2012-05-01 19:52:07 +08:00

978 lines
21 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

//begin v1.x content
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"eraNames": [
"field-minute": "分鐘",
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"dateFormat-short": "yy/M/d",
"dateFormatItem-yMMMEd": "y年M月d日EEE",
"field-era": "年代",
"dateFormatItem-yM": "yyyy/M",
"timeFormat-long": "zah時mm分ss秒",
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"dateFormatItem-h": "ah時",
"dateFormatItem-yMMM": "y年M月",
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//begin v1.x content
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errorState: "抱歉,發生錯誤"
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//begin v1.x content
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "艾莉斯蓝",
antiquewhite: "古董白",
aqua: "水绿色",
aquamarine: "碧绿色",
azure: "浅天蓝",
beige: "米色",
bisque: "乳黄色",
black: "黑色",
blanchedalmond: "杏仁白",
blue: "蓝色",
blueviolet: "蓝紫色",
brown: "褐色",
burlywood: "原木色",
cadetblue: "军队蓝",
chartreuse: "浅黄绿色",
chocolate: "巧克力色",
coral: "珊瑚红",
cornflowerblue: "藏蓝色",
cornsilk: "玉米黄",
crimson: "绯红色",
cyan: "青色",
darkblue: "深蓝色",
darkcyan: "深青色",
darkgoldenrod: "深金黄色",
darkgray: "深灰色",
darkgreen: "深绿色",
darkgrey: "深灰色", // same as darkgray
darkkhaki: "深褐色",
darkmagenta: "深洋红色",
darkolivegreen: "深橄榄绿色",
darkorange: "深橙色",
darkorchid: "暗兰花紫",
darkred: "深红色",
darksalmon: "深橙红",
darkseagreen: "深海绿色",
darkslateblue: "深石板蓝",
darkslategray: "深石板灰",
darkslategrey: "深石板灰", // same as darkslategray
darkturquoise: "深青绿色",
darkviolet: "深紫罗兰",
deeppink: "深粉色",
deepskyblue: "深天蓝色",
dimgray: "暗灰色",
dimgrey: "暗灰色", // same as dimgray
dodgerblue: "宝蓝",
firebrick: "砖红色",
floralwhite: "花白",
forestgreen: "森林绿",
fuchsia: "紫红色",
gainsboro: "亮灰色",
ghostwhite: "苍白",
gold: "金黄色",
goldenrod: "鲜黄",
gray: "灰色",
green: "绿色",
greenyellow: "绿黄色",
grey: "灰色", // same as gray
honeydew: "蜜色",
hotpink: "暗粉",
indianred: "印度红",
indigo: "靛蓝色",
ivory: "象牙色",
khaki: "黄褐色",
lavender: "淡紫色",
lavenderblush: "淡紫红色",
lawngreen: "草绿色",
lemonchiffon: "柠檬色",
lightblue: "淡蓝色",
lightcoral: "浅珊瑚红",
lightcyan: "浅青色",
lightgoldenrodyellow: "浅金黄色",
lightgray: "浅灰色",
lightgreen: "浅绿色",
lightgrey: "浅灰色", // same as lightgray
lightpink: "浅粉色",
lightsalmon: "浅橙红色",
lightseagreen: "浅海绿色",
lightskyblue: "浅天蓝色",
lightslategray: "浅石板灰",
lightslategrey: "浅石板灰", // same as lightslategray
lightsteelblue: "浅钢蓝色",
lightyellow: "浅黄色",
lime: "酸橙色",
limegreen: "暗黄绿色",
linen: "亚麻布色",
magenta: "洋红色",
maroon: "褐紫红色",
mediumaquamarine: "淡碧绿色",
mediumblue: "淡蓝色",
mediumorchid: "淡兰花紫",
mediumpurple: "淡紫色",
mediumseagreen: "淡海绿色",
mediumslateblue: "淡灰蓝色",
mediumspringgreen: "淡草绿色",
mediumturquoise: "淡青绿色",
mediumvioletred: "淡紫罗兰",
midnightblue: "蓝黑色",
mintcream: "薄荷乳白",
mistyrose: "粉红玫瑰",
moccasin: "鹿皮黄",
navajowhite: "印地安黄",
navy: "藏青色",
oldlace: "旧布黄",
olive: "橄榄色",
olivedrab: "暗橄榄色",
orange: "橙色",
orangered: "桔红色",
orchid: "兰花紫",
palegoldenrod: "浅金黄色",
palegreen: "淡绿色",
paleturquoise: "淡青绿色",
palevioletred: "浅紫罗兰",
papayawhip: "粉木瓜橙",
peachpuff: "粉桃红",
peru: "秘鲁棕",
pink: "粉红色",
plum: "梅红色",
powderblue: "粉蓝色",
purple: "紫色",
red: "红色",
rosybrown: "玫瑰褐色",
royalblue: "亮蓝色",
saddlebrown: "鞍具褐色",
salmon: "橙红色",
sandybrown: "浅褐色",
seagreen: "海绿色",
seashell: "贝壳白",
sienna: "赭色",
silver: "银白色",
skyblue: "天蓝色",
slateblue: "石板蓝",
slategray: "石板灰",
slategrey: "石板灰", // same as slategray
snow: "雪白",
springgreen: "浅草绿色",
steelblue: "钢蓝色",
tan: "茶色",
teal: "青色",
thistle: "蓟色",
tomato: "番茄色",
transparent: "透明的",
turquoise: "青绿色",
violet: "紫罗兰色",
wheat: "淡黄色",
white: "白色",
whitesmoke: "烟白色",
yellow: "黄色",
yellowgreen: "黄绿色"
//end v1.x content
//begin v1.x content
// local representation of all CSS3 named colors, companion to dojo.colors. To be used where descriptive information
// is required for each color, such as a palette widget, and not for specifying color programatically.
//Note: due to the SVG 1.0 spec additions, some of these are alternate spellings for the same color e.g. gray vs. gray.
//TODO: should we be using unique rgb values as keys instead and avoid these duplicates, or rely on the caller to do the reverse mapping?
aliceblue: "愛麗絲藍",
antiquewhite: "米白色",
aqua: "水色",
aquamarine: "碧綠色",
azure: "天藍色",
beige: "灰棕色",
bisque: "橘黃色",
black: "黑色",
blanchedalmond: "杏仁白",
blue: "藍色",
blueviolet: "藍紫色",
brown: "褐色",
burlywood: "實木色",
cadetblue: "軍服藍",
chartreuse: "淡黃綠色",
chocolate: "巧克力色",
coral: "珊瑚紅",
cornflowerblue: "矢車菊藍",
cornsilk: "玉米黃",
crimson: "暗深紅色",
cyan: "青色",
darkblue: "暗藍色",
darkcyan: "暗青色",
darkgoldenrod: "暗金菊色",
darkgray: "暗灰色",
darkgreen: "暗綠色",
darkgrey: "暗灰色", // same as darkgray
darkkhaki: "暗卡其色",
darkmagenta: "暗紫紅色",
darkolivegreen: "暗橄欖綠",
darkorange: "暗橙色",
darkorchid: "暗蘭花色",
darkred: "暗紅色",
darksalmon: "暗鮭紅",
darkseagreen: "暗海綠色",
darkslateblue: "暗岩藍色",
darkslategray: "暗岩灰色",
darkslategrey: "暗岩灰色", // same as darkslategray
darkturquoise: "暗松石綠",
darkviolet: "暗紫羅蘭色",
deeppink: "深粉紅色",
deepskyblue: "深天藍色",
dimgray: "昏灰色",
dimgrey: "昏灰色", // same as dimgray
dodgerblue: "道奇藍",
firebrick: "紅磚色",
floralwhite: "花卉白",
forestgreen: "森綠色",
fuchsia: "海棠紅",
gainsboro: "石板灰",
ghostwhite: "幽靈色",
gold: "金色",
goldenrod: "金菊色",
gray: "灰色",
green: "綠色",
greenyellow: "綠黃色",
grey: "灰色", // same as gray
honeydew: "密瓜色",
hotpink: "暖粉紅色",
indianred: "印度紅",
indigo: "靛藍色",
ivory: "象牙色",
khaki: "卡其色",
lavender: "薰衣草紫",
lavenderblush: "薰衣草紫紅",
lawngreen: "草綠色",
lemonchiffon: "奶油黃",
lightblue: "淡藍色",
lightcoral: "淡珊瑚紅",
lightcyan: "淡青色",
lightgoldenrodyellow: "淡金菊黃",
lightgray: "淡灰色",
lightgreen: "淡綠色",
lightgrey: "淡灰色", // same as lightgray
lightpink: "淡粉紅色",
lightsalmon: "淡鮭紅",
lightseagreen: "淡海綠色",
lightskyblue: "淡天藍色",
lightslategray: "淡岩灰色",
lightslategrey: "淡岩灰色", // same as lightslategray
lightsteelblue: "淡鐵藍色",
lightyellow: "淡黃色",
lime: "檸檬色",
limegreen: "檸檬綠",
linen: "亞麻色",
magenta: "紫紅色",
maroon: "栗色",
mediumaquamarine: "中碧綠色",
mediumblue: "中藍色",
mediumorchid: "中蘭紫色",
mediumpurple: "中紫色",
mediumseagreen: "中海綠色",
mediumslateblue: "中岩藍色",
mediumspringgreen: "中春綠色",
mediumturquoise: "中松石綠",
mediumvioletred: "中紫羅蘭紅",
midnightblue: "午夜藍",
mintcream: "薄荷乳白色",
mistyrose: "霧玫瑰色",
moccasin: "鹿皮黃色",
navajowhite: "印地安黃色",
navy: "海軍藍",
oldlace: "舊蕾絲色",
olive: "橄欖色",
olivedrab: "橄欖綠",
orange: "橙色",
orangered: "橙紅色",
orchid: "蘭花色",
palegoldenrod: "灰金菊色",
palegreen: "灰綠色",
paleturquoise: "灰松石綠",
palevioletred: "灰紫羅蘭紅",
papayawhip: "番木瓜色",
peachpuff: "粉撲桃色",
peru: "祕魯色",
pink: "粉紅色",
plum: "李紫色",
powderblue: "粉藍色",
purple: "紫色",
red: "紅色",
rosybrown: "玫瑰褐",
royalblue: "品藍色",
saddlebrown: "鞍褐色",
salmon: "鮭紅色",
sandybrown: "沙褐色",
seagreen: "海綠色",
seashell: "海貝色",
sienna: "黃土赭色",
silver: "銀色",
skyblue: "天藍色",
slateblue: "岩藍色",
slategray: "岩灰色",
slategrey: "岩灰色", // same as slategray
snow: "雪白色",
springgreen: "春綠色",
steelblue: "鐵藍色",
tan: "皮革色",
teal: "深藍綠色",
thistle: "薊色",
tomato: "蕃茄紅",
transparent: "透明",
turquoise: "松石綠",
violet: "紫羅蘭色",
wheat: "小麥色",
white: "白色",
whitesmoke: "白煙色",
yellow: "黃色",
yellowgreen: "黃綠色"
//end v1.x content
//begin v1.x content
"decimalFormat": "#,##0.###",
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"currencyFormat": "¤#,##0.00",
"decimal": "."
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"dijit/_editor/nls/zh/FontChoice", //begin v1.x content
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p: "段落",
h1: "标题",
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"HKD_displayName": "港元",
"CHF_displayName": "瑞士法郎",
"CAD_displayName": "加拿大元",
"CNY_displayName": "人民币",
"AUD_displayName": "澳大利亚元",
"JPY_displayName": "日元",
"USD_displayName": "美元",
"CNY_symbol": "¥",
"GBP_displayName": "英镑",
"EUR_displayName": "欧元"
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//begin v1.x content
"USD_symbol": "$",
"EUR_displayName": "歐元",
"HKD_displayName": "港幣",
"CAD_displayName": "加幣",
"JPY_displayName": "日圓",
"GBP_displayName": "英鎊",
"AUD_displayName": "澳幣",
"CNY_displayName": "人民幣"
//end v1.x content
//begin v1.x content
previousMessage: "先前选项",
nextMessage: "更多选项"
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