2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

353 lines
12 KiB

define("dojox/editor/plugins/LocalImage", [
"dojox/form/FileUploader", //FIXME: deprecated. Use Uploader instead
], function(dojo, dijit, registry, popup, _Plugin, LinkDialog, TooltipDialog,
_TextBoxMixin, Button, ValidationTextBox, DropDownButton,
connect, declare, has, FileUploader, messages) {
var LocalImage = dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins.LocalImage", LinkDialog.ImgLinkDialog, {
// summary:
// This plugin provides an enhanced image link dialog that
// not only insert the online images, but upload the local image files onto
// to server then insert them as well.
// Dependencies:
// This plugin depends on dojox.form.FileUploader to upload the images on the local driver.
// Do the regression test whenever FileUploader is upgraded.
// uploadable [public] Boolean
// Indicate whether the user can upload a local image file onto the server.
// If it is set to true, the Browse button will be available.
uploadable: false,
// uploadUrl [public] String
// The url targeted for uploading. Both absolute and relative URLs are OK.
uploadUrl: "",
// baseImageUrl [public] String
// The prefix of the image url on the server.
// For example, an image is uploaded and stored at the following location
// http://www.myhost.com/images/uploads/test.jpg.
// When the image is uploaded, the server returns "uploads/test.jpg" as the
// relative path. So the baseImageUrl should be set to "http://www.myhost.com/images/"
// so that the client can retrieve the image from the server.
// If the image file is located on the same domain as that of the current web page,
// baseImageUrl can be a relative path. For example:
// baseImageUrl = images/
// and the server returns uploads/test.jpg
// The complete URL of the image file is images/upload/test.jpg
baseImageUrl: "",
// fileMask [public] String
// Specify the types of images that are allowed to be uploaded.
// Note that the type checking on server is also very important!
fileMask: "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp",
// urlRegExp [protected] String
// Used to validate if the input is a valid image URL.
urlRegExp: "",
// htmlFieldName [private] htmlFieldName
// _isLocalFile [private] Boolean
// Indicate if a local file is to be uploaded to the server
// If false, the text of _urlInput field is regarded as the
// URL of the online image
_isLocalFile: false,
// _messages [private] Array<String>
// Contains i18n strings.
_messages: "",
// _cssPrefix [private] String
// The prefix of the CSS style
_cssPrefix: "dijitEditorEilDialog",
// _closable [private] Boolean
// Indicate if the tooltip dialog can be closed. Used to workaround Safari 5 bug
// where the file dialog doesn't pop up in modal until after the first click.
_closable: true,
// linkDialogTemplate [protected] String
// Over-ride for template since this is an enhanced image dialog.
linkDialogTemplate: [
"<div style='border-bottom: 1px solid black; padding-bottom: 2pt; margin-bottom: 4pt;'></div>", // <hr/> breaks the dialog in IE6
"<div class='dijitEditorEilDialogDescription'>${prePopuTextUrl}${prePopuTextBrowse}</div>",
"<table><tr><td colspan='2'>",
"<label for='${id}_urlInput' title='${prePopuTextUrl}${prePopuTextBrowse}'>${url}</label>",
"</td></tr><tr><td class='dijitEditorEilDialogField'>",
"<input dojoType='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' class='dijitEditorEilDialogField'" +
"regExp='${urlRegExp}' title='${prePopuTextUrl}${prePopuTextBrowse}' selectOnClick='true' required='true' " +
"id='${id}_urlInput' name='urlInput' intermediateChanges='true' invalidMessage='${invalidMessage}' " +
"<div id='${id}_browse' style='display:${uploadable}'>${browse}</div>",
"</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>",
"<label for='${id}_textInput'>${text}</label>",
"<input dojoType='dijit.form.TextBox' required='false' id='${id}_textInput' " +
"name='textInput' intermediateChanges='true' selectOnClick='true' class='dijitEditorEilDialogField'>",
"</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>",
"<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' id='${id}_setButton'>${set}</button>",
_initButton: function(){
// summary:
// Override _Plugin._initButton() to initialize DropDownButton and TooltipDialog.
// tags:
// protected
var _this = this;
this._messages = messages;
this.tag = "img";
var dropDown = (this.dropDown = new TooltipDialog({
title: messages[this.command + "Title"],
onOpen: function(){
TooltipDialog.prototype.onOpen.apply(this, arguments);
// Auto-select the text if it is not empty
_this._urlInput.isLoadComplete = true;
}, 0);
onClose: function(){
_this.blurHandler = null;
onCancel: function(){
setTimeout(dojo.hitch(_this, "_onCloseDialog"),0);
var label = this.getLabel(this.command),
className = this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + this.command.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.command.substr(1),
props = dojo.mixin({
label: label,
showLabel: false,
iconClass: className,
dropDown: this.dropDown,
tabIndex: "-1"
}, this.params || {});
// Workaround for Non-IE problem:
// Safari 5: After the select-file dialog opens, the first time the user clicks anywhere (even on that dialog)
// it's treated like a plain click on the page, and the tooltip dialog closes
// FF & Chrome: the select-file dialog does not block the execution of JS
props.closeDropDown = function(/*Boolean*/ focus){
if(focus){ this.focus(); }
this._opened = false;
this.state = "";
setTimeout(function(){ _this._closable = true; }, 10);
this.button = new DropDownButton(props);
// Generate the RegExp of the ValidationTextBox from fileMask
// *.jpg;*.png => /.*\.jpg|.*\.JPG|.*\.png|.*\.PNG/
var masks = this.fileMask.split(";"),
temp = "";
dojo.forEach(masks, function(m){
m = m.replace(/\./, "\\.").replace(/\*/g, ".*");
temp += "|" + m + "|" + m.toUpperCase();
messages.urlRegExp = this.urlRegExp = temp.substring(1);
messages.prePopuTextBrowse = ".";
messages.id = registry.getUniqueId(this.editor.id);
messages.uploadable = this.uploadable ? "inline" : "none";
this._uniqueId = messages.id;
this._setContent("<div class='" + this._cssPrefix + "Title'>" + dropDown.title + "</div>" +
dojo.string.substitute(this.linkDialogTemplate, messages));
var urlInput = (this._urlInput = registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_urlInput"));
this._textInput = registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_textInput");
this._setButton = registry.byId(this._uniqueId + "_setButton");
var pt = ValidationTextBox.prototype;
urlInput = dojo.mixin(urlInput, {
// Indicate if the widget is ready to validate the input text
isLoadComplete: false,
isValid: function(isFocused){
return pt.isValid.apply(this, arguments);
return this.get("value").length > 0;
reset: function(){
this.isLoadComplete = false;
pt.reset.apply(this, arguments);
this.connect(urlInput, "onKeyDown", "_cancelFileUpload");
this.connect(urlInput, "onChange", "_checkAndFixInput");
this.connect(this._setButton, "onClick", "_checkAndSetValue");
_initialFileUploader: function(){
// summary:
// Initialize the FileUploader and connect up its events
// tags:
// private
var fup = null,
_this = this,
widgetId = _this._uniqueId,
fUpId = widgetId + "_browse",
urlInput = _this._urlInput;
if(_this.uploadable && !_this._fileUploader){
fup = _this._fileUploader = new FileUploader({
force: "html", // Noticed that SWF may cause browsers to crash sometimes
uploadUrl: _this.uploadUrl,
htmlFieldName: _this.htmlFieldName,
uploadOnChange: false,
selectMultipleFiles: false,
showProgress: true
}, fUpId);
// TooltipDialog will call reset on all the widgets contained within it.
// Have FileUploader be responsive to this call.
fup.reset = function(){
_this._isLocalFile = false;
_this.connect(fup, "onClick", function(){
// Firefox, Chrome and Safari have a strange behavior:
// When the File Upload dialog is open, the browse div (FileUploader) will lose its focus
// and triggers onBlur event. This event will cause the whole tooltip dialog
// to be closed when the File Upload dialog is open. The popup dialog should hang up
// the js execution rather than triggering an event. IE does not have such a problem.
_this._closable = false;
_this.connect(fup, "onChange", function(data){
_this._isLocalFile = true;
urlInput.set("value", data[0].name); //Single selection
_this.connect(fup, "onComplete", function(data){
var urlPrefix = _this.baseImageUrl;
urlPrefix = urlPrefix && urlPrefix.charAt(urlPrefix.length - 1) == "/" ? urlPrefix : urlPrefix + "/";
urlInput.set("value", urlPrefix + data[0].file); //Single selection
_this._isLocalFile = false;
_this.connect(fup, "onError", function(evtObject){
// summary:
// Fires on errors
console.log("Error occurred when uploading image file!");
_checkAndFixInput: function(){
// summray:
// Over-ride the original method
this._setButton.set("disabled", !this._isValid());
_isValid: function(){
// summray:
// Invalid cases: URL is not ended with the suffix listed
return this._urlInput.isValid();
_cancelFileUpload: function(){
this._isLocalFile = false;
_checkAndSetValue: function(){
// summray:
// Determine if a local file is to be uploaded.
// If a local file is to be uploaded, do not close the dialog
// until the file uploading is finished. Else, insert the image directly into the editor.
// tags:
// private
if(this._fileUploader && this._isLocalFile){
_setDialogStatus: function(/*Boolean*/ value){
this._urlInput.set("disabled", !value);
this._textInput.set("disabled", !value);
this._setButton.set("disabled", !value);
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// Cleanup of the plugin.
delete this._fileUploader;
// Register this plugin.
_Plugin.registry["LocalImage"] = function(args){
return new LocalImage({
command: "insertImage",
uploadable: ("uploadable" in args) ? args.uploadable : false,
uploadUrl: ("uploadable" in args && "uploadUrl" in args) ? args.uploadUrl : "",
htmlFieldName: ("uploadable" in args && "htmlFieldName" in args) ? args.htmlFieldName : "uploadedfile",
baseImageUrl: ("uploadable" in args && "baseImageUrl" in args) ? args.baseImageUrl : "",
fileMask: ("fileMask" in args) ? args.fileMask : "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp"
return LocalImage;