122 lines
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122 lines
3.5 KiB
define("dojox/charting/plot2d/_PlotEvents", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/connect"],
function(lang, arr, declare, hub){
return declare("dojox.charting.plot2d._PlotEvents", null, {
constructor: function(){
this._shapeEvents = [];
this._eventSeries = {};
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// Destroy any internal elements and event handlers.
plotEvent: function(o){
// summary:
// Stub function for use by specific plots.
// o: Object
// An object intended to represent event parameters.
raiseEvent: function(o){
// summary:
// Raises events in predefined order
// o: Object
// An object intended to represent event parameters.
var t = lang.delegate(o);
t.originalEvent = o.type;
t.originalPlot = o.plot;
t.type = "onindirect";
arr.forEach(this.chart.stack, function(plot){
if(plot !== this && plot.plotEvent){
t.plot = plot;
}, this);
connect: function(object, method){
// summary:
// Helper function to connect any object's method to our plotEvent.
// object: Object
// The object to connect to.
// method: String|Function
// The method to fire when our plotEvent is fired.
// returns: Array
// The handle as returned from dojo.connect (see dojo.connect).
this.dirty = true;
return hub.connect(this, "plotEvent", object, method); // Array
events: function(){
// summary:
// Find out if any event handlers have been connected to our plotEvent.
// returns: Boolean
// A flag indicating that there are handlers attached.
return !!this.plotEvent.after;
resetEvents: function(){
// summary:
// Reset all events attached to our plotEvent (i.e. disconnect).
arr.forEach(this._shapeEvents, function(item){
this._shapeEvents = [];
this.raiseEvent({type: "onplotreset", plot: this});
_connectSingleEvent: function(o, eventName){
shape: o.eventMask,
handle: o.eventMask.connect(eventName, this, function(e){
o.type = eventName;
o.event = e;
o.event = null;
_connectEvents: function(o){
o.chart = this.chart;
o.plot = this;
o.hAxis = this.hAxis || null;
o.vAxis = this.vAxis || null;
o.eventMask = o.eventMask || o.shape;
this._connectSingleEvent(o, "onmouseover");
this._connectSingleEvent(o, "onmouseout");
this._connectSingleEvent(o, "onclick");
_reconnectEvents: function(seriesName){
var a = this._eventSeries[seriesName];
arr.forEach(a, this._connectEvents, this);
fireEvent: function(seriesName, eventName, index, eventObject){
// summary:
// Emulates firing an event for a given data value (specified by
// an index) of a given series.
// seriesName: String:
// Series name.
// eventName: String:
// Event name to emulate.
// index: Number:
// Valid data value index used to raise an event.
// eventObject: Object?:
// Optional event object. Especially useful for synthetic events.
// Default: null.
var s = this._eventSeries[seriesName];
if(s && s.length && index < s.length){
var o = s[index];
o.type = eventName;
o.event = eventObject || null;
o.event = null;