1414 lines
42 KiB
1414 lines
42 KiB
// wrapped by build app
define("dojox/editor/plugins/SpellCheck", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/i18n!dojox/editor/plugins/nls/SpellCheck","dojo/require!dijit/_base/popup,dijit/_Widget,dijit/_Templated,dijit/form/TextBox,dijit/form/DropDownButton,dijit/TooltipDialog,dijit/form/MultiSelect,dojo/io/script,dijit/Menu"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){
dojo.requireLocalization("dojox.editor.plugins", "SpellCheck");
dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins._spellCheckControl", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], {
// summary:
// The widget that is used for the UI of the batch spelling check
widgetsInTemplate: true,
"<table class='dijitEditorSpellCheckTable'>" +
"<tr><td colspan='3' class='alignBottom'><label for='${textId}' id='${textId}_label'>${unfound}</label>" +
"<div class='dijitEditorSpellCheckBusyIcon' id='${id}_progressIcon'></div></td></tr>" +
"<tr>" +
"<td class='dijitEditorSpellCheckBox'><input dojoType='dijit.form.TextBox' required='false' intermediateChanges='true' " +
"class='dijitEditorSpellCheckBox' dojoAttachPoint='unfoundTextBox' id='${textId}'/></td>" +
"<td><button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' class='blockButton' dojoAttachPoint='skipButton'>${skip}</button></td>" +
"<td><button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' class='blockButton' dojoAttachPoint='skipAllButton'>${skipAll}</button></td>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr>" +
"<td class='alignBottom'><label for='${selectId}'>${suggestions}</td></label>" +
"<td colspan='2'><button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' class='blockButton' dojoAttachPoint='toDicButton'>${toDic}</button></td>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr>" +
"<td>" +
"<select dojoType='dijit.form.MultiSelect' id='${selectId}' " +
"class='dijitEditorSpellCheckBox listHeight' dojoAttachPoint='suggestionSelect'></select>" +
"</td>" +
"<td colspan='2'>" +
"<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' class='blockButton' dojoAttachPoint='replaceButton'>${replace}</button>" +
"<div class='topMargin'><button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' class='blockButton' " +
"dojoAttachPoint='replaceAllButton'>${replaceAll}</button><div>" +
"</td>" +
"</tr>" +
"<tr>" +
"<td><div class='topMargin'><button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' dojoAttachPoint='cancelButton'>${cancel}</button></div></td>" +
"<td></td>" +
"<td></td>" +
"</tr>" +
/** Framework Methods **/
constructor: function(){
// Indicate if the textbox ignores the text change event of the textbox
this.ignoreChange = false;
// Indicate if the text of the textbox is changed or not
this.isChanged = false;
// Indicate if the dialog is open or not
this.isOpen = false;
// Indicate if the dialog can be closed
this.closable = true;
postMixInProperties: function(){
this.id = dijit.getUniqueId(this.declaredClass.replace(/\./g,"_"));
this.textId = this.id + "_textBox";
this.selectId = this.id + "_select";
postCreate: function(){
var select = this.suggestionSelect;
// Customize multi-select to single select
dojo.removeAttr(select.domNode, "multiple");
select.addItems = function(/*Array*/ items){
// summary:
// Add items to the select widget
// items:
// An array of items be added to the select
// tags:
// public
var _this = this;
var o = null;
if(items && items.length > 0){
dojo.forEach(items, function(item, i){
o = dojo.create("option", {innerHTML: item, value: item}, _this.domNode);
if(i == 0){
o.selected = true;
select.removeItems = function(){
// summary:
// Remove all the items within the select widget
// tags:
// public
select.deselectAll = function(){
// summary:
// De-select all the selected items
// tags:
// public
this.containerNode.selectedIndex = -1;
// Connect up all the controls with their event handler
this.connect(this, "onKeyPress", "_cancel");
this.connect(this.unfoundTextBox, "onKeyPress", "_enter");
this.connect(this.unfoundTextBox, "onChange", "_unfoundTextBoxChange");
this.connect(this.suggestionSelect, "onKeyPress", "_enter");
this.connect(this.skipButton, "onClick", "onSkip");
this.connect(this.skipAllButton, "onClick", "onSkipAll");
this.connect(this.toDicButton, "onClick", "onAddToDic");
this.connect(this.replaceButton, "onClick", "onReplace");
this.connect(this.replaceAllButton, "onClick", "onReplaceAll");
this.connect(this.cancelButton, "onClick", "onCancel");
/** Public Methods **/
onSkip: function(){
// Stub for the click event of the skip button.
onSkipAll: function(){
// Stub for the click event of the skipAll button.
onAddToDic: function(){
// Stub for the click event of the toDic button.
onReplace: function(){
// Stub for the click event of the replace button.
onReplaceAll: function(){
// Stub for the click event of the replaceAll button.
onCancel: function(){
// Stub for the click event of the cancel button.
onEnter: function(){
// Stub for the enter event of the unFound textbox.
focus: function(){
// summary:
// Set the focus of the control
// tags:
// public
/** Private Methods **/
_cancel: function(/*Event*/ evt){
// summary:
// Handle the cancel event
// evt:
// The event object
// tags:
// private
if(evt.keyCode == dojo.keys.ESCAPE){
_enter: function(/*Event*/ evt){
// summary:
// Handle the enter event
// evt:
// The event object
// tags:
// private
if(evt.keyCode == dojo.keys.ENTER){
_unfoundTextBoxChange: function(){
// summary:
// Indicate that the Not Found textbox is changed or not
// tags:
// private
var id = this.textId + "_label";
dojo.byId(id).innerHTML = this["replaceWith"];
this.isChanged = true;
dojo.byId(id).innerHTML = this["unfound"];
_setUnfoundWordAttr: function(/*String*/ value){
// summary:
// Set the value of the Not Found textbox
// value:
// The value of the Not Found textbox
// tags:
// private
value = value || "";
this.unfoundTextBox.set("value", value);
_getUnfoundWordAttr: function(){
// summary:
// Get the value of the Not Found textbox
// tags:
// private
return this.unfoundTextBox.get("value");
_setSuggestionListAttr: function(/*Array*/ values){
// summary:
// Set the items of the suggestion list
// values:
// The list of the suggestion items
// tags:
// private
var select = this.suggestionSelect;
values = values || [];
_getSelectedWordAttr: function(){
// summary:
// Get the suggested word.
// If the select box is selected, the value is the selected item's value,
// else the value the the textbox's value
// tags:
// private
var selected = this.suggestionSelect.getSelected();
if(selected && selected.length > 0){
return selected[0].value;
return this.unfoundTextBox.get("value");
_setDisabledAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ disabled){
// summary:
// Enable/disable the control
// tags:
// private
this.skipButton.set("disabled", disabled);
this.skipAllButton.set("disabled", disabled);
this.toDicButton.set("disabled", disabled);
this.replaceButton.set("disabled", disabled);
this.replaceAllButton.set("disabled", disabled);
_setInProgressAttr: function(/*Boolean*/ show){
// summary:
// Set the visibility of the progress icon
// tags:
// private
var id = this.id + "_progressIcon",
cmd = show ? "removeClass" : "addClass";
dojo[cmd](id, "hidden");
dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins._SpellCheckScriptMultiPart", null, {
// summary:
// It is a base network service component. It transfers text to a remote service port
// with cross domain ability enabled. It can split text into specified pieces and send
// them out one by one so that it can handle the case when the service has a limitation of
// the capability.
// The encoding is UTF-8.
// ACTION [public const] String
// Actions for the server-side piece to take
ACTION_QUERY: "query",
ACTION_UPDATE: "update",
// callbackHandle [public] String
// The callback name of JSONP
callbackHandle: "callback",
// maxBufferLength [public] Number
// The max number of charactors that send to the service at one time.
maxBufferLength: 100,
// delimiter [public] String
// A token that is used to identify the end of a word (a complete unit). It prevents the service from
// cutting a single word into two parts. For example:
// "Dojo toolkit is a ajax framework. It helps the developers buid their web applications."
// Without the delimiter, the sentence might be split into the follow pieces which is absolutely
// not the result we want.
// "Dojo toolkit is a ajax fram", "ework It helps the developers bu", "id their web applications"
// Having " " as the delimiter, we get the following correct pieces.
// "Dojo toolkit is a ajax framework", " It helps the developers buid", " their web applications"
delimiter: " ",
// label [public] String
// The leading label of the JSON response. The service will return the result like this:
// {response: [
// {
// text: "teest",
// suggestion: ["test","treat"]
// }
// ]}
label: "response",
// _timeout [private] Number
// Set JSONP timeout period
_timeout: 30000,
SEC: 1000,
constructor: function(){
// The URL of the target service
this.serviceEndPoint = "";
// The queue that holds all the xhr request
this._queue = [];
// Indicate if the component is still working. For example, waiting for collecting all
// the responses from the service
this.isWorking = false;
// The extra command passed to the service
this.exArgs = null;
// The counter that indicate if all the responses are collected to
// assemble the final result.
this._counter = 0;
send: function(/*String*/ content, /*String?*/ action){
// summary:
// Send the content to the service port with the specified action
// content:
// The text to be sent
// action:
// The action the service should take. Current support actions are
// tags:
// public
var _this = this,
dt = this.delimiter,
mbl = this.maxBufferLength,
label = this.label,
serviceEndPoint = this.serviceEndPoint,
callbackParamName = this.callbackHandle,
comms = this.exArgs,
timeout = this._timeout,
l = 0, r = 0;
// Temparary list that holds the result returns from the service, which will be
// assembled into a completed one.
if(!this._result) {
this._result = [];
action = action || this.ACTION_QUERY;
var batchSend = function(){
var plan = [];
var plannedSize = 0;
if(content && content.length > 0){
_this.isWorking = true;
var len = content.length;
l = r + 1;
if((r += mbl) > len){
r = len;
// If there is no delimiter (emplty string), leave the right boundary where it is.
// Else extend the right boundary to the first occurance of the delimiter if
// it doesn't meet the end of the content.
while(dt && content.charAt(r) != dt && r <= len){
// Record the information of the text slices
plan.push({l: l, r: r});
}while(r < len);
dojo.forEach(plan, function(item, index){
var jsonpArgs = {
url: serviceEndPoint,
action: action,
timeout: timeout,
callbackParamName: callbackParamName,
handle: function(response, ioArgs){
if(++_this._counter <= this.size && !(response instanceof Error) &&
response[label] && dojo.isArray(response[label])){
// Collect the results
var offset = this.offset;
dojo.forEach(response[label], function(item){
item.offset += offset;
// Put the packages in order
_this._result[this.number]= response[label];
if(_this._counter == this.size){
_this.isWorking = false;
if(_this._queue.length > 0){
// Call the next request waiting in queue
jsonpArgs.content = comms ? dojo.mixin(comms, {action: action, content: content.substring(item.l - 1, item.r)}):
{action: action, content: content.substring(item.l - 1, item.r)};
jsonpArgs.size = plannedSize;
jsonpArgs.number = index; // The index of the current package
jsonpArgs.offset = item.l - 1;
_finalizeCollection: function(action){
// summary:
// Assemble the responses into one result.
// action:
// The action token
// tags:
// private
var result = this._result,
len = result.length;
// Turn the result into a one-dimensional array
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
var temp = result.shift();
result = result.concat(temp);
if(action == this.ACTION_QUERY){
this._counter = 0;
this._result = [];
onLoad: function(/*String*/ data){
// Stub method for a sucessful call
setWaitingTime: function(/*Number*/ seconds){
this._timeout = seconds * this.SEC;
dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins.SpellCheck", [dijit._editor._Plugin], {
// summary:
// This plugin provides a spelling check cabability for the editor.
// url [public] String
// The url of the spelling check service
url: "",
// bufferLength [public] Number
// The max length of each XHR request. It is used to divide the large
// text into pieces so that the server-side piece can hold.
bufferLength: 100,
// interactive [public] Boolean
// Indicate if the interactive spelling check is enabled
interactive: false,
// timeout [public] Number
// The minutes to waiting for the response. The default value is 30 seconds.
timeout: 30,
// button [protected] dijit.form.DropDownButton
// The button displayed on the editor's toolbar
button: null,
// _editor [private] dijit.Editor
// The reference to the editor the plug-in belongs to.
_editor: null,
// exArgs [private] Object
// The object that holds all the parametes passed into the constructor
exArgs: null,
// _cursorSpan [private] String
// The span that holds the current position of the cursor
"<span class=\"cursorPlaceHolder\"></span>",
// _cursorSelector [private] String
// The CSS selector of the cursor span
// _incorrectWordsSpan [private] String
// The wrapper that marks the incorrect words
"<span class='incorrectWordPlaceHolder'>${text}</span>",
// _ignoredIncorrectStyle [private] Object
// The style of the ignored incorrect words
{"cursor": "inherit", "borderBottom": "none", "backgroundColor": "transparent"},
// _normalIncorrectStyle [private] Object
// The style of the marked incorrect words.
{"cursor": "pointer", "borderBottom": "1px dotted red", "backgroundColor": "yellow"},
// _highlightedIncorrectStyle [private] Object
// The style of the highlighted incorrect words
{"borderBottom": "1px dotted red", "backgroundColor": "#b3b3ff"},
// _selector [private] String
// An empty CSS class that identifies the incorrect words
_selector: "incorrectWordPlaceHolder",
// _maxItemNumber [private] Number
// The max number of the suggestion list items
_maxItemNumber: 3,
/** Framework Methods **/
constructor: function(){
// A list that holds all the spans that contains the incorrect words
// It is used to select/replace the specified word.
this._spanList = [];
// The cache that stores all the words. It looks like the following
// {
// "word": [],
// "wrd": ["word", "world"]
// }
this._cache = {};
// Indicate if this plugin is enabled or not
this._enabled = true;
// The index of the _spanList
this._iterator = 0;
setEditor: function(/*dijit.Editor*/ editor){
this._editor = editor;
/** Private Methods **/
_initButton: function(){
// summary:
// Initialize the button displayed on the editor's toolbar
// tags:
// private
var _this = this,
strings = (this._strings = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojox.editor.plugins", "SpellCheck")),
dialogPane = (this._dialog = new dijit.TooltipDialog());
dialogPane.set("content", (this._dialogContent = new dojox.editor.plugins._spellCheckControl({
unfound: strings["unfound"],
skip: strings["skip"],
skipAll: strings["skipAll"],
toDic: strings["toDic"],
suggestions: strings["suggestions"],
replaceWith: strings["replaceWith"],
replace: strings["replace"],
replaceAll: strings["replaceAll"],
cancel: strings["cancel"]
this.button = new dijit.form.DropDownButton({
label: strings["widgetLabel"],
showLabel: false,
iconClass: "dijitEditorSpellCheckIcon",
dropDown: dialogPane,
id: dijit.getUniqueId(this.declaredClass.replace(/\./g,"_")) + "_dialogPane",
closeDropDown: function(focus){
// Determine if the dialog can be closed
_this._dialogContent.isOpen = false;
var pos = _this._iterator,
list = _this._spanList;
if(pos < list.length && pos >=0 ){
dojo.style(list[pos], _this._normalIncorrectStyle);
if(focus){ this.focus(); }
this._opened = false;
this.state = "";
_this._dialogContent.isOpen = false;
dialogPane.domNode.setAttribute("aria-label", this._strings["widgetLabel"]);
_setNetwork: function(){
// summary:
// Set up the underlying network service
// tags:
// private
var comms = this.exArgs;
var service = (this._service = new dojox.editor.plugins._SpellCheckScriptMultiPart());
service.serviceEndPoint = this.url;
service.maxBufferLength = this.bufferLength;
// Pass the other arguments directly to the service
delete comms.name;
delete comms.url;
delete comms.interactive;
delete comms.timeout;
service.exArgs = comms;
_connectUp: function(){
// summary:
// Connect up all the events with their event handlers
// tags:
// private
var editor = this._editor,
cont = this._dialogContent;
this.connect(this.button, "set", "_disabled");
this.connect(this._service, "onLoad", "_loadData");
this.connect(this._dialog, "onOpen", "_openDialog");
this.connect(editor, "onKeyPress", "_keyPress");
this.connect(editor, "onLoad", "_submitContent");
this.connect(cont, "onSkip", "_skip");
this.connect(cont, "onSkipAll", "_skipAll");
this.connect(cont, "onAddToDic", "_add");
this.connect(cont, "onReplace", "_replace");
this.connect(cont, "onReplaceAll", "_replaceAll");
this.connect(cont, "onCancel", "_cancel");
this.connect(cont, "onEnter", "_enter");
editor.contentPostFilters.push(this._spellCheckFilter); // Register the filter
dojo.publish(dijit._scopeName + ".Editor.plugin.SpellCheck.getParser", [this]); // Get the language parser
console.error("Can not get the word parser!");
/** Event Handlers **/
_disabled: function(name, disabled){
// summary:
// When the plugin is disabled (the button is disabled), reset all to their initial status.
// If the interactive mode is on, check the content once it is enabled.
// name:
// Command name
// disabled:
// Command argument
// tags:
// private
if(name == "disabled"){
this._iterator = 0;
this._spanList = [];
}else if(this.interactive && !disabled && this._service){
this._enabled = !disabled;
_keyPress: function(evt){
// summary:
// The handler of the onKeyPress event of the editor
// tags:
// private
var v = 118, V = 86,
cc = evt.charCode;
if(!evt.altKey && cc == dojo.keys.SPACE){
}else if((evt.ctrlKey && (cc == v || cc == V)) || (!evt.ctrlKey && evt.charCode)){
_loadData: function(/*Array*/ data){
// summary:
// Apply the query result to the content
// data:
// The result of the query
// tags:
// private
var cache = this._cache,
html = this._editor.get("value"),
cont = this._dialogContent;
this._iterator = 0;
// Update the local cache
dojo.forEach(data, function(d){
cache[d.text] = d.suggestion;
cache[d.text].correct = false;
// Mark incorrect words
cont.closable = false;
this._markIncorrectWords(html, cache);
cont.closable = true;
this._iterator = -1;
_openDialog: function(){
// summary:
// The handler of the onOpen event
var cont = this._dialogContent;
// Clear dialog content and disable it first
cont.ignoreChange = true;
cont.set("unfoundWord", "");
cont.set("suggestionList", null);
cont.set("disabled", true);
cont.set("inProgress", true);
cont.isOpen = true; // Indicate that the dialog is open
cont.closable = false;
cont.closable = true;
_skip: function(/*Event?*/ evt, /*Boolean?*/ noUpdate){
// summary:
// Ignore this word and move to the next unignored one.
// evt:
// The event object
// noUpdate:
// Indicate whether to update the status of the span list or not
// tags:
// private
var cont = this._dialogContent,
list = this._spanList || [],
len = list.length,
iter = this._iterator;
cont.closable = false;
cont.isChanged = false;
cont.ignoreChange = true;
// Skip the current word
if(!noUpdate && iter >= 0 && iter < len){
// Move to the next
while(++iter < len && list[iter].edited == true){ /* do nothing */}
if(iter < len){
this._iterator = iter;
// Reaches the end of the list
this._iterator = -1;
cont.set("unfoundWord", this._strings["msg"]);
cont.set("suggestionList", null);
cont.set("disabled", true);
cont.set("inProgress", false);
// When moving the focus out of the iframe in WebKit browsers, we
// need to focus something else first. So the textbox
// can be focused correctly.
if(dojo.isWebKit) { cont.skipButton.focus(); }
cont.ignoreChange = false;
cont.closable = true;
}, 0);
_skipAll: function(){
// summary:
// Ignore all the same words
// tags:
// private
this._dialogContent.closable = false;
_add: function(){
// summary:
// Add the unrecognized word into the dictionary
// tags:
// private
var cont = this._dialogContent;
cont.closable = false;
cont.isOpen = true;
this._addWord(this._iterator, cont.get("unfoundWord"));
_replace: function(){
// summary:
// Replace the incorrect word with the selected one,
// or the one the user types in the textbox
// tags:
// private
var cont = this._dialogContent,
iter = this._iterator,
targetWord = cont.get("selectedWord");
cont.closable = false;
this._replaceWord(iter, targetWord);
this._skip(null, true);
_replaceAll: function(){
// summary:
// Replace all the words with the same text
// tags:
// private
var cont = this._dialogContent,
list = this._spanList,
len = list.length,
word = list[this._iterator].innerHTML.toLowerCase(),
targetWord = cont.get("selectedWord");
cont.closable = false;
for(var iter = 0; iter < len; iter++){
// If this word is not ignored and is the same as the source word,
// replace it.
if(list[iter].innerHTML.toLowerCase() == word){
this._replaceWord(iter, targetWord);
this._skip(null, true);
_cancel: function(){
// summary:
// Cancel this check action
// tags:
// private
this._dialogContent.closable = true;
_enter: function(){
// summary:
// Handle the ENTER event
// tags:
// private
/** Utils **/
_query: function(/*String*/ html){
// summary:
// Send the query text to the service. The query text is a string of words
// separated by space.
// html:
// The html value of the editor
// tags:
// private
var service = this._service,
cache = this._cache,
words = this.parser.parseIntoWords(this._html2Text(html)) || [];
var content = [];
dojo.forEach(words, function(word){
word = word.toLowerCase();
// New word that need to be send to the server side for check
cache[word] = [];
cache[word].correct = true;
if(content.length > 0){
service.send(content.join(" "));
}else if(!service.isWorking){
_html2Text: function(html){
// summary:
// Substitute the tag with white charactors so that the server
// can easily process the text. For example:
// "<a src="sample.html">Hello, world!</a>" ==>
// " Hello, world! "
// html:
// The html code
// tags:
// private
var text = [],
isTag = false,
len = html ? html.length : 0;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
if(html.charAt(i) == "<"){ isTag = true; }
if(isTag == true){
text.push(" ");
if(html.charAt(i) == ">"){ isTag = false; }
return text.join("");
_getBookmark: function(/*String*/ eValue){
// summary:
// Get the cursor position. It is the index of the characters
// where the cursor is.
// eValue:
// The html value of the editor
// tags:
// private
var ed = this._editor,
cp = this._cursorSpan;
ed.execCommand("inserthtml", cp);
var nv = ed.get("value"),
index = nv.indexOf(cp),
i = -1;
while(++i < index && eValue.charAt(i) == nv.charAt(i)){ /* do nothing */}
return i;
_moveToBookmark: function(){
// summary:
// Move to the position when the cursor was.
// tags:
// private
var ed = this._editor,
cps = dojo.withGlobal(ed.window, "query", dojo, ["." + this._cursorSelector]),
cursorSpan = cps && cps[0];
// Find the cursor place holder
ed._sCall("selectElement", [cursorSpan]);
ed._sCall("collapse", [true]);
var parent = cursorSpan.parentNode;
if(parent){ parent.removeChild(cursorSpan); }
_submitContent: function(/*Boolean?*/ delay){
// summary:
// Functions to submit the content of the editor
// delay:
// Indicate if the action is taken immediately or not
// tags:
// private
var _this = this,
interval = 3000;
this._delayHandler = null;
setTimeout(function(){ _this._query(_this._editor.get("value")); }, interval);
_populateDialog: function(index){
// summary:
// Populate the content of the dailog
// index:
// The idex of the span list
// tags:
// private
var list = this._spanList,
cache = this._cache,
cont = this._dialogContent;
cont.set("disabled", false);
if(index < list.length && list.length > 0){
var word = list[index].innerHTML;
cont.set("unfoundWord", word);
cont.set("suggestionList", cache[word.toLowerCase()]);
cont.set("inProgress", false);
_markIncorrectWords: function(/*String*/ html, /*Object*/ cache){
// summary:
// Mark the incorrect words and set up menus if available
// html:
// The html value of the editor
// cache:
// The local word cache
// tags:
// private
var _this = this,
parser = this.parser,
editor = this._editor,
spanString = this._incorrectWordsSpan,
nstyle = this._normalIncorrectStyle,
selector = this._selector,
words = parser.parseIntoWords(this._html2Text(html).toLowerCase()),
indices = parser.getIndices(),
bookmark = this._cursorSpan,
bmpos = this._getBookmark(html),
spanOffset = "<span class='incorrectWordPlaceHolder'>".length,
bmMarked = false,
cArray = html.split(""),
spanList = null;
// Mark the incorrect words and cursor position
for(var i = words.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
var word = words[i];
if(cache[word] && !cache[word].correct){
var offset = indices[i],
len = words[i].length,
end = offset + len;
if(end <= bmpos && !bmMarked){
cArray.splice(bmpos, 0, bookmark);
bmMarked = true;
cArray.splice(offset, len, dojo.string.substitute(spanString, {text: html.substring(offset, end)}));
if(offset < bmpos && bmpos < end && !bmMarked){
var tmp = cArray[offset].split("");
tmp.splice(spanOffset + bmpos - offset, 0, bookmark);
cArray[offset] = tmp.join("");
bmMarked = true;
cArray.splice(bmpos, 0, bookmark);
bmMarked = true;
editor.set("value", cArray.join(""));
editor._cursorToStart = false; // HACK! But really necessary here.
// Get the incorrect words <span>
spanList = this._spanList = dojo.withGlobal(editor.window, "query", dojo, ["." + this._selector]);
dojo.forEach(spanList, function(span, i){ span.id = selector + i; });
// Set them to the incorrect word style
if(!this.interactive){ delete nstyle.cursor; }
// Build the context menu
_this._contextMenu = null;
_this._contextMenu = new dijit.Menu({
targetNodeIds: [editor.iframe],
bindDomNode: function(/*String|DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// Attach menu to given node
node = dojo.byId(node);
var cn; // Connect node
// Support context menus on iframes. Rather than binding to the iframe itself we need
// to bind to the <body> node inside the iframe.
var iframe, win;
if(node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "iframe"){
iframe = node;
win = this._iframeContentWindow(iframe);
cn = dojo.withGlobal(win, dojo.body);
// To capture these events at the top level, attach to <html>, not <body>.
// Otherwise right-click context menu just doesn't work.
cn = (node == dojo.body() ? dojo.doc.documentElement : node);
// "binding" is the object to track our connection to the node (ie, the parameter to bindDomNode())
var binding = {
node: node,
iframe: iframe
// Save info about binding in _bindings[], and make node itself record index(+1) into
// _bindings[] array. Prefix w/_dijitMenu to avoid setting an attribute that may
// start with a number, which fails on FF/safari.
dojo.attr(node, "_dijitMenu" + this.id, this._bindings.push(binding));
// Setup the connections to monitor click etc., unless we are connecting to an iframe which hasn't finished
// loading yet, in which case we need to wait for the onload event first, and then connect
// On linux Shift-F10 produces the oncontextmenu event, but on Windows it doesn't, so
// we need to monitor keyboard events in addition to the oncontextmenu event.
var doConnects = dojo.hitch(this, function(cn){
return [
// TODO: when leftClickToOpen is true then shouldn't space/enter key trigger the menu,
// rather than shift-F10?
dojo.connect(cn, this.leftClickToOpen ? "onclick" : "oncontextmenu", this, function(evt){
var target = evt.target,
strings = _this._strings;
// Schedule context menu to be opened unless it's already been scheduled from onkeydown handler
if(dojo.hasClass(target, selector) && !target.edited){ // Click on the incorrect word
// Build the on-demand menu items
var maxNumber = _this._maxItemNumber,
id = target.id,
index = id.substring(selector.length),
suggestions = cache[target.innerHTML.toLowerCase()],
slen = suggestions.length;
// Add the suggested words menu items
if(slen == 0){
this.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
label: strings["iMsg"],
disabled: true
for(var i = 0 ; i < maxNumber && i < slen; i++){
this.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
label: suggestions[i],
onClick: (function(){
var idx = index, txt = suggestions[i];
return function(){
_this._replaceWord(idx, txt);
//Add the other action menu items
this.addChild(new dijit.MenuSeparator());
this.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
label: strings["iSkip"],
onClick: function(){
this.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
label: strings["iSkipAll"],
onClick: function(){
this.addChild(new dijit.MenuSeparator());
this.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
label: strings["toDic"],
onClick: function(){
this._scheduleOpen(target, iframe, {x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY});
dojo.connect(cn, "onkeydown", this, function(evt){
if(evt.shiftKey && evt.keyCode == dojo.keys.F10){
this._scheduleOpen(evt.target, iframe); // no coords - open near target node
binding.connects = cn ? doConnects(cn) : [];
// Setup handler to [re]bind to the iframe when the contents are initially loaded,
// and every time the contents change.
// Need to do this b/c we are actually binding to the iframe's <body> node.
// Note: can't use dojo.connect(), see #9609.
binding.onloadHandler = dojo.hitch(this, function(){
// want to remove old connections, but IE throws exceptions when trying to
// access the <body> node because it's already gone, or at least in a state of limbo
var win = this._iframeContentWindow(iframe);
cn = dojo.withGlobal(win, dojo.body);
binding.connects = doConnects(cn);
iframe.addEventListener("load", binding.onloadHandler, false);
iframe.attachEvent("onload", binding.onloadHandler);
_selectWord: function(index){
// summary:
// Select the incorrect word. Move to it and highlight it
// index:
// The index of the span list
// tags:
// private
var list = this._spanList,
win = this._editor.window;
if(index < list.length && list.length > 0){
dojo.withGlobal(win, "selectElement", dijit._editor.selection, [list[index]]);
dojo.withGlobal(win, "collapse", dijit._editor.selection, [true]);
this._findText(list[index].innerHTML, false, false);
// Because the selection in the iframe will be lost when the outer window get the
// focus, we need to mimic the highlight ourselves.
dojo.style(list[index], this._highlightedIncorrectStyle);
_replaceWord: function(index, text){
// summary:
// Replace the word at the given index with the text
// index:
// The index of the span list
// text:
// The text to be replaced with
// tags:
// private
var list = this._spanList;
list[index].innerHTML = text;
dojo.style(list[index], this._ignoredIncorrectStyle);
list[index].edited = true;
_skipWord: function(index){
// summary:
// Skip the word at the index
// index:
// The index of the span list
// tags:
// private
var list = this._spanList;
dojo.style(list[index], this._ignoredIncorrectStyle);
this._cache[list[index].innerHTML.toLowerCase()].correct = true;
list[index].edited = true;
_skipWordAll: function(index, /*String?*/word){
// summary:
// Skip the all the word that have the same text as the word at the index
// or the given word
// index:
// The index of the span list
// word:
// If this argument is given, skip all the words that have the same text
// as the word
// tags:
// private
var list = this._spanList,
len = list.length;
word = word || list[index].innerHTML.toLowerCase();
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
if(!list[i].edited && list[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase() == word){
_addWord: function(index, /*String?*/word){
// summary:
// Add the word at the index to the dictionary
// index:
// The index of the span list
// word:
// If this argument is given, add the word to the dictionary and
// skip all the words like it
// tags:
// private
var service = this._service;
service.send(word || this._spanList[index].innerHTML.toLowerCase(), service.ACTION_UPDATE);
this._skipWordAll(index, word);
_findText: function(/*String*/ txt, /*Boolean*/ caseSensitive, /*Boolean*/ backwards){
// summary:
// This function invokes a find with specific options
// txt: String
// The text to locate in the document.
// caseSensitive: Boolean
// Whether or ot to search case-sensitively.
// backwards: Boolean
// Whether or not to search backwards in the document.
// tags:
// private.
// returns:
// Boolean indicating if the content was found or not.
var ed = this._editor,
win = ed.window,
found = false;
found = win.find(txt, caseSensitive, backwards, false, false, false, false);
var doc = ed.document;
/* IE */
// Focus to restore position/selection,
// then shift to search from current position.
var txtRg = doc.body.createTextRange();
var curPos = doc.selection?doc.selection.createRange():null;
txtRg.setEndPoint("EndToStart", curPos);
txtRg.setEndPoint("StartToEnd", curPos);
var flags = caseSensitive?4:0;
flags = flags | 1;
//flags = flags |
found = txtRg.findText(txt,txtRg.text.length,flags);
return found;
_spellCheckFilter: function(/*String*/ value){
// summary:
// Filter out the incorrect word style so that the value of the edtior
// won't include the spans that wrap around the incorrect words
// value:
// The html value of the editor
// tags:
// private
var regText = /<span class=["']incorrectWordPlaceHolder["'].*?>(.*?)<\/span>/g;
return value.replace(regText, "$1");
// Register this plugin.
dojo.subscribe(dijit._scopeName + ".Editor.getPlugin",null,function(o){
if(o.plugin){ return; }
var name = o.args.name.toLowerCase();
if(name === "spellcheck"){
o.plugin = new dojox.editor.plugins.SpellCheck({
url: ("url" in o.args) ? o.args.url : "",
interactive: ("interactive" in o.args) ? o.args.interactive : false,
bufferLength: ("bufferLength" in o.args) ? o.args.bufferLength: 100,
timeout: ("timeout" in o.args) ? o.args.timeout : 30,
exArgs: o.args