2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

DojoX Data
Version 1.1
Release date: 03/18/2008
Project state: production
Project authors
	Jared Jurkiewicz (jared.jurkiewicz@gmail.com) (FileStore, HtmlStore, XmlStore, FlickrStore, CssRuleStore, CssClassStore, AppStore, others).
	Shane O'Sullivan (shaneosullivan1@gmail.com) (FlickrRestStore, AtomReadStore, GoogleSeachStore, GoogleFeedStore)
	Wolfram Kriesing (wolfram@kriesing.de) (QueryReadStore)
	Dustin Machi (dmachi@dojotolkit.org) (jsonPathStore);
	Russell Jones (KeyValueStore) (CLA)
	Benjamin Schell (KeyValueStore, CssRuleStore, CssClassStore, AppStore, OpenSearchStore) (Corporate CLA)
	Kurt Stutsman (kurt@snaplogic.org) (SnapLogicStore)
	Kris Zyp (kzyp@dojotoolkit.org) (JsonRestStore, PersevereStore, S3JsonRestStore, CouchDBRestStore)
	Frank Fortson (frank.fortson@equorum.com) (AndOrReadStore, AndOrWriteStore)

Project description

The DojoX Data project is a container for extensions and extra example stores
that implement the dojo.data APIs.  It may also contain utility functions for
working with specific types of data.


DojoX Data has dependencies on core dojo (dojo.data), dojox.xml for XmlStore 
and dojox.data.dom(deprecated) and the D.O.H. unit test framework

See the Dojo API tool (http://dojotoolkit.org/api)

For contributions to be committed into the dojox repository, the datastore 
should have basic unit tests that exercise the API's that the store declares it
implements.  Documentation and demos are a plus, but unit tests are required
to be committed into this sub-package.  This is necessary to help keep the 
provided datastores as stable as possible.

Installation instructions

Grab the following from the Dojo SVN Repository:

Install into the following directory structure:

...which should be at the same level as your Dojo checkout.


Require in the dojox.data stores you wish to use.
Additional Notes: 
	dojox.data.AtomReadStore - Reads Atom XML documents.

	dojox.data.CvsStore - comma-separated (spreadsheet output)
	datastore implementation 
	dojox.data.FlickrRestStore - advanced version of: dojox.data.FlickrStore 
	(Caching + user key support) 
	dojox.data.FlickrStore - data store driven by Flickr.com public API. 
	dojox.data.HtmlTableStore - Implementation of an HTML Table reading 
	dojox.data.HtmlStore - Implementation of an HTML reading datastore.  Can 
	handle tables, ordered and un-ordered lists, and lists of divs.
	dojox.data.OpmlStore - Store for reading OMPL formatted data
	dojox.data.XmlStore - datastore for XML based services or  

	dojox.data.QueryReadStore - datastore to provide serverside URL query
	matching.  Similar to the 0.4.X ComboBox dataUrl parameter.	         

	dojox.data.jsonPathStore - datastore that takes an arbitrary js object
	and uses it as the store. Pre-Alpha at the moment.

	dojox.data.KeyValueStore - datastore that mimics a key/value property
	file format.

	dojox.data.SnapLogicStore - Store to interface to SnapLogic data services.

	dojox.data.JsonRestStore - Store to interface with RESTful HTTP/JSON web services.
	dojox.data.PersevereStore - Extension of JsonRestStore for Persevere
	dojox.data.CouchDBRestStore - Extension of JsonRestStore for CouchDB
	dojox.data.S3JsonRestStore - Extension of JsonRestStore for Amazon S3
	dojox.data.GoogleSearchStore - Store to interface Google's AJAX search services.  
		There are many subclasses of this store for particular types of searches:

	dojox.data.AndOrReadStore - Demonstrating a more complex query format allowing AND/OR.  
	Based directly on dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore.

	dojox.data.AndOrWriteStore - Demonstrating a more complex query format allowing AND/OR.  
	Based directly on dojo.data.ItemFileWriteStore.

	dojox.data.FileStore - A lazy-loading store designed for searching filesystems with a provided
	PHP back end.  Implements dojo.data.api.Read and dojo.data.api.Identity

	dojox.data.CssRuleStore - A store that allows searching/querying over Css rules loaded in the page in
	the browser.

	dojox.data.CssClassStore - A store that allows searching/querying over what classes are defined in the page in
	the browser.

	dojox.data.AppStore - A store that implements full read, write, and identity APIs for working with ATOM documents.
	The store uses the full APP protocol.
	dojox.data.OpenSearchStore - A store that implements OpenSearch provider search capability.