129 lines
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129 lines
3.9 KiB
define("dojox/av/widget/Player", ['dojo', 'dijit', 'dijit/_Widget', 'dijit/_TemplatedMixin'],function(dojo, dijit){
dojo.declare("dojox.av.widget.Player", [dijit._Widget, dijit._TemplatedMixin], {
// summary:
// A Media Player UI widget for all types of dojox.av and AIR media.
// description:
// Currently for markup only. All controls should reside as child
// nodes within the Player node. 'controlType' is used to determine
// the placement of the control. If no type or an unrecoginized type
// is used, it will be left-aligned in the same row as the volume.
// Note:
// Be sure to use 'controlType' as a node attribute. It is not a
// property of the widget.
// example:
// | <div dojoType="dojox.av.widget.Player" playerWidth="100%">
// | <div controlType="video" initialVolume=".1"
// | mediaUrl="video/Grog.flv" autoPlay="true"
// | isDebug="false" dojoType="dojox.av.FLVideo"></div>
// | <div controlType="play" dojoType="dojox.av.widget.PlayButton"></div>
// | <div controlType="volume" dojoType="dojox.av.widget.VolumeButton"></div>
// | <div controlType="progress" dojoType="dojox.av.widget.ProgressSlider"></div>
// | <div controlType="status" dojoType="dojox.av.widget.Status"></div>
// | </div>
// playerWidth: /* Number or String */
// Sets the width of the player (not the video size)
// Number will be converted to pixels
// String will be used literally. EX: "320px" or "100%"
playerWidth: "480px",
// TODO:
//videoWidth: 320,
//videoHeight: 240,
templateString: dojo.cache("dojox.av.widget","resources/Player.html"),
_fillContent: function(){
// summary
// Finding and collecting child nodes
if(!this.items && this.srcNodeRef){
this.items = [];
var nodes = dojo.query("*", this.srcNodeRef);
dojo.forEach(nodes, function(n){
}, this);
postCreate: function(){
// summary:
// Do player styling, and place child widgets in the proper location.
dojo.style(this.domNode, "width", this.playerWidth+(dojo.isString(this.playerWidth)?"":"px"));
if(dojo.isString(this.playerWidth) && this.playerWidth.indexOf("%")){
dojo.connect(window, "resize", this, "onResize");
this.children = [];
var domNode;
dojo.forEach(this.items, function(n, i){
n.id = dijit.getUniqueId("player_control");
switch(dojo.attr(n, "controlType")){
case "play":
this.playContainer.appendChild(n); break;
case "volume" :
this.controlsBottom.appendChild(n); break;
case "status" :
this.statusContainer.appendChild(n); break;
case "progress":
case "slider":
this.progressContainer.appendChild(n); break;
case "video":
this.mediaNode = n;
this.playerScreen.appendChild(n); break;
this.items[i] = n.id;
}, this);
startup: function(){
// summary:
// Fired when all children are ready. Set the media in
// all children with setMedia()
this.media = dijit.byId(this.mediaNode.id);
dojo.style(this.media.domNode, "width", "100%");
dojo.style(this.media.domNode, "height", "100%");
dojo.forEach(this.items, function(id){
if(id !== this.mediaNode.id){
var child = dijit.byId(id);
child.setMedia(this.media, this);
}, this);
onResize: function(evt){
// summary:
// If a player size is a percentage, this will fire an onResize
// event for all children, passing the size of the player.
var dim = dojo.marginBox(this.domNode);
if(this.media && this.media.onResize !== null){
dojo.forEach(this.children, function(child){
return dojox.av.widget.Player;