214 lines
6.1 KiB
214 lines
6.1 KiB
define("dojox/fx/Timeline", ["dojo/_base/lang","dojo/fx/easing","dojo/_base/fx","dojo/dom","./_base","dojo/_base/connect",
"dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/array","dojo/_base/Color"],
function(lang, easingUtil, baseFx, dom, dojoxFx, connectUtil, htmlUtil, arrayUtil, Color){
dojoxFx.animateTimeline = function(/* Object */options, /* DomNode|String */node){
// options: Object
// The paramters passed to the timeline animation. Includes:
// keys: Array
// An array of objects, with style properties and values.
// duration:
// Duration of the animation in milliseconds.
// Defaults to 1000.
// node: DomNode
// The DomNode or id to be animated.
// summary:
// An add-on to dojo.fx that provides the ability to create
// a complex property animation based on an array of "keyframes".
// description:
// The Timeline is a replacement for the default dojo._Line.
// Instead of _Line.getValue returning a float between 0-1,
// _Timeline.getValue returns an object with all properties and
// their current values.
// A property does not have to appear in every keyframe.
// As in the example below, "height" is transitioned from the first
// keyframe to the third. "width" is transitioned from the first
// to the second to the third.
// Each keyframe can accept the following custom properties:
// step: String
// The start, finish or percentage that this keyframe represents.
// Allowed parameters are:
// 0%-100%
// from (same as 0%, used to conform with the Webkit animation spec)
// to (same as 100%, used to conform with the Webkit animation spec)
// ease: String
// The string name of a dojo.fx.easing ease. Defaults to "linear". Use
// the suffix name of the ease, like: "quadIn", not: "dojo.fx.quadIn".
// example:
// | var keys = [
// | {
// | step:"0px",
// | ease:"quadInOut",
// | width:"50px",
// | height:"50px",
// | },{
// | step:"25%",
// | width:"190px"
// | },{
// | step:"100%",
// | width:"10px",
// | height:"200px",
// | }
// | ];
// | ani = dojox.fx.animateTimeline({keys:keys, duration:2000}, "myDiv").play();
var _curve = new Timeline(options.keys);
var ani = baseFx.animateProperty({
node:dom.byId(node || options.node),
duration:options.duration || 1000,
// don't change! This easing is for the timeline,
// not individual properties
onAnimate: function(v){
//console.log(" ani:", v);
connectUtil.connect(ani, "onEnd", function(node){
// Setting the final style. Hiccups in the browser
// can cause the animation to lose track. This ensures
// that it finishes in the proper location.
var sty = ani.curve.getValue(ani.reversed ? 0 : 1);
htmlUtil.style(node, sty);
connectUtil.connect(ani, "beforeBegin", function(){
// remove default curve and replace it with Timeline
if(ani.curve){ delete ani.curve; }
ani.curve = _curve;
_curve.ani = ani;
return ani; // dojo.Animation
var Timeline = function(/* Array */keys){
// summary:
// The dojox.fx._Timeline object from which an instance
// is created
// tags:
// private
this.keys = lang.isArray(keys) ? this.flatten(keys) : keys;
Timeline.prototype.flatten = function(keys){
// summary:
// An internally used function that converts the keyframes
// as used in the example above into a series of key values
// which is what is used in the animation parsing.
var getPercent = function(str, idx){
if(str == "from"){ return 0; }
if(str == "to"){ return 1; }
if(str === undefined){
return idx==0 ? 0 : idx / (keys.length - 1)
return parseInt(str, 10) * .01
var p = {}, o = {};
arrayUtil.forEach(keys, function(k, i){
var step = getPercent(k.step, i);
var ease = easingUtil[k.ease] || easingUtil.linear;
for(var nm in k){
if(nm == "step" || nm == "ease" || nm == "from" || nm == "to"){ continue; }
o[nm] = {
p[nm] = {};
p[nm].units = o[nm].units = /\D{1,}/.exec(k[nm]).join("");
p[nm].units = o[nm].units = "isColor";
o[nm].eases.push(easingUtil[k.ease || "linear"]);
if(p[nm].units == "isColor"){
o[nm].values.push(new Color(k[nm]));
if(p[nm].start === undefined){
p[nm].start = o[nm].values[o[nm].values.length-1];
p[nm].end = o[nm].values[o[nm].values.length-1]
this._properties = p;
return o; // Object
Timeline.prototype.getValue = function(/*float*/ p){
// summary:
// Replaces the native getValue in dojo.fx.Animation.
// Returns an object with all propeties used in the animation
// and the property's current value
p = this.ani._reversed ? 1-p : p;
var o = {}, self = this;
var getProp = function(nm, i){
return self._properties[nm].units!="isColor" ?
self.keys[nm].values[i] + self._properties[nm].units :
for(var nm in this.keys){
var k = this.keys[nm];
for(var i=0; i<k.steps.length; i++){
var step = k.steps[i];
var ns = k.steps[i+1];
var next = i < k.steps.length ? true : false;
var ease = k.eases[i] || function(n){return n;};
if(p == step){
// first or last
o[nm] = getProp(nm, i);
if(!next || (next && this.ani._reversed)) break;
}else if(p > step){
if(next && p < k.steps[i+1]){
// inbetween steps
var end = k.values[i+1];
var beg = k.values[i];
var seg = (1 / (ns - step)) * (p - step);
seg = ease(seg);
if(beg instanceof Color){
o[nm] = Color.blendColors(beg, end, seg).toCss(false);
var df = end - beg;
o[nm] = beg + seg * df + this._properties[nm].units;
// completed keys before 100%
o[nm] = getProp(nm, i);
}else if((next && !this.ani._reversed) || (!next && this.ani._reversed)){
o[nm] = getProp(nm, i);
return o; // Object
dojoxFx._Timeline = Timeline;
return dojoxFx;