454 lines
14 KiB
454 lines
14 KiB
define("dojox/editor/plugins/InsertAnchor", [
"dijit/_base/manager", // TODO: change to dijit/registry, and change dijit.byId to registry.byId
], function(dojo, dijit, dojox) {
dojo.declare("dojox.editor.plugins.InsertAnchor", dijit._editor._Plugin, {
// summary:
// This plugin provides the basis for an insert anchor dialog for the
// dijit.Editor
// description:
// The command provided by this plugin is:
// * insertAnchor
// htmlTemplate: [protected] String
// String used for templating the HTML to insert at the desired point.
htmlTemplate: "<a name=\"${anchorInput}\" class=\"dijitEditorPluginInsertAnchorStyle\">${textInput}</a>",
// iconClassPrefix: [const] String
// The CSS class name for the button node icon.
iconClassPrefix: "dijitAdditionalEditorIcon",
// linkDialogTemplate: [private] String
// Template for contents of TooltipDialog to pick URL
_template: [
"<label for='${id}_anchorInput'>${anchor}</label>",
"<input dojoType='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' required='true' " +
"id='${id}_anchorInput' name='anchorInput' intermediateChanges='true'>",
"<label for='${id}_textInput'>${text}</label>",
"<input dojoType='dijit.form.ValidationTextBox' required='true' id='${id}_textInput' " +
"name='textInput' intermediateChanges='true'>",
"<tr><td colspan='2'>",
"<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' type='submit' id='${id}_setButton'>${set}</button>",
"<button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' type='button' id='${id}_cancelButton'>${cancel}</button>",
_initButton: function(){
// Override _Plugin._initButton() to initialize DropDownButton and TooltipDialog.
var _this = this;
var messages = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojox.editor.plugins", "InsertAnchor", this.lang);
// Build the dropdown dialog we'll use for the button
var dropDown = (this.dropDown = new dijit.TooltipDialog({
title: messages["title"],
execute: dojo.hitch(this, "setValue"),
onOpen: function(){
dijit.TooltipDialog.prototype.onOpen.apply(this, arguments);
onCancel: function(){
setTimeout(dojo.hitch(_this, "_onCloseDialog"),0);
this.button = new dijit.form.DropDownButton({
label: messages["insertAnchor"],
showLabel: false,
iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "InsertAnchor",
tabIndex: "-1",
dropDown: this.dropDown
messages.id = dijit.getUniqueId(this.editor.id);
this._uniqueId = messages.id;
this.dropDown.set('content', dropDown.title +
"<div style='border-bottom: 1px black solid;padding-bottom:2pt;margin-bottom:4pt'></div>" +
dojo.string.substitute(this._template, messages));
this._anchorInput = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_anchorInput");
this._textInput = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_textInput");
this._setButton = dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_setButton");
this.connect(dijit.byId(this._uniqueId + "_cancelButton"), "onClick", function(){
this.connect(this._anchorInput, "onChange", "_checkInput");
this.connect(this._anchorInput, "onChange", "_checkInput");
//Register some filters to handle setting/removing the class tags on anchors.
this.editor.contentDomPreFilters.push(dojo.hitch(this, this._preDomFilter));
this.editor.contentDomPostFilters.push(dojo.hitch(this, this._postDomFilter));
updateState: function(){
// summary:
// Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
setEditor: function(editor){
// summary:
// Over-ride for the setting of the editor.
// editor: Object
// The editor to configure for this plugin to use.
this.editor = editor;
_checkInput: function(){
// summary:
// Function to check the input to the dialog is valid
// and enable/disable set button
// tags:
// private
var disable = true;
disable = false;
this._setButton.set("disabled", disable);
_setup: function(){
// summary:
// Over-ridable function that connects tag specific events.
this.editor.onLoadDeferred.addCallback(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
this.connect(this.editor.editNode, "ondblclick", this._onDblClick);
setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function() {
}), 100);
getAnchorStyle: function(){
// summary:
// Over-ridable function for getting the style to apply to the anchor.
// The default is a dashed border with an anchor symbol.
// tags:
// public
var style = "@media screen {\n" +
"\t.dijitEditorPluginInsertAnchorStyle {\n" +
"\t\tbackground-image: url({MODURL}/images/anchor.gif);\n" +
"\t\tbackground-repeat: no-repeat;\n" +
"\t\tbackground-position: top left;\n" +
"\t\tborder-width: 1px;\n" +
"\t\tborder-style: dashed;\n" +
"\t\tborder-color: #D0D0D0;\n" +
"\t\tpadding-left: 20px;\n" +
"\t}\n" +
//Finally associate in the image locations based off the module url.
var modurl = dojo.moduleUrl(dojox._scopeName, "editor/plugins/resources").toString();
if(!(modurl.match(/^https?:\/\//i)) &&
// We have to root it to the page location on webkit for some nutball reason.
// Probably has to do with how iframe was loaded.
var bUrl;
if(modurl.charAt(0) === "/"){
//Absolute path on the server, so lets handle...
var proto = dojo.doc.location.protocol;
var hostn = dojo.doc.location.host;
bUrl = proto + "//" + hostn;
bUrl = this._calcBaseUrl(dojo.global.location.href);
if(bUrl[bUrl.length - 1] !== "/" && modurl.charAt(0) !== "/"){
bUrl += "/";
modurl = bUrl + modurl;
return style.replace(/\{MODURL\}/gi, modurl);
_applyStyles: function(){
// summary:
// Function to apply a style to inserted anchor tags so that
// they are obviously anchors.
//Attempt to inject our specialized style rules for doing this.
this._styled = true;
var doc = this.editor.document;
var style = this.getAnchorStyle();
var sNode = doc.createElement("style");
var ss = doc.createStyleSheet("");
ss.cssText = style;
}catch(e){ /* Squelch */ }
_calcBaseUrl: function(fullUrl) {
// summary:
// Internal function used to figure out the full root url (no relatives)
// for loading images in the styles in the iframe.
// fullUrl: String
// The full url to tear down to the base.
// tags:
// private
var baseUrl = null;
if (fullUrl !== null) {
// Check to see if we need to strip off any query parameters from the Url.
var index = fullUrl.indexOf("?");
if (index != -1) {
fullUrl = fullUrl.substring(0,index);
// Now we need to trim if necessary. If it ends in /, then we don't
// have a filename to trim off so we can return.
index = fullUrl.lastIndexOf("/");
if (index > 0 && index < fullUrl.length) {
baseUrl = fullUrl.substring(0,index);
baseUrl = fullUrl;
return baseUrl; //String
_checkValues: function(args){
// summary:
// Function to check the values in args and 'fix' them up as needed.
// args: Object
// Content being set.
// tags:
// protected
args.anchorInput = args.anchorInput.replace(/"/g, """);
// WebKit doesn't work with double-click select unless there's
// a space in the anchor text, so put a in the case of
// empty desc.
args.textInput = " ";
return args;
setValue: function(args){
// summary:
// Callback from the dialog when user presses "set" button.
// tags:
// private
// IE check without using user agent string.
var sel = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
var a = range.endContainer;
if(a.nodeType === 3){
// Text node, may be the link contents, so check parent.
// This plugin doesn't really support nested HTML elements
// in the link, it assumes all link content is text.
a = a.parentNode;
if(a && (a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "a")){
// Stll nothing, one last thing to try on IE, as it might be 'img'
// and thus considered a control.
a = dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window,
"getSelectedElement", dijit._editor.selection, ["a"]);
if(a && (a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "a")){
// Okay, we do have a match. IE, for some reason, sometimes pastes before
// instead of removing the targetted paste-over element, so we unlink the
// old one first. If we do not the <a> tag remains, but it has no content,
// so isn't readily visible (but is wrong for the action).
// Select all the link childent, then unlink. The following insert will
// then replace the selected text.
"selectElementChildren", dijit._editor.selection, [a]);
// make sure values are properly escaped, etc.
args = this._checkValues(args);
dojo.string.substitute(this.htmlTemplate, args));
_onCloseDialog: function(){
// summary:
// Handler for close event on the dialog
_getCurrentValues: function(a){
// summary:
// Over-ride for getting the values to set in the dropdown.
// a:
// The anchor/link to process for data for the dropdown.
// tags:
// protected
var anchor, text;
if(a && a.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a" && dojo.attr(a, "name")){
anchor = dojo.attr(a, "name");
text = a.textContent || a.innerText;
dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, "selectElement", dijit._editor.selection, [a, true]);
text = dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, dijit._editor.selection.getSelectedText);
return {anchorInput: anchor || '', textInput: text || ''}; //Object;
_onOpenDialog: function(){
// summary:
// Handler for when the dialog is opened.
// If the caret is currently in a URL then populate the URL's info into the dialog.
var a;
// IE is difficult to select the element in, using the range unified
// API seems to work reasonably well.
var sel = dijit.range.getSelection(this.editor.window);
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
a = range.endContainer;
if(a.nodeType === 3){
// Text node, may be the link contents, so check parent.
// This plugin doesn't really support nested HTML elements
// in the link, it assumes all link content is text.
a = a.parentNode;
if(a && (a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "a")){
// Stll nothing, one last thing to try on IE, as it might be 'img'
// and thus considered a control.
a = dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window,
"getSelectedElement", dijit._editor.selection, ["a"]);
a = dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window,
"getAncestorElement", dijit._editor.selection, ["a"]);
this._setButton.set("disabled", true);
this.dropDown.set("value", this._getCurrentValues(a));
_onDblClick: function(e){
// summary:
// Function to define a behavior on double clicks on the element
// type this dialog edits to select it and pop up the editor
// dialog.
// e: Object
// The double-click event.
// tags:
// protected.
if(e && e.target){
var t = e.target;
var tg = t.tagName? t.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
if(tg === "a" && dojo.attr(t, "name")){
dijit._editor.selection, [t]);
setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
// Focus shift outside the event handler.
// IE doesn't like focus changes in event handles.
this.button.set("disabled", false);
}), 10);
_preDomFilter: function(node){
// summary:
// A filter to identify the 'a' tags and if they're anchors,
// apply the right style to them.
// node:
// The node to search from.
// tags:
// private
var ed = this.editor;
dojo.withGlobal(ed.window, function(){
dojo.query("a", ed.editNode).forEach(function(a){
if(dojo.attr(a, "name") && !dojo.attr(a, "href")){
dojo.addClass(a, "dijitEditorPluginInsertAnchorStyle");
_postDomFilter: function(node){
// summary:
// A filter to identify the 'a' tags and if they're anchors,
// remove the class style that shows up in the editor from
// them.
// node:
// The node to search from.
// tags:
// private
var ed = this.editor;
dojo.withGlobal(ed.window, function(){
dojo.query("a", node).forEach(function(a){
if(dojo.attr(a, "name") && !dojo.attr(a, "href")){
dojo.removeClass(a, "dijitEditorPluginInsertAnchorStyle");
return node;
// Register this plugin.
dojo.subscribe(dijit._scopeName + ".Editor.getPlugin",null,function(o){
if(o.plugin){ return; }
var name = o.args.name;
if(name) { name = name.toLowerCase(); }
if(name === "insertanchor"){
o.plugin = new dojox.editor.plugins.InsertAnchor();
return dojox.editor.plugins.InsertAnchor;