437 lines
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437 lines
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define("dojox/atom/io/Connection", [
"dojo/_base/declare"], function (dojo, xhrUtil, windowUtil, model) {
return dojo.declare("dojox.atom.io.Connection",null,{
// summary: This object implements a transport layer for working with ATOM feeds and ATOM publishing protocols.
// description: This object implements a transport layer for working with ATOM feeds and ATOM publishing protocols.
// Specifically, it provides a mechanism by which feeds can be fetched and entries can be fetched, created
// deleted, and modified. It also provides access to the introspection data.
constructor: function(/* Boolean */sync, /* Boolean */preventCache){
// summary:
// initializer
this.sync = sync;
this.preventCache = preventCache;
preventCache: false, //Flag to denote if the instance should use the xhr prevent cache mechanism
alertsEnabled: false, //Flag to turn on alerts instead of throwing errors.
getFeed: function(/*String*/url, /*Function*/callback, /*Function*/errorCallback, scope){
// summary:
// Function to obtain a s specific ATOM feed from a given ATOM Feed url.
// description:
// This function takes the URL for a specific ATOM feed and returns
// the data from that feed to the caller through the use of a callback
// handler.
// url: String
// The URL of the ATOM feed to fetch.
// callback:
// Function
// A function reference that will handle the feed when it has been retrieved.
// The callback should accept two parameters: The feed object and the original complete DOM object.
// scope: Object
// The scope to use for all callbacks.
// returns:
// Nothing. The return is handled through the callback handler.
this._getXmlDoc(url, "feed", new model.Feed(), model._Constants.ATOM_NS, callback, /*handleDocumentRetrieved,*/ errorCallback, scope);
getService: function(url, callback, errorCallback, scope){
// summary:
// Function to retrieve an introspection document from the given URL.
// description:
// This function takes the URL for an ATOM item and feed and returns
// the introspection document.
// url:
// String
// The URL of the ATOM document to obtain the introspection document of.
// callback:
// Function
// A function reference that will handle the introspection document when it has been retrieved.
// The callback should accept two parameters: The introspection document object and the original complete DOM object.
// returns:
// Nothing. The return is handled through the callback handler.
this._getXmlDoc(url, "service", new model.Service(url), model._Constants.APP_NS, callback, errorCallback, scope);
getEntry: function(url, callback, errorCallback, scope){
// summary:
// Function to retrieve a single entry from an ATOM feed from the given URL.
// description:
// This function takes the URL for an ATOM entry and returns the constructed dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object through
// the specified callback.
// url:
// String
// The URL of the ATOM Entry document to parse.
// callback:
// Function
// A function reference that will handle the Entry object obtained.
// The callback should accept two parameters, the dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object and the original dom.
// returns:
// Nothing. The return is handled through the callback handler.
this._getXmlDoc(url, "entry", new model.Entry(), model._Constants.ATOM_NS, callback, errorCallback, scope);
_getXmlDoc: function(url, nodeName, newNode, namespace, callback, errorCallback, scope){
// summary:
// Internal Function to retrieve an XML document and pass the results to a callback.
// description:
// This internal function takes the URL for an XML document and and passes the
// parsed contents to a specified callback.
// url:
// String
// The URL of the XML document to retrieve
// callback:
// Function
// A function reference that will handle the retrieved XML data.
// The callback should accept one parameter, the DOM of the parsed XML document.
// returns:
// Nothing. The return is handled through the callback handler.
scope = windowUtil.global;
var ae = this.alertsEnabled;
var xhrArgs = {
url: url,
handleAs: "xml",
sync: this.sync,
preventCache: this.preventCache,
load: function(data, args){
var node = null;
var evaldObj = data;
var nodes;
//find the first node of the appropriate name
if(typeof(evaldObj.getElementsByTagNameNS)!= "undefined"){
nodes = evaldObj.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespace,nodeName);
if(nodes && nodes.length > 0){
node = nodes.item(0);
}else if(evaldObj.lastChild){
// name_spaces can be used without declaration of atom (for example
// gooogle feeds often returns iTunes name_space qualifiers on elements)
// Treat this situation like name_spaces not enabled.
node = evaldObj.lastChild;
}else if(typeof(evaldObj.getElementsByTagName)!= "undefined"){
// Find the first eith the correct tag name and correct namespace.
nodes = evaldObj.getElementsByTagName(nodeName);
if(nodes && nodes.length > 0){
for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){
if(nodes[i].namespaceURI == namespace){
node = nodes[i];
}else if(evaldObj.lastChild){
node = evaldObj.lastChild;
}else if(evaldObj.lastChild){
node = evaldObj.lastChild;
callback.call(scope, null, null, args);
callback.call(scope, newNode, evaldObj, args);
}else if(ae){
throw new Error("The callback value does not exist.");
callback.call(scope, null, null, args);
if(this.user && this.user !== null){
xhrArgs.user = this.user;
if(this.password && this.password !== null){
xhrArgs.password = this.password;
xhrArgs.error = function(error, args){errorCallback.call(scope, error, args);};
xhrArgs.error = function(){
throw new Error("The URL requested cannot be accessed");
updateEntry: function(entry, callback, errorCallback, retrieveUpdated, xmethod, scope){
// summary:
// Function to update a specific ATOM entry by putting the new changes via APP.
// description:
// This function takes a specific dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object and pushes the
// changes back to the provider of the Entry.
// The entry MUST have a link tag with rel="edit" for this to work.
// entry:
// Object
// The dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object to update.
// callback:
// Function
// A function reference that will handle the results from the entry update.
// The callback should accept two parameters: The first is an Entry object, and the second is the URL of that Entry
// Either can be null, depending on the value of retrieveUpdated.
// retrieveUpdated:
// boolean
// A boolean flag denoting if the entry that was updated should then be
// retrieved and returned to the caller via the callback.
// xmethod:
// boolean
// Whether to use POST for PUT/DELETE items and send the X-Method-Override header.
// scope:
// Object
// The scope to use for all callbacks.
// returns:
// Nothing. The return is handled through the callback handler.
scope = windowUtil.global;
entry.updated = new Date();
var url = entry.getEditHref();
throw new Error("A URL has not been specified for editing this entry.");
var self = this;
var ae = this.alertsEnabled;
var xhrArgs = {
url: url,
handleAs: "text",
contentType: "text/xml",
sync: this.sync,
preventCache: this.preventCache,
load: function(data, args){
var location = null;
location = args.xhr.getResponseHeader("Location");
if(!location){location = url;}
//Function to handle the callback mapping of a getEntry after an update to return the
//entry and location.
var handleRetrieve = function(entry, dom, args){
callback.call(scope, entry, location, args);
}else if(ae){
throw new Error("The callback value does not exist.");
callback.call(scope, entry, args.xhr.getResponseHeader("Location"), args);
}else if(ae){
throw new Error("The callback value does not exist.");
return data;
if(this.user && this.user !== null){
xhrArgs.user = this.user;
if(this.password && this.password !== null){
xhrArgs.password = this.password;
xhrArgs.error = function(error, args){errorCallback.call(scope, error, args);};
xhrArgs.error = function(){
throw new Error("The URL requested cannot be accessed");
xhrArgs.postData = entry.toString(true); //Set the content to send.
xhrArgs.headers = {"X-Method-Override": "PUT"};
xhrArgs.putData = entry.toString(true); //Set the content to send.
var xhr = xhrUtil.put(xhrArgs);
addEntry: function(entry, url, callback, errorCallback, retrieveEntry, scope){
// summary:
// Function to add a new ATOM entry by posting the new entry via APP.
// description:
// This function takes a specific dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object and pushes the
// changes back to the provider of the Entry.
// entry:
// Object
// The dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object to publish.
// callback:
// Function
// A function reference that will handle the results from the entry publish.
// The callback should accept two parameters: The first is an dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object, and the second is the location of the entry
// Either can be null, depending on the value of retrieveUpdated.
// retrieveEntry:
// boolean
// A boolean flag denoting if the entry that was created should then be
// retrieved and returned to the caller via the callback.
// scope:
// Object
// The scope to use for all callbacks.
// returns:
// Nothing. The return is handled through the callback handler.
scope = windowUtil.global;
entry.published = new Date();
entry.updated = new Date();
var feedUrl = entry.feedUrl;
var ae = this.alertsEnabled;
//Determine which URL to use for the post.
if(!url && feedUrl){url = feedUrl;}
throw new Error("The request cannot be processed because the URL parameter is missing.");
var self = this;
var xhrArgs = {
url: url,
handleAs: "text",
contentType: "text/xml",
sync: this.sync,
preventCache: this.preventCache,
postData: entry.toString(true),
load: function(data, args){
var location = args.xhr.getResponseHeader("Location");
location = url;
callback.call(scope, entry, location, args);
}else if(ae){
throw new Error("The callback value does not exist.");
//Function to handle the callback mapping of a getEntry after an update to return the
//entry and location.
var handleRetrieve = function(entry, dom, args){
callback.call(scope, entry, location, args);
}else if(ae){
throw new Error("The callback value does not exist.");
return data;
if(this.user && this.user !== null){
xhrArgs.user = this.user;
if(this.password && this.password !== null){
xhrArgs.password = this.password;
xhrArgs.error = function(error, args){errorCallback.call(scope, error, args);};
xhrArgs.error = function(){
throw new Error("The URL requested cannot be accessed");
deleteEntry: function(entry,callback,errorCallback,xmethod,scope){
// summary:
// Function to delete a specific ATOM entry via APP.
// description:
// This function takes a specific dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object and calls for a delete on the
// service housing the ATOM Entry database.
// The entry MUST have a link tag with rel="edit" for this to work.
// entry:
// Object
// The dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object to delete.
// callback:
// Function
// A function reference that will handle the results from the entry delete.
// The callback is called only if the delete is successful.
// returns:
// Nothing. The return is handled through the callback handler.
scope = windowUtil.global;
var url = null;
if(typeof(entry) == "string"){
url = entry;
url = entry.getEditHref();
callback.call(scope, false, null);
throw new Error("The request cannot be processed because the URL parameter is missing.");
var xhrArgs = {
url: url,
handleAs: "text",
sync: this.sync,
preventCache: this.preventCache,
load: function(data, args){
callback.call(scope, args);
return data;
if(this.user && this.user !== null){
xhrArgs.user = this.user;
if(this.password && this.password !== null){
xhrArgs.password = this.password;
xhrArgs.error = function(error, args){errorCallback.call(scope, error, args);};
xhrArgs.error = function(){
throw new Error("The URL requested cannot be accessed");
xhrArgs.headers = {"X-Method-Override": "DELETE"};
}); |