2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

378 lines
12 KiB

define("dojox/charting/plot2d/Default", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/array",
"./Base", "./common", "dojox/lang/functional", "dojox/lang/functional/reversed", "dojox/lang/utils", "dojox/gfx/fx"],
function(lang, declare, arr, Base, dc, df, dfr, du, fx){
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.__DefaultCtorArgs", dojox.charting.plot2d.__PlotCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// The arguments used for any/most plots.
// hAxis: String?
// The horizontal axis name.
hAxis: "x",
// vAxis: String?
// The vertical axis name
vAxis: "y",
// lines: Boolean?
// Whether or not to draw lines on this plot. Defaults to true.
lines: true,
// areas: Boolean?
// Whether or not to draw areas on this plot. Defaults to false.
areas: false,
// markers: Boolean?
// Whether or not to draw markers at data points on this plot. Default is false.
markers: false,
// tension: Number|String?
// Whether or not to apply 'tensioning' to the lines on this chart.
// Options include a number, "X", "x", or "S"; if a number is used, the
// simpler bezier curve calculations are used to draw the lines. If X, x or S
// is used, the more accurate smoothing algorithm is used.
tension: "",
// animate: Boolean?
// Whether or not to animate the chart to place.
animate: false,
// stroke: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional stroke to use for any series on the plot.
stroke: {},
// outline: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional stroke used to outline any series on the plot.
outline: {},
// shadow: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional stroke to use to draw any shadows for a series on a plot.
shadow: {},
// fill: dojox.gfx.Fill?
// Any fill to be used for elements on the plot (such as areas).
fill: {},
// font: String?
// A font definition to be used for labels and other text-based elements on the plot.
font: "",
// fontColor: String|dojo.Color?
// The color to be used for any text-based elements on the plot.
fontColor: "",
// markerStroke: dojo.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional stroke to use for any markers on the plot.
markerStroke: {},
// markerOutline: dojo.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional outline to use for any markers on the plot.
markerOutline: {},
// markerShadow: dojo.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional shadow to use for any markers on the plot.
markerShadow: {},
// markerFill: dojo.gfx.Fill?
// An optional fill to use for any markers on the plot.
markerFill: {},
// markerFont: String?
// An optional font definition to use for any markers on the plot.
markerFont: "",
// markerFontColor: String|dojo.Color?
// An optional color to use for any marker text on the plot.
markerFontColor: "",
// enableCache: Boolean?
// Whether the markers are cached from one rendering to another. This improves the rendering performance of
// successive rendering but penalize the first rendering. Default false.
enableCache: false
var Base = dojox.charting.plot2d.Base;
var purgeGroup = dfr.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
var DEFAULT_ANIMATION_LENGTH = 1200; // in ms
return declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Default", Base, {
defaultParams: {
hAxis: "x", // use a horizontal axis named "x"
vAxis: "y", // use a vertical axis named "y"
lines: true, // draw lines
areas: false, // draw areas
markers: false, // draw markers
tension: "", // draw curved lines (tension is "X", "x", or "S")
animate: false, // animate chart to place
enableCache: false
optionalParams: {
// theme component
stroke: {},
outline: {},
shadow: {},
fill: {},
font: "",
fontColor: "",
markerStroke: {},
markerOutline: {},
markerShadow: {},
markerFill: {},
markerFont: "",
markerFontColor: ""
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Return a new plot.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart
// The chart this plot belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__DefaultCtorArgs?
// An optional arguments object to help define this plot.
this.opt = lang.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
this.series = [];
this.hAxis = this.opt.hAxis;
this.vAxis = this.opt.vAxis;
// animation properties
this.animate = this.opt.animate;
createPath: function(run, creator, params){
var path;
if(this.opt.enableCache && run._pathFreePool.length > 0){
path = run._pathFreePool.pop();
// was cleared, add it back
path = creator.createPath(params);
return path;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Render/draw everything on this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b }
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Default
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
// make sure all the series is not modified
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
arr.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, stroke, outline, marker, events = this.events();
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
run._pathFreePool = (run._pathFreePool?run._pathFreePool:[]).concat(run._pathUsePool?run._pathUsePool:[]);
run._pathUsePool = [];
run.dirty = false;
var theme = t.next(this.opt.areas ? "area" : "line", [this.opt, run], true),
s = run.group, rsegments = [], startindexes = [], rseg = null, lpoly,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
eventSeries = this._eventSeries[run.name] = new Array(run.data.length);
// optim works only for index based case
var indexed = typeof run.data[0] == "number";
var min = indexed?Math.max(0, Math.floor(this._hScaler.bounds.from - 1)):0,
max = indexed?Math.min(run.data.length, Math.ceil(this._hScaler.bounds.to)):run.data.length;
// split the run data into dense segments (each containing no nulls)
for(var j = min; j < max; j++){
if(run.data[j] != null){
rseg = [];
rseg = null;
for(var seg = 0; seg < rsegments.length; seg++){
if(typeof rsegments[seg][0] == "number"){
lpoly = arr.map(rsegments[seg], function(v, i){
return {
x: ht(i + startindexes[seg] + 1) + offsets.l,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(v)
}, this);
lpoly = arr.map(rsegments[seg], function(v, i){
return {
x: ht(v.x) + offsets.l,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(v.y)
}, this);
var lpath = this.opt.tension ? dc.curve(lpoly, this.opt.tension) : "";
if(this.opt.areas && lpoly.length > 1){
var fill = theme.series.fill;
var apoly = lang.clone(lpoly);
var apath = "L" + apoly[apoly.length-1].x + "," + (dim.height - offsets.b) +
" L" + apoly[0].x + "," + (dim.height - offsets.b) +
" L" + apoly[0].x + "," + apoly[0].y;
run.dyn.fill = s.createPath(lpath + " " + apath).setFill(fill).getFill();
} else {
apoly.push({x: lpoly[lpoly.length - 1].x, y: dim.height - offsets.b});
apoly.push({x: lpoly[0].x, y: dim.height - offsets.b});
run.dyn.fill = s.createPolyline(apoly).setFill(fill).getFill();
if(this.opt.lines || this.opt.markers){
// need a stroke
stroke = theme.series.stroke;
outline = run.dyn.outline = dc.makeStroke(theme.series.outline);
outline.width = 2 * outline.width + stroke.width;
run.dyn.marker = theme.symbol;
var frontMarkers = null, outlineMarkers = null, shadowMarkers = null;
if(stroke && theme.series.shadow && lpoly.length > 1){
var shadow = theme.series.shadow,
spoly = arr.map(lpoly, function(c){
return {x: c.x + shadow.dx, y: c.y + shadow.dy};
run.dyn.shadow = s.createPath(dc.curve(spoly, this.opt.tension)).setStroke(shadow).getStroke();
} else {
run.dyn.shadow = s.createPolyline(spoly).setStroke(shadow).getStroke();
if(this.opt.markers && theme.marker.shadow){
shadow = theme.marker.shadow;
shadowMarkers = arr.map(spoly, function(c){
return this.createPath(run, s, "M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + theme.symbol).
}, this);
if(this.opt.lines && lpoly.length > 1){
run.dyn.outline = s.createPath(lpath).setStroke(outline).getStroke();
} else {
run.dyn.outline = s.createPolyline(lpoly).setStroke(outline).getStroke();
run.dyn.stroke = s.createPath(lpath).setStroke(stroke).getStroke();
} else {
run.dyn.stroke = s.createPolyline(lpoly).setStroke(stroke).getStroke();
frontMarkers = new Array(lpoly.length);
outlineMarkers = new Array(lpoly.length);
outline = null;
outline = dc.makeStroke(theme.marker.outline);
outline.width = 2 * outline.width + (theme.marker.stroke ? theme.marker.stroke.width : 0);
arr.forEach(lpoly, function(c, i){
var path = "M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + theme.symbol;
outlineMarkers[i] = this.createPath(run, s, path).setStroke(outline);
frontMarkers[i] = this.createPath(run, s, path).setStroke(theme.marker.stroke).setFill(theme.marker.fill);
}, this);
run.dyn.markerFill = theme.marker.fill;
run.dyn.markerStroke = theme.marker.stroke;
arr.forEach(frontMarkers, function(s, i){
var o = {
element: "marker",
index: i + startindexes[seg],
run: run,
shape: s,
outline: outlineMarkers[i] || null,
shadow: shadowMarkers && shadowMarkers[i] || null,
cx: lpoly[i].x,
cy: lpoly[i].y
if(typeof rsegments[seg][0] == "number"){
o.x = i + startindexes[seg] + 1;
o.y = rsegments[seg][i];
o.x = rsegments[seg][i].x;
o.y = rsegments[seg][i].y;
eventSeries[i + startindexes[seg]] = o;
}, this);
delete this._eventSeries[run.name];
run.dirty = false;
// grow from the bottom
var plotGroup = this.group;
shape: plotGroup,
{name:"translate", start: [0, dim.height - offsets.b], end: [0, 0]},
{name:"scale", start: [1, 0], end:[1, 1]},
}, this.animate)).play();
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Default