2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

dojox.form Collection
Version 1.0
Release date: 02/26/2008
Project state:
	Nathan Toone (toonetown)
	Peter Higgins (dante)
	Wolfram Kriesing (wolfram)
	Mike Wilcox (mwilcox)
Project description

	This is a collection of additional widgets that can be used in forms.

	Depends on dojo core and dijit
	dojo.form.FileUploader depends on dojox.embed, and uses Flash movies created
	in the deft project using Flex OSS 3.  You do not need any of the deft code; 
	compiled movies are included with dojox.form in the resources folder.  
	If you want to modify the actual movies, you can look in the deft project 
	(under the package deft.av).

Installation instructions

	Install into /dojox/form
Additional Notes (Brief widget list):

	* CheckedMultiSelect - an extension to dijit.form.MultiSelect which
						uses check boxes instead of ctrl-click

	* DropDownSelect - an extension to dijit.form.DropDownButton which is
						meant to mirror the html <select> drop down

	* DropDownStack/RadioStack - a widget that can toggle parts of a form as
						"on" or "off" - to allow for different options based on 
						the value selected.

	* FileInput - experimental dijit-like input type="file"

	* FileInputAuto/Blind - extension to FileInput for 
						added flair/automation
	* FilePickerTextBox - a validating text box that can browser server-side
						files using a dojox.data.FileStore
	* FileUploader - Allows for Multi-file uploads and file masking. Uses a SWF
						file created with Deft. Compatible with Flash Player
						versions 8-10. Degradeable to a multi-file HTML uploader.
	* ListInput - A text-box widget that allows inputting multiple items (similar
						to the "to" field on many email clients)
    * MultiComboBox - an experimental ComboBox that allows
						multiple entries bases on a separator character.

	* PasswordValidator - a widget which simplifies the common "old/new/verify" 
						mechanism of specifying passwords

	* Rating - a star-based rating widget
    * TimeSpinner - a number spinner that revolves through
						time constrainsts