295 lines
9.6 KiB
295 lines
9.6 KiB
// wrapped by build app
define("dojox/editor/plugins/ResizeTableColumn", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dojox/editor/plugins/TablePlugins"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){
dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins.ResizeTableColumn", dojox.editor.plugins.TablePlugins, {
constructor: function(){
// summary:
// Because IE will ignore the cursor style when the editMode of the document is on,
// we need to create a div within the outer document to mimic the behavior of drag&drop
this.isLtr = this.dir ? (this.dir == "ltr") : dojo._isBodyLtr();
this.ruleDiv = dojo.create("div",
{style: "top: -10000px; z-index: 10001"},
dojo.body(), "last");
setEditor: function(editor){
// summary:
// Handle the drag&drop events
// editor:
// The editor which this plugin belongs to
// tags:
// protected
var ruleDiv = this.ruleDiv;
this.editor = editor;
this.editor.customUndo = true;
// The content of the editor is loaded asynchronously, so the function
// should be called when it is loaded.
editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
this.connect(this.editor.editNode, "onmousemove", function(evt){
var editorCoords = dojo.coords(editor.iframe, true),
ex = editorCoords.x, cx = evt.clientX;
// If it is just a movement, put the div at the edge of the
// target cell so that when the cursor hover on it, it will
// change to the col-resize style.
var obj = evt.target;
if(obj.tagName && obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == "td"){
var objCoords = dojo.coords(obj), ox = objCoords.x, ow = objCoords.w,
pos = ex + objCoords.x - 2;
ruleDiv.headerColumn = true;
if(!isBoundary(obj, "first") || cx > ox + ow / 2){
pos += ow;
ruleDiv.headerColumn = false;
ruleDiv.headerColumn = false;
if(isBoundary(obj, "first") && cx > ox + ow / 2){
pos += ow;
ruleDiv.headerColumn = true;
dojo.style(ruleDiv, {
position: "absolute",
cursor: "col-resize",
display: "block",
width: "4px",
backgroundColor: "transparent",
top: editorCoords.y + objCoords.y + "px",
left: pos + "px",
height: objCoords.h + "px"
this.activeCell = obj;
dojo.style(ruleDiv, {display: "none", top: "-10000px"});
// Begin to drag&drop
var activeCell = this.activeCell,
activeCoords = dojo.coords(activeCell), ax = activeCoords.x, aw = activeCoords.w,
sibling = nextSibling(activeCell), siblingCoords, sx, sw,
containerCoords = dojo.coords(getTable(activeCell).parentNode),
ctx = containerCoords.x, ctw = containerCoords.w;
siblingCoords = dojo.coords(sibling);
sx = siblingCoords.x;
sw = siblingCoords.w;
// The leading and trailing columns can only be sized to the extent of the containing div.
if(this.isLtr &&
((ruleDiv.headerColumn && sibling && ctx < cx && cx < ax + aw) ||
((!sibling && ax < cx && cx < ctx + ctw) || (sibling && ax < cx && cx < sx + sw))) ||
!this.isLtr &&
((ruleDiv.headerColumn && sibling && ctx > cx && cx > ax) ||
((!sibling && ax + aw > cx && cx > ctx) || (sibling && ax + aw > cx && cx > sx)))){
dojo.style(ruleDiv, {left: ex + cx + "px"});
this.connect(ruleDiv, "onmousedown", function(evt){
var editorCoords = dojo.coords(editor.iframe, true),
tableCoords = dojo.coords(getTable(this.activeCell));
this.isDragging = true;
dojo.style(editor.editNode, {cursor: "col-resize"});
dojo.style(ruleDiv, {
width: "1px",
left: evt.clientX + "px",
top: editorCoords.y + tableCoords.y + "px",
height: tableCoords.h + "px",
backgroundColor: "#777"
this.connect(ruleDiv, "onmouseup", function(evt){
var activeCell = this.activeCell,
activeCoords = dojo.coords(activeCell), aw = activeCoords.w, ax = activeCoords.x,
sibling = nextSibling(activeCell), siblingCoords, sx, sw,
editorCoords = dojo.coords(editor.iframe), ex = editorCoords.x,
table = getTable(activeCell), tableCoords = dojo.coords(table),
cs = table.getAttribute("cellspacing"),
cx = evt.clientX,
headerCell = getHeaderCell(activeCell), headerSibling,
newWidth, newSiblingWidth;
if(!cs || (cs = parseInt(cs, 10)) < 0){ cs = 2; }
siblingCoords = dojo.coords(sibling);
sx = siblingCoords.x;
sw = siblingCoords.w;
headerSibling = getHeaderCell(sibling);
// The delta width is either taken from or added to the adjacent column on the trailing edge.
// Sizing the rightmost or leftmost columns affects only those columns.
newWidth = ex + ax + aw - cx;
newWidth = cx - ex - ax;
if(sibling) { newSiblingWidth = ex + sx + sw - cx - cs; }
newWidth = cx - ex - ax;
newWidth = ex + ax + aw - cx;
if(sibling) { newSiblingWidth = cx - ex - sx - cs; }
this.isDragging = false;
marginBox(headerCell, newWidth);
marginBox(headerSibling, newSiblingWidth);
if(ruleDiv.headerColumn && isBoundary(activeCell, "first") || isBoundary(activeCell, "last")){
dojo.marginBox(table, {w: tableCoords.w + newWidth - aw});
// Do it again to consolidate the result,
// because maybe the cell cannot be so narrow as you specified.
marginBox(headerCell, dojo.coords(activeCell).w);
marginBox(headerSibling, dojo.coords(sibling).w);
dojo.style(editor.editNode, {cursor: "auto"});
dojo.style(ruleDiv, {display: "none", top: "-10000px"});
this.activeCell = null;
function isBoundary(/*DomNode*/ n, /*String*/ b){
// summary:
// Check if the current cell is in the first column or
// in the last column.
// n:
// The node of a table cell
// b:
// Indicate if the cell node is compared with the first coluln
// or the last column
var nodes = dojo.withGlobal(editor.window, "query", dojo, ["> td", n.parentNode]);
case "first":
return nodes[0] == n;
case "last":
return nodes[nodes.length - 1] == n;
return false;
function nextSibling(/*DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// Get the next cell in row
// node:
// The table cell
node = node.nextSibling
if(node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "td"){
node = node.nextSibling
return node;
function getTable(/*DomNode*/ t){
// summary:
// Get the table that this cell belongs to.
// t:
// The table cell
while((t = t.parentNode) && t.tagName.toLowerCase() != "table"){}
return t;
function getHeaderCell(/*DomNode*/ t){
// summary:
// Get the table cell in the first row that shares the same
// column with the node t.
// t:
// The node of the table cell
var tds = dojo.withGlobal(editor.window, "query", dojo, ["td", getTable(t)]),
len = tds.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){
if(dojo.coords(tds[i]).x == dojo.coords(t).x){
return tds[i];
return null;
function marginBox(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Number*/ width){
// summary:
// In IE, if the border width of the td is not specified in table, the default value is 1px,
// though it is marked "medium".
// node:
// The node to be set width
// width:
// The new width of the node
var s = node.currentStyle,
bl = px(node, s.borderLeftWidth), br = px(node, s.borderRightWidth),
pl = px(node, s.paddingLeft), pr = px(node, s.paddingRight);
node.style.width = width - bl - br - pl - pr;
dojo.marginBox(node, {w: width});
function px(element, avalue){
if(!avalue){ return 0; }
if(avalue == "medium"){ return 1; }
// style values can be floats, client code may
// want to round this value for integer pixels.
if(avalue.slice && avalue.slice(-2) == 'px'){ return parseFloat(avalue); }
var sLeft = style.left;
var rsLeft = runtimeStyle.left;
runtimeStyle.left = currentStyle.left;
// 'avalue' may be incompatible with style.left, which can cause IE to throw
// this has been observed for border widths using "thin", "medium", "thick" constants
// those particular constants could be trapped by a lookup
// but perhaps there are more
style.left = avalue;
avalue = style.pixelLeft;
avalue = 0;
style.left = sLeft;
runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;
return avalue;
dojo.subscribe(dijit._scopeName + ".Editor.getPlugin",null,function(o){
if(o.plugin){ return; }
// make first character lower case
if(o.args && o.args.command){
var cmd = o.args.command.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + o.args.command.substring(1, o.args.command.length);
if(cmd == "resizeTableColumn"){
o.plugin = new dojox.editor.plugins.ResizeTableColumn({commandName: cmd});