2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

293 lines
9.7 KiB

define("dojox/editor/plugins/nls/latinEntities", { root:
//begin v1.x content
/* These are already handled in the default RTE
amp:"ampersand",lt:"less-than sign",
gt:"greater-than sign",
nbsp:"no-break space\nnon-breaking space",
iexcl:"inverted exclamation mark",
cent:"cent sign",
pound:"pound sign",
curren:"currency sign",
yen:"yen sign\nyuan sign",
brvbar:"broken bar\nbroken vertical bar",
sect:"section sign",
uml:"diaeresis\nspacing diaeresis",
copy:"copyright sign",
ordf:"feminine ordinal indicator",
laquo:"left-pointing double angle quotation mark\nleft pointing guillemet",
not:"not sign",
shy:"soft hyphen\ndiscretionary hyphen",
reg:"registered sign\nregistered trade mark sign",
macr:"macron\nspacing macron\noverline\nAPL overbar",
deg:"degree sign",
plusmn:"plus-minus sign\nplus-or-minus sign",
sup2:"superscript two\nsuperscript digit two\nsquared",
sup3:"superscript three\nsuperscript digit three\ncubed",
acute:"acute accent\nspacing acute",
micro:"micro sign",
para:"pilcrow sign\nparagraph sign",
middot:"middle dot\nGeorgian comma\nGreek middle dot",
cedil:"cedilla\nspacing cedilla",
sup1:"superscript one\nsuperscript digit one",
ordm:"masculine ordinal indicator",
raquo:"right-pointing double angle quotation mark\nright pointing guillemet",
frac14:"vulgar fraction one quarter\nfraction one quarter",
frac12:"vulgar fraction one half\nfraction one half",
frac34:"vulgar fraction three quarters\nfraction three quarters",
iquest:"inverted question mark\nturned question mark",
Agrave:"Latin capital letter A with grave\nLatin capital letter A grave",
Aacute:"Latin capital letter A with acute",
Acirc:"Latin capital letter A with circumflex",
Atilde:"Latin capital letter A with tilde",
Auml:"Latin capital letter A with diaeresis",
Aring:"Latin capital letter A with ring above\nLatin capital letter A ring",
AElig:"Latin capital letter AE\nLatin capital ligature AE",
Ccedil:"Latin capital letter C with cedilla",
Egrave:"Latin capital letter E with grave",
Eacute:"Latin capital letter E with acute",
Ecirc:"Latin capital letter E with circumflex",
Euml:"Latin capital letter E with diaeresis",
Igrave:"Latin capital letter I with grave",
Iacute:"Latin capital letter I with acute",
Icirc:"Latin capital letter I with circumflex",
Iuml:"Latin capital letter I with diaeresis",
ETH:"Latin capital letter ETH",
Ntilde:"Latin capital letter N with tilde",
Ograve:"Latin capital letter O with grave",
Oacute:"Latin capital letter O with acute",
Ocirc:"Latin capital letter O with circumflex",
Otilde:"Latin capital letter O with tilde",
Ouml:"Latin capital letter O with diaeresis",
times:"multiplication sign",
Oslash:"Latin capital letter O with stroke\nLatin capital letter O slash",
Ugrave:"Latin capital letter U with grave",
Uacute:"Latin capital letter U with acute",
Ucirc:"Latin capital letter U with circumflex",
Uuml:"Latin capital letter U with diaeresis",
Yacute:"Latin capital letter Y with acute",
THORN:"Latin capital letter THORN",
szlig:"Latin small letter sharp s\ness-zed",
agrave:"Latin small letter a with grave\nLatin small letter a grave",
aacute:"Latin small letter a with acute",
acirc:"Latin small letter a with circumflex",
atilde:"Latin small letter a with tilde",
auml:"Latin small letter a with diaeresis",
aring:"Latin small letter a with ring above\nLatin small letter a ring",
aelig:"Latin small letter ae\nLatin small ligature ae",
ccedil:"Latin small letter c with cedilla",
egrave:"Latin small letter e with grave",
eacute:"Latin small letter e with acute",
ecirc:"Latin small letter e with circumflex",
euml:"Latin small letter e with diaeresis",
igrave:"Latin small letter i with grave",
iacute:"Latin small letter i with acute",
icirc:"Latin small letter i with circumflex",
iuml:"Latin small letter i with diaeresis",
eth:"Latin small letter eth",
ntilde:"Latin small letter n with tilde",
ograve:"Latin small letter o with grave",
oacute:"Latin small letter o with acute",
ocirc:"Latin small letter o with circumflex",
otilde:"Latin small letter o with tilde",
ouml:"Latin small letter o with diaeresis",
divide:"division sign",
oslash:"Latin small letter o with stroke\nLatin small letter o slash",
ugrave:"Latin small letter u with grave",
uacute:"Latin small letter u with acute",
ucirc:"Latin small letter u with circumflex",
uuml:"Latin small letter u with diaeresis",
yacute:"Latin small letter y with acute",
thorn:"Latin small letter thorn",
yuml:"Latin small letter y with diaeresis",
// Greek Characters and Symbols
fnof:"Latin small f with hook\nfunction\nflorin",
Alpha:"Greek capital letter alpha",
Beta:"Greek capital letter beta",
Gamma:"Greek capital letter gamma",
Delta:"Greek capital letter delta",
Epsilon:"Greek capital letter epsilon",
Zeta:"Greek capital letter zeta",
Eta:"Greek capital letter eta",
Theta:"Greek capital letter theta",
Iota:"Greek capital letter iota",
Kappa:"Greek capital letter kappa",
Lambda:"Greek capital letter lambda",
Mu:"Greek capital letter mu",
Nu:"Greek capital letter nu",
Xi:"Greek capital letter xi",
Omicron:"Greek capital letter omicron",
Pi:"Greek capital letter pi",
Rho:"Greek capital letter rho",
Sigma:"Greek capital letter sigma",
Tau:"Greek capital letter tau",
Upsilon:"Greek capital letter upsilon",
Phi:"Greek capital letter phi",
Chi:"Greek capital letter chi",
Psi:"Greek capital letter psi",
Omega:"Greek capital letter omega",
alpha:"Greek small letter alpha",
beta:"Greek small letter beta",
gamma:"Greek small letter gamma",
delta:"Greek small letter delta",
epsilon:"Greek small letter epsilon",
zeta:"Greek small letter zeta",
eta:"Greek small letter eta",
theta:"Greek small letter theta",
iota:"Greek small letter iota",
kappa:"Greek small letter kappa",
lambda:"Greek small letter lambda",
mu:"Greek small letter mu",
nu:"Greek small letter nu",
xi:"Greek small letter xi",
omicron:"Greek small letter omicron",
pi:"Greek small letter pi",
rho:"Greek small letter rho",
sigmaf:"Greek small letter final sigma",
sigma:"Greek small letter sigma",
tau:"Greek small letter tau",
upsilon:"Greek small letter upsilon",
phi:"Greek small letter phi",
chi:"Greek small letter chi",
psi:"Greek small letter psi",
omega:"Greek small letter omega",
thetasym:"Greek small letter theta symbol",
upsih:"Greek upsilon with hook symbol",
piv:"Greek pi symbol",
bull:"bullet\nblack small circle",
hellip:"horizontal ellipsis\nthree dot leader",
Prime:"double prime\nseconds\ninches",
oline:"overline\nspacing overscore",
frasl:"fraction slash",
weierp:"script capital P\npower set\nWeierstrass p",
image:"blackletter capital I\nimaginary part",
real:"blackletter capital R\nreal part symbol",
trade:"trade mark sign",
alefsym:"alef symbol\nfirst transfinite cardinal",
larr:"leftwards arrow",
uarr:"upwards arrow",
rarr:"rightwards arrow",
darr:"downwards arrow",
harr:"left right arrow",
crarr:"downwards arrow with corner leftwards\ncarriage return",
lArr:"leftwards double arrow",
uArr:"upwards double arrow",
rArr:"rightwards double arrow",
dArr:"downwards double arrow",
hArr:"left right double arrow",
forall:"for all",
part:"partial differential",
exist:"there exists",
empty:"empty set\nnull set\ndiameter",
nabla:"nabla\nbackward difference",
isin:"element of",
notin:"not an element of",
ni:"contains as member",
prod:"n-ary product\nproduct sign",
sum:"n-ary sumation",
minus:"minus sign",
lowast:"asterisk operator",
radic:"square root\nradical sign",
prop:"proportional to",
and:"logical and\nwedge",
or:"logical or\nvee",
sim:"tilde operator\nvaries with\nsimilar to",
cong:"approximately equal to",
asymp:"almost equal to\nasymptotic to",
ne:"not equal to",
equiv:"identical to",
le:"less-than or equal to",
ge:"greater-than or equal to",
sub:"subset of",
sup:"superset of",
nsub:"not a subset of",
sube:"subset of or equal to",
supe:"superset of or equal to",
oplus:"circled plus\ndirect sum",
otimes:"circled times\nvector product",
perp:"up tack\northogonal to\nperpendicular",
sdot:"dot operator",
lceil:"left ceiling\nAPL upstile",
rceil:"right ceiling",
lfloor:"left floor\nAPL downstile",
rfloor:"right floor",
lang:"left-pointing angle bracket",
rang:"right-pointing angle bracket",
spades:"black spade suit",
clubs:"black club suit\nshamrock",
hearts:"black heart suit\nvalentine",
diams:"black diamond suit",
OElig:"Latin capital ligature OE",
oelig:"Latin small ligature oe",
Scaron:"Latin capital letter S with caron",
scaron:"Latin small letter s with caron",
Yuml:"Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis",
circ:"modifier letter circumflex accent",
tilde:"small tilde",
ensp:"en space",
emsp:"em space",
thinsp:"thin space",
zwnj:"zero width non-joiner",
zwj:"zero width joiner",
lrm:"left-to-right mark",
rlm:"right-to-left mark",
ndash:"en dash",
mdash:"em dash",
lsquo:"left single quotation mark",
rsquo:"right single quotation mark",
sbquo:"single low-9 quotation mark",
ldquo:"left double quotation mark",
rdquo:"right double quotation mark",
bdquo:"double low-9 quotation mark",
Dagger:"double dagger",
permil:"per mille sign",
lsaquo:"single left-pointing angle quotation mark",
rsaquo:"single right-pointing angle quotation mark",
euro:"euro sign"
//end v1.x content
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