dragIndicatorAt: function(/*Object*/ widget, x,y){
// summary:
// Handles the dragging of an indicator to a specific position, including moving/re-drawing
// get angle for mouse position
var pos = domGeometry.position(widget.gaugeContent, true),
xf = x - pos.x,
yf = y - pos.y,
angle = widget._getDegrees(Math.atan2(yf - widget.cy, xf - widget.cx) + Math.PI/2);
// get value and restrict to our min/max
var value = widget._getValueForAngle(angle);
value = Math.min(Math.max(value, widget.min), widget.max);
// update the indicator
widget._drag.value = widget._drag.currentValue = value;
// callback
// rotate indicator
widget._drag.draw(this._indicatorsGroup, true);