83 lines
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83 lines
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define("dojox/charting/themes/gradientGenerator", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/Color", "../Theme", "dojox/color/_base", "./common"],
function(lang, arr, Color, Theme, dxcolor, themes){
var gg = lang.getObject("gradientGenerator", true, themes);
gg.generateFills = function(colors, fillPattern, lumFrom, lumTo){
// summary:
// generates 2-color gradients using pure colors, a fill pattern, and two luminance values
// colors: Array:
// Array of colors to generate gradients for each.
// fillPattern: Object:
// Gradient fill descriptor which colors list will be generated.
// lumFrom: Number:
// Initial luminance value (0-100).
// lumTo: Number:
// Final luminance value (0-100).
return arr.map(colors, function(c){ // Array
return Theme.generateHslGradient(c, fillPattern, lumFrom, lumTo);
gg.updateFills = function(themes, fillPattern, lumFrom, lumTo){
// summary:
// transforms solid color fills into 2-color gradients using a fill pattern, and two luminance values
// themes: Array:
// Array of mini-themes (usually series themes or marker themes), which fill will be transformed.
// fillPattern: Object:
// Gradient fill descriptor which colors list will be generated.
// lumFrom: Number:
// Initial luminance value (0-100).
// lumTo: Number:
// Final luminance value (0-100).
arr.forEach(themes, function(t){
if(t.fill && !t.fill.type){
t.fill = Theme.generateHslGradient(t.fill, fillPattern, lumFrom, lumTo);
gg.generateMiniTheme = function(colors, fillPattern, lumFrom, lumTo, lumStroke){
// summary:
// generates mini-themes with 2-color gradients using colors, a fill pattern, and three luminance values
// colors: Array:
// Array of colors to generate gradients for each.
// fillPattern: Object:
// Gradient fill descriptor which colors list will be generated.
// lumFrom: Number:
// Initial luminance value (0-100).
// lumTo: Number:
// Final luminance value (0-100).
// lumStroke: Number:
// Stroke luminance value (0-100).
return arr.map(colors, function(c){ // Array
c = new dxcolor.Color(c);
return {
fill: Theme.generateHslGradient(c, fillPattern, lumFrom, lumTo),
stroke: {color: Theme.generateHslColor(c, lumStroke)}
gg.generateGradientByIntensity = function(color, intensityMap){
// summary:
// generates gradient colors using an intensity map
// color: dojo.Color:
// Color to use to generate gradients.
// intensityMap: Array:
// Array of tuples {o, i}, where o is a gradient offset (0-1),
// and i is an intensity (0-255).
color = new Color(color);
return arr.map(intensityMap, function(stop){ // Array
var s = stop.i / 255;
return {
offset: stop.o,
color: new Color([color.r * s, color.g * s, color.b * s, color.a])
return gg;