Pratik Borsadiya 086bd13d12 Rename Build directory to docs
This will make it easier to deploy the project on GitHub pages
2018-09-07 19:30:45 +05:30

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846 KiB
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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([
0: function(t, e, n) {
n(30), (t.exports = angular);
1: function(t, e, n) {
var r;
* jQuery JavaScript Library v3.3.1
* https://jquery.com/
* Includes Sizzle.js
* https://sizzlejs.com/
* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* https://jquery.org/license
* Date: 2018-01-20T17:24Z
* jQuery JavaScript Library v3.3.1
* https://jquery.com/
* Includes Sizzle.js
* https://sizzlejs.com/
* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* https://jquery.org/license
* Date: 2018-01-20T17:24Z
!(function(e, n) {
"use strict";
"object" == typeof t && "object" == typeof t.exports
? (t.exports = e.document
? n(e, !0)
: function(t) {
if (!t.document) throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document");
return n(t);
: n(e);
})("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function(n, i) {
"use strict";
var o = [],
a = n.document,
u = Object.getPrototypeOf,
s = o.slice,
c = o.concat,
l = o.push,
f = o.indexOf,
p = {},
h = p.toString,
d = p.hasOwnProperty,
v = d.toString,
g = v.call(Object),
m = {},
$ = function(t) {
return "function" == typeof t && "number" != typeof t.nodeType;
y = function(t) {
return null != t && t === t.window;
b = { type: !0, src: !0, noModule: !0 };
function w(t, e, n) {
var r,
i = (e = e || a).createElement("script");
if (((i.text = t), n)) for (r in b) n[r] && (i[r] = n[r]);
function x(t) {
return null == t
? t + ""
: "object" == typeof t || "function" == typeof t
? p[h.call(t)] || "object"
: typeof t;
var _ = function(t, e) {
return new _.fn.init(t, e);
C = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g;
function S(t) {
var e = !!t && "length" in t && t.length,
n = x(t);
return (
!$(t) &&
!y(t) &&
("array" === n || 0 === e || ("number" == typeof e && e > 0 && e - 1 in t))
(_.fn = _.prototype = {
jquery: "3.3.1",
constructor: _,
length: 0,
toArray: function() {
return s.call(this);
get: function(t) {
return null == t ? s.call(this) : t < 0 ? this[t + this.length] : this[t];
pushStack: function(t) {
var e = _.merge(this.constructor(), t);
return (e.prevObject = this), e;
each: function(t) {
return _.each(this, t);
map: function(t) {
return this.pushStack(
_.map(this, function(e, n) {
return t.call(e, n, e);
slice: function() {
return this.pushStack(s.apply(this, arguments));
first: function() {
return this.eq(0);
last: function() {
return this.eq(-1);
eq: function(t) {
var e = this.length,
n = +t + (t < 0 ? e : 0);
return this.pushStack(n >= 0 && n < e ? [this[n]] : []);
end: function() {
return this.prevObject || this.constructor();
push: l,
sort: o.sort,
splice: o.splice
(_.extend = _.fn.extend = function() {
var t,
a = arguments[0] || {},
u = 1,
s = arguments.length,
c = !1;
for (
"boolean" == typeof a && ((c = a), (a = arguments[u] || {}), u++),
"object" == typeof a || $(a) || (a = {}),
u === s && ((a = this), u--);
u < s;
if (null != (t = arguments[u]))
for (e in t)
(n = a[e]),
a !== (r = t[e]) &&
(c && r && (_.isPlainObject(r) || (i = Array.isArray(r)))
? (i
? ((i = !1), (o = n && Array.isArray(n) ? n : []))
: (o = n && _.isPlainObject(n) ? n : {}),
(a[e] = _.extend(c, o, r)))
: void 0 !== r && (a[e] = r));
return a;
expando: "jQuery" + ("3.3.1" + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""),
isReady: !0,
error: function(t) {
throw new Error(t);
noop: function() {},
isPlainObject: function(t) {
var e, n;
return (
!(!t || "[object Object]" !== h.call(t)) &&
(!(e = u(t)) ||
("function" == typeof (n = d.call(e, "constructor") && e.constructor) &&
v.call(n) === g))
isEmptyObject: function(t) {
var e;
for (e in t) return !1;
return !0;
globalEval: function(t) {
each: function(t, e) {
var n,
r = 0;
if (S(t)) for (n = t.length; r < n && !1 !== e.call(t[r], r, t[r]); r++);
else for (r in t) if (!1 === e.call(t[r], r, t[r])) break;
return t;
trim: function(t) {
return null == t ? "" : (t + "").replace(C, "");
makeArray: function(t, e) {
var n = e || [];
return (
null != t &&
(S(Object(t)) ? _.merge(n, "string" == typeof t ? [t] : t) : l.call(n, t)),
inArray: function(t, e, n) {
return null == e ? -1 : f.call(e, t, n);
merge: function(t, e) {
for (var n = +e.length, r = 0, i = t.length; r < n; r++) t[i++] = e[r];
return (t.length = i), t;
grep: function(t, e, n) {
for (var r = [], i = 0, o = t.length, a = !n; i < o; i++)
!e(t[i], i) !== a && r.push(t[i]);
return r;
map: function(t, e, n) {
var r,
o = 0,
a = [];
if (S(t)) for (r = t.length; o < r; o++) null != (i = e(t[o], o, n)) && a.push(i);
else for (o in t) null != (i = e(t[o], o, n)) && a.push(i);
return c.apply([], a);
guid: 1,
support: m
"function" == typeof Symbol && (_.fn[Symbol.iterator] = o[Symbol.iterator]),
"Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error Symbol".split(" "),
function(t, e) {
p["[object " + e + "]"] = e.toLowerCase();
var E =
* Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2.3.3
* https://sizzlejs.com/
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* http://jquery.org/license
* Date: 2016-08-08
(function(t) {
var e,
b = "sizzle" + 1 * new Date(),
w = t.document,
x = 0,
_ = 0,
C = at(),
S = at(),
E = at(),
k = function(t, e) {
return t === e && (f = !0), 0;
A = {}.hasOwnProperty,
T = [],
O = T.pop,
j = T.push,
N = T.push,
M = T.slice,
L = function(t, e) {
for (var n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) if (t[n] === e) return n;
return -1;
D =
I = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
R = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\0-\\xa0])+",
P =
"\\[" +
I +
"*(" +
R +
")(?:" +
I +
"*([*^$|!~]?=)" +
I +
"*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\"|(" +
R +
"))|)" +
I +
V =
":(" +
R +
")(?:\\((('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\")|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" +
P +
q = new RegExp(I + "+", "g"),
U = new RegExp("^" + I + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + I + "+$", "g"),
F = new RegExp("^" + I + "*," + I + "*"),
H = new RegExp("^" + I + "*([>+~]|" + I + ")" + I + "*"),
B = new RegExp("=" + I + "*([^\\]'\"]*?)" + I + "*\\]", "g"),
z = new RegExp(V),
W = new RegExp("^" + R + "$"),
G = {
ID: new RegExp("^#(" + R + ")"),
CLASS: new RegExp("^\\.(" + R + ")"),
TAG: new RegExp("^(" + R + "|[*])"),
ATTR: new RegExp("^" + P),
PSEUDO: new RegExp("^" + V),
CHILD: new RegExp(
"^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" +
I +
"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" +
I +
"*(?:([+-]|)" +
I +
"*(\\d+)|))" +
I +
bool: new RegExp("^(?:" + D + ")$", "i"),
needsContext: new RegExp(
"^" +
I +
"*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" +
I +
"*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" +
I +
K = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
J = /^h\d$/i,
Y = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,
Z = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,
X = /[+~]/,
Q = new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + I + "?|(" + I + ")|.)", "ig"),
tt = function(t, e, n) {
var r = "0x" + e - 65536;
return r != r || n
? e
: r < 0
? String.fromCharCode(r + 65536)
: String.fromCharCode((r >> 10) | 55296, (1023 & r) | 56320);
et = /([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\uFFFF\w-]/g,
nt = function(t, e) {
return e
? "\0" === t
? "<22>"
: t.slice(0, -1) + "\\" + t.charCodeAt(t.length - 1).toString(16) + " "
: "\\" + t;
rt = function() {
it = $t(
function(t) {
return !0 === t.disabled && ("form" in t || "label" in t);
{ dir: "parentNode", next: "legend" }
try {
N.apply((T = M.call(w.childNodes)), w.childNodes), T[w.childNodes.length].nodeType;
} catch (t) {
N = {
apply: T.length
? function(t, e) {
j.apply(t, M.call(e));
: function(t, e) {
for (var n = t.length, r = 0; (t[n++] = e[r++]); );
t.length = n - 1;
function ot(t, e, r, i) {
var o,
$ = e && e.ownerDocument,
x = e ? e.nodeType : 9;
if (((r = r || []), "string" != typeof t || !t || (1 !== x && 9 !== x && 11 !== x)))
return r;
if (!i && ((e ? e.ownerDocument || e : w) !== h && p(e), (e = e || h), v)) {
if (11 !== x && (f = Z.exec(t)))
if ((o = f[1])) {
if (9 === x) {
if (!(c = e.getElementById(o))) return r;
if (c.id === o) return r.push(c), r;
} else if ($ && (c = $.getElementById(o)) && y(e, c) && c.id === o)
return r.push(c), r;
} else {
if (f[2]) return N.apply(r, e.getElementsByTagName(t)), r;
if ((o = f[3]) && n.getElementsByClassName && e.getElementsByClassName)
return N.apply(r, e.getElementsByClassName(o)), r;
if (n.qsa && !E[t + " "] && (!g || !g.test(t))) {
if (1 !== x) ($ = e), (m = t);
else if ("object" !== e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
for (
(l = e.getAttribute("id"))
? (l = l.replace(et, nt))
: e.setAttribute("id", (l = b)),
u = (d = a(t)).length;
d[u] = "#" + l + " " + mt(d[u]);
(m = d.join(",")), ($ = (X.test(t) && vt(e.parentNode)) || e);
if (m)
try {
return N.apply(r, $.querySelectorAll(m)), r;
} catch (t) {
} finally {
l === b && e.removeAttribute("id");
return s(t.replace(U, "$1"), e, r, i);
function at() {
var t = [];
return function e(n, i) {
return t.push(n + " ") > r.cacheLength && delete e[t.shift()], (e[n + " "] = i);
function ut(t) {
return (t[b] = !0), t;
function st(t) {
var e = h.createElement("fieldset");
try {
return !!t(e);
} catch (t) {
return !1;
} finally {
e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e), (e = null);
function ct(t, e) {
for (var n = t.split("|"), i = n.length; i--; ) r.attrHandle[n[i]] = e;
function lt(t, e) {
var n = e && t,
r = n && 1 === t.nodeType && 1 === e.nodeType && t.sourceIndex - e.sourceIndex;
if (r) return r;
if (n) for (; (n = n.nextSibling); ) if (n === e) return -1;
return t ? 1 : -1;
function ft(t) {
return function(e) {
return "input" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase() && e.type === t;
function pt(t) {
return function(e) {
var n = e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return ("input" === n || "button" === n) && e.type === t;
function ht(t) {
return function(e) {
return "form" in e
? e.parentNode && !1 === e.disabled
? "label" in e
? "label" in e.parentNode
? e.parentNode.disabled === t
: e.disabled === t
: e.isDisabled === t || (e.isDisabled !== !t && it(e) === t)
: e.disabled === t
: "label" in e && e.disabled === t;
function dt(t) {
return ut(function(e) {
return (
(e = +e),
ut(function(n, r) {
for (var i, o = t([], n.length, e), a = o.length; a--; )
n[(i = o[a])] && (n[i] = !(r[i] = n[i]));
function vt(t) {
return t && void 0 !== t.getElementsByTagName && t;
for (e in ((n = ot.support = {}),
(o = ot.isXML = function(t) {
var e = t && (t.ownerDocument || t).documentElement;
return !!e && "HTML" !== e.nodeName;
(p = ot.setDocument = function(t) {
var e,
a = t ? t.ownerDocument || t : w;
return a !== h && 9 === a.nodeType && a.documentElement
? ((d = (h = a).documentElement),
(v = !o(h)),
w !== h &&
(i = h.defaultView) &&
i.top !== i &&
? i.addEventListener("unload", rt, !1)
: i.attachEvent && i.attachEvent("onunload", rt)),
(n.attributes = st(function(t) {
return (t.className = "i"), !t.getAttribute("className");
(n.getElementsByTagName = st(function(t) {
return t.appendChild(h.createComment("")), !t.getElementsByTagName("*").length;
(n.getElementsByClassName = Y.test(h.getElementsByClassName)),
(n.getById = st(function(t) {
return (
(d.appendChild(t).id = b),
!h.getElementsByName || !h.getElementsByName(b).length
? ((r.filter.ID = function(t) {
var e = t.replace(Q, tt);
return function(t) {
return t.getAttribute("id") === e;
(r.find.ID = function(t, e) {
if (void 0 !== e.getElementById && v) {
var n = e.getElementById(t);
return n ? [n] : [];
: ((r.filter.ID = function(t) {
var e = t.replace(Q, tt);
return function(t) {
var n = void 0 !== t.getAttributeNode && t.getAttributeNode("id");
return n && n.value === e;
(r.find.ID = function(t, e) {
if (void 0 !== e.getElementById && v) {
var n,
o = e.getElementById(t);
if (o) {
if ((n = o.getAttributeNode("id")) && n.value === t) return [o];
for (i = e.getElementsByName(t), r = 0; (o = i[r++]); )
if ((n = o.getAttributeNode("id")) && n.value === t) return [o];
return [];
(r.find.TAG = n.getElementsByTagName
? function(t, e) {
return void 0 !== e.getElementsByTagName
? e.getElementsByTagName(t)
: n.qsa
? e.querySelectorAll(t)
: void 0;
: function(t, e) {
var n,
r = [],
i = 0,
o = e.getElementsByTagName(t);
if ("*" === t) {
for (; (n = o[i++]); ) 1 === n.nodeType && r.push(n);
return r;
return o;
(r.find.CLASS =
n.getElementsByClassName &&
function(t, e) {
if (void 0 !== e.getElementsByClassName && v)
return e.getElementsByClassName(t);
(m = []),
(g = []),
(n.qsa = Y.test(h.querySelectorAll)) &&
(st(function(t) {
(d.appendChild(t).innerHTML =
"<a id='" +
b +
"'></a><select id='" +
b +
"-\r\\' msallowcapture=''><option selected=''></option></select>"),
t.querySelectorAll("[msallowcapture^='']").length &&
g.push("[*^$]=" + I + "*(?:''|\"\")"),
t.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length ||
g.push("\\[" + I + "*(?:value|" + D + ")"),
t.querySelectorAll("[id~=" + b + "-]").length || g.push("~="),
t.querySelectorAll(":checked").length || g.push(":checked"),
t.querySelectorAll("a#" + b + "+*").length || g.push(".#.+[+~]");
st(function(t) {
t.innerHTML =
"<a href='' disabled='disabled'></a><select disabled='disabled'><option/></select>";
var e = h.createElement("input");
e.setAttribute("type", "hidden"),
t.appendChild(e).setAttribute("name", "D"),
t.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length && g.push("name" + I + "*[*^$|!~]?="),
2 !== t.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length &&
g.push(":enabled", ":disabled"),
(d.appendChild(t).disabled = !0),
2 !== t.querySelectorAll(":disabled").length &&
g.push(":enabled", ":disabled"),
(n.matchesSelector = Y.test(
($ =
d.matches ||
d.webkitMatchesSelector ||
d.mozMatchesSelector ||
d.oMatchesSelector ||
)) &&
st(function(t) {
(n.disconnectedMatch = $.call(t, "*")),
$.call(t, "[s!='']:x"),
m.push("!=", V);
(g = g.length && new RegExp(g.join("|"))),
(m = m.length && new RegExp(m.join("|"))),
(e = Y.test(d.compareDocumentPosition)),
(y =
e || Y.test(d.contains)
? function(t, e) {
var n = 9 === t.nodeType ? t.documentElement : t,
r = e && e.parentNode;
return (
t === r ||
!r ||
1 !== r.nodeType ||
? n.contains(r)
: t.compareDocumentPosition && 16 & t.compareDocumentPosition(r))
: function(t, e) {
if (e) for (; (e = e.parentNode); ) if (e === t) return !0;
return !1;
(k = e
? function(t, e) {
if (t === e) return (f = !0), 0;
var r = !t.compareDocumentPosition - !e.compareDocumentPosition;
return (
r ||
(1 &
(r =
(t.ownerDocument || t) === (e.ownerDocument || e)
? t.compareDocumentPosition(e)
: 1) ||
(!n.sortDetached && e.compareDocumentPosition(t) === r)
? t === h || (t.ownerDocument === w && y(w, t))
? -1
: e === h || (e.ownerDocument === w && y(w, e))
? 1
: l
? L(l, t) - L(l, e)
: 0
: 4 & r
? -1
: 1)
: function(t, e) {
if (t === e) return (f = !0), 0;
var n,
r = 0,
i = t.parentNode,
o = e.parentNode,
a = [t],
u = [e];
if (!i || !o)
return t === h
? -1
: e === h
? 1
: i
? -1
: o
? 1
: l
? L(l, t) - L(l, e)
: 0;
if (i === o) return lt(t, e);
for (n = t; (n = n.parentNode); ) a.unshift(n);
for (n = e; (n = n.parentNode); ) u.unshift(n);
for (; a[r] === u[r]; ) r++;
return r ? lt(a[r], u[r]) : a[r] === w ? -1 : u[r] === w ? 1 : 0;
: h;
(ot.matches = function(t, e) {
return ot(t, null, null, e);
(ot.matchesSelector = function(t, e) {
if (
((t.ownerDocument || t) !== h && p(t),
(e = e.replace(B, "='$1']")),
n.matchesSelector && v && !E[e + " "] && (!m || !m.test(e)) && (!g || !g.test(e)))
try {
var r = $.call(t, e);
if (r || n.disconnectedMatch || (t.document && 11 !== t.document.nodeType))
return r;
} catch (t) {}
return ot(e, h, null, [t]).length > 0;
(ot.contains = function(t, e) {
return (t.ownerDocument || t) !== h && p(t), y(t, e);
(ot.attr = function(t, e) {
(t.ownerDocument || t) !== h && p(t);
var i = r.attrHandle[e.toLowerCase()],
o = i && A.call(r.attrHandle, e.toLowerCase()) ? i(t, e, !v) : void 0;
return void 0 !== o
? o
: n.attributes || !v
? t.getAttribute(e)
: (o = t.getAttributeNode(e)) && o.specified
? o.value
: null;
(ot.escape = function(t) {
return (t + "").replace(et, nt);
(ot.error = function(t) {
throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + t);
(ot.uniqueSort = function(t) {
var e,
r = [],
i = 0,
o = 0;
if (((f = !n.detectDuplicates), (l = !n.sortStable && t.slice(0)), t.sort(k), f)) {
for (; (e = t[o++]); ) e === t[o] && (i = r.push(o));
for (; i--; ) t.splice(r[i], 1);
return (l = null), t;
(i = ot.getText = function(t) {
var e,
n = "",
r = 0,
o = t.nodeType;
if (o) {
if (1 === o || 9 === o || 11 === o) {
if ("string" == typeof t.textContent) return t.textContent;
for (t = t.firstChild; t; t = t.nextSibling) n += i(t);
} else if (3 === o || 4 === o) return t.nodeValue;
} else for (; (e = t[r++]); ) n += i(e);
return n;
((r = ot.selectors = {
cacheLength: 50,
createPseudo: ut,
match: G,
attrHandle: {},
find: {},
relative: {
">": { dir: "parentNode", first: !0 },
" ": { dir: "parentNode" },
"+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: !0 },
"~": { dir: "previousSibling" }
preFilter: {
ATTR: function(t) {
return (
(t[1] = t[1].replace(Q, tt)),
(t[3] = (t[3] || t[4] || t[5] || "").replace(Q, tt)),
"~=" === t[2] && (t[3] = " " + t[3] + " "),
t.slice(0, 4)
CHILD: function(t) {
return (
(t[1] = t[1].toLowerCase()),
"nth" === t[1].slice(0, 3)
? (t[3] || ot.error(t[0]),
(t[4] = +(t[4]
? t[5] + (t[6] || 1)
: 2 * ("even" === t[3] || "odd" === t[3]))),
(t[5] = +(t[7] + t[8] || "odd" === t[3])))
: t[3] && ot.error(t[0]),
PSEUDO: function(t) {
var e,
n = !t[6] && t[2];
return G.CHILD.test(t[0])
? null
: (t[3]
? (t[2] = t[4] || t[5] || "")
: n &&
z.test(n) &&
(e = a(n, !0)) &&
(e = n.indexOf(")", n.length - e) - n.length) &&
((t[0] = t[0].slice(0, e)), (t[2] = n.slice(0, e))),
t.slice(0, 3));
filter: {
TAG: function(t) {
var e = t.replace(Q, tt).toLowerCase();
return "*" === t
? function() {
return !0;
: function(t) {
return t.nodeName && t.nodeName.toLowerCase() === e;
CLASS: function(t) {
var e = C[t + " "];
return (
e ||
((e = new RegExp("(^|" + I + ")" + t + "(" + I + "|$)")) &&
C(t, function(t) {
return e.test(
("string" == typeof t.className && t.className) ||
(void 0 !== t.getAttribute && t.getAttribute("class")) ||
ATTR: function(t, e, n) {
return function(r) {
var i = ot.attr(r, t);
return null == i
? "!=" === e
: !e ||
((i += ""),
"=" === e
? i === n
: "!=" === e
? i !== n
: "^=" === e
? n && 0 === i.indexOf(n)
: "*=" === e
? n && i.indexOf(n) > -1
: "$=" === e
? n && i.slice(-n.length) === n
: "~=" === e
? (" " + i.replace(q, " ") + " ").indexOf(n) > -1
: "|=" === e &&
(i === n || i.slice(0, n.length + 1) === n + "-"));
CHILD: function(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o = "nth" !== t.slice(0, 3),
a = "last" !== t.slice(-4),
u = "of-type" === e;
return 1 === r && 0 === i
? function(t) {
return !!t.parentNode;
: function(e, n, s) {
var c,
v = o !== a ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling",
g = e.parentNode,
m = u && e.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
$ = !s && !u,
y = !1;
if (g) {
if (o) {
for (; v; ) {
for (p = e; (p = p[v]); )
if (u ? p.nodeName.toLowerCase() === m : 1 === p.nodeType)
return !1;
d = v = "only" === t && !d && "nextSibling";
return !0;
if (((d = [a ? g.firstChild : g.lastChild]), a && $)) {
for (
y =
(h =
(c =
(l =
(f = (p = g)[b] || (p[b] = {}))[p.uniqueID] ||
(f[p.uniqueID] = {}))[t] || [])[0] === x && c[1]) && c[2],
p = h && g.childNodes[h];
(p = (++h && p && p[v]) || (y = h = 0) || d.pop());
if (1 === p.nodeType && ++y && p === e) {
l[t] = [x, h, y];
} else if (
($ &&
(y = h =
(c =
(l =
(f = (p = e)[b] || (p[b] = {}))[p.uniqueID] ||
(f[p.uniqueID] = {}))[t] || [])[0] === x && c[1]),
!1 === y)
for (
(p = (++h && p && p[v]) || (y = h = 0) || d.pop()) &&
((u ? p.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== m : 1 !== p.nodeType) ||
!++y ||
($ &&
((l =
(f = p[b] || (p[b] = {}))[p.uniqueID] || (f[p.uniqueID] = {}))[
] = [x, y]),
p !== e));
return (y -= i) === r || (y % r == 0 && y / r >= 0);
PSEUDO: function(t, e) {
var n,
i =
r.pseudos[t] ||
r.setFilters[t.toLowerCase()] ||
ot.error("unsupported pseudo: " + t);
return i[b]
? i(e)
: i.length > 1
? ((n = [t, t, "", e]),
? ut(function(t, n) {
for (var r, o = i(t, e), a = o.length; a--; )
t[(r = L(t, o[a]))] = !(n[r] = o[a]);
: function(t) {
return i(t, 0, n);
: i;
pseudos: {
not: ut(function(t) {
var e = [],
n = [],
r = u(t.replace(U, "$1"));
return r[b]
? ut(function(t, e, n, i) {
for (var o, a = r(t, null, i, []), u = t.length; u--; )
(o = a[u]) && (t[u] = !(e[u] = o));
: function(t, i, o) {
return (e[0] = t), r(e, null, o, n), (e[0] = null), !n.pop();
has: ut(function(t) {
return function(e) {
return ot(t, e).length > 0;
contains: ut(function(t) {
return (
(t = t.replace(Q, tt)),
function(e) {
return (e.textContent || e.innerText || i(e)).indexOf(t) > -1;
lang: ut(function(t) {
return (
W.test(t || "") || ot.error("unsupported lang: " + t),
(t = t.replace(Q, tt).toLowerCase()),
function(e) {
var n;
do {
if ((n = v ? e.lang : e.getAttribute("xml:lang") || e.getAttribute("lang")))
return (n = n.toLowerCase()) === t || 0 === n.indexOf(t + "-");
} while ((e = e.parentNode) && 1 === e.nodeType);
return !1;
target: function(e) {
var n = t.location && t.location.hash;
return n && n.slice(1) === e.id;
root: function(t) {
return t === d;
focus: function(t) {
return (
t === h.activeElement &&
(!h.hasFocus || h.hasFocus()) &&
!!(t.type || t.href || ~t.tabIndex)
enabled: ht(!1),
disabled: ht(!0),
checked: function(t) {
var e = t.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return ("input" === e && !!t.checked) || ("option" === e && !!t.selected);
selected: function(t) {
return t.parentNode && t.parentNode.selectedIndex, !0 === t.selected;
empty: function(t) {
for (t = t.firstChild; t; t = t.nextSibling) if (t.nodeType < 6) return !1;
return !0;
parent: function(t) {
return !r.pseudos.empty(t);
header: function(t) {
return J.test(t.nodeName);
input: function(t) {
return K.test(t.nodeName);
button: function(t) {
var e = t.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return ("input" === e && "button" === t.type) || "button" === e;
text: function(t) {
var e;
return (
"input" === t.nodeName.toLowerCase() &&
"text" === t.type &&
(null == (e = t.getAttribute("type")) || "text" === e.toLowerCase())
first: dt(function() {
return [0];
last: dt(function(t, e) {
return [e - 1];
eq: dt(function(t, e, n) {
return [n < 0 ? n + e : n];
even: dt(function(t, e) {
for (var n = 0; n < e; n += 2) t.push(n);
return t;
odd: dt(function(t, e) {
for (var n = 1; n < e; n += 2) t.push(n);
return t;
lt: dt(function(t, e, n) {
for (var r = n < 0 ? n + e : n; --r >= 0; ) t.push(r);
return t;
gt: dt(function(t, e, n) {
for (var r = n < 0 ? n + e : n; ++r < e; ) t.push(r);
return t;
}).pseudos.nth = r.pseudos.eq),
{ radio: !0, checkbox: !0, file: !0, password: !0, image: !0 }))
r.pseudos[e] = ft(e);
for (e in { submit: !0, reset: !0 }) r.pseudos[e] = pt(e);
function gt() {}
function mt(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = t.length, r = ""; e < n; e++) r += t[e].value;
return r;
function $t(t, e, n) {
var r = e.dir,
i = e.next,
o = i || r,
a = n && "parentNode" === o,
u = _++;
return e.first
? function(e, n, i) {
for (; (e = e[r]); ) if (1 === e.nodeType || a) return t(e, n, i);
return !1;
: function(e, n, s) {
var c,
p = [x, u];
if (s) {
for (; (e = e[r]); ) if ((1 === e.nodeType || a) && t(e, n, s)) return !0;
} else
for (; (e = e[r]); )
if (1 === e.nodeType || a)
if (
((l = (f = e[b] || (e[b] = {}))[e.uniqueID] || (f[e.uniqueID] = {})),
i && i === e.nodeName.toLowerCase())
e = e[r] || e;
else {
if ((c = l[o]) && c[0] === x && c[1] === u) return (p[2] = c[2]);
if (((l[o] = p), (p[2] = t(e, n, s)))) return !0;
return !1;
function yt(t) {
return t.length > 1
? function(e, n, r) {
for (var i = t.length; i--; ) if (!t[i](e, n, r)) return !1;
return !0;
: t[0];
function bt(t, e, n, r, i) {
for (var o, a = [], u = 0, s = t.length, c = null != e; u < s; u++)
(o = t[u]) && ((n && !n(o, r, i)) || (a.push(o), c && e.push(u)));
return a;
function wt(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
return (
r && !r[b] && (r = wt(r)),
i && !i[b] && (i = wt(i, o)),
ut(function(o, a, u, s) {
var c,
p = [],
h = [],
d = a.length,
v =
o ||
(function(t, e, n) {
for (var r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; r++) ot(t, e[r], n);
return n;
})(e || "*", u.nodeType ? [u] : u, []),
g = !t || (!o && e) ? v : bt(v, p, t, u, s),
m = n ? (i || (o ? t : d || r) ? [] : a) : g;
if ((n && n(g, m, u, s), r))
for (c = bt(m, h), r(c, [], u, s), l = c.length; l--; )
(f = c[l]) && (m[h[l]] = !(g[h[l]] = f));
if (o) {
if (i || t) {
if (i) {
for (c = [], l = m.length; l--; ) (f = m[l]) && c.push((g[l] = f));
i(null, (m = []), c, s);
for (l = m.length; l--; )
(f = m[l]) && (c = i ? L(o, f) : p[l]) > -1 && (o[c] = !(a[c] = f));
} else (m = bt(m === a ? m.splice(d, m.length) : m)), i ? i(null, a, m, s) : N.apply(a, m);
function xt(t) {
for (
var e,
o = t.length,
a = r.relative[t[0].type],
u = a || r.relative[" "],
s = a ? 1 : 0,
l = $t(
function(t) {
return t === e;
f = $t(
function(t) {
return L(e, t) > -1;
p = [
function(t, n, r) {
var i =
(!a && (r || n !== c)) || ((e = n).nodeType ? l(t, n, r) : f(t, n, r));
return (e = null), i;
s < o;
if ((n = r.relative[t[s].type])) p = [$t(yt(p), n)];
else {
if ((n = r.filter[t[s].type].apply(null, t[s].matches))[b]) {
for (i = ++s; i < o && !r.relative[t[i].type]; i++);
return wt(
s > 1 && yt(p),
s > 1 &&
t.slice(0, s - 1).concat({ value: " " === t[s - 2].type ? "*" : "" })
).replace(U, "$1"),
s < i && xt(t.slice(s, i)),
i < o && xt((t = t.slice(i))),
i < o && mt(t)
return yt(p);
return (
(gt.prototype = r.filters = r.pseudos),
(r.setFilters = new gt()),
(a = ot.tokenize = function(t, e) {
var n,
l = S[t + " "];
if (l) return e ? 0 : l.slice(0);
for (u = t, s = [], c = r.preFilter; u; ) {
for (a in ((n && !(i = F.exec(u))) ||
(i && (u = u.slice(i[0].length) || u), s.push((o = []))),
(n = !1),
(i = H.exec(u)) &&
((n = i.shift()),
o.push({ value: n, type: i[0].replace(U, " ") }),
(u = u.slice(n.length))),
!(i = G[a].exec(u)) ||
(c[a] && !(i = c[a](i))) ||
((n = i.shift()),
o.push({ value: n, type: a, matches: i }),
(u = u.slice(n.length)));
if (!n) break;
return e ? u.length : u ? ot.error(t) : S(t, s).slice(0);
(u = ot.compile = function(t, e) {
var n,
i = [],
o = [],
u = E[t + " "];
if (!u) {
for (e || (e = a(t)), n = e.length; n--; )
(u = xt(e[n]))[b] ? i.push(u) : o.push(u);
(u = E(
(function(t, e) {
var n = e.length > 0,
i = t.length > 0,
o = function(o, a, u, s, l) {
var f,
m = 0,
$ = "0",
y = o && [],
b = [],
w = c,
_ = o || (i && r.find.TAG("*", l)),
C = (x += null == w ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1),
S = _.length;
for (l && (c = a === h || a || l); $ !== S && null != (f = _[$]); $++) {
if (i && f) {
for (
d = 0, a || f.ownerDocument === h || (p(f), (u = !v));
(g = t[d++]);
if (g(f, a || h, u)) {
l && (x = C);
n && ((f = !g && f) && m--, o && y.push(f));
if (((m += $), n && $ !== m)) {
for (d = 0; (g = e[d++]); ) g(y, b, a, u);
if (o) {
if (m > 0) for (; $--; ) y[$] || b[$] || (b[$] = O.call(s));
b = bt(b);
N.apply(s, b),
l && !o && b.length > 0 && m + e.length > 1 && ot.uniqueSort(s);
return l && ((x = C), (c = w)), y;
return n ? ut(o) : o;
})(o, i)
)).selector = t;
return u;
(s = ot.select = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o,
p = "function" == typeof t && t,
h = !i && a((t = p.selector || t));
if (((n = n || []), 1 === h.length)) {
if (
(s = h[0] = h[0].slice(0)).length > 2 &&
"ID" === (c = s[0]).type &&
9 === e.nodeType &&
v &&
) {
if (!(e = (r.find.ID(c.matches[0].replace(Q, tt), e) || [])[0])) return n;
p && (e = e.parentNode), (t = t.slice(s.shift().value.length));
for (
o = G.needsContext.test(t) ? 0 : s.length;
o-- && ((c = s[o]), !r.relative[(l = c.type)]);
if (
(f = r.find[l]) &&
(i = f(
c.matches[0].replace(Q, tt),
(X.test(s[0].type) && vt(e.parentNode)) || e
) {
if ((s.splice(o, 1), !(t = i.length && mt(s)))) return N.apply(n, i), n;
return (p || u(t, h))(i, e, !v, n, !e || (X.test(t) && vt(e.parentNode)) || e), n;
(n.sortStable =
.join("") === b),
(n.detectDuplicates = !!f),
(n.sortDetached = st(function(t) {
return 1 & t.compareDocumentPosition(h.createElement("fieldset"));
st(function(t) {
return (
(t.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>"), "#" === t.firstChild.getAttribute("href")
}) ||
ct("type|href|height|width", function(t, e, n) {
if (!n) return t.getAttribute(e, "type" === e.toLowerCase() ? 1 : 2);
(n.attributes &&
st(function(t) {
return (
(t.innerHTML = "<input/>"),
t.firstChild.setAttribute("value", ""),
"" === t.firstChild.getAttribute("value")
})) ||
ct("value", function(t, e, n) {
if (!n && "input" === t.nodeName.toLowerCase()) return t.defaultValue;
st(function(t) {
return null == t.getAttribute("disabled");
}) ||
ct(D, function(t, e, n) {
var r;
if (!n)
return !0 === t[e]
? e.toLowerCase()
: (r = t.getAttributeNode(e)) && r.specified
? r.value
: null;
(_.find = E),
(_.expr = E.selectors),
(_.expr[":"] = _.expr.pseudos),
(_.uniqueSort = _.unique = E.uniqueSort),
(_.text = E.getText),
(_.isXMLDoc = E.isXML),
(_.contains = E.contains),
(_.escapeSelector = E.escape);
var k = function(t, e, n) {
for (var r = [], i = void 0 !== n; (t = t[e]) && 9 !== t.nodeType; )
if (1 === t.nodeType) {
if (i && _(t).is(n)) break;
return r;
A = function(t, e) {
for (var n = []; t; t = t.nextSibling) 1 === t.nodeType && t !== e && n.push(t);
return n;
T = _.expr.match.needsContext;
function O(t, e) {
return t.nodeName && t.nodeName.toLowerCase() === e.toLowerCase();
var j = /^<([a-z][^\/\0>:\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/i;
function N(t, e, n) {
return $(e)
? _.grep(t, function(t, r) {
return !!e.call(t, r, t) !== n;
: e.nodeType
? _.grep(t, function(t) {
return (t === e) !== n;
: "string" != typeof e
? _.grep(t, function(t) {
return f.call(e, t) > -1 !== n;
: _.filter(e, t, n);
(_.filter = function(t, e, n) {
var r = e[0];
return (
n && (t = ":not(" + t + ")"),
1 === e.length && 1 === r.nodeType
? _.find.matchesSelector(r, t)
? [r]
: []
: _.find.matches(
_.grep(e, function(t) {
return 1 === t.nodeType;
find: function(t) {
var e,
r = this.length,
i = this;
if ("string" != typeof t)
return this.pushStack(
_(t).filter(function() {
for (e = 0; e < r; e++) if (_.contains(i[e], this)) return !0;
for (n = this.pushStack([]), e = 0; e < r; e++) _.find(t, i[e], n);
return r > 1 ? _.uniqueSort(n) : n;
filter: function(t) {
return this.pushStack(N(this, t || [], !1));
not: function(t) {
return this.pushStack(N(this, t || [], !0));
is: function(t) {
return !!N(this, "string" == typeof t && T.test(t) ? _(t) : t || [], !1).length;
var M,
L = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]+))$/;
((_.fn.init = function(t, e, n) {
var r, i;
if (!t) return this;
if (((n = n || M), "string" == typeof t)) {
if (
!(r =
"<" === t[0] && ">" === t[t.length - 1] && t.length >= 3
? [null, t, null]
: L.exec(t)) ||
(!r[1] && e)
return !e || e.jquery ? (e || n).find(t) : this.constructor(e).find(t);
if (r[1]) {
if (
((e = e instanceof _ ? e[0] : e),
_.merge(this, _.parseHTML(r[1], e && e.nodeType ? e.ownerDocument || e : a, !0)),
j.test(r[1]) && _.isPlainObject(e))
for (r in e) $(this[r]) ? this[r](e[r]) : this.attr(r, e[r]);
return this;
return (i = a.getElementById(r[2])) && ((this[0] = i), (this.length = 1)), this;
return t.nodeType
? ((this[0] = t), (this.length = 1), this)
: $(t)
? void 0 !== n.ready
? n.ready(t)
: t(_)
: _.makeArray(t, this);
}).prototype = _.fn),
(M = _(a));
var D = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/,
I = { children: !0, contents: !0, next: !0, prev: !0 };
function R(t, e) {
for (; (t = t[e]) && 1 !== t.nodeType; );
return t;
has: function(t) {
var e = _(t, this),
n = e.length;
return this.filter(function() {
for (var t = 0; t < n; t++) if (_.contains(this, e[t])) return !0;
closest: function(t, e) {
var n,
r = 0,
i = this.length,
o = [],
a = "string" != typeof t && _(t);
if (!T.test(t))
for (; r < i; r++)
for (n = this[r]; n && n !== e; n = n.parentNode)
if (
n.nodeType < 11 &&
(a ? a.index(n) > -1 : 1 === n.nodeType && _.find.matchesSelector(n, t))
) {
return this.pushStack(o.length > 1 ? _.uniqueSort(o) : o);
index: function(t) {
return t
? "string" == typeof t
? f.call(_(t), this[0])
: f.call(this, t.jquery ? t[0] : t)
: this[0] && this[0].parentNode
? this.first().prevAll().length
: -1;
add: function(t, e) {
return this.pushStack(_.uniqueSort(_.merge(this.get(), _(t, e))));
addBack: function(t) {
return this.add(null == t ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(t));
parent: function(t) {
var e = t.parentNode;
return e && 11 !== e.nodeType ? e : null;
parents: function(t) {
return k(t, "parentNode");
parentsUntil: function(t, e, n) {
return k(t, "parentNode", n);
next: function(t) {
return R(t, "nextSibling");
prev: function(t) {
return R(t, "previousSibling");
nextAll: function(t) {
return k(t, "nextSibling");
prevAll: function(t) {
return k(t, "previousSibling");
nextUntil: function(t, e, n) {
return k(t, "nextSibling", n);
prevUntil: function(t, e, n) {
return k(t, "previousSibling", n);
siblings: function(t) {
return A((t.parentNode || {}).firstChild, t);
children: function(t) {
return A(t.firstChild);
contents: function(t) {
return O(t, "iframe")
? t.contentDocument
: (O(t, "template") && (t = t.content || t), _.merge([], t.childNodes));
function(t, e) {
_.fn[t] = function(n, r) {
var i = _.map(this, e, n);
return (
"Until" !== t.slice(-5) && (r = n),
r && "string" == typeof r && (i = _.filter(r, i)),
this.length > 1 && (I[t] || _.uniqueSort(i), D.test(t) && i.reverse()),
var P = /[^\x20\t\r\n\f]+/g;
function V(t) {
return t;
function q(t) {
throw t;
function U(t, e, n, r) {
var i;
try {
t && $((i = t.promise))
? i
: t && $((i = t.then))
? i.call(t, e, n)
: e.apply(void 0, [t].slice(r));
} catch (t) {
n.apply(void 0, [t]);
(_.Callbacks = function(t) {
t =
"string" == typeof t
? (function(t) {
var e = {};
return (
_.each(t.match(P) || [], function(t, n) {
e[n] = !0;
: _.extend({}, t);
var e,
o = [],
a = [],
u = -1,
s = function() {
for (i = i || t.once, r = e = !0; a.length; u = -1)
for (n = a.shift(); ++u < o.length; )
!1 === o[u].apply(n[0], n[1]) && t.stopOnFalse && ((u = o.length), (n = !1));
t.memory || (n = !1), (e = !1), i && (o = n ? [] : "");
c = {
add: function() {
return (
o &&
(n && !e && ((u = o.length - 1), a.push(n)),
(function e(n) {
_.each(n, function(n, r) {
? (t.unique && c.has(r)) || o.push(r)
: r && r.length && "string" !== x(r) && e(r);
n && !e && s()),
remove: function() {
return (
_.each(arguments, function(t, e) {
for (var n; (n = _.inArray(e, o, n)) > -1; ) o.splice(n, 1), n <= u && u--;
has: function(t) {
return t ? _.inArray(t, o) > -1 : o.length > 0;
empty: function() {
return o && (o = []), this;
disable: function() {
return (i = a = []), (o = n = ""), this;
disabled: function() {
return !o;
lock: function() {
return (i = a = []), n || e || (o = n = ""), this;
locked: function() {
return !!i;
fireWith: function(t, n) {
return (
i || ((n = [t, (n = n || []).slice ? n.slice() : n]), a.push(n), e || s()), this
fire: function() {
return c.fireWith(this, arguments), this;
fired: function() {
return !!r;
return c;
Deferred: function(t) {
var e = [
["notify", "progress", _.Callbacks("memory"), _.Callbacks("memory"), 2],
_.Callbacks("once memory"),
_.Callbacks("once memory"),
_.Callbacks("once memory"),
_.Callbacks("once memory"),
r = "pending",
i = {
state: function() {
return r;
always: function() {
return o.done(arguments).fail(arguments), this;
catch: function(t) {
return i.then(null, t);
pipe: function() {
var t = arguments;
return _.Deferred(function(n) {
_.each(e, function(e, r) {
var i = $(t[r[4]]) && t[r[4]];
o[r[1]](function() {
var t = i && i.apply(this, arguments);
t && $(t.promise)
? t
: n[r[0] + "With"](this, i ? [t] : arguments);
(t = null);
then: function(t, r, i) {
var o = 0;
function a(t, e, r, i) {
return function() {
var u = this,
s = arguments,
c = function() {
var n, c;
if (!(t < o)) {
if ((n = r.apply(u, s)) === e.promise())
throw new TypeError("Thenable self-resolution");
(c = n && ("object" == typeof n || "function" == typeof n) && n.then),
? i
? c.call(n, a(o, e, V, i), a(o, e, q, i))
: (o++,
a(o, e, V, i),
a(o, e, q, i),
a(o, e, V, e.notifyWith)
: (r !== V && ((u = void 0), (s = [n])),
(i || e.resolveWith)(u, s));
l = i
? c
: function() {
try {
} catch (n) {
_.Deferred.exceptionHook &&
_.Deferred.exceptionHook(n, l.stackTrace),
t + 1 >= o &&
(r !== q && ((u = void 0), (s = [n])), e.rejectWith(u, s));
? l()
: (_.Deferred.getStackHook && (l.stackTrace = _.Deferred.getStackHook()),
return _.Deferred(function(n) {
e[0][3].add(a(0, n, $(i) ? i : V, n.notifyWith)),
e[1][3].add(a(0, n, $(t) ? t : V)),
e[2][3].add(a(0, n, $(r) ? r : q));
promise: function(t) {
return null != t ? _.extend(t, i) : i;
o = {};
return (
_.each(e, function(t, n) {
var a = n[2],
u = n[5];
(i[n[1]] = a.add),
u &&
function() {
r = u;
e[3 - t][2].disable,
e[3 - t][3].disable,
(o[n[0]] = function() {
return o[n[0] + "With"](this === o ? void 0 : this, arguments), this;
(o[n[0] + "With"] = a.fireWith);
t && t.call(o, o),
when: function(t) {
var e = arguments.length,
n = e,
r = Array(n),
i = s.call(arguments),
o = _.Deferred(),
a = function(t) {
return function(n) {
(r[t] = this),
(i[t] = arguments.length > 1 ? s.call(arguments) : n),
--e || o.resolveWith(r, i);
if (
e <= 1 &&
(U(t, o.done(a(n)).resolve, o.reject, !e),
"pending" === o.state() || $(i[n] && i[n].then))
return o.then();
for (; n--; ) U(i[n], a(n), o.reject);
return o.promise();
var F = /^(Eval|Internal|Range|Reference|Syntax|Type|URI)Error$/;
(_.Deferred.exceptionHook = function(t, e) {
n.console &&
n.console.warn &&
t &&
F.test(t.name) &&
n.console.warn("jQuery.Deferred exception: " + t.message, t.stack, e);
(_.readyException = function(t) {
n.setTimeout(function() {
throw t;
var H = _.Deferred();
function B() {
a.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", B), n.removeEventListener("load", B), _.ready();
(_.fn.ready = function(t) {
return (
H.then(t).catch(function(t) {
isReady: !1,
readyWait: 1,
ready: function(t) {
(!0 === t ? --_.readyWait : _.isReady) ||
((_.isReady = !0), (!0 !== t && --_.readyWait > 0) || H.resolveWith(a, [_]));
(_.ready.then = H.then),
"complete" === a.readyState || ("loading" !== a.readyState && !a.documentElement.doScroll)
? n.setTimeout(_.ready)
: (a.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", B), n.addEventListener("load", B));
var z = function(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
var u = 0,
s = t.length,
c = null == n;
if ("object" === x(n)) for (u in ((i = !0), n)) z(t, e, u, n[u], !0, o, a);
else if (
void 0 !== r &&
((i = !0),
$(r) || (a = !0),
c &&
? (e.call(t, r), (e = null))
: ((c = e),
(e = function(t, e, n) {
return c.call(_(t), n);
for (; u < s; u++) e(t[u], n, a ? r : r.call(t[u], u, e(t[u], n)));
return i ? t : c ? e.call(t) : s ? e(t[0], n) : o;
W = /^-ms-/,
G = /-([a-z])/g;
function K(t, e) {
return e.toUpperCase();
function J(t) {
return t.replace(W, "ms-").replace(G, K);
var Y = function(t) {
return 1 === t.nodeType || 9 === t.nodeType || !+t.nodeType;
function Z() {
this.expando = _.expando + Z.uid++;
(Z.uid = 1),
(Z.prototype = {
cache: function(t) {
var e = t[this.expando];
return (
e ||
((e = {}),
Y(t) &&
? (t[this.expando] = e)
: Object.defineProperty(t, this.expando, { value: e, configurable: !0 }))),
set: function(t, e, n) {
var r,
i = this.cache(t);
if ("string" == typeof e) i[J(e)] = n;
else for (r in e) i[J(r)] = e[r];
return i;
get: function(t, e) {
return void 0 === e ? this.cache(t) : t[this.expando] && t[this.expando][J(e)];
access: function(t, e, n) {
return void 0 === e || (e && "string" == typeof e && void 0 === n)
? this.get(t, e)
: (this.set(t, e, n), void 0 !== n ? n : e);
remove: function(t, e) {
var n,
r = t[this.expando];
if (void 0 !== r) {
if (void 0 !== e) {
n = (e = Array.isArray(e) ? e.map(J) : (e = J(e)) in r ? [e] : e.match(P) || [])
for (; n--; ) delete r[e[n]];
(void 0 === e || _.isEmptyObject(r)) &&
(t.nodeType ? (t[this.expando] = void 0) : delete t[this.expando]);
hasData: function(t) {
var e = t[this.expando];
return void 0 !== e && !_.isEmptyObject(e);
var X = new Z(),
Q = new Z(),
tt = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/,
et = /[A-Z]/g;
function nt(t, e, n) {
var r;
if (void 0 === n && 1 === t.nodeType)
if (
((r = "data-" + e.replace(et, "-$&").toLowerCase()),
"string" == typeof (n = t.getAttribute(r)))
) {
try {
n = (function(t) {
return (
"true" === t ||
("false" !== t &&
("null" === t ? null : t === +t + "" ? +t : tt.test(t) ? JSON.parse(t) : t))
} catch (t) {}
Q.set(t, e, n);
} else n = void 0;
return n;
hasData: function(t) {
return Q.hasData(t) || X.hasData(t);
data: function(t, e, n) {
return Q.access(t, e, n);
removeData: function(t, e) {
Q.remove(t, e);
_data: function(t, e, n) {
return X.access(t, e, n);
_removeData: function(t, e) {
X.remove(t, e);
data: function(t, e) {
var n,
o = this[0],
a = o && o.attributes;
if (void 0 === t) {
if (
this.length &&
((i = Q.get(o)), 1 === o.nodeType && !X.get(o, "hasDataAttrs"))
) {
for (n = a.length; n--; )
a[n] &&
0 === (r = a[n].name).indexOf("data-") &&
((r = J(r.slice(5))), nt(o, r, i[r]));
X.set(o, "hasDataAttrs", !0);
return i;
return "object" == typeof t
? this.each(function() {
Q.set(this, t);
: z(
function(e) {
var n;
if (o && void 0 === e)
return void 0 !== (n = Q.get(o, t))
? n
: void 0 !== (n = nt(o, t))
? n
: void 0;
this.each(function() {
Q.set(this, t, e);
arguments.length > 1,
removeData: function(t) {
return this.each(function() {
Q.remove(this, t);
queue: function(t, e, n) {
var r;
if (t)
return (
(e = (e || "fx") + "queue"),
(r = X.get(t, e)),
n && (!r || Array.isArray(n) ? (r = X.access(t, e, _.makeArray(n))) : r.push(n)),
r || []
dequeue: function(t, e) {
e = e || "fx";
var n = _.queue(t, e),
r = n.length,
i = n.shift(),
o = _._queueHooks(t, e);
"inprogress" === i && ((i = n.shift()), r--),
i &&
("fx" === e && n.unshift("inprogress"),
delete o.stop,
function() {
_.dequeue(t, e);
!r && o && o.empty.fire();
_queueHooks: function(t, e) {
var n = e + "queueHooks";
return (
X.get(t, n) ||
X.access(t, n, {
empty: _.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() {
X.remove(t, [e + "queue", n]);
queue: function(t, e) {
var n = 2;
return (
"string" != typeof t && ((e = t), (t = "fx"), n--),
arguments.length < n
? _.queue(this[0], t)
: void 0 === e
? this
: this.each(function() {
var n = _.queue(this, t, e);
_._queueHooks(this, t),
"fx" === t && "inprogress" !== n[0] && _.dequeue(this, t);
dequeue: function(t) {
return this.each(function() {
_.dequeue(this, t);
clearQueue: function(t) {
return this.queue(t || "fx", []);
promise: function(t, e) {
var n,
r = 1,
i = _.Deferred(),
o = this,
a = this.length,
u = function() {
--r || i.resolveWith(o, [o]);
for ("string" != typeof t && ((e = t), (t = void 0)), t = t || "fx"; a--; )
(n = X.get(o[a], t + "queueHooks")) && n.empty && (r++, n.empty.add(u));
return u(), i.promise(e);
var rt = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source,
it = new RegExp("^(?:([+-])=|)(" + rt + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i"),
ot = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"],
at = function(t, e) {
return (
"none" === (t = e || t).style.display ||
("" === t.style.display &&
_.contains(t.ownerDocument, t) &&
"none" === _.css(t, "display"))
ut = function(t, e, n, r) {
var i,
a = {};
for (o in e) (a[o] = t.style[o]), (t.style[o] = e[o]);
for (o in ((i = n.apply(t, r || [])), e)) t.style[o] = a[o];
return i;
function st(t, e, n, r) {
var i,
a = 20,
u = r
? function() {
return r.cur();
: function() {
return _.css(t, e, "");
s = u(),
c = (n && n[3]) || (_.cssNumber[e] ? "" : "px"),
l = (_.cssNumber[e] || ("px" !== c && +s)) && it.exec(_.css(t, e));
if (l && l[3] !== c) {
for (s /= 2, c = c || l[3], l = +s || 1; a--; )
_.style(t, e, l + c), (1 - o) * (1 - (o = u() / s || 0.5)) <= 0 && (a = 0), (l /= o);
(l *= 2), _.style(t, e, l + c), (n = n || []);
return (
n &&
((l = +l || +s || 0),
(i = n[1] ? l + (n[1] + 1) * n[2] : +n[2]),
r && ((r.unit = c), (r.start = l), (r.end = i))),
var ct = {};
function lt(t) {
var e,
n = t.ownerDocument,
r = t.nodeName,
i = ct[r];
return (
i ||
((e = n.body.appendChild(n.createElement(r))),
(i = _.css(e, "display")),
"none" === i && (i = "block"),
(ct[r] = i),
function ft(t, e) {
for (var n, r, i = [], o = 0, a = t.length; o < a; o++)
(r = t[o]).style &&
((n = r.style.display),
? ("none" === n &&
((i[o] = X.get(r, "display") || null), i[o] || (r.style.display = "")),
"" === r.style.display && at(r) && (i[o] = lt(r)))
: "none" !== n && ((i[o] = "none"), X.set(r, "display", n)));
for (o = 0; o < a; o++) null != i[o] && (t[o].style.display = i[o]);
return t;
show: function() {
return ft(this, !0);
hide: function() {
return ft(this);
toggle: function(t) {
return "boolean" == typeof t
? t
? this.show()
: this.hide()
: this.each(function() {
at(this) ? _(this).show() : _(this).hide();
var pt = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i,
ht = /<([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]+)/i,
dt = /^$|^module$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i,
vt = {
option: [1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>"],
thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"],
col: [2, "<table><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"],
tr: [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"],
td: [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"],
_default: [0, "", ""]
function gt(t, e) {
var n;
return (
(n =
void 0 !== t.getElementsByTagName
? t.getElementsByTagName(e || "*")
: void 0 !== t.querySelectorAll
? t.querySelectorAll(e || "*")
: []),
void 0 === e || (e && O(t, e)) ? _.merge([t], n) : n
function mt(t, e) {
for (var n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++)
X.set(t[n], "globalEval", !e || X.get(e[n], "globalEval"));
(vt.optgroup = vt.option),
(vt.tbody = vt.tfoot = vt.colgroup = vt.caption = vt.thead),
(vt.th = vt.td);
var $t = /<|&#?\w+;/;
function yt(t, e, n, r, i) {
for (
var o, a, u, s, c, l, f = e.createDocumentFragment(), p = [], h = 0, d = t.length;
h < d;
if ((o = t[h]) || 0 === o)
if ("object" === x(o)) _.merge(p, o.nodeType ? [o] : o);
else if ($t.test(o)) {
for (
a = a || f.appendChild(e.createElement("div")),
u = (ht.exec(o) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(),
s = vt[u] || vt._default,
a.innerHTML = s[1] + _.htmlPrefilter(o) + s[2],
l = s[0];
a = a.lastChild;
_.merge(p, a.childNodes), ((a = f.firstChild).textContent = "");
} else p.push(e.createTextNode(o));
for (f.textContent = "", h = 0; (o = p[h++]); )
if (r && _.inArray(o, r) > -1) i && i.push(o);
else if (
((c = _.contains(o.ownerDocument, o)),
(a = gt(f.appendChild(o), "script")),
c && mt(a),
for (l = 0; (o = a[l++]); ) dt.test(o.type || "") && n.push(o);
return f;
!(function() {
var t = a.createDocumentFragment().appendChild(a.createElement("div")),
e = a.createElement("input");
e.setAttribute("type", "radio"),
e.setAttribute("checked", "checked"),
e.setAttribute("name", "t"),
(m.checkClone = t.cloneNode(!0).cloneNode(!0).lastChild.checked),
(t.innerHTML = "<textarea>x</textarea>"),
(m.noCloneChecked = !!t.cloneNode(!0).lastChild.defaultValue);
var bt = a.documentElement,
wt = /^key/,
xt = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop)|click/,
_t = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)/;
function Ct() {
return !0;
function St() {
return !1;
function Et() {
try {
return a.activeElement;
} catch (t) {}
function kt(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a, u;
if ("object" == typeof e) {
for (u in ("string" != typeof n && ((r = r || n), (n = void 0)), e))
kt(t, u, n, r, e[u], o);
return t;
if (
(null == r && null == i
? ((i = n), (r = n = void 0))
: null == i &&
("string" == typeof n ? ((i = r), (r = void 0)) : ((i = r), (r = n), (n = void 0))),
!1 === i)
i = St;
else if (!i) return t;
return (
1 === o &&
((a = i),
((i = function(t) {
return _().off(t), a.apply(this, arguments);
}).guid = a.guid || (a.guid = _.guid++))),
t.each(function() {
_.event.add(this, e, i, r, n);
(_.event = {
global: {},
add: function(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o,
g = X.get(t);
if (g)
for (
n.handler && ((n = (o = n).handler), (i = o.selector)),
i && _.find.matchesSelector(bt, i),
n.guid || (n.guid = _.guid++),
(s = g.events) || (s = g.events = {}),
(a = g.handle) ||
(a = g.handle = function(e) {
return void 0 !== _ && _.event.triggered !== e.type
? _.event.dispatch.apply(t, arguments)
: void 0;
c = (e = (e || "").match(P) || [""]).length;
(h = v = (u = _t.exec(e[c]) || [])[1]),
(d = (u[2] || "").split(".").sort()),
h &&
((f = _.event.special[h] || {}),
(h = (i ? f.delegateType : f.bindType) || h),
(f = _.event.special[h] || {}),
(l = _.extend(
type: h,
origType: v,
data: r,
handler: n,
guid: n.guid,
selector: i,
needsContext: i && _.expr.match.needsContext.test(i),
namespace: d.join(".")
(p = s[h]) ||
(((p = s[h] = []).delegateCount = 0),
(f.setup && !1 !== f.setup.call(t, r, d, a)) ||
(t.addEventListener && t.addEventListener(h, a))),
f.add && (f.add.call(t, l), l.handler.guid || (l.handler.guid = n.guid)),
i ? p.splice(p.delegateCount++, 0, l) : p.push(l),
(_.event.global[h] = !0));
remove: function(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o,
g = X.hasData(t) && X.get(t);
if (g && (s = g.events)) {
for (c = (e = (e || "").match(P) || [""]).length; c--; )
if (
((h = v = (u = _t.exec(e[c]) || [])[1]), (d = (u[2] || "").split(".").sort()), h)
) {
for (
f = _.event.special[h] || {},
p = s[(h = (r ? f.delegateType : f.bindType) || h)] || [],
u = u[2] && new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + d.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)"),
a = o = p.length;
(l = p[o]),
(!i && v !== l.origType) ||
(n && n.guid !== l.guid) ||
(u && !u.test(l.namespace)) ||
(r && r !== l.selector && ("**" !== r || !l.selector)) ||
(p.splice(o, 1),
l.selector && p.delegateCount--,
f.remove && f.remove.call(t, l));
a &&
!p.length &&
((f.teardown && !1 !== f.teardown.call(t, d, g.handle)) ||
_.removeEvent(t, h, g.handle),
delete s[h]);
} else for (h in s) _.event.remove(t, h + e[c], n, r, !0);
_.isEmptyObject(s) && X.remove(t, "handle events");
dispatch: function(t) {
var e,
u = _.event.fix(t),
s = new Array(arguments.length),
c = (X.get(this, "events") || {})[u.type] || [],
l = _.event.special[u.type] || {};
for (s[0] = u, e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) s[e] = arguments[e];
if (((u.delegateTarget = this), !l.preDispatch || !1 !== l.preDispatch.call(this, u))) {
for (
a = _.event.handlers.call(this, u, c), e = 0;
(i = a[e++]) && !u.isPropagationStopped();
for (
u.currentTarget = i.elem, n = 0;
(o = i.handlers[n++]) && !u.isImmediatePropagationStopped();
(u.rnamespace && !u.rnamespace.test(o.namespace)) ||
((u.handleObj = o),
(u.data = o.data),
void 0 !==
(r = ((_.event.special[o.origType] || {}).handle || o.handler).apply(
)) &&
!1 === (u.result = r) &&
(u.preventDefault(), u.stopPropagation()));
return l.postDispatch && l.postDispatch.call(this, u), u.result;
handlers: function(t, e) {
var n,
u = [],
s = e.delegateCount,
c = t.target;
if (s && c.nodeType && !("click" === t.type && t.button >= 1))
for (; c !== this; c = c.parentNode || this)
if (1 === c.nodeType && ("click" !== t.type || !0 !== c.disabled)) {
for (o = [], a = {}, n = 0; n < s; n++)
void 0 === a[(i = (r = e[n]).selector + " ")] &&
(a[i] = r.needsContext
? _(i, this).index(c) > -1
: _.find(i, this, null, [c]).length),
a[i] && o.push(r);
o.length && u.push({ elem: c, handlers: o });
return (c = this), s < e.length && u.push({ elem: c, handlers: e.slice(s) }), u;
addProp: function(t, e) {
Object.defineProperty(_.Event.prototype, t, {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: $(e)
? function() {
if (this.originalEvent) return e(this.originalEvent);
: function() {
if (this.originalEvent) return this.originalEvent[t];
set: function(e) {
Object.defineProperty(this, t, {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0,
value: e
fix: function(t) {
return t[_.expando] ? t : new _.Event(t);
special: {
load: { noBubble: !0 },
focus: {
trigger: function() {
if (this !== Et() && this.focus) return this.focus(), !1;
delegateType: "focusin"
blur: {
trigger: function() {
if (this === Et() && this.blur) return this.blur(), !1;
delegateType: "focusout"
click: {
trigger: function() {
if ("checkbox" === this.type && this.click && O(this, "input"))
return this.click(), !1;
_default: function(t) {
return O(t.target, "a");
beforeunload: {
postDispatch: function(t) {
void 0 !== t.result && t.originalEvent && (t.originalEvent.returnValue = t.result);
(_.removeEvent = function(t, e, n) {
t.removeEventListener && t.removeEventListener(e, n);
(_.Event = function(t, e) {
if (!(this instanceof _.Event)) return new _.Event(t, e);
t && t.type
? ((this.originalEvent = t),
(this.type = t.type),
(this.isDefaultPrevented =
t.defaultPrevented || (void 0 === t.defaultPrevented && !1 === t.returnValue)
? Ct
: St),
(this.target =
t.target && 3 === t.target.nodeType ? t.target.parentNode : t.target),
(this.currentTarget = t.currentTarget),
(this.relatedTarget = t.relatedTarget))
: (this.type = t),
e && _.extend(this, e),
(this.timeStamp = (t && t.timeStamp) || Date.now()),
(this[_.expando] = !0);
(_.Event.prototype = {
constructor: _.Event,
isDefaultPrevented: St,
isPropagationStopped: St,
isImmediatePropagationStopped: St,
isSimulated: !1,
preventDefault: function() {
var t = this.originalEvent;
(this.isDefaultPrevented = Ct), t && !this.isSimulated && t.preventDefault();
stopPropagation: function() {
var t = this.originalEvent;
(this.isPropagationStopped = Ct), t && !this.isSimulated && t.stopPropagation();
stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
var t = this.originalEvent;
(this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = Ct),
t && !this.isSimulated && t.stopImmediatePropagation(),
altKey: !0,
bubbles: !0,
cancelable: !0,
changedTouches: !0,
ctrlKey: !0,
detail: !0,
eventPhase: !0,
metaKey: !0,
pageX: !0,
pageY: !0,
shiftKey: !0,
view: !0,
char: !0,
charCode: !0,
key: !0,
keyCode: !0,
button: !0,
buttons: !0,
clientX: !0,
clientY: !0,
offsetX: !0,
offsetY: !0,
pointerId: !0,
pointerType: !0,
screenX: !0,
screenY: !0,
targetTouches: !0,
toElement: !0,
touches: !0,
which: function(t) {
var e = t.button;
return null == t.which && wt.test(t.type)
? null != t.charCode
? t.charCode
: t.keyCode
: !t.which && void 0 !== e && xt.test(t.type)
? 1 & e
? 1
: 2 & e
? 3
: 4 & e
? 2
: 0
: t.which;
mouseenter: "mouseover",
mouseleave: "mouseout",
pointerenter: "pointerover",
pointerleave: "pointerout"
function(t, e) {
_.event.special[t] = {
delegateType: e,
bindType: e,
handle: function(t) {
var n,
r = t.relatedTarget,
i = t.handleObj;
return (
(r && (r === this || _.contains(this, r))) ||
((t.type = i.origType), (n = i.handler.apply(this, arguments)), (t.type = e)),
on: function(t, e, n, r) {
return kt(this, t, e, n, r);
one: function(t, e, n, r) {
return kt(this, t, e, n, r, 1);
off: function(t, e, n) {
var r, i;
if (t && t.preventDefault && t.handleObj)
return (
(r = t.handleObj),
r.namespace ? r.origType + "." + r.namespace : r.origType,
if ("object" == typeof t) {
for (i in t) this.off(i, e, t[i]);
return this;
return (
(!1 !== e && "function" != typeof e) || ((n = e), (e = void 0)),
!1 === n && (n = St),
this.each(function() {
_.event.remove(this, t, n, e);
var At = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[^>]*)\/>/gi,
Tt = /<script|<style|<link/i,
Ot = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
jt = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g;
function Nt(t, e) {
return (
(O(t, "table") &&
O(11 !== e.nodeType ? e : e.firstChild, "tr") &&
_(t).children("tbody")[0]) ||
function Mt(t) {
return (t.type = (null !== t.getAttribute("type")) + "/" + t.type), t;
function Lt(t) {
return (
"true/" === (t.type || "").slice(0, 5)
? (t.type = t.type.slice(5))
: t.removeAttribute("type"),
function Dt(t, e) {
var n, r, i, o, a, u, s, c;
if (1 === e.nodeType) {
if (X.hasData(t) && ((o = X.access(t)), (a = X.set(e, o)), (c = o.events)))
for (i in (delete a.handle, (a.events = {}), c))
for (n = 0, r = c[i].length; n < r; n++) _.event.add(e, i, c[i][n]);
Q.hasData(t) && ((u = Q.access(t)), (s = _.extend({}, u)), Q.set(e, s));
function It(t, e) {
var n = e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
"input" === n && pt.test(t.type)
? (e.checked = t.checked)
: ("input" !== n && "textarea" !== n) || (e.defaultValue = t.defaultValue);
function Rt(t, e, n, r) {
e = c.apply([], e);
var i,
f = 0,
p = t.length,
h = p - 1,
d = e[0],
v = $(d);
if (v || (p > 1 && "string" == typeof d && !m.checkClone && Ot.test(d)))
return t.each(function(i) {
var o = t.eq(i);
v && (e[0] = d.call(this, i, o.html())), Rt(o, e, n, r);
if (
p &&
((o = (i = yt(e, t[0].ownerDocument, !1, t, r)).firstChild),
1 === i.childNodes.length && (i = o),
o || r)
) {
for (u = (a = _.map(gt(i, "script"), Mt)).length; f < p; f++)
(s = i),
f !== h && ((s = _.clone(s, !0, !0)), u && _.merge(a, gt(s, "script"))),
n.call(t[f], s, f);
if (u)
for (l = a[a.length - 1].ownerDocument, _.map(a, Lt), f = 0; f < u; f++)
(s = a[f]),
dt.test(s.type || "") &&
!X.access(s, "globalEval") &&
_.contains(l, s) &&
(s.src && "module" !== (s.type || "").toLowerCase()
? _._evalUrl && _._evalUrl(s.src)
: w(s.textContent.replace(jt, ""), l, s));
return t;
function Pt(t, e, n) {
for (var r, i = e ? _.filter(e, t) : t, o = 0; null != (r = i[o]); o++)
n || 1 !== r.nodeType || _.cleanData(gt(r)),
r.parentNode &&
(n && _.contains(r.ownerDocument, r) && mt(gt(r, "script")),
return t;
htmlPrefilter: function(t) {
return t.replace(At, "<$1></$2>");
clone: function(t, e, n) {
var r,
u = t.cloneNode(!0),
s = _.contains(t.ownerDocument, t);
if (!(m.noCloneChecked || (1 !== t.nodeType && 11 !== t.nodeType) || _.isXMLDoc(t)))
for (a = gt(u), r = 0, i = (o = gt(t)).length; r < i; r++) It(o[r], a[r]);
if (e)
if (n)
for (o = o || gt(t), a = a || gt(u), r = 0, i = o.length; r < i; r++)
Dt(o[r], a[r]);
else Dt(t, u);
return (a = gt(u, "script")).length > 0 && mt(a, !s && gt(t, "script")), u;
cleanData: function(t) {
for (var e, n, r, i = _.event.special, o = 0; void 0 !== (n = t[o]); o++)
if (Y(n)) {
if ((e = n[X.expando])) {
if (e.events)
for (r in e.events) i[r] ? _.event.remove(n, r) : _.removeEvent(n, r, e.handle);
n[X.expando] = void 0;
n[Q.expando] && (n[Q.expando] = void 0);
detach: function(t) {
return Pt(this, t, !0);
remove: function(t) {
return Pt(this, t);
text: function(t) {
return z(
function(t) {
return void 0 === t
? _.text(this)
: this.empty().each(function() {
(1 !== this.nodeType && 11 !== this.nodeType && 9 !== this.nodeType) ||
(this.textContent = t);
append: function() {
return Rt(this, arguments, function(t) {
(1 !== this.nodeType && 11 !== this.nodeType && 9 !== this.nodeType) ||
Nt(this, t).appendChild(t);
prepend: function() {
return Rt(this, arguments, function(t) {
if (1 === this.nodeType || 11 === this.nodeType || 9 === this.nodeType) {
var e = Nt(this, t);
e.insertBefore(t, e.firstChild);
before: function() {
return Rt(this, arguments, function(t) {
this.parentNode && this.parentNode.insertBefore(t, this);
after: function() {
return Rt(this, arguments, function(t) {
this.parentNode && this.parentNode.insertBefore(t, this.nextSibling);
empty: function() {
for (var t, e = 0; null != (t = this[e]); e++)
1 === t.nodeType && (_.cleanData(gt(t, !1)), (t.textContent = ""));
return this;
clone: function(t, e) {
return (
(t = null != t && t),
(e = null == e ? t : e),
this.map(function() {
return _.clone(this, t, e);
html: function(t) {
return z(
function(t) {
var e = this[0] || {},
n = 0,
r = this.length;
if (void 0 === t && 1 === e.nodeType) return e.innerHTML;
if (
"string" == typeof t &&
!Tt.test(t) &&
!vt[(ht.exec(t) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]
) {
t = _.htmlPrefilter(t);
try {
for (; n < r; n++)
1 === (e = this[n] || {}).nodeType &&
(_.cleanData(gt(e, !1)), (e.innerHTML = t));
e = 0;
} catch (t) {}
e && this.empty().append(t);
replaceWith: function() {
var t = [];
return Rt(
function(e) {
var n = this.parentNode;
_.inArray(this, t) < 0 && (_.cleanData(gt(this)), n && n.replaceChild(e, this));
appendTo: "append",
prependTo: "prepend",
insertBefore: "before",
insertAfter: "after",
replaceAll: "replaceWith"
function(t, e) {
_.fn[t] = function(t) {
for (var n, r = [], i = _(t), o = i.length - 1, a = 0; a <= o; a++)
(n = a === o ? this : this.clone(!0)), _(i[a])[e](n), l.apply(r, n.get());
return this.pushStack(r);
var Vt = new RegExp("^(" + rt + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i"),
qt = function(t) {
var e = t.ownerDocument.defaultView;
return (e && e.opener) || (e = n), e.getComputedStyle(t);
Ut = new RegExp(ot.join("|"), "i");
function Ft(t, e, n) {
var r,
u = t.style;
return (
(n = n || qt(t)) &&
("" !== (a = n.getPropertyValue(e) || n[e]) ||
_.contains(t.ownerDocument, t) ||
(a = _.style(t, e)),
!m.pixelBoxStyles() &&
Vt.test(a) &&
Ut.test(e) &&
((r = u.width),
(i = u.minWidth),
(o = u.maxWidth),
(u.minWidth = u.maxWidth = u.width = a),
(a = n.width),
(u.width = r),
(u.minWidth = i),
(u.maxWidth = o))),
void 0 !== a ? a + "" : a
function Ht(t, e) {
return {
get: function() {
if (!t()) return (this.get = e).apply(this, arguments);
delete this.get;
!(function() {
function t() {
if (l) {
(c.style.cssText =
(l.style.cssText =
var t = n.getComputedStyle(l);
(r = "1%" !== t.top),
(s = 12 === e(t.marginLeft)),
(l.style.right = "60%"),
(u = 36 === e(t.right)),
(i = 36 === e(t.width)),
(l.style.position = "absolute"),
(o = 36 === l.offsetWidth || "absolute"),
(l = null);
function e(t) {
return Math.round(parseFloat(t));
var r,
c = a.createElement("div"),
l = a.createElement("div");
l.style &&
((l.style.backgroundClip = "content-box"),
(l.cloneNode(!0).style.backgroundClip = ""),
(m.clearCloneStyle = "content-box" === l.style.backgroundClip),
_.extend(m, {
boxSizingReliable: function() {
return t(), i;
pixelBoxStyles: function() {
return t(), u;
pixelPosition: function() {
return t(), r;
reliableMarginLeft: function() {
return t(), s;
scrollboxSize: function() {
return t(), o;
var Bt = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/,
zt = /^--/,
Wt = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" },
Gt = { letterSpacing: "0", fontWeight: "400" },
Kt = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"],
Jt = a.createElement("div").style;
function Yt(t) {
var e = _.cssProps[t];
return (
e ||
(e = _.cssProps[t] =
(function(t) {
if (t in Jt) return t;
for (var e = t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1), n = Kt.length; n--; )
if ((t = Kt[n] + e) in Jt) return t;
})(t) || t),
function Zt(t, e, n) {
var r = it.exec(e);
return r ? Math.max(0, r[2] - (n || 0)) + (r[3] || "px") : e;
function Xt(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a = "width" === e ? 1 : 0,
u = 0,
s = 0;
if (n === (r ? "border" : "content")) return 0;
for (; a < 4; a += 2)
"margin" === n && (s += _.css(t, n + ot[a], !0, i)),
? ("content" === n && (s -= _.css(t, "padding" + ot[a], !0, i)),
"margin" !== n && (s -= _.css(t, "border" + ot[a] + "Width", !0, i)))
: ((s += _.css(t, "padding" + ot[a], !0, i)),
"padding" !== n
? (s += _.css(t, "border" + ot[a] + "Width", !0, i))
: (u += _.css(t, "border" + ot[a] + "Width", !0, i)));
return (
!r &&
o >= 0 &&
(s += Math.max(
Math.ceil(t["offset" + e[0].toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)] - o - s - u - 0.5)
function Qt(t, e, n) {
var r = qt(t),
i = Ft(t, e, r),
o = "border-box" === _.css(t, "boxSizing", !1, r),
a = o;
if (Vt.test(i)) {
if (!n) return i;
i = "auto";
return (
(a = a && (m.boxSizingReliable() || i === t.style[e])),
("auto" === i || (!parseFloat(i) && "inline" === _.css(t, "display", !1, r))) &&
((i = t["offset" + e[0].toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)]), (a = !0)),
(i = parseFloat(i) || 0) + Xt(t, e, n || (o ? "border" : "content"), a, r, i) + "px"
function te(t, e, n, r, i) {
return new te.prototype.init(t, e, n, r, i);
cssHooks: {
opacity: {
get: function(t, e) {
if (e) {
var n = Ft(t, "opacity");
return "" === n ? "1" : n;
cssNumber: {
animationIterationCount: !0,
columnCount: !0,
fillOpacity: !0,
flexGrow: !0,
flexShrink: !0,
fontWeight: !0,
lineHeight: !0,
opacity: !0,
order: !0,
orphans: !0,
widows: !0,
zIndex: !0,
zoom: !0
cssProps: {},
style: function(t, e, n, r) {
if (t && 3 !== t.nodeType && 8 !== t.nodeType && t.style) {
var i,
u = J(e),
s = zt.test(e),
c = t.style;
if ((s || (e = Yt(u)), (a = _.cssHooks[e] || _.cssHooks[u]), void 0 === n))
return a && "get" in a && void 0 !== (i = a.get(t, !1, r)) ? i : c[e];
"string" === (o = typeof n) &&
(i = it.exec(n)) &&
i[1] &&
((n = st(t, e, i)), (o = "number")),
null != n &&
n == n &&
("number" === o && (n += (i && i[3]) || (_.cssNumber[u] ? "" : "px")),
m.clearCloneStyle ||
"" !== n ||
0 !== e.indexOf("background") ||
(c[e] = "inherit"),
(a && "set" in a && void 0 === (n = a.set(t, n, r))) ||
(s ? c.setProperty(e, n) : (c[e] = n)));
css: function(t, e, n, r) {
var i,
u = J(e);
return (
zt.test(e) || (e = Yt(u)),
(a = _.cssHooks[e] || _.cssHooks[u]) && "get" in a && (i = a.get(t, !0, n)),
void 0 === i && (i = Ft(t, e, r)),
"normal" === i && e in Gt && (i = Gt[e]),
"" === n || n ? ((o = parseFloat(i)), !0 === n || isFinite(o) ? o || 0 : i) : i
_.each(["height", "width"], function(t, e) {
_.cssHooks[e] = {
get: function(t, n, r) {
if (n)
return !Bt.test(_.css(t, "display")) ||
(t.getClientRects().length && t.getBoundingClientRect().width)
? Qt(t, e, r)
: ut(t, Wt, function() {
return Qt(t, e, r);
set: function(t, n, r) {
var i,
o = qt(t),
a = "border-box" === _.css(t, "boxSizing", !1, o),
u = r && Xt(t, e, r, a, o);
return (
a &&
m.scrollboxSize() === o.position &&
(u -= Math.ceil(
t["offset" + e[0].toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)] -
parseFloat(o[e]) -
Xt(t, e, "border", !1, o) -
u &&
(i = it.exec(n)) &&
"px" !== (i[3] || "px") &&
((t.style[e] = n), (n = _.css(t, e))),
Zt(0, n, u)
(_.cssHooks.marginLeft = Ht(m.reliableMarginLeft, function(t, e) {
if (e)
return (
(parseFloat(Ft(t, "marginLeft")) ||
t.getBoundingClientRect().left -
ut(t, { marginLeft: 0 }, function() {
return t.getBoundingClientRect().left;
})) + "px"
_.each({ margin: "", padding: "", border: "Width" }, function(t, e) {
(_.cssHooks[t + e] = {
expand: function(n) {
for (var r = 0, i = {}, o = "string" == typeof n ? n.split(" ") : [n]; r < 4; r++)
i[t + ot[r] + e] = o[r] || o[r - 2] || o[0];
return i;
"margin" !== t && (_.cssHooks[t + e].set = Zt);
css: function(t, e) {
return z(
function(t, e, n) {
var r,
o = {},
a = 0;
if (Array.isArray(e)) {
for (r = qt(t), i = e.length; a < i; a++) o[e[a]] = _.css(t, e[a], !1, r);
return o;
return void 0 !== n ? _.style(t, e, n) : _.css(t, e);
arguments.length > 1
(_.Tween = te),
(te.prototype = {
constructor: te,
init: function(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
(this.elem = t),
(this.prop = n),
(this.easing = i || _.easing._default),
(this.options = e),
(this.start = this.now = this.cur()),
(this.end = r),
(this.unit = o || (_.cssNumber[n] ? "" : "px"));
cur: function() {
var t = te.propHooks[this.prop];
return t && t.get ? t.get(this) : te.propHooks._default.get(this);
run: function(t) {
var e,
n = te.propHooks[this.prop];
return (
? (this.pos = e = _.easing[this.easing](
this.options.duration * t,
: (this.pos = e = t),
(this.now = (this.end - this.start) * e + this.start),
this.options.step && this.options.step.call(this.elem, this.now, this),
n && n.set ? n.set(this) : te.propHooks._default.set(this),
(te.prototype.init.prototype = te.prototype),
(te.propHooks = {
_default: {
get: function(t) {
var e;
return 1 !== t.elem.nodeType ||
(null != t.elem[t.prop] && null == t.elem.style[t.prop])
? t.elem[t.prop]
: (e = _.css(t.elem, t.prop, "")) && "auto" !== e
? e
: 0;
set: function(t) {
? _.fx.step[t.prop](t)
: 1 !== t.elem.nodeType ||
(null == t.elem.style[_.cssProps[t.prop]] && !_.cssHooks[t.prop])
? (t.elem[t.prop] = t.now)
: _.style(t.elem, t.prop, t.now + t.unit);
(te.propHooks.scrollTop = te.propHooks.scrollLeft = {
set: function(t) {
t.elem.nodeType && t.elem.parentNode && (t.elem[t.prop] = t.now);
(_.easing = {
linear: function(t) {
return t;
swing: function(t) {
return 0.5 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI) / 2;
_default: "swing"
(_.fx = te.prototype.init),
(_.fx.step = {});
var ee,
re = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/,
ie = /queueHooks$/;
function oe() {
ne &&
(!1 === a.hidden && n.requestAnimationFrame
? n.requestAnimationFrame(oe)
: n.setTimeout(oe, _.fx.interval),
function ae() {
return (
n.setTimeout(function() {
ee = void 0;
(ee = Date.now())
function ue(t, e) {
var n,
r = 0,
i = { height: t };
for (e = e ? 1 : 0; r < 4; r += 2 - e) i["margin" + (n = ot[r])] = i["padding" + n] = t;
return e && (i.opacity = i.width = t), i;
function se(t, e, n) {
for (
var r, i = (ce.tweeners[e] || []).concat(ce.tweeners["*"]), o = 0, a = i.length;
o < a;
if ((r = i[o].call(n, e, t))) return r;
function ce(t, e, n) {
var r,
o = 0,
a = ce.prefilters.length,
u = _.Deferred().always(function() {
delete s.elem;
s = function() {
if (i) return !1;
for (
var e = ee || ae(),
n = Math.max(0, c.startTime + c.duration - e),
r = 1 - (n / c.duration || 0),
o = 0,
a = c.tweens.length;
o < a;
return (
u.notifyWith(t, [c, r, n]),
r < 1 && a ? n : (a || u.notifyWith(t, [c, 1, 0]), u.resolveWith(t, [c]), !1)
c = u.promise({
elem: t,
props: _.extend({}, e),
opts: _.extend(!0, { specialEasing: {}, easing: _.easing._default }, n),
originalProperties: e,
originalOptions: n,
startTime: ee || ae(),
duration: n.duration,
tweens: [],
createTween: function(e, n) {
var r = _.Tween(t, c.opts, e, n, c.opts.specialEasing[e] || c.opts.easing);
return c.tweens.push(r), r;
stop: function(e) {
var n = 0,
r = e ? c.tweens.length : 0;
if (i) return this;
for (i = !0; n < r; n++) c.tweens[n].run(1);
return (
? (u.notifyWith(t, [c, 1, 0]), u.resolveWith(t, [c, e]))
: u.rejectWith(t, [c, e]),
l = c.props;
for (
!(function(t, e) {
var n, r, i, o, a;
for (n in t)
if (
((i = e[(r = J(n))]),
(o = t[n]),
Array.isArray(o) && ((i = o[1]), (o = t[n] = o[0])),
n !== r && ((t[r] = o), delete t[n]),
(a = _.cssHooks[r]) && ("expand" in a))
for (n in ((o = a.expand(o)), delete t[r], o))
(n in t) || ((t[n] = o[n]), (e[n] = i));
else e[r] = i;
})(l, c.opts.specialEasing);
o < a;
if ((r = ce.prefilters[o].call(c, t, l, c.opts)))
return $(r.stop) && (_._queueHooks(c.elem, c.opts.queue).stop = r.stop.bind(r)), r;
return (
_.map(l, se, c),
$(c.opts.start) && c.opts.start.call(t, c),
.done(c.opts.done, c.opts.complete)
_.fx.timer(_.extend(s, { elem: t, anim: c, queue: c.opts.queue })),
(_.Animation = _.extend(ce, {
tweeners: {
"*": [
function(t, e) {
var n = this.createTween(t, e);
return st(n.elem, t, it.exec(e), n), n;
tweener: function(t, e) {
$(t) ? ((e = t), (t = ["*"])) : (t = t.match(P));
for (var n, r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++)
(n = t[r]), (ce.tweeners[n] = ce.tweeners[n] || []), ce.tweeners[n].unshift(e);
prefilters: [
function(t, e, n) {
var r,
f = "width" in e || "height" in e,
p = this,
h = {},
d = t.style,
v = t.nodeType && at(t),
g = X.get(t, "fxshow");
for (r in (n.queue ||
(null == (a = _._queueHooks(t, "fx")).unqueued &&
((a.unqueued = 0),
(u = a.empty.fire),
(a.empty.fire = function() {
a.unqueued || u();
p.always(function() {
p.always(function() {
a.unqueued--, _.queue(t, "fx").length || a.empty.fire();
if (((i = e[r]), re.test(i))) {
if ((delete e[r], (o = o || "toggle" === i), i === (v ? "hide" : "show"))) {
if ("show" !== i || !g || void 0 === g[r]) continue;
v = !0;
h[r] = (g && g[r]) || _.style(t, r);
if ((s = !_.isEmptyObject(e)) || !_.isEmptyObject(h))
for (r in (f &&
1 === t.nodeType &&
((n.overflow = [d.overflow, d.overflowX, d.overflowY]),
null == (c = g && g.display) && (c = X.get(t, "display")),
"none" === (l = _.css(t, "display")) &&
? (l = c)
: (ft([t], !0),
(c = t.style.display || c),
(l = _.css(t, "display")),
("inline" === l || ("inline-block" === l && null != c)) &&
"none" === _.css(t, "float") &&
(s ||
(p.done(function() {
d.display = c;
null == c && ((l = d.display), (c = "none" === l ? "" : l))),
(d.display = "inline-block"))),
n.overflow &&
((d.overflow = "hidden"),
p.always(function() {
(d.overflow = n.overflow[0]),
(d.overflowX = n.overflow[1]),
(d.overflowY = n.overflow[2]);
(s = !1),
s ||
? "hidden" in g && (v = g.hidden)
: (g = X.access(t, "fxshow", { display: c })),
o && (g.hidden = !v),
v && ft([t], !0),
p.done(function() {
for (r in (v || ft([t]), X.remove(t, "fxshow"), h)) _.style(t, r, h[r]);
(s = se(v ? g[r] : 0, r, p)),
r in g || ((g[r] = s.start), v && ((s.end = s.start), (s.start = 0)));
prefilter: function(t, e) {
e ? ce.prefilters.unshift(t) : ce.prefilters.push(t);
(_.speed = function(t, e, n) {
var r =
t && "object" == typeof t
? _.extend({}, t)
: {
complete: n || (!n && e) || ($(t) && t),
duration: t,
easing: (n && e) || (e && !$(e) && e)
return (
? (r.duration = 0)
: "number" != typeof r.duration &&
(r.duration in _.fx.speeds
? (r.duration = _.fx.speeds[r.duration])
: (r.duration = _.fx.speeds._default)),
(null != r.queue && !0 !== r.queue) || (r.queue = "fx"),
(r.old = r.complete),
(r.complete = function() {
$(r.old) && r.old.call(this), r.queue && _.dequeue(this, r.queue);
fadeTo: function(t, e, n, r) {
return this.filter(at)
.css("opacity", 0)
.animate({ opacity: e }, t, n, r);
animate: function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = _.isEmptyObject(t),
o = _.speed(e, n, r),
a = function() {
var e = ce(this, _.extend({}, t), o);
(i || X.get(this, "finish")) && e.stop(!0);
return (a.finish = a), i || !1 === o.queue ? this.each(a) : this.queue(o.queue, a);
stop: function(t, e, n) {
var r = function(t) {
var e = t.stop;
delete t.stop, e(n);
return (
"string" != typeof t && ((n = e), (e = t), (t = void 0)),
e && !1 !== t && this.queue(t || "fx", []),
this.each(function() {
var e = !0,
i = null != t && t + "queueHooks",
o = _.timers,
a = X.get(this);
if (i) a[i] && a[i].stop && r(a[i]);
else for (i in a) a[i] && a[i].stop && ie.test(i) && r(a[i]);
for (i = o.length; i--; )
o[i].elem !== this ||
(null != t && o[i].queue !== t) ||
(o[i].anim.stop(n), (e = !1), o.splice(i, 1));
(!e && n) || _.dequeue(this, t);
finish: function(t) {
return (
!1 !== t && (t = t || "fx"),
this.each(function() {
var e,
n = X.get(this),
r = n[t + "queue"],
i = n[t + "queueHooks"],
o = _.timers,
a = r ? r.length : 0;
for (
n.finish = !0,
_.queue(this, t, []),
i && i.stop && i.stop.call(this, !0),
e = o.length;
o[e].elem === this && o[e].queue === t && (o[e].anim.stop(!0), o.splice(e, 1));
for (e = 0; e < a; e++) r[e] && r[e].finish && r[e].finish.call(this);
delete n.finish;
_.each(["toggle", "show", "hide"], function(t, e) {
var n = _.fn[e];
_.fn[e] = function(t, r, i) {
return null == t || "boolean" == typeof t
? n.apply(this, arguments)
: this.animate(ue(e, !0), t, r, i);
slideDown: ue("show"),
slideUp: ue("hide"),
slideToggle: ue("toggle"),
fadeIn: { opacity: "show" },
fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" },
fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" }
function(t, e) {
_.fn[t] = function(t, n, r) {
return this.animate(e, t, n, r);
(_.timers = []),
(_.fx.tick = function() {
var t,
e = 0,
n = _.timers;
for (ee = Date.now(); e < n.length; e++) (t = n[e])() || n[e] !== t || n.splice(e--, 1);
n.length || _.fx.stop(), (ee = void 0);
(_.fx.timer = function(t) {
_.timers.push(t), _.fx.start();
(_.fx.interval = 13),
(_.fx.start = function() {
ne || ((ne = !0), oe());
(_.fx.stop = function() {
ne = null;
(_.fx.speeds = { slow: 600, fast: 200, _default: 400 }),
(_.fn.delay = function(t, e) {
return (
(t = (_.fx && _.fx.speeds[t]) || t),
(e = e || "fx"),
this.queue(e, function(e, r) {
var i = n.setTimeout(e, t);
r.stop = function() {
(function() {
var t = a.createElement("input"),
e = a.createElement("select").appendChild(a.createElement("option"));
(t.type = "checkbox"),
(m.checkOn = "" !== t.value),
(m.optSelected = e.selected),
((t = a.createElement("input")).value = "t"),
(t.type = "radio"),
(m.radioValue = "t" === t.value);
var le,
fe = _.expr.attrHandle;
attr: function(t, e) {
return z(this, _.attr, t, e, arguments.length > 1);
removeAttr: function(t) {
return this.each(function() {
_.removeAttr(this, t);
attr: function(t, e, n) {
var r,
o = t.nodeType;
if (3 !== o && 8 !== o && 2 !== o)
return void 0 === t.getAttribute
? _.prop(t, e, n)
: ((1 === o && _.isXMLDoc(t)) ||
(i =
_.attrHooks[e.toLowerCase()] || (_.expr.match.bool.test(e) ? le : void 0)),
void 0 !== n
? null === n
? void _.removeAttr(t, e)
: i && "set" in i && void 0 !== (r = i.set(t, n, e))
? r
: (t.setAttribute(e, n + ""), n)
: i && "get" in i && null !== (r = i.get(t, e))
? r
: null == (r = _.find.attr(t, e))
? void 0
: r);
attrHooks: {
type: {
set: function(t, e) {
if (!m.radioValue && "radio" === e && O(t, "input")) {
var n = t.value;
return t.setAttribute("type", e), n && (t.value = n), e;
removeAttr: function(t, e) {
var n,
r = 0,
i = e && e.match(P);
if (i && 1 === t.nodeType) for (; (n = i[r++]); ) t.removeAttribute(n);
(le = {
set: function(t, e, n) {
return !1 === e ? _.removeAttr(t, n) : t.setAttribute(n, n), n;
_.each(_.expr.match.bool.source.match(/\w+/g), function(t, e) {
var n = fe[e] || _.find.attr;
fe[e] = function(t, e, r) {
var i,
a = e.toLowerCase();
return (
r || ((o = fe[a]), (fe[a] = i), (i = null != n(t, e, r) ? a : null), (fe[a] = o)), i
var pe = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
he = /^(?:a|area)$/i;
function de(t) {
return (t.match(P) || []).join(" ");
function ve(t) {
return (t.getAttribute && t.getAttribute("class")) || "";
function ge(t) {
return Array.isArray(t) ? t : ("string" == typeof t && t.match(P)) || [];
prop: function(t, e) {
return z(this, _.prop, t, e, arguments.length > 1);
removeProp: function(t) {
return this.each(function() {
delete this[_.propFix[t] || t];
prop: function(t, e, n) {
var r,
o = t.nodeType;
if (3 !== o && 8 !== o && 2 !== o)
return (
(1 === o && _.isXMLDoc(t)) || ((e = _.propFix[e] || e), (i = _.propHooks[e])),
void 0 !== n
? i && "set" in i && void 0 !== (r = i.set(t, n, e))
? r
: (t[e] = n)
: i && "get" in i && null !== (r = i.get(t, e))
? r
: t[e]
propHooks: {
tabIndex: {
get: function(t) {
var e = _.find.attr(t, "tabindex");
return e
? parseInt(e, 10)
: pe.test(t.nodeName) || (he.test(t.nodeName) && t.href)
? 0
: -1;
propFix: { for: "htmlFor", class: "className" }
m.optSelected ||
(_.propHooks.selected = {
get: function(t) {
var e = t.parentNode;
return e && e.parentNode && e.parentNode.selectedIndex, null;
set: function(t) {
var e = t.parentNode;
e && (e.selectedIndex, e.parentNode && e.parentNode.selectedIndex);
function() {
_.propFix[this.toLowerCase()] = this;
addClass: function(t) {
var e,
s = 0;
if ($(t))
return this.each(function(e) {
_(this).addClass(t.call(this, e, ve(this)));
if ((e = ge(t)).length)
for (; (n = this[s++]); )
if (((i = ve(n)), (r = 1 === n.nodeType && " " + de(i) + " "))) {
for (a = 0; (o = e[a++]); ) r.indexOf(" " + o + " ") < 0 && (r += o + " ");
i !== (u = de(r)) && n.setAttribute("class", u);
return this;
removeClass: function(t) {
var e,
s = 0;
if ($(t))
return this.each(function(e) {
_(this).removeClass(t.call(this, e, ve(this)));
if (!arguments.length) return this.attr("class", "");
if ((e = ge(t)).length)
for (; (n = this[s++]); )
if (((i = ve(n)), (r = 1 === n.nodeType && " " + de(i) + " "))) {
for (a = 0; (o = e[a++]); )
for (; r.indexOf(" " + o + " ") > -1; ) r = r.replace(" " + o + " ", " ");
i !== (u = de(r)) && n.setAttribute("class", u);
return this;
toggleClass: function(t, e) {
var n = typeof t,
r = "string" === n || Array.isArray(t);
return "boolean" == typeof e && r
? e
? this.addClass(t)
: this.removeClass(t)
: $(t)
? this.each(function(n) {
_(this).toggleClass(t.call(this, n, ve(this), e), e);
: this.each(function() {
var e, i, o, a;
if (r)
for (i = 0, o = _(this), a = ge(t); (e = a[i++]); )
o.hasClass(e) ? o.removeClass(e) : o.addClass(e);
(void 0 !== t && "boolean" !== n) ||
((e = ve(this)) && X.set(this, "__className__", e),
this.setAttribute &&
e || !1 === t ? "" : X.get(this, "__className__") || ""
hasClass: function(t) {
var e,
r = 0;
for (e = " " + t + " "; (n = this[r++]); )
if (1 === n.nodeType && (" " + de(ve(n)) + " ").indexOf(e) > -1) return !0;
return !1;
var me = /\r/g;
val: function(t) {
var e,
i = this[0];
return arguments.length
? ((r = $(t)),
this.each(function(n) {
var i;
1 === this.nodeType &&
(null == (i = r ? t.call(this, n, _(this).val()) : t)
? (i = "")
: "number" == typeof i
? (i += "")
: Array.isArray(i) &&
(i = _.map(i, function(t) {
return null == t ? "" : t + "";
((e = _.valHooks[this.type] || _.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) &&
"set" in e &&
void 0 !== e.set(this, i, "value")) ||
(this.value = i));
: i
? (e = _.valHooks[i.type] || _.valHooks[i.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) &&
"get" in e &&
void 0 !== (n = e.get(i, "value"))
? n
: "string" == typeof (n = i.value)
? n.replace(me, "")
: null == n
? ""
: n
: void 0;
valHooks: {
option: {
get: function(t) {
var e = _.find.attr(t, "value");
return null != e ? e : de(_.text(t));
select: {
get: function(t) {
var e,
i = t.options,
o = t.selectedIndex,
a = "select-one" === t.type,
u = a ? null : [],
s = a ? o + 1 : i.length;
for (r = o < 0 ? s : a ? o : 0; r < s; r++)
if (
((n = i[r]).selected || r === o) &&
!n.disabled &&
(!n.parentNode.disabled || !O(n.parentNode, "optgroup"))
) {
if (((e = _(n).val()), a)) return e;
return u;
set: function(t, e) {
for (var n, r, i = t.options, o = _.makeArray(e), a = i.length; a--; )
((r = i[a]).selected = _.inArray(_.valHooks.option.get(r), o) > -1) && (n = !0);
return n || (t.selectedIndex = -1), o;
_.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function() {
(_.valHooks[this] = {
set: function(t, e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) return (t.checked = _.inArray(_(t).val(), e) > -1);
m.checkOn ||
(_.valHooks[this].get = function(t) {
return null === t.getAttribute("value") ? "on" : t.value;
(m.focusin = "onfocusin" in n);
var $e = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
ye = function(t) {
_.extend(_.event, {
trigger: function(t, e, r, i) {
var o,
v = [r || a],
g = d.call(t, "type") ? t.type : t,
m = d.call(t, "namespace") ? t.namespace.split(".") : [];
if (
((u = h = s = r = r || a),
3 !== r.nodeType &&
8 !== r.nodeType &&
!$e.test(g + _.event.triggered) &&
(g.indexOf(".") > -1 && ((g = (m = g.split(".")).shift()), m.sort()),
(l = g.indexOf(":") < 0 && "on" + g),
((t = t[_.expando] ? t : new _.Event(g, "object" == typeof t && t)).isTrigger = i
? 2
: 3),
(t.namespace = m.join(".")),
(t.rnamespace = t.namespace
? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + m.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)")
: null),
(t.result = void 0),
t.target || (t.target = r),
(e = null == e ? [t] : _.makeArray(e, [t])),
(p = _.event.special[g] || {}),
i || !p.trigger || !1 !== p.trigger.apply(r, e)))
) {
if (!i && !p.noBubble && !y(r)) {
for (
c = p.delegateType || g, $e.test(c + g) || (u = u.parentNode);
u = u.parentNode
v.push(u), (s = u);
s === (r.ownerDocument || a) && v.push(s.defaultView || s.parentWindow || n);
for (o = 0; (u = v[o++]) && !t.isPropagationStopped(); )
(h = u),
(t.type = o > 1 ? c : p.bindType || g),
(f = (X.get(u, "events") || {})[t.type] && X.get(u, "handle")) && f.apply(u, e),
(f = l && u[l]) &&
f.apply &&
Y(u) &&
((t.result = f.apply(u, e)), !1 === t.result && t.preventDefault());
return (
(t.type = g),
i ||
t.isDefaultPrevented() ||
(p._default && !1 !== p._default.apply(v.pop(), e)) ||
!Y(r) ||
(l &&
$(r[g]) &&
!y(r) &&
((s = r[l]) && (r[l] = null),
(_.event.triggered = g),
t.isPropagationStopped() && h.addEventListener(g, ye),
t.isPropagationStopped() && h.removeEventListener(g, ye),
(_.event.triggered = void 0),
s && (r[l] = s))),
simulate: function(t, e, n) {
var r = _.extend(new _.Event(), n, { type: t, isSimulated: !0 });
_.event.trigger(r, null, e);
trigger: function(t, e) {
return this.each(function() {
_.event.trigger(t, e, this);
triggerHandler: function(t, e) {
var n = this[0];
if (n) return _.event.trigger(t, e, n, !0);
m.focusin ||
_.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function(t, e) {
var n = function(t) {
_.event.simulate(e, t.target, _.event.fix(t));
_.event.special[e] = {
setup: function() {
var r = this.ownerDocument || this,
i = X.access(r, e);
i || r.addEventListener(t, n, !0), X.access(r, e, (i || 0) + 1);
teardown: function() {
var r = this.ownerDocument || this,
i = X.access(r, e) - 1;
i ? X.access(r, e, i) : (r.removeEventListener(t, n, !0), X.remove(r, e));
var be = n.location,
we = Date.now(),
xe = /\?/;
_.parseXML = function(t) {
var e;
if (!t || "string" != typeof t) return null;
try {
e = new n.DOMParser().parseFromString(t, "text/xml");
} catch (t) {
e = void 0;
return (
(e && !e.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) || _.error("Invalid XML: " + t), e
var _e = /\[\]$/,
Ce = /\r?\n/g,
Se = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i,
Ee = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i;
function ke(t, e, n, r) {
var i;
if (Array.isArray(e))
_.each(e, function(e, i) {
n || _e.test(t)
? r(t, i)
: ke(t + "[" + ("object" == typeof i && null != i ? e : "") + "]", i, n, r);
else if (n || "object" !== x(e)) r(t, e);
else for (i in e) ke(t + "[" + i + "]", e[i], n, r);
(_.param = function(t, e) {
var n,
r = [],
i = function(t, e) {
var n = $(e) ? e() : e;
r[r.length] = encodeURIComponent(t) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(null == n ? "" : n);
if (Array.isArray(t) || (t.jquery && !_.isPlainObject(t)))
_.each(t, function() {
i(this.name, this.value);
else for (n in t) ke(n, t[n], e, i);
return r.join("&");
serialize: function() {
return _.param(this.serializeArray());
serializeArray: function() {
return this.map(function() {
var t = _.prop(this, "elements");
return t ? _.makeArray(t) : this;
.filter(function() {
var t = this.type;
return (
this.name &&
!_(this).is(":disabled") &&
Ee.test(this.nodeName) &&
!Se.test(t) &&
(this.checked || !pt.test(t))
.map(function(t, e) {
var n = _(this).val();
return null == n
? null
: Array.isArray(n)
? _.map(n, function(t) {
return { name: e.name, value: t.replace(Ce, "\r\n") };
: { name: e.name, value: n.replace(Ce, "\r\n") };
var Ae = /%20/g,
Te = /#.*$/,
Oe = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
je = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)$/gm,
Ne = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
Me = /^\/\//,
Le = {},
De = {},
Ie = "*/".concat("*"),
Re = a.createElement("a");
function Pe(t) {
return function(e, n) {
"string" != typeof e && ((n = e), (e = "*"));
var r,
i = 0,
o = e.toLowerCase().match(P) || [];
if ($(n))
for (; (r = o[i++]); )
"+" === r[0]
? ((r = r.slice(1) || "*"), (t[r] = t[r] || []).unshift(n))
: (t[r] = t[r] || []).push(n);
function Ve(t, e, n, r) {
var i = {},
o = t === De;
function a(u) {
var s;
return (
(i[u] = !0),
_.each(t[u] || [], function(t, u) {
var c = u(e, n, r);
return "string" != typeof c || o || i[c]
? o
? !(s = c)
: void 0
: (e.dataTypes.unshift(c), a(c), !1);
return a(e.dataTypes[0]) || (!i["*"] && a("*"));
function qe(t, e) {
var n,
i = _.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};
for (n in e) void 0 !== e[n] && ((i[n] ? t : r || (r = {}))[n] = e[n]);
return r && _.extend(!0, t, r), t;
(Re.href = be.href),
active: 0,
lastModified: {},
etag: {},
ajaxSettings: {
url: be.href,
type: "GET",
isLocal: /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/.test(
global: !0,
processData: !0,
async: !0,
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
accepts: {
"*": Ie,
text: "text/plain",
html: "text/html",
xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
json: "application/json, text/javascript"
contents: { xml: /\bxml\b/, html: /\bhtml/, json: /\bjson\b/ },
responseFields: { xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText", json: "responseJSON" },
converters: {
"* text": String,
"text html": !0,
"text json": JSON.parse,
"text xml": _.parseXML
flatOptions: { url: !0, context: !0 }
ajaxSetup: function(t, e) {
return e ? qe(qe(t, _.ajaxSettings), e) : qe(_.ajaxSettings, t);
ajaxPrefilter: Pe(Le),
ajaxTransport: Pe(De),
ajax: function(t, e) {
"object" == typeof t && ((e = t), (t = void 0)), (e = e || {});
var r,
d = _.ajaxSetup({}, e),
v = d.context || d,
g = d.context && (v.nodeType || v.jquery) ? _(v) : _.event,
m = _.Deferred(),
$ = _.Callbacks("once memory"),
y = d.statusCode || {},
b = {},
w = {},
x = "canceled",
C = {
readyState: 0,
getResponseHeader: function(t) {
var e;
if (l) {
if (!u) for (u = {}; (e = je.exec(o)); ) u[e[1].toLowerCase()] = e[2];
e = u[t.toLowerCase()];
return null == e ? null : e;
getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
return l ? o : null;
setRequestHeader: function(t, e) {
return (
null == l && ((t = w[t.toLowerCase()] = w[t.toLowerCase()] || t), (b[t] = e)),
overrideMimeType: function(t) {
return null == l && (d.mimeType = t), this;
statusCode: function(t) {
var e;
if (t)
if (l) C.always(t[C.status]);
else for (e in t) y[e] = [y[e], t[e]];
return this;
abort: function(t) {
var e = t || x;
return r && r.abort(e), S(0, e), this;
if (
(d.url = ((t || d.url || be.href) + "").replace(Me, be.protocol + "//")),
(d.type = e.method || e.type || d.method || d.type),
(d.dataTypes = (d.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().match(P) || [""]),
null == d.crossDomain)
) {
c = a.createElement("a");
try {
(c.href = d.url),
(c.href = c.href),
(d.crossDomain = Re.protocol + "//" + Re.host != c.protocol + "//" + c.host);
} catch (t) {
d.crossDomain = !0;
if (
(d.data &&
d.processData &&
"string" != typeof d.data &&
(d.data = _.param(d.data, d.traditional)),
Ve(Le, d, e, C),
return C;
for (p in ((f = _.event && d.global) &&
0 == _.active++ &&
(d.type = d.type.toUpperCase()),
(d.hasContent = !Ne.test(d.type)),
(i = d.url.replace(Te, "")),
? d.data &&
d.processData &&
0 === (d.contentType || "").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") &&
(d.data = d.data.replace(Ae, "+"))
: ((h = d.url.slice(i.length)),
d.data &&
(d.processData || "string" == typeof d.data) &&
((i += (xe.test(i) ? "&" : "?") + d.data), delete d.data),
!1 === d.cache &&
((i = i.replace(Oe, "$1")), (h = (xe.test(i) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + we++ + h)),
(d.url = i + h)),
d.ifModified &&
(_.lastModified[i] && C.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", _.lastModified[i]),
_.etag[i] && C.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", _.etag[i])),
((d.data && d.hasContent && !1 !== d.contentType) || e.contentType) &&
C.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", d.contentType),
d.dataTypes[0] && d.accepts[d.dataTypes[0]]
? d.accepts[d.dataTypes[0]] +
("*" !== d.dataTypes[0] ? ", " + Ie + "; q=0.01" : "")
: d.accepts["*"]
C.setRequestHeader(p, d.headers[p]);
if (d.beforeSend && (!1 === d.beforeSend.call(v, C, d) || l)) return C.abort();
if (
((x = "abort"),
(r = Ve(De, d, e, C)))
) {
if (((C.readyState = 1), f && g.trigger("ajaxSend", [C, d]), l)) return C;
d.async &&
d.timeout > 0 &&
(s = n.setTimeout(function() {
}, d.timeout));
try {
(l = !1), r.send(b, S);
} catch (t) {
if (l) throw t;
S(-1, t);
} else S(-1, "No Transport");
function S(t, e, a, u) {
var c,
x = e;
l ||
((l = !0),
s && n.clearTimeout(s),
(r = void 0),
(o = u || ""),
(C.readyState = t > 0 ? 4 : 0),
(c = (t >= 200 && t < 300) || 304 === t),
a &&
(b = (function(t, e, n) {
for (var r, i, o, a, u = t.contents, s = t.dataTypes; "*" === s[0]; )
void 0 === r && (r = t.mimeType || e.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"));
if (r)
for (i in u)
if (u[i] && u[i].test(r)) {
if (s[0] in n) o = s[0];
else {
for (i in n) {
if (!s[0] || t.converters[i + " " + s[0]]) {
o = i;
a || (a = i);
o = o || a;
if (o) return o !== s[0] && s.unshift(o), n[o];
})(d, C, a)),
(b = (function(t, e, n, r) {
var i,
c = {},
l = t.dataTypes.slice();
if (l[1]) for (a in t.converters) c[a.toLowerCase()] = t.converters[a];
for (o = l.shift(); o; )
if (
(t.responseFields[o] && (n[t.responseFields[o]] = e),
!s && r && t.dataFilter && (e = t.dataFilter(e, t.dataType)),
(s = o),
(o = l.shift()))
if ("*" === o) o = s;
else if ("*" !== s && s !== o) {
if (!(a = c[s + " " + o] || c["* " + o]))
for (i in c)
if (
(u = i.split(" "))[1] === o &&
(a = c[s + " " + u[0]] || c["* " + u[0]])
) {
!0 === a
? (a = c[i])
: !0 !== c[i] && ((o = u[0]), l.unshift(u[1]));
if (!0 !== a)
if (a && t.throws) e = a(e);
try {
e = a(e);
} catch (t) {
return {
state: "parsererror",
error: a ? t : "No conversion from " + s + " to " + o
return { state: "success", data: e };
})(d, b, C, c)),
? (d.ifModified &&
((w = C.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified")) && (_.lastModified[i] = w),
(w = C.getResponseHeader("etag")) && (_.etag[i] = w)),
204 === t || "HEAD" === d.type
? (x = "nocontent")
: 304 === t
? (x = "notmodified")
: ((x = b.state), (p = b.data), (c = !(h = b.error))))
: ((h = x), (!t && x) || ((x = "error"), t < 0 && (t = 0))),
(C.status = t),
(C.statusText = (e || x) + ""),
c ? m.resolveWith(v, [p, x, C]) : m.rejectWith(v, [C, x, h]),
(y = void 0),
f && g.trigger(c ? "ajaxSuccess" : "ajaxError", [C, d, c ? p : h]),
$.fireWith(v, [C, x]),
f &&
(g.trigger("ajaxComplete", [C, d]), --_.active || _.event.trigger("ajaxStop")));
return C;
getJSON: function(t, e, n) {
return _.get(t, e, n, "json");
getScript: function(t, e) {
return _.get(t, void 0, e, "script");
_.each(["get", "post"], function(t, e) {
_[e] = function(t, n, r, i) {
return (
$(n) && ((i = i || r), (r = n), (n = void 0)),
{ url: t, type: e, dataType: i, data: n, success: r },
_.isPlainObject(t) && t
(_._evalUrl = function(t) {
return _.ajax({
url: t,
type: "GET",
dataType: "script",
cache: !0,
async: !1,
global: !1,
throws: !0
wrapAll: function(t) {
var e;
return (
this[0] &&
($(t) && (t = t.call(this[0])),
(e = _(t, this[0].ownerDocument)
this[0].parentNode && e.insertBefore(this[0]),
.map(function() {
for (var t = this; t.firstElementChild; ) t = t.firstElementChild;
return t;
wrapInner: function(t) {
return $(t)
? this.each(function(e) {
_(this).wrapInner(t.call(this, e));
: this.each(function() {
var e = _(this),
n = e.contents();
n.length ? n.wrapAll(t) : e.append(t);
wrap: function(t) {
var e = $(t);
return this.each(function(n) {
_(this).wrapAll(e ? t.call(this, n) : t);
unwrap: function(t) {
return (
.each(function() {
(_.expr.pseudos.hidden = function(t) {
return !_.expr.pseudos.visible(t);
(_.expr.pseudos.visible = function(t) {
return !!(t.offsetWidth || t.offsetHeight || t.getClientRects().length);
(_.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() {
try {
return new n.XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (t) {}
var Ue = { 0: 200, 1223: 204 },
Fe = _.ajaxSettings.xhr();
(m.cors = !!Fe && "withCredentials" in Fe),
(m.ajax = Fe = !!Fe),
_.ajaxTransport(function(t) {
var e, r;
if (m.cors || (Fe && !t.crossDomain))
return {
send: function(i, o) {
var a,
u = t.xhr();
if ((u.open(t.type, t.url, t.async, t.username, t.password), t.xhrFields))
for (a in t.xhrFields) u[a] = t.xhrFields[a];
for (a in (t.mimeType && u.overrideMimeType && u.overrideMimeType(t.mimeType),
t.crossDomain ||
i["X-Requested-With"] ||
(i["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest"),
u.setRequestHeader(a, i[a]);
(e = function(t) {
return function() {
e &&
((e = r = u.onload = u.onerror = u.onabort = u.ontimeout = u.onreadystatechange = null),
"abort" === t
? u.abort()
: "error" === t
? "number" != typeof u.status
? o(0, "error")
: o(u.status, u.statusText)
: o(
Ue[u.status] || u.status,
"text" !== (u.responseType || "text") ||
"string" != typeof u.responseText
? { binary: u.response }
: { text: u.responseText },
(u.onload = e()),
(r = u.onerror = u.ontimeout = e("error")),
void 0 !== u.onabort
? (u.onabort = r)
: (u.onreadystatechange = function() {
4 === u.readyState &&
n.setTimeout(function() {
e && r();
(e = e("abort"));
try {
u.send((t.hasContent && t.data) || null);
} catch (t) {
if (e) throw t;
abort: function() {
e && e();
_.ajaxPrefilter(function(t) {
t.crossDomain && (t.contents.script = !1);
accepts: {
"text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"
contents: { script: /\b(?:java|ecma)script\b/ },
converters: {
"text script": function(t) {
return _.globalEval(t), t;
_.ajaxPrefilter("script", function(t) {
void 0 === t.cache && (t.cache = !1), t.crossDomain && (t.type = "GET");
_.ajaxTransport("script", function(t) {
var e, n;
if (t.crossDomain)
return {
send: function(r, i) {
(e = _("<script>")
.prop({ charset: t.scriptCharset, src: t.url })
"load error",
(n = function(t) {
e.remove(), (n = null), t && i("error" === t.type ? 404 : 200, t.type);
abort: function() {
n && n();
var He = [],
Be = /(=)\?(?=&|$)|\?\?/;
jsonp: "callback",
jsonpCallback: function() {
var t = He.pop() || _.expando + "_" + we++;
return (this[t] = !0), t;
_.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function(t, e, r) {
var i,
u =
!1 !== t.jsonp &&
? "url"
: "string" == typeof t.data &&
0 === (t.contentType || "").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") &&
Be.test(t.data) &&
if (u || "jsonp" === t.dataTypes[0])
return (
(i = t.jsonpCallback = $(t.jsonpCallback) ? t.jsonpCallback() : t.jsonpCallback),
? (t[u] = t[u].replace(Be, "$1" + i))
: !1 !== t.jsonp && (t.url += (xe.test(t.url) ? "&" : "?") + t.jsonp + "=" + i),
(t.converters["script json"] = function() {
return a || _.error(i + " was not called"), a[0];
(t.dataTypes[0] = "json"),
(o = n[i]),
(n[i] = function() {
a = arguments;
r.always(function() {
void 0 === o ? _(n).removeProp(i) : (n[i] = o),
t[i] && ((t.jsonpCallback = e.jsonpCallback), He.push(i)),
a && $(o) && o(a[0]),
(a = o = void 0);
(m.createHTMLDocument = (function() {
var t = a.implementation.createHTMLDocument("").body;
return (t.innerHTML = "<form></form><form></form>"), 2 === t.childNodes.length;
(_.parseHTML = function(t, e, n) {
return "string" != typeof t
? []
: ("boolean" == typeof e && ((n = e), (e = !1)),
e ||
? (((r = (e = a.implementation.createHTMLDocument("")).createElement(
)).href = a.location.href),
: (e = a)),
(i = j.exec(t)),
(o = !n && []),
? [e.createElement(i[1])]
: ((i = yt([t], e, o)),
o && o.length && _(o).remove(),
_.merge([], i.childNodes)));
var r, i, o;
(_.fn.load = function(t, e, n) {
var r,
a = this,
u = t.indexOf(" ");
return (
u > -1 && ((r = de(t.slice(u))), (t = t.slice(0, u))),
$(e) ? ((n = e), (e = void 0)) : e && "object" == typeof e && (i = "POST"),
a.length > 0 &&
_.ajax({ url: t, type: i || "GET", dataType: "html", data: e })
.done(function(t) {
(o = arguments),
? _("<div>")
: t
n &&
function(t, e) {
a.each(function() {
n.apply(this, o || [t.responseText, e, t]);
["ajaxStart", "ajaxStop", "ajaxComplete", "ajaxError", "ajaxSuccess", "ajaxSend"],
function(t, e) {
_.fn[e] = function(t) {
return this.on(e, t);
(_.expr.pseudos.animated = function(t) {
return _.grep(_.timers, function(e) {
return t === e.elem;
(_.offset = {
setOffset: function(t, e, n) {
var r,
c = _.css(t, "position"),
l = _(t),
f = {};
"static" === c && (t.style.position = "relative"),
(u = l.offset()),
(o = _.css(t, "top")),
(s = _.css(t, "left")),
("absolute" === c || "fixed" === c) && (o + s).indexOf("auto") > -1
? ((a = (r = l.position()).top), (i = r.left))
: ((a = parseFloat(o) || 0), (i = parseFloat(s) || 0)),
$(e) && (e = e.call(t, n, _.extend({}, u))),
null != e.top && (f.top = e.top - u.top + a),
null != e.left && (f.left = e.left - u.left + i),
"using" in e ? e.using.call(t, f) : l.css(f);
offset: function(t) {
if (arguments.length)
return void 0 === t
? this
: this.each(function(e) {
_.offset.setOffset(this, t, e);
var e,
r = this[0];
return r
? r.getClientRects().length
? ((e = r.getBoundingClientRect()),
(n = r.ownerDocument.defaultView),
{ top: e.top + n.pageYOffset, left: e.left + n.pageXOffset })
: { top: 0, left: 0 }
: void 0;
position: function() {
if (this[0]) {
var t,
r = this[0],
i = { top: 0, left: 0 };
if ("fixed" === _.css(r, "position")) e = r.getBoundingClientRect();
else {
for (
e = this.offset(), n = r.ownerDocument, t = r.offsetParent || n.documentElement;
t &&
(t === n.body || t === n.documentElement) &&
"static" === _.css(t, "position");
t = t.parentNode;
t &&
t !== r &&
1 === t.nodeType &&
(((i = _(t).offset()).top += _.css(t, "borderTopWidth", !0)),
(i.left += _.css(t, "borderLeftWidth", !0)));
return {
top: e.top - i.top - _.css(r, "marginTop", !0),
left: e.left - i.left - _.css(r, "marginLeft", !0)
offsetParent: function() {
return this.map(function() {
for (var t = this.offsetParent; t && "static" === _.css(t, "position"); )
t = t.offsetParent;
return t || bt;
_.each({ scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset" }, function(t, e) {
var n = "pageYOffset" === e;
_.fn[t] = function(r) {
return z(
function(t, r, i) {
var o;
if ((y(t) ? (o = t) : 9 === t.nodeType && (o = t.defaultView), void 0 === i))
return o ? o[e] : t[r];
o ? o.scrollTo(n ? o.pageXOffset : i, n ? i : o.pageYOffset) : (t[r] = i);
_.each(["top", "left"], function(t, e) {
_.cssHooks[e] = Ht(m.pixelPosition, function(t, n) {
if (n) return (n = Ft(t, e)), Vt.test(n) ? _(t).position()[e] + "px" : n;
_.each({ Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function(t, e) {
_.each({ padding: "inner" + t, content: e, "": "outer" + t }, function(n, r) {
_.fn[r] = function(i, o) {
var a = arguments.length && (n || "boolean" != typeof i),
u = n || (!0 === i || !0 === o ? "margin" : "border");
return z(
function(e, n, i) {
var o;
return y(e)
? 0 === r.indexOf("outer")
? e["inner" + t]
: e.document.documentElement["client" + t]
: 9 === e.nodeType
? ((o = e.documentElement),
e.body["scroll" + t],
o["scroll" + t],
e.body["offset" + t],
o["offset" + t],
o["client" + t]
: void 0 === i
? _.css(e, n, u)
: _.style(e, n, i, u);
a ? i : void 0,
"blur focus focusin focusout resize scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup contextmenu".split(
" "
function(t, e) {
_.fn[e] = function(t, n) {
return arguments.length > 0 ? this.on(e, null, t, n) : this.trigger(e);
hover: function(t, e) {
return this.mouseenter(t).mouseleave(e || t);
bind: function(t, e, n) {
return this.on(t, null, e, n);
unbind: function(t, e) {
return this.off(t, null, e);
delegate: function(t, e, n, r) {
return this.on(e, t, n, r);
undelegate: function(t, e, n) {
return 1 === arguments.length ? this.off(t, "**") : this.off(e, t || "**", n);
(_.proxy = function(t, e) {
var n, r, i;
if (("string" == typeof e && ((n = t[e]), (e = t), (t = n)), $(t)))
return (
(r = s.call(arguments, 2)),
((i = function() {
return t.apply(e || this, r.concat(s.call(arguments)));
}).guid = t.guid = t.guid || _.guid++),
(_.holdReady = function(t) {
t ? _.readyWait++ : _.ready(!0);
(_.isArray = Array.isArray),
(_.parseJSON = JSON.parse),
(_.nodeName = O),
(_.isFunction = $),
(_.isWindow = y),
(_.camelCase = J),
(_.type = x),
(_.now = Date.now),
(_.isNumeric = function(t) {
var e = _.type(t);
return ("number" === e || "string" === e) && !isNaN(t - parseFloat(t));
void 0 ===
(r = function() {
return _;
}.apply(e, [])) || (t.exports = r);
var ze = n.jQuery,
We = n.$;
return (
(_.noConflict = function(t) {
return n.$ === _ && (n.$ = We), t && n.jQuery === _ && (n.jQuery = ze), _;
i || (n.jQuery = n.$ = _),
30: function(t, e, n) {
(function(t) {
* @license AngularJS v1.7.3
* (c) 2010-2018 Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org
* License: MIT
!(function(e) {
"use strict";
var n = { objectMaxDepth: 5, urlErrorParamsEnabled: !0 };
function r(t) {
if (!U(t)) return n;
q(t.objectMaxDepth) &&
(n.objectMaxDepth = i(t.objectMaxDepth) ? t.objectMaxDepth : NaN),
q(t.urlErrorParamsEnabled) &&
X(t.urlErrorParamsEnabled) &&
(n.urlErrorParamsEnabled = t.urlErrorParamsEnabled);
function i(t) {
return B(t) && t > 0;
function o(t, e) {
e = e || Error;
var r = "https://errors.angularjs.org/1.7.3/",
i = r.replace(".", "\\.") + "[\\s\\S]*",
o = new RegExp(i, "g");
return function() {
var i,
u = arguments[0],
s = arguments[1],
c = "[" + (t ? t + ":" : "") + u + "] ",
l = ht(arguments, 2).map(function(t) {
return Kt(t, n.objectMaxDepth);
if (
((c += s.replace(/\{\d+\}/g, function(t) {
var e = +t.slice(1, -1);
return e < l.length ? l[e].replace(o, "") : t;
(c += "\n" + r + (t ? t + "/" : "") + u),
for (a = 0, i = "?"; a < l.length; a++, i = "&")
c += i + "p" + a + "=" + encodeURIComponent(l[a]);
return new e(c);
var a,
l = /^\/(.+)\/([a-z]*)$/,
f = "validity",
p = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
h = function(t) {
return H(t) ? t.toLowerCase() : t;
d = function(t) {
return H(t) ? t.toUpperCase() : t;
v = [].slice,
g = [].splice,
m = [].push,
$ = Object.prototype.toString,
y = Object.getPrototypeOf,
b = o("ng"),
w = e.angular || (e.angular = {}),
x = 0;
function _(t) {
if (null == t || Y(t)) return !1;
if (W(t) || H(t) || (u && t instanceof u)) return !0;
var e = "length" in Object(t) && t.length;
return B(e) && ((e >= 0 && e - 1 in t) || "function" == typeof t.item);
function C(t, e, n) {
var r, i;
if (t)
if (K(t))
for (r in t)
"prototype" !== r &&
"length" !== r &&
"name" !== r &&
t.hasOwnProperty(r) &&
e.call(n, t[r], r, t);
else if (W(t) || _(t)) {
var o = "object" != typeof t;
for (r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++) (o || r in t) && e.call(n, t[r], r, t);
} else if (t.forEach && t.forEach !== C) t.forEach(e, n, t);
else if (F(t)) for (r in t) e.call(n, t[r], r, t);
else if ("function" == typeof t.hasOwnProperty)
for (r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && e.call(n, t[r], r, t);
else for (r in t) p.call(t, r) && e.call(n, t[r], r, t);
return t;
function S(t, e, n) {
for (var r = Object.keys(t).sort(), i = 0; i < r.length; i++) e.call(n, t[r[i]], r[i]);
return r;
function E(t) {
return function(e, n) {
t(n, e);
function k() {
return ++x;
function A(t, e) {
e ? (t.$$hashKey = e) : delete t.$$hashKey;
function T(t, e, n) {
for (var r = t.$$hashKey, i = 0, o = e.length; i < o; ++i) {
var a = e[i];
if (U(a) || K(a))
for (var u = Object.keys(a), s = 0, c = u.length; s < c; s++) {
var l = u[s],
f = a[l];
n && U(f)
? z(f)
? (t[l] = new Date(f.valueOf()))
: J(f)
? (t[l] = new RegExp(f))
: f.nodeName
? (t[l] = f.cloneNode(!0))
: rt(f)
? (t[l] = f.clone())
: (U(t[l]) || (t[l] = W(f) ? [] : {}), T(t[l], [f], !0))
: (t[l] = f);
return A(t, r), t;
function O(t) {
return T(t, v.call(arguments, 1), !1);
function j(t) {
return T(t, v.call(arguments, 1), !0);
function N(t) {
return parseInt(t, 10);
a = e.document.documentMode;
var M =
Number.isNaN ||
function(t) {
return t != t;
function L(t, e) {
return O(Object.create(t), e);
function D() {}
function I(t) {
return t;
function R(t) {
return function() {
return t;
function P(t) {
return K(t.toString) && t.toString !== $;
function V(t) {
return void 0 === t;
function q(t) {
return void 0 !== t;
function U(t) {
return null !== t && "object" == typeof t;
function F(t) {
return null !== t && "object" == typeof t && !y(t);
function H(t) {
return "string" == typeof t;
function B(t) {
return "number" == typeof t;
function z(t) {
return "[object Date]" === $.call(t);
function W(t) {
return Array.isArray(t) || t instanceof Array;
function G(t) {
switch ($.call(t)) {
case "[object Error]":
case "[object Exception]":
case "[object DOMException]":
return !0;
return t instanceof Error;
function K(t) {
return "function" == typeof t;
function J(t) {
return "[object RegExp]" === $.call(t);
function Y(t) {
return t && t.window === t;
function Z(t) {
return t && t.$evalAsync && t.$watch;
function X(t) {
return "boolean" == typeof t;
function Q(t) {
return t && K(t.then);
(D.$inject = []), (I.$inject = []);
var tt = /^\[object (?:Uint8|Uint8Clamped|Uint16|Uint32|Int8|Int16|Int32|Float32|Float64)Array]$/;
var et = function(t) {
return H(t) ? t.trim() : t;
nt = function(t) {
return t.replace(/([-()[\]{}+?*.$^|,:#<!\\])/g, "\\$1").replace(/\x08/g, "\\x08");
function rt(t) {
return !(!t || !(t.nodeName || (t.prop && t.attr && t.find)));
function it(t) {
return h(t.nodeName || (t[0] && t[0].nodeName));
function ot(t, e) {
return -1 !== Array.prototype.indexOf.call(t, e);
function at(t, e) {
var n = t.indexOf(e);
return n >= 0 && t.splice(n, 1), n;
function ut(t, e, n) {
var r = [],
o = [];
if (((n = i(n) ? n : NaN), e)) {
if (
(function(t) {
return t && B(t.length) && tt.test($.call(t));
})(e) ||
(function(t) {
return "[object ArrayBuffer]" === $.call(t);
throw b("cpta", "Can't copy! TypedArray destination cannot be mutated.");
if (t === e) throw b("cpi", "Can't copy! Source and destination are identical.");
return (
? (e.length = 0)
: C(e, function(t, n) {
"$$hashKey" !== n && delete e[n];
a(t, e, n)
return u(t, n);
function a(t, e, n) {
if (--n < 0) return "...";
var r,
i = e.$$hashKey;
if (W(t)) for (var o = 0, a = t.length; o < a; o++) e.push(u(t[o], n));
else if (F(t)) for (r in t) e[r] = u(t[r], n);
else if (t && "function" == typeof t.hasOwnProperty)
for (r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && (e[r] = u(t[r], n));
else for (r in t) p.call(t, r) && (e[r] = u(t[r], n));
return A(e, i), e;
function u(t, e) {
if (!U(t)) return t;
var n = r.indexOf(t);
if (-1 !== n) return o[n];
if (Y(t) || Z(t))
throw b(
"Can't copy! Making copies of Window or Scope instances is not supported."
var i = !1,
s = (function(t) {
switch ($.call(t)) {
case "[object Int8Array]":
case "[object Int16Array]":
case "[object Int32Array]":
case "[object Float32Array]":
case "[object Float64Array]":
case "[object Uint8Array]":
case "[object Uint8ClampedArray]":
case "[object Uint16Array]":
case "[object Uint32Array]":
return new t.constructor(u(t.buffer), t.byteOffset, t.length);
case "[object ArrayBuffer]":
if (!t.slice) {
var e = new ArrayBuffer(t.byteLength);
return new Uint8Array(e).set(new Uint8Array(t)), e;
return t.slice(0);
case "[object Boolean]":
case "[object Number]":
case "[object String]":
case "[object Date]":
return new t.constructor(t.valueOf());
case "[object RegExp]":
var n = new RegExp(t.source, t.toString().match(/[^/]*$/)[0]);
return (n.lastIndex = t.lastIndex), n;
case "[object Blob]":
return new t.constructor([t], { type: t.type });
if (K(t.cloneNode)) return t.cloneNode(!0);
return (
void 0 === s && ((s = W(t) ? [] : Object.create(y(t))), (i = !0)),
i ? a(t, s, e) : s
function st(t, e) {
return t === e || (t != t && e != e);
function ct(t, e) {
if (t === e) return !0;
if (null === t || null === e) return !1;
if (t != t && e != e) return !0;
var n,
o = typeof t;
if (o === typeof e && "object" === o) {
if (!W(t)) {
if (z(t)) return !!z(e) && st(t.getTime(), e.getTime());
if (J(t)) return !!J(e) && t.toString() === e.toString();
if (Z(t) || Z(e) || Y(t) || Y(e) || W(e) || z(e) || J(e)) return !1;
for (r in ((i = qt()), t))
if ("$" !== r.charAt(0) && !K(t[r])) {
if (!ct(t[r], e[r])) return !1;
i[r] = !0;
for (r in e) if (!(r in i) && "$" !== r.charAt(0) && q(e[r]) && !K(e[r])) return !1;
return !0;
if (!W(e)) return !1;
if ((n = t.length) === e.length) {
for (r = 0; r < n; r++) if (!ct(t[r], e[r])) return !1;
return !0;
return !1;
var lt = function() {
if (!q(lt.rules)) {
var t =
e.document.querySelector("[ng-csp]") || e.document.querySelector("[data-ng-csp]");
if (t) {
var n = t.getAttribute("ng-csp") || t.getAttribute("data-ng-csp");
lt.rules = {
noUnsafeEval: !n || -1 !== n.indexOf("no-unsafe-eval"),
noInlineStyle: !n || -1 !== n.indexOf("no-inline-style")
} else
lt.rules = {
noUnsafeEval: (function() {
try {
return new Function(""), !1;
} catch (t) {
return !0;
noInlineStyle: !1
return lt.rules;
ft = function() {
if (q(ft.name_)) return ft.name_;
var t,
o = kt.length;
for (n = 0; n < o; ++n)
if (
((r = kt[n]), (t = e.document.querySelector("[" + r.replace(":", "\\:") + "jq]")))
) {
i = t.getAttribute(r + "jq");
return (ft.name_ = i);
function pt(t, e, n) {
return t.concat(v.call(e, n));
function ht(t, e) {
return v.call(t, e || 0);
function dt(t, e) {
var n = arguments.length > 2 ? ht(arguments, 2) : [];
return !K(e) || e instanceof RegExp
? e
: n.length
? function() {
return arguments.length ? e.apply(t, pt(n, arguments, 0)) : e.apply(t, n);
: function() {
return arguments.length ? e.apply(t, arguments) : e.call(t);
function vt(t, n) {
var r = n;
return (
"string" == typeof t && "$" === t.charAt(0) && "$" === t.charAt(1)
? (r = void 0)
: Y(n)
? (r = "$WINDOW")
: n && e.document === n
? (r = "$DOCUMENT")
: Z(n) && (r = "$SCOPE"),
function gt(t, e) {
if (!V(t)) return B(e) || (e = e ? 2 : null), JSON.stringify(t, vt, e);
function mt(t) {
return H(t) ? JSON.parse(t) : t;
var $t = /:/g;
function yt(t, e) {
t = t.replace($t, "");
var n = Date.parse("Jan 01, 1970 00:00:00 " + t) / 6e4;
return M(n) ? e : n;
function bt(t, e) {
return (t = new Date(t.getTime())).setMinutes(t.getMinutes() + e), t;
function wt(t, e, n) {
n = n ? -1 : 1;
var r = t.getTimezoneOffset();
return bt(t, n * (yt(e, r) - r));
function xt(t) {
t = u(t)
var e = u("<div></div>")
try {
return t[0].nodeType === Ht
? h(e)
: e.match(/^(<[^>]+>)/)[1].replace(/^<([\w-]+)/, function(t, e) {
return "<" + h(e);
} catch (t) {
return h(e);
function _t(t) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(t);
} catch (t) {}
function Ct(t) {
var e = {};
return (
C((t || "").split("&"), function(t) {
var n, r, i;
t &&
((r = t = t.replace(/\+/g, "%20")),
-1 !== (n = t.indexOf("=")) &&
((r = t.substring(0, n)), (i = t.substring(n + 1))),
q((r = _t(r))) &&
((i = !q(i) || _t(i)),
p.call(e, r) ? (W(e[r]) ? e[r].push(i) : (e[r] = [e[r], i])) : (e[r] = i)));
function St(t) {
return Et(t, !0)
.replace(/%26/gi, "&")
.replace(/%3D/gi, "=")
.replace(/%2B/gi, "+");
function Et(t, e) {
return encodeURIComponent(t)
.replace(/%40/gi, "@")
.replace(/%3A/gi, ":")
.replace(/%24/g, "$")
.replace(/%2C/gi, ",")
.replace(/%3B/gi, ";")
.replace(/%20/g, e ? "%20" : "+");
var kt = ["ng-", "data-ng-", "ng:", "x-ng-"];
var At = (function(t) {
var n = t.currentScript;
if (!n) return !0;
if (!(n instanceof e.HTMLScriptElement || n instanceof e.SVGScriptElement)) return !1;
var r = n.attributes;
return [
].every(function(e) {
if (!e) return !0;
if (!e.value) return !1;
var n = t.createElement("a");
if (((n.href = e.value), t.location.origin === n.origin)) return !0;
switch (n.protocol) {
case "http:":
case "https:":
case "ftp:":
case "blob:":
case "file:":
case "data:":
return !0;
return !1;
function Tt(t, n) {
var r,
o = {};
if (
(C(kt, function(e) {
var n = e + "app";
!r && t.hasAttribute && t.hasAttribute(n) && ((r = t), (i = t.getAttribute(n)));
C(kt, function(e) {
var n,
o = e + "app";
!r &&
(n = t.querySelector("[" + o.replace(":", "\\:") + "]")) &&
((r = n), (i = n.getAttribute(o)));
) {
if (!At) {
try {
"AngularJS: disabling automatic bootstrap. <script> protocol indicates an extension, document.location.href does not match."
} catch (t) {}
(o.strictDi =
null !==
(function(t, e) {
var n,
i = kt.length;
for (r = 0; r < i; ++r)
if (((n = kt[r] + e), H((n = t.getAttribute(n))))) return n;
return null;
})(r, "strict-di")),
n(r, i ? [i] : [], o);
function Ot(t, n, r) {
U(r) || (r = {});
r = O({ strictDi: !1 }, r);
var i = function() {
if ((t = u(t)).injector()) {
var i = t[0] === e.document ? "document" : xt(t);
throw b(
"App already bootstrapped with this element '{0}'",
i.replace(/</, "&lt;").replace(/>/, "&gt;")
(n = n || []).unshift([
function(e) {
e.value("$rootElement", t);
r.debugInfoEnabled &&
function(t) {
var o = Xe(n, r.strictDi);
return (
function(t, e, n, r) {
t.$apply(function() {
e.data("$injector", r), n(e)(t);
if (
(e && o.test(e.name) && ((r.debugInfoEnabled = !0), (e.name = e.name.replace(o, ""))),
e && !a.test(e.name))
return i();
(e.name = e.name.replace(a, "")),
(w.resumeBootstrap = function(t) {
return (
C(t, function(t) {
K(w.resumeDeferredBootstrap) && w.resumeDeferredBootstrap();
function jt() {
(e.name = "NG_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO!" + e.name), e.location.reload();
function Nt(t) {
var e = w.element(t).injector();
if (!e) throw b("test", "no injector found for element argument to getTestability");
return e.get("$$testability");
var Mt = /[A-Z]/g;
function Lt(t, e) {
return (
(e = e || "_"),
t.replace(Mt, function(t, n) {
return (n ? e : "") + t.toLowerCase();
var Dt = !1;
function It(t, e, n) {
if (!t) throw b("areq", "Argument '{0}' is {1}", e || "?", n || "required");
return t;
function Rt(t, e, n) {
return (
n && W(t) && (t = t[t.length - 1]),
"not a function, got " +
(t && "object" == typeof t ? t.constructor.name || "Object" : typeof t)
function Pt(t, e) {
if ("hasOwnProperty" === t)
throw b("badname", "hasOwnProperty is not a valid {0} name", e);
function Vt(t) {
for (var e, n = t[0], r = t[t.length - 1], i = 1; n !== r && (n = n.nextSibling); i++)
(e || t[i] !== n) && (e || (e = u(v.call(t, 0, i))), e.push(n));
return e || t;
function qt() {
return Object.create(null);
function Ut(t) {
if (null == t) return "";
switch (typeof t) {
case "string":
case "number":
t = "" + t;
t = !P(t) || W(t) || z(t) ? gt(t) : t.toString();
return t;
var Ft = 1,
Ht = 3,
Bt = 8,
zt = 9,
Wt = 11;
function Gt(t, e) {
if (W(t)) {
e = e || [];
for (var n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) e[n] = t[n];
} else if (U(t))
for (var i in ((e = e || {}), t))
("$" === i.charAt(0) && "$" === i.charAt(1)) || (e[i] = t[i]);
return e || t;
function Kt(t, e) {
return "function" == typeof t
? t.toString().replace(/ \{[\s\S]*$/, "")
: V(t)
? "undefined"
: "string" != typeof t
? (function(t, e) {
var n = [];
return (
i(e) && (t = w.copy(t, null, e)),
JSON.stringify(t, function(t, e) {
if (U((e = vt(t, e)))) {
if (n.indexOf(e) >= 0) return "...";
return e;
})(t, e)
: t;
var Jt = { full: "1.7.3", major: 1, minor: 7, dot: 3, codeName: "eventful-proposal" };
he.expando = "ng339";
var Yt = (he.cache = {}),
Zt = 1;
he._data = function(t) {
return this.cache[t[this.expando]] || {};
var Xt = /-([a-z])/g,
Qt = /^-ms-/,
te = { mouseleave: "mouseout", mouseenter: "mouseover" },
ee = o("jqLite");
function ne(t, e) {
return e.toUpperCase();
function re(t) {
return t.replace(Xt, ne);
var ie = /^<([\w-]+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/,
oe = /<|&#?\w+;/,
ae = /<([\w:-]+)/,
ue = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:-]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi,
se = {
option: [1, '<select multiple="multiple">', "</select>"],
thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"],
col: [2, "<table><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"],
tr: [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"],
td: [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"],
_default: [0, "", ""]
function ce(t) {
return !oe.test(t);
function le(t) {
var e = t.nodeType;
return e === Ft || !e || e === zt;
function fe(t, e) {
var n,
a = e.createDocumentFragment(),
u = [];
if (ce(t)) u.push(e.createTextNode(t));
else {
for (
n = a.appendChild(e.createElement("div")),
r = (ae.exec(t) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(),
i = se[r] || se._default,
n.innerHTML = i[1] + t.replace(ue, "<$1></$2>") + i[2],
o = i[0];
n = n.lastChild;
(u = pt(u, n.childNodes)), ((n = a.firstChild).textContent = "");
return (
(a.textContent = ""),
(a.innerHTML = ""),
C(u, function(t) {
(se.optgroup = se.option),
(se.tbody = se.tfoot = se.colgroup = se.caption = se.thead),
(se.th = se.td);
var pe =
e.Node.prototype.contains ||
function(t) {
return !!(16 & this.compareDocumentPosition(t));
function he(t) {
if (t instanceof he) return t;
var n;
if ((H(t) && ((t = et(t)), (n = !0)), !(this instanceof he))) {
if (n && "<" !== t.charAt(0))
throw ee(
"Looking up elements via selectors is not supported by jqLite! See: http://docs.angularjs.org/api/angular.element"
return new he(t);
? Se(
(function(t, n) {
var r;
return (
(n = n || e.document),
(r = ie.exec(t))
? [n.createElement(r[1])]
: (r = fe(t, n))
? r.childNodes
: []
: K(t)
? Oe(t)
: Se(this, t);
function de(t) {
return t.cloneNode(!0);
function ve(t, e) {
!e && le(t) && u.cleanData([t]),
t.querySelectorAll && u.cleanData(t.querySelectorAll("*"));
function ge(t) {
var e;
for (e in t) return !1;
return !0;
function me(t) {
var e = t.ng339,
n = e && Yt[e],
r = n && n.events,
i = n && n.data;
(i && !ge(i)) || (r && !ge(r)) || (delete Yt[e], (t.ng339 = void 0));
function $e(t, e, n, r) {
if (q(r)) throw ee("offargs", "jqLite#off() does not support the `selector` argument");
var i = be(t),
o = i && i.events,
a = i && i.handle;
if (a) {
if (e) {
var u = function(e) {
var r = o[e];
q(n) && at(r || [], n),
(q(n) && r && r.length > 0) || (t.removeEventListener(e, a), delete o[e]);
C(e.split(" "), function(t) {
u(t), te[t] && u(te[t]);
} else for (e in o) "$destroy" !== e && t.removeEventListener(e, a), delete o[e];
function ye(t, e) {
var n = t.ng339,
r = n && Yt[n];
r && (e ? delete r.data[e] : (r.data = {}), me(t));
function be(t, e) {
var n = t.ng339,
r = n && Yt[n];
return (
e &&
!r &&
((t.ng339 = n = ++Zt), (r = Yt[n] = { events: {}, data: {}, handle: void 0 })),
function we(t, e, n) {
if (le(t)) {
var r,
i = q(n),
o = !i && e && !U(e),
a = !e,
u = be(t, !o),
s = u && u.data;
if (i) s[re(e)] = n;
else {
if (a) return s;
if (o) return s && s[re(e)];
for (r in e) s[re(r)] = e[r];
function xe(t, e) {
return (
!!t.getAttribute &&
(" " + (t.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ")
.replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ")
.indexOf(" " + e + " ") > -1
function _e(t, e) {
if (e && t.setAttribute) {
var n = (" " + (t.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " "),
r = n;
C(e.split(" "), function(t) {
(t = et(t)), (r = r.replace(" " + t + " ", " "));
r !== n && t.setAttribute("class", et(r));
function Ce(t, e) {
if (e && t.setAttribute) {
var n = (" " + (t.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " "),
r = n;
C(e.split(" "), function(t) {
(t = et(t)), -1 === r.indexOf(" " + t + " ") && (r += t + " ");
r !== n && t.setAttribute("class", et(r));
function Se(t, e) {
if (e)
if (e.nodeType) t[t.length++] = e;
else {
var n = e.length;
if ("number" == typeof n && e.window !== e) {
if (n) for (var r = 0; r < n; r++) t[t.length++] = e[r];
} else t[t.length++] = e;
function Ee(t, e) {
return ke(t, "$" + (e || "ngController") + "Controller");
function ke(t, e, n) {
t.nodeType === zt && (t = t.documentElement);
for (var r = W(e) ? e : [e]; t; ) {
for (var i = 0, o = r.length; i < o; i++) if (q((n = u.data(t, r[i])))) return n;
t = t.parentNode || (t.nodeType === Wt && t.host);
function Ae(t) {
for (ve(t, !0); t.firstChild; ) t.removeChild(t.firstChild);
function Te(t, e) {
e || ve(t);
var n = t.parentNode;
n && n.removeChild(t);
function Oe(t) {
function n() {
e.document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", n),
e.removeEventListener("load", n),
"complete" === e.document.readyState
? e.setTimeout(t)
: (e.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", n), e.addEventListener("load", n));
var je = (he.prototype = {
ready: Oe,
toString: function() {
var t = [];
return (
C(this, function(e) {
t.push("" + e);
"[" + t.join(", ") + "]"
eq: function(t) {
return u(t >= 0 ? this[t] : this[this.length + t]);
length: 0,
push: m,
sort: [].sort,
splice: [].splice
Ne = {};
C("multiple,selected,checked,disabled,readOnly,required,open".split(","), function(t) {
Ne[h(t)] = t;
var Me = {};
C("input,select,option,textarea,button,form,details".split(","), function(t) {
Me[t] = !0;
var Le = {
ngMinlength: "minlength",
ngMaxlength: "maxlength",
ngMin: "min",
ngMax: "max",
ngPattern: "pattern",
ngStep: "step"
function De(t, e) {
var n = Ne[e.toLowerCase()];
return n && Me[it(t)] && n;
function Ie(t, e, n) {
n.call(t, e);
function Re(t, e, n) {
var r = e.relatedTarget;
(r && (r === t || pe.call(t, r))) || n.call(t, e);
function Pe() {
this.$get = function() {
return O(he, {
hasClass: function(t, e) {
return t.attr && (t = t[0]), xe(t, e);
addClass: function(t, e) {
return t.attr && (t = t[0]), Ce(t, e);
removeClass: function(t, e) {
return t.attr && (t = t[0]), _e(t, e);
function Ve(t, e) {
var n = t && t.$$hashKey;
if (n) return "function" == typeof n && (n = t.$$hashKey()), n;
var r = typeof t;
return (n =
"function" === r || ("object" === r && null !== t)
? (t.$$hashKey = r + ":" + (e || k)())
: r + ":" + t);
data: we,
removeData: ye,
hasData: function(t) {
for (var e in Yt[t.ng339]) return !0;
return !1;
cleanData: function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++) ye(t[e]), $e(t[e]);
function(t, e) {
he[e] = t;
data: we,
inheritedData: ke,
scope: function(t) {
return u.data(t, "$scope") || ke(t.parentNode || t, ["$isolateScope", "$scope"]);
isolateScope: function(t) {
return u.data(t, "$isolateScope") || u.data(t, "$isolateScopeNoTemplate");
controller: Ee,
injector: function(t) {
return ke(t, "$injector");
removeAttr: function(t, e) {
hasClass: xe,
css: function(t, e, n) {
if (
((e = (function(t) {
return re(t.replace(Qt, "ms-"));
return t.style[e];
t.style[e] = n;
attr: function(t, e, n) {
var r,
i = t.nodeType;
if (i !== Ht && 2 !== i && i !== Bt && t.getAttribute) {
var o = h(e),
a = Ne[o];
if (!q(n))
return (
(r = t.getAttribute(e)), a && null !== r && (r = o), null === r ? void 0 : r
null === n || (!1 === n && a)
? t.removeAttribute(e)
: t.setAttribute(e, a ? o : n);
prop: function(t, e, n) {
if (!q(n)) return t[e];
t[e] = n;
text: (function() {
return (t.$dv = ""), t;
function t(t, e) {
if (V(e)) {
var n = t.nodeType;
return n === Ft || n === Ht ? t.textContent : "";
t.textContent = e;
val: function(t, e) {
if (V(e)) {
if (t.multiple && "select" === it(t)) {
var n = [];
return (
C(t.options, function(t) {
t.selected && n.push(t.value || t.text);
return t.value;
t.value = e;
html: function(t, e) {
if (V(e)) return t.innerHTML;
ve(t, !0), (t.innerHTML = e);
empty: Ae
function(t, e) {
he.prototype[e] = function(e, n) {
var r,
o = this.length;
if (t !== Ae && V(2 === t.length && t !== xe && t !== Ee ? e : n)) {
if (U(e)) {
for (r = 0; r < o; r++)
if (t === we) t(this[r], e);
else for (i in e) t(this[r], i, e[i]);
return this;
for (var a = t.$dv, u = V(a) ? Math.min(o, 1) : o, s = 0; s < u; s++) {
var c = t(this[s], e, n);
a = a ? a + c : c;
return a;
for (r = 0; r < o; r++) t(this[r], e, n);
return this;
removeData: ye,
on: function(t, e, n, r) {
if (q(r))
throw ee(
"jqLite#on() does not support the `selector` or `eventData` parameters"
if (le(t)) {
var i = be(t, !0),
o = i.events,
a = i.handle;
a ||
(a = i.handle = (function(t, e) {
var n = function(n, r) {
n.isDefaultPrevented = function() {
return n.defaultPrevented;
var i = e[r || n.type],
o = i ? i.length : 0;
if (o) {
if (V(n.immediatePropagationStopped)) {
var a = n.stopImmediatePropagation;
n.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
(n.immediatePropagationStopped = !0),
n.stopPropagation && n.stopPropagation(),
a && a.call(n);
n.isImmediatePropagationStopped = function() {
return !0 === n.immediatePropagationStopped;
var u = i.specialHandlerWrapper || Ie;
o > 1 && (i = Gt(i));
for (var s = 0; s < o; s++)
n.isImmediatePropagationStopped() || u(t, n, i[s]);
return (n.elem = t), n;
})(t, o));
for (
var u = e.indexOf(" ") >= 0 ? e.split(" ") : [e],
s = u.length,
c = function(e, r, i) {
var u = o[e];
u ||
(((u = o[e] = []).specialHandlerWrapper = r),
"$destroy" === e || i || t.addEventListener(e, a)),
(e = u[s]), te[e] ? (c(te[e], Re), c(e, void 0, !0)) : c(e);
off: $e,
one: function(t, e, n) {
(t = u(t)).on(e, function r() {
t.off(e, n), t.off(e, r);
t.on(e, n);
replaceWith: function(t, e) {
var n,
r = t.parentNode;
C(new he(e), function(e) {
n ? r.insertBefore(e, n.nextSibling) : r.replaceChild(e, t), (n = e);
children: function(t) {
var e = [];
return (
C(t.childNodes, function(t) {
t.nodeType === Ft && e.push(t);
contents: function(t) {
return t.contentDocument || t.childNodes || [];
append: function(t, e) {
var n = t.nodeType;
if (n === Ft || n === Wt)
for (var r = 0, i = (e = new he(e)).length; r < i; r++) {
var o = e[r];
prepend: function(t, e) {
if (t.nodeType === Ft) {
var n = t.firstChild;
C(new he(e), function(e) {
t.insertBefore(e, n);
wrap: function(t, e) {
!(function(t, e) {
var n = t.parentNode;
n && n.replaceChild(e, t), e.appendChild(t);
remove: Te,
detach: function(t) {
Te(t, !0);
after: function(t, e) {
var n = t,
r = t.parentNode;
if (r)
for (var i = 0, o = (e = new he(e)).length; i < o; i++) {
var a = e[i];
r.insertBefore(a, n.nextSibling), (n = a);
addClass: Ce,
removeClass: _e,
toggleClass: function(t, e, n) {
e &&
C(e.split(" "), function(e) {
var r = n;
V(r) && (r = !xe(t, e)), (r ? Ce : _e)(t, e);
parent: function(t) {
var e = t.parentNode;
return e && e.nodeType !== Wt ? e : null;
next: function(t) {
return t.nextElementSibling;
find: function(t, e) {
return t.getElementsByTagName ? t.getElementsByTagName(e) : [];
clone: de,
triggerHandler: function(t, e, n) {
var r,
a = e.type || e,
u = be(t),
s = u && u.events,
c = s && s[a];
c &&
((r = {
preventDefault: function() {
this.defaultPrevented = !0;
isDefaultPrevented: function() {
return !0 === this.defaultPrevented;
stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
this.immediatePropagationStopped = !0;
isImmediatePropagationStopped: function() {
return !0 === this.immediatePropagationStopped;
stopPropagation: D,
type: a,
target: t
e.type && (r = O(r, e)),
(i = Gt(c)),
(o = n ? [r].concat(n) : [r]),
C(i, function(e) {
r.isImmediatePropagationStopped() || e.apply(t, o);
function(t, e) {
he.prototype[e] = function(e, n, r) {
for (var i, o = 0, a = this.length; o < a; o++)
V(i) ? q((i = t(this[o], e, n, r))) && (i = u(i)) : Se(i, t(this[o], e, n, r));
return q(i) ? i : this;
(he.prototype.bind = he.prototype.on),
(he.prototype.unbind = he.prototype.off);
var qe = Object.create(null);
function Ue() {
(this._keys = []), (this._values = []), (this._lastKey = NaN), (this._lastIndex = -1);
Ue.prototype = {
_idx: function(t) {
return (
t !== this._lastKey &&
((this._lastKey = t), (this._lastIndex = this._keys.indexOf(t))),
_transformKey: function(t) {
return M(t) ? qe : t;
get: function(t) {
t = this._transformKey(t);
var e = this._idx(t);
if (-1 !== e) return this._values[e];
has: function(t) {
return (t = this._transformKey(t)), -1 !== this._idx(t);
set: function(t, e) {
t = this._transformKey(t);
var n = this._idx(t);
-1 === n && (n = this._lastIndex = this._keys.length),
(this._keys[n] = t),
(this._values[n] = e);
delete: function(t) {
t = this._transformKey(t);
var e = this._idx(t);
return (
-1 !== e &&
(this._keys.splice(e, 1),
this._values.splice(e, 1),
(this._lastKey = NaN),
(this._lastIndex = -1),
var Fe = Ue,
He = [
function() {
this.$get = [
function() {
return Fe;
Be = /^([^(]+?)=>/,
ze = /^[^(]*\(\s*([^)]*)\)/m,
We = /,/,
Ge = /^\s*(_?)(\S+?)\1\s*$/,
Ke = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/gm,
Je = o("$injector");
function Ye(t) {
return Function.prototype.toString.call(t);
function Ze(t) {
var e = Ye(t).replace(Ke, "");
return e.match(Be) || e.match(ze);
function Xe(t, e) {
e = !0 === e;
var n = {},
r = "Provider",
i = [],
o = new Fe(),
u = {
$provide: {
provider: d(v),
factory: d(g),
service: d(function(t, e) {
return g(t, [
function(t) {
return t.instantiate(e);
value: d(function(t, e) {
return g(t, R(e), !1);
constant: d(function(t, e) {
Pt(t, "constant"), (u[t] = e), (l[t] = e);
decorator: function(t, e) {
var n = s.get(t + r),
i = n.$get;
n.$get = function() {
var t = p.invoke(i, n);
return p.invoke(e, null, { $delegate: t });
s = (u.$injector = $(u, function(t, e) {
throw (w.isString(e) && i.push(e),
Je("unpr", "Unknown provider: {0}", i.join(" <- ")));
l = {},
f = $(l, function(t, e) {
var n = s.get(t + r, e);
return p.invoke(n.$get, n, void 0, t);
p = f;
(u["$injector" + r] = { $get: R(f) }), (p.modules = s.modules = qt());
var h = m(t);
return (
((p = f.get("$injector")).strictDi = e),
C(h, function(t) {
t && p.invoke(t);
(p.loadNewModules = function(t) {
C(m(t), function(t) {
t && p.invoke(t);
function d(t) {
return function(e, n) {
if (!U(e)) return t(e, n);
C(e, E(t));
function v(t, e) {
if ((Pt(t, "service"), (K(e) || W(e)) && (e = s.instantiate(e)), !e.$get))
throw Je("pget", "Provider '{0}' must define $get factory method.", t);
return (u[t + r] = e);
function g(t, e, n) {
return v(t, {
!1 !== n
? (function(t, e) {
return function() {
var n = p.invoke(e, this);
if (V(n))
throw Je(
"Provider '{0}' must return a value from $get factory method.",
return n;
})(t, e)
: e
function m(t) {
It(V(t) || W(t), "modulesToLoad", "not an array");
var e,
n = [];
return (
C(t, function(t) {
if (!o.get(t)) {
o.set(t, !0);
try {
? ((e = c(t)),
(p.modules[t] = e),
(n = n.concat(m(e.requires)).concat(e._runBlocks)),
: K(t)
? n.push(s.invoke(t))
: W(t)
? n.push(s.invoke(t))
: Rt(t, "module");
} catch (e) {
throw (W(t) && (t = t[t.length - 1]),
e.message &&
e.stack &&
-1 === e.stack.indexOf(e.message) &&
(e = e.message + "\n" + e.stack),
"Failed to instantiate module {0} due to:\n{1}",
e.stack || e.message || e
function r(t) {
var e, n;
for (e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++) {
var r = t[e],
i = s.get(r[0]);
i[r[1]].apply(i, r[2]);
function $(t, o) {
function s(e, r) {
if (t.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
if (t[e] === n)
throw Je("cdep", "Circular dependency found: {0}", e + " <- " + i.join(" <- "));
return t[e];
try {
return i.unshift(e), (t[e] = n), (t[e] = o(e, r)), t[e];
} catch (r) {
throw (t[e] === n && delete t[e], r);
} finally {
function c(t, n, r) {
for (var i = [], o = Xe.$$annotate(t, e, r), a = 0, u = o.length; a < u; a++) {
var c = o[a];
if ("string" != typeof c)
throw Je(
"Incorrect injection token! Expected service name as string, got {0}",
i.push(n && n.hasOwnProperty(c) ? n[c] : s(c, r));
return i;
return {
invoke: function(t, e, n, r) {
"string" == typeof n && ((r = n), (n = null));
var i = c(t, n, r);
return (
W(t) && (t = t[t.length - 1]),
(function(t) {
if (a || "function" != typeof t) return !1;
var e = t.$$ngIsClass;
return X(e) || (e = t.$$ngIsClass = /^class\b/.test(Ye(t))), e;
? (i.unshift(null), new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(t, i))())
: t.apply(e, i)
instantiate: function(t, e, n) {
var r = W(t) ? t[t.length - 1] : t,
i = c(t, e, n);
return i.unshift(null), new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(r, i))();
get: s,
annotate: Xe.$$annotate,
has: function(e) {
return u.hasOwnProperty(e + r) || t.hasOwnProperty(e);
function Qe() {
var t = !0;
(this.disableAutoScrolling = function() {
t = !1;
(this.$get = [
function(n, r, i) {
var o = n.document;
function a(t) {
if (t) {
var e = (function() {
var t = s.yOffset;
if (K(t)) t = t();
else if (rt(t)) {
var e = t[0];
t =
"fixed" !== n.getComputedStyle(e).position
? 0
: e.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
} else B(t) || (t = 0);
return t;
if (e) {
var r = t.getBoundingClientRect().top;
n.scrollBy(0, r - e);
} else n.scrollTo(0, 0);
function s(t) {
var e;
(t = H(t) ? t : B(t) ? t.toString() : r.hash())
? (e = o.getElementById(t))
? a(e)
: (e = (function(t) {
var e = null;
return (
Array.prototype.some.call(t, function(t) {
if ("a" === it(t)) return (e = t), !0;
? a(e)
: "top" === t && a(null)
: a(null);
return (
t &&
function() {
return r.hash();
function(t, n) {
(t === n && "" === t) ||
(function(t, n) {
"complete" === (n = n || e).document.readyState
? n.setTimeout(t)
: u(n).on("load", t);
})(function() {
Xe.$$annotate = function(t, e, n) {
var r, i;
if ("function" == typeof t) {
if (!(r = t.$inject)) {
if (((r = []), t.length)) {
if (e)
throw ((H(n) && n) ||
(n =
t.name ||
(function(t) {
var e = Ze(t);
return e
? "function(" + (e[1] || "").replace(/[\s\r\n]+/, " ") + ")"
: "fn";
"{0} is not using explicit annotation and cannot be invoked in strict mode",
C(Ze(t)[1].split(We), function(t) {
t.replace(Ge, function(t, e, n) {
t.$inject = r;
} else W(t) ? (Rt(t[(i = t.length - 1)], "fn"), (r = t.slice(0, i))) : Rt(t, "fn", !0);
return r;
var tn = o("$animate"),
en = 1;
function nn(t, e) {
return t || e
? t
? e
? (W(t) && (t = t.join(" ")), W(e) && (e = e.join(" ")), t + " " + e)
: t
: e
: "";
function rn(t) {
return U(t) ? t : {};
var on = function() {
this.$get = D;
an = function() {
var t = new Fe(),
e = [];
this.$get = [
function(n, r) {
return {
enabled: D,
on: D,
off: D,
pin: D,
push: function(a, u, s, c) {
c && c(),
(s = s || {}).from && a.css(s.from),
s.to && a.css(s.to),
(s.addClass || s.removeClass) &&
(function(n, a, u) {
var s = t.get(n) || {},
c = i(s, a, !0),
l = i(s, u, !1);
(c || l) &&
(t.set(n, s), e.push(n), 1 === e.length && r.$$postDigest(o));
})(a, s.addClass, s.removeClass);
var l = new n();
return l.complete(), l;
function i(t, e, n) {
var r = !1;
return (
e &&
C((e = H(e) ? e.split(" ") : W(e) ? e : []), function(e) {
e && ((r = !0), (t[e] = n));
function o() {
C(e, function(e) {
var n = t.get(e);
if (n) {
var r = (function(t) {
H(t) && (t = t.split(" "));
var e = qt();
return (
C(t, function(t) {
t.length && (e[t] = !0);
i = "",
o = "";
C(n, function(t, e) {
t !== !!r[e] &&
? (i += (i.length ? " " : "") + e)
: (o += (o.length ? " " : "") + e));
C(e, function(t) {
i && Ce(t, i), o && _e(t, o);
(e.length = 0);
un = [
function(t) {
var e = this,
n = null,
r = null;
(this.$$registeredAnimations = Object.create(null)),
(this.register = function(n, r) {
if (n && "." !== n.charAt(0))
throw tn(
"Expecting class selector starting with '.' got '{0}'.",
var i = n + "-animation";
(e.$$registeredAnimations[n.substr(1)] = i), t.factory(i, r);
(this.customFilter = function(t) {
return 1 === arguments.length && (r = K(t) ? t : null), r;
(this.classNameFilter = function(t) {
if (
1 === arguments.length &&
((n = t instanceof RegExp ? t : null) &&
new RegExp("[(\\s|\\/)]ng-animate[(\\s|\\/)]").test(n.toString()))
throw ((n = null),
'$animateProvider.classNameFilter(regex) prohibits accepting a regex value which matches/contains the "{0}" CSS class.',
return n;
(this.$get = [
function(t) {
function e(t, e, n) {
if (n) {
var r = (function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
if (n.nodeType === en) return n;
!r || r.parentNode || r.previousElementSibling || (n = null);
n ? n.after(t) : e.prepend(t);
return {
on: t.on,
off: t.off,
pin: t.pin,
enabled: t.enabled,
cancel: function(t) {
t.cancel && t.cancel();
enter: function(n, r, i, o) {
return (
(r = r && u(r)),
(i = i && u(i)),
e(n, (r = r || i.parent()), i),
t.push(n, "enter", rn(o))
move: function(n, r, i, o) {
return (
(r = r && u(r)),
(i = i && u(i)),
e(n, (r = r || i.parent()), i),
t.push(n, "move", rn(o))
leave: function(e, n) {
return t.push(e, "leave", rn(n), function() {
addClass: function(e, n, r) {
return (
((r = rn(r)).addClass = nn(r.addclass, n)), t.push(e, "addClass", r)
removeClass: function(e, n, r) {
return (
((r = rn(r)).removeClass = nn(r.removeClass, n)),
t.push(e, "removeClass", r)
setClass: function(e, n, r, i) {
return (
((i = rn(i)).addClass = nn(i.addClass, n)),
(i.removeClass = nn(i.removeClass, r)),
t.push(e, "setClass", i)
animate: function(e, n, r, i, o) {
return (
((o = rn(o)).from = o.from ? O(o.from, n) : n),
(o.to = o.to ? O(o.to, r) : r),
(i = i || "ng-inline-animate"),
(o.tempClasses = nn(o.tempClasses, i)),
t.push(e, "animate", o)
sn = function() {
this.$get = [
function(t) {
var e = [];
function n(n) {
e.length > 1 ||
t(function() {
for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t]();
e = [];
return function() {
var t = !1;
return (
n(function() {
t = !0;
function(e) {
t ? e() : n(e);
cn = function() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e, n, r, i) {
function o(t) {
var e = n();
(this._doneCallbacks = []),
(this._tick = function(t) {
? (function(t) {
i(t, 0, !1);
: e(t);
(this._state = 0);
return (
(o.chain = function(t, e) {
var n = 0;
!(function r() {
if (n === t.length) return void e(!0);
t[n](function(t) {
!1 !== t ? (n++, r()) : e(!1);
(o.all = function(t, e) {
var n = 0,
r = !0;
function i(i) {
(r = r && i), ++n === t.length && e(r);
C(t, function(t) {
(o.prototype = {
setHost: function(t) {
this.host = t || {};
done: function(t) {
2 === this._state ? t() : this._doneCallbacks.push(t);
progress: D,
getPromise: function() {
if (!this.promise) {
var e = this;
this.promise = t(function(t, n) {
e.done(function(e) {
!1 === e ? n() : t();
return this.promise;
then: function(t, e) {
return this.getPromise().then(t, e);
catch: function(t) {
return this.getPromise().catch(t);
finally: function(t) {
return this.getPromise().finally(t);
pause: function() {
this.host.pause && this.host.pause();
resume: function() {
this.host.resume && this.host.resume();
end: function() {
this.host.end && this.host.end(), this._resolve(!0);
cancel: function() {
this.host.cancel && this.host.cancel(), this._resolve(!1);
complete: function(t) {
var e = this;
0 === e._state &&
((e._state = 1),
e._tick(function() {
_resolve: function(t) {
2 !== this._state &&
(C(this._doneCallbacks, function(e) {
(this._doneCallbacks.length = 0),
(this._state = 2));
ln = function() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e, n) {
return function(e, r) {
var i = r || {};
i.$$prepared || (i = ut(i)),
i.cleanupStyles && (i.from = i.to = null),
i.from && (e.css(i.from), (i.from = null));
var o,
a = new n();
return { start: u, end: u };
function u() {
return (
t(function() {
!(function() {
i.addClass && (e.addClass(i.addClass), (i.addClass = null));
i.removeClass && (e.removeClass(i.removeClass), (i.removeClass = null));
i.to && (e.css(i.to), (i.to = null));
o || a.complete(),
(o = !0);
function fn() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e, n, r, i) {
return new function(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o = this,
a = t.location,
s = t.history,
c = t.setTimeout,
l = t.clearTimeout,
f = {},
p = i(n);
(o.isMock = !1),
(o.$$completeOutstandingRequest = p.completeTask),
(o.$$incOutstandingRequestCount = p.incTaskCount),
(o.notifyWhenNoOutstandingRequests = p.notifyWhenNoPendingTasks);
var h,
v = a.href,
g = e.find("base"),
m = null,
$ = r.history
? function() {
try {
return s.state;
} catch (t) {}
: D;
(o.url = function(e, n, i) {
if (
(V(i) && (i = null),
a !== t.location && (a = t.location),
s !== t.history && (s = t.history),
) {
var u = d === i;
if (v === e && (!r.history || u)) return o;
var c = v && sr(v) === sr(e);
return (
(v = e),
(d = i),
!r.history || (c && u)
? (c || (m = e),
? a.replace(e)
: c
? (a.hash = (function(t) {
var e = t.indexOf("#");
return -1 === e ? "" : t.substr(e);
: (a.href = e),
a.href !== e && (m = e))
: (s[n ? "replaceState" : "pushState"](i, "", e), _()),
m && (m = e),
return (function(t) {
return t.replace(/#$/, "");
})(m || a.href);
(o.state = function() {
return h;
var y = [],
b = !1;
function w() {
(m = null), S();
var x = null;
function _() {
ct((h = V((h = $())) ? null : h), x) && (h = x), (x = h), (d = h);
function S() {
var t = d;
(v === o.url() && t === h) ||
((v = o.url()),
(d = h),
C(y, function(t) {
t(o.url(), h);
(o.onUrlChange = function(e) {
return (
b ||
(r.history && u(t).on("popstate", w), u(t).on("hashchange", w), (b = !0)),
(o.$$applicationDestroyed = function() {
u(t).off("hashchange popstate", w);
(o.$$checkUrlChange = S),
(o.baseHref = function() {
var t = g.attr("href");
return t ? t.replace(/^(https?:)?\/\/[^/]*/, "") : "";
(o.defer = function(t, e, n) {
var r;
return (
(e = e || 0),
(n = n || p.DEFAULT_TASK_TYPE),
(r = c(function() {
delete f[r], p.completeTask(t, n);
}, e)),
(f[r] = n),
(o.defer.cancel = function(t) {
if (f.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
var e = f[t];
return delete f[t], l(t), p.completeTask(D, e), !0;
return !1;
}(t, r, e, n, i);
function pn() {
this.$get = function() {
var t = {};
function e(e, n) {
if (e in t) throw o("$cacheFactory")("iid", "CacheId '{0}' is already taken!", e);
var r = 0,
i = O({}, n, { id: e }),
a = qt(),
u = (n && n.capacity) || Number.MAX_VALUE,
s = qt(),
c = null,
l = null;
return (t[e] = {
put: function(t, e) {
if (!V(e)) {
if (u < Number.MAX_VALUE) f(s[t] || (s[t] = { key: t }));
return t in a || r++, (a[t] = e), r > u && this.remove(l.key), e;
get: function(t) {
if (u < Number.MAX_VALUE) {
var e = s[t];
if (!e) return;
return a[t];
remove: function(t) {
if (u < Number.MAX_VALUE) {
var e = s[t];
if (!e) return;
e === c && (c = e.p), e === l && (l = e.n), p(e.n, e.p), delete s[t];
t in a && (delete a[t], r--);
removeAll: function() {
(a = qt()), (r = 0), (s = qt()), (c = l = null);
destroy: function() {
(a = null), (i = null), (s = null), delete t[e];
info: function() {
return O({}, i, { size: r });
function f(t) {
t !== c &&
(l ? l === t && (l = t.n) : (l = t), p(t.n, t.p), p(t, c), ((c = t).n = null));
function p(t, e) {
t !== e && (t && (t.p = e), e && (e.n = t));
return (
(e.info = function() {
var e = {};
return (
C(t, function(t, n) {
e[n] = t.info();
(e.get = function(e) {
return t[e];
function hn() {
this.$get = [
function(t) {
return t("templates");
var dn = o("$compile");
var vn = new function() {}();
function gn(t, n) {
var r = {},
i = "Directive",
o = /^\s*directive:\s*([\w-]+)\s+(.*)$/,
s = /(([\w-]+)(?::([^;]+))?;?)/,
c = (function(t) {
var e,
n = {},
r = t.split(",");
for (e = 0; e < r.length; e++) n[r[e]] = !0;
return n;
l = /^(?:(\^\^?)?(\?)?(\^\^?)?)?/,
f = /^(on[a-z]+|formaction)$/,
d = qt();
function v(t, e, n) {
var r = /^([@&]|[=<](\*?))(\??)\s*([\w$]*)$/,
i = qt();
return (
C(t, function(t, o) {
if ((t = t.trim()) in d) i[o] = d[t];
else {
var a = t.match(r);
if (!a)
throw dn(
"Invalid {3} for directive '{0}'. Definition: {... {1}: '{2}' ...}",
n ? "controller bindings definition" : "isolate scope definition"
(i[o] = {
mode: a[1][0],
collection: "*" === a[2],
optional: "?" === a[3],
attrName: a[4] || o
a[4] && (d[t] = i[o]);
function g(t, e) {
var n = { isolateScope: null, bindToController: null };
if (
(U(t.scope) &&
(!0 === t.bindToController
? ((n.bindToController = v(t.scope, e, !0)), (n.isolateScope = {}))
: (n.isolateScope = v(t.scope, e, !1))),
U(t.bindToController) && (n.bindToController = v(t.bindToController, e, !0)),
n.bindToController && !t.controller)
throw dn(
"Cannot bind to controller without directive '{0}'s controller.",
return n;
(this.directive = function e(n, o) {
return (
It(n, "name"),
Pt(n, "directive"),
? (!(function(t) {
var e = t.charAt(0);
if (!e || e !== h(e))
throw dn(
"Directive/Component name '{0}' is invalid. The first character must be a lowercase letter",
if (t !== t.trim())
throw dn(
"Directive/Component name '{0}' is invalid. The name should not contain leading or trailing whitespaces",
It(o, "directiveFactory"),
r.hasOwnProperty(n) ||
((r[n] = []),
t.factory(n + i, [
function(t, e) {
var i = [];
return (
C(r[n], function(r, o) {
try {
var a = t.invoke(r);
? (a = { compile: R(a) })
: !a.compile && a.link && (a.compile = R(a.link)),
(a.priority = a.priority || 0),
(a.index = o),
(a.name = a.name || n),
(a.require = (function(t) {
var e = t.require || (t.controller && t.name);
return (
!W(e) &&
U(e) &&
C(e, function(t, n) {
var r = t.match(l);
t.substring(r[0].length) || (e[n] = r[0] + n);
(a.restrict = (function(t, e) {
if (t && (!H(t) || !/[EACM]/.test(t)))
throw dn(
"Restrict property '{0}' of directive '{1}' is invalid",
return t || "EA";
})(a.restrict, n)),
(a.$$moduleName = r.$$moduleName),
} catch (t) {
: C(n, E(e)),
(this.component = function t(e, n) {
if (!H(e)) return C(e, E(dt(this, t))), this;
var r = n.controller || function() {};
function i(t) {
function e(e) {
return K(e) || W(e)
? function(n, r) {
return t.invoke(e, this, { $element: n, $attrs: r });
: e;
var i = n.template || n.templateUrl ? n.template : "",
o = {
controller: r,
(function(t, e) {
if (e && H(e)) return e;
if (H(t)) {
var n = Cn.exec(t);
if (n) return n[3];
})(n.controller) ||
n.controllerAs ||
template: e(i),
templateUrl: e(n.templateUrl),
transclude: n.transclude,
scope: {},
bindToController: n.bindings || {},
restrict: "E",
require: n.require
return (
C(n, function(t, e) {
"$" === e.charAt(0) && (o[e] = t);
return (
C(n, function(t, e) {
"$" === e.charAt(0) && ((i[e] = t), K(r) && (r[e] = t));
(i.$inject = ["$injector"]),
this.directive(e, i)
(this.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist = function(t) {
return q(t)
? (n.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(t), this)
: n.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist();
(this.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = function(t) {
return q(t)
? (n.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(t), this)
: n.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist();
var m = !0;
this.debugInfoEnabled = function(t) {
return q(t) ? ((m = t), this) : m;
var y = !1;
this.strictComponentBindingsEnabled = function(t) {
return q(t) ? ((y = t), this) : y;
var b = 10;
this.onChangesTtl = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? ((b = t), this) : b;
var w = !0;
this.commentDirectivesEnabled = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? ((w = t), this) : w;
var x = !0;
this.cssClassDirectivesEnabled = function(t) {
return arguments.length ? ((x = t), this) : x;
var _ = qt();
(this.addPropertySecurityContext = function(t, e, n) {
var r = t.toLowerCase() + "|" + e.toLowerCase();
if (r in _ && _[r] !== n)
throw dn(
"Property context '{0}.{1}' already set to '{2}', cannot override to '{3}'.",
return (_[r] = n), this;
(function() {
function t(t, e) {
C(e, function(e) {
_[e.toLowerCase()] = t;
t(Gr.HTML, ["iframe|srcdoc", "*|innerHTML", "*|outerHTML"]),
t(Gr.CSS, ["*|style"]),
t(Gr.URL, [
(this.$get = [
function(t, n, d, v, S, E, k, A, T) {
var j,
N = /^\w/,
M = e.document.createElement("div"),
R = w,
P = x,
q = b;
function F() {
try {
if (!--q)
throw ((j = void 0),
dn("infchng", "{0} $onChanges() iterations reached. Aborting!\n", b));
k.$apply(function() {
for (var t = 0, e = j.length; t < e; ++t)
try {
} catch (t) {
j = void 0;
} finally {
function B(t, e) {
if (!t) return t;
if (!H(t))
throw dn(
'Can\'t pass trusted values to `{0}`: "{1}"',
for (
var n = "",
r = et(t),
i = /\s/.test(r) ? /(\s+\d+x\s*,|\s+\d+w\s*,|\s+,|,\s+)/ : /(,)/,
o = r.split(i),
a = Math.floor(o.length / 2),
u = 0;
u < a;
) {
var s = 2 * u;
(n += A.getTrustedMediaUrl(et(o[s]))), (n += " " + et(o[s + 1]));
var c = et(o[2 * u]).split(/\s/);
return (
(n += A.getTrustedMediaUrl(et(c[0]))),
2 === c.length && (n += " " + et(c[1])),
function z(t, e) {
if (e) {
var n,
o = Object.keys(e);
for (n = 0, r = o.length; n < r; n++) this[(i = o[n])] = e[i];
} else this.$attr = {};
this.$$element = t;
function J(t, e) {
try {
} catch (t) {}
z.prototype = {
$normalize: bn,
$addClass: function(t) {
t && t.length > 0 && T.addClass(this.$$element, t);
$removeClass: function(t) {
t && t.length > 0 && T.removeClass(this.$$element, t);
$updateClass: function(t, e) {
var n = wn(t, e);
n && n.length && T.addClass(this.$$element, n);
var r = wn(e, t);
r && r.length && T.removeClass(this.$$element, r);
$set: function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = De(this.$$element[0], t),
o = (function(t) {
return Le[t];
a = t;
i ? (this.$$element.prop(t, e), (r = i)) : o && ((this[o] = e), (a = o)),
(this[t] = e),
? (this.$attr[t] = r)
: (r = this.$attr[t]) || (this.$attr[t] = r = Lt(t, "-")),
"img" === it(this.$$element) &&
"srcset" === t &&
(this[t] = e = B(e, "$set('srcset', value)")),
!1 !== n &&
(null === e || V(e)
? this.$$element.removeAttr(r)
: N.test(r)
? this.$$element.attr(r, e)
: (function(t, e, n) {
M.innerHTML = "<span " + e + ">";
var r = M.firstChild.attributes,
i = r[0];
(i.value = n),
})(this.$$element[0], r, e));
var u = this.$$observers;
u &&
C(u[a], function(t) {
try {
} catch (t) {
$observe: function(t, e) {
var n = this,
r = n.$$observers || (n.$$observers = qt()),
i = r[t] || (r[t] = []);
return (
k.$evalAsync(function() {
i.$$inter || !n.hasOwnProperty(t) || V(n[t]) || e(n[t]);
function() {
at(i, e);
var Y = n.startSymbol(),
Q = n.endSymbol(),
tt =
"{{" === Y && "}}" === Q
? I
: function(t) {
return t.replace(/\{\{/g, Y).replace(/}}/g, Q);
nt = /^ng(Attr|Prop|On)([A-Z].*)$/,
rt = /^(.+)Start$/;
return (
(ot.$$addBindingInfo = m
? function(t, e) {
var n = t.data("$binding") || [];
W(e) ? (n = n.concat(e)) : n.push(e), t.data("$binding", n);
: D),
(ot.$$addBindingClass = m
? function(t) {
J(t, "ng-binding");
: D),
(ot.$$addScopeInfo = m
? function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = n ? (r ? "$isolateScopeNoTemplate" : "$isolateScope") : "$scope";
t.data(i, e);
: D),
(ot.$$addScopeClass = m
? function(t, e) {
J(t, e ? "ng-isolate-scope" : "ng-scope");
: D),
(ot.$$createComment = function(t, n) {
var r = "";
return (
m && ((r = " " + (t || "") + ": "), n && (r += n + " ")),
function ot(t, e, n, r, i) {
t instanceof u || (t = u(t));
var o = ut(t, e, t, n, r, i);
var a = null;
return function(e, n, r) {
if (!t) throw dn("multilink", "This element has already been linked.");
It(e, "scope"), i && i.needsNewScope && (e = e.$parent.$new());
var s,
c = (r = r || {}).parentBoundTranscludeFn,
l = r.transcludeControllers,
f = r.futureParentElement;
if (
(c && c.$$boundTransclude && (c = c.$$boundTransclude),
a ||
(a = (function(t) {
var e = t && t[0];
return e && "foreignobject" !== it(e) && $.call(e).match(/SVG/)
? "svg"
: "html";
(s =
"html" !== a
? u(
: n
? je.clone.call(t)
: t),
for (var p in l) s.data("$" + p + "Controller", l[p].instance);
return (
ot.$$addScopeInfo(s, e),
n && n(s, e),
o && o(e, s, s, c),
n || (t = o = null),
function ut(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
for (
var s, c, l, f, p, h, d, v = [], g = W(t) || t instanceof u, m = 0;
m < t.length;
(s = new z()),
11 === a && lt(t, m, g),
(l = (c = pt(t[m], [], s, 0 === m ? r : void 0, i)).length
? $t(c, t[m], s, e, n, null, [], [], o)
: null) &&
l.scope &&
(p =
(l && l.terminal) || !(f = t[m].childNodes) || !f.length
? null
: ut(
? (l.transcludeOnThisElement || !l.templateOnThisElement) &&
: e
(l || p) && (v.push(m, l, p), (h = !0), (d = d || l)),
(o = null);
return h
? function(t, n, r, i) {
var o, a, s, c, l, f, p, h, g;
if (d) {
var m = n.length;
for (g = new Array(m), l = 0; l < v.length; l += 3)
(p = v[l]), (g[p] = n[p]);
} else g = n;
for (l = 0, f = v.length; l < f; )
(s = g[v[l++]]),
(o = v[l++]),
(a = v[l++]),
? (o.scope ? ((c = t.$new()), ot.$$addScopeInfo(u(s), c)) : (c = t),
(h = o.transcludeOnThisElement
? ft(t, o.transclude, i)
: !o.templateOnThisElement && i
? i
: !i && e
? ft(t, e)
: null),
o(a, c, s, r, h))
: a && a(t, s.childNodes, void 0, i);
: null;
function lt(t, e, n) {
var r,
i = t[e],
o = i.parentNode;
if (i.nodeType === Ht)
for (; (r = o ? i.nextSibling : t[e + 1]) && r.nodeType === Ht; )
(i.nodeValue = i.nodeValue + r.nodeValue),
r.parentNode && r.parentNode.removeChild(r),
n && r === t[e + 1] && t.splice(e + 1, 1);
function ft(t, e, n) {
function r(r, i, o, a, u) {
return (
r || ((r = t.$new(!1, u)).$$transcluded = !0),
e(r, i, {
parentBoundTranscludeFn: n,
transcludeControllers: o,
futureParentElement: a
var i = (r.$$slots = qt());
for (var o in e.$$slots)
e.$$slots[o] ? (i[o] = ft(t, e.$$slots[o], n)) : (i[o] = null);
return r;
function pt(t, e, r, i, a) {
var u,
f = t.nodeType,
p = r.$attr;
switch (f) {
case Ft:
wt(e, bn((c = it(t))), "E", i, a);
for (
var h, d, v, g, m, $ = t.attributes, y = 0, b = $ && $.length;
y < b;
) {
var w,
x = !1,
_ = !1,
C = !1,
S = !1,
E = !1;
(d = (h = $[y]).name),
(g = h.value),
(m = (v = bn(d.toLowerCase())).match(nt))
? ((C = "Attr" === m[1]),
(S = "Prop" === m[1]),
(E = "On" === m[1]),
(d = d
.replace($n, "")
.substr(4 + m[1].length)
.replace(/_(.)/g, function(t, e) {
return e.toUpperCase();
: (w = v.match(rt)) &&
_t(w[1]) &&
((x = d),
(_ = d.substr(0, d.length - 5) + "end"),
(d = d.substr(0, d.length - 6))),
S || E
? ((r[v] = g), (p[v] = h.name), S ? Ot(t, e, v, d) : jt(e, v, d))
: ((p[(v = bn(d.toLowerCase()))] = d),
(!C && r.hasOwnProperty(v)) ||
((r[v] = g), De(t, v) && (r[v] = !0)),
Nt(t, e, g, v, C),
wt(e, v, "A", i, a, x, _));
if (
("input" === c &&
"hidden" === t.getAttribute("type") &&
t.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"),
if ((U((l = t.className)) && (l = l.animVal), H(l) && "" !== l))
for (; (u = s.exec(l)); )
wt(e, (v = bn(u[2])), "C", i, a) && (r[v] = et(u[3])),
(l = l.substr(u.index + u[0].length));
case Ht:
!(function(t, e) {
var r = n(e, !0);
r &&
priority: 0,
compile: function(t) {
var e = t.parent(),
n = !!e.length;
return (
n && ot.$$addBindingClass(e),
function(t, e) {
var i = e.parent();
n || ot.$$addBindingClass(i),
ot.$$addBindingInfo(i, r.expressions),
t.$watch(r, function(t) {
e[0].nodeValue = t;
})(e, t.nodeValue);
case Bt:
if (!R) break;
!(function(t, e, n, r, i) {
try {
var a = o.exec(t.nodeValue);
if (a) {
var u = bn(a[1]);
wt(e, u, "M", r, i) && (n[u] = et(a[2]));
} catch (t) {}
})(t, e, r, i, a);
return e.sort(Et), e;
function vt(t, e, n) {
var r = [],
i = 0;
if (e && t.hasAttribute && t.hasAttribute(e))
do {
if (!t)
throw dn(
"Unterminated attribute, found '{0}' but no matching '{1}' found.",
t.nodeType === Ft && (t.hasAttribute(e) && i++, t.hasAttribute(n) && i--),
(t = t.nextSibling);
} while (i > 0);
else r.push(t);
return u(r);
function gt(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a, u) {
return (i = vt(i[0], e, n)), t(r, i, o, a, u);
function mt(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a;
return t
? ot(e, n, r, i, o)
: function() {
return (
a || ((a = ot(e, n, r, i, o)), (e = n = o = null)),
a.apply(this, arguments)
function $t(t, n, r, i, o, a, s, c, l) {
l = l || {};
for (
var f,
m = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
$ = l.newScopeDirective,
y = l.controllerDirectives,
b = l.newIsolateScopeDirective,
w = l.templateDirective,
x = l.nonTlbTranscludeDirective,
_ = !1,
S = !1,
k = l.hasElementTranscludeDirective,
A = (r.$$element = u(n)),
T = a,
j = i,
N = !1,
M = !1,
L = 0,
D = t.length;
L < D;
) {
var I = (f = t[L]).$$start,
R = f.$$end;
if ((I && (A = vt(n, I, R)), (h = void 0), m > f.priority)) break;
if (
((g = f.scope) &&
(f.templateUrl ||
? (kt("new/isolated scope", b || $, f, A), (b = f))
: kt("new/isolated scope", b, f, A)),
($ = $ || f)),
(p = f.name),
!N &&
((f.replace && (f.templateUrl || f.template)) ||
(f.transclude && !f.$$tlb)))
) {
for (var P, q = L + 1; (P = t[q++]); )
if (
(P.transclude && !P.$$tlb) ||
(P.replace && (P.templateUrl || P.template))
) {
M = !0;
N = !0;
if (
(!f.templateUrl &&
f.controller &&
((y = y || qt()), kt("'" + p + "' controller", y[p], f, A), (y[p] = f)),
(g = f.transclude))
if (
((_ = !0),
f.$$tlb || (kt("transclusion", x, f, A), (x = f)),
"element" === g)
(k = !0),
(m = f.priority),
(h = A),
(A = r.$$element = u(ot.$$createComment(p, r[p]))),
(n = A[0]),
Mt(o, ht(h), n),
(j = mt(M, h, i, m, T && T.name, { nonTlbTranscludeDirective: x }));
else {
var F = qt();
if (U(g)) {
h = e.document.createDocumentFragment();
var H = qt(),
B = qt();
for (var G in (C(g, function(t, e) {
var n = "?" === t.charAt(0);
(t = n ? t.substring(1) : t), (H[t] = e), (F[e] = null), (B[e] = n);
C(A.contents(), function(t) {
var n = H[bn(it(t))];
? ((B[n] = !0),
(F[n] = F[n] || e.document.createDocumentFragment()),
: h.appendChild(t);
C(B, function(t, e) {
if (!t)
throw dn(
"Required transclusion slot `{0}` was not filled.",
if (F[G]) {
var J = u(F[G].childNodes);
F[G] = mt(M, J, i);
h = u(h.childNodes);
} else h = u(de(n)).contents();
((j = mt(M, h, i, void 0, void 0, {
needsNewScope: f.$$isolateScope || f.$$newScope
})).$$slots = F);
if (f.template)
if (
((S = !0),
kt("template", w, f, A),
(w = f),
(g = K(f.template) ? f.template(A, r) : f.template),
(g = tt(g)),
) {
if (
((T = f),
(h = ce(g) ? [] : xn(At(f.templateNamespace, et(g)))),
(n = h[0]),
1 !== h.length || n.nodeType !== Ft)
throw dn(
"Template for directive '{0}' must have exactly one root element. {1}",
Mt(o, A, n);
var Y = { $attr: {} },
X = pt(n, [], Y),
Q = t.splice(L + 1, t.length - (L + 1));
(b || $) && bt(X, b, $),
(t = t.concat(X).concat(Q)),
Ct(r, Y),
(D = t.length);
} else A.html(g);
if (f.templateUrl)
(S = !0),
kt("template", w, f, A),
(w = f),
f.replace && (T = f),
(at = St(t.splice(L, t.length - L), A, r, o, _ && j, s, c, {
controllerDirectives: y,
newScopeDirective: $ !== f && $,
newIsolateScopeDirective: b,
templateDirective: w,
nonTlbTranscludeDirective: x
(D = t.length);
else if (f.compile)
try {
v = f.compile(A, r, j);
var nt = f.$$originalDirective || f;
? rt(null, dt(nt, v), I, R)
: v && rt(dt(nt, v.pre), dt(nt, v.post), I, R);
} catch (t) {
d(t, xt(A));
f.terminal && ((at.terminal = !0), (m = Math.max(m, f.priority)));
return (
(at.scope = $ && !0 === $.scope),
(at.transcludeOnThisElement = _),
(at.templateOnThisElement = S),
(at.transclude = j),
(l.hasElementTranscludeDirective = k),
function rt(t, e, n, r) {
t &&
(n && (t = gt(t, n, r)),
(t.require = f.require),
(t.directiveName = p),
(b === f || f.$$isolateScope) && (t = Dt(t, { isolateScope: !0 })),
e &&
(n && (e = gt(e, n, r)),
(e.require = f.require),
(e.directiveName = p),
(b === f || f.$$isolateScope) && (e = Dt(e, { isolateScope: !0 })),
function at(t, e, i, o, a) {
var l, f, p, h, v, g, m, x, _, S;
for (var A in (n === i
? ((_ = r), (x = r.$$element))
: (_ = new z((x = u(i)), r)),
(v = e),
b ? (h = e.$new(!0)) : $ && (v = e.$parent),
a &&
(((m = function(t, e, n, r) {
var i;
Z(t) || ((r = n), (n = e), (e = t), (t = void 0));
k && (i = g);
n || (n = k ? x.parent() : x);
if (!r) return a(t, e, i, n, M);
var o = a.$$slots[r];
if (o) return o(t, e, i, n, M);
if (V(o))
throw dn(
'No parent directive that requires a transclusion with slot name "{0}". Element: {1}',
}).$$boundTransclude = a),
(m.isSlotFilled = function(t) {
return !!a.$$slots[t];
y &&
(g = (function(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
var u = qt();
for (var s in r) {
var c = r[s],
l = {
$scope: c === a || c.$$isolateScope ? i : o,
$element: t,
$attrs: e,
$transclude: n
f = c.controller;
"@" === f && (f = e[c.name]);
var p = E(f, l, !0, c.controllerAs);
(u[c.name] = p), t.data("$" + c.name + "Controller", p.instance);
return u;
})(x, _, m, y, h, e, b)),
b &&
!(w && (w === b || w === b.$$originalDirective))
ot.$$addScopeClass(x, !0),
(h.$$isolateBindings = b.$$isolateBindings),
(S = Vt(e, _, h, h.$$isolateBindings, b)).removeWatches &&
h.$on("$destroy", S.removeWatches)),
g)) {
var T = y[A],
j = g[A],
N = T.$$bindings.bindToController;
(j.instance = j()),
x.data("$" + T.name + "Controller", j.instance),
(j.bindingInfo = Vt(v, _, j.instance, N, T));
for (
C(y, function(t, e) {
var n = t.require;
t.bindToController && !W(n) && U(n) && O(g[e].instance, yt(e, n, x, g));
C(g, function(t) {
var e = t.instance;
if (K(e.$onChanges))
try {
} catch (t) {
if (K(e.$onInit))
try {
} catch (t) {
K(e.$doCheck) &&
(v.$watch(function() {
K(e.$onDestroy) &&
v.$on("$destroy", function() {
l = 0,
f = s.length;
l < f;
(p = s[l]),
p.isolateScope ? h : e,
p.require && yt(p.directiveName, p.require, x, g),
var M = e;
for (
b && (b.template || null === b.templateUrl) && (M = h),
t && t(M, i.childNodes, void 0, a),
l = c.length - 1;
l >= 0;
(p = c[l]),
p.isolateScope ? h : e,
p.require && yt(p.directiveName, p.require, x, g),
C(g, function(t) {
var e = t.instance;
K(e.$postLink) && e.$postLink();
function yt(t, e, n, r) {
var i;
if (H(e)) {
var o = e.match(l),
a = e.substring(o[0].length),
u = o[1] || o[3],
s = "?" === o[2];
if (
("^^" === u ? (n = n.parent()) : (i = (i = r && r[a]) && i.instance), !i)
) {
var c = "$" + a + "Controller";
i =
"^^" === u && n[0] && n[0].nodeType === zt
? null
: u
? n.inheritedData(c)
: n.data(c);
if (!i && !s)
throw dn(
"Controller '{0}', required by directive '{1}', can't be found!",
} else if (W(e)) {
i = [];
for (var f = 0, p = e.length; f < p; f++) i[f] = yt(t, e[f], n, r);
} else
U(e) &&
((i = {}),
C(e, function(e, o) {
i[o] = yt(t, e, n, r);
return i || null;
function bt(t, e, n) {
for (var r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++)
t[r] = L(t[r], { $$isolateScope: e, $$newScope: n });
function wt(e, n, o, a, u, s, c) {
if (n === u) return null;
var l = null;
if (r.hasOwnProperty(n))
for (var f, p = t.get(n + i), h = 0, d = p.length; h < d; h++)
if (
((f = p[h]), (V(a) || a > f.priority) && -1 !== f.restrict.indexOf(o))
) {
if ((s && (f = L(f, { $$start: s, $$end: c })), !f.$$bindings)) {
var v = (f.$$bindings = g(f, f.name));
U(v.isolateScope) && (f.$$isolateBindings = v.isolateScope);
e.push(f), (l = f);
return l;
function _t(e) {
if (r.hasOwnProperty(e))
for (var n = t.get(e + i), o = 0, a = n.length; o < a; o++)
if (n[o].multiElement) return !0;
return !1;
function Ct(t, e) {
var n = e.$attr,
r = t.$attr;
C(t, function(r, i) {
"$" !== i.charAt(0) &&
(e[i] &&
e[i] !== r &&
(r.length ? (r += ("style" === i ? ";" : " ") + e[i]) : (r = e[i])),
t.$set(i, r, !0, n[i]));
C(e, function(e, i) {
t.hasOwnProperty(i) ||
"$" === i.charAt(0) ||
((t[i] = e), "class" !== i && "style" !== i && (r[i] = n[i]));
function St(t, e, n, r, i, o, a, s) {
var c,
f = [],
p = e[0],
h = t.shift(),
g = L(h, {
templateUrl: null,
transclude: null,
replace: null,
$$originalDirective: h
m = K(h.templateUrl) ? h.templateUrl(e, n) : h.templateUrl,
$ = h.templateNamespace;
return (
.then(function(d) {
var v, y, b, w;
if (((d = tt(d)), h.replace)) {
if (
((b = ce(d) ? [] : xn(At($, et(d)))),
(v = b[0]),
1 !== b.length || v.nodeType !== Ft)
throw dn(
"Template for directive '{0}' must have exactly one root element. {1}",
(y = { $attr: {} }), Mt(r, e, v);
var x = pt(v, [], y);
U(h.scope) && bt(x, !0), (t = x.concat(t)), Ct(n, y);
} else (v = p), e.html(d);
for (
c = $t(t, v, n, i, e, h, o, a, s),
C(r, function(t, n) {
t === v && (r[n] = e[0]);
l = ut(e[0].childNodes, i);
) {
var _ = f.shift(),
S = f.shift(),
E = f.shift(),
k = f.shift(),
A = e[0];
if (!_.$$destroyed) {
if (S !== p) {
var T = S.className;
(s.hasElementTranscludeDirective && h.replace) || (A = de(v)),
Mt(E, u(S), A),
J(u(A), T);
(w = c.transcludeOnThisElement ? ft(_, c.transclude, k) : k),
c(l, _, A, r, w);
f = null;
.catch(function(t) {
G(t) && d(t);
function(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o = i;
e.$$destroyed ||
? f.push(e, n, r, o)
: (c.transcludeOnThisElement && (o = ft(e, c.transclude, i)),
c(l, e, n, r, o)));
function Et(t, e) {
var n = e.priority - t.priority;
return 0 !== n
? n
: t.name !== e.name
? t.name < e.name
? -1
: 1
: t.index - e.index;
function kt(t, e, n, r) {
function i(t) {
return t ? " (module: " + t + ")" : "";
if (e)
throw dn(
"Multiple directives [{0}{1}, {2}{3}] asking for {4} on: {5}",
function At(t, n) {
switch ((t = h(t || "html"))) {
case "svg":
case "math":
var r = e.document.createElement("div");
return (
(r.innerHTML = "<" + t + ">" + n + "</" + t + ">"),
return n;
function Tt(t) {
return B(A.valueOf(t), "ng-prop-srcset");
function Ot(t, e, n, r) {
if (f.test(r))
throw dn(
"Property bindings for HTML DOM event properties are disallowed"
var i = it(t),
o = (function(t, e) {
var n = e.toLowerCase();
return _[t + "|" + n] || _["*|" + n];
})(i, r),
a = I;
"srcset" !== r || ("img" !== i && "source" !== i)
? o && (a = A.getTrusted.bind(A, o))
: (a = Tt),
priority: 100,
compile: function(t, e) {
var i = S(e[n]),
o = S(e[n], function(t) {
return A.valueOf(t);
return {
pre: function(t, e) {
function n() {
var n = i(t);
e.prop(r, a(n));
n(), t.$watch(o, n);
function jt(t, e, n) {
t.push(Ro(S, k, d, e, n, !1));
function Nt(t, e, r, i, o) {
var a = it(t),
u = (function(t, e) {
return "srcdoc" === e
: "src" === e || "ngSrc" === e
? -1 === ["img", "video", "audio", "source", "track"].indexOf(t)
: "xlinkHref" === e
? "image" === t
: "a" === t
: ("form" === t && "action" === e) ||
("base" === t && "href" === e) ||
("link" === t && "href" === e)
: "a" !== t || ("href" !== e && "ngHref" !== e)
? void 0
: A.URL;
})(a, i),
s = !o,
l = c[i] || o,
p = n(r, s, u, l);
if (p) {
if ("multiple" === i && "select" === a)
throw dn(
"Binding to the 'multiple' attribute is not supported. Element: {0}",
if (f.test(i))
throw dn(
"Interpolations for HTML DOM event attributes are disallowed"
priority: 100,
compile: function() {
return {
pre: function(t, e, o) {
var a = o.$$observers || (o.$$observers = qt()),
s = o[i];
s !== r && ((p = s && n(s, !0, u, l)), (r = s)),
p &&
((o[i] = p(t)),
((a[i] || (a[i] = [])).$$inter = !0),
((o.$$observers && o.$$observers[i].$$scope) || t).$watch(
function(t, e) {
"class" === i && t !== e
? o.$updateClass(t, e)
: o.$set(i, t);
function Mt(t, n, r) {
var i,
a = n[0],
s = n.length,
c = a.parentNode;
if (t)
for (i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; i++)
if (t[i] === a) {
t[i++] = r;
for (var l = i, f = l + s - 1, p = t.length; l < p; l++, f++)
f < p ? (t[l] = t[f]) : delete t[l];
(t.length -= s - 1), t.context === a && (t.context = r);
c && c.replaceChild(r, a);
var h = e.document.createDocumentFragment();
for (i = 0; i < s; i++) h.appendChild(n[i]);
for (
u.hasData(a) && (u.data(r, u.data(a)), u(a).off("$destroy")),
i = 1;
i < s;
delete n[i];
(n[0] = r), (n.length = 1);
function Dt(t, e) {
return O(
function() {
return t.apply(null, arguments);
function Rt(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
try {
t(e, n, r, i, o);
} catch (t) {
d(t, xt(n));
function Pt(t, e) {
if (y)
throw dn(
"Attribute '{0}' of '{1}' is non-optional and must be set!",
function Vt(t, e, r, i, o) {
var a,
u = [],
s = {};
function c(e, n, i) {
K(r.$onChanges) &&
!st(n, i) &&
(j || (t.$$postDigest(F), (j = [])),
a || ((a = {}), j.push(l)),
a[e] && (i = a[e].previousValue),
(a[e] = new mn(i, n)));
function l() {
r.$onChanges(a), (a = void 0);
return (
C(i, function(i, a) {
var l,
g = i.attrName,
m = i.optional;
switch (i.mode) {
case "@":
m || p.call(e, g) || (Pt(g, o.name), (r[a] = e[g] = void 0)),
(v = e.$observe(g, function(t) {
if (H(t) || X(t)) {
var e = r[a];
c(a, t, e), (r[a] = t);
(e.$$observers[g].$$scope = t),
H((l = e[g])) ? (r[a] = n(l)(t)) : X(l) && (r[a] = l),
(s[a] = new mn(vn, r[a])),
case "=":
if (!p.call(e, g)) {
if (m) break;
Pt(g, o.name), (e[g] = void 0);
if (m && !e[g]) break;
(f = S(e[g])),
(d = f.literal ? ct : st),
(h =
f.assign ||
function() {
throw ((l = r[a] = f(t)),
"Expression '{0}' in attribute '{1}' used with directive '{2}' is non-assignable!",
(l = r[a] = f(t));
var $ = function(e) {
return (
d(e, r[a]) || (d(e, l) ? h(t, (e = r[a])) : (r[a] = e)), (l = e)
($.$stateful = !0),
(v = i.collection
? t.$watchCollection(e[g], $)
: t.$watch(S(e[g], $), null, f.literal)),
case "<":
if (!p.call(e, g)) {
if (m) break;
Pt(g, o.name), (e[g] = void 0);
if (m && !e[g]) break;
var y = (f = S(e[g])).literal,
b = (r[a] = f(t));
(s[a] = new mn(vn, r[a])),
(v = t[i.collection ? "$watchCollection" : "$watch"](f, function(
) {
if (e === t) {
if (e === b || (y && ct(e, b))) return;
e = b;
c(a, t, e), (r[a] = t);
case "&":
if (
(m || p.call(e, g) || Pt(g, o.name),
(f = e.hasOwnProperty(g) ? S(e[g]) : D) === D && m)
r[a] = function(e) {
return f(t, e);
initialChanges: s,
u.length &&
function() {
for (var t = 0, e = u.length; t < e; ++t) u[t]();
function mn(t, e) {
(this.previousValue = t), (this.currentValue = e);
(gn.$inject = ["$provide", "$$sanitizeUriProvider"]),
(mn.prototype.isFirstChange = function() {
return this.previousValue === vn;
var $n = /^((?:x|data)[:\-_])/i,
yn = /[:\-_]+(.)/g;
function bn(t) {
return t.replace($n, "").replace(yn, function(t, e, n) {
return n ? e.toUpperCase() : e;
function wn(t, e) {
var n = "",
r = t.split(/\s+/),
i = e.split(/\s+/);
t: for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++) {
for (var a = r[o], u = 0; u < i.length; u++) if (a === i[u]) continue t;
n += (n.length > 0 ? " " : "") + a;
return n;
function xn(t) {
var e = (t = u(t)).length;
if (e <= 1) return t;
for (; e--; ) {
var n = t[e];
(n.nodeType === Bt || (n.nodeType === Ht && "" === n.nodeValue.trim())) &&
g.call(t, e, 1);
return t;
var _n = o("$controller"),
Cn = /^(\S+)(\s+as\s+([\w$]+))?$/;
function Sn() {
var t = {};
(this.has = function(e) {
return t.hasOwnProperty(e);
(this.register = function(e, n) {
Pt(e, "controller"), U(e) ? O(t, e) : (t[e] = n);
(this.$get = [
function(e) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u, s, c, l;
if (((o = !0 === o), a && H(a) && (l = a), H(r))) {
if (!(s = r.match(Cn)))
throw _n(
"Badly formed controller string '{0}'. Must match `__name__ as __id__` or `__name__`.",
if (
((c = s[1]),
(l = l || s[3]),
!(r = t.hasOwnProperty(c)
? t[c]
: (function(t, e, n) {
if (!e) return t;
for (var r, i = e.split("."), o = t, a = i.length, u = 0; u < a; u++)
(r = i[u]), t && (t = (o = t)[r]);
return !n && K(t) ? dt(o, t) : t;
})(i.$scope, c, !0)))
throw _n(
"The controller with the name '{0}' is not registered.",
Rt(r, c, !0);
if (o) {
var f = (W(r) ? r[r.length - 1] : r).prototype;
return (
(u = Object.create(f || null)),
l && n(i, l, u, c || r.name),
function() {
var t = e.invoke(r, u, i, c);
return (
t !== u && (U(t) || K(t)) && ((u = t), l && n(i, l, u, c || r.name)),
{ instance: u, identifier: l }
return (u = e.instantiate(r, i, c)), l && n(i, l, u, c || r.name), u;
function n(t, e, n, r) {
if (!t || !U(t.$scope))
throw o("$controller")(
"Cannot export controller '{0}' as '{1}'! No $scope object provided via `locals`.",
t.$scope[e] = n;
function En() {
this.$get = [
function(t) {
return u(t.document);
function kn() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e) {
var n = t[0],
r = n && n.hidden;
function i() {
r = n.hidden;
return (
t.on("visibilitychange", i),
e.$on("$destroy", function() {
t.off("visibilitychange", i);
function() {
return r;
function An() {
this.$get = [
function(t) {
return function(e, n) {
t.error.apply(t, arguments);
var Tn = function() {
this.$get = [
function(t) {
return function(e) {
return (
e ? !e.nodeType && e instanceof u && (e = e[0]) : (e = t[0].body),
e.offsetWidth + 1
On = "application/json",
jn = { "Content-Type": On + ";charset=utf-8" },
Nn = /^\[|^\{(?!\{)/,
Mn = { "[": /]$/, "{": /}$/ },
Ln = /^\)]\}',?\n/,
Dn = o("$http");
function In(t) {
return U(t) ? (z(t) ? t.toISOString() : gt(t)) : t;
function Rn() {
this.$get = function() {
return function(t) {
if (!t) return "";
var e = [];
return (
S(t, function(t, n) {
null === t ||
V(t) ||
K(t) ||
? C(t, function(t) {
e.push(Et(n) + "=" + Et(In(t)));
: e.push(Et(n) + "=" + Et(In(t))));
function Pn() {
this.$get = function() {
return function(t) {
if (!t) return "";
var e = [];
return (
(function t(n, r, i) {
? C(n, function(e, n) {
t(e, r + "[" + (U(e) ? n : "") + "]");
: U(n) && !z(n)
? S(n, function(e, n) {
t(e, r + (i ? "" : "[") + n + (i ? "" : "]"));
: (K(n) && (n = n()), e.push(Et(r) + "=" + (null == n ? "" : Et(In(n)))));
})(t, "", !0),
function Vn(t, e) {
if (H(t)) {
var n = t.replace(Ln, "").trim();
if (n) {
var r = e("Content-Type"),
i = r && 0 === r.indexOf(On);
if (
i ||
(function(t) {
var e = t.match(Nn);
return e && Mn[e[0]].test(t);
try {
t = mt(n);
} catch (e) {
if (!i) return t;
throw Dn(
'Data must be a valid JSON object. Received: "{0}". Parse error: "{1}"',
return t;
function qn(t) {
var e,
n = qt();
function r(t, e) {
t && (n[t] = n[t] ? n[t] + ", " + e : e);
return (
? C(t.split("\n"), function(t) {
(e = t.indexOf(":")), r(h(et(t.substr(0, e))), et(t.substr(e + 1)));
: U(t) &&
C(t, function(t, e) {
r(h(e), et(t));
function Un(t) {
var e;
return function(n) {
if ((e || (e = qn(t)), n)) {
var r = e[h(n)];
return void 0 === r && (r = null), r;
return e;
function Fn(t, e, n, r) {
return K(r)
? r(t, e, n)
: (C(r, function(r) {
t = r(t, e, n);
function Hn(t) {
return 200 <= t && t < 300;
function Bn() {
var t = (this.defaults = {
transformResponse: [Vn],
transformRequest: [
function(t) {
return !U(t) ||
(function(t) {
return "[object File]" === $.call(t);
})(t) ||
(function(t) {
return "[object Blob]" === $.call(t);
})(t) ||
(function(t) {
return "[object FormData]" === $.call(t);
? t
: gt(t);
headers: {
common: { Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*" },
post: Gt(jn),
put: Gt(jn),
patch: Gt(jn)
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN",
xsrfHeaderName: "X-XSRF-TOKEN",
paramSerializer: "$httpParamSerializer",
jsonpCallbackParam: "callback"
e = !1;
this.useApplyAsync = function(t) {
return q(t) ? ((e = !!t), this) : e;
var n = (this.interceptors = []),
r = (this.xsrfWhitelistedOrigins = []);
this.$get = [
function(i, a, u, s, c, l, f, p) {
var v = s("$http");
t.paramSerializer = H(t.paramSerializer)
? f.get(t.paramSerializer)
: t.paramSerializer;
var g = [];
C(n, function(t) {
g.unshift(H(t) ? f.get(t) : f.invoke(t));
var m = (function(t) {
var e = [si].concat(t.map(ci));
return function(t) {
var n = ci(t);
return e.some(li.bind(null, n));
function $(n) {
if (!U(n))
throw o("$http")(
"Http request configuration must be an object. Received: {0}",
if (!H(p.valueOf(n.url)))
throw o("$http")(
"Http request configuration url must be a string or a $sce trusted object. Received: {0}",
var r = O(
method: "get",
transformRequest: t.transformRequest,
transformResponse: t.transformResponse,
paramSerializer: t.paramSerializer,
jsonpCallbackParam: t.jsonpCallbackParam
(r.headers = (function(e) {
var n,
o = t.headers,
a = O({}, e.headers);
o = O({}, o.common, o[h(e.method)]);
t: for (n in o) {
for (i in ((r = h(n)), a)) if (h(i) === r) continue t;
a[n] = o[n];
return (function(t, e) {
var n,
r = {};
return (
C(t, function(t, i) {
K(t) ? null != (n = t(e)) && (r[i] = n) : (r[i] = t);
})(a, Gt(e));
(r.method = d(r.method)),
(r.paramSerializer = H(r.paramSerializer)
? f.get(r.paramSerializer)
: r.paramSerializer),
var s = [],
y = [],
b = l.resolve(r);
return (
C(g, function(t) {
(t.request || t.requestError) && s.unshift(t.request, t.requestError),
(t.response || t.responseError) && y.push(t.response, t.responseError);
(b = (b = w(
(b = (b = w(b, s)).then(function(n) {
var r = n.headers,
i = Fn(n.data, Un(r), void 0, n.transformRequest);
V(i) &&
C(r, function(t, e) {
"content-type" === h(e) && delete r[e];
V(n.withCredentials) &&
!V(t.withCredentials) &&
(n.withCredentials = t.withCredentials);
return (function(n, r) {
var i,
s = l.defer(),
f = s.promise,
d = n.headers,
g = "jsonp" === h(n.method),
y = n.url;
g ? (y = p.getTrustedResourceUrl(y)) : H(y) || (y = p.valueOf(y));
(y = (function(t, e) {
return (
e.length > 0 && (t += (-1 === t.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&") + e), t
})(y, n.paramSerializer(n.params))),
g &&
(y = (function(t, e) {
var n = t.split("?");
if (n.length > 2)
throw Dn(
'Illegal use more than one "?", in url, "{1}"',
return (
C(Ct(n[1]), function(n, r) {
if ("JSON_CALLBACK" === n)
throw Dn(
'Illegal use of JSON_CALLBACK in url, "{0}"',
if (r === e)
throw Dn(
'Illegal use of callback param, "{0}", in url, "{1}"',
(t += (-1 === t.indexOf("?") ? "?" : "&") + e + "=JSON_CALLBACK")
})(y, n.jsonpCallbackParam));
f.then(S, S),
(!n.cache && !t.cache) ||
!1 === n.cache ||
("GET" !== n.method && "JSONP" !== n.method) ||
(i = U(n.cache) ? n.cache : U(t.cache) ? t.cache : v);
i &&
(q((o = i.get(y)))
? Q(o)
? o.then(_, _)
: W(o)
? x(o[1], o[0], Gt(o[2]), o[3], o[4])
: x(o, 200, {}, "OK", "complete")
: i.put(y, f));
if (V(o)) {
var b = m(n.url) ? u()[n.xsrfCookieName || t.xsrfCookieName] : void 0;
b && (d[n.xsrfHeaderName || t.xsrfHeaderName] = b),
function(t, n, r, o, a) {
i && (Hn(t) ? i.put(y, [t, n, qn(r), o, a]) : i.remove(y));
function u() {
x(n, t, r, o, a);
e ? c.$applyAsync(u) : (u(), c.$$phase || c.$apply());
return f;
function w(t) {
if (t) {
var n = {};
return (
C(t, function(t, r) {
n[r] = function(n) {
function r() {
e ? c.$applyAsync(r) : c.$$phase ? r() : c.$apply(r);
function x(t, e, r, i, o) {
(Hn((e = e >= -1 ? e : 0)) ? s.resolve : s.reject)({
data: t,
status: e,
headers: Un(r),
config: n,
statusText: i,
xhrStatus: o
function _(t) {
x(t.data, t.status, Gt(t.headers()), t.statusText, t.xhrStatus);
function S() {
var t = $.pendingRequests.indexOf(n);
-1 !== t && $.pendingRequests.splice(t, 1);
})(n, i).then(x, x);
)).finally(function() {
i.$$completeOutstandingRequest(D, "$http");
function w(t, e) {
for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; ) {
var i = e[n++],
o = e[n++];
t = t.then(i, o);
return (e.length = 0), t;
function x(t) {
var e = O({}, t);
return (
(e.data = Fn(t.data, t.headers, t.status, r.transformResponse)),
Hn(t.status) ? e : l.reject(e)
return (
($.pendingRequests = []),
(function(t) {
C(arguments, function(t) {
$[t] = function(e, n) {
return $(O({}, n || {}, { method: t, url: e }));
})("get", "delete", "head", "jsonp"),
(function(t) {
C(arguments, function(t) {
$[t] = function(e, n, r) {
return $(O({}, r || {}, { method: t, url: e, data: n }));
})("post", "put", "patch"),
($.defaults = t),
function zn() {
this.$get = function() {
return function() {
return new e.XMLHttpRequest();
function Wn() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e, n, r) {
return (function(t, e, n, r, i) {
return function(o, a, u, s, c, l, f, p, d, v) {
if (((a = a || t.url()), "jsonp" === h(o)))
var g = r.createCallback(a),
m = (function(t, e, n) {
t = t.replace("JSON_CALLBACK", e);
var o = i.createElement("script"),
a = null;
return (
(o.type = "text/javascript"),
(o.src = t),
(o.async = !0),
(a = function(t) {
o.removeEventListener("load", a),
o.removeEventListener("error", a),
(o = null);
var u = -1,
s = "unknown";
t &&
("load" !== t.type || r.wasCalled(e) || (t = { type: "error" }),
(s = t.type),
(u = "error" === t.type ? 404 : 200)),
n && n(u, s);
o.addEventListener("load", a),
o.addEventListener("error", a),
})(a, g, function(t, e) {
var n = 200 === t && r.getResponse(g);
x(s, t, n, "", e, "complete"), r.removeCallback(g);
else {
var $ = e(o, a),
y = !1;
$.open(o, a, !0),
C(c, function(t, e) {
q(t) && $.setRequestHeader(e, t);
($.onload = function() {
var t = $.statusText || "",
e = "response" in $ ? $.response : $.responseText,
n = 1223 === $.status ? 204 : $.status;
0 === n && (n = e ? 200 : "file" === ci(a).protocol ? 404 : 0),
x(s, n, e, $.getAllResponseHeaders(), t, "complete");
if (
(($.onerror = function() {
x(s, -1, null, null, "", "error");
($.ontimeout = function() {
x(s, -1, null, null, "", "timeout");
($.onabort = function() {
x(s, -1, null, null, "", y ? "timeout" : "abort");
C(d, function(t, e) {
$.addEventListener(e, t);
C(v, function(t, e) {
$.upload.addEventListener(e, t);
f && ($.withCredentials = !0),
try {
$.responseType = p;
} catch (t) {
if ("json" !== p) throw t;
$.send(V(u) ? null : u);
if (l > 0)
var b = n(function() {
}, l);
Q(l) &&
l.then(function() {
w(q(l.$$timeoutId) ? "timeout" : "abort");
function w(t) {
(y = "timeout" === t), m && m(), $ && $.abort();
function x(t, e, r, i, o, a) {
q(b) && n.cancel(b), (m = $ = null), t(e, r, i, o, a);
})(t, r, t.defer, e, n[0]);
var Gn = (w.$interpolateMinErr = o("$interpolate"));
function Kn() {
var t = "{{",
e = "}}";
(this.startSymbol = function(e) {
return e ? ((t = e), this) : t;
(this.endSymbol = function(t) {
return t ? ((e = t), this) : e;
(this.$get = [
function(n, r, i) {
var o = t.length,
a = e.length,
u = new RegExp(t.replace(/./g, c), "g"),
s = new RegExp(e.replace(/./g, c), "g");
function c(t) {
return "\\\\\\" + t;
function l(n) {
return n.replace(u, t).replace(s, e);
function f(t, e, n, r) {
var i = t.$watch(
function(t) {
return i(), r(t);
return i;
function p(u, s, c, p) {
var h = c === i.URL || c === i.MEDIA_URL;
if (!u.length || -1 === u.indexOf(t)) {
if (s && !h) return;
var d = l(u);
h && (d = i.getTrusted(c, d));
var v = R(d);
return (v.exp = u), (v.expressions = []), (v.$$watchDelegate = f), v;
p = !!p;
for (var g, m, $, y, b, w = 0, x = [], _ = u.length, C = [], S = []; w < _; ) {
if (-1 === (g = u.indexOf(t, w)) || -1 === (m = u.indexOf(e, g + o))) {
w !== _ && C.push(l(u.substring(w)));
w !== g && C.push(l(u.substring(w, g))),
(y = u.substring(g + o, m)),
(w = m + a),
b = 1 === C.length && 1 === S.length;
var E =
h && b
? void 0
: function(t) {
try {
return (
(t = c && !h ? i.getTrusted(c, t) : i.valueOf(t)),
p && !q(t) ? t : Ut(t)
} catch (t) {
r(Gn.interr(u, t));
if (
(($ = x.map(function(t) {
return n(t, E);
!s || x.length)
) {
var k = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = x.length; e < n; e++) {
if (p && V(t[e])) return;
C[S[e]] = t[e];
return h
? i.getTrusted(c, b ? C[0] : C.join(""))
: (c && C.length > 1 && Gn.throwNoconcat(u), C.join(""));
return O(
function(t) {
var e = 0,
n = x.length,
i = new Array(n);
try {
for (; e < n; e++) i[e] = $[e](t);
return k(i);
} catch (t) {
r(Gn.interr(u, t));
exp: u,
expressions: x,
$$watchDelegate: function(t, e) {
var n;
return t.$watchGroup($, function(r, i) {
var o = k(r);
e.call(this, o, r !== i ? n : o, t), (n = o);
return (
(p.startSymbol = function() {
return t;
(p.endSymbol = function() {
return e;
(Gn.throwNoconcat = function(t) {
throw Gn(
"Error while interpolating: {0}\nStrict Contextual Escaping disallows interpolations that concatenate multiple expressions when a trusted value is required. See http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$sce",
(Gn.interr = function(t, e) {
return Gn("interr", "Can't interpolate: {0}\n{1}", t, e.toString());
var Jn = o("$interval");
function Yn() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e) {
var n = {},
r = function(t) {
e.clearInterval(t), delete n[t];
i = t(function(t, r, i) {
var o = e.setInterval(t, r);
return (n[o] = i), o;
}, r);
return (
(i.cancel = function(t) {
if (!t) return !1;
if (!t.hasOwnProperty("$$intervalId"))
throw Jn(
"`$interval.cancel()` called with a promise that was not generated by `$interval()`."
if (!n.hasOwnProperty(t.$$intervalId)) return !1;
var e = t.$$intervalId,
i = n[e];
return Fr(i.promise), i.reject("canceled"), r(e), !0;
function Zn() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e, n, r) {
return function(i, o) {
return function(a, u, s, c) {
var l = arguments.length > 4,
f = l ? ht(arguments, 4) : [],
p = 0,
h = q(c) && !c,
d = (h ? n : e).defer(),
v = d.promise;
function g() {
l ? a.apply(null, f) : a(p);
return (
(s = q(s) ? s : 0),
(v.$$intervalId = i(
function() {
h ? t.defer(g) : r.$evalAsync(g),
s > 0 && p >= s && (d.resolve(p), o(v.$$intervalId)),
h || r.$apply();
var Xn = function() {
this.$get = function() {
var t = w.callbacks,
e = {};
return {
createCallback: function(n) {
var r = "_" + (t.$$counter++).toString(36),
i = "angular.callbacks." + r,
o = (function(t) {
var e = function(t) {
(e.data = t), (e.called = !0);
return (e.id = t), e;
return (e[i] = t[r] = o), i;
wasCalled: function(t) {
return e[t].called;
getResponse: function(t) {
return e[t].data;
removeCallback: function(n) {
var r = e[n];
delete t[r.id], delete e[n];
Qn = /^([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/,
tr = { http: 80, https: 443, ftp: 21 },
er = o("$location");
function nr(t, e, n) {
var r = (function(t) {
var e = [];
return (
C(t, function(t, n) {
? C(t, function(t) {
e.push(Et(n, !0) + (!0 === t ? "" : "=" + Et(t, !0)));
: e.push(Et(n, !0) + (!0 === t ? "" : "=" + Et(t, !0)));
e.length ? e.join("&") : ""
i = n ? "#" + St(n) : "";
return (
(function(t) {
for (var e = t.split("/"), n = e.length; n--; )
e[n] = St(e[n].replace(/%2F/g, "/"));
return e.join("/");
})(t) +
(r ? "?" + r : "") +
function rr(t, e) {
var n = ci(t);
(e.$$protocol = n.protocol),
(e.$$host = n.hostname),
(e.$$port = N(n.port) || tr[n.protocol] || null);
var ir = /^\s*[\\/]{2,}/;
function or(t, e, n) {
if (ir.test(t)) throw er("badpath", 'Invalid url "{0}".', t);
var r = "/" !== t.charAt(0);
r && (t = "/" + t);
var i = ci(t),
o = r && "/" === i.pathname.charAt(0) ? i.pathname.substring(1) : i.pathname;
(e.$$path = (function(t, e) {
for (var n = t.split("/"), r = n.length; r--; )
(n[r] = decodeURIComponent(n[r])), e && (n[r] = n[r].replace(/\//g, "%2F"));
return n.join("/");
})(o, n)),
(e.$$search = Ct(i.search)),
(e.$$hash = decodeURIComponent(i.hash)),
e.$$path && "/" !== e.$$path.charAt(0) && (e.$$path = "/" + e.$$path);
function ar(t, e) {
return t.slice(0, e.length) === e;
function ur(t, e) {
if (ar(e, t)) return e.substr(t.length);
function sr(t) {
var e = t.indexOf("#");
return -1 === e ? t : t.substr(0, e);
function cr(t, e, n) {
(this.$$html5 = !0),
(n = n || ""),
rr(t, this),
(this.$$parse = function(t) {
var n = ur(e, t);
if (!H(n))
throw er("ipthprfx", 'Invalid url "{0}", missing path prefix "{1}".', t, e);
or(n, this, !0), this.$$path || (this.$$path = "/"), this.$$compose();
(this.$$normalizeUrl = function(t) {
return e + t.substr(1);
(this.$$parseLinkUrl = function(r, i) {
return i && "#" === i[0]
? (this.hash(i.slice(1)), !0)
: (q((o = ur(t, r)))
? ((a = o), (u = n && q((o = ur(n, o))) ? e + (ur("/", o) || o) : t + a))
: q((o = ur(e, r)))
? (u = e + o)
: e === r + "/" && (u = e),
u && this.$$parse(u),
var o, a, u;
function lr(t, e, n) {
rr(t, this),
(this.$$parse = function(r) {
var i,
o = ur(t, r) || ur(e, r);
V(o) || "#" !== o.charAt(0)
? this.$$html5
? (i = o)
: ((i = ""), V(o) && ((t = r), this.replace()))
: V((i = ur(n, o))) && (i = o),
or(i, this, !1),
(this.$$path = (function(t, e, n) {
var r,
i = /^\/[A-Z]:(\/.*)/;
ar(e, n) && (e = e.replace(n, ""));
if (i.exec(e)) return t;
return (r = i.exec(t)) ? r[1] : t;
})(this.$$path, i, t)),
(this.$$normalizeUrl = function(e) {
return t + (e ? n + e : "");
(this.$$parseLinkUrl = function(e, n) {
return sr(t) === sr(e) && (this.$$parse(e), !0);
function fr(t, e, n) {
(this.$$html5 = !0),
lr.apply(this, arguments),
(this.$$parseLinkUrl = function(r, i) {
return i && "#" === i[0]
? (this.hash(i.slice(1)), !0)
: (t === sr(r)
? (o = r)
: (a = ur(e, r))
? (o = t + n + a)
: e === r + "/" && (o = e),
o && this.$$parse(o),
var o, a;
(this.$$normalizeUrl = function(e) {
return t + n + e;
var pr = {
$$absUrl: "",
$$html5: !1,
$$replace: !1,
$$compose: function() {
(this.$$url = nr(this.$$path, this.$$search, this.$$hash)),
(this.$$absUrl = this.$$normalizeUrl(this.$$url)),
(this.$$urlUpdatedByLocation = !0);
absUrl: hr("$$absUrl"),
url: function(t) {
if (V(t)) return this.$$url;
var e = Qn.exec(t);
return (
(e[1] || "" === t) && this.path(decodeURIComponent(e[1])),
(e[2] || e[1] || "" === t) && this.search(e[3] || ""),
this.hash(e[5] || ""),
protocol: hr("$$protocol"),
host: hr("$$host"),
port: hr("$$port"),
path: dr("$$path", function(t) {
return "/" === (t = null !== t ? t.toString() : "").charAt(0) ? t : "/" + t;
search: function(t, e) {
switch (arguments.length) {
case 0:
return this.$$search;
case 1:
if (H(t) || B(t)) (t = t.toString()), (this.$$search = Ct(t));
else {
if (!U(t))
throw er(
"The first argument of the `$location#search()` call must be a string or an object."
C((t = ut(t, {})), function(e, n) {
null == e && delete t[n];
(this.$$search = t);
V(e) || null === e ? delete this.$$search[t] : (this.$$search[t] = e);
return this.$$compose(), this;
hash: dr("$$hash", function(t) {
return null !== t ? t.toString() : "";
replace: function() {
return (this.$$replace = !0), this;
function hr(t) {
return function() {
return this[t];
function dr(t, e) {
return function(n) {
return V(n) ? this[t] : ((this[t] = e(n)), this.$$compose(), this);
function vr() {
var t = "!",
e = { enabled: !1, requireBase: !0, rewriteLinks: !0 };
(this.hashPrefix = function(e) {
return q(e) ? ((t = e), this) : t;
(this.html5Mode = function(t) {
return X(t)
? ((e.enabled = t), this)
: U(t)
? (X(t.enabled) && (e.enabled = t.enabled),
X(t.requireBase) && (e.requireBase = t.requireBase),
(X(t.rewriteLinks) || H(t.rewriteLinks)) && (e.rewriteLinks = t.rewriteLinks),
: e;
(this.$get = [
function(n, r, i, o, a) {
var s,
f = r.baseHref(),
p = r.url();
if (e.enabled) {
if (!f && e.requireBase)
throw er(
"$location in HTML5 mode requires a <base> tag to be present!"
(l =
(function(t) {
return t.substring(0, t.indexOf("/", t.indexOf("//") + 2));
})(p) + (f || "/")),
(c = i.history ? cr : fr);
} else (l = sr(p)), (c = lr);
var h = (function(t) {
return t.substr(0, sr(t).lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
(s = new c(l, h, "#" + t)).$$parseLinkUrl(p, p), (s.$$state = r.state());
var d = /^\s*(javascript|mailto):/i;
function v(t, e, n) {
var i = s.url(),
o = s.$$state;
try {
r.url(t, e, n), (s.$$state = r.state());
} catch (t) {
throw (s.url(i), (s.$$state = o), t);
o.on("click", function(t) {
var i = e.rewriteLinks;
if (
i &&
!t.ctrlKey &&
!t.metaKey &&
!t.shiftKey &&
2 !== t.which &&
2 !== t.button
) {
for (var a = u(t.target); "a" !== it(a[0]); )
if (a[0] === o[0] || !(a = a.parent())[0]) return;
if (!H(i) || !V(a.attr(i))) {
var c = a.prop("href"),
l = a.attr("href") || a.attr("xlink:href");
U(c) &&
"[object SVGAnimatedString]" === c.toString() &&
(c = ci(c.animVal).href),
d.test(c) ||
!c ||
a.attr("target") ||
t.isDefaultPrevented() ||
(s.$$parseLinkUrl(c, l) &&
(t.preventDefault(), s.absUrl() !== r.url() && n.$apply()));
s.absUrl() !== p && r.url(s.absUrl(), !0);
var g = !0;
return (
r.onUrlChange(function(t, e) {
ar(t, h)
? (n.$evalAsync(function() {
var r,
i = s.absUrl(),
o = s.$$state;
(s.$$state = e),
(r = n.$broadcast("$locationChangeStart", t, i, e, o)
s.absUrl() === t &&
? (s.$$parse(i), (s.$$state = o), v(i, !1, o))
: ((g = !1), m(i, o)));
n.$$phase || n.$digest())
: (a.location.href = t);
n.$watch(function() {
if (g || s.$$urlUpdatedByLocation) {
s.$$urlUpdatedByLocation = !1;
var t = r.url(),
e = s.absUrl(),
o = r.state(),
a = s.$$replace,
u =
!(function(t, e) {
return t === e || ci(t).href === ci(e).href;
})(t, e) ||
(s.$$html5 && i.history && o !== s.$$state);
(g || u) &&
((g = !1),
n.$evalAsync(function() {
var e = s.absUrl(),
r = n.$broadcast("$locationChangeStart", e, t, s.$$state, o)
s.absUrl() === e &&
? (s.$$parse(t), (s.$$state = o))
: (u && v(e, a, o === s.$$state ? null : s.$$state), m(t, o)));
s.$$replace = !1;
function m(t, e) {
n.$broadcast("$locationChangeSuccess", s.absUrl(), t, s.$$state, e);
function gr() {
var t = !0,
e = this;
(this.debugEnabled = function(e) {
return q(e) ? ((t = e), this) : t;
(this.$get = [
function(n) {
var r = a || /\bEdge\//.test(n.navigator && n.navigator.userAgent);
return {
log: i("log"),
info: i("info"),
warn: i("warn"),
error: i("error"),
debug: (function() {
var n = i("debug");
return function() {
t && n.apply(e, arguments);
function i(t) {
var e = n.console || {},
i = e[t] || e.log || D;
return function() {
var t = [];
return (
C(arguments, function(e) {
(function(t) {
return (
G(t) &&
(t.stack && r
? (t =
t.message && -1 === t.stack.indexOf(t.message)
? "Error: " + t.message + "\n" + t.stack
: t.stack)
: t.sourceURL &&
(t = t.message + "\n" + t.sourceURL + ":" + t.line)),
Function.prototype.apply.call(i, e, t)
C([fr, lr, cr], function(t) {
(t.prototype = Object.create(pr)),
(t.prototype.state = function(e) {
if (!arguments.length) return this.$$state;
if (t !== cr || !this.$$html5)
throw er(
"History API state support is available only in HTML5 mode and only in browsers supporting HTML5 History API"
return (this.$$state = V(e) ? null : e), (this.$$urlUpdatedByLocation = !0), this;
var mr = o("$parse"),
$r = {}.constructor.prototype.valueOf;
function yr(t) {
return t + "";
var br = qt();
C("+ - * / % === !== == != < > <= >= && || ! = |".split(" "), function(t) {
br[t] = !0;
var wr = { n: "\n", f: "\f", r: "\r", t: "\t", v: "\v", "'": "'", '"': '"' },
xr = function(t) {
this.options = t;
xr.prototype = {
constructor: xr,
lex: function(t) {
for (
this.text = t, this.index = 0, this.tokens = [];
this.index < this.text.length;
) {
var e = this.text.charAt(this.index);
if ('"' === e || "'" === e) this.readString(e);
else if (this.isNumber(e) || ("." === e && this.isNumber(this.peek())))
else if (this.isIdentifierStart(this.peekMultichar())) this.readIdent();
else if (this.is(e, "(){}[].,;:?"))
this.tokens.push({ index: this.index, text: e }), this.index++;
else if (this.isWhitespace(e)) this.index++;
else {
var n = e + this.peek(),
r = n + this.peek(2),
i = br[e],
o = br[n],
a = br[r];
if (i || o || a) {
var u = a ? r : o ? n : e;
this.tokens.push({ index: this.index, text: u, operator: !0 }),
(this.index += u.length);
} else this.throwError("Unexpected next character ", this.index, this.index + 1);
return this.tokens;
is: function(t, e) {
return -1 !== e.indexOf(t);
peek: function(t) {
var e = t || 1;
return this.index + e < this.text.length && this.text.charAt(this.index + e);
isNumber: function(t) {
return "0" <= t && t <= "9" && "string" == typeof t;
isWhitespace: function(t) {
return " " === t || "\r" === t || "\t" === t || "\n" === t || "\v" === t || " " === t;
isIdentifierStart: function(t) {
return this.options.isIdentifierStart
? this.options.isIdentifierStart(t, this.codePointAt(t))
: this.isValidIdentifierStart(t);
isValidIdentifierStart: function(t) {
return ("a" <= t && t <= "z") || ("A" <= t && t <= "Z") || "_" === t || "$" === t;
isIdentifierContinue: function(t) {
return this.options.isIdentifierContinue
? this.options.isIdentifierContinue(t, this.codePointAt(t))
: this.isValidIdentifierContinue(t);
isValidIdentifierContinue: function(t, e) {
return this.isValidIdentifierStart(t, e) || this.isNumber(t);
codePointAt: function(t) {
return 1 === t.length
? t.charCodeAt(0)
: (t.charCodeAt(0) << 10) + t.charCodeAt(1) - 56613888;
peekMultichar: function() {
var t = this.text.charAt(this.index),
e = this.peek();
if (!e) return t;
var n = t.charCodeAt(0),
r = e.charCodeAt(0);
return n >= 55296 && n <= 56319 && r >= 56320 && r <= 57343 ? t + e : t;
isExpOperator: function(t) {
return "-" === t || "+" === t || this.isNumber(t);
throwError: function(t, e, n) {
n = n || this.index;
var r = q(e)
? "s " + e + "-" + this.index + " [" + this.text.substring(e, n) + "]"
: " " + n;
throw mr(
"Lexer Error: {0} at column{1} in expression [{2}].",
readNumber: function() {
for (var t = "", e = this.index; this.index < this.text.length; ) {
var n = h(this.text.charAt(this.index));
if ("." === n || this.isNumber(n)) t += n;
else {
var r = this.peek();
if ("e" === n && this.isExpOperator(r)) t += n;
else if (
this.isExpOperator(n) &&
r &&
this.isNumber(r) &&
"e" === t.charAt(t.length - 1)
t += n;
else {
if (
!this.isExpOperator(n) ||
(r && this.isNumber(r)) ||
"e" !== t.charAt(t.length - 1)
this.throwError("Invalid exponent");
this.tokens.push({ index: e, text: t, constant: !0, value: Number(t) });
readIdent: function() {
var t = this.index;
for (this.index += this.peekMultichar().length; this.index < this.text.length; ) {
var e = this.peekMultichar();
if (!this.isIdentifierContinue(e)) break;
this.index += e.length;
this.tokens.push({ index: t, text: this.text.slice(t, this.index), identifier: !0 });
readString: function(t) {
var e = this.index;
for (var n = "", r = t, i = !1; this.index < this.text.length; ) {
var o = this.text.charAt(this.index);
if (((r += o), i)) {
if ("u" === o) {
var a = this.text.substring(this.index + 1, this.index + 5);
a.match(/[\da-f]{4}/i) ||
this.throwError("Invalid unicode escape [\\u" + a + "]"),
(this.index += 4),
(n += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(a, 16)));
} else {
n += wr[o] || o;
i = !1;
} else if ("\\" === o) i = !0;
else {
if (o === t)
return (
void this.tokens.push({ index: e, text: r, constant: !0, value: n })
n += o;
this.throwError("Unterminated quote", e);
var _r = function(t, e) {
(this.lexer = t), (this.options = e);
function Cr(t, e) {
return void 0 !== t ? t : e;
function Sr(t, e) {
return void 0 === t ? e : void 0 === e ? t : t + e;
(_r.Program = "Program"),
(_r.ExpressionStatement = "ExpressionStatement"),
(_r.AssignmentExpression = "AssignmentExpression"),
(_r.ConditionalExpression = "ConditionalExpression"),
(_r.LogicalExpression = "LogicalExpression"),
(_r.BinaryExpression = "BinaryExpression"),
(_r.UnaryExpression = "UnaryExpression"),
(_r.CallExpression = "CallExpression"),
(_r.MemberExpression = "MemberExpression"),
(_r.Identifier = "Identifier"),
(_r.Literal = "Literal"),
(_r.ArrayExpression = "ArrayExpression"),
(_r.Property = "Property"),
(_r.ObjectExpression = "ObjectExpression"),
(_r.ThisExpression = "ThisExpression"),
(_r.LocalsExpression = "LocalsExpression"),
(_r.NGValueParameter = "NGValueParameter"),
(_r.prototype = {
ast: function(t) {
(this.text = t), (this.tokens = this.lexer.lex(t));
var e = this.program();
return (
0 !== this.tokens.length &&
this.throwError("is an unexpected token", this.tokens[0]),
program: function() {
for (var t = []; ; )
if (
(this.tokens.length > 0 &&
!this.peek("}", ")", ";", "]") &&
return { type: _r.Program, body: t };
expressionStatement: function() {
return { type: _r.ExpressionStatement, expression: this.filterChain() };
filterChain: function() {
for (var t = this.expression(); this.expect("|"); ) t = this.filter(t);
return t;
expression: function() {
return this.assignment();
assignment: function() {
var t = this.ternary();
if (this.expect("=")) {
if (!Or(t)) throw mr("lval", "Trying to assign a value to a non l-value");
t = {
type: _r.AssignmentExpression,
left: t,
right: this.assignment(),
operator: "="
return t;
ternary: function() {
var t,
n = this.logicalOR();
return this.expect("?") && ((t = this.expression()), this.consume(":"))
? ((e = this.expression()),
{ type: _r.ConditionalExpression, test: n, alternate: t, consequent: e })
: n;
logicalOR: function() {
for (var t = this.logicalAND(); this.expect("||"); )
t = {
type: _r.LogicalExpression,
operator: "||",
left: t,
right: this.logicalAND()
return t;
logicalAND: function() {
for (var t = this.equality(); this.expect("&&"); )
t = {
type: _r.LogicalExpression,
operator: "&&",
left: t,
right: this.equality()
return t;
equality: function() {
for (var t, e = this.relational(); (t = this.expect("==", "!=", "===", "!==")); )
e = {
type: _r.BinaryExpression,
operator: t.text,
left: e,
right: this.relational()
return e;
relational: function() {
for (var t, e = this.additive(); (t = this.expect("<", ">", "<=", ">=")); )
e = {
type: _r.BinaryExpression,
operator: t.text,
left: e,
right: this.additive()
return e;
additive: function() {
for (var t, e = this.multiplicative(); (t = this.expect("+", "-")); )
e = {
type: _r.BinaryExpression,
operator: t.text,
left: e,
right: this.multiplicative()
return e;
multiplicative: function() {
for (var t, e = this.unary(); (t = this.expect("*", "/", "%")); )
e = { type: _r.BinaryExpression, operator: t.text, left: e, right: this.unary() };
return e;
unary: function() {
var t;
return (t = this.expect("+", "-", "!"))
? {
type: _r.UnaryExpression,
operator: t.text,
prefix: !0,
argument: this.unary()
: this.primary();
primary: function() {
var t, e;
for (
? ((t = this.filterChain()), this.consume(")"))
: this.expect("[")
? (t = this.arrayDeclaration())
: this.expect("{")
? (t = this.object())
: this.selfReferential.hasOwnProperty(this.peek().text)
? (t = ut(this.selfReferential[this.consume().text]))
: this.options.literals.hasOwnProperty(this.peek().text)
? (t = {
type: _r.Literal,
value: this.options.literals[this.consume().text]
: this.peek().identifier
? (t = this.identifier())
: this.peek().constant
? (t = this.constant())
: this.throwError("not a primary expression", this.peek());
(e = this.expect("(", "[", "."));
"(" === e.text
? ((t = {
type: _r.CallExpression,
callee: t,
arguments: this.parseArguments()
: "[" === e.text
? ((t = {
type: _r.MemberExpression,
object: t,
property: this.expression(),
computed: !0
: "." === e.text
? (t = {
type: _r.MemberExpression,
object: t,
property: this.identifier(),
computed: !1
: this.throwError("IMPOSSIBLE");
return t;
filter: function(t) {
for (
var e = [t],
n = {
type: _r.CallExpression,
callee: this.identifier(),
arguments: e,
filter: !0
return n;
parseArguments: function() {
var t = [];
if (")" !== this.peekToken().text)
do {
} while (this.expect(","));
return t;
identifier: function() {
var t = this.consume();
return (
t.identifier || this.throwError("is not a valid identifier", t),
{ type: _r.Identifier, name: t.text }
constant: function() {
return { type: _r.Literal, value: this.consume().value };
arrayDeclaration: function() {
var t = [];
if ("]" !== this.peekToken().text)
do {
if (this.peek("]")) break;
} while (this.expect(","));
return this.consume("]"), { type: _r.ArrayExpression, elements: t };
object: function() {
var t,
e = [];
if ("}" !== this.peekToken().text)
do {
if (this.peek("}")) break;
(t = { type: _r.Property, kind: "init" }),
? ((t.key = this.constant()),
(t.computed = !1),
(t.value = this.expression()))
: this.peek().identifier
? ((t.key = this.identifier()),
(t.computed = !1),
? (this.consume(":"), (t.value = this.expression()))
: (t.value = t.key))
: this.peek("[")
? (this.consume("["),
(t.key = this.expression()),
(t.computed = !0),
(t.value = this.expression()))
: this.throwError("invalid key", this.peek()),
} while (this.expect(","));
return this.consume("}"), { type: _r.ObjectExpression, properties: e };
throwError: function(t, e) {
throw mr(
"Syntax Error: Token '{0}' {1} at column {2} of the expression [{3}] starting at [{4}].",
e.index + 1,
consume: function(t) {
if (0 === this.tokens.length)
throw mr("ueoe", "Unexpected end of expression: {0}", this.text);
var e = this.expect(t);
return e || this.throwError("is unexpected, expecting [" + t + "]", this.peek()), e;
peekToken: function() {
if (0 === this.tokens.length)
throw mr("ueoe", "Unexpected end of expression: {0}", this.text);
return this.tokens[0];
peek: function(t, e, n, r) {
return this.peekAhead(0, t, e, n, r);
peekAhead: function(t, e, n, r, i) {
if (this.tokens.length > t) {
var o = this.tokens[t],
a = o.text;
if (a === e || a === n || a === r || a === i || (!e && !n && !r && !i)) return o;
return !1;
expect: function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = this.peek(t, e, n, r);
return !!i && (this.tokens.shift(), i);
selfReferential: {
this: { type: _r.ThisExpression },
$locals: { type: _r.LocalsExpression }
var Er = 1,
kr = 2;
function Ar(t, e, n) {
var r,
a = (t.isPure = (function(t, e) {
switch (t.type) {
case _r.MemberExpression:
if (t.computed) return !1;
case _r.UnaryExpression:
return Er;
case _r.BinaryExpression:
return "+" !== t.operator && Er;
case _r.CallExpression:
return !1;
return void 0 === e ? kr : e;
})(t, n));
switch (t.type) {
case _r.Program:
(r = !0),
C(t.body, function(t) {
Ar(t.expression, e, a), (r = r && t.expression.constant);
(t.constant = r);
case _r.Literal:
(t.constant = !0), (t.toWatch = []);
case _r.UnaryExpression:
Ar(t.argument, e, a),
(t.constant = t.argument.constant),
(t.toWatch = t.argument.toWatch);
case _r.BinaryExpression:
Ar(t.left, e, a),
Ar(t.right, e, a),
(t.constant = t.left.constant && t.right.constant),
(t.toWatch = t.left.toWatch.concat(t.right.toWatch));
case _r.LogicalExpression:
Ar(t.left, e, a),
Ar(t.right, e, a),
(t.constant = t.left.constant && t.right.constant),
(t.toWatch = t.constant ? [] : [t]);
case _r.ConditionalExpression:
Ar(t.test, e, a),
Ar(t.alternate, e, a),
Ar(t.consequent, e, a),
(t.constant = t.test.constant && t.alternate.constant && t.consequent.constant),
(t.toWatch = t.constant ? [] : [t]);
case _r.Identifier:
(t.constant = !1), (t.toWatch = [t]);
case _r.MemberExpression:
Ar(t.object, e, a),
t.computed && Ar(t.property, e, a),
(t.constant = t.object.constant && (!t.computed || t.property.constant)),
(t.toWatch = t.constant ? [] : [t]);
case _r.CallExpression:
(o =
!!t.filter &&
(function(t, e) {
return !t(e).$stateful;
})(e, t.callee.name)),
(r = o),
(i = []),
C(t.arguments, function(t) {
Ar(t, e, a), (r = r && t.constant), i.push.apply(i, t.toWatch);
(t.constant = r),
(t.toWatch = o ? i : [t]);
case _r.AssignmentExpression:
Ar(t.left, e, a),
Ar(t.right, e, a),
(t.constant = t.left.constant && t.right.constant),
(t.toWatch = [t]);
case _r.ArrayExpression:
(r = !0),
(i = []),
C(t.elements, function(t) {
Ar(t, e, a), (r = r && t.constant), i.push.apply(i, t.toWatch);
(t.constant = r),
(t.toWatch = i);
case _r.ObjectExpression:
(r = !0),
(i = []),
C(t.properties, function(t) {
Ar(t.value, e, a),
(r = r && t.value.constant),
i.push.apply(i, t.value.toWatch),
t.computed &&
(Ar(t.key, e, !1),
(r = r && t.key.constant),
i.push.apply(i, t.key.toWatch));
(t.constant = r),
(t.toWatch = i);
case _r.ThisExpression:
case _r.LocalsExpression:
(t.constant = !1), (t.toWatch = []);
function Tr(t) {
if (1 === t.length) {
var e = t[0].expression,
n = e.toWatch;
return 1 !== n.length ? n : n[0] !== e ? n : void 0;
function Or(t) {
return t.type === _r.Identifier || t.type === _r.MemberExpression;
function jr(t) {
if (1 === t.body.length && Or(t.body[0].expression))
return {
type: _r.AssignmentExpression,
left: t.body[0].expression,
right: { type: _r.NGValueParameter },
operator: "="
function Nr(t) {
this.$filter = t;
function Mr(t) {
this.$filter = t;
function Lr(t, e, n) {
(this.ast = new _r(t, n)), (this.astCompiler = n.csp ? new Mr(e) : new Nr(e));
function Dr(t) {
return K(t.valueOf) ? t.valueOf() : $r.call(t);
function Ir() {
var t,
n = qt(),
r = { true: !0, false: !1, null: null, undefined: void 0 };
(this.addLiteral = function(t, e) {
r[t] = e;
(this.setIdentifierFns = function(n, r) {
return (t = n), (e = r), this;
(this.$get = [
function(i) {
var o = {
csp: lt().noUnsafeEval,
literals: ut(r),
isIdentifierStart: K(t) && t,
isIdentifierContinue: K(e) && e
return (
(a.$$getAst = function(t) {
return new Lr(new xr(o), i, o).getAst(t).ast;
function a(t, e) {
var r, a;
switch (typeof t) {
case "string":
if (((t = t.trim()), !(r = n[(a = t)])))
(r = new Lr(new xr(o), i, o).parse(t)), (n[a] = p(r));
return h(r, e);
case "function":
return h(t, e);
return h(D, e);
function u(t, e, n) {
return null == t || null == e
? t === e
: !("object" == typeof t && "object" == typeof (t = Dr(t)) && !n) &&
(t === e || (t != t && e != e));
function s(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o,
a = r.inputs;
if (1 === a.length) {
var s = u;
return (
(a = a[0]),
function(t) {
var e = a(t);
return (
u(e, s, a.isPure) ||
((o = r(t, void 0, void 0, [e])), (s = e && Dr(e))),
for (var c = [], l = [], f = 0, p = a.length; f < p; f++)
(c[f] = u), (l[f] = null);
return t.$watch(
function(t) {
for (var e = !1, n = 0, i = a.length; n < i; n++) {
var s = a[n](t);
(e || (e = !u(s, c[n], a[n].isPure))) &&
((l[n] = s), (c[n] = s && Dr(s)));
return e && (o = r(t, void 0, void 0, l)), o;
function c(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o,
u = r.literal ? l : q,
s = r.$$intercepted || r,
c = r.$$interceptor || I,
f = r.inputs && !s.inputs;
return (
(d.literal = r.literal),
(d.constant = r.constant),
(d.inputs = r.inputs),
(o = t.$watch(d, e, n, i))
function h() {
u(a) && o();
function d(t, e, n, r) {
return (a = f && r ? r[0] : s(t, e, n, r)), u(a) && t.$$postDigest(h), c(a);
function l(t) {
var e = !0;
return (
C(t, function(t) {
q(t) || (e = !1);
function f(t, e, n, r) {
var i = t.$watch(
function(t) {
return i(), r(t);
return i;
function p(t) {
return (
? (t.$$watchDelegate = f)
: t.oneTime
? (t.$$watchDelegate = c)
: t.inputs && (t.$$watchDelegate = s),
function h(t, e) {
if (!e) return t;
t.$$interceptor &&
((e = (function(t, e) {
function n(n) {
return e(t(n));
return (
(n.$stateful = t.$stateful || e.$stateful),
(n.$$pure = t.$$pure && e.$$pure),
})(t.$$interceptor, e)),
(t = t.$$intercepted));
var n = !1,
r = function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = n && a ? a[0] : t(r, i, o, a);
return e(u);
return (
(r.$$intercepted = t),
(r.$$interceptor = e),
(r.literal = t.literal),
(r.oneTime = t.oneTime),
(r.constant = t.constant),
e.$stateful ||
((n = !t.inputs),
(r.inputs = t.inputs ? t.inputs : [t]),
e.$$pure ||
(r.inputs = r.inputs.map(function(t) {
return t.isPure === kr
? function(e) {
return t(e);
: t;
function Rr() {
var t = !0;
(this.$get = [
function(e, n) {
return Vr(
function(t) {
(this.errorOnUnhandledRejections = function(e) {
return q(e) ? ((t = e), this) : t;
function Pr() {
var t = !0;
(this.$get = [
function(e, n) {
return Vr(
function(t) {
(this.errorOnUnhandledRejections = function(e) {
return q(e) ? ((t = e), this) : t;
function Vr(t, e, n) {
var r = o("$q", TypeError),
i = 0,
a = [];
function u() {
return new function() {
var t = (this.promise = new s());
(this.resolve = function(e) {
f(t, e);
(this.reject = function(e) {
p(t, e);
(this.notify = function(e) {
d(t, e);
function s() {
this.$$state = { status: 0 };
function c() {
for (; !i && a.length; ) {
var t = a.shift();
if (!qr(t)) {
var n = "Possibly unhandled rejection: " + Kt(t.value);
G(t.value) ? e(t.value, n) : e(n);
function l(r) {
!n ||
r.pending ||
2 !== r.status ||
qr(r) ||
(0 === i && 0 === a.length && t(c), a.push(r)),
!r.processScheduled &&
r.pending &&
((r.processScheduled = !0),
t(function() {
!(function(r) {
var o, a, u;
(u = r.pending), (r.processScheduled = !1), (r.pending = void 0);
try {
for (var s = 0, l = u.length; s < l; ++s) {
Ur(r), (a = u[s][0]), (o = u[s][r.status]);
try {
? f(a, o(r.value))
: 1 === r.status
? f(a, r.value)
: p(a, r.value);
} catch (t) {
p(a, t), t && !0 === t.$$passToExceptionHandler && e(t);
} finally {
--i, n && 0 === i && t(c);
function f(t, e) {
t.$$state.status ||
(e === t
? h(
"Expected promise to be resolved with value other than itself '{0}'",
: (function t(e, n) {
var r;
var i = !1;
try {
(U(n) || K(n)) && (r = n.then),
? ((e.$$state.status = -1),
function o(t) {
if (i) return;
(i = !0),
(function t(e, n) {
var r;
var i = !1;
try {
(U(n) || K(n)) && (r = n.then),
? ((e.$$state.status = -1),
r.call(n, o, a, function(t) {
d(e, t);
: ((e.$$state.value = n),
(e.$$state.status = 1),
} catch (t) {
function o(n) {
i || ((i = !0), t(e, n));
function a(t) {
i || ((i = !0), h(e, t));
})(e, t);
function(t) {
d(e, t);
: ((e.$$state.value = n), (e.$$state.status = 1), l(e.$$state));
} catch (t) {
function o(n) {
i || ((i = !0), t(e, n));
function a(t) {
i || ((i = !0), h(e, t));
})(t, e));
function p(t, e) {
t.$$state.status || h(t, e);
function h(t, e) {
(t.$$state.value = e), (t.$$state.status = 2), l(t.$$state);
function d(n, r) {
var i = n.$$state.pending;
n.$$state.status <= 0 &&
i &&
i.length &&
t(function() {
for (var t, n, o = 0, a = i.length; o < a; o++) {
(n = i[o][0]), (t = i[o][3]);
try {
d(n, K(t) ? t(r) : r);
} catch (t) {
function v(t) {
var e = new s();
return p(e, t), e;
function g(t, e, n) {
var r = null;
try {
K(n) && (r = n());
} catch (t) {
return v(t);
return Q(r)
? r.then(function() {
return e(t);
}, v)
: e(t);
function m(t, e, n, r) {
var i = new s();
return f(i, t), i.then(e, n, r);
O(s.prototype, {
then: function(t, e, n) {
if (V(t) && V(e) && V(n)) return this;
var r = new s();
return (
(this.$$state.pending = this.$$state.pending || []),
this.$$state.pending.push([r, t, e, n]),
this.$$state.status > 0 && l(this.$$state),
catch: function(t) {
return this.then(null, t);
finally: function(t, e) {
return this.then(
function(e) {
return g(e, $, t);
function(e) {
return g(e, v, t);
var $ = m;
function y(t) {
if (!K(t)) throw r("norslvr", "Expected resolverFn, got '{0}'", t);
var e = new s();
return (
function(t) {
f(e, t);
function(t) {
p(e, t);
return (
(y.prototype = s.prototype),
(y.defer = u),
(y.reject = v),
(y.when = m),
(y.resolve = $),
(y.all = function(t) {
var e = new s(),
n = 0,
r = W(t) ? [] : {};
return (
C(t, function(t, i) {
function(t) {
(r[i] = t), --n || f(e, r);
function(t) {
p(e, t);
0 === n && f(e, r),
(y.race = function(t) {
var e = u();
return (
C(t, function(t) {
m(t).then(e.resolve, e.reject);
function qr(t) {
return !!t.pur;
function Ur(t) {
t.pur = !0;
function Fr(t) {
function Hr() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e) {
var n = t.requestAnimationFrame || t.webkitRequestAnimationFrame,
r =
t.cancelAnimationFrame ||
t.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ||
i = !!n,
o = i
? function(t) {
var e = n(t);
return function() {
: function(t) {
var n = e(t, 16.66, !1);
return function() {
return (o.supported = i), o;
function Br() {
var t = 10,
e = o("$rootScope"),
n = null,
r = null;
(this.digestTtl = function(e) {
return arguments.length && (t = e), t;
(this.$get = [
function(i, o, u) {
function s(t) {
t.currentScope.$$destroyed = !0;
function c() {
(this.$id = k()),
(this.$$phase = this.$parent = this.$$watchers = this.$$nextSibling = this.$$prevSibling = this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = null),
(this.$root = this),
(this.$$destroyed = !1),
(this.$$suspended = !1),
(this.$$listeners = {}),
(this.$$listenerCount = {}),
(this.$$watchersCount = 0),
(this.$$isolateBindings = null);
c.prototype = {
constructor: c,
$new: function(t, e) {
var n;
return (
(e = e || this),
? ((n = new c()).$root = this.$root)
: (this.$$ChildScope ||
(this.$$ChildScope = (function(t) {
function e() {
(this.$$watchers = this.$$nextSibling = this.$$childHead = this.$$childTail = null),
(this.$$listeners = {}),
(this.$$listenerCount = {}),
(this.$$watchersCount = 0),
(this.$id = k()),
(this.$$ChildScope = null),
(this.$$suspended = !1);
return (e.prototype = t), e;
(n = new this.$$ChildScope())),
(n.$parent = e),
(n.$$prevSibling = e.$$childTail),
? ((e.$$childTail.$$nextSibling = n), (e.$$childTail = n))
: (e.$$childHead = e.$$childTail = n),
(t || e !== this) && n.$on("$destroy", s),
$watch: function(t, e, r, i) {
var a = o(t),
u = K(e) ? e : D;
if (a.$$watchDelegate) return a.$$watchDelegate(this, u, r, a, t);
var s = this,
c = s.$$watchers,
l = { fn: u, last: b, get: a, exp: i || t, eq: !!r };
return (
(n = null),
c || ((c = s.$$watchers = []).$$digestWatchIndex = -1),
$(this, 1),
function() {
var t = at(c, l);
t >= 0 && ($(s, -1), t < c.$$digestWatchIndex && c.$$digestWatchIndex--),
(n = null);
$watchGroup: function(t, e) {
var n = new Array(t.length),
r = new Array(t.length),
i = [],
o = this,
a = !1,
u = !0;
if (!t.length) {
var s = !0;
return (
o.$evalAsync(function() {
s && e(r, r, o);
function() {
s = !1;
if (1 === t.length)
return this.$watch(t[0], function(t, i, o) {
(r[0] = t), (n[0] = i), e(r, t === i ? r : n, o);
function c() {
a = !1;
try {
u ? ((u = !1), e(r, r, o)) : e(r, n, o);
} finally {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) n[i] = r[i];
return (
C(t, function(t, e) {
var n = o.$watch(t, function(t) {
(r[e] = t), a || ((a = !0), o.$evalAsync(c));
function() {
for (; i.length; ) i.shift()();
$watchCollection: function(t, e) {
(v.$$pure = o(t).literal), (v.$stateful = !v.$$pure);
var n,
a = this,
u = e.length > 1,
s = 0,
c = o(t, v),
l = [],
f = {},
h = !0,
d = 0;
function v(t) {
var e, i, o, a;
if (!V((n = t))) {
if (U(n))
if (_(n)) {
r !== l && ((d = (r = l).length = 0), s++),
(e = n.length),
d !== e && (s++, (r.length = d = e));
for (var u = 0; u < e; u++)
(a = r[u]),
(o = n[u]),
(a != a && o != o) || a === o || (s++, (r[u] = o));
} else {
for (i in (r !== f && ((r = f = {}), (d = 0), s++), (e = 0), n))
p.call(n, i) &&
(o = n[i]),
(a = r[i]),
i in r
? (a != a && o != o) || a === o || (s++, (r[i] = o))
: (d++, (r[i] = o), s++));
if (d > e) for (i in (s++, r)) p.call(n, i) || (d--, delete r[i]);
else r !== n && ((r = n), s++);
return s;
return this.$watch(c, function() {
if ((h ? ((h = !1), e(n, n, a)) : e(n, i, a), u))
if (U(n))
if (_(n)) {
i = new Array(n.length);
for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) i[t] = n[t];
} else for (var r in ((i = {}), n)) p.call(n, r) && (i[r] = n[r]);
else i = n;
$digest: function() {
var o,
_ = t,
C = f.length ? l : this,
S = [];
this === l && null !== r && (u.defer.cancel(r), w()),
(n = null);
do {
(p = !1), ($ = C);
for (var E = 0; E < f.length; E++) {
try {
(0, (x = f[E]).fn)(x.scope, x.locals);
} catch (t) {
n = null;
f.length = 0;
t: do {
if ((c = !$.$$suspended && $.$$watchers))
for (c.$$digestWatchIndex = c.length; c.$$digestWatchIndex--; )
try {
if ((o = c[c.$$digestWatchIndex]))
if (
(a = (0, o.get)($)) === (s = o.last) ||
(o.eq ? ct(a, s) : M(a) && M(s))
) {
if (o === n) {
p = !1;
break t;
} else
(p = !0),
(n = o),
(o.last = o.eq ? ut(a, null) : a),
(0, o.fn)(a, s === b ? a : s, $),
_ < 5 &&
(S[(y = 4 - _)] || (S[y] = []),
msg: K(o.exp)
? "fn: " + (o.exp.name || o.exp.toString())
: o.exp,
newVal: a,
oldVal: s
} catch (t) {
if (
!(d =
(!$.$$suspended && $.$$watchersCount && $.$$childHead) ||
($ !== C && $.$$nextSibling))
for (; $ !== C && !(d = $.$$nextSibling); ) $ = $.$parent;
} while (($ = d));
if ((p || f.length) && !_--)
throw (m(),
"{0} $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!\nWatchers fired in the last 5 iterations: {1}",
} while (p || f.length);
for (m(); v < h.length; )
try {
} catch (t) {
(h.length = v = 0), u.$$checkUrlChange();
$suspend: function() {
this.$$suspended = !0;
$isSuspended: function() {
return this.$$suspended;
$resume: function() {
this.$$suspended = !1;
$destroy: function() {
if (!this.$$destroyed) {
var t = this.$parent;
for (var e in (this.$broadcast("$destroy"),
(this.$$destroyed = !0),
this === l && u.$$applicationDestroyed(),
$(this, -this.$$watchersCount),
y(this, this.$$listenerCount[e], e);
t && t.$$childHead === this && (t.$$childHead = this.$$nextSibling),
t && t.$$childTail === this && (t.$$childTail = this.$$prevSibling),
this.$$prevSibling &&
(this.$$prevSibling.$$nextSibling = this.$$nextSibling),
this.$$nextSibling &&
(this.$$nextSibling.$$prevSibling = this.$$prevSibling),
(this.$destroy = this.$digest = this.$apply = this.$evalAsync = this.$applyAsync = D),
(this.$on = this.$watch = this.$watchGroup = function() {
return D;
(this.$$listeners = {}),
(this.$$nextSibling = null),
(function t(e) {
9 === a &&
(e.$$childHead && t(e.$$childHead),
e.$$nextSibling && t(e.$$nextSibling)),
(e.$parent = e.$$nextSibling = e.$$prevSibling = e.$$childHead = e.$$childTail = e.$root = e.$$watchers = null);
$eval: function(t, e) {
return o(t)(this, e);
$evalAsync: function(t, e) {
l.$$phase ||
f.length ||
function() {
f.length && l.$digest();
f.push({ scope: this, fn: o(t), locals: e });
$$postDigest: function(t) {
$apply: function(t) {
try {
try {
return this.$eval(t);
} finally {
} catch (t) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (t) {
throw (i(t), t);
$applyAsync: function(t) {
var e = this;
t &&
d.push(function() {
(t = o(t)),
null === r &&
(r = u.defer(
function() {
$on: function(t, e) {
var n = this.$$listeners[t];
n || (this.$$listeners[t] = n = []), n.push(e);
var r = this;
do {
r.$$listenerCount[t] || (r.$$listenerCount[t] = 0), r.$$listenerCount[t]++;
} while ((r = r.$parent));
var i = this;
return function() {
var r = n.indexOf(e);
-1 !== r && (delete n[r], y(i, 1, t));
$emit: function(t, e) {
var n,
a = [],
u = this,
s = !1,
c = {
name: t,
targetScope: u,
stopPropagation: function() {
s = !0;
preventDefault: function() {
c.defaultPrevented = !0;
defaultPrevented: !1
l = pt([c], arguments, 1);
do {
for (
n = u.$$listeners[t] || a, c.currentScope = u, r = 0, o = n.length;
r < o;
if (n[r])
try {
n[r].apply(null, l);
} catch (t) {
else n.splice(r, 1), r--, o--;
if (s) break;
u = u.$parent;
} while (u);
return (c.currentScope = null), c;
$broadcast: function(t, e) {
var n = this,
r = this,
o = {
name: t,
targetScope: this,
preventDefault: function() {
o.defaultPrevented = !0;
defaultPrevented: !1
if (!this.$$listenerCount[t]) return o;
for (var a, u, s, c = pt([o], arguments, 1); (n = r); ) {
for (
o.currentScope = n, u = 0, s = (a = n.$$listeners[t] || []).length;
u < s;
if (a[u])
try {
a[u].apply(null, c);
} catch (t) {
else a.splice(u, 1), u--, s--;
if (
!(r =
(n.$$listenerCount[t] && n.$$childHead) ||
(n !== this && n.$$nextSibling))
for (; n !== this && !(r = n.$$nextSibling); ) n = n.$parent;
return (o.currentScope = null), o;
var l = new c(),
f = (l.$$asyncQueue = []),
h = (l.$$postDigestQueue = []),
d = (l.$$applyAsyncQueue = []),
v = 0;
return l;
function g(t) {
if (l.$$phase) throw e("inprog", "{0} already in progress", l.$$phase);
l.$$phase = t;
function m() {
l.$$phase = null;
function $(t, e) {
do {
t.$$watchersCount += e;
} while ((t = t.$parent));
function y(t, e, n) {
do {
(t.$$listenerCount[n] -= e),
0 === t.$$listenerCount[n] && delete t.$$listenerCount[n];
} while ((t = t.$parent));
function b() {}
function w() {
for (; d.length; )
try {
} catch (t) {
r = null;
function zr() {
var t = /^\s*(https?|s?ftp|mailto|tel|file):/,
e = /^\s*((https?|ftp|file|blob):|data:image\/)/;
(this.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist = function(e) {
return q(e) ? ((t = e), this) : t;
(this.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = function(t) {
return q(t) ? ((e = t), this) : e;
(this.$get = function() {
return function(n, r) {
var i = r ? e : t,
o = ci(n && n.trim()).href;
return "" === o || o.match(i) ? n : "unsafe:" + o;
(Nr.prototype = {
compile: function(t) {
var e = this;
(this.state = {
nextId: 0,
filters: {},
fn: { vars: [], body: [], own: {} },
assign: { vars: [], body: [], own: {} },
inputs: []
Ar(t, e.$filter);
var n,
r = "";
if (((this.stage = "assign"), (n = jr(t)))) {
this.state.computing = "assign";
var i = this.nextId();
this.recurse(n, i),
(r = "fn.assign=" + this.generateFunction("assign", "s,v,l"));
var o = Tr(t.body);
(e.stage = "inputs"),
C(o, function(t, n) {
var r = "fn" + n;
(e.state[r] = { vars: [], body: [], own: {} }), (e.state.computing = r);
var i = e.nextId();
e.recurse(t, i),
e.state.inputs.push({ name: r, isPure: t.isPure }),
(t.watchId = n);
(this.state.computing = "fn"),
(this.stage = "main"),
var a =
'"' +
this.USE +
" " +
this.STRICT +
'";\n' +
this.filterPrefix() +
"var fn=" +
this.generateFunction("fn", "s,l,a,i") +
r +
this.watchFns() +
"return fn;",
u = new Function("$filter", "getStringValue", "ifDefined", "plus", a)(
return (this.state = this.stage = void 0), u;
USE: "use",
STRICT: "strict",
watchFns: function() {
var t = [],
e = this.state.inputs,
n = this;
return (
C(e, function(e) {
t.push("var " + e.name + "=" + n.generateFunction(e.name, "s")),
e.isPure && t.push(e.name, ".isPure=" + JSON.stringify(e.isPure) + ";");
e.length &&
"fn.inputs=[" +
.map(function(t) {
return t.name;
.join(",") +
generateFunction: function(t, e) {
return "function(" + e + "){" + this.varsPrefix(t) + this.body(t) + "};";
filterPrefix: function() {
var t = [],
e = this;
return (
C(this.state.filters, function(n, r) {
t.push(n + "=$filter(" + e.escape(r) + ")");
t.length ? "var " + t.join(",") + ";" : ""
varsPrefix: function(t) {
return this.state[t].vars.length ? "var " + this.state[t].vars.join(",") + ";" : "";
body: function(t) {
return this.state[t].body.join("");
recurse: function(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a,
f = this;
if (((r = r || D), !o && q(t.watchId)))
return (
(e = e || this.nextId()),
void this.if_(
this.lazyAssign(e, this.computedMember("i", t.watchId)),
this.lazyRecurse(t, e, n, r, i, !0)
switch (t.type) {
case _r.Program:
C(t.body, function(e, n) {
f.recurse(e.expression, void 0, void 0, function(t) {
u = t;
n !== t.body.length - 1 ? f.current().body.push(u, ";") : f.return_(u);
case _r.Literal:
(c = this.escape(t.value)), this.assign(e, c), r(e || c);
case _r.UnaryExpression:
this.recurse(t.argument, void 0, void 0, function(t) {
u = t;
(c = t.operator + "(" + this.ifDefined(u, 0) + ")"),
this.assign(e, c),
case _r.BinaryExpression:
this.recurse(t.left, void 0, void 0, function(t) {
a = t;
this.recurse(t.right, void 0, void 0, function(t) {
u = t;
(c =
"+" === t.operator
? this.plus(a, u)
: "-" === t.operator
? this.ifDefined(a, 0) + t.operator + this.ifDefined(u, 0)
: "(" + a + ")" + t.operator + "(" + u + ")"),
this.assign(e, c),
case _r.LogicalExpression:
(e = e || this.nextId()),
f.recurse(t.left, e),
f.if_("&&" === t.operator ? e : f.not(e), f.lazyRecurse(t.right, e)),
case _r.ConditionalExpression:
(e = e || this.nextId()),
f.recurse(t.test, e),
f.if_(e, f.lazyRecurse(t.alternate, e), f.lazyRecurse(t.consequent, e)),
case _r.Identifier:
(e = e || this.nextId()),
n &&
((n.context =
"inputs" === f.stage
? "s"
: this.assign(
this.getHasOwnProperty("l", t.name) + "?l:s"
(n.computed = !1),
(n.name = t.name)),
"inputs" === f.stage || f.not(f.getHasOwnProperty("l", t.name)),
function() {
f.if_("inputs" === f.stage || "s", function() {
i &&
1 !== i &&
f.isNull(f.nonComputedMember("s", t.name)),
f.lazyAssign(f.nonComputedMember("s", t.name), "{}")
f.assign(e, f.nonComputedMember("s", t.name));
e && f.lazyAssign(e, f.nonComputedMember("l", t.name))
case _r.MemberExpression:
(a = (n && (n.context = this.nextId())) || this.nextId()),
(e = e || this.nextId()),
void 0,
function() {
function() {
? ((u = f.nextId()),
f.recurse(t.property, u),
i &&
1 !== i &&
f.not(f.computedMember(a, u)),
f.lazyAssign(f.computedMember(a, u), "{}")
(c = f.computedMember(a, u)),
f.assign(e, c),
n && ((n.computed = !0), (n.name = u)))
: (i &&
1 !== i &&
f.isNull(f.nonComputedMember(a, t.property.name)),
f.lazyAssign(f.nonComputedMember(a, t.property.name), "{}")
(c = f.nonComputedMember(a, t.property.name)),
f.assign(e, c),
n && ((n.computed = !1), (n.name = t.property.name)));
function() {
f.assign(e, "undefined");
case _r.CallExpression:
(e = e || this.nextId()),
? ((u = f.filter(t.callee.name)),
(s = []),
C(t.arguments, function(t) {
var e = f.nextId();
f.recurse(t, e), s.push(e);
(c = u + "(" + s.join(",") + ")"),
f.assign(e, c),
: ((u = f.nextId()),
(a = {}),
(s = []),
f.recurse(t.callee, u, a, function() {
function() {
C(t.arguments, function(e) {
f.recurse(e, t.constant ? void 0 : f.nextId(), void 0, function(t) {
(c = a.name
? f.member(a.context, a.name, a.computed) +
"(" +
s.join(",") +
: u + "(" + s.join(",") + ")"),
f.assign(e, c);
function() {
f.assign(e, "undefined");
case _r.AssignmentExpression:
(u = this.nextId()),
(a = {}),
void 0,
function() {
f.if_(f.notNull(a.context), function() {
f.recurse(t.right, u),
(c = f.member(a.context, a.name, a.computed) + t.operator + u),
f.assign(e, c),
r(e || c);
case _r.ArrayExpression:
(s = []),
C(t.elements, function(e) {
f.recurse(e, t.constant ? void 0 : f.nextId(), void 0, function(t) {
(c = "[" + s.join(",") + "]"),
this.assign(e, c),
r(e || c);
case _r.ObjectExpression:
(s = []),
(l = !1),
C(t.properties, function(t) {
t.computed && (l = !0);
? ((e = e || this.nextId()),
this.assign(e, "{}"),
C(t.properties, function(t) {
? ((a = f.nextId()), f.recurse(t.key, a))
: (a = t.key.type === _r.Identifier ? t.key.name : "" + t.key.value),
(u = f.nextId()),
f.recurse(t.value, u),
f.assign(f.member(e, a, t.computed), u);
: (C(t.properties, function(e) {
f.recurse(e.value, t.constant ? void 0 : f.nextId(), void 0, function(t) {
e.key.type === _r.Identifier ? e.key.name : "" + e.key.value
) +
":" +
(c = "{" + s.join(",") + "}"),
this.assign(e, c)),
r(e || c);
case _r.ThisExpression:
this.assign(e, "s"), r(e || "s");
case _r.LocalsExpression:
this.assign(e, "l"), r(e || "l");
case _r.NGValueParameter:
this.assign(e, "v"), r(e || "v");
getHasOwnProperty: function(t, e) {
var n = t + "." + e,
r = this.current().own;
return (
r.hasOwnProperty(n) ||
(r[n] = this.nextId(!1, t + "&&(" + this.escape(e) + " in " + t + ")")),
assign: function(t, e) {
if (t) return this.current().body.push(t, "=", e, ";"), t;
filter: function(t) {
return (
this.state.filters.hasOwnProperty(t) || (this.state.filters[t] = this.nextId(!0)),
ifDefined: function(t, e) {
return "ifDefined(" + t + "," + this.escape(e) + ")";
plus: function(t, e) {
return "plus(" + t + "," + e + ")";
return_: function(t) {
this.current().body.push("return ", t, ";");
if_: function(t, e, n) {
if (!0 === t) e();
else {
var r = this.current().body;
r.push("if(", t, "){"), e(), r.push("}"), n && (r.push("else{"), n(), r.push("}"));
not: function(t) {
return "!(" + t + ")";
isNull: function(t) {
return t + "==null";
notNull: function(t) {
return t + "!=null";
nonComputedMember: function(t, e) {
return /^[$_a-zA-Z][$_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/.test(e)
? t + "." + e
: t + '["' + e.replace(/[^$_a-zA-Z0-9]/g, this.stringEscapeFn) + '"]';
computedMember: function(t, e) {
return t + "[" + e + "]";
member: function(t, e, n) {
return n ? this.computedMember(t, e) : this.nonComputedMember(t, e);
getStringValue: function(t) {
this.assign(t, "getStringValue(" + t + ")");
lazyRecurse: function(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a = this;
return function() {
a.recurse(t, e, n, r, i, o);
lazyAssign: function(t, e) {
var n = this;
return function() {
n.assign(t, e);
stringEscapeRegex: /[^ a-zA-Z0-9]/g,
stringEscapeFn: function(t) {
return "\\u" + ("0000" + t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
escape: function(t) {
if (H(t)) return "'" + t.replace(this.stringEscapeRegex, this.stringEscapeFn) + "'";
if (B(t)) return t.toString();
if (!0 === t) return "true";
if (!1 === t) return "false";
if (null === t) return "null";
if (void 0 === t) return "undefined";
throw mr("esc", "IMPOSSIBLE");
nextId: function(t, e) {
var n = "v" + this.state.nextId++;
return t || this.current().vars.push(n + (e ? "=" + e : "")), n;
current: function() {
return this.state[this.state.computing];
(Mr.prototype = {
compile: function(t) {
var e,
r = this;
Ar(t, r.$filter), (e = jr(t)) && (n = this.recurse(e));
var i,
o = Tr(t.body);
o &&
((i = []),
C(o, function(t, e) {
var n = r.recurse(t);
(n.isPure = t.isPure), (t.input = n), i.push(n), (t.watchId = e);
var a = [];
C(t.body, function(t) {
var u =
0 === t.body.length
? D
: 1 === t.body.length
? a[0]
: function(t, e) {
var n;
return (
C(a, function(r) {
n = r(t, e);
return (
n &&
(u.assign = function(t, e, r) {
return n(t, r, e);
i && (u.inputs = i),
recurse: function(t, e, n) {
var r,
a = this;
if (t.input) return this.inputs(t.input, t.watchId);
switch (t.type) {
case _r.Literal:
return this.value(t.value, e);
case _r.UnaryExpression:
return (i = this.recurse(t.argument)), this["unary" + t.operator](i, e);
case _r.BinaryExpression:
case _r.LogicalExpression:
return (
(r = this.recurse(t.left)),
(i = this.recurse(t.right)),
this["binary" + t.operator](r, i, e)
case _r.ConditionalExpression:
return this["ternary?:"](
case _r.Identifier:
return a.identifier(t.name, e, n);
case _r.MemberExpression:
return (
(r = this.recurse(t.object, !1, !!n)),
t.computed || (i = t.property.name),
t.computed && (i = this.recurse(t.property)),
? this.computedMember(r, i, e, n)
: this.nonComputedMember(r, i, e, n)
case _r.CallExpression:
return (
(o = []),
C(t.arguments, function(t) {
t.filter && (i = this.$filter(t.callee.name)),
t.filter || (i = this.recurse(t.callee, !0)),
? function(t, n, r, a) {
for (var u = [], s = 0; s < o.length; ++s) u.push(o[s](t, n, r, a));
var c = i.apply(void 0, u, a);
return e ? { context: void 0, name: void 0, value: c } : c;
: function(t, n, r, a) {
var u,
s = i(t, n, r, a);
if (null != s.value) {
for (var c = [], l = 0; l < o.length; ++l) c.push(o[l](t, n, r, a));
u = s.value.apply(s.context, c);
return e ? { value: u } : u;
case _r.AssignmentExpression:
return (
(r = this.recurse(t.left, !0, 1)),
(i = this.recurse(t.right)),
function(t, n, o, a) {
var u = r(t, n, o, a),
s = i(t, n, o, a);
return (u.context[u.name] = s), e ? { value: s } : s;
case _r.ArrayExpression:
return (
(o = []),
C(t.elements, function(t) {
function(t, n, r, i) {
for (var a = [], u = 0; u < o.length; ++u) a.push(o[u](t, n, r, i));
return e ? { value: a } : a;
case _r.ObjectExpression:
return (
(o = []),
C(t.properties, function(t) {
? o.push({
key: a.recurse(t.key),
computed: !0,
value: a.recurse(t.value)
: o.push({
key: t.key.type === _r.Identifier ? t.key.name : "" + t.key.value,
computed: !1,
value: a.recurse(t.value)
function(t, n, r, i) {
for (var a = {}, u = 0; u < o.length; ++u)
? (a[o[u].key(t, n, r, i)] = o[u].value(t, n, r, i))
: (a[o[u].key] = o[u].value(t, n, r, i));
return e ? { value: a } : a;
case _r.ThisExpression:
return function(t) {
return e ? { value: t } : t;
case _r.LocalsExpression:
return function(t, n) {
return e ? { value: n } : n;
case _r.NGValueParameter:
return function(t, n, r) {
return e ? { value: r } : r;
"unary+": function(t, e) {
return function(n, r, i, o) {
var a = t(n, r, i, o);
return (a = q(a) ? +a : 0), e ? { value: a } : a;
"unary-": function(t, e) {
return function(n, r, i, o) {
var a = t(n, r, i, o);
return (a = q(a) ? -a : -0), e ? { value: a } : a;
"unary!": function(t, e) {
return function(n, r, i, o) {
var a = !t(n, r, i, o);
return e ? { value: a } : a;
"binary+": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = Sr(t(r, i, o, a), e(r, i, o, a));
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary-": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a),
s = e(r, i, o, a),
c = (q(u) ? u : 0) - (q(s) ? s : 0);
return n ? { value: c } : c;
"binary*": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) * e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary/": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) / e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary%": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) % e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary===": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) === e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary!==": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) !== e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary==": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) == e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary!=": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) != e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary<": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) < e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary>": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) > e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary<=": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) <= e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary>=": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) >= e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary&&": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) && e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"binary||": function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = t(r, i, o, a) || e(r, i, o, a);
return n ? { value: u } : u;
"ternary?:": function(t, e, n, r) {
return function(i, o, a, u) {
var s = t(i, o, a, u) ? e(i, o, a, u) : n(i, o, a, u);
return r ? { value: s } : s;
value: function(t, e) {
return function() {
return e ? { context: void 0, name: void 0, value: t } : t;
identifier: function(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i, o, a) {
var u = i && t in i ? i : r;
n && 1 !== n && u && null == u[t] && (u[t] = {});
var s = u ? u[t] : void 0;
return e ? { context: u, name: t, value: s } : s;
computedMember: function(t, e, n, r) {
return function(i, o, a, u) {
var s,
l = t(i, o, a, u);
return (
null != l &&
((s = yr((s = e(i, o, a, u)))),
r && 1 !== r && l && !l[s] && (l[s] = {}),
(c = l[s])),
n ? { context: l, name: s, value: c } : c
nonComputedMember: function(t, e, n, r) {
return function(i, o, a, u) {
var s = t(i, o, a, u);
r && 1 !== r && s && null == s[e] && (s[e] = {});
var c = null != s ? s[e] : void 0;
return n ? { context: s, name: e, value: c } : c;
inputs: function(t, e) {
return function(n, r, i, o) {
return o ? o[e] : t(n, r, i);
(Lr.prototype = {
constructor: Lr,
parse: function(t) {
var e = this.getAst(t),
n = this.astCompiler.compile(e.ast);
return (
(n.literal = (function(t) {
return (
0 === t.body.length ||
(1 === t.body.length &&
(t.body[0].expression.type === _r.Literal ||
t.body[0].expression.type === _r.ArrayExpression ||
t.body[0].expression.type === _r.ObjectExpression))
(n.constant = (function(t) {
return t.constant;
(n.oneTime = e.oneTime),
getAst: function(t) {
var e = !1;
return (
":" === (t = t.trim()).charAt(0) &&
":" === t.charAt(1) &&
((e = !0), (t = t.substring(2))),
{ ast: this.ast.ast(t), oneTime: e }
var Wr = o("$sce"),
Gr = {
HTML: "html",
CSS: "css",
MEDIA_URL: "mediaUrl",
URL: "url",
RESOURCE_URL: "resourceUrl",
JS: "js"
Kr = /_([a-z])/g;
function Jr(t) {
return t.replace(Kr, ne);
function Yr(t) {
var e = [];
return (
q(t) &&
C(t, function(t) {
(function(t) {
if ("self" === t) return t;
if (H(t)) {
if (t.indexOf("***") > -1)
throw Wr(
"Illegal sequence *** in string matcher. String: {0}",
return (
(t = nt(t)
.replace(/\\\*\\\*/g, ".*")
.replace(/\\\*/g, "[^:/.?&;]*")),
new RegExp("^" + t + "$")
if (J(t)) return new RegExp("^" + t.source + "$");
throw Wr(
'Matchers may only be "self", string patterns or RegExp objects'
function Zr() {
var t = ["self"],
n = [];
(this.resourceUrlWhitelist = function(e) {
return arguments.length && (t = Yr(e)), t;
(this.resourceUrlBlacklist = function(t) {
return arguments.length && (n = Yr(t)), n;
(this.$get = [
function(r, i) {
var o = function(t) {
throw Wr("unsafe", "Attempting to use an unsafe value in a safe context.");
function a(t, n) {
return "self" === t
? (function(t) {
return li(t, si);
})(n) ||
(function(t) {
return li(
(function() {
if (e.document.baseURI) return e.document.baseURI;
ai ||
(((ai = e.document.createElement("a")).href = "."),
(ai = ai.cloneNode(!1)));
return ai.href;
: !!t.exec(n.href);
function u(t) {
var e = function(t) {
this.$$unwrapTrustedValue = function() {
return t;
return (
t && (e.prototype = new t()),
(e.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return this.$$unwrapTrustedValue();
(e.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.$$unwrapTrustedValue().toString();
r.has("$sanitize") && (o = r.get("$sanitize"));
var s = u(),
c = {};
return (
(c[Gr.HTML] = u(s)),
(c[Gr.CSS] = u(s)),
(c[Gr.MEDIA_URL] = u(s)),
(c[Gr.URL] = u(c[Gr.MEDIA_URL])),
(c[Gr.JS] = u(s)),
(c[Gr.RESOURCE_URL] = u(c[Gr.URL])),
trustAs: function(t, e) {
var n = c.hasOwnProperty(t) ? c[t] : null;
if (!n)
throw Wr(
"Attempted to trust a value in invalid context. Context: {0}; Value: {1}",
if (null === e || V(e) || "" === e) return e;
if ("string" != typeof e)
throw Wr(
"Attempted to trust a non-string value in a content requiring a string: Context: {0}",
return new n(e);
getTrusted: function(e, r) {
if (null === r || V(r) || "" === r) return r;
var u = c.hasOwnProperty(e) ? c[e] : null;
if (u && r instanceof u) return r.$$unwrapTrustedValue();
if (
(K(r.$$unwrapTrustedValue) && (r = r.$$unwrapTrustedValue()),
e === Gr.MEDIA_URL || e === Gr.URL)
return i(r, e === Gr.MEDIA_URL);
if (e === Gr.RESOURCE_URL) {
if (
(function(e) {
var r,
o = ci(e.toString()),
u = !1;
for (r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++)
if (a(t[r], o)) {
u = !0;
if (u)
for (r = 0, i = n.length; r < i; r++)
if (a(n[r], o)) {
u = !1;
return u;
return r;
throw Wr(
"Blocked loading resource from url not allowed by $sceDelegate policy. URL: {0}",
if (e === Gr.HTML) return o(r);
throw Wr("unsafe", "Attempting to use an unsafe value in a safe context.");
valueOf: function(t) {
return t instanceof s ? t.$$unwrapTrustedValue() : t;
function Xr() {
var t = !0;
(this.enabled = function(e) {
return arguments.length && (t = !!e), t;
(this.$get = [
function(e, n) {
if (t && a < 8)
throw Wr(
"Strict Contextual Escaping does not support Internet Explorer version < 11 in quirks mode. You can fix this by adding the text <!doctype html> to the top of your HTML document. See http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$sce for more information."
var r = Gt(Gr);
(r.isEnabled = function() {
return t;
(r.trustAs = n.trustAs),
(r.getTrusted = n.getTrusted),
(r.valueOf = n.valueOf),
t ||
((r.trustAs = r.getTrusted = function(t, e) {
return e;
(r.valueOf = I)),
(r.parseAs = function(t, n) {
var i = e(n);
return i.literal && i.constant
? i
: e(n, function(e) {
return r.getTrusted(t, e);
var i = r.parseAs,
o = r.getTrusted,
u = r.trustAs;
return (
C(Gr, function(t, e) {
var n = h(e);
(r[Jr("parse_as_" + n)] = function(e) {
return i(t, e);
(r[Jr("get_trusted_" + n)] = function(e) {
return o(t, e);
(r[Jr("trust_as_" + n)] = function(e) {
return u(t, e);
function Qr() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e) {
var n = {},
r =
!(t.nw && t.nw.process) &&
t.chrome &&
((t.chrome.app && t.chrome.app.runtime) ||
(!t.chrome.app && t.chrome.runtime && t.chrome.runtime.id))
) &&
t.history &&
i = N((/android (\d+)/.exec(h((t.navigator || {}).userAgent)) || [])[1]),
o = /Boxee/i.test((t.navigator || {}).userAgent),
u = e[0] || {},
s = u.body && u.body.style,
c = !1,
l = !1;
return (
s &&
((c = !!("transition" in s || "webkitTransition" in s)),
(l = !!("animation" in s || "webkitAnimation" in s))),
history: !(!r || i < 4 || o),
hasEvent: function(t) {
if ("input" === t && a) return !1;
if (V(n[t])) {
var e = u.createElement("div");
n[t] = "on" + t in e;
return n[t];
csp: lt(),
transitions: c,
animations: l,
android: i
function ti() {
this.$get = R(function(t) {
return new function(t) {
var e = {},
n = [],
r = (this.ALL_TASKS_TYPE = "$$all$$"),
i = (this.DEFAULT_TASK_TYPE = "$$default$$");
function o() {
var t = n.pop();
return t && t.cb;
function a(t) {
for (var e = n.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) {
var r = n[e];
if (r.type === t) return n.splice(e, 1), r.cb;
(this.completeTask = function(n, u) {
u = u || i;
try {
} finally {
!(function(t) {
e[(t = t || i)] && (e[t]--, e[r]--);
var s = e[u],
c = e[r];
if (!c || !s)
for (var l, f = c ? a : o; (l = f(u)); )
try {
} catch (e) {
(this.incTaskCount = function(t) {
(e[(t = t || i)] = (e[t] || 0) + 1), (e[r] = (e[r] || 0) + 1);
(this.notifyWhenNoPendingTasks = function(t, i) {
e[(i = i || r)] ? n.push({ type: i, cb: t }) : t();
var ei = o("$templateRequest");
function ni() {
var t;
(this.httpOptions = function(e) {
return e ? ((t = e), this) : t;
(this.$get = [
function(e, n, r, i, o) {
function a(u, s) {
(H(u) && !V(n.get(u))) || (u = o.getTrustedResourceUrl(u));
var c = r.defaults && r.defaults.transformResponse;
return (
? (c = c.filter(function(t) {
return t !== Vn;
: c === Vn && (c = null),
.get(u, O({ cache: n, transformResponse: c }, t))
.finally(function() {
function(t) {
return n.put(u, t.data);
function(t) {
s ||
((t = ei(
"Failed to load template: {0} (HTTP status: {1} {2})",
return i.reject(t);
return (a.totalPendingRequests = 0), a;
function ri() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e, n) {
var r = {
findBindings: function(t, e, n) {
var r = [];
return (
C(t.getElementsByClassName("ng-binding"), function(t) {
var i = w.element(t).data("$binding");
i &&
C(i, function(i) {
? new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + nt(e) + "(\\s|\\||$)").test(i) && r.push(t)
: -1 !== i.indexOf(e) && r.push(t);
findModels: function(t, e, n) {
for (var r = ["ng-", "data-ng-", "ng\\:"], i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) {
var o = "[" + r[i] + "model" + (n ? "=" : "*=") + '"' + e + '"]',
a = t.querySelectorAll(o);
if (a.length) return a;
getLocation: function() {
return n.url();
setLocation: function(e) {
e !== n.url() && (n.url(e), t.$digest());
whenStable: function(t) {
return r;
var ii = o("$timeout");
function oi() {
this.$get = [
function(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o = {};
function a(a, u, s) {
K(a) || ((s = u), (u = a), (a = D));
var c,
l = ht(arguments, 3),
f = q(s) && !s,
p = (f ? r : n).defer(),
h = p.promise;
return (
(c = e.defer(
function() {
try {
p.resolve(a.apply(null, l));
} catch (t) {
p.reject(t), i(t);
} finally {
delete o[h.$$timeoutId];
f || t.$apply();
(h.$$timeoutId = c),
(o[c] = p),
return (
(a.cancel = function(t) {
if (!t) return !1;
if (!t.hasOwnProperty("$$timeoutId"))
throw ii(
"`$timeout.cancel()` called with a promise that was not generated by `$timeout()`."
if (!o.hasOwnProperty(t.$$timeoutId)) return !1;
var n = t.$$timeoutId,
r = o[n];
return Fr(r.promise), r.reject("canceled"), delete o[n], e.defer.cancel(n);
var ai,
ui = e.document.createElement("a"),
si = ci(e.location.href);
function ci(t) {
if (!H(t)) return t;
var e = t;
return (
a && (ui.setAttribute("href", e), (e = ui.href)),
ui.setAttribute("href", e),
href: ui.href,
protocol: ui.protocol ? ui.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "",
host: ui.host,
search: ui.search ? ui.search.replace(/^\?/, "") : "",
hash: ui.hash ? ui.hash.replace(/^#/, "") : "",
hostname: ui.hostname,
port: ui.port,
pathname: "/" === ui.pathname.charAt(0) ? ui.pathname : "/" + ui.pathname
function li(t, e) {
return (t = ci(t)), (e = ci(e)), t.protocol === e.protocol && t.host === e.host;
function fi() {
this.$get = R(e);
function pi(t) {
var e = t[0] || {},
n = {},
r = "";
function i(t) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(t);
} catch (e) {
return t;
return function() {
var t,
c = (function(t) {
try {
return t.cookie || "";
} catch (t) {
return "";
if (c !== r)
for (t = (r = c).split("; "), n = {}, a = 0; a < t.length; a++)
(u = (o = t[a]).indexOf("=")) > 0 &&
((s = i(o.substring(0, u))), V(n[s]) && (n[s] = i(o.substring(u + 1))));
return n;
function hi() {
this.$get = pi;
function di(t) {
var e = "Filter";
function n(r, i) {
if (U(r)) {
var o = {};
return (
C(r, function(t, e) {
o[e] = n(e, t);
return t.factory(r + e, i);
(this.register = n),
(this.$get = [
function(t) {
return function(n) {
return t.get(n + e);
n("currency", wi),
n("date", Mi),
n("filter", vi),
n("json", Li),
n("limitTo", Ri),
n("lowercase", Di),
n("number", xi),
n("orderBy", Vi),
n("uppercase", Ii);
function vi() {
return function(t, e, n, r) {
if (!_(t)) {
if (null == t) return t;
throw o("filter")("notarray", "Expected array but received: {0}", t);
var i, a;
switch (((r = r || "$"), mi(e))) {
case "function":
i = e;
case "boolean":
case "null":
case "number":
case "string":
a = !0;
case "object":
i = (function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = U(t) && n in t;
!0 === e
? (e = ct)
: K(e) ||
(e = function(t, e) {
return (
!V(t) &&
(null === t || null === e
? t === e
: !(U(e) || (U(t) && !P(t))) &&
((t = h("" + t)), (e = h("" + e)), -1 !== t.indexOf(e)))
return function(o) {
return i && !U(o) ? gi(o, t[n], e, n, !1) : gi(o, t, e, n, r);
})(e, n, r, a);
return t;
return Array.prototype.filter.call(t, i);
function gi(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a = mi(t),
u = mi(e);
if ("string" === u && "!" === e.charAt(0)) return !gi(t, e.substring(1), n, r, i);
if (W(t))
return t.some(function(t) {
return gi(t, e, n, r, i);
switch (a) {
case "object":
var s;
if (i) {
for (s in t)
if (s.charAt && "$" !== s.charAt(0) && gi(t[s], e, n, r, !0)) return !0;
return !o && gi(t, e, n, r, !1);
if ("object" === u) {
for (s in e) {
var c = e[s];
if (!K(c) && !V(c)) {
var l = s === r;
if (!gi(l ? t : t[s], c, n, r, l, l)) return !1;
return !0;
return n(t, e);
case "function":
return !1;
return n(t, e);
function mi(t) {
return null === t ? "null" : typeof t;
(pi.$inject = ["$document"]), (di.$inject = ["$provide"]);
var $i = 22,
yi = ".",
bi = "0";
function wi(t) {
return function(t, n, r) {
V(n) && (n = e.CURRENCY_SYM), V(r) && (r = e.PATTERNS[1].maxFrac);
var i = n ? /\u00A4/g : /\s*\u00A4\s*/g;
return null == t
? t
: _i(t, e.PATTERNS[1], e.GROUP_SEP, e.DECIMAL_SEP, r).replace(i, n);
function xi(t) {
return function(t, n) {
return null == t ? t : _i(t, e.PATTERNS[0], e.GROUP_SEP, e.DECIMAL_SEP, n);
function _i(t, e, n, r, i) {
if ((!H(t) && !B(t)) || isNaN(t)) return "";
var o,
a = !isFinite(t),
u = !1,
s = Math.abs(t) + "",
c = "";
if (a) c = "∞";
else {
(function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = t.d,
o = i.length - t.i,
a = (e = V(e) ? Math.min(Math.max(n, o), r) : +e) + t.i,
u = i[a];
if (a > 0) {
i.splice(Math.max(t.i, a));
for (var s = a; s < i.length; s++) i[s] = 0;
} else {
(o = Math.max(0, o)),
(t.i = 1),
(i.length = Math.max(1, (a = e + 1))),
(i[0] = 0);
for (var c = 1; c < a; c++) i[c] = 0;
if (u >= 5)
if (a - 1 < 0) {
for (var l = 0; l > a; l--) i.unshift(0), t.i++;
i.unshift(1), t.i++;
} else i[a - 1]++;
for (; o < Math.max(0, e); o++) i.push(0);
var f = i.reduceRight(function(t, e, n, r) {
return (e += t), (r[n] = e % 10), Math.floor(e / 10);
}, 0);
f && (i.unshift(f), t.i++);
(o = (function(t) {
var e,
a = 0;
for (
(n = t.indexOf(yi)) > -1 && (t = t.replace(yi, "")),
(r = t.search(/e/i)) > 0
? (n < 0 && (n = r), (n += +t.slice(r + 1)), (t = t.substring(0, r)))
: n < 0 && (n = t.length),
r = 0;
t.charAt(r) === bi;
if (r === (o = t.length)) (e = [0]), (n = 1);
else {
for (o--; t.charAt(o) === bi; ) o--;
for (n -= r, e = [], i = 0; r <= o; r++, i++) e[i] = +t.charAt(r);
return (
n > $i && ((e = e.splice(0, $i - 1)), (a = n - 1), (n = 1)),
{ d: e, e: a, i: n }
var l = o.d,
f = o.i,
p = o.e,
h = [];
for (
u = l.reduce(function(t, e) {
return t && !e;
}, !0);
f < 0;
l.unshift(0), f++;
f > 0 ? (h = l.splice(f, l.length)) : ((h = l), (l = [0]));
var d = [];
for (
l.length >= e.lgSize && d.unshift(l.splice(-e.lgSize, l.length).join(""));
l.length > e.gSize;
d.unshift(l.splice(-e.gSize, l.length).join(""));
l.length && d.unshift(l.join("")),
(c = d.join(n)),
h.length && (c += r + h.join("")),
p && (c += "e+" + p);
return t < 0 && !u ? e.negPre + c + e.negSuf : e.posPre + c + e.posSuf;
function Ci(t, e, n, r) {
var i = "";
for (
(t < 0 || (r && t <= 0)) && (r ? (t = 1 - t) : ((t = -t), (i = "-"))), t = "" + t;
t.length < e;
t = bi + t;
return n && (t = t.substr(t.length - e)), i + t;
function Si(t, e, n, r, i) {
return (
(n = n || 0),
function(o) {
var a = o["get" + t]();
return (
(n > 0 || a > -n) && (a += n), 0 === a && -12 === n && (a = 12), Ci(a, e, r, i)
function Ei(t, e, n) {
return function(r, i) {
var o = r["get" + t]();
return i[d((n ? "STANDALONE" : "") + (e ? "SHORT" : "") + t)][o];
function ki(t) {
var e = new Date(t, 0, 1).getDay();
return new Date(t, 0, (e <= 4 ? 5 : 12) - e);
function Ai(t) {
return function(e) {
var n = ki(e.getFullYear()),
r =
+(function(t) {
return new Date(t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth(), t.getDate() + (4 - t.getDay()));
})(e) - +n;
return Ci(1 + Math.round(r / 6048e5), t);
function Ti(t, e) {
return t.getFullYear() <= 0 ? e.ERAS[0] : e.ERAS[1];
(wi.$inject = ["$locale"]), (xi.$inject = ["$locale"]);
var Oi = {
yyyy: Si("FullYear", 4, 0, !1, !0),
yy: Si("FullYear", 2, 0, !0, !0),
y: Si("FullYear", 1, 0, !1, !0),
MMMM: Ei("Month"),
MMM: Ei("Month", !0),
MM: Si("Month", 2, 1),
M: Si("Month", 1, 1),
LLLL: Ei("Month", !1, !0),
dd: Si("Date", 2),
d: Si("Date", 1),
HH: Si("Hours", 2),
H: Si("Hours", 1),
hh: Si("Hours", 2, -12),
h: Si("Hours", 1, -12),
mm: Si("Minutes", 2),
m: Si("Minutes", 1),
ss: Si("Seconds", 2),
s: Si("Seconds", 1),
sss: Si("Milliseconds", 3),
EEEE: Ei("Day"),
EEE: Ei("Day", !0),
a: function(t, e) {
return t.getHours() < 12 ? e.AMPMS[0] : e.AMPMS[1];
Z: function(t, e, n) {
var r = -1 * n,
i = r >= 0 ? "+" : "";
return (i +=
Ci(Math[r > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](r / 60), 2) + Ci(Math.abs(r % 60), 2));
ww: Ai(2),
w: Ai(1),
G: Ti,
GG: Ti,
GGG: Ti,
GGGG: function(t, e) {
return t.getFullYear() <= 0 ? e.ERANAMES[0] : e.ERANAMES[1];
ji = /((?:[^yMLdHhmsaZEwG']+)|(?:'(?:[^']|'')*')|(?:E+|y+|M+|L+|d+|H+|h+|m+|s+|a|Z|G+|w+))([\s\S]*)/,
Ni = /^-?\d+$/;
function Mi(t) {
var e = /^(\d{4})-?(\d\d)-?(\d\d)(?:T(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?::?(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(Z|([+-])(\d\d):?(\d\d))?)?$/;
return function(n, r, i) {
var o,
u = "",
s = [];
if (
((r = r || "mediumDate"),
(r = t.DATETIME_FORMATS[r] || r),
H(n) &&
(n = Ni.test(n)
? N(n)
: (function(t) {
var n;
if ((n = t.match(e))) {
var r = new Date(0),
i = 0,
o = 0,
a = n[8] ? r.setUTCFullYear : r.setFullYear,
u = n[8] ? r.setUTCHours : r.setHours;
n[9] && ((i = N(n[9] + n[10])), (o = N(n[9] + n[11]))),
a.call(r, N(n[1]), N(n[2]) - 1, N(n[3]));
var s = N(n[4] || 0) - i,
c = N(n[5] || 0) - o,
l = N(n[6] || 0),
f = Math.round(1e3 * parseFloat("0." + (n[7] || 0)));
return u.call(r, s, c, l, f), r;
return t;
B(n) && (n = new Date(n)),
!z(n) || !isFinite(n.getTime()))
return n;
for (; r; )
(a = ji.exec(r)) ? (r = (s = pt(s, a, 1)).pop()) : (s.push(r), (r = null));
var c = n.getTimezoneOffset();
return (
i && ((c = yt(i, c)), (n = wt(n, i, !0))),
C(s, function(e) {
(o = Oi[e]),
(u += o
: "''" === e
? "'"
: e.replace(/(^'|'$)/g, "").replace(/''/g, "'"));
function Li() {
return function(t, e) {
return V(e) && (e = 2), gt(t, e);
Mi.$inject = ["$locale"];
var Di = R(h),
Ii = R(d);
function Ri() {
return function(t, e, n) {
return (
(e = Math.abs(Number(e)) === 1 / 0 ? Number(e) : N(e)),
? t
: (B(t) && (t = t.toString()),
? ((n = (n = !n || isNaN(n) ? 0 : N(n)) < 0 ? Math.max(0, t.length + n) : n),
e >= 0
? Pi(t, n, n + e)
: 0 === n
? Pi(t, e, t.length)
: Pi(t, Math.max(0, n + e), n))
: t)
function Pi(t, e, n) {
return H(t) ? t.slice(e, n) : v.call(t, e, n);
function Vi(t) {
return function(r, i, a, u) {
if (null == r) return r;
if (!_(r)) throw o("orderBy")("notarray", "Expected array but received: {0}", r);
W(i) || (i = [i]), 0 === i.length && (i = ["+"]);
var s = (function(e) {
return e.map(function(e) {
var n = 1,
r = I;
if (K(e)) r = e;
else if (
H(e) &&
(("+" !== e.charAt(0) && "-" !== e.charAt(0)) ||
((n = "-" === e.charAt(0) ? -1 : 1), (e = e.substring(1))),
"" !== e && (r = t(e)).constant)
) {
var i = r();
r = function(t) {
return t[i];
return { get: r, descending: n };
c = a ? -1 : 1,
l = K(u) ? u : n,
f = Array.prototype.map.call(r, function(t, n) {
return {
value: t,
tieBreaker: { value: n, type: "number", index: n },
predicateValues: s.map(function(r) {
return (function(t, n) {
var r = typeof t;
null === t
? (r = "null")
: "object" === r &&
(t = (function(t) {
if (K(t.valueOf) && e((t = t.valueOf()))) return t;
if (P(t) && e((t = t.toString()))) return t;
return t;
return { value: t, type: r, index: n };
})(r.get(t), n);
return (
f.sort(function(t, e) {
for (var r = 0, i = s.length; r < i; r++) {
var o = l(t.predicateValues[r], e.predicateValues[r]);
if (o) return o * s[r].descending * c;
return (l(t.tieBreaker, e.tieBreaker) || n(t.tieBreaker, e.tieBreaker)) * c;
(r = f.map(function(t) {
return t.value;
function e(t) {
switch (typeof t) {
case "number":
case "boolean":
case "string":
return !0;
return !1;
function n(t, e) {
var n = 0,
r = t.type,
i = e.type;
if (r === i) {
var o = t.value,
a = e.value;
"string" === r
? ((o = o.toLowerCase()), (a = a.toLowerCase()))
: "object" === r && (U(o) && (o = t.index), U(a) && (a = e.index)),
o !== a && (n = o < a ? -1 : 1);
} else
n =
"undefined" === r
? 1
: "undefined" === i
? -1
: "null" === r
? 1
: "null" === i
? -1
: r < i
? -1
: 1;
return n;
function qi(t) {
return K(t) && (t = { link: t }), (t.restrict = t.restrict || "AC"), R(t);
Vi.$inject = ["$parse"];
var Ui = R({
restrict: "E",
compile: function(t, e) {
if (!e.href && !e.xlinkHref)
return function(t, e) {
if ("a" === e[0].nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
var n =
"[object SVGAnimatedString]" === $.call(e.prop("href"))
? "xlink:href"
: "href";
e.on("click", function(t) {
e.attr(n) || t.preventDefault();
Fi = {};
C(Ne, function(t, e) {
if ("multiple" !== t) {
var n = bn("ng-" + e),
r = i;
"checked" === t &&
(r = function(t, e, r) {
r.ngModel !== r[n] && i(t, 0, r);
(Fi[n] = function() {
return { restrict: "A", priority: 100, link: r };
function i(t, r, i) {
t.$watch(i[n], function(t) {
i.$set(e, !!t);
C(Le, function(t, e) {
Fi[e] = function() {
return {
priority: 100,
link: function(t, n, r) {
if ("ngPattern" === e && "/" === r.ngPattern.charAt(0)) {
var i = r.ngPattern.match(l);
if (i) return void r.$set("ngPattern", new RegExp(i[1], i[2]));
t.$watch(r[e], function(t) {
r.$set(e, t);
C(["src", "srcset", "href"], function(t) {
var e = bn("ng-" + t);
Fi[e] = function() {
return {
priority: 99,
link: function(n, r, i) {
var o = t,
u = t;
"href" === t &&
"[object SVGAnimatedString]" === $.call(r.prop("href")) &&
((u = "xlinkHref"), (i.$attr[u] = "xlink:href"), (o = null)),
i.$observe(e, function(e) {
? (i.$set(u, e), a && o && r.prop(o, i[u]))
: "href" === t && i.$set(u, null);
var Hi = {
$addControl: D,
$getControls: R([]),
$$renameControl: function(t, e) {
t.$name = e;
$removeControl: D,
$setValidity: D,
$setDirty: D,
$setPristine: D,
$setSubmitted: D,
$$setSubmitted: D
Bi = "ng-pending";
function zi(t, e, n, r, i) {
(this.$$controls = []),
(this.$error = {}),
(this.$$success = {}),
(this.$pending = void 0),
(this.$name = i(e.name || e.ngForm || "")(n)),
(this.$dirty = !1),
(this.$pristine = !0),
(this.$valid = !0),
(this.$invalid = !1),
(this.$submitted = !1),
(this.$$parentForm = Hi),
(this.$$element = t),
(this.$$animate = r),
(zi.$inject = ["$element", "$attrs", "$scope", "$animate", "$interpolate"]),
(zi.prototype = {
$rollbackViewValue: function() {
C(this.$$controls, function(t) {
$commitViewValue: function() {
C(this.$$controls, function(t) {
$addControl: function(t) {
Pt(t.$name, "input"),
t.$name && (this[t.$name] = t),
(t.$$parentForm = this);
$getControls: function() {
return Gt(this.$$controls);
$$renameControl: function(t, e) {
var n = t.$name;
this[n] === t && delete this[n], (this[e] = t), (t.$name = e);
$removeControl: function(t) {
t.$name && this[t.$name] === t && delete this[t.$name],
function(e, n) {
this.$setValidity(n, null, t);
function(e, n) {
this.$setValidity(n, null, t);
function(e, n) {
this.$setValidity(n, null, t);
at(this.$$controls, t),
(t.$$parentForm = Hi);
$setDirty: function() {
this.$$animate.removeClass(this.$$element, zo),
this.$$animate.addClass(this.$$element, Wo),
(this.$dirty = !0),
(this.$pristine = !1),
$setPristine: function() {
this.$$animate.setClass(this.$$element, zo, Wo + " ng-submitted"),
(this.$dirty = !1),
(this.$pristine = !0),
(this.$submitted = !1),
C(this.$$controls, function(t) {
$setUntouched: function() {
C(this.$$controls, function(t) {
$setSubmitted: function() {
for (var t = this; t.$$parentForm && t.$$parentForm !== Hi; ) t = t.$$parentForm;
$$setSubmitted: function() {
this.$$animate.addClass(this.$$element, "ng-submitted"),
(this.$submitted = !0),
C(this.$$controls, function(t) {
t.$$setSubmitted && t.$$setSubmitted();
clazz: zi,
set: function(t, e, n) {
var r = t[e];
r ? -1 === r.indexOf(n) && r.push(n) : (t[e] = [n]);
unset: function(t, e, n) {
var r = t[e];
r && (at(r, n), 0 === r.length && delete t[e]);
var Wi = function(t) {
return [
function(e, n) {
return {
name: "form",
restrict: t ? "EAC" : "E",
require: ["form", "^^?form"],
controller: zi,
compile: function(n, i) {
var o = i.name ? "name" : !(!t || !i.ngForm) && "ngForm";
return {
pre: function(t, n, i, a) {
var u = a[0];
if (!("action" in i)) {
var s = function(e) {
t.$apply(function() {
u.$commitViewValue(), u.$setSubmitted();
n[0].addEventListener("submit", s),
n.on("$destroy", function() {
function() {
n[0].removeEventListener("submit", s);
(a[1] || u.$$parentForm).$addControl(u);
var c = o ? r(u.$name) : D;
o &&
(c(t, u),
i.$observe(o, function(e) {
u.$name !== e &&
(c(t, void 0),
u.$$parentForm.$$renameControl(u, e),
(c = r(u.$name))(t, u));
n.on("$destroy", function() {
u.$$parentForm.$removeControl(u), c(t, void 0), O(u, Hi);
function r(t) {
return "" === t ? n('this[""]').assign : n(t).assign || D;
Gi = Wi(),
Ki = Wi(!0);
function Ji(t) {
(t.$$classCache = {}),
(t.$$classCache[Bo] = !(t.$$classCache[Ho] = t.$$element.hasClass(Ho)));
function Yi(t) {
var e = t.clazz,
n = t.set,
r = t.unset;
function i(t, e, n) {
n && !t.$$classCache[e]
? (t.$$animate.addClass(t.$$element, e), (t.$$classCache[e] = !0))
: !n &&
t.$$classCache[e] &&
(t.$$animate.removeClass(t.$$element, e), (t.$$classCache[e] = !1));
function o(t, e, n) {
(e = e ? "-" + Lt(e, "-") : ""), i(t, Ho + e, !0 === n), i(t, Bo + e, !1 === n);
e.prototype.$setValidity = function(t, e, a) {
var u;
? (function(t, e, r, i) {
t[e] || (t[e] = {});
n(t[e], r, i);
})(this, "$pending", t, a)
: (function(t, e, n, i) {
t[e] && r(t[e], n, i);
Zi(t[e]) && (t[e] = void 0);
})(this, "$pending", t, a),
? e
? (r(this.$error, t, a), n(this.$$success, t, a))
: (n(this.$error, t, a), r(this.$$success, t, a))
: (r(this.$error, t, a), r(this.$$success, t, a)),
? (i(this, Bi, !0), (this.$valid = this.$invalid = void 0), o(this, "", null))
: (i(this, Bi, !1),
(this.$valid = Zi(this.$error)),
(this.$invalid = !this.$valid),
o(this, "", this.$valid)),
(u =
this.$pending && this.$pending[t]
? void 0
: !this.$error[t] && (!!this.$$success[t] || null))
this.$$parentForm.$setValidity(t, u, this);
function Zi(t) {
if (t) for (var e in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(e)) return !1;
return !0;
var Xi = /^\d{4,}-[01]\d-[0-3]\dT[0-2]\d:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d\.\d+(?:[+-][0-2]\d:[0-5]\d|Z)$/,
Qi = /^[a-z][a-z\d.+-]*:\/*(?:[^:@]+(?::[^@]+)?@)?(?:[^\s:/?#]+|\[[a-f\d:]+])(?::\d+)?(?:\/[^?#]*)?(?:\?[^#]*)?(?:#.*)?$/i,
to = /^(?=.{1,254}$)(?=.{1,64}@)[-!#$%&'*+/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+(\.[-!#$%&'*+/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+)*@[A-Za-z0-9]([A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])?(\.[A-Za-z0-9]([A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])?)*$/,
eo = /^\s*(-|\+)?(\d+|(\d*(\.\d*)))([eE][+-]?\d+)?\s*$/,
no = /^(\d{4,})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/,
ro = /^(\d{4,})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d)(\.\d{1,3})?)?$/,
io = /^(\d{4,})-W(\d\d)$/,
oo = /^(\d{4,})-(\d\d)$/,
ao = /^(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d)(\.\d{1,3})?)?$/,
uo = "keydown wheel mousedown",
so = qt();
C("date,datetime-local,month,time,week".split(","), function(t) {
so[t] = !0;
var co = {
text: function(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
fo(t, e, n, r, i, o), lo(r);
date: ho("date", no, po(no, ["yyyy", "MM", "dd"]), "yyyy-MM-dd"),
"datetime-local": ho(
po(ro, ["yyyy", "MM", "dd", "HH", "mm", "ss", "sss"]),
time: ho("time", ao, po(ao, ["HH", "mm", "ss", "sss"]), "HH:mm:ss.sss"),
week: ho(
function(t, e) {
if (z(t)) return t;
if (H(t)) {
io.lastIndex = 0;
var n = io.exec(t);
if (n) {
var r = +n[1],
i = +n[2],
o = 0,
a = 0,
u = 0,
s = 0,
c = ki(r),
l = 7 * (i - 1);
return (
e &&
((o = e.getHours()),
(a = e.getMinutes()),
(u = e.getSeconds()),
(s = e.getMilliseconds())),
new Date(r, 0, c.getDate() + l, o, a, u, s)
return NaN;
month: ho("month", oo, po(oo, ["yyyy", "MM"]), "yyyy-MM"),
number: function(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a, u;
vo(t, e, n, r, "number"),
fo(t, e, n, r, i, o),
(q(n.min) || n.ngMin) &&
((r.$validators.min = function(t, e) {
return r.$isEmpty(e) || V(a) || e >= a;
n.$observe("min", function(t) {
(a = mo(t)), r.$validate();
(q(n.max) || n.ngMax) &&
((r.$validators.max = function(t, e) {
return r.$isEmpty(e) || V(u) || e <= u;
n.$observe("max", function(t) {
(u = mo(t)), r.$validate();
if (q(n.step) || n.ngStep) {
var s;
(r.$validators.step = function(t, e) {
return r.$isEmpty(e) || V(s) || bo(e, a || 0, s);
n.$observe("step", function(t) {
(s = mo(t)), r.$validate();
url: function(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
fo(t, e, n, r, i, o),
(r.$validators.url = function(t, e) {
var n = t || e;
return r.$isEmpty(n) || Qi.test(n);
email: function(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
fo(t, e, n, r, i, o),
(r.$validators.email = function(t, e) {
var n = t || e;
return r.$isEmpty(n) || to.test(n);
radio: function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = !n.ngTrim || "false" !== et(n.ngTrim);
V(n.name) && e.attr("name", k());
e.on("change", function(t) {
var o;
e[0].checked && ((o = n.value), i && (o = et(o)), r.$setViewValue(o, t && t.type));
(r.$render = function() {
var t = n.value;
i && (t = et(t)), (e[0].checked = t === r.$viewValue);
n.$observe("value", r.$render);
range: function(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
vo(t, e, n, r, "range"), go(r), fo(t, e, n, r, i, o);
var a = r.$$hasNativeValidators && "range" === e[0].type,
u = a ? 0 : void 0,
s = a ? 100 : void 0,
c = a ? 1 : void 0,
l = e[0].validity,
f = q(n.min),
p = q(n.max),
h = q(n.step),
d = r.$render;
(r.$render =
a && q(l.rangeUnderflow) && q(l.rangeOverflow)
? function() {
d(), r.$setViewValue(e.val());
: d),
f &&
((r.$validators.min = a
? function() {
return !0;
: function(t, e) {
return r.$isEmpty(e) || V(u) || e >= u;
v("min", function(t) {
if (((u = mo(t)), M(r.$modelValue))) return;
if (a) {
var n = e.val();
u > n && ((n = u), e.val(n)), r.$setViewValue(n);
} else r.$validate();
p &&
((r.$validators.max = a
? function() {
return !0;
: function(t, e) {
return r.$isEmpty(e) || V(s) || e <= s;
v("max", function(t) {
if (((s = mo(t)), M(r.$modelValue))) return;
if (a) {
var n = e.val();
s < n && (e.val(s), (n = s < u ? u : s)), r.$setViewValue(n);
} else r.$validate();
h &&
((r.$validators.step = a
? function() {
return !l.stepMismatch;
: function(t, e) {
return r.$isEmpty(e) || V(c) || bo(e, u || 0, c);
v("step", function(t) {
if (((c = mo(t)), M(r.$modelValue))) return;
a && r.$viewValue !== e.val() ? r.$setViewValue(e.val()) : r.$validate();
function v(t, r) {
e.attr(t, n[t]), n.$observe(t, r);
checkbox: function(t, e, n, r, i, o, a, u) {
var s = wo(u, t, "ngTrueValue", n.ngTrueValue, !0),
c = wo(u, t, "ngFalseValue", n.ngFalseValue, !1);
e.on("change", function(t) {
r.$setViewValue(e[0].checked, t && t.type);
(r.$render = function() {
e[0].checked = r.$viewValue;
(r.$isEmpty = function(t) {
return !1 === t;
r.$formatters.push(function(t) {
return ct(t, s);
r.$parsers.push(function(t) {
return t ? s : c;
hidden: D,
button: D,
submit: D,
reset: D,
file: D
function lo(t) {
t.$formatters.push(function(e) {
return t.$isEmpty(e) ? e : e.toString();
function fo(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
var a,
u = h(e[0].type);
if (!i.android) {
var s = !1;
e.on("compositionstart", function() {
s = !0;
e.on("compositionupdate", function(t) {
(V(t.data) || "" === t.data) && (s = !1);
e.on("compositionend", function() {
(s = !1), c();
var c = function(t) {
if ((a && (o.defer.cancel(a), (a = null)), !s)) {
var i = e.val(),
c = t && t.type;
"password" === u || (n.ngTrim && "false" === n.ngTrim) || (i = et(i)),
(r.$viewValue !== i || ("" === i && r.$$hasNativeValidators)) &&
r.$setViewValue(i, c);
if (i.hasEvent("input")) e.on("input", c);
else {
var l = function(t, e, n) {
a ||
(a = o.defer(function() {
(a = null), (e && e.value === n) || c(t);
e.on("keydown", function(t) {
var e = t.keyCode;
91 === e || (15 < e && e < 19) || (37 <= e && e <= 40) || l(t, this, this.value);
i.hasEvent("paste") && e.on("paste cut drop", l);
e.on("change", c),
so[u] &&
r.$$hasNativeValidators &&
u === n.type &&
e.on(uo, function(t) {
if (!a) {
var e = this[f],
n = e.badInput,
r = e.typeMismatch;
a = o.defer(function() {
(a = null), (e.badInput === n && e.typeMismatch === r) || c(t);
(r.$render = function() {
var t = r.$isEmpty(r.$viewValue) ? "" : r.$viewValue;
e.val() !== t && e.val(t);
function po(t, e) {
return function(n, r) {
var i, o;
if (z(n)) return n;
if (H(n)) {
if (
('"' === n.charAt(0) &&
'"' === n.charAt(n.length - 1) &&
(n = n.substring(1, n.length - 1)),
return new Date(n);
if (((t.lastIndex = 0), (i = t.exec(n)))) {
(o = r
? {
yyyy: r.getFullYear(),
MM: r.getMonth() + 1,
dd: r.getDate(),
HH: r.getHours(),
mm: r.getMinutes(),
ss: r.getSeconds(),
sss: r.getMilliseconds() / 1e3
: { yyyy: 1970, MM: 1, dd: 1, HH: 0, mm: 0, ss: 0, sss: 0 }),
C(i, function(t, n) {
n < e.length && (o[e[n]] = +t);
var a = new Date(o.yyyy, o.MM - 1, o.dd, o.HH, o.mm, o.ss || 0, 1e3 * o.sss || 0);
return o.yyyy < 100 && a.setFullYear(o.yyyy), a;
return NaN;
function ho(t, e, n, r) {
return function(i, o, a, u, s, c, l) {
vo(i, o, a, u, t), fo(0, o, a, u, s, c);
var f,
v = "time" === t || "datetimelocal" === t;
(u.$parsers.push(function(n) {
return u.$isEmpty(n) ? null : e.test(n) ? $(n, f) : void (u.$$parserName = t);
u.$formatters.push(function(t) {
if (t && !z(t)) throw Go("datefmt", "Expected `{0}` to be a date", t);
if (g(t)) {
f = t;
var e = u.$options.getOption("timezone");
return (
e && ((p = e), (f = wt(f, e, !0))),
(function(t, e) {
var n = r;
v &&
H(u.$options.getOption("timeSecondsFormat")) &&
(n = r
.replace("ss.sss", u.$options.getOption("timeSecondsFormat"))
.replace(/:$/, ""));
var i = l("date")(t, n, e);
v &&
u.$options.getOption("timeStripZeroSeconds") &&
(i = i.replace(/(?::00)?(?:\.000)?$/, ""));
return i;
})(t, e)
return (f = null), (p = null), "";
q(a.min) || a.ngMin) &&
((u.$validators.min = function(t) {
return !g(t) || V(h) || n(t) >= h;
a.$observe("min", function(t) {
(h = m(t)), u.$validate();
(q(a.max) || a.ngMax) &&
((u.$validators.max = function(t) {
return !g(t) || V(d) || n(t) <= d;
a.$observe("max", function(t) {
(d = m(t)), u.$validate();
function g(t) {
return t && !(t.getTime && t.getTime() != t.getTime());
function m(t) {
return q(t) && !z(t) ? $(t) || void 0 : t;
function $(t, e) {
var r = u.$options.getOption("timezone");
p && p !== r && (e = bt(e, yt(p)));
var i = n(t, e);
return !isNaN(i) && r && (i = wt(i, r)), i;
function vo(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o = e[0];
(r.$$hasNativeValidators = U(o.validity)) &&
r.$parsers.push(function(t) {
var n = e.prop(f) || {};
if (!n.badInput && !n.typeMismatch) return t;
r.$$parserName = i;
function go(t) {
t.$parsers.push(function(e) {
return t.$isEmpty(e)
? null
: eo.test(e)
? parseFloat(e)
: void (t.$$parserName = "number");
t.$formatters.push(function(e) {
if (!t.$isEmpty(e)) {
if (!B(e)) throw Go("numfmt", "Expected `{0}` to be a number", e);
e = e.toString();
return e;
function mo(t) {
return q(t) && !B(t) && (t = parseFloat(t)), M(t) ? void 0 : t;
function $o(t) {
return (0 | t) === t;
function yo(t) {
var e = t.toString(),
n = e.indexOf(".");
if (-1 === n) {
if (-1 < t && t < 1) {
var r = /e-(\d+)$/.exec(e);
if (r) return Number(r[1]);
return 0;
return e.length - n - 1;
function bo(t, e, n) {
var r = Number(t),
i = !$o(r),
o = !$o(e),
a = !$o(n);
if (i || o || a) {
var u = i ? yo(r) : 0,
s = o ? yo(e) : 0,
c = a ? yo(n) : 0,
l = Math.max(u, s, c),
f = Math.pow(10, l);
(r *= f),
(e *= f),
(n *= f),
i && (r = Math.round(r)),
o && (e = Math.round(e)),
a && (n = Math.round(n));
return (r - e) % n == 0;
function wo(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o;
if (q(r)) {
if (!(o = t(r)).constant)
throw Go(
"Expected constant expression for `{0}`, but saw `{1}`.",
return o(e);
return i;
var xo = [
function(t, e, n, r) {
return {
restrict: "E",
require: ["?ngModel"],
link: {
pre: function(i, o, a, u) {
u[0] && (co[h(a.type)] || co.text)(i, o, a, u[0], e, t, n, r);
_o = /^(true|false|\d+)$/,
Co = function() {
function t(t, e, n) {
var r = q(n) ? n : 9 === a ? "" : null;
t.prop("value", r), e.$set("value", n);
return {
restrict: "A",
priority: 100,
compile: function(e, n) {
return _o.test(n.ngValue)
? function(e, n, r) {
t(n, r, e.$eval(r.ngValue));
: function(e, n, r) {
e.$watch(r.ngValue, function(e) {
t(n, r, e);
So = [
function(t) {
return {
restrict: "AC",
compile: function(e) {
return (
function(e, n, r) {
t.$$addBindingInfo(n, r.ngBind),
(n = n[0]),
e.$watch(r.ngBind, function(t) {
n.textContent = Ut(t);
Eo = [
function(t, e) {
return {
compile: function(n) {
return (
function(n, r, i) {
var o = t(r.attr(i.$attr.ngBindTemplate));
e.$$addBindingInfo(r, o.expressions),
(r = r[0]),
i.$observe("ngBindTemplate", function(t) {
r.textContent = V(t) ? "" : t;
ko = [
function(t, e, n) {
return {
restrict: "A",
compile: function(r, i) {
var o = e(i.ngBindHtml),
a = e(i.ngBindHtml, function(e) {
return t.valueOf(e);
return (
function(e, r, i) {
n.$$addBindingInfo(r, i.ngBindHtml),
e.$watch(a, function() {
var n = o(e);
r.html(t.getTrustedHtml(n) || "");
Ao = R({
restrict: "A",
require: "ngModel",
link: function(t, e, n, r) {
r.$viewChangeListeners.push(function() {
function To(t, e) {
var n;
return (
(t = "ngClass" + t),
function(a) {
return {
restrict: "AC",
link: function(u, s, c) {
var l,
f = s.data("$classCounts"),
p = !0;
function h(t, e) {
var n = [];
return (
C(t, function(t) {
(e > 0 || f[t]) &&
((f[t] = (f[t] || 0) + e), f[t] === +(e > 0) && n.push(t));
n.join(" ")
f || ((f = qt()), s.data("$classCounts", f)),
"ngClass" !== t &&
(n ||
(n = a("$index", function(t) {
return 1 & t;
u.$watch(n, function(t) {
t === e
? (function(t) {
(t = h(i(t), 1)), c.$addClass(t);
: (function(t) {
(t = h(i(t), -1)), c.$removeClass(t);
p = t;
u.$watch(a(c[t], o), function(t) {
p === e &&
(function(t, e) {
var n = i(t),
o = i(e),
a = r(n, o),
u = r(o, n),
s = h(a, -1),
l = h(u, 1);
c.$addClass(l), c.$removeClass(s);
})(l, t);
l = t;
function r(t, e) {
if (!t || !t.length) return [];
if (!e || !e.length) return t;
var n = [];
t: for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
for (var i = t[r], o = 0; o < e.length; o++) if (i === e[o]) continue t;
return n;
function i(t) {
return t && t.split(" ");
function o(t) {
var e = t;
return (
? (e = t.map(o).join(" "))
: U(t) &&
(e = Object.keys(t)
.filter(function(e) {
return t[e];
.join(" ")),
var Oo = To("", !0),
jo = To("Odd", 0),
No = To("Even", 1),
Mo = qi({
compile: function(t, e) {
e.$set("ngCloak", void 0), t.removeClass("ng-cloak");
Lo = [
function() {
return { restrict: "A", scope: !0, controller: "@", priority: 500 };
Do = {},
Io = { blur: !0, focus: !0 };
function Ro(t, e, n, r, i, o) {
return {
restrict: "A",
compile: function(a, u) {
var s = t(u[r]);
return function(t, r) {
r.on(i, function(r) {
var i = function() {
s(t, { $event: r });
if (e.$$phase)
if (o) t.$evalAsync(i);
try {
} catch (t) {
else t.$apply(i);
"click dblclick mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout mousemove mouseenter mouseleave keydown keyup keypress submit focus blur copy cut paste".split(
" "
function(t) {
var e = bn("ng-" + t);
Do[e] = [
function(n, r, i) {
return Ro(n, r, i, e, t, Io[t]);
var Po = [
function(t, e) {
return {
multiElement: !0,
transclude: "element",
priority: 600,
terminal: !0,
restrict: "A",
$$tlb: !0,
link: function(n, r, i, o, a) {
var u, s, c;
n.$watch(i.ngIf, function(n) {
? s ||
a(function(n, o) {
(s = o),
(n[n.length++] = e.$$createComment("end ngIf", i.ngIf)),
(u = { clone: n }),
t.enter(n, r.parent(), r);
: (c && (c.remove(), (c = null)),
s && (s.$destroy(), (s = null)),
u &&
((c = Vt(u.clone)),
t.leave(c).done(function(t) {
!1 !== t && (c = null);
(u = null)));
Vo = [
function(t, e, n) {
return {
restrict: "ECA",
priority: 400,
terminal: !0,
transclude: "element",
controller: w.noop,
compile: function(r, i) {
var o = i.ngInclude || i.src,
a = i.onload || "",
u = i.autoscroll;
return function(r, i, s, c, l) {
var f,
d = 0,
v = function() {
p && (p.remove(), (p = null)),
f && (f.$destroy(), (f = null)),
h &&
(n.leave(h).done(function(t) {
!1 !== t && (p = null);
(p = h),
(h = null));
r.$watch(o, function(o) {
var s = function(t) {
!1 === t || !q(u) || (u && !r.$eval(u)) || e();
p = ++d;
? (t(o, !0).then(
function(t) {
if (!r.$$destroyed && p === d) {
var e = r.$new();
c.template = t;
var u = l(e, function(t) {
v(), n.enter(t, null, i).done(s);
(h = u), (f = e).$emit("$includeContentLoaded", o), r.$eval(a);
function() {
r.$$destroyed ||
(p === d && (v(), r.$emit("$includeContentError", o)));
r.$emit("$includeContentRequested", o))
: (v(), (c.template = null));
qo = [
function(t) {
return {
restrict: "ECA",
priority: -400,
require: "ngInclude",
link: function(n, r, i, o) {
if ($.call(r[0]).match(/SVG/))
return (
void t(fe(o.template, e.document).childNodes)(
function(t) {
{ futureParentElement: r }
r.html(o.template), t(r.contents())(n);
Uo = qi({
priority: 450,
compile: function() {
return {
pre: function(t, e, n) {
Fo = function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
priority: 100,
require: "ngModel",
link: function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = n.ngList || ", ",
o = "false" !== n.ngTrim,
a = o ? et(i) : i;
r.$parsers.push(function(t) {
if (!V(t)) {
var e = [];
return (
t &&
C(t.split(a), function(t) {
t && e.push(o ? et(t) : t);
r.$formatters.push(function(t) {
if (W(t)) return t.join(i);
(r.$isEmpty = function(t) {
return !t || !t.length;
Ho = "ng-valid",
Bo = "ng-invalid",
zo = "ng-pristine",
Wo = "ng-dirty",
Go = o("ngModel");
function Ko(t, e, n, r, i, o, a, u, s) {
(this.$viewValue = Number.NaN),
(this.$modelValue = Number.NaN),
(this.$$rawModelValue = void 0),
(this.$validators = {}),
(this.$asyncValidators = {}),
(this.$parsers = []),
(this.$formatters = []),
(this.$viewChangeListeners = []),
(this.$untouched = !0),
(this.$touched = !1),
(this.$pristine = !0),
(this.$dirty = !1),
(this.$valid = !0),
(this.$invalid = !1),
(this.$error = {}),
(this.$$success = {}),
(this.$pending = void 0),
(this.$name = s(n.name || "", !1)(t)),
(this.$$parentForm = Hi),
(this.$options = Jo),
(this.$$updateEvents = ""),
(this.$$updateEventHandler = this.$$updateEventHandler.bind(this)),
(this.$$parsedNgModel = i(n.ngModel)),
(this.$$parsedNgModelAssign = this.$$parsedNgModel.assign),
(this.$$ngModelGet = this.$$parsedNgModel),
(this.$$ngModelSet = this.$$parsedNgModelAssign),
(this.$$pendingDebounce = null),
(this.$$parserValid = void 0),
(this.$$parserName = "parse"),
(this.$$currentValidationRunId = 0),
(this.$$scope = t),
(this.$$rootScope = t.$root),
(this.$$attr = n),
(this.$$element = r),
(this.$$animate = o),
(this.$$timeout = a),
(this.$$parse = i),
(this.$$q = u),
(this.$$exceptionHandler = e),
(function(t) {
t.$$scope.$watch(function(e) {
var n = t.$$ngModelGet(e);
return (
n === t.$modelValue ||
(t.$modelValue != t.$modelValue && n != n) ||
(Ko.$inject = [
(Ko.prototype = {
$$initGetterSetters: function() {
if (this.$options.getOption("getterSetter")) {
var t = this.$$parse(this.$$attr.ngModel + "()"),
e = this.$$parse(this.$$attr.ngModel + "($$$p)");
(this.$$ngModelGet = function(e) {
var n = this.$$parsedNgModel(e);
return K(n) && (n = t(e)), n;
(this.$$ngModelSet = function(t, n) {
? e(t, { $$$p: n })
: this.$$parsedNgModelAssign(t, n);
} else if (!this.$$parsedNgModel.assign)
throw Go(
"Expression '{0}' is non-assignable. Element: {1}",
$render: D,
$isEmpty: function(t) {
return V(t) || "" === t || null === t || t != t;
$$updateEmptyClasses: function(t) {
? (this.$$animate.removeClass(this.$$element, "ng-not-empty"),
this.$$animate.addClass(this.$$element, "ng-empty"))
: (this.$$animate.removeClass(this.$$element, "ng-empty"),
this.$$animate.addClass(this.$$element, "ng-not-empty"));
$setPristine: function() {
(this.$dirty = !1),
(this.$pristine = !0),
this.$$animate.removeClass(this.$$element, Wo),
this.$$animate.addClass(this.$$element, zo);
$setDirty: function() {
(this.$dirty = !0),
(this.$pristine = !1),
this.$$animate.removeClass(this.$$element, zo),
this.$$animate.addClass(this.$$element, Wo),
$setUntouched: function() {
(this.$touched = !1),
(this.$untouched = !0),
this.$$animate.setClass(this.$$element, "ng-untouched", "ng-touched");
$setTouched: function() {
(this.$touched = !0),
(this.$untouched = !1),
this.$$animate.setClass(this.$$element, "ng-touched", "ng-untouched");
$rollbackViewValue: function() {
(this.$viewValue = this.$$lastCommittedViewValue),
$validate: function() {
if (!M(this.$modelValue)) {
var t = this.$$lastCommittedViewValue,
e = this.$$rawModelValue,
n = this.$valid,
r = this.$modelValue,
i = this.$options.getOption("allowInvalid"),
o = this;
this.$$runValidators(e, t, function(t) {
i ||
n === t ||
((o.$modelValue = t ? e : void 0),
o.$modelValue !== r && o.$$writeModelToScope());
$$runValidators: function(t, e, n) {
var r = this.$$currentValidationRunId,
i = this;
function o(t, e) {
r === i.$$currentValidationRunId && i.$setValidity(t, e);
function a(t) {
r === i.$$currentValidationRunId && n(t);
!(function() {
var t = i.$$parserName;
if (!V(i.$$parserValid))
return (
i.$$parserValid ||
(C(i.$validators, function(t, e) {
o(e, null);
C(i.$asyncValidators, function(t, e) {
o(e, null);
o(t, i.$$parserValid),
o(t, null);
return !0;
? a(!1)
: (function() {
var n = !0;
if (
(C(i.$validators, function(r, i) {
var a = Boolean(r(t, e));
(n = n && a), o(i, a);
return (
C(i.$asyncValidators, function(t, e) {
o(e, null);
return !0;
? (function() {
var n = [],
r = !0;
C(i.$asyncValidators, function(i, a) {
var u = i(t, e);
if (!Q(u))
throw Go(
"Expected asynchronous validator to return a promise but got '{0}' instead.",
o(a, void 0),
function() {
o(a, !0);
function() {
(r = !1), o(a, !1);
? i.$$q.all(n).then(function() {
}, D)
: a(!0);
: a(!1);
$commitViewValue: function() {
var t = this.$viewValue;
(this.$$lastCommittedViewValue !== t ||
("" === t && this.$$hasNativeValidators)) &&
(this.$$lastCommittedViewValue = t),
this.$pristine && this.$setDirty(),
$$parseAndValidate: function() {
var t = this.$$lastCommittedViewValue,
e = this;
if (
((this.$$parserValid = !V(t) || void 0),
this.$setValidity(this.$$parserName, null),
(this.$$parserName = "parse"),
for (var n = 0; n < this.$parsers.length; n++)
if (V((t = this.$parsers[n](t)))) {
this.$$parserValid = !1;
M(this.$modelValue) && (this.$modelValue = this.$$ngModelGet(this.$$scope));
var r = this.$modelValue,
i = this.$options.getOption("allowInvalid");
function o() {
e.$modelValue !== r && e.$$writeModelToScope();
(this.$$rawModelValue = t),
i && ((this.$modelValue = t), o()),
this.$$runValidators(t, this.$$lastCommittedViewValue, function(n) {
i || ((e.$modelValue = n ? t : void 0), o());
$$writeModelToScope: function() {
this.$$ngModelSet(this.$$scope, this.$modelValue),
function(t) {
try {
} catch (t) {
$setViewValue: function(t, e) {
(this.$viewValue = t),
this.$options.getOption("updateOnDefault") && this.$$debounceViewValueCommit(e);
$$debounceViewValueCommit: function(t) {
var e = this.$options.getOption("debounce");
? (e = e[t])
: B(e.default) && -1 === this.$options.getOption("updateOn").indexOf(t)
? (e = e.default)
: B(e["*"]) && (e = e["*"]),
var n = this;
e > 0
? (this.$$pendingDebounce = this.$$timeout(function() {
}, e))
: this.$$rootScope.$$phase
? this.$commitViewValue()
: this.$$scope.$apply(function() {
$overrideModelOptions: function(t) {
(this.$options = this.$options.createChild(t)), this.$$setUpdateOnEvents();
$processModelValue: function() {
var t = this.$$format();
this.$viewValue !== t &&
(this.$viewValue = this.$$lastCommittedViewValue = t),
this.$$runValidators(this.$modelValue, this.$viewValue, D));
$$format: function() {
for (var t = this.$formatters, e = t.length, n = this.$modelValue; e--; )
n = t[e](n);
return n;
$$setModelValue: function(t) {
(this.$modelValue = this.$$rawModelValue = t),
(this.$$parserValid = void 0),
$$setUpdateOnEvents: function() {
this.$$updateEvents &&
this.$$element.off(this.$$updateEvents, this.$$updateEventHandler),
(this.$$updateEvents = this.$options.getOption("updateOn")),
this.$$updateEvents &&
this.$$element.on(this.$$updateEvents, this.$$updateEventHandler);
$$updateEventHandler: function(t) {
this.$$debounceViewValueCommit(t && t.type);
clazz: Ko,
set: function(t, e) {
t[e] = !0;
unset: function(t, e) {
delete t[e];
var Jo,
Yo = [
function(t) {
return {
restrict: "A",
require: ["ngModel", "^?form", "^?ngModelOptions"],
controller: Ko,
priority: 1,
compile: function(e) {
return (
pre: function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = r[0],
o = r[1] || i.$$parentForm,
a = r[2];
a && (i.$options = a.$options),
n.$observe("name", function(t) {
i.$name !== t && i.$$parentForm.$$renameControl(i, t);
t.$on("$destroy", function() {
post: function(e, n, r, i) {
var o = i[0];
function a() {
n.on("blur", function() {
o.$touched || (t.$$phase ? e.$evalAsync(a) : e.$apply(a));
Zo = /(\s+|^)default(\s+|$)/;
function Xo(t) {
this.$$options = t;
(Xo.prototype = {
getOption: function(t) {
return this.$$options[t];
createChild: function(t) {
var e = !1;
return (
(t = O({}, t)),
function(n, r) {
"$inherit" === n
? "*" === r
? (e = !0)
: ((t[r] = this.$$options[r]),
"updateOn" === r && (t.updateOnDefault = this.$$options.updateOnDefault))
: "updateOn" === r &&
((t.updateOnDefault = !1),
(t[r] = et(
n.replace(Zo, function() {
return (t.updateOnDefault = !0), " ";
e && (delete t["*"], ta(t, this.$$options)),
ta(t, Jo.$$options),
new Xo(t)
(Jo = new Xo({
updateOn: "",
updateOnDefault: !0,
debounce: 0,
getterSetter: !1,
allowInvalid: !1,
timezone: null
var Qo = function() {
function t(t, e) {
(this.$$attrs = t), (this.$$scope = e);
return (
(t.$inject = ["$attrs", "$scope"]),
(t.prototype = {
$onInit: function() {
var t = this.parentCtrl ? this.parentCtrl.$options : Jo,
e = this.$$scope.$eval(this.$$attrs.ngModelOptions);
this.$options = t.createChild(e);
restrict: "A",
priority: 10,
require: { parentCtrl: "?^^ngModelOptions" },
bindToController: !0,
controller: t
function ta(t, e) {
C(e, function(e, n) {
q(t[n]) || (t[n] = e);
var ea = qi({ terminal: !0, priority: 1e3 }),
na = o("ngOptions"),
ra = /^\s*([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+as\s+([\s\S]+?))?(?:\s+group\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?(?:\s+disable\s+when\s+([\s\S]+?))?\s+for\s+(?:([$\w][$\w]*)|(?:\(\s*([$\w][$\w]*)\s*,\s*([$\w][$\w]*)\s*\)))\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)(?:\s+track\s+by\s+([\s\S]+?))?$/,
ia = [
function(t, n, r) {
var i = e.document.createElement("option"),
o = e.document.createElement("optgroup");
return {
restrict: "A",
terminal: !0,
require: ["select", "ngModel"],
link: {
pre: function(t, e, n, r) {
r[0].registerOption = D;
post: function(e, a, s, c) {
for (
var l = c[0],
f = c[1],
p = s.multiple,
h = 0,
d = a.children(),
v = d.length;
h < v;
if ("" === d[h].value) {
(l.hasEmptyOption = !0), (l.emptyOption = d.eq(h));
var g,
m = !!l.emptyOption;
var $ = (function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.match(ra);
if (!i)
throw na(
"Expected expression in form of '_select_ (as _label_)? for (_key_,)?_value_ in _collection_' but got '{0}'. Element: {1}",
var o = i[5] || i[7],
a = i[6],
u = / as /.test(i[0]) && i[1],
s = i[9],
c = r(i[2] ? i[1] : o),
l = (u && r(u)) || c,
f = s && r(s),
p = s
? function(t, e) {
return f(n, e);
: function(t) {
return Ve(t);
h = function(t, e) {
return p(t, y(t, e));
d = r(i[2] || i[1]),
v = r(i[3] || ""),
g = r(i[4] || ""),
m = r(i[8]),
$ = {},
y = a
? function(t, e) {
return ($[a] = e), ($[o] = t), $;
: function(t) {
return ($[o] = t), $;
function b(t, e, n, r, i) {
(this.selectValue = t),
(this.viewValue = e),
(this.label = n),
(this.group = r),
(this.disabled = i);
function w(t) {
var e;
if (!a && _(t)) e = t;
for (var n in ((e = []), t))
t.hasOwnProperty(n) && "$" !== n.charAt(0) && e.push(n);
return e;
return {
trackBy: s,
getTrackByValue: h,
getWatchables: r(m, function(t) {
for (
var e = [], r = w((t = t || [])), o = r.length, a = 0;
a < o;
) {
var u = t === r ? a : r[a],
s = t[u],
c = y(s, u),
l = p(s, c);
if ((e.push(l), i[2] || i[1])) {
var f = d(n, c);
if (i[4]) {
var h = g(n, c);
return e;
getOptions: function() {
for (
var t = [], e = {}, r = m(n) || [], i = w(r), o = i.length, a = 0;
a < o;
) {
var u = r === i ? a : i[a],
c = r[u],
f = y(c, u),
$ = l(n, f),
x = p($, f),
_ = new b(x, $, d(n, f), v(n, f), g(n, f));
t.push(_), (e[x] = _);
return {
items: t,
selectValueMap: e,
getOptionFromViewValue: function(t) {
return e[h(t)];
getViewValueFromOption: function(t) {
return s ? ut(t.viewValue) : t.viewValue;
})(s.ngOptions, a, e),
y = n[0].createDocumentFragment();
function b(t, e) {
var n = i.cloneNode(!1);
(function(t, e) {
(t.element = e),
(e.disabled = t.disabled),
t.label !== e.label &&
((e.label = t.label), (e.textContent = t.label)),
(e.value = t.selectValue);
})(t, n);
function w(t) {
var e = g.getOptionFromViewValue(t),
n = e && e.element;
return n && !n.selected && (n.selected = !0), e;
(l.generateUnknownOptionValue = function(t) {
return "?";
? ((l.writeValue = function(t) {
if (g) {
var e = (t && t.map(w)) || [];
g.items.forEach(function(t) {
t.element.selected && !ot(e, t) && (t.element.selected = !1);
(l.readValue = function() {
var t = [];
return (
C(a.val() || [], function(e) {
var n = g.selectValueMap[e];
n && !n.disabled && t.push(g.getViewValueFromOption(n));
$.trackBy &&
function() {
if (W(f.$viewValue))
return f.$viewValue.map(function(t) {
return $.getTrackByValue(t);
function() {
: ((l.writeValue = function(t) {
if (g) {
var e = a[0].options[a[0].selectedIndex],
n = g.getOptionFromViewValue(t);
e && e.removeAttribute("selected"),
? (a[0].value !== n.selectValue &&
(a[0].value = n.selectValue),
(n.element.selected = !0)),
n.element.setAttribute("selected", "selected"))
: l.selectUnknownOrEmptyOption(t);
(l.readValue = function() {
var t = g.selectValueMap[a.val()];
return t && !t.disabled
? (l.unselectEmptyOption(),
: null;
$.trackBy &&
function() {
return $.getTrackByValue(f.$viewValue);
function() {
m &&
l.emptyOption[0].nodeType === Bt
? ((l.hasEmptyOption = !1),
(l.registerOption = function(t, e) {
"" === e.val() &&
((l.hasEmptyOption = !0),
(l.emptyOption = e),
e.on("$destroy", function() {
var t = l.$isEmptyOptionSelected();
(l.hasEmptyOption = !1),
(l.emptyOption = void 0),
t && f.$render();
: l.emptyOption.removeClass("ng-scope")),
e.$watchCollection($.getWatchables, function() {
var t = g && l.readValue();
if (g)
for (var e = g.items.length - 1; e >= 0; e--) {
var n = g.items[e];
q(n.group) ? Te(n.element.parentNode) : Te(n.element);
var r = {};
if (
((g = $.getOptions()).items.forEach(function(t) {
var e;
? ((e = r[t.group]) ||
((e = o.cloneNode(!1)),
(e.label = null === t.group ? "null" : t.group),
(r[t.group] = e)),
b(t, e))
: b(t, y);
) {
var i = l.readValue(),
u = $.trackBy || p;
(u ? ct(t, i) : t === i) || (f.$setViewValue(i), f.$render());
oa = [
function(t, e, n) {
var r = /{}/g,
i = /^when(Minus)?(.+)$/;
return {
link: function(o, a, u) {
var s,
c = u.count,
l = u.$attr.when && a.attr(u.$attr.when),
f = u.offset || 0,
p = o.$eval(l) || {},
d = {},
v = e.startSymbol(),
g = e.endSymbol(),
m = v + c + "-" + f + g,
$ = w.noop;
function y(t) {
a.text(t || "");
C(u, function(t, e) {
var n = i.exec(e);
if (n) {
var r = (n[1] ? "-" : "") + h(n[2]);
p[r] = a.attr(u.$attr[e]);
C(p, function(t, n) {
d[n] = e(t.replace(r, m));
o.$watch(c, function(e) {
var r = parseFloat(e),
i = M(r);
if ((i || r in p || (r = t.pluralCat(r - f)), !(r === s || (i && M(s))))) {
var a = d[r];
? (null != e &&
n.debug("ngPluralize: no rule defined for '" + r + "' in " + l),
($ = D),
: ($ = o.$watch(a, y)),
(s = r);
aa = o("ngRef"),
ua = [
function(t) {
return {
priority: -1,
restrict: "A",
compile: function(e, n) {
var r = bn(it(e)),
i = t(n.ngRef),
o =
i.assign ||
function() {
throw aa(
'Expression in ngRef="{0}" is non-assignable!',
return function(t, e, a) {
var u;
if (a.hasOwnProperty("ngRefRead")) {
if ("$element" === a.ngRefRead) u = e;
else if (!(u = e.data("$" + a.ngRefRead + "Controller")))
throw aa(
'The controller for ngRefRead="{0}" could not be found on ngRef="{1}"',
} else u = e.data("$" + r + "Controller");
o(t, (u = u || e)),
e.on("$destroy", function() {
i(t) === u && o(t, null);
sa = [
function(t, e, n) {
var r = o("ngRepeat"),
i = function(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
(t[n] = r),
i && (t[i] = o),
(t.$index = e),
(t.$first = 0 === e),
(t.$last = e === a - 1),
(t.$middle = !(t.$first || t.$last)),
(t.$odd = !(t.$even = 0 == (1 & e)));
a = function(t) {
return t.clone[0];
u = function(t) {
return t.clone[t.clone.length - 1];
return {
restrict: "A",
multiElement: !0,
transclude: "element",
priority: 1e3,
terminal: !0,
$$tlb: !0,
compile: function(o, s) {
var c = s.ngRepeat,
l = n.$$createComment("end ngRepeat", c),
f = c.match(
if (!f)
throw r(
"Expected expression in form of '_item_ in _collection_[ track by _id_]' but got '{0}'.",
var h = f[1],
d = f[2],
v = f[3],
g = f[4];
if (!(f = h.match(/^(?:(\s*[$\w]+)|\(\s*([$\w]+)\s*,\s*([$\w]+)\s*\))$/)))
throw r(
"'_item_' in '_item_ in _collection_' should be an identifier or '(_key_, _value_)' expression, but got '{0}'.",
var m,
w = f[3] || f[1],
x = f[2];
if (
v &&
(!/^[$a-zA-Z_][$a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(v) ||
throw r(
"alias '{0}' is invalid --- must be a valid JS identifier which is not a reserved name.",
var S = { $id: Ve };
return (
? (m = t(g))
: ((y = function(t, e) {
return Ve(e);
(b = function(t) {
return t;
function(t, n, o, s, f) {
m &&
($ = function(e, n, r) {
return x && (S[x] = e), (S[w] = n), (S.$index = r), m(t, S);
var h = qt();
t.$watchCollection(d, function(o) {
var s,
M = n[0],
L = qt();
if ((v && (t[v] = o), _(o))) (T = o), (A = $ || y);
for (var D in ((A = $ || b), (T = []), o))
p.call(o, D) && "$" !== D.charAt(0) && T.push(D);
for (m = T.length, j = new Array(m), s = 0; s < m; s++)
if (((S = o === T ? s : T[s]), (E = o[S]), (k = A(S, E, s)), h[k]))
(O = h[k]), delete h[k], (L[k] = O), (j[s] = O);
else {
if (L[k])
throw (C(j, function(t) {
t && t.scope && (h[t.id] = t);
"Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: {0}, Duplicate key: {1}, Duplicate value: {2}",
(j[s] = { id: k, scope: void 0, clone: void 0 }), (L[k] = !0);
for (var I in h) {
if (((N = Vt((O = h[I]).clone)), e.leave(N), N[0].parentNode))
for (s = 0, d = N.length; s < d; s++) N[s].$$NG_REMOVED = !0;
for (s = 0; s < m; s++)
if (((S = o === T ? s : T[s]), (E = o[S]), (O = j[s]).scope)) {
g = M;
do {
g = g.nextSibling;
} while (g && g.$$NG_REMOVED);
a(O) !== g && e.move(Vt(O.clone), null, M),
(M = u(O)),
i(O.scope, s, w, E, x, S, m);
} else
f(function(t, n) {
O.scope = n;
var r = l.cloneNode(!1);
(t[t.length++] = r),
e.enter(t, null, M),
(M = r),
(O.clone = t),
(L[O.id] = O),
i(O.scope, s, w, E, x, S, m);
h = L;
ca = [
function(t) {
return {
restrict: "A",
multiElement: !0,
link: function(e, n, r) {
e.$watch(r.ngShow, function(e) {
t[e ? "removeClass" : "addClass"](n, "ng-hide", {
tempClasses: "ng-hide-animate"
la = [
function(t) {
return {
restrict: "A",
multiElement: !0,
link: function(e, n, r) {
e.$watch(r.ngHide, function(e) {
t[e ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](n, "ng-hide", {
tempClasses: "ng-hide-animate"
fa = qi(function(t, e, n) {
t.$watchCollection(n.ngStyle, function(t, n) {
n &&
t !== n &&
C(n, function(t, n) {
e.css(n, "");
t && e.css(t);
pa = [
function(t, e) {
return {
require: "ngSwitch",
controller: [
function() {
this.cases = {};
link: function(n, r, i, o) {
var a = i.ngSwitch || i.on,
u = [],
s = [],
c = [],
l = [],
f = function(t, e) {
return function(n) {
!1 !== n && t.splice(e, 1);
n.$watch(a, function(n) {
for (var r, i; c.length; ) t.cancel(c.pop());
for (r = 0, i = l.length; r < i; ++r) {
var a = Vt(s[r].clone);
l[r].$destroy(), (c[r] = t.leave(a)).done(f(c, r));
(s.length = 0),
(l.length = 0),
(u = o.cases["!" + n] || o.cases["?"]) &&
C(u, function(n) {
n.transclude(function(r, i) {
var o = n.element;
r[r.length++] = e.$$createComment("end ngSwitchWhen");
var a = { clone: r };
s.push(a), t.enter(r, o.parent(), o);
ha = qi({
transclude: "element",
priority: 1200,
require: "^ngSwitch",
multiElement: !0,
link: function(t, e, n, r, i) {
.filter(function(t, e, n) {
return n[e - 1] !== t;
function(t) {
(r.cases["!" + t] = r.cases["!" + t] || []),
r.cases["!" + t].push({ transclude: i, element: e });
da = qi({
transclude: "element",
priority: 1200,
require: "^ngSwitch",
multiElement: !0,
link: function(t, e, n, r, i) {
(r.cases["?"] = r.cases["?"] || []),
r.cases["?"].push({ transclude: i, element: e });
va = o("ngTransclude"),
ga = [
function(t) {
return {
restrict: "EAC",
compile: function(e) {
var n = t(e.contents());
return (
function(t, e, r, i, o) {
if (!o)
throw va(
"Illegal use of ngTransclude directive in the template! No parent directive that requires a transclusion found. Element: {0}",
r.ngTransclude === r.$attr.ngTransclude && (r.ngTransclude = "");
var a = r.ngTransclude || r.ngTranscludeSlot;
function u() {
n(t, function(t) {
function(t, n) {
t.length &&
(function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++) {
var r = t[e];
if (r.nodeType !== Ht || r.nodeValue.trim()) return !0;
? e.append(t)
: (u(), n.$destroy());
a && !o.isSlotFilled(a) && u();
ma = [
function(t) {
return {
restrict: "E",
terminal: !0,
compile: function(e, n) {
if ("text/ng-template" === n.type) {
var r = n.id,
i = e[0].text;
t.put(r, i);
$a = { $setViewValue: D, $render: D };
function ya(t, e) {
t.prop("selected", e), t.attr("selected", e);
var ba = [
function(t, n) {
var r = this,
i = new Fe();
(r.selectValueMap = {}),
(r.ngModelCtrl = $a),
(r.multiple = !1),
(r.unknownOption = u(e.document.createElement("option"))),
(r.hasEmptyOption = !1),
(r.emptyOption = void 0),
(r.renderUnknownOption = function(e) {
var n = r.generateUnknownOptionValue(e);
ya(r.unknownOption, !0),
(r.updateUnknownOption = function(e) {
var n = r.generateUnknownOptionValue(e);
r.unknownOption.val(n), ya(r.unknownOption, !0), t.val(n);
(r.generateUnknownOptionValue = function(t) {
return "? " + Ve(t) + " ?";
(r.removeUnknownOption = function() {
r.unknownOption.parent() && r.unknownOption.remove();
(r.selectEmptyOption = function() {
r.emptyOption && (t.val(""), ya(r.emptyOption, !0));
(r.unselectEmptyOption = function() {
r.hasEmptyOption && ya(r.emptyOption, !1);
n.$on("$destroy", function() {
r.renderUnknownOption = D;
(r.readValue = function() {
var e = t.val(),
n = e in r.selectValueMap ? r.selectValueMap[e] : e;
return r.hasOption(n) ? n : null;
(r.writeValue = function(e) {
var n = t[0].options[t[0].selectedIndex];
if ((n && ya(u(n), !1), r.hasOption(e))) {
var i = Ve(e);
t.val(i in r.selectValueMap ? i : e);
var o = t[0].options[t[0].selectedIndex];
ya(u(o), !0);
} else r.selectUnknownOrEmptyOption(e);
(r.addOption = function(t, e) {
if (e[0].nodeType !== Bt) {
Pt(t, '"option value"'),
"" === t && ((r.hasEmptyOption = !0), (r.emptyOption = e));
var n = i.get(t) || 0;
i.set(t, n + 1), a();
(r.removeOption = function(t) {
var e = i.get(t);
e &&
(1 === e
? (i.delete(t),
"" === t && ((r.hasEmptyOption = !1), (r.emptyOption = void 0)))
: i.set(t, e - 1));
(r.hasOption = function(t) {
return !!i.get(t);
(r.$hasEmptyOption = function() {
return r.hasEmptyOption;
(r.$isUnknownOptionSelected = function() {
return t[0].options[0] === r.unknownOption[0];
(r.$isEmptyOptionSelected = function() {
return (
r.hasEmptyOption && t[0].options[t[0].selectedIndex] === r.emptyOption[0]
(r.selectUnknownOrEmptyOption = function(t) {
null == t && r.emptyOption
? (r.removeUnknownOption(), r.selectEmptyOption())
: r.unknownOption.parent().length
? r.updateUnknownOption(t)
: r.renderUnknownOption(t);
var o = !1;
function a() {
o ||
((o = !0),
n.$$postDigest(function() {
(o = !1), r.ngModelCtrl.$render();
var s = !1;
function c(t) {
s ||
((s = !0),
n.$$postDigest(function() {
n.$$destroyed ||
((s = !1),
t && r.ngModelCtrl.$render());
r.registerOption = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
if (n.$attr.ngValue) {
var u,
s = NaN;
n.$observe("value", function(t) {
var n,
i = e.prop("selected");
q(s) && (r.removeOption(u), delete r.selectValueMap[s], (n = !0)),
(s = Ve(t)),
(u = t),
(r.selectValueMap[s] = t),
r.addOption(t, e),
e.attr("value", s),
n && i && c();
} else
? n.$observe("value", function(t) {
var n;
var i = e.prop("selected");
q(u) && (r.removeOption(u), (n = !0)),
(u = t),
r.addOption(t, e),
n && i && c();
: o
? t.$watch(o, function(t, i) {
n.$set("value", t);
var o = e.prop("selected");
i !== t && r.removeOption(i), r.addOption(t, e), i && o && c();
: r.addOption(n.value, e);
n.$observe("disabled", function(t) {
("true" === t || (t && e.prop("selected"))) &&
? c(!0)
: (r.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(null), r.ngModelCtrl.$render()));
e.on("$destroy", function() {
var t = r.readValue(),
e = n.value;
((r.multiple && t && -1 !== t.indexOf(e)) || t === e) && c(!0);
wa = function() {
return {
restrict: "E",
require: ["select", "?ngModel"],
controller: ba,
priority: 1,
link: {
pre: function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = r[0],
o = r[1];
if (!o) return void (i.registerOption = D);
if (
((i.ngModelCtrl = o),
e.on("change", function() {
t.$apply(function() {
) {
(i.multiple = !0),
(i.readValue = function() {
var t = [];
return (
C(e.find("option"), function(e) {
if (e.selected && !e.disabled) {
var n = e.value;
t.push(n in i.selectValueMap ? i.selectValueMap[n] : n);
(i.writeValue = function(t) {
C(e.find("option"), function(e) {
var n = !!t && (ot(t, e.value) || ot(t, i.selectValueMap[e.value])),
r = e.selected;
n !== r && ya(u(e), n);
var a,
s = NaN;
t.$watch(function() {
s !== o.$viewValue ||
ct(a, o.$viewValue) ||
((a = Gt(o.$viewValue)), o.$render()),
(s = o.$viewValue);
(o.$isEmpty = function(t) {
return !t || 0 === t.length;
post: function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = r[1];
if (!i) return;
var o = r[0];
i.$render = function() {
xa = [
function(t) {
return {
restrict: "E",
priority: 100,
compile: function(e, n) {
var r, i;
return (
q(n.ngValue) ||
? (r = t(n.value, !0))
: (i = t(e.text(), !0)) || n.$set("value", e.text())),
function(t, e, n) {
var o = e.parent(),
a = o.data("$selectController") || o.parent().data("$selectController");
a && a.registerOption(t, e, n, r, i);
_a = function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
require: "?ngModel",
link: function(t, e, n, r) {
r &&
((n.required = !0),
(r.$validators.required = function(t, e) {
return !n.required || !r.$isEmpty(e);
n.$observe("required", function() {
Ca = function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
require: "?ngModel",
link: function(t, e, n, r) {
if (r) {
var i,
a = n.ngPattern || n.pattern;
n.$observe("pattern", function(t) {
if ((H(t) && t.length > 0 && (t = new RegExp("^" + t + "$")), t && !t.test))
throw o("ngPattern")(
"Expected {0} to be a RegExp but was {1}. Element: {2}",
(i = t || void 0), r.$validate();
(r.$validators.pattern = function(t, e) {
return r.$isEmpty(e) || V(i) || i.test(e);
Sa = function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
require: "?ngModel",
link: function(t, e, n, r) {
if (r) {
var i = -1;
n.$observe("maxlength", function(t) {
var e = N(t);
(i = M(e) ? -1 : e), r.$validate();
(r.$validators.maxlength = function(t, e) {
return i < 0 || r.$isEmpty(e) || e.length <= i;
Ea = function() {
return {
restrict: "A",
require: "?ngModel",
link: function(t, e, n, r) {
if (r) {
var i = 0;
n.$observe("minlength", function(t) {
(i = N(t) || 0), r.$validate();
(r.$validators.minlength = function(t, e) {
return r.$isEmpty(e) || e.length >= i;
? e.console && console.log("WARNING: Tried to load AngularJS more than once.")
: (!(function() {
var n;
if (!Dt) {
var r = ft();
(s = V(r) ? t : r ? e[r] : void 0) && s.fn.on
? ((u = s),
O(s.fn, {
scope: je.scope,
isolateScope: je.isolateScope,
controller: je.controller,
injector: je.injector,
inheritedData: je.inheritedData
: (u = he),
(n = u.cleanData),
(u.cleanData = function(t) {
for (var e, r, i = 0; null != (r = t[i]); i++)
(e = (u._data(r) || {}).events) &&
e.$destroy &&
(w.element = u),
(Dt = !0);
(function(t) {
O(t, {
errorHandlingConfig: r,
bootstrap: Ot,
copy: ut,
extend: O,
merge: j,
equals: ct,
element: u,
forEach: C,
injector: Xe,
noop: D,
bind: dt,
toJson: gt,
fromJson: mt,
identity: I,
isUndefined: V,
isDefined: q,
isString: H,
isFunction: K,
isObject: U,
isNumber: B,
isElement: rt,
isArray: W,
version: Jt,
isDate: z,
callbacks: { $$counter: 0 },
getTestability: Nt,
reloadWithDebugInfo: jt,
$$minErr: o,
$$csp: lt,
$$encodeUriSegment: St,
$$encodeUriQuery: Et,
$$lowercase: h,
$$stringify: Ut,
$$uppercase: d
(c = (function(t) {
var e = o("$injector"),
n = o("ng");
function r(t, e, n) {
return t[e] || (t[e] = n());
var i = r(t, "angular", Object);
return (
(i.$$minErr = i.$$minErr || o),
r(i, "module", function() {
var t = {};
return function(i, o, a) {
var u = {};
return (
(function(t, e) {
if ("hasOwnProperty" === t)
throw n("badname", "hasOwnProperty is not a valid {0} name", e);
})(i, "module"),
o && t.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = null),
r(t, i, function() {
if (!o)
throw e(
"Module '{0}' is not available! You either misspelled the module name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you specify the dependencies as the second argument.",
var t = [],
r = [],
s = [],
c = f("$injector", "invoke", "push", r),
l = {
_invokeQueue: t,
_configBlocks: r,
_runBlocks: s,
info: function(t) {
if (q(t)) {
if (!U(t))
throw n(
"Argument '{0}' must be an object",
return (u = t), this;
return u;
requires: o,
name: i,
provider: p("$provide", "provider"),
factory: p("$provide", "factory"),
service: p("$provide", "service"),
value: f("$provide", "value"),
constant: f("$provide", "constant", "unshift"),
decorator: p("$provide", "decorator", r),
animation: p("$animateProvider", "register"),
filter: p("$filterProvider", "register"),
controller: p("$controllerProvider", "register"),
directive: p("$compileProvider", "directive"),
component: p("$compileProvider", "component"),
config: c,
run: function(t) {
return s.push(t), this;
return a && c(a), l;
function f(e, n, r, i) {
return (
i || (i = t),
function() {
return i[r || "push"]([e, n, arguments]), l;
function p(e, n, r) {
return (
r || (r = t),
function(t, o) {
return (
o && K(o) && (o.$$moduleName = i),
r.push([e, n, arguments]),
function(t) {
t.provider({ $$sanitizeUri: zr }),
.provider("$compile", gn)
a: Ui,
input: xo,
textarea: xo,
form: Gi,
script: ma,
select: wa,
option: xa,
ngBind: So,
ngBindHtml: ko,
ngBindTemplate: Eo,
ngClass: Oo,
ngClassEven: No,
ngClassOdd: jo,
ngCloak: Mo,
ngController: Lo,
ngForm: Ki,
ngHide: la,
ngIf: Po,
ngInclude: Vo,
ngInit: Uo,
ngNonBindable: ea,
ngPluralize: oa,
ngRef: ua,
ngRepeat: sa,
ngShow: ca,
ngStyle: fa,
ngSwitch: pa,
ngSwitchWhen: ha,
ngSwitchDefault: da,
ngOptions: ia,
ngTransclude: ga,
ngModel: Yo,
ngList: Fo,
ngChange: Ao,
pattern: Ca,
ngPattern: Ca,
required: _a,
ngRequired: _a,
minlength: Ea,
ngMinlength: Ea,
maxlength: Sa,
ngMaxlength: Sa,
ngValue: Co,
ngModelOptions: Qo
.directive({ ngInclude: qo })
$anchorScroll: Qe,
$animate: un,
$animateCss: ln,
$$animateJs: on,
$$animateQueue: an,
$$AnimateRunner: cn,
$$animateAsyncRun: sn,
$browser: fn,
$cacheFactory: pn,
$controller: Sn,
$document: En,
$$isDocumentHidden: kn,
$exceptionHandler: An,
$filter: di,
$$forceReflow: Tn,
$interpolate: Kn,
$interval: Yn,
$$intervalFactory: Zn,
$http: Bn,
$httpParamSerializer: Rn,
$httpParamSerializerJQLike: Pn,
$httpBackend: Wn,
$xhrFactory: zn,
$jsonpCallbacks: Xn,
$location: vr,
$log: gr,
$parse: Ir,
$rootScope: Br,
$q: Rr,
$$q: Pr,
$sce: Xr,
$sceDelegate: Zr,
$sniffer: Qr,
$$taskTrackerFactory: ti,
$templateCache: hn,
$templateRequest: ni,
$$testability: ri,
$timeout: oi,
$window: fi,
$$rAF: Hr,
$$jqLite: Pe,
$$Map: He,
$$cookieReader: hi
).info({ angularVersion: "1.7.3" });
function(t) {
var e = "one",
n = "other";
t.value("$locale", {
AMPMS: ["AM", "PM"],
DAY: [
ERANAMES: ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"],
ERAS: ["BC", "AD"],
SHORTDAY: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
fullDate: "EEEE, MMMM d, y",
longDate: "MMMM d, y",
medium: "MMM d, y h:mm:ss a",
mediumDate: "MMM d, y",
mediumTime: "h:mm:ss a",
short: "M/d/yy h:mm a",
shortDate: "M/d/yy",
shortTime: "h:mm a"
gSize: 3,
lgSize: 3,
maxFrac: 3,
minFrac: 0,
minInt: 1,
negPre: "-",
negSuf: "",
posPre: "",
posSuf: ""
gSize: 3,
lgSize: 3,
maxFrac: 2,
minFrac: 2,
minInt: 1,
negPre: "-¤",
negSuf: "",
posPre: "¤",
posSuf: ""
id: "en-us",
localeID: "en_US",
pluralCat: function(t, r) {
var i = 0 | t,
o = (function(t, e) {
var n = e;
void 0 === n &&
(n = Math.min(
(function(t) {
var e = (t += "").indexOf(".");
return -1 == e ? 0 : t.length - e - 1;
var r = Math.pow(10, n);
return { v: n, f: ((t * r) | 0) % r };
})(t, r);
return 1 == i && 0 == o.v ? e : n;
u(function() {
Tt(e.document, Ot);
!window.angular.$$csp().noInlineStyle &&
'<style type="text/css">@charset "UTF-8";[ng\\:cloak],[ng-cloak],[data-ng-cloak],[x-ng-cloak],.ng-cloak,.x-ng-cloak,.ng-hide:not(.ng-hide-animate){display:none !important;}ng\\:form{display:block;}.ng-animate-shim{visibility:hidden;}.ng-anchor{position:absolute;}</style>'
}.call(this, n(1)));
31: function(t, e, n) {
var r;
* angular-translate - v2.18.1 - 2018-05-19
* Copyright (c) 2018 The angular-translate team, Pascal Precht; Licensed MIT
*/ void 0 ===
(r = function() {
return (function() {
function t(t) {
"use strict";
var e = t.storageKey(),
n = t.storage(),
r = function() {
var r = t.preferredLanguage();
angular.isString(r) ? t.use(r) : n.put(e, t.use());
(r.displayName = "fallbackFromIncorrectStorageValue"),
? n.get(e)
? t.use(n.get(e)).catch(r)
: r()
: angular.isString(t.preferredLanguage()) && t.use(t.preferredLanguage());
function e(t, e, n, r) {
"use strict";
var i,
b = {},
w = [],
x = t,
_ = [],
C = "translate-cloak",
S = !1,
E = !1,
k = ".",
A = !1,
T = !1,
O = 0,
j = !0,
N = "default",
M = {
default: function(t) {
return (t || "").split("-").join("_");
java: function(t) {
var e = (t || "").split("-").join("_"),
n = e.split("_");
return n.length > 1 ? n[0].toLowerCase() + "_" + n[1].toUpperCase() : e;
bcp47: function(t) {
var e = (t || "").split("_").join("-"),
n = e.split("-");
switch (n.length) {
case 1:
n[0] = n[0].toLowerCase();
case 2:
(n[0] = n[0].toLowerCase()),
4 === n[1].length
? (n[1] = n[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + n[1].slice(1).toLowerCase())
: (n[1] = n[1].toUpperCase());
case 3:
(n[0] = n[0].toLowerCase()),
(n[1] = n[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + n[1].slice(1).toLowerCase()),
(n[2] = n[2].toUpperCase());
return e;
return n.join("-");
"iso639-1": function(t) {
var e = (t || "").split("_").join("-"),
n = e.split("-");
return n[0].toLowerCase();
L = function() {
if (angular.isFunction(r.getLocale)) return r.getLocale();
var t,
i = e.$get().navigator,
o = ["language", "browserLanguage", "systemLanguage", "userLanguage"];
if (angular.isArray(i.languages))
for (t = 0; t < i.languages.length; t++)
if ((n = i.languages[t]) && n.length) return n;
for (t = 0; t < o.length; t++) if ((n = i[o[t]]) && n.length) return n;
return null;
L.displayName = "angular-translate/service: getFirstBrowserLanguage";
var D = function() {
var t = L() || "";
return M[N] && (t = M[N](t)), t;
D.displayName = "angular-translate/service: getLocale";
var I = function(t, e) {
for (var n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) if (t[n] === e) return n;
return -1;
R = function() {
return this.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
P = function(t) {
return angular.isString(t) ? t.toLowerCase() : t;
V = function(t) {
if (t) {
for (var e, n = [], r = P(t), i = 0, a = w.length; i < a; i++) n.push(P(w[i]));
if ((i = I(n, r)) > -1) return w[i];
if (o)
for (var u in o)
if (o.hasOwnProperty(u)) {
var s = !1,
c = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, u) && P(u) === P(t);
if (
("*" === u.slice(-1) &&
(s = P(u.slice(0, -1)) === P(t.slice(0, u.length - 1))),
(c || s) && ((e = o[u]), I(n, P(e)) > -1))
return e;
var l = t.split("_");
return l.length > 1 && I(n, P(l[0])) > -1 ? l[0] : void 0;
q = function(t, e) {
if (!t && !e) return b;
if (t && !e) {
if (angular.isString(t)) return b[t];
} else angular.isObject(b[t]) || (b[t] = {}), angular.extend(b[t], U(e));
return this;
(this.translations = q),
(this.cloakClassName = function(t) {
return t ? ((C = t), this) : C;
(this.nestedObjectDelimeter = function(t) {
return t ? ((k = t), this) : k;
var U = function(t, e, n, r) {
var i, o, a, u;
for (i in (e || (e = []), n || (n = {}), t))
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) &&
((u = t[i]),
? U(u, e.concat(i), n, i)
: ((o = e.length ? "" + e.join(k) + k + i : i),
e.length && i === r && ((a = "" + e.join(k)), (n[a] = "@:" + o)),
(n[o] = u)));
return n;
(U.displayName = "flatObject"),
(this.addInterpolation = function(t) {
return _.push(t), this;
(this.useMessageFormatInterpolation = function() {
return this.useInterpolation("$translateMessageFormatInterpolation");
(this.useInterpolation = function(t) {
return (h = t), this;
(this.useSanitizeValueStrategy = function(t) {
return n.useStrategy(t), this;
(this.preferredLanguage = function(t) {
return t ? (F(t), this) : i;
var F = function(t) {
return t && (i = t), i;
(this.translationNotFoundIndicator = function(t) {
return (
(this.translationNotFoundIndicatorLeft = function(t) {
return t ? ((g = t), this) : g;
(this.translationNotFoundIndicatorRight = function(t) {
return t ? ((m = t), this) : m;
(this.fallbackLanguage = function(t) {
return H(t), this;
var H = function(t) {
return t
? (angular.isString(t)
? ((u = !0), (a = [t]))
: angular.isArray(t) && ((u = !1), (a = t)),
angular.isString(i) && I(a, i) < 0 && a.push(i),
: u
? a[0]
: a;
(this.use = function(t) {
if (t) {
if (!b[t] && !d)
throw new Error(
"$translateProvider couldn't find translationTable for langKey: '" + t + "'"
return (s = t), this;
return s;
(this.resolveClientLocale = function() {
return D();
var B = function(t) {
return t ? ((x = t), this) : f ? f + x : x;
(this.storageKey = B),
(this.useUrlLoader = function(t, e) {
return this.useLoader("$translateUrlLoader", angular.extend({ url: t }, e));
(this.useStaticFilesLoader = function(t) {
return this.useLoader("$translateStaticFilesLoader", t);
(this.useLoader = function(t, e) {
return (d = t), (v = e || {}), this;
(this.useLocalStorage = function() {
return this.useStorage("$translateLocalStorage");
(this.useCookieStorage = function() {
return this.useStorage("$translateCookieStorage");
(this.useStorage = function(t) {
return (l = t), this;
(this.storagePrefix = function(t) {
return t ? ((f = t), this) : t;
(this.useMissingTranslationHandlerLog = function() {
return this.useMissingTranslationHandler(
(this.useMissingTranslationHandler = function(t) {
return (p = t), this;
(this.usePostCompiling = function(t) {
return (S = !!t), this;
(this.forceAsyncReload = function(t) {
return (E = !!t), this;
(this.uniformLanguageTag = function(t) {
return (
t ? angular.isString(t) && (t = { standard: t }) : (t = {}),
(N = t.standard),
(this.determinePreferredLanguage = function(t) {
var e = t && angular.isFunction(t) ? t() : D();
return (i = (w.length && V(e)) || e), this;
(this.registerAvailableLanguageKeys = function(t, e) {
return t ? ((w = t), e && (o = e), this) : w;
(this.useLoaderCache = function(t) {
return (
!1 === t
? ($ = void 0)
: !0 === t
? ($ = !0)
: void 0 === t
? ($ = "$translationCache")
: t && ($ = t),
(this.directivePriority = function(t) {
return void 0 === t ? O : ((O = t), this);
(this.statefulFilter = function(t) {
return void 0 === t ? j : ((j = t), this);
(this.postProcess = function(t) {
return (y = t || void 0), this;
(this.keepContent = function(t) {
return (T = !!t), this;
(this.$get = [
function(t, e, n, r) {
var o,
M = e.get(h || "$translateDefaultInterpolation"),
L = !1,
P = {},
z = {},
W = function(t, e, n, u, c, p) {
!s && i && (s = i);
var h = c && c !== s ? V(c) || c : s;
if ((c && ot(c), angular.isArray(t)))
return (function(t) {
for (
var i = {},
o = [],
a = function(t) {
var o = r.defer(),
a = function(e) {
(i[t] = e), o.resolve([t, e]);
return W(t, e, n, u, c, p).then(a, a), o.promise;
s = 0,
l = t.length;
s < l;
return r.all(o).then(function() {
return i;
var d = r.defer();
t && (t = R.apply(t));
var v = (function() {
var t = z[h] || z[i];
if (((f = 0), l && !t)) {
var e = o.get(x);
if (((t = z[e]), a && a.length)) {
var n = I(a, e);
(f = 0 === n ? 1 : 0), I(a, i) < 0 && a.push(i);
return t;
if (v) {
var g = function() {
c || (h = s), nt(t, e, n, u, h, p).then(d.resolve, d.reject);
(g.displayName = "promiseResolved"), v.finally(g).catch(angular.noop);
} else nt(t, e, n, u, h, p).then(d.resolve, d.reject);
return d.promise;
G = function(t) {
return g && (t = [g, t].join(" ")), m && (t = [t, m].join(" ")), t;
K = function(t) {
(s = t),
l && o.put(W.storageKey(), s),
n.$emit("$translateChangeSuccess", { language: t }),
var e = function(t, e) {
(e.displayName = "eachInterpolatorLocaleSetter"),
angular.forEach(P, e),
n.$emit("$translateChangeEnd", { language: t });
J = function(t) {
if (!t) throw "No language key specified for loading.";
var i = r.defer();
n.$emit("$translateLoadingStart", { language: t }), (L = !0);
var o = $;
"string" == typeof o && (o = e.get(o));
var a = angular.extend({}, v, {
key: t,
$http: angular.extend({}, { cache: o }, v.$http)
u = function(e) {
var r = {};
n.$emit("$translateLoadingSuccess", { language: t }),
? angular.forEach(e, function(t) {
angular.extend(r, U(t));
: angular.extend(r, U(e)),
(L = !1),
i.resolve({ key: t, table: r }),
n.$emit("$translateLoadingEnd", { language: t });
u.displayName = "onLoaderSuccess";
var s = function(t) {
n.$emit("$translateLoadingError", { language: t }),
n.$emit("$translateLoadingEnd", { language: t });
return (
(s.displayName = "onLoaderError"),
.then(u, s),
if (l && (!(o = e.get(l)).get || !o.put))
throw new Error(
"Couldn't use storage '" + l + "', missing get() or put() method!"
if (_.length) {
var Y = function(t) {
var n = e.get(t);
n.setLocale(i || s), (P[n.getInterpolationIdentifier()] = n);
(Y.displayName = "interpolationFactoryAdder"), angular.forEach(_, Y);
var Z = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = r.defer(),
u = function(r) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, e) && null !== r[e]) {
var u = r[e];
if ("@:" === u.substr(0, 2))
Z(t, u.substr(2), n, i, o).then(a.resolve, a.reject);
else {
var c = i.interpolate(r[e], n, "service", o, e);
(c = it(e, r[e], c, n, t)), a.resolve(c);
} else a.reject();
return (
(u.displayName = "fallbackTranslationResolver"),
(function(t) {
var e = r.defer();
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, t)) e.resolve(b[t]);
else if (z[t]) {
var n = function(t) {
q(t.key, t.table), e.resolve(t.table);
(n.displayName = "translationTableResolver"), z[t].then(n, e.reject);
} else e.reject();
return e.promise;
})(t).then(u, a.reject),
X = function(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o,
a = b[t];
if (a && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, e) && null !== a[e]) {
if (
(o = r.interpolate(a[e], n, "filter", i, e)),
(o = it(e, a[e], o, n, t, i)),
!angular.isString(o) && angular.isFunction(o.$$unwrapTrustedValue))
) {
var u = o.$$unwrapTrustedValue();
if ("@:" === u.substr(0, 2)) return X(t, u.substr(2), n, r, i);
} else if ("@:" === o.substr(0, 2)) return X(t, o.substr(2), n, r, i);
return o;
Q = function(t, n, r, i) {
return p ? e.get(p)(t, s, n, r, i) : t;
tt = function(t, e, n, i, o, u) {
var s = r.defer();
if (t < a.length) {
var c = a[t];
Z(c, e, n, i, u).then(
function(t) {
function() {
return tt(t + 1, e, n, i, o, u).then(s.resolve, s.reject);
} else if (o) s.resolve(o);
else {
var l = Q(e, n, o);
p && l ? s.resolve(l) : s.reject(G(e));
return s.promise;
et = function(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o;
if (t < a.length) {
var u = a[t];
(o = X(u, e, n, r, i)) || "" === o || (o = et(t + 1, e, n, r));
return o;
nt = function(t, e, n, i, o, u) {
var s = r.defer(),
c = o ? b[o] : b,
l = n ? P[n] : M;
if (c && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, t) && null !== c[t]) {
var h = c[t];
if ("@:" === h.substr(0, 2))
W(h.substr(2), e, n, i, o, u).then(s.resolve, s.reject);
else {
var d = l.interpolate(h, e, "service", u, t);
(d = it(t, h, d, e, o)), s.resolve(d);
} else {
var v;
p && !L && (v = Q(t, e, i)),
o && a && a.length
? (function(t, e, n, r, i) {
return tt(N > 0 ? N : f, t, e, n, r, i);
})(t, e, l, i, u).then(
function(t) {
function(t) {
: p && !L && v
? i
? s.resolve(i)
: s.resolve(v)
: i
? s.resolve(i)
: s.reject(G(t));
return s.promise;
rt = function(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o,
u = r ? b[r] : b,
s = M;
if (
(P && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(P, n) && (s = P[n]),
u && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u, t) && null !== u[t])
) {
var c = u[t];
"@:" === c.substr(0, 2)
? (o = rt(c.substr(2), e, n, r, i))
: ((o = s.interpolate(c, e, "filter", i, t)),
(o = it(t, c, o, e, r, i)));
} else {
var l;
p && !L && (l = Q(t, e, i)),
r && a && a.length
? ((f = 0),
(o = (function(t, e, n, r) {
return et(N > 0 ? N : f, t, e, n, r);
})(t, e, s, i)))
: (o = p && !L && l ? l : G(t));
return o;
it = function(t, n, r, i, o, a) {
var u = y;
return u && ("string" == typeof u && (u = e.get(u)), u)
? u(t, n, r, i, o, a)
: r;
ot = function(t) {
b[t] ||
!d ||
z[t] ||
(z[t] = J(t).then(function(t) {
return q(t.key, t.table), t;
(W.preferredLanguage = function(t) {
return t && F(t), i;
(W.cloakClassName = function() {
return C;
(W.nestedObjectDelimeter = function() {
return k;
(W.fallbackLanguage = function(t) {
if (void 0 !== t && null !== t) {
if ((H(t), d && a && a.length))
for (var e = 0, n = a.length; e < n; e++)
z[a[e]] || (z[a[e]] = J(a[e]));
return u ? a[0] : a;
(W.useFallbackLanguage = function(t) {
if (void 0 !== t && null !== t)
if (t) {
var e = I(a, t);
e > -1 && (N = e);
} else N = 0;
(W.proposedLanguage = function() {
return c;
(W.storage = function() {
return o;
(W.negotiateLocale = V),
(W.use = function(t) {
if (!t) return s;
var e = r.defer();
e.promise.then(null, angular.noop),
n.$emit("$translateChangeStart", { language: t });
var i = V(t);
return w.length > 0 && !i
? r.reject(t)
: (i && (t = i),
(c = t),
(!E && b[t]) || !d || z[t]
? z[t]
? z[t].then(
function(t) {
return c === t.key && K(t.key), e.resolve(t.key), t;
function(t) {
return !s && a && a.length > 0 && a[0] !== t
? W.use(a[0]).then(e.resolve, e.reject)
: e.reject(t);
: (e.resolve(t), K(t))
: ((z[t] = J(t).then(
function(n) {
return (
q(n.key, n.table), e.resolve(n.key), c === t && K(n.key), n
function(t) {
return (
n.$emit("$translateChangeError", { language: t }),
n.$emit("$translateChangeEnd", { language: t }),
.finally(function() {
!(function(t) {
c === t && (c = void 0), (z[t] = void 0);
(W.resolveClientLocale = function() {
return D();
(W.storageKey = function() {
return B();
(W.isPostCompilingEnabled = function() {
return S;
(W.isForceAsyncReloadEnabled = function() {
return E;
(W.isKeepContent = function() {
return T;
(W.refresh = function(t) {
if (!d)
throw new Error(
"Couldn't refresh translation table, no loader registered!"
n.$emit("$translateRefreshStart", { language: t });
var e = r.defer(),
i = {};
function o(t) {
var e = J(t);
return (
(z[t] = e),
e.then(function(e) {
(b[t] = {}), q(t, e.table), (i[t] = !0);
}, angular.noop),
if (
.then(function() {
for (var t in b) b.hasOwnProperty(t) && (t in i || delete b[t]);
s && K(s);
}, angular.noop)
.finally(function() {
n.$emit("$translateRefreshEnd", { language: t });
b[t] ? o(t).then(e.resolve, e.reject) : e.reject();
else {
var u = (a && a.slice()) || [];
s && -1 === u.indexOf(s) && u.push(s),
r.all(u.map(o)).then(e.resolve, e.reject);
return e.promise;
(W.instant = function(t, e, n, r, o) {
var u = r && r !== s ? V(r) || r : s;
if (null === t || angular.isUndefined(t)) return t;
if ((r && ot(r), angular.isArray(t))) {
for (var c = {}, l = 0, f = t.length; l < f; l++)
c[t[l]] = W.instant(t[l], e, n, r, o);
return c;
if (angular.isString(t) && t.length < 1) return t;
t && (t = R.apply(t));
var h,
v = [];
i && v.push(i), u && v.push(u), a && a.length && (v = v.concat(a));
for (var $ = 0, y = v.length; $ < y; $++) {
var w = v[$];
if ((b[w] && void 0 !== b[w][t] && (h = rt(t, e, n, u, o)), void 0 !== h))
return (
h ||
"" === h ||
(g || m
? (h = G(t))
: ((h = M.interpolate(t, e, "filter", o)),
p && !L && (d = Q(t, e, o)),
p && !L && d && (h = d))),
(W.versionInfo = function() {
return "2.18.1";
(W.loaderCache = function() {
return $;
(W.directivePriority = function() {
return O;
(W.statefulFilter = function() {
return j;
(W.isReady = function() {
return A;
var at = r.defer();
at.promise.then(function() {
A = !0;
(W.onReady = function(t) {
var e = r.defer();
return (
angular.isFunction(t) && e.promise.then(t),
A ? e.resolve() : at.promise.then(e.resolve),
(W.getAvailableLanguageKeys = function() {
return w.length > 0 ? w : null;
(W.getTranslationTable = function(t) {
return (t = t || W.use()) && b[t] ? angular.copy(b[t]) : null;
var ut = n.$on("$translateReady", function() {
at.resolve(), ut(), (ut = null);
st = n.$on("$translateChangeEnd", function() {
at.resolve(), st(), (st = null);
if (d) {
if ((angular.equals(b, {}) && W.use() && W.use(W.use()), a && a.length))
for (
var ct = function(t) {
return (
q(t.key, t.table),
n.$emit("$translateChangeEnd", { language: t.key }),
lt = 0,
ft = a.length;
lt < ft;
) {
var pt = a[lt];
(!E && b[pt]) || (z[pt] = J(pt).then(ct));
} else n.$emit("$translateReady", { language: W.use() });
return W;
function n(t, e) {
"use strict";
var n = {
setLocale: function(t) {},
getInterpolationIdentifier: function() {
return "default";
useSanitizeValueStrategy: function(t) {
return e.useStrategy(t), this;
interpolate: function(n, r, i, o, a) {
var u;
return (
(r = r || {}),
(r = e.sanitize(r, "params", o, i)),
? (u = "" + n)
: angular.isString(n)
? ((u = t(n)(r)), (u = e.sanitize(u, "text", o, i)))
: (u = ""),
return n;
function r(t, e, n, r, i) {
"use strict";
var o = function(t) {
return angular.isString(t) ? t.toLowerCase() : t;
return {
restrict: "AE",
scope: !0,
priority: t.directivePriority(),
compile: function(a, u) {
var s = u.translateValues ? u.translateValues : void 0,
c = u.translateInterpolation ? u.translateInterpolation : void 0,
l = u.translateSanitizeStrategy ? u.translateSanitizeStrategy : void 0,
f = a[0].outerHTML.match(/translate-value-+/i),
p = "^(.*)(" + e.startSymbol() + ".*" + e.endSymbol() + ")(.*)",
h = "^(.*)" + e.startSymbol() + "(.*)" + e.endSymbol() + "(.*)";
return function(a, d, v) {
(a.interpolateParams = {}),
(a.preText = ""),
(a.postText = ""),
(a.translateNamespace = (function t(e) {
return e.translateNamespace
? e.translateNamespace
: e.$parent
? t(e.$parent)
: void 0;
var g = {},
m = function(t) {
if (
(angular.isFunction(m._unwatchOld) &&
(m._unwatchOld(), (m._unwatchOld = void 0)),
angular.equals(t, "") || !angular.isDefined(t))
) {
var n = function() {
return this.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
r = n.match(p);
if (angular.isArray(r)) {
(a.preText = r[1]),
(a.postText = r[3]),
(g.translate = e(r[2])(a.$parent));
var i = n.match(h);
angular.isArray(i) &&
i[2] &&
i[2].length &&
(m._unwatchOld = a.$watch(i[2], function(t) {
(g.translate = t), _();
} else g.translate = n || void 0;
} else g.translate = t;
$ = function(t) {
v.$observe(t, function(e) {
(g[t] = e), _();
!(function(t, e, n) {
if (
(e.translateValues && angular.extend(t, r(e.translateValues)(a.$parent)), f)
for (var i in n)
if (
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, i) &&
"translateValue" === i.substr(0, 14) &&
"translateValues" !== i
) {
var u = o(i.substr(14, 1)) + i.substr(15);
t[u] = n[i];
})(a.interpolateParams, v, u);
var y = !0;
for (var b in (v.$observe("translate", function(t) {
void 0 === t ? m("") : ("" === t && y) || ((g.translate = t), _()), (y = !1);
v.hasOwnProperty(b) &&
"translateAttr" === b.substr(0, 13) &&
b.length > 13 &&
if (
(v.$observe("translateDefault", function(t) {
(a.defaultText = t), _();
l &&
v.$observe("translateSanitizeStrategy", function(t) {
(a.sanitizeStrategy = r(t)(a.$parent)), _();
s &&
v.$observe("translateValues", function(t) {
t &&
a.$parent.$watch(function() {
angular.extend(a.interpolateParams, r(t)(a.$parent));
) {
var w = function(t) {
v.$observe(t, function(e) {
var n = o(t.substr(14, 1)) + t.substr(15);
a.interpolateParams[n] = e;
for (var x in v)
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v, x) &&
"translateValue" === x.substr(0, 14) &&
"translateValues" !== x &&
var _ = function() {
for (var t in g)
g.hasOwnProperty(t) &&
void 0 !== g[t] &&
C(t, g[t], a, a.interpolateParams, a.defaultText, a.translateNamespace);
C = function(e, n, r, i, o, a) {
? (a && "." === n.charAt(0) && (n = a + n),
t(n, i, c, o, r.translateLanguage, r.sanitizeStrategy).then(
function(t) {
S(t, r, !0, e);
function(t) {
S(t, r, !1, e);
: S(n, r, !1, e);
S = function(e, r, i, o) {
if (
(i || (void 0 !== r.defaultText && (e = r.defaultText)),
"translate" === o)
) {
(i || (!i && !t.isKeepContent() && void 0 === v.translateKeepContent)) &&
d.empty().append(r.preText + e + r.postText);
var a = t.isPostCompilingEnabled(),
s = void 0 !== u.translateCompile,
c = s && "false" !== u.translateCompile;
((a && !s) || c) && n(d.contents())(r);
} else {
var l = v.$attr[o];
"data-" === l.substr(0, 5) && (l = l.substr(5)),
(l = l.substr(15)),
d.attr(l, e);
(s || f || v.translateDefault) && a.$watch("interpolateParams", _, !0),
a.$on("translateLanguageChanged", _);
var E = i.$on("$translateChangeSuccess", _);
? v.translate
? m(v.translate)
: m("")
: v.translate && m(v.translate),
a.$on("$destroy", E);
function i(t, e) {
"use strict";
return {
restrict: "A",
priority: t.directivePriority(),
link: function(n, r, i) {
var a,
c = {},
l = function() {
angular.forEach(a, function(e, o) {
e &&
((c[o] = !0),
n.translateNamespace &&
"." === e.charAt(0) &&
(e = n.translateNamespace + e),
t(e, u, i.translateInterpolation, void 0, n.translateLanguage, s).then(
function(t) {
r.attr(o, t);
function(t) {
r.attr(o, t);
angular.forEach(c, function(t, e) {
a[e] || (r.removeAttr(e), delete c[e]);
function(t) {
a = t;
function(t) {
u = t;
function(t) {
s = t;
i.translateValues && n.$watch(i.translateValues, l, !0),
n.$on("translateLanguageChanged", l);
var f = e.$on("$translateChangeSuccess", l);
l(), n.$on("$destroy", f);
function o(t, e, n, r) {
"use strict";
e &&
("::" === e.substr(0, 2)
? (e = e.substr(2))
: t.$watch(
function(t) {
n(t), r();
function a(t, e) {
"use strict";
return {
compile: function(n) {
var r = function(e) {
return (
function(n, i, o) {
var a = function(e) {
}.bind(this, i),
u = r.bind(this, i);
o.translateCloak && o.translateCloak.length
? (o.$observe("translateCloak", function(e) {
t(e).then(a, u);
e.$on("$translateChangeSuccess", function() {
t(o.translateCloak).then(a, u);
: t.onReady(a);
function u() {
"use strict";
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: !0,
compile: function() {
return {
pre: function(t, e, n) {
(t.translateNamespace = (function t(e) {
return e.translateNamespace
? e.translateNamespace
: e.$parent
? t(e.$parent)
: void 0;
t.translateNamespace && "." === n.translateNamespace.charAt(0)
? (t.translateNamespace += n.translateNamespace)
: (t.translateNamespace = n.translateNamespace);
function s() {
"use strict";
return {
restrict: "A",
scope: !0,
compile: function() {
return function(t, e, n) {
n.$observe("translateLanguage", function(e) {
t.translateLanguage = e;
t.$watch("translateLanguage", function() {
function c(t, e) {
"use strict";
var n = function(n, r, i, o) {
if (!angular.isObject(r)) {
var a = this || {
"More info at https://github.com/angular/angular.js/commit/8863b9d04c722b278fa93c5d66ad1e578ad6eb1f"
r = t(r)(a);
return e.instant(n, r, i, o);
return e.statefulFilter() && (n.$stateful = !0), n;
function l(t) {
"use strict";
return t("translations");
return (
(t.$inject = ["$translate"]),
(e.$inject = [
(n.$inject = ["$interpolate", "$translateSanitization"]),
(r.$inject = ["$translate", "$interpolate", "$compile", "$parse", "$rootScope"]),
(i.$inject = ["$translate", "$rootScope"]),
(a.$inject = ["$translate", "$rootScope"]),
(c.$inject = ["$parse", "$translate"]),
(l.$inject = ["$cacheFactory"]),
angular.module("pascalprecht.translate", ["ng"]).run(t),
(t.displayName = "runTranslate"),
.provider("$translateSanitization", function() {
"use strict";
var t,
r = null,
i = !1,
o = !1;
((n = {
sanitize: function(t, e) {
return "text" === e && (t = u(t)), t;
escape: function(t, e) {
return "text" === e && (t = a(t)), t;
sanitizeParameters: function(t, e) {
return "params" === e && (t = c(t, u)), t;
escapeParameters: function(t, e) {
return "params" === e && (t = c(t, a)), t;
sce: function(t, e, n) {
return (
"text" === e
? (t = s(t))
: "params" === e && "filter" !== n && (t = c(t, a)),
sceParameters: function(t, e) {
return "params" === e && (t = c(t, s)), t;
}).escaped = n.escapeParameters),
(this.addStrategy = function(t, e) {
return (n[t] = e), this;
(this.removeStrategy = function(t) {
return delete n[t], this;
(this.useStrategy = function(t) {
return (i = !0), (r = t), this;
(this.$get = [
function(a, u) {
var s = {};
return (
a.has("$sanitize") && (t = a.get("$sanitize")),
a.has("$sce") && (e = a.get("$sce")),
useStrategy: (function(t) {
return function(e) {
sanitize: function(t, e, c, l) {
if (
(r ||
i ||
o ||
"pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: No sanitization strategy has been configured. This can have serious security implications. See http://angular-translate.github.io/docs/#/guide/19_security for details."
(o = !0)),
c || null === c || (c = r),
return t;
l || (l = "service");
var f = angular.isArray(c) ? c : [c];
return (function(t, e, r, i) {
return (
angular.forEach(i, function(i) {
if (angular.isFunction(i)) t = i(t, e, r);
else if (angular.isFunction(n[i])) t = n[i](t, e, r);
else {
if (!angular.isString(n[i]))
throw new Error(
"pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: Unknown sanitization strategy: '" +
i +
if (!s[n[i]])
try {
s[n[i]] = a.get(n[i]);
} catch (t) {
throw ((s[n[i]] = function() {}),
new Error(
"pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: Unknown sanitization strategy: '" +
i +
t = s[n[i]](t, e, r);
})(t, e, l, f);
var a = function(t) {
var e = angular.element("<div></div>");
return e.text(t), e.html();
u = function(e) {
if (!t)
throw new Error(
"pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: Error cannot find $sanitize service. Either include the ngSanitize module (https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngSanitize) or use a sanitization strategy which does not depend on $sanitize, such as 'escape'."
return t(e);
s = function(t) {
if (!e)
throw new Error(
"pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: Error cannot find $sce service."
return e.trustAsHtml(t);
c = function(t, e, n) {
if (angular.isDate(t)) return t;
if (angular.isObject(t)) {
var r = angular.isArray(t) ? [] : {};
if (n) {
if (n.indexOf(t) > -1)
throw new Error(
"pascalprecht.translate.$translateSanitization: Error cannot interpolate parameter due recursive object"
} else n = [];
return (
angular.forEach(t, function(t, i) {
angular.isFunction(t) || (r[i] = c(t, e, n));
n.splice(-1, 1),
return angular.isNumber(t)
? t
: !0 === t || !1 === t
? t
: angular.isUndefined(t) || null === t
? t
: e(t);
.constant("pascalprechtTranslateOverrider", {})
.provider("$translate", e),
(e.displayName = "displayName"),
angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").factory("$translateDefaultInterpolation", n),
(n.displayName = "$translateDefaultInterpolation"),
angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").directive("translate", r),
(r.displayName = "translateDirective"),
angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").directive("translateAttr", i),
(i.displayName = "translateAttrDirective"),
angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").directive("translateCloak", a),
(a.displayName = "translateCloakDirective"),
angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").directive("translateNamespace", u),
(u.displayName = "translateNamespaceDirective"),
angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").directive("translateLanguage", s),
(s.displayName = "translateLanguageDirective"),
angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").filter("translate", c),
(c.displayName = "translateFilterFactory"),
angular.module("pascalprecht.translate").factory("$translationCache", l),
(l.displayName = "$translationCache"),
}.apply(e, [])) || (t.exports = r);
38: function(t, e) {
var n;
n = (function() {
return this;
try {
n = n || Function("return this")() || (0, eval)("this");
} catch (t) {
"object" == typeof window && (n = window);
t.exports = n;
39: function(t, e) {
t.exports = function(t) {
return (
t.webpackPolyfill ||
((t.deprecate = function() {}),
(t.paths = []),
t.children || (t.children = []),
Object.defineProperty(t, "loaded", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return t.l;
Object.defineProperty(t, "id", {
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return t.i;
(t.webpackPolyfill = 1)),
6: function(t, e, n) {
(function(t, r) {
var i;
* @license
* Lodash <https://lodash.com/>
* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors <https://js.foundation/>
* Released under MIT license <https://lodash.com/license>
* Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 <http://underscorejs.org/LICENSE>
* Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors
*/ (function() {
var o,
a = 200,
u = "Unsupported core-js use. Try https://npms.io/search?q=ponyfill.",
s = "Expected a function",
c = "__lodash_hash_undefined__",
l = 500,
f = "__lodash_placeholder__",
p = 1,
h = 2,
d = 4,
v = 1,
g = 2,
m = 1,
$ = 2,
y = 4,
b = 8,
w = 16,
x = 32,
_ = 64,
C = 128,
S = 256,
E = 512,
k = 30,
A = "...",
T = 800,
O = 16,
j = 1,
N = 2,
M = 1 / 0,
L = 9007199254740991,
D = 1.7976931348623157e308,
I = NaN,
R = 4294967295,
P = R - 1,
V = R >>> 1,
q = [
["ary", C],
["bind", m],
["bindKey", $],
["curry", b],
["curryRight", w],
["flip", E],
["partial", x],
["partialRight", _],
["rearg", S]
U = "[object Arguments]",
F = "[object Array]",
H = "[object AsyncFunction]",
B = "[object Boolean]",
z = "[object Date]",
W = "[object DOMException]",
G = "[object Error]",
K = "[object Function]",
J = "[object GeneratorFunction]",
Y = "[object Map]",
Z = "[object Number]",
X = "[object Null]",
Q = "[object Object]",
tt = "[object Proxy]",
et = "[object RegExp]",
nt = "[object Set]",
rt = "[object String]",
it = "[object Symbol]",
ot = "[object Undefined]",
at = "[object WeakMap]",
ut = "[object WeakSet]",
st = "[object ArrayBuffer]",
ct = "[object DataView]",
lt = "[object Float32Array]",
ft = "[object Float64Array]",
pt = "[object Int8Array]",
ht = "[object Int16Array]",
dt = "[object Int32Array]",
vt = "[object Uint8Array]",
gt = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]",
mt = "[object Uint16Array]",
$t = "[object Uint32Array]",
yt = /\b__p \+= '';/g,
bt = /\b(__p \+=) '' \+/g,
wt = /(__e\(.*?\)|\b__t\)) \+\n'';/g,
xt = /&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|#39);/g,
_t = /[&<>"']/g,
Ct = RegExp(xt.source),
St = RegExp(_t.source),
Et = /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
kt = /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
At = /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
Tt = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/,
Ot = /^\w*$/,
jt = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g,
Nt = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g,
Mt = RegExp(Nt.source),
Lt = /^\s+|\s+$/g,
Dt = /^\s+/,
It = /\s+$/,
Rt = /\{(?:\n\/\* \[wrapped with .+\] \*\/)?\n?/,
Pt = /\{\n\/\* \[wrapped with (.+)\] \*/,
Vt = /,? & /,
qt = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g,
Ut = /\\(\\)?/g,
Ft = /\$\{([^\\}]*(?:\\.[^\\}]*)*)\}/g,
Ht = /\w*$/,
Bt = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i,
zt = /^0b[01]+$/i,
Wt = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/,
Gt = /^0o[0-7]+$/i,
Kt = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/,
Jt = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g,
Yt = /($^)/,
Zt = /['\n\r\u2028\u2029\\]/g,
Xt = "\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff",
Qt =
"\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf\\u2000-\\u206f \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000",
te = "[\\ud800-\\udfff]",
ee = "[" + Qt + "]",
ne = "[" + Xt + "]",
re = "\\d+",
ie = "[\\u2700-\\u27bf]",
oe = "[a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff]",
ae =
"[^\\ud800-\\udfff" +
Qt +
re +
ue = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]",
se = "[^\\ud800-\\udfff]",
ce = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}",
le = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]",
fe = "[A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde]",
pe = "(?:" + oe + "|" + ae + ")",
he = "(?:" + fe + "|" + ae + ")",
de = "(?:" + ne + "|" + ue + ")" + "?",
ve =
"[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?" +
de +
("(?:\\u200d(?:" + [se, ce, le].join("|") + ")[\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]?" + de + ")*"),
ge = "(?:" + [ie, ce, le].join("|") + ")" + ve,
me = "(?:" + [se + ne + "?", ne, ce, le, te].join("|") + ")",
$e = RegExp("[']", "g"),
ye = RegExp(ne, "g"),
be = RegExp(ue + "(?=" + ue + ")|" + me + ve, "g"),
we = RegExp(
fe + "?" + oe + "+(?:['](?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?(?=" + [ee, fe, "$"].join("|") + ")",
he + "+(?:['](?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?(?=" + [ee, fe + pe, "$"].join("|") + ")",
fe + "?" + pe + "+(?:['](?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?",
fe + "+(?:['](?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?",
xe = RegExp("[\\u200d\\ud800-\\udfff" + Xt + "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f]"),
_e = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2,}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/,
Ce = [
Se = -1,
Ee = {};
(Ee[lt] = Ee[ft] = Ee[pt] = Ee[ht] = Ee[dt] = Ee[vt] = Ee[gt] = Ee[mt] = Ee[$t] = !0),
(Ee[U] = Ee[F] = Ee[st] = Ee[B] = Ee[ct] = Ee[z] = Ee[G] = Ee[K] = Ee[Y] = Ee[Z] = Ee[
] = Ee[et] = Ee[nt] = Ee[rt] = Ee[at] = !1);
var ke = {};
(ke[U] = ke[F] = ke[st] = ke[ct] = ke[B] = ke[z] = ke[lt] = ke[ft] = ke[pt] = ke[ht] = ke[
] = ke[Y] = ke[Z] = ke[Q] = ke[et] = ke[nt] = ke[rt] = ke[it] = ke[vt] = ke[gt] = ke[
] = ke[$t] = !0),
(ke[G] = ke[K] = ke[at] = !1);
var Ae = {
"\\": "\\",
"'": "'",
"\n": "n",
"\r": "r",
"\u2028": "u2028",
"\u2029": "u2029"
Te = parseFloat,
Oe = parseInt,
je = "object" == typeof t && t && t.Object === Object && t,
Ne = "object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self,
Me = je || Ne || Function("return this")(),
Le = "object" == typeof e && e && !e.nodeType && e,
De = Le && "object" == typeof r && r && !r.nodeType && r,
Ie = De && De.exports === Le,
Re = Ie && je.process,
Pe = (function() {
try {
var t = De && De.require && De.require("util").types;
return t || (Re && Re.binding && Re.binding("util"));
} catch (t) {}
Ve = Pe && Pe.isArrayBuffer,
qe = Pe && Pe.isDate,
Ue = Pe && Pe.isMap,
Fe = Pe && Pe.isRegExp,
He = Pe && Pe.isSet,
Be = Pe && Pe.isTypedArray;
function ze(t, e, n) {
switch (n.length) {
case 0:
return t.call(e);
case 1:
return t.call(e, n[0]);
case 2:
return t.call(e, n[0], n[1]);
case 3:
return t.call(e, n[0], n[1], n[2]);
return t.apply(e, n);
function We(t, e, n, r) {
for (var i = -1, o = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++i < o; ) {
var a = t[i];
e(r, a, n(a), t);
return r;
function Ge(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++n < r && !1 !== e(t[n], n, t); );
return t;
function Ke(t, e) {
for (var n = null == t ? 0 : t.length; n-- && !1 !== e(t[n], n, t); );
return t;
function Je(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++n < r; ) if (!e(t[n], n, t)) return !1;
return !0;
function Ye(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length, i = 0, o = []; ++n < r; ) {
var a = t[n];
e(a, n, t) && (o[i++] = a);
return o;
function Ze(t, e) {
return !!(null == t ? 0 : t.length) && sn(t, e, 0) > -1;
function Xe(t, e, n) {
for (var r = -1, i = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++r < i; ) if (n(e, t[r])) return !0;
return !1;
function Qe(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length, i = Array(r); ++n < r; )
i[n] = e(t[n], n, t);
return i;
function tn(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = e.length, i = t.length; ++n < r; ) t[i + n] = e[n];
return t;
function en(t, e, n, r) {
var i = -1,
o = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (r && o && (n = t[++i]); ++i < o; ) n = e(n, t[i], i, t);
return n;
function nn(t, e, n, r) {
var i = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (r && i && (n = t[--i]); i--; ) n = e(n, t[i], i, t);
return n;
function rn(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++n < r; ) if (e(t[n], n, t)) return !0;
return !1;
var on = pn("length");
function an(t, e, n) {
var r;
return (
n(t, function(t, n, i) {
if (e(t, n, i)) return (r = n), !1;
function un(t, e, n, r) {
for (var i = t.length, o = n + (r ? 1 : -1); r ? o-- : ++o < i; )
if (e(t[o], o, t)) return o;
return -1;
function sn(t, e, n) {
return e == e
? (function(t, e, n) {
var r = n - 1,
i = t.length;
for (; ++r < i; ) if (t[r] === e) return r;
return -1;
})(t, e, n)
: un(t, ln, n);
function cn(t, e, n, r) {
for (var i = n - 1, o = t.length; ++i < o; ) if (r(t[i], e)) return i;
return -1;
function ln(t) {
return t != t;
function fn(t, e) {
var n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return n ? vn(t, e) / n : I;
function pn(t) {
return function(e) {
return null == e ? o : e[t];
function hn(t) {
return function(e) {
return null == t ? o : t[e];
function dn(t, e, n, r, i) {
return (
i(t, function(t, i, o) {
n = r ? ((r = !1), t) : e(n, t, i, o);
function vn(t, e) {
for (var n, r = -1, i = t.length; ++r < i; ) {
var a = e(t[r]);
a !== o && (n = n === o ? a : n + a);
return n;
function gn(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = Array(t); ++n < t; ) r[n] = e(n);
return r;
function mn(t) {
return function(e) {
return t(e);
function $n(t, e) {
return Qe(e, function(e) {
return t[e];
function yn(t, e) {
return t.has(e);
function bn(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = t.length; ++n < r && sn(e, t[n], 0) > -1; );
return n;
function wn(t, e) {
for (var n = t.length; n-- && sn(e, t[n], 0) > -1; );
return n;
var xn = hn({
À: "A",
Á: "A",
Â: "A",
Ã: "A",
Ä: "A",
Å: "A",
à: "a",
á: "a",
â: "a",
ã: "a",
ä: "a",
å: "a",
Ç: "C",
ç: "c",
Ð: "D",
ð: "d",
È: "E",
É: "E",
Ê: "E",
Ë: "E",
è: "e",
é: "e",
ê: "e",
ë: "e",
Ì: "I",
Í: "I",
Î: "I",
Ï: "I",
ì: "i",
í: "i",
î: "i",
ï: "i",
Ñ: "N",
ñ: "n",
Ò: "O",
Ó: "O",
Ô: "O",
Õ: "O",
Ö: "O",
Ø: "O",
ò: "o",
ó: "o",
ô: "o",
õ: "o",
ö: "o",
ø: "o",
Ù: "U",
Ú: "U",
Û: "U",
Ü: "U",
ù: "u",
ú: "u",
û: "u",
ü: "u",
Ý: "Y",
ý: "y",
ÿ: "y",
Æ: "Ae",
æ: "ae",
Þ: "Th",
þ: "th",
ß: "ss",
Ā: "A",
Ă: "A",
Ą: "A",
ā: "a",
ă: "a",
ą: "a",
Ć: "C",
Ĉ: "C",
Ċ: "C",
Č: "C",
ć: "c",
ĉ: "c",
ċ: "c",
č: "c",
Ď: "D",
Đ: "D",
ď: "d",
đ: "d",
Ē: "E",
Ĕ: "E",
Ė: "E",
Ę: "E",
Ě: "E",
ē: "e",
ĕ: "e",
ė: "e",
ę: "e",
ě: "e",
Ĝ: "G",
Ğ: "G",
Ġ: "G",
Ģ: "G",
ĝ: "g",
ğ: "g",
ġ: "g",
ģ: "g",
Ĥ: "H",
Ħ: "H",
ĥ: "h",
ħ: "h",
Ĩ: "I",
Ī: "I",
Ĭ: "I",
Į: "I",
İ: "I",
ĩ: "i",
ī: "i",
ĭ: "i",
į: "i",
ı: "i",
Ĵ: "J",
ĵ: "j",
Ķ: "K",
ķ: "k",
ĸ: "k",
Ĺ: "L",
Ļ: "L",
Ľ: "L",
Ŀ: "L",
Ł: "L",
ĺ: "l",
ļ: "l",
ľ: "l",
ŀ: "l",
ł: "l",
Ń: "N",
Ņ: "N",
Ň: "N",
Ŋ: "N",
ń: "n",
ņ: "n",
ň: "n",
ŋ: "n",
Ō: "O",
Ŏ: "O",
Ő: "O",
ō: "o",
ŏ: "o",
ő: "o",
Ŕ: "R",
Ŗ: "R",
Ř: "R",
ŕ: "r",
ŗ: "r",
ř: "r",
Ś: "S",
Ŝ: "S",
Ş: "S",
Š: "S",
ś: "s",
ŝ: "s",
ş: "s",
š: "s",
Ţ: "T",
Ť: "T",
Ŧ: "T",
ţ: "t",
ť: "t",
ŧ: "t",
Ũ: "U",
Ū: "U",
Ŭ: "U",
Ů: "U",
Ű: "U",
Ų: "U",
ũ: "u",
ū: "u",
ŭ: "u",
ů: "u",
ű: "u",
ų: "u",
Ŵ: "W",
ŵ: "w",
Ŷ: "Y",
ŷ: "y",
Ÿ: "Y",
Ź: "Z",
Ż: "Z",
Ž: "Z",
ź: "z",
ż: "z",
ž: "z",
IJ: "IJ",
ij: "ij",
Œ: "Oe",
œ: "oe",
ʼn: "'n",
ſ: "s"
_n = hn({ "&": "&amp;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", '"': "&quot;", "'": "&#39;" });
function Cn(t) {
return "\\" + Ae[t];
function Sn(t) {
return xe.test(t);
function En(t) {
var e = -1,
n = Array(t.size);
return (
t.forEach(function(t, r) {
n[++e] = [r, t];
function kn(t, e) {
return function(n) {
return t(e(n));
function An(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = t.length, i = 0, o = []; ++n < r; ) {
var a = t[n];
(a !== e && a !== f) || ((t[n] = f), (o[i++] = n));
return o;
function Tn(t, e) {
return "__proto__" == e ? o : t[e];
function On(t) {
var e = -1,
n = Array(t.size);
return (
t.forEach(function(t) {
n[++e] = t;
function jn(t) {
var e = -1,
n = Array(t.size);
return (
t.forEach(function(t) {
n[++e] = [t, t];
function Nn(t) {
return Sn(t)
? (function(t) {
var e = (be.lastIndex = 0);
for (; be.test(t); ) ++e;
return e;
: on(t);
function Mn(t) {
return Sn(t)
? (function(t) {
return t.match(be) || [];
: (function(t) {
return t.split("");
var Ln = hn({ "&amp;": "&", "&lt;": "<", "&gt;": ">", "&quot;": '"', "&#39;": "'" });
var Dn = (function t(e) {
var n = (e = null == e ? Me : Dn.defaults(Me.Object(), e, Dn.pick(Me, Ce))).Array,
r = e.Date,
i = e.Error,
Xt = e.Function,
Qt = e.Math,
te = e.Object,
ee = e.RegExp,
ne = e.String,
re = e.TypeError,
ie = n.prototype,
oe = Xt.prototype,
ae = te.prototype,
ue = e["__core-js_shared__"],
se = oe.toString,
ce = ae.hasOwnProperty,
le = 0,
fe = (function() {
var t = /[^.]+$/.exec((ue && ue.keys && ue.keys.IE_PROTO) || "");
return t ? "Symbol(src)_1." + t : "";
pe = ae.toString,
he = se.call(te),
de = Me._,
ve = ee(
"^" +
.replace(Nt, "\\$&")
.replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") +
ge = Ie ? e.Buffer : o,
me = e.Symbol,
be = e.Uint8Array,
xe = ge ? ge.allocUnsafe : o,
Ae = kn(te.getPrototypeOf, te),
je = te.create,
Ne = ae.propertyIsEnumerable,
Le = ie.splice,
De = me ? me.isConcatSpreadable : o,
Re = me ? me.iterator : o,
Pe = me ? me.toStringTag : o,
on = (function() {
try {
var t = Vo(te, "defineProperty");
return t({}, "", {}), t;
} catch (t) {}
hn = e.clearTimeout !== Me.clearTimeout && e.clearTimeout,
In = r && r.now !== Me.Date.now && r.now,
Rn = e.setTimeout !== Me.setTimeout && e.setTimeout,
Pn = Qt.ceil,
Vn = Qt.floor,
qn = te.getOwnPropertySymbols,
Un = ge ? ge.isBuffer : o,
Fn = e.isFinite,
Hn = ie.join,
Bn = kn(te.keys, te),
zn = Qt.max,
Wn = Qt.min,
Gn = r.now,
Kn = e.parseInt,
Jn = Qt.random,
Yn = ie.reverse,
Zn = Vo(e, "DataView"),
Xn = Vo(e, "Map"),
Qn = Vo(e, "Promise"),
tr = Vo(e, "Set"),
er = Vo(e, "WeakMap"),
nr = Vo(te, "create"),
rr = er && new er(),
ir = {},
or = la(Zn),
ar = la(Xn),
ur = la(Qn),
sr = la(tr),
cr = la(er),
lr = me ? me.prototype : o,
fr = lr ? lr.valueOf : o,
pr = lr ? lr.toString : o;
function hr(t) {
if (ku(t) && !gu(t) && !(t instanceof mr)) {
if (t instanceof gr) return t;
if (ce.call(t, "__wrapped__")) return fa(t);
return new gr(t);
var dr = (function() {
function t() {}
return function(e) {
if (!Eu(e)) return {};
if (je) return je(e);
t.prototype = e;
var n = new t();
return (t.prototype = o), n;
function vr() {}
function gr(t, e) {
(this.__wrapped__ = t),
(this.__actions__ = []),
(this.__chain__ = !!e),
(this.__index__ = 0),
(this.__values__ = o);
function mr(t) {
(this.__wrapped__ = t),
(this.__actions__ = []),
(this.__dir__ = 1),
(this.__filtered__ = !1),
(this.__iteratees__ = []),
(this.__takeCount__ = R),
(this.__views__ = []);
function $r(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) {
var r = t[e];
this.set(r[0], r[1]);
function yr(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) {
var r = t[e];
this.set(r[0], r[1]);
function br(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < n; ) {
var r = t[e];
this.set(r[0], r[1]);
function wr(t) {
var e = -1,
n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.__data__ = new br(); ++e < n; ) this.add(t[e]);
function xr(t) {
var e = (this.__data__ = new yr(t));
this.size = e.size;
function _r(t, e) {
var n = gu(t),
r = !n && vu(t),
i = !n && !r && bu(t),
o = !n && !r && !i && Du(t),
a = n || r || i || o,
u = a ? gn(t.length, ne) : [],
s = u.length;
for (var c in t)
(!e && !ce.call(t, c)) ||
(a &&
("length" == c ||
(i && ("offset" == c || "parent" == c)) ||
(o && ("buffer" == c || "byteLength" == c || "byteOffset" == c)) ||
Wo(c, s))) ||
return u;
function Cr(t) {
var e = t.length;
return e ? t[wi(0, e - 1)] : o;
function Sr(t, e) {
return ua(no(t), Lr(e, 0, t.length));
function Er(t) {
return ua(no(t));
function kr(t, e, n) {
((n === o || pu(t[e], n)) && (n !== o || e in t)) || Nr(t, e, n);
function Ar(t, e, n) {
var r = t[e];
(ce.call(t, e) && pu(r, n) && (n !== o || e in t)) || Nr(t, e, n);
function Tr(t, e) {
for (var n = t.length; n--; ) if (pu(t[n][0], e)) return n;
return -1;
function Or(t, e, n, r) {
return (
Vr(t, function(t, i, o) {
e(r, t, n(t), o);
function jr(t, e) {
return t && ro(e, rs(e), t);
function Nr(t, e, n) {
"__proto__" == e && on
? on(t, e, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: n, writable: !0 })
: (t[e] = n);
function Mr(t, e) {
for (var r = -1, i = e.length, a = n(i), u = null == t; ++r < i; )
a[r] = u ? o : Xu(t, e[r]);
return a;
function Lr(t, e, n) {
return (
t == t && (n !== o && (t = t <= n ? t : n), e !== o && (t = t >= e ? t : e)), t
function Dr(t, e, n, r, i, a) {
var u,
s = e & p,
c = e & h,
l = e & d;
if ((n && (u = i ? n(t, r, i, a) : n(t)), u !== o)) return u;
if (!Eu(t)) return t;
var f = gu(t);
if (f) {
if (
((u = (function(t) {
var e = t.length,
n = new t.constructor(e);
return (
e &&
"string" == typeof t[0] &&
ce.call(t, "index") &&
((n.index = t.index), (n.input = t.input)),
return no(t, u);
} else {
var v = Fo(t),
g = v == K || v == J;
if (bu(t)) return Yi(t, s);
if (v == Q || v == U || (g && !i)) {
if (((u = c || g ? {} : Bo(t)), !s))
return c
? (function(t, e) {
return ro(t, Uo(t), e);
(function(t, e) {
return t && ro(e, is(e), t);
})(u, t)
: (function(t, e) {
return ro(t, qo(t), e);
})(t, jr(u, t));
} else {
if (!ke[v]) return i ? t : {};
u = (function(t, e, n) {
var r = t.constructor;
switch (e) {
case st:
return Zi(t);
case B:
case z:
return new r(+t);
case ct:
return (function(t, e) {
var n = e ? Zi(t.buffer) : t.buffer;
return new t.constructor(n, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength);
})(t, n);
case lt:
case ft:
case pt:
case ht:
case dt:
case vt:
case gt:
case mt:
case $t:
return Xi(t, n);
case Y:
return new r();
case Z:
case rt:
return new r(t);
case et:
return (function(t) {
var e = new t.constructor(t.source, Ht.exec(t));
return (e.lastIndex = t.lastIndex), e;
case nt:
return new r();
case it:
return (function(t) {
return fr ? te(fr.call(t)) : {};
})(t, v, s);
a || (a = new xr());
var m = a.get(t);
if (m) return m;
if ((a.set(t, u), Nu(t)))
return (
t.forEach(function(r) {
u.add(Dr(r, e, n, r, t, a));
if (Au(t))
return (
t.forEach(function(r, i) {
u.set(i, Dr(r, e, n, i, t, a));
var $ = f ? o : (l ? (c ? No : jo) : c ? is : rs)(t);
return (
Ge($ || t, function(r, i) {
$ && (r = t[(i = r)]), Ar(u, i, Dr(r, e, n, i, t, a));
function Ir(t, e, n) {
var r = n.length;
if (null == t) return !r;
for (t = te(t); r--; ) {
var i = n[r],
a = e[i],
u = t[i];
if ((u === o && !(i in t)) || !a(u)) return !1;
return !0;
function Rr(t, e, n) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new re(s);
return ra(function() {
t.apply(o, n);
}, e);
function Pr(t, e, n, r) {
var i = -1,
o = Ze,
u = !0,
s = t.length,
c = [],
l = e.length;
if (!s) return c;
n && (e = Qe(e, mn(n))),
r ? ((o = Xe), (u = !1)) : e.length >= a && ((o = yn), (u = !1), (e = new wr(e)));
t: for (; ++i < s; ) {
var f = t[i],
p = null == n ? f : n(f);
if (((f = r || 0 !== f ? f : 0), u && p == p)) {
for (var h = l; h--; ) if (e[h] === p) continue t;
} else o(e, p, r) || c.push(f);
return c;
(hr.templateSettings = {
escape: Et,
evaluate: kt,
interpolate: At,
variable: "",
imports: { _: hr }
(hr.prototype = vr.prototype),
(hr.prototype.constructor = hr),
(gr.prototype = dr(vr.prototype)),
(gr.prototype.constructor = gr),
(mr.prototype = dr(vr.prototype)),
(mr.prototype.constructor = mr),
($r.prototype.clear = function() {
(this.__data__ = nr ? nr(null) : {}), (this.size = 0);
($r.prototype.delete = function(t) {
var e = this.has(t) && delete this.__data__[t];
return (this.size -= e ? 1 : 0), e;
($r.prototype.get = function(t) {
var e = this.__data__;
if (nr) {
var n = e[t];
return n === c ? o : n;
return ce.call(e, t) ? e[t] : o;
($r.prototype.has = function(t) {
var e = this.__data__;
return nr ? e[t] !== o : ce.call(e, t);
($r.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
var n = this.__data__;
return (this.size += this.has(t) ? 0 : 1), (n[t] = nr && e === o ? c : e), this;
(yr.prototype.clear = function() {
(this.__data__ = []), (this.size = 0);
(yr.prototype.delete = function(t) {
var e = this.__data__,
n = Tr(e, t);
return !(n < 0 || (n == e.length - 1 ? e.pop() : Le.call(e, n, 1), --this.size, 0));
(yr.prototype.get = function(t) {
var e = this.__data__,
n = Tr(e, t);
return n < 0 ? o : e[n][1];
(yr.prototype.has = function(t) {
return Tr(this.__data__, t) > -1;
(yr.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
var n = this.__data__,
r = Tr(n, t);
return r < 0 ? (++this.size, n.push([t, e])) : (n[r][1] = e), this;
(br.prototype.clear = function() {
(this.size = 0),
(this.__data__ = { hash: new $r(), map: new (Xn || yr)(), string: new $r() });
(br.prototype.delete = function(t) {
var e = Ro(this, t).delete(t);
return (this.size -= e ? 1 : 0), e;
(br.prototype.get = function(t) {
return Ro(this, t).get(t);
(br.prototype.has = function(t) {
return Ro(this, t).has(t);
(br.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
var n = Ro(this, t),
r = n.size;
return n.set(t, e), (this.size += n.size == r ? 0 : 1), this;
(wr.prototype.add = wr.prototype.push = function(t) {
return this.__data__.set(t, c), this;
(wr.prototype.has = function(t) {
return this.__data__.has(t);
(xr.prototype.clear = function() {
(this.__data__ = new yr()), (this.size = 0);
(xr.prototype.delete = function(t) {
var e = this.__data__,
n = e.delete(t);
return (this.size = e.size), n;
(xr.prototype.get = function(t) {
return this.__data__.get(t);
(xr.prototype.has = function(t) {
return this.__data__.has(t);
(xr.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
var n = this.__data__;
if (n instanceof yr) {
var r = n.__data__;
if (!Xn || r.length < a - 1) return r.push([t, e]), (this.size = ++n.size), this;
n = this.__data__ = new br(r);
return n.set(t, e), (this.size = n.size), this;
var Vr = ao(Gr),
qr = ao(Kr, !0);
function Ur(t, e) {
var n = !0;
return (
Vr(t, function(t, r, i) {
return (n = !!e(t, r, i));
function Fr(t, e, n) {
for (var r = -1, i = t.length; ++r < i; ) {
var a = t[r],
u = e(a);
if (null != u && (s === o ? u == u && !Lu(u) : n(u, s)))
var s = u,
c = a;
return c;
function Hr(t, e) {
var n = [];
return (
Vr(t, function(t, r, i) {
e(t, r, i) && n.push(t);
function Br(t, e, n, r, i) {
var o = -1,
a = t.length;
for (n || (n = zo), i || (i = []); ++o < a; ) {
var u = t[o];
e > 0 && n(u) ? (e > 1 ? Br(u, e - 1, n, r, i) : tn(i, u)) : r || (i[i.length] = u);
return i;
var zr = uo(),
Wr = uo(!0);
function Gr(t, e) {
return t && zr(t, e, rs);
function Kr(t, e) {
return t && Wr(t, e, rs);
function Jr(t, e) {
return Ye(e, function(e) {
return _u(t[e]);
function Yr(t, e) {
for (var n = 0, r = (e = Wi(e, t)).length; null != t && n < r; ) t = t[ca(e[n++])];
return n && n == r ? t : o;
function Zr(t, e, n) {
var r = e(t);
return gu(t) ? r : tn(r, n(t));
function Xr(t) {
return null == t
? t === o
? ot
: X
: Pe && Pe in te(t)
? (function(t) {
var e = ce.call(t, Pe),
n = t[Pe];
try {
t[Pe] = o;
var r = !0;
} catch (t) {}
var i = pe.call(t);
return r && (e ? (t[Pe] = n) : delete t[Pe]), i;
: (function(t) {
return pe.call(t);
function Qr(t, e) {
return t > e;
function ti(t, e) {
return null != t && ce.call(t, e);
function ei(t, e) {
return null != t && e in te(t);
function ni(t, e, r) {
for (
var i = r ? Xe : Ze,
a = t[0].length,
u = t.length,
s = u,
c = n(u),
l = 1 / 0,
f = [];
) {
var p = t[s];
s && e && (p = Qe(p, mn(e))),
(l = Wn(p.length, l)),
(c[s] = !r && (e || (a >= 120 && p.length >= 120)) ? new wr(s && p) : o);
p = t[0];
var h = -1,
d = c[0];
t: for (; ++h < a && f.length < l; ) {
var v = p[h],
g = e ? e(v) : v;
if (((v = r || 0 !== v ? v : 0), !(d ? yn(d, g) : i(f, g, r)))) {
for (s = u; --s; ) {
var m = c[s];
if (!(m ? yn(m, g) : i(t[s], g, r))) continue t;
d && d.push(g), f.push(v);
return f;
function ri(t, e, n) {
var r = null == (t = ea(t, (e = Wi(e, t)))) ? t : t[ca(xa(e))];
return null == r ? o : ze(r, t, n);
function ii(t) {
return ku(t) && Xr(t) == U;
function oi(t, e, n, r, i) {
return (
t === e ||
(null == t || null == e || (!ku(t) && !ku(e))
? t != t && e != e
: (function(t, e, n, r, i, a) {
var u = gu(t),
s = gu(e),
c = u ? F : Fo(t),
l = s ? F : Fo(e),
f = (c = c == U ? Q : c) == Q,
p = (l = l == U ? Q : l) == Q,
h = c == l;
if (h && bu(t)) {
if (!bu(e)) return !1;
(u = !0), (f = !1);
if (h && !f)
return (
a || (a = new xr()),
u || Du(t)
? To(t, e, n, r, i, a)
: (function(t, e, n, r, i, o, a) {
switch (n) {
case ct:
if (
t.byteLength != e.byteLength ||
t.byteOffset != e.byteOffset
return !1;
(t = t.buffer), (e = e.buffer);
case st:
return !(
t.byteLength != e.byteLength || !o(new be(t), new be(e))
case B:
case z:
case Z:
return pu(+t, +e);
case G:
return t.name == e.name && t.message == e.message;
case et:
case rt:
return t == e + "";
case Y:
var u = En;
case nt:
var s = r & v;
if ((u || (u = On), t.size != e.size && !s)) return !1;
var c = a.get(t);
if (c) return c == e;
(r |= g), a.set(t, e);
var l = To(u(t), u(e), r, i, o, a);
return a.delete(t), l;
case it:
if (fr) return fr.call(t) == fr.call(e);
return !1;
})(t, e, c, n, r, i, a)
if (!(n & v)) {
var d = f && ce.call(t, "__wrapped__"),
m = p && ce.call(e, "__wrapped__");
if (d || m) {
var $ = d ? t.value() : t,
y = m ? e.value() : e;
return a || (a = new xr()), i($, y, n, r, a);
return (
!!h &&
(a || (a = new xr()),
(function(t, e, n, r, i, a) {
var u = n & v,
s = jo(t),
c = s.length,
l = jo(e).length;
if (c != l && !u) return !1;
for (var f = c; f--; ) {
var p = s[f];
if (!(u ? p in e : ce.call(e, p))) return !1;
var h = a.get(t);
if (h && a.get(e)) return h == e;
var d = !0;
a.set(t, e), a.set(e, t);
for (var g = u; ++f < c; ) {
p = s[f];
var m = t[p],
$ = e[p];
if (r) var y = u ? r($, m, p, e, t, a) : r(m, $, p, t, e, a);
if (!(y === o ? m === $ || i(m, $, n, r, a) : y)) {
d = !1;
g || (g = "constructor" == p);
if (d && !g) {
var b = t.constructor,
w = e.constructor;
b != w &&
"constructor" in t &&
"constructor" in e &&
"function" == typeof b &&
b instanceof b &&
"function" == typeof w &&
w instanceof w
) &&
(d = !1);
return a.delete(t), a.delete(e), d;
})(t, e, n, r, i, a))
})(t, e, n, r, oi, i))
function ai(t, e, n, r) {
var i = n.length,
a = i,
u = !r;
if (null == t) return !a;
for (t = te(t); i--; ) {
var s = n[i];
if (u && s[2] ? s[1] !== t[s[0]] : !(s[0] in t)) return !1;
for (; ++i < a; ) {
var c = (s = n[i])[0],
l = t[c],
f = s[1];
if (u && s[2]) {
if (l === o && !(c in t)) return !1;
} else {
var p = new xr();
if (r) var h = r(l, f, c, t, e, p);
if (!(h === o ? oi(f, l, v | g, r, p) : h)) return !1;
return !0;
function ui(t) {
return (
!Eu(t) ||
(function(t) {
return !!fe && fe in t;
) && (_u(t) ? ve : Wt).test(la(t))
function si(t) {
return "function" == typeof t
? t
: null == t
? Ts
: "object" == typeof t
? gu(t)
? di(t[0], t[1])
: hi(t)
: Ps(t);
function ci(t) {
if (!Zo(t)) return Bn(t);
var e = [];
for (var n in te(t)) ce.call(t, n) && "constructor" != n && e.push(n);
return e;
function li(t) {
if (!Eu(t))
return (function(t) {
var e = [];
if (null != t) for (var n in te(t)) e.push(n);
return e;
var e = Zo(t),
n = [];
for (var r in t) ("constructor" != r || (!e && ce.call(t, r))) && n.push(r);
return n;
function fi(t, e) {
return t < e;
function pi(t, e) {
var r = -1,
i = $u(t) ? n(t.length) : [];
return (
Vr(t, function(t, n, o) {
i[++r] = e(t, n, o);
function hi(t) {
var e = Po(t);
return 1 == e.length && e[0][2]
? Qo(e[0][0], e[0][1])
: function(n) {
return n === t || ai(n, t, e);
function di(t, e) {
return Ko(t) && Xo(e)
? Qo(ca(t), e)
: function(n) {
var r = Xu(n, t);
return r === o && r === e ? Qu(n, t) : oi(e, r, v | g);
function vi(t, e, n, r, i) {
t !== e &&
function(a, u) {
if (Eu(a))
i || (i = new xr()),
(function(t, e, n, r, i, a, u) {
var s = Tn(t, n),
c = Tn(e, n),
l = u.get(c);
if (l) kr(t, n, l);
else {
var f = a ? a(s, c, n + "", t, e, u) : o,
p = f === o;
if (p) {
var h = gu(c),
d = !h && bu(c),
v = !h && !d && Du(c);
(f = c),
h || d || v
? gu(s)
? (f = s)
: yu(s)
? (f = no(s))
: d
? ((p = !1), (f = Yi(c, !0)))
: v
? ((p = !1), (f = Xi(c, !0)))
: (f = [])
: Ou(c) || vu(c)
? ((f = s),
vu(s) ? (f = Hu(s)) : (!Eu(s) || (r && _u(s))) && (f = Bo(c)))
: (p = !1);
p && (u.set(c, f), i(f, c, r, a, u), u.delete(c)), kr(t, n, f);
})(t, e, u, n, vi, r, i);
else {
var s = r ? r(Tn(t, u), a, u + "", t, e, i) : o;
s === o && (s = a), kr(t, u, s);
function gi(t, e) {
var n = t.length;
if (n) return Wo((e += e < 0 ? n : 0), n) ? t[e] : o;
function mi(t, e, n) {
var r = -1;
return (
(e = Qe(e.length ? e : [Ts], mn(Io()))),
(function(t, e) {
var n = t.length;
for (t.sort(e); n--; ) t[n] = t[n].value;
return t;
pi(t, function(t, n, i) {
return {
criteria: Qe(e, function(e) {
return e(t);
index: ++r,
value: t
function(t, e) {
return (function(t, e, n) {
for (
var r = -1, i = t.criteria, o = e.criteria, a = i.length, u = n.length;
++r < a;
) {
var s = Qi(i[r], o[r]);
if (s) {
if (r >= u) return s;
var c = n[r];
return s * ("desc" == c ? -1 : 1);
return t.index - e.index;
})(t, e, n);
function $i(t, e, n) {
for (var r = -1, i = e.length, o = {}; ++r < i; ) {
var a = e[r],
u = Yr(t, a);
n(u, a) && Ei(o, Wi(a, t), u);
return o;
function yi(t, e, n, r) {
var i = r ? cn : sn,
o = -1,
a = e.length,
u = t;
for (t === e && (e = no(e)), n && (u = Qe(t, mn(n))); ++o < a; )
for (var s = 0, c = e[o], l = n ? n(c) : c; (s = i(u, l, s, r)) > -1; )
u !== t && Le.call(u, s, 1), Le.call(t, s, 1);
return t;
function bi(t, e) {
for (var n = t ? e.length : 0, r = n - 1; n--; ) {
var i = e[n];
if (n == r || i !== o) {
var o = i;
Wo(i) ? Le.call(t, i, 1) : Pi(t, i);
return t;
function wi(t, e) {
return t + Vn(Jn() * (e - t + 1));
function xi(t, e) {
var n = "";
if (!t || e < 1 || e > L) return n;
do {
e % 2 && (n += t), (e = Vn(e / 2)) && (t += t);
} while (e);
return n;
function _i(t, e) {
return ia(ta(t, e, Ts), t + "");
function Ci(t) {
return Cr(ps(t));
function Si(t, e) {
var n = ps(t);
return ua(n, Lr(e, 0, n.length));
function Ei(t, e, n, r) {
if (!Eu(t)) return t;
for (
var i = -1, a = (e = Wi(e, t)).length, u = a - 1, s = t;
null != s && ++i < a;
) {
var c = ca(e[i]),
l = n;
if (i != u) {
var f = s[c];
(l = r ? r(f, c, s) : o) === o && (l = Eu(f) ? f : Wo(e[i + 1]) ? [] : {});
Ar(s, c, l), (s = s[c]);
return t;
var ki = rr
? function(t, e) {
return rr.set(t, e), t;
: Ts,
Ai = on
? function(t, e) {
return on(t, "toString", {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
value: Es(e),
writable: !0
: Ts;
function Ti(t) {
return ua(ps(t));
function Oi(t, e, r) {
var i = -1,
o = t.length;
e < 0 && (e = -e > o ? 0 : o + e),
(r = r > o ? o : r) < 0 && (r += o),
(o = e > r ? 0 : (r - e) >>> 0),
(e >>>= 0);
for (var a = n(o); ++i < o; ) a[i] = t[i + e];
return a;
function ji(t, e) {
var n;
return (
Vr(t, function(t, r, i) {
return !(n = e(t, r, i));
function Ni(t, e, n) {
var r = 0,
i = null == t ? r : t.length;
if ("number" == typeof e && e == e && i <= V) {
for (; r < i; ) {
var o = (r + i) >>> 1,
a = t[o];
null !== a && !Lu(a) && (n ? a <= e : a < e) ? (r = o + 1) : (i = o);
return i;
return Mi(t, e, Ts, n);
function Mi(t, e, n, r) {
e = n(e);
for (
var i = 0,
a = null == t ? 0 : t.length,
u = e != e,
s = null === e,
c = Lu(e),
l = e === o;
i < a;
) {
var f = Vn((i + a) / 2),
p = n(t[f]),
h = p !== o,
d = null === p,
v = p == p,
g = Lu(p);
if (u) var m = r || v;
m = l
? v && (r || h)
: s
? v && h && (r || !d)
: c
? v && h && !d && (r || !g)
: !d && !g && (r ? p <= e : p < e);
m ? (i = f + 1) : (a = f);
return Wn(a, P);
function Li(t, e) {
for (var n = -1, r = t.length, i = 0, o = []; ++n < r; ) {
var a = t[n],
u = e ? e(a) : a;
if (!n || !pu(u, s)) {
var s = u;
o[i++] = 0 === a ? 0 : a;
return o;
function Di(t) {
return "number" == typeof t ? t : Lu(t) ? I : +t;
function Ii(t) {
if ("string" == typeof t) return t;
if (gu(t)) return Qe(t, Ii) + "";
if (Lu(t)) return pr ? pr.call(t) : "";
var e = t + "";
return "0" == e && 1 / t == -M ? "-0" : e;
function Ri(t, e, n) {
var r = -1,
i = Ze,
o = t.length,
u = !0,
s = [],
c = s;
if (n) (u = !1), (i = Xe);
else if (o >= a) {
var l = e ? null : _o(t);
if (l) return On(l);
(u = !1), (i = yn), (c = new wr());
} else c = e ? [] : s;
t: for (; ++r < o; ) {
var f = t[r],
p = e ? e(f) : f;
if (((f = n || 0 !== f ? f : 0), u && p == p)) {
for (var h = c.length; h--; ) if (c[h] === p) continue t;
e && c.push(p), s.push(f);
} else i(c, p, n) || (c !== s && c.push(p), s.push(f));
return s;
function Pi(t, e) {
return null == (t = ea(t, (e = Wi(e, t)))) || delete t[ca(xa(e))];
function Vi(t, e, n, r) {
return Ei(t, e, n(Yr(t, e)), r);
function qi(t, e, n, r) {
for (var i = t.length, o = r ? i : -1; (r ? o-- : ++o < i) && e(t[o], o, t); );
return n ? Oi(t, r ? 0 : o, r ? o + 1 : i) : Oi(t, r ? o + 1 : 0, r ? i : o);
function Ui(t, e) {
var n = t;
return (
n instanceof mr && (n = n.value()),
function(t, e) {
return e.func.apply(e.thisArg, tn([t], e.args));
function Fi(t, e, r) {
var i = t.length;
if (i < 2) return i ? Ri(t[0]) : [];
for (var o = -1, a = n(i); ++o < i; )
for (var u = t[o], s = -1; ++s < i; ) s != o && (a[o] = Pr(a[o] || u, t[s], e, r));
return Ri(Br(a, 1), e, r);
function Hi(t, e, n) {
for (var r = -1, i = t.length, a = e.length, u = {}; ++r < i; ) {
var s = r < a ? e[r] : o;
n(u, t[r], s);
return u;
function Bi(t) {
return yu(t) ? t : [];
function zi(t) {
return "function" == typeof t ? t : Ts;
function Wi(t, e) {
return gu(t) ? t : Ko(t, e) ? [t] : sa(Bu(t));
var Gi = _i;
function Ki(t, e, n) {
var r = t.length;
return (n = n === o ? r : n), !e && n >= r ? t : Oi(t, e, n);
var Ji =
hn ||
function(t) {
return Me.clearTimeout(t);
function Yi(t, e) {
if (e) return t.slice();
var n = t.length,
r = xe ? xe(n) : new t.constructor(n);
return t.copy(r), r;
function Zi(t) {
var e = new t.constructor(t.byteLength);
return new be(e).set(new be(t)), e;
function Xi(t, e) {
var n = e ? Zi(t.buffer) : t.buffer;
return new t.constructor(n, t.byteOffset, t.length);
function Qi(t, e) {
if (t !== e) {
var n = t !== o,
r = null === t,
i = t == t,
a = Lu(t),
u = e !== o,
s = null === e,
c = e == e,
l = Lu(e);
if (
(!s && !l && !a && t > e) ||
(a && u && c && !s && !l) ||
(r && u && c) ||
(!n && c) ||
return 1;
if (
(!r && !a && !l && t < e) ||
(l && n && i && !r && !a) ||
(s && n && i) ||
(!u && i) ||
return -1;
return 0;
function to(t, e, r, i) {
for (
var o = -1,
a = t.length,
u = r.length,
s = -1,
c = e.length,
l = zn(a - u, 0),
f = n(c + l),
p = !i;
++s < c;
f[s] = e[s];
for (; ++o < u; ) (p || o < a) && (f[r[o]] = t[o]);
for (; l--; ) f[s++] = t[o++];
return f;
function eo(t, e, r, i) {
for (
var o = -1,
a = t.length,
u = -1,
s = r.length,
c = -1,
l = e.length,
f = zn(a - s, 0),
p = n(f + l),
h = !i;
++o < f;
p[o] = t[o];
for (var d = o; ++c < l; ) p[d + c] = e[c];
for (; ++u < s; ) (h || o < a) && (p[d + r[u]] = t[o++]);
return p;
function no(t, e) {
var r = -1,
i = t.length;
for (e || (e = n(i)); ++r < i; ) e[r] = t[r];
return e;
function ro(t, e, n, r) {
var i = !n;
n || (n = {});
for (var a = -1, u = e.length; ++a < u; ) {
var s = e[a],
c = r ? r(n[s], t[s], s, n, t) : o;
c === o && (c = t[s]), i ? Nr(n, s, c) : Ar(n, s, c);
return n;
function io(t, e) {
return function(n, r) {
var i = gu(n) ? We : Or,
o = e ? e() : {};
return i(n, t, Io(r, 2), o);
function oo(t) {
return _i(function(e, n) {
var r = -1,
i = n.length,
a = i > 1 ? n[i - 1] : o,
u = i > 2 ? n[2] : o;
for (
a = t.length > 3 && "function" == typeof a ? (i--, a) : o,
u && Go(n[0], n[1], u) && ((a = i < 3 ? o : a), (i = 1)),
e = te(e);
++r < i;
) {
var s = n[r];
s && t(e, s, r, a);
return e;
function ao(t, e) {
return function(n, r) {
if (null == n) return n;
if (!$u(n)) return t(n, r);
for (
var i = n.length, o = e ? i : -1, a = te(n);
(e ? o-- : ++o < i) && !1 !== r(a[o], o, a);
return n;
function uo(t) {
return function(e, n, r) {
for (var i = -1, o = te(e), a = r(e), u = a.length; u--; ) {
var s = a[t ? u : ++i];
if (!1 === n(o[s], s, o)) break;
return e;
function so(t) {
return function(e) {
var n = Sn((e = Bu(e))) ? Mn(e) : o,
r = n ? n[0] : e.charAt(0),
i = n ? Ki(n, 1).join("") : e.slice(1);
return r[t]() + i;
function co(t) {
return function(e) {
return en(_s(vs(e).replace($e, "")), t, "");
function lo(t) {
return function() {
var e = arguments;
switch (e.length) {
case 0:
return new t();
case 1:
return new t(e[0]);
case 2:
return new t(e[0], e[1]);
case 3:
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2]);
case 4:
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]);
case 5:
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4]);
case 6:
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5]);
case 7:
return new t(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3], e[4], e[5], e[6]);
var n = dr(t.prototype),
r = t.apply(n, e);
return Eu(r) ? r : n;
function fo(t) {
return function(e, n, r) {
var i = te(e);
if (!$u(e)) {
var a = Io(n, 3);
(e = rs(e)),
(n = function(t) {
return a(i[t], t, i);
var u = t(e, n, r);
return u > -1 ? i[a ? e[u] : u] : o;
function po(t) {
return Oo(function(e) {
var n = e.length,
r = n,
i = gr.prototype.thru;
for (t && e.reverse(); r--; ) {
var a = e[r];
if ("function" != typeof a) throw new re(s);
if (i && !u && "wrapper" == Lo(a)) var u = new gr([], !0);
for (r = u ? r : n; ++r < n; ) {
var c = Lo((a = e[r])),
l = "wrapper" == c ? Mo(a) : o;
u =
l && Jo(l[0]) && l[1] == (C | b | x | S) && !l[4].length && 1 == l[9]
? u[Lo(l[0])].apply(u, l[3])
: 1 == a.length && Jo(a)
? u[c]()
: u.thru(a);
return function() {
var t = arguments,
r = t[0];
if (u && 1 == t.length && gu(r)) return u.plant(r).value();
for (var i = 0, o = n ? e[i].apply(this, t) : r; ++i < n; )
o = e[i].call(this, o);
return o;
function ho(t, e, r, i, a, u, s, c, l, f) {
var p = e & C,
h = e & m,
d = e & $,
v = e & (b | w),
g = e & E,
y = d ? o : lo(t);
return function m() {
for (var $ = arguments.length, b = n($), w = $; w--; ) b[w] = arguments[w];
if (v)
var x = Do(m),
_ = (function(t, e) {
for (var n = t.length, r = 0; n--; ) t[n] === e && ++r;
return r;
})(b, x);
if ((i && (b = to(b, i, a, v)), u && (b = eo(b, u, s, v)), ($ -= _), v && $ < f)) {
var C = An(b, x);
return wo(t, e, ho, m.placeholder, r, b, C, c, l, f - $);
var S = h ? r : this,
E = d ? S[t] : t;
return (
($ = b.length),
? (b = (function(t, e) {
for (var n = t.length, r = Wn(e.length, n), i = no(t); r--; ) {
var a = e[r];
t[r] = Wo(a, n) ? i[a] : o;
return t;
})(b, c))
: g && $ > 1 && b.reverse(),
p && l < $ && (b.length = l),
this && this !== Me && this instanceof m && (E = y || lo(E)),
E.apply(S, b)
function vo(t, e) {
return function(n, r) {
return (function(t, e, n, r) {
return (
Gr(t, function(t, i, o) {
e(r, n(t), i, o);
})(n, t, e(r), {});
function go(t, e) {
return function(n, r) {
var i;
if (n === o && r === o) return e;
if ((n !== o && (i = n), r !== o)) {
if (i === o) return r;
"string" == typeof n || "string" == typeof r
? ((n = Ii(n)), (r = Ii(r)))
: ((n = Di(n)), (r = Di(r))),
(i = t(n, r));
return i;
function mo(t) {
return Oo(function(e) {
return (
(e = Qe(e, mn(Io()))),
_i(function(n) {
var r = this;
return t(e, function(t) {
return ze(t, r, n);
function $o(t, e) {
var n = (e = e === o ? " " : Ii(e)).length;
if (n < 2) return n ? xi(e, t) : e;
var r = xi(e, Pn(t / Nn(e)));
return Sn(e) ? Ki(Mn(r), 0, t).join("") : r.slice(0, t);
function yo(t) {
return function(e, r, i) {
return (
i && "number" != typeof i && Go(e, r, i) && (r = i = o),
(e = Vu(e)),
r === o ? ((r = e), (e = 0)) : (r = Vu(r)),
(function(t, e, r, i) {
for (var o = -1, a = zn(Pn((e - t) / (r || 1)), 0), u = n(a); a--; )
(u[i ? a : ++o] = t), (t += r);
return u;
})(e, r, (i = i === o ? (e < r ? 1 : -1) : Vu(i)), t)
function bo(t) {
return function(e, n) {
return (
("string" == typeof e && "string" == typeof n) || ((e = Fu(e)), (n = Fu(n))),
t(e, n)
function wo(t, e, n, r, i, a, u, s, c, l) {
var f = e & b;
(e |= f ? x : _), (e &= ~(f ? _ : x)) & y || (e &= ~(m | $));
var p = [t, e, i, f ? a : o, f ? u : o, f ? o : a, f ? o : u, s, c, l],
h = n.apply(o, p);
return Jo(t) && na(h, p), (h.placeholder = r), oa(h, t, e);
function xo(t) {
var e = Qt[t];
return function(t, n) {
if (((t = Fu(t)), (n = null == n ? 0 : Wn(qu(n), 292)))) {
var r = (Bu(t) + "e").split("e");
return +(
(r = (Bu(e(r[0] + "e" + (+r[1] + n))) + "e").split("e"))[0] +
"e" +
(+r[1] - n)
return e(t);
var _o =
tr && 1 / On(new tr([, -0]))[1] == M
? function(t) {
return new tr(t);
: Ls;
function Co(t) {
return function(e) {
var n = Fo(e);
return n == Y
? En(e)
: n == nt
? jn(e)
: (function(t, e) {
return Qe(e, function(e) {
return [e, t[e]];
})(e, t(e));
function So(t, e, r, i, a, u, c, l) {
var p = e & $;
if (!p && "function" != typeof t) throw new re(s);
var h = i ? i.length : 0;
if (
(h || ((e &= ~(x | _)), (i = a = o)),
(c = c === o ? c : zn(qu(c), 0)),
(l = l === o ? l : qu(l)),
(h -= a ? a.length : 0),
e & _)
) {
var d = i,
v = a;
i = a = o;
var g = p ? o : Mo(t),
E = [t, e, r, i, a, d, v, u, c, l];
if (
(g &&
(function(t, e) {
var n = t[1],
r = e[1],
i = n | r,
o = i < (m | $ | C),
a =
(r == C && n == b) ||
(r == C && n == S && t[7].length <= e[8]) ||
(r == (C | S) && e[7].length <= e[8] && n == b);
if (!o && !a) return t;
r & m && ((t[2] = e[2]), (i |= n & m ? 0 : y));
var u = e[3];
if (u) {
var s = t[3];
(t[3] = s ? to(s, u, e[4]) : u), (t[4] = s ? An(t[3], f) : e[4]);
(u = e[5]) &&
((s = t[5]),
(t[5] = s ? eo(s, u, e[6]) : u),
(t[6] = s ? An(t[5], f) : e[6])),
(u = e[7]) && (t[7] = u),
r & C && (t[8] = null == t[8] ? e[8] : Wn(t[8], e[8])),
null == t[9] && (t[9] = e[9]),
(t[0] = e[0]),
(t[1] = i);
})(E, g),
(t = E[0]),
(e = E[1]),
(r = E[2]),
(i = E[3]),
(a = E[4]),
!(l = E[9] = E[9] === o ? (p ? 0 : t.length) : zn(E[9] - h, 0)) &&
e & (b | w) &&
(e &= ~(b | w)),
e && e != m)
k =
e == b || e == w
? (function(t, e, r) {
var i = lo(t);
return function a() {
for (var u = arguments.length, s = n(u), c = u, l = Do(a); c--; )
s[c] = arguments[c];
var f = u < 3 && s[0] !== l && s[u - 1] !== l ? [] : An(s, l);
return (u -= f.length) < r
? wo(t, e, ho, a.placeholder, o, s, f, o, o, r - u)
: ze(this && this !== Me && this instanceof a ? i : t, this, s);
})(t, e, l)
: (e != x && e != (m | x)) || a.length
? ho.apply(o, E)
: (function(t, e, r, i) {
var o = e & m,
a = lo(t);
return function e() {
for (
var u = -1,
s = arguments.length,
c = -1,
l = i.length,
f = n(l + s),
p = this && this !== Me && this instanceof e ? a : t;
++c < l;
f[c] = i[c];
for (; s--; ) f[c++] = arguments[++u];
return ze(p, o ? r : this, f);
})(t, e, r, i);
var k = (function(t, e, n) {
var r = e & m,
i = lo(t);
return function e() {
return (this && this !== Me && this instanceof e ? i : t).apply(
r ? n : this,
})(t, e, r);
return oa((g ? ki : na)(k, E), t, e);
function Eo(t, e, n, r) {
return t === o || (pu(t, ae[n]) && !ce.call(r, n)) ? e : t;
function ko(t, e, n, r, i, a) {
return Eu(t) && Eu(e) && (a.set(e, t), vi(t, e, o, ko, a), a.delete(e)), t;
function Ao(t) {
return Ou(t) ? o : t;
function To(t, e, n, r, i, a) {
var u = n & v,
s = t.length,
c = e.length;
if (s != c && !(u && c > s)) return !1;
var l = a.get(t);
if (l && a.get(e)) return l == e;
var f = -1,
p = !0,
h = n & g ? new wr() : o;
for (a.set(t, e), a.set(e, t); ++f < s; ) {
var d = t[f],
m = e[f];
if (r) var $ = u ? r(m, d, f, e, t, a) : r(d, m, f, t, e, a);
if ($ !== o) {
if ($) continue;
p = !1;
if (h) {
if (
!rn(e, function(t, e) {
if (!yn(h, e) && (d === t || i(d, t, n, r, a))) return h.push(e);
) {
p = !1;
} else if (d !== m && !i(d, m, n, r, a)) {
p = !1;
return a.delete(t), a.delete(e), p;
function Oo(t) {
return ia(ta(t, o, ma), t + "");
function jo(t) {
return Zr(t, rs, qo);
function No(t) {
return Zr(t, is, Uo);
var Mo = rr
? function(t) {
return rr.get(t);
: Ls;
function Lo(t) {
for (var e = t.name + "", n = ir[e], r = ce.call(ir, e) ? n.length : 0; r--; ) {
var i = n[r],
o = i.func;
if (null == o || o == t) return i.name;
return e;
function Do(t) {
return (ce.call(hr, "placeholder") ? hr : t).placeholder;
function Io() {
var t = hr.iteratee || Os;
return (t = t === Os ? si : t), arguments.length ? t(arguments[0], arguments[1]) : t;
function Ro(t, e) {
var n = t.__data__;
return (function(t) {
var e = typeof t;
return "string" == e || "number" == e || "symbol" == e || "boolean" == e
? "__proto__" !== t
: null === t;
? n["string" == typeof e ? "string" : "hash"]
: n.map;
function Po(t) {
for (var e = rs(t), n = e.length; n--; ) {
var r = e[n],
i = t[r];
e[n] = [r, i, Xo(i)];
return e;
function Vo(t, e) {
var n = (function(t, e) {
return null == t ? o : t[e];
})(t, e);
return ui(n) ? n : o;
var qo = qn
? function(t) {
return null == t
? []
: ((t = te(t)),
Ye(qn(t), function(e) {
return Ne.call(t, e);
: Us,
Uo = qn
? function(t) {
for (var e = []; t; ) tn(e, qo(t)), (t = Ae(t));
return e;
: Us,
Fo = Xr;
function Ho(t, e, n) {
for (var r = -1, i = (e = Wi(e, t)).length, o = !1; ++r < i; ) {
var a = ca(e[r]);
if (!(o = null != t && n(t, a))) break;
t = t[a];
return o || ++r != i
? o
: !!(i = null == t ? 0 : t.length) && Su(i) && Wo(a, i) && (gu(t) || vu(t));
function Bo(t) {
return "function" != typeof t.constructor || Zo(t) ? {} : dr(Ae(t));
function zo(t) {
return gu(t) || vu(t) || !!(De && t && t[De]);
function Wo(t, e) {
var n = typeof t;
return (
!!(e = null == e ? L : e) &&
("number" == n || ("symbol" != n && Kt.test(t))) &&
t > -1 &&
t % 1 == 0 &&
t < e
function Go(t, e, n) {
if (!Eu(n)) return !1;
var r = typeof e;
return (
!!("number" == r ? $u(n) && Wo(e, n.length) : "string" == r && e in n) &&
pu(n[e], t)
function Ko(t, e) {
if (gu(t)) return !1;
var n = typeof t;
return (
!("number" != n && "symbol" != n && "boolean" != n && null != t && !Lu(t)) ||
Ot.test(t) ||
!Tt.test(t) ||
(null != e && t in te(e))
function Jo(t) {
var e = Lo(t),
n = hr[e];
if ("function" != typeof n || !(e in mr.prototype)) return !1;
if (t === n) return !0;
var r = Mo(n);
return !!r && t === r[0];
((Zn && Fo(new Zn(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != ct) ||
(Xn && Fo(new Xn()) != Y) ||
(Qn && "[object Promise]" != Fo(Qn.resolve())) ||
(tr && Fo(new tr()) != nt) ||
(er && Fo(new er()) != at)) &&
(Fo = function(t) {
var e = Xr(t),
n = e == Q ? t.constructor : o,
r = n ? la(n) : "";
if (r)
switch (r) {
case or:
return ct;
case ar:
return Y;
case ur:
return "[object Promise]";
case sr:
return nt;
case cr:
return at;
return e;
var Yo = ue ? _u : Fs;
function Zo(t) {
var e = t && t.constructor;
return t === (("function" == typeof e && e.prototype) || ae);
function Xo(t) {
return t == t && !Eu(t);
function Qo(t, e) {
return function(n) {
return null != n && n[t] === e && (e !== o || t in te(n));
function ta(t, e, r) {
return (
(e = zn(e === o ? t.length - 1 : e, 0)),
function() {
for (var i = arguments, o = -1, a = zn(i.length - e, 0), u = n(a); ++o < a; )
u[o] = i[e + o];
o = -1;
for (var s = n(e + 1); ++o < e; ) s[o] = i[o];
return (s[e] = r(u)), ze(t, this, s);
function ea(t, e) {
return e.length < 2 ? t : Yr(t, Oi(e, 0, -1));
var na = aa(ki),
ra =
Rn ||
function(t, e) {
return Me.setTimeout(t, e);
ia = aa(Ai);
function oa(t, e, n) {
var r = e + "";
return ia(
(function(t, e) {
var n = e.length;
if (!n) return t;
var r = n - 1;
return (
(e[r] = (n > 1 ? "& " : "") + e[r]),
(e = e.join(n > 2 ? ", " : " ")),
t.replace(Rt, "{\n/* [wrapped with " + e + "] */\n")
(function(t, e) {
return (
Ge(q, function(n) {
var r = "_." + n[0];
e & n[1] && !Ze(t, r) && t.push(r);
(function(t) {
var e = t.match(Pt);
return e ? e[1].split(Vt) : [];
function aa(t) {
var e = 0,
n = 0;
return function() {
var r = Gn(),
i = O - (r - n);
if (((n = r), i > 0)) {
if (++e >= T) return arguments[0];
} else e = 0;
return t.apply(o, arguments);
function ua(t, e) {
var n = -1,
r = t.length,
i = r - 1;
for (e = e === o ? r : e; ++n < e; ) {
var a = wi(n, i),
u = t[a];
(t[a] = t[n]), (t[n] = u);
return (t.length = e), t;
var sa = (function(t) {
var e = au(t, function(t) {
return n.size === l && n.clear(), t;
n = e.cache;
return e;
})(function(t) {
var e = [];
return (
46 === t.charCodeAt(0) && e.push(""),
t.replace(jt, function(t, n, r, i) {
e.push(r ? i.replace(Ut, "$1") : n || t);
function ca(t) {
if ("string" == typeof t || Lu(t)) return t;
var e = t + "";
return "0" == e && 1 / t == -M ? "-0" : e;
function la(t) {
if (null != t) {
try {
return se.call(t);
} catch (t) {}
try {
return t + "";
} catch (t) {}
return "";
function fa(t) {
if (t instanceof mr) return t.clone();
var e = new gr(t.__wrapped__, t.__chain__);
return (
(e.__actions__ = no(t.__actions__)),
(e.__index__ = t.__index__),
(e.__values__ = t.__values__),
var pa = _i(function(t, e) {
return yu(t) ? Pr(t, Br(e, 1, yu, !0)) : [];
ha = _i(function(t, e) {
var n = xa(e);
return yu(n) && (n = o), yu(t) ? Pr(t, Br(e, 1, yu, !0), Io(n, 2)) : [];
da = _i(function(t, e) {
var n = xa(e);
return yu(n) && (n = o), yu(t) ? Pr(t, Br(e, 1, yu, !0), o, n) : [];
function va(t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (!r) return -1;
var i = null == n ? 0 : qu(n);
return i < 0 && (i = zn(r + i, 0)), un(t, Io(e, 3), i);
function ga(t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (!r) return -1;
var i = r - 1;
return (
n !== o && ((i = qu(n)), (i = n < 0 ? zn(r + i, 0) : Wn(i, r - 1))),
un(t, Io(e, 3), i, !0)
function ma(t) {
return null != t && t.length ? Br(t, 1) : [];
function $a(t) {
return t && t.length ? t[0] : o;
var ya = _i(function(t) {
var e = Qe(t, Bi);
return e.length && e[0] === t[0] ? ni(e) : [];
ba = _i(function(t) {
var e = xa(t),
n = Qe(t, Bi);
return (
e === xa(n) ? (e = o) : n.pop(), n.length && n[0] === t[0] ? ni(n, Io(e, 2)) : []
wa = _i(function(t) {
var e = xa(t),
n = Qe(t, Bi);
return (
(e = "function" == typeof e ? e : o) && n.pop(),
n.length && n[0] === t[0] ? ni(n, o, e) : []
function xa(t) {
var e = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return e ? t[e - 1] : o;
var _a = _i(Ca);
function Ca(t, e) {
return t && t.length && e && e.length ? yi(t, e) : t;
var Sa = Oo(function(t, e) {
var n = null == t ? 0 : t.length,
r = Mr(t, e);
return (
Qe(e, function(t) {
return Wo(t, n) ? +t : t;
function Ea(t) {
return null == t ? t : Yn.call(t);
var ka = _i(function(t) {
return Ri(Br(t, 1, yu, !0));
Aa = _i(function(t) {
var e = xa(t);
return yu(e) && (e = o), Ri(Br(t, 1, yu, !0), Io(e, 2));
Ta = _i(function(t) {
var e = xa(t);
return (e = "function" == typeof e ? e : o), Ri(Br(t, 1, yu, !0), o, e);
function Oa(t) {
if (!t || !t.length) return [];
var e = 0;
return (
(t = Ye(t, function(t) {
if (yu(t)) return (e = zn(t.length, e)), !0;
gn(e, function(e) {
return Qe(t, pn(e));
function ja(t, e) {
if (!t || !t.length) return [];
var n = Oa(t);
return null == e
? n
: Qe(n, function(t) {
return ze(e, o, t);
var Na = _i(function(t, e) {
return yu(t) ? Pr(t, e) : [];
Ma = _i(function(t) {
return Fi(Ye(t, yu));
La = _i(function(t) {
var e = xa(t);
return yu(e) && (e = o), Fi(Ye(t, yu), Io(e, 2));
Da = _i(function(t) {
var e = xa(t);
return (e = "function" == typeof e ? e : o), Fi(Ye(t, yu), o, e);
Ia = _i(Oa);
var Ra = _i(function(t) {
var e = t.length,
n = e > 1 ? t[e - 1] : o;
return ja(t, (n = "function" == typeof n ? (t.pop(), n) : o));
function Pa(t) {
var e = hr(t);
return (e.__chain__ = !0), e;
function Va(t, e) {
return e(t);
var qa = Oo(function(t) {
var e = t.length,
n = e ? t[0] : 0,
r = this.__wrapped__,
i = function(e) {
return Mr(e, t);
return !(e > 1 || this.__actions__.length) && r instanceof mr && Wo(n)
? ((r = r.slice(n, +n + (e ? 1 : 0))).__actions__.push({
func: Va,
args: [i],
thisArg: o
new gr(r, this.__chain__).thru(function(t) {
return e && !t.length && t.push(o), t;
: this.thru(i);
var Ua = io(function(t, e, n) {
ce.call(t, n) ? ++t[n] : Nr(t, n, 1);
var Fa = fo(va),
Ha = fo(ga);
function Ba(t, e) {
return (gu(t) ? Ge : Vr)(t, Io(e, 3));
function za(t, e) {
return (gu(t) ? Ke : qr)(t, Io(e, 3));
var Wa = io(function(t, e, n) {
ce.call(t, n) ? t[n].push(e) : Nr(t, n, [e]);
var Ga = _i(function(t, e, r) {
var i = -1,
o = "function" == typeof e,
a = $u(t) ? n(t.length) : [];
return (
Vr(t, function(t) {
a[++i] = o ? ze(e, t, r) : ri(t, e, r);
Ka = io(function(t, e, n) {
Nr(t, n, e);
function Ja(t, e) {
return (gu(t) ? Qe : pi)(t, Io(e, 3));
var Ya = io(
function(t, e, n) {
t[n ? 0 : 1].push(e);
function() {
return [[], []];
var Za = _i(function(t, e) {
if (null == t) return [];
var n = e.length;
return (
n > 1 && Go(t, e[0], e[1])
? (e = [])
: n > 2 && Go(e[0], e[1], e[2]) && (e = [e[0]]),
mi(t, Br(e, 1), [])
Xa =
In ||
function() {
return Me.Date.now();
function Qa(t, e, n) {
return (e = n ? o : e), (e = t && null == e ? t.length : e), So(t, C, o, o, o, o, e);
function tu(t, e) {
var n;
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new re(s);
return (
(t = qu(t)),
function() {
return --t > 0 && (n = e.apply(this, arguments)), t <= 1 && (e = o), n;
var eu = _i(function(t, e, n) {
var r = m;
if (n.length) {
var i = An(n, Do(eu));
r |= x;
return So(t, r, e, n, i);
nu = _i(function(t, e, n) {
var r = m | $;
if (n.length) {
var i = An(n, Do(nu));
r |= x;
return So(e, r, t, n, i);
function ru(t, e, n) {
var r,
f = 0,
p = !1,
h = !1,
d = !0;
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new re(s);
function v(e) {
var n = r,
a = i;
return (r = i = o), (f = e), (u = t.apply(a, n));
function g(t) {
var n = t - l;
return l === o || n >= e || n < 0 || (h && t - f >= a);
function m() {
var t = Xa();
if (g(t)) return $(t);
c = ra(
(function(t) {
var n = e - (t - l);
return h ? Wn(n, a - (t - f)) : n;
function $(t) {
return (c = o), d && r ? v(t) : ((r = i = o), u);
function y() {
var t = Xa(),
n = g(t);
if (((r = arguments), (i = this), (l = t), n)) {
if (c === o)
return (function(t) {
return (f = t), (c = ra(m, e)), p ? v(t) : u;
if (h) return (c = ra(m, e)), v(l);
return c === o && (c = ra(m, e)), u;
return (
(e = Fu(e) || 0),
Eu(n) &&
((p = !!n.leading),
(a = (h = "maxWait" in n) ? zn(Fu(n.maxWait) || 0, e) : a),
(d = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : d)),
(y.cancel = function() {
c !== o && Ji(c), (f = 0), (r = l = i = c = o);
(y.flush = function() {
return c === o ? u : $(Xa());
var iu = _i(function(t, e) {
return Rr(t, 1, e);
ou = _i(function(t, e, n) {
return Rr(t, Fu(e) || 0, n);
function au(t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof t || (null != e && "function" != typeof e)) throw new re(s);
var n = function() {
var r = arguments,
i = e ? e.apply(this, r) : r[0],
o = n.cache;
if (o.has(i)) return o.get(i);
var a = t.apply(this, r);
return (n.cache = o.set(i, a) || o), a;
return (n.cache = new (au.Cache || br)()), n;
function uu(t) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new re(s);
return function() {
var e = arguments;
switch (e.length) {
case 0:
return !t.call(this);
case 1:
return !t.call(this, e[0]);
case 2:
return !t.call(this, e[0], e[1]);
case 3:
return !t.call(this, e[0], e[1], e[2]);
return !t.apply(this, e);
au.Cache = br;
var su = Gi(function(t, e) {
var n = (e =
1 == e.length && gu(e[0]) ? Qe(e[0], mn(Io())) : Qe(Br(e, 1), mn(Io()))).length;
return _i(function(r) {
for (var i = -1, o = Wn(r.length, n); ++i < o; ) r[i] = e[i].call(this, r[i]);
return ze(t, this, r);
cu = _i(function(t, e) {
var n = An(e, Do(cu));
return So(t, x, o, e, n);
lu = _i(function(t, e) {
var n = An(e, Do(lu));
return So(t, _, o, e, n);
fu = Oo(function(t, e) {
return So(t, S, o, o, o, e);
function pu(t, e) {
return t === e || (t != t && e != e);
var hu = bo(Qr),
du = bo(function(t, e) {
return t >= e;
vu = ii(
(function() {
return arguments;
? ii
: function(t) {
return ku(t) && ce.call(t, "callee") && !Ne.call(t, "callee");
gu = n.isArray,
mu = Ve
? mn(Ve)
: function(t) {
return ku(t) && Xr(t) == st;
function $u(t) {
return null != t && Su(t.length) && !_u(t);
function yu(t) {
return ku(t) && $u(t);
var bu = Un || Fs,
wu = qe
? mn(qe)
: function(t) {
return ku(t) && Xr(t) == z;
function xu(t) {
if (!ku(t)) return !1;
var e = Xr(t);
return (
e == G ||
e == W ||
("string" == typeof t.message && "string" == typeof t.name && !Ou(t))
function _u(t) {
if (!Eu(t)) return !1;
var e = Xr(t);
return e == K || e == J || e == H || e == tt;
function Cu(t) {
return "number" == typeof t && t == qu(t);
function Su(t) {
return "number" == typeof t && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && t <= L;
function Eu(t) {
var e = typeof t;
return null != t && ("object" == e || "function" == e);
function ku(t) {
return null != t && "object" == typeof t;
var Au = Ue
? mn(Ue)
: function(t) {
return ku(t) && Fo(t) == Y;
function Tu(t) {
return "number" == typeof t || (ku(t) && Xr(t) == Z);
function Ou(t) {
if (!ku(t) || Xr(t) != Q) return !1;
var e = Ae(t);
if (null === e) return !0;
var n = ce.call(e, "constructor") && e.constructor;
return "function" == typeof n && n instanceof n && se.call(n) == he;
var ju = Fe
? mn(Fe)
: function(t) {
return ku(t) && Xr(t) == et;
var Nu = He
? mn(He)
: function(t) {
return ku(t) && Fo(t) == nt;
function Mu(t) {
return "string" == typeof t || (!gu(t) && ku(t) && Xr(t) == rt);
function Lu(t) {
return "symbol" == typeof t || (ku(t) && Xr(t) == it);
var Du = Be
? mn(Be)
: function(t) {
return ku(t) && Su(t.length) && !!Ee[Xr(t)];
var Iu = bo(fi),
Ru = bo(function(t, e) {
return t <= e;
function Pu(t) {
if (!t) return [];
if ($u(t)) return Mu(t) ? Mn(t) : no(t);
if (Re && t[Re])
return (function(t) {
for (var e, n = []; !(e = t.next()).done; ) n.push(e.value);
return n;
var e = Fo(t);
return (e == Y ? En : e == nt ? On : ps)(t);
function Vu(t) {
return t
? (t = Fu(t)) === M || t === -M
? (t < 0 ? -1 : 1) * D
: t == t
? t
: 0
: 0 === t
? t
: 0;
function qu(t) {
var e = Vu(t),
n = e % 1;
return e == e ? (n ? e - n : e) : 0;
function Uu(t) {
return t ? Lr(qu(t), 0, R) : 0;
function Fu(t) {
if ("number" == typeof t) return t;
if (Lu(t)) return I;
if (Eu(t)) {
var e = "function" == typeof t.valueOf ? t.valueOf() : t;
t = Eu(e) ? e + "" : e;
if ("string" != typeof t) return 0 === t ? t : +t;
t = t.replace(Lt, "");
var n = zt.test(t);
return n || Gt.test(t) ? Oe(t.slice(2), n ? 2 : 8) : Bt.test(t) ? I : +t;
function Hu(t) {
return ro(t, is(t));
function Bu(t) {
return null == t ? "" : Ii(t);
var zu = oo(function(t, e) {
if (Zo(e) || $u(e)) ro(e, rs(e), t);
else for (var n in e) ce.call(e, n) && Ar(t, n, e[n]);
Wu = oo(function(t, e) {
ro(e, is(e), t);
Gu = oo(function(t, e, n, r) {
ro(e, is(e), t, r);
Ku = oo(function(t, e, n, r) {
ro(e, rs(e), t, r);
Ju = Oo(Mr);
var Yu = _i(function(t, e) {
t = te(t);
var n = -1,
r = e.length,
i = r > 2 ? e[2] : o;
for (i && Go(e[0], e[1], i) && (r = 1); ++n < r; )
for (var a = e[n], u = is(a), s = -1, c = u.length; ++s < c; ) {
var l = u[s],
f = t[l];
(f === o || (pu(f, ae[l]) && !ce.call(t, l))) && (t[l] = a[l]);
return t;
Zu = _i(function(t) {
return t.push(o, ko), ze(as, o, t);
function Xu(t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? o : Yr(t, e);
return r === o ? n : r;
function Qu(t, e) {
return null != t && Ho(t, e, ei);
var ts = vo(function(t, e, n) {
null != e && "function" != typeof e.toString && (e = pe.call(e)), (t[e] = n);
}, Es(Ts)),
es = vo(function(t, e, n) {
null != e && "function" != typeof e.toString && (e = pe.call(e)),
ce.call(t, e) ? t[e].push(n) : (t[e] = [n]);
}, Io),
ns = _i(ri);
function rs(t) {
return $u(t) ? _r(t) : ci(t);
function is(t) {
return $u(t) ? _r(t, !0) : li(t);
var os = oo(function(t, e, n) {
vi(t, e, n);
as = oo(function(t, e, n, r) {
vi(t, e, n, r);
us = Oo(function(t, e) {
var n = {};
if (null == t) return n;
var r = !1;
(e = Qe(e, function(e) {
return (e = Wi(e, t)), r || (r = e.length > 1), e;
ro(t, No(t), n),
r && (n = Dr(n, p | h | d, Ao));
for (var i = e.length; i--; ) Pi(n, e[i]);
return n;
var ss = Oo(function(t, e) {
return null == t
? {}
: (function(t, e) {
return $i(t, e, function(e, n) {
return Qu(t, n);
})(t, e);
function cs(t, e) {
if (null == t) return {};
var n = Qe(No(t), function(t) {
return [t];
return (
(e = Io(e)),
$i(t, n, function(t, n) {
return e(t, n[0]);
var ls = Co(rs),
fs = Co(is);
function ps(t) {
return null == t ? [] : $n(t, rs(t));
var hs = co(function(t, e, n) {
return (e = e.toLowerCase()), t + (n ? ds(e) : e);
function ds(t) {
return xs(Bu(t).toLowerCase());
function vs(t) {
return (t = Bu(t)) && t.replace(Jt, xn).replace(ye, "");
var gs = co(function(t, e, n) {
return t + (n ? "-" : "") + e.toLowerCase();
ms = co(function(t, e, n) {
return t + (n ? " " : "") + e.toLowerCase();
$s = so("toLowerCase");
var ys = co(function(t, e, n) {
return t + (n ? "_" : "") + e.toLowerCase();
var bs = co(function(t, e, n) {
return t + (n ? " " : "") + xs(e);
var ws = co(function(t, e, n) {
return t + (n ? " " : "") + e.toUpperCase();
xs = so("toUpperCase");
function _s(t, e, n) {
return (
(t = Bu(t)),
(e = n ? o : e) === o
? (function(t) {
return _e.test(t);
? (function(t) {
return t.match(we) || [];
: (function(t) {
return t.match(qt) || [];
: t.match(e) || []
var Cs = _i(function(t, e) {
try {
return ze(t, o, e);
} catch (t) {
return xu(t) ? t : new i(t);
Ss = Oo(function(t, e) {
return (
Ge(e, function(e) {
(e = ca(e)), Nr(t, e, eu(t[e], t));
function Es(t) {
return function() {
return t;
var ks = po(),
As = po(!0);
function Ts(t) {
return t;
function Os(t) {
return si("function" == typeof t ? t : Dr(t, p));
var js = _i(function(t, e) {
return function(n) {
return ri(n, t, e);
Ns = _i(function(t, e) {
return function(n) {
return ri(t, n, e);
function Ms(t, e, n) {
var r = rs(e),
i = Jr(e, r);
null != n ||
(Eu(e) && (i.length || !r.length)) ||
((n = e), (e = t), (t = this), (i = Jr(e, rs(e))));
var o = !(Eu(n) && "chain" in n && !n.chain),
a = _u(t);
return (
Ge(i, function(n) {
var r = e[n];
(t[n] = r),
a &&
(t.prototype[n] = function() {
var e = this.__chain__;
if (o || e) {
var n = t(this.__wrapped__);
return (
(n.__actions__ = no(this.__actions__)).push({
func: r,
args: arguments,
thisArg: t
(n.__chain__ = e),
return r.apply(t, tn([this.value()], arguments));
function Ls() {}
var Ds = mo(Qe),
Is = mo(Je),
Rs = mo(rn);
function Ps(t) {
return Ko(t)
? pn(ca(t))
: (function(t) {
return function(e) {
return Yr(e, t);
var Vs = yo(),
qs = yo(!0);
function Us() {
return [];
function Fs() {
return !1;
var Hs = go(function(t, e) {
return t + e;
}, 0),
Bs = xo("ceil"),
zs = go(function(t, e) {
return t / e;
}, 1),
Ws = xo("floor");
var Gs = go(function(t, e) {
return t * e;
}, 1),
Ks = xo("round"),
Js = go(function(t, e) {
return t - e;
}, 0);
return (
(hr.after = function(t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof e) throw new re(s);
return (
(t = qu(t)),
function() {
if (--t < 1) return e.apply(this, arguments);
(hr.ary = Qa),
(hr.assign = zu),
(hr.assignIn = Wu),
(hr.assignInWith = Gu),
(hr.assignWith = Ku),
(hr.at = Ju),
(hr.before = tu),
(hr.bind = eu),
(hr.bindAll = Ss),
(hr.bindKey = nu),
(hr.castArray = function() {
if (!arguments.length) return [];
var t = arguments[0];
return gu(t) ? t : [t];
(hr.chain = Pa),
(hr.chunk = function(t, e, r) {
e = (r ? Go(t, e, r) : e === o) ? 1 : zn(qu(e), 0);
var i = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (!i || e < 1) return [];
for (var a = 0, u = 0, s = n(Pn(i / e)); a < i; ) s[u++] = Oi(t, a, (a += e));
return s;
(hr.compact = function(t) {
for (var e = -1, n = null == t ? 0 : t.length, r = 0, i = []; ++e < n; ) {
var o = t[e];
o && (i[r++] = o);
return i;
(hr.concat = function() {
var t = arguments.length;
if (!t) return [];
for (var e = n(t - 1), r = arguments[0], i = t; i--; ) e[i - 1] = arguments[i];
return tn(gu(r) ? no(r) : [r], Br(e, 1));
(hr.cond = function(t) {
var e = null == t ? 0 : t.length,
n = Io();
return (
(t = e
? Qe(t, function(t) {
if ("function" != typeof t[1]) throw new re(s);
return [n(t[0]), t[1]];
: []),
_i(function(n) {
for (var r = -1; ++r < e; ) {
var i = t[r];
if (ze(i[0], this, n)) return ze(i[1], this, n);
(hr.conforms = function(t) {
return (function(t) {
var e = rs(t);
return function(n) {
return Ir(n, t, e);
})(Dr(t, p));
(hr.constant = Es),
(hr.countBy = Ua),
(hr.create = function(t, e) {
var n = dr(t);
return null == e ? n : jr(n, e);
(hr.curry = function t(e, n, r) {
var i = So(e, b, o, o, o, o, o, (n = r ? o : n));
return (i.placeholder = t.placeholder), i;
(hr.curryRight = function t(e, n, r) {
var i = So(e, w, o, o, o, o, o, (n = r ? o : n));
return (i.placeholder = t.placeholder), i;
(hr.debounce = ru),
(hr.defaults = Yu),
(hr.defaultsDeep = Zu),
(hr.defer = iu),
(hr.delay = ou),
(hr.difference = pa),
(hr.differenceBy = ha),
(hr.differenceWith = da),
(hr.drop = function(t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return r ? Oi(t, (e = n || e === o ? 1 : qu(e)) < 0 ? 0 : e, r) : [];
(hr.dropRight = function(t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return r ? Oi(t, 0, (e = r - (e = n || e === o ? 1 : qu(e))) < 0 ? 0 : e) : [];
(hr.dropRightWhile = function(t, e) {
return t && t.length ? qi(t, Io(e, 3), !0, !0) : [];
(hr.dropWhile = function(t, e) {
return t && t.length ? qi(t, Io(e, 3), !0) : [];
(hr.fill = function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return i
? (n && "number" != typeof n && Go(t, e, n) && ((n = 0), (r = i)),
(function(t, e, n, r) {
var i = t.length;
for (
(n = qu(n)) < 0 && (n = -n > i ? 0 : i + n),
(r = r === o || r > i ? i : qu(r)) < 0 && (r += i),
r = n > r ? 0 : Uu(r);
n < r;
t[n++] = e;
return t;
})(t, e, n, r))
: [];
(hr.filter = function(t, e) {
return (gu(t) ? Ye : Hr)(t, Io(e, 3));
(hr.flatMap = function(t, e) {
return Br(Ja(t, e), 1);
(hr.flatMapDeep = function(t, e) {
return Br(Ja(t, e), M);
(hr.flatMapDepth = function(t, e, n) {
return (n = n === o ? 1 : qu(n)), Br(Ja(t, e), n);
(hr.flatten = ma),
(hr.flattenDeep = function(t) {
return null != t && t.length ? Br(t, M) : [];
(hr.flattenDepth = function(t, e) {
return null != t && t.length ? Br(t, (e = e === o ? 1 : qu(e))) : [];
(hr.flip = function(t) {
return So(t, E);
(hr.flow = ks),
(hr.flowRight = As),
(hr.fromPairs = function(t) {
for (var e = -1, n = null == t ? 0 : t.length, r = {}; ++e < n; ) {
var i = t[e];
r[i[0]] = i[1];
return r;
(hr.functions = function(t) {
return null == t ? [] : Jr(t, rs(t));
(hr.functionsIn = function(t) {
return null == t ? [] : Jr(t, is(t));
(hr.groupBy = Wa),
(hr.initial = function(t) {
return null != t && t.length ? Oi(t, 0, -1) : [];
(hr.intersection = ya),
(hr.intersectionBy = ba),
(hr.intersectionWith = wa),
(hr.invert = ts),
(hr.invertBy = es),
(hr.invokeMap = Ga),
(hr.iteratee = Os),
(hr.keyBy = Ka),
(hr.keys = rs),
(hr.keysIn = is),
(hr.map = Ja),
(hr.mapKeys = function(t, e) {
var n = {};
return (
(e = Io(e, 3)),
Gr(t, function(t, r, i) {
Nr(n, e(t, r, i), t);
(hr.mapValues = function(t, e) {
var n = {};
return (
(e = Io(e, 3)),
Gr(t, function(t, r, i) {
Nr(n, r, e(t, r, i));
(hr.matches = function(t) {
return hi(Dr(t, p));
(hr.matchesProperty = function(t, e) {
return di(t, Dr(e, p));
(hr.memoize = au),
(hr.merge = os),
(hr.mergeWith = as),
(hr.method = js),
(hr.methodOf = Ns),
(hr.mixin = Ms),
(hr.negate = uu),
(hr.nthArg = function(t) {
return (
(t = qu(t)),
_i(function(e) {
return gi(e, t);
(hr.omit = us),
(hr.omitBy = function(t, e) {
return cs(t, uu(Io(e)));
(hr.once = function(t) {
return tu(2, t);
(hr.orderBy = function(t, e, n, r) {
return null == t
? []
: (gu(e) || (e = null == e ? [] : [e]),
gu((n = r ? o : n)) || (n = null == n ? [] : [n]),
mi(t, e, n));
(hr.over = Ds),
(hr.overArgs = su),
(hr.overEvery = Is),
(hr.overSome = Rs),
(hr.partial = cu),
(hr.partialRight = lu),
(hr.partition = Ya),
(hr.pick = ss),
(hr.pickBy = cs),
(hr.property = Ps),
(hr.propertyOf = function(t) {
return function(e) {
return null == t ? o : Yr(t, e);
(hr.pull = _a),
(hr.pullAll = Ca),
(hr.pullAllBy = function(t, e, n) {
return t && t.length && e && e.length ? yi(t, e, Io(n, 2)) : t;
(hr.pullAllWith = function(t, e, n) {
return t && t.length && e && e.length ? yi(t, e, o, n) : t;
(hr.pullAt = Sa),
(hr.range = Vs),
(hr.rangeRight = qs),
(hr.rearg = fu),
(hr.reject = function(t, e) {
return (gu(t) ? Ye : Hr)(t, uu(Io(e, 3)));
(hr.remove = function(t, e) {
var n = [];
if (!t || !t.length) return n;
var r = -1,
i = [],
o = t.length;
for (e = Io(e, 3); ++r < o; ) {
var a = t[r];
e(a, r, t) && (n.push(a), i.push(r));
return bi(t, i), n;
(hr.rest = function(t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new re(s);
return _i(t, (e = e === o ? e : qu(e)));
(hr.reverse = Ea),
(hr.sampleSize = function(t, e, n) {
return (e = (n ? Go(t, e, n) : e === o) ? 1 : qu(e)), (gu(t) ? Sr : Si)(t, e);
(hr.set = function(t, e, n) {
return null == t ? t : Ei(t, e, n);
(hr.setWith = function(t, e, n, r) {
return (r = "function" == typeof r ? r : o), null == t ? t : Ei(t, e, n, r);
(hr.shuffle = function(t) {
return (gu(t) ? Er : Ti)(t);
(hr.slice = function(t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return r
? (n && "number" != typeof n && Go(t, e, n)
? ((e = 0), (n = r))
: ((e = null == e ? 0 : qu(e)), (n = n === o ? r : qu(n))),
Oi(t, e, n))
: [];
(hr.sortBy = Za),
(hr.sortedUniq = function(t) {
return t && t.length ? Li(t) : [];
(hr.sortedUniqBy = function(t, e) {
return t && t.length ? Li(t, Io(e, 2)) : [];
(hr.split = function(t, e, n) {
return (
n && "number" != typeof n && Go(t, e, n) && (e = n = o),
(n = n === o ? R : n >>> 0)
? (t = Bu(t)) &&
("string" == typeof e || (null != e && !ju(e))) &&
!(e = Ii(e)) &&
? Ki(Mn(t), 0, n)
: t.split(e, n)
: []
(hr.spread = function(t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new re(s);
return (
(e = null == e ? 0 : zn(qu(e), 0)),
_i(function(n) {
var r = n[e],
i = Ki(n, 0, e);
return r && tn(i, r), ze(t, this, i);
(hr.tail = function(t) {
var e = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return e ? Oi(t, 1, e) : [];
(hr.take = function(t, e, n) {
return t && t.length ? Oi(t, 0, (e = n || e === o ? 1 : qu(e)) < 0 ? 0 : e) : [];
(hr.takeRight = function(t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
return r ? Oi(t, (e = r - (e = n || e === o ? 1 : qu(e))) < 0 ? 0 : e, r) : [];
(hr.takeRightWhile = function(t, e) {
return t && t.length ? qi(t, Io(e, 3), !1, !0) : [];
(hr.takeWhile = function(t, e) {
return t && t.length ? qi(t, Io(e, 3)) : [];
(hr.tap = function(t, e) {
return e(t), t;
(hr.throttle = function(t, e, n) {
var r = !0,
i = !0;
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new re(s);
return (
Eu(n) &&
((r = "leading" in n ? !!n.leading : r),
(i = "trailing" in n ? !!n.trailing : i)),
ru(t, e, { leading: r, maxWait: e, trailing: i })
(hr.thru = Va),
(hr.toArray = Pu),
(hr.toPairs = ls),
(hr.toPairsIn = fs),
(hr.toPath = function(t) {
return gu(t) ? Qe(t, ca) : Lu(t) ? [t] : no(sa(Bu(t)));
(hr.toPlainObject = Hu),
(hr.transform = function(t, e, n) {
var r = gu(t),
i = r || bu(t) || Du(t);
if (((e = Io(e, 4)), null == n)) {
var o = t && t.constructor;
n = i ? (r ? new o() : []) : Eu(t) && _u(o) ? dr(Ae(t)) : {};
return (
(i ? Ge : Gr)(t, function(t, r, i) {
return e(n, t, r, i);
(hr.unary = function(t) {
return Qa(t, 1);
(hr.union = ka),
(hr.unionBy = Aa),
(hr.unionWith = Ta),
(hr.uniq = function(t) {
return t && t.length ? Ri(t) : [];
(hr.uniqBy = function(t, e) {
return t && t.length ? Ri(t, Io(e, 2)) : [];
(hr.uniqWith = function(t, e) {
return (e = "function" == typeof e ? e : o), t && t.length ? Ri(t, o, e) : [];
(hr.unset = function(t, e) {
return null == t || Pi(t, e);
(hr.unzip = Oa),
(hr.unzipWith = ja),
(hr.update = function(t, e, n) {
return null == t ? t : Vi(t, e, zi(n));
(hr.updateWith = function(t, e, n, r) {
return (r = "function" == typeof r ? r : o), null == t ? t : Vi(t, e, zi(n), r);
(hr.values = ps),
(hr.valuesIn = function(t) {
return null == t ? [] : $n(t, is(t));
(hr.without = Na),
(hr.words = _s),
(hr.wrap = function(t, e) {
return cu(zi(e), t);
(hr.xor = Ma),
(hr.xorBy = La),
(hr.xorWith = Da),
(hr.zip = Ia),
(hr.zipObject = function(t, e) {
return Hi(t || [], e || [], Ar);
(hr.zipObjectDeep = function(t, e) {
return Hi(t || [], e || [], Ei);
(hr.zipWith = Ra),
(hr.entries = ls),
(hr.entriesIn = fs),
(hr.extend = Wu),
(hr.extendWith = Gu),
Ms(hr, hr),
(hr.add = Hs),
(hr.attempt = Cs),
(hr.camelCase = hs),
(hr.capitalize = ds),
(hr.ceil = Bs),
(hr.clamp = function(t, e, n) {
return (
n === o && ((n = e), (e = o)),
n !== o && (n = (n = Fu(n)) == n ? n : 0),
e !== o && (e = (e = Fu(e)) == e ? e : 0),
Lr(Fu(t), e, n)
(hr.clone = function(t) {
return Dr(t, d);
(hr.cloneDeep = function(t) {
return Dr(t, p | d);
(hr.cloneDeepWith = function(t, e) {
return Dr(t, p | d, (e = "function" == typeof e ? e : o));
(hr.cloneWith = function(t, e) {
return Dr(t, d, (e = "function" == typeof e ? e : o));
(hr.conformsTo = function(t, e) {
return null == e || Ir(t, e, rs(e));
(hr.deburr = vs),
(hr.defaultTo = function(t, e) {
return null == t || t != t ? e : t;
(hr.divide = zs),
(hr.endsWith = function(t, e, n) {
(t = Bu(t)), (e = Ii(e));
var r = t.length,
i = (n = n === o ? r : Lr(qu(n), 0, r));
return (n -= e.length) >= 0 && t.slice(n, i) == e;
(hr.eq = pu),
(hr.escape = function(t) {
return (t = Bu(t)) && St.test(t) ? t.replace(_t, _n) : t;
(hr.escapeRegExp = function(t) {
return (t = Bu(t)) && Mt.test(t) ? t.replace(Nt, "\\$&") : t;
(hr.every = function(t, e, n) {
var r = gu(t) ? Je : Ur;
return n && Go(t, e, n) && (e = o), r(t, Io(e, 3));
(hr.find = Fa),
(hr.findIndex = va),
(hr.findKey = function(t, e) {
return an(t, Io(e, 3), Gr);
(hr.findLast = Ha),
(hr.findLastIndex = ga),
(hr.findLastKey = function(t, e) {
return an(t, Io(e, 3), Kr);
(hr.floor = Ws),
(hr.forEach = Ba),
(hr.forEachRight = za),
(hr.forIn = function(t, e) {
return null == t ? t : zr(t, Io(e, 3), is);
(hr.forInRight = function(t, e) {
return null == t ? t : Wr(t, Io(e, 3), is);
(hr.forOwn = function(t, e) {
return t && Gr(t, Io(e, 3));
(hr.forOwnRight = function(t, e) {
return t && Kr(t, Io(e, 3));
(hr.get = Xu),
(hr.gt = hu),
(hr.gte = du),
(hr.has = function(t, e) {
return null != t && Ho(t, e, ti);
(hr.hasIn = Qu),
(hr.head = $a),
(hr.identity = Ts),
(hr.includes = function(t, e, n, r) {
(t = $u(t) ? t : ps(t)), (n = n && !r ? qu(n) : 0);
var i = t.length;
return (
n < 0 && (n = zn(i + n, 0)),
Mu(t) ? n <= i && t.indexOf(e, n) > -1 : !!i && sn(t, e, n) > -1
(hr.indexOf = function(t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (!r) return -1;
var i = null == n ? 0 : qu(n);
return i < 0 && (i = zn(r + i, 0)), sn(t, e, i);
(hr.inRange = function(t, e, n) {
return (
(e = Vu(e)),
n === o ? ((n = e), (e = 0)) : (n = Vu(n)),
(function(t, e, n) {
return t >= Wn(e, n) && t < zn(e, n);
})((t = Fu(t)), e, n)
(hr.invoke = ns),
(hr.isArguments = vu),
(hr.isArray = gu),
(hr.isArrayBuffer = mu),
(hr.isArrayLike = $u),
(hr.isArrayLikeObject = yu),
(hr.isBoolean = function(t) {
return !0 === t || !1 === t || (ku(t) && Xr(t) == B);
(hr.isBuffer = bu),
(hr.isDate = wu),
(hr.isElement = function(t) {
return ku(t) && 1 === t.nodeType && !Ou(t);
(hr.isEmpty = function(t) {
if (null == t) return !0;
if (
$u(t) &&
(gu(t) ||
"string" == typeof t ||
"function" == typeof t.splice ||
bu(t) ||
Du(t) ||
return !t.length;
var e = Fo(t);
if (e == Y || e == nt) return !t.size;
if (Zo(t)) return !ci(t).length;
for (var n in t) if (ce.call(t, n)) return !1;
return !0;
(hr.isEqual = function(t, e) {
return oi(t, e);
(hr.isEqualWith = function(t, e, n) {
var r = (n = "function" == typeof n ? n : o) ? n(t, e) : o;
return r === o ? oi(t, e, o, n) : !!r;
(hr.isError = xu),
(hr.isFinite = function(t) {
return "number" == typeof t && Fn(t);
(hr.isFunction = _u),
(hr.isInteger = Cu),
(hr.isLength = Su),
(hr.isMap = Au),
(hr.isMatch = function(t, e) {
return t === e || ai(t, e, Po(e));
(hr.isMatchWith = function(t, e, n) {
return (n = "function" == typeof n ? n : o), ai(t, e, Po(e), n);
(hr.isNaN = function(t) {
return Tu(t) && t != +t;
(hr.isNative = function(t) {
if (Yo(t)) throw new i(u);
return ui(t);
(hr.isNil = function(t) {
return null == t;
(hr.isNull = function(t) {
return null === t;
(hr.isNumber = Tu),
(hr.isObject = Eu),
(hr.isObjectLike = ku),
(hr.isPlainObject = Ou),
(hr.isRegExp = ju),
(hr.isSafeInteger = function(t) {
return Cu(t) && t >= -L && t <= L;
(hr.isSet = Nu),
(hr.isString = Mu),
(hr.isSymbol = Lu),
(hr.isTypedArray = Du),
(hr.isUndefined = function(t) {
return t === o;
(hr.isWeakMap = function(t) {
return ku(t) && Fo(t) == at;
(hr.isWeakSet = function(t) {
return ku(t) && Xr(t) == ut;
(hr.join = function(t, e) {
return null == t ? "" : Hn.call(t, e);
(hr.kebabCase = gs),
(hr.last = xa),
(hr.lastIndexOf = function(t, e, n) {
var r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (!r) return -1;
var i = r;
return (
n !== o && (i = (i = qu(n)) < 0 ? zn(r + i, 0) : Wn(i, r - 1)),
e == e
? (function(t, e, n) {
for (var r = n + 1; r--; ) if (t[r] === e) return r;
return r;
})(t, e, i)
: un(t, ln, i, !0)
(hr.lowerCase = ms),
(hr.lowerFirst = $s),
(hr.lt = Iu),
(hr.lte = Ru),
(hr.max = function(t) {
return t && t.length ? Fr(t, Ts, Qr) : o;
(hr.maxBy = function(t, e) {
return t && t.length ? Fr(t, Io(e, 2), Qr) : o;
(hr.mean = function(t) {
return fn(t, Ts);
(hr.meanBy = function(t, e) {
return fn(t, Io(e, 2));
(hr.min = function(t) {
return t && t.length ? Fr(t, Ts, fi) : o;
(hr.minBy = function(t, e) {
return t && t.length ? Fr(t, Io(e, 2), fi) : o;
(hr.stubArray = Us),
(hr.stubFalse = Fs),
(hr.stubObject = function() {
return {};
(hr.stubString = function() {
return "";
(hr.stubTrue = function() {
return !0;
(hr.multiply = Gs),
(hr.nth = function(t, e) {
return t && t.length ? gi(t, qu(e)) : o;
(hr.noConflict = function() {
return Me._ === this && (Me._ = de), this;
(hr.noop = Ls),
(hr.now = Xa),
(hr.pad = function(t, e, n) {
t = Bu(t);
var r = (e = qu(e)) ? Nn(t) : 0;
if (!e || r >= e) return t;
var i = (e - r) / 2;
return $o(Vn(i), n) + t + $o(Pn(i), n);
(hr.padEnd = function(t, e, n) {
t = Bu(t);
var r = (e = qu(e)) ? Nn(t) : 0;
return e && r < e ? t + $o(e - r, n) : t;
(hr.padStart = function(t, e, n) {
t = Bu(t);
var r = (e = qu(e)) ? Nn(t) : 0;
return e && r < e ? $o(e - r, n) + t : t;
(hr.parseInt = function(t, e, n) {
return n || null == e ? (e = 0) : e && (e = +e), Kn(Bu(t).replace(Dt, ""), e || 0);
(hr.random = function(t, e, n) {
if (
(n && "boolean" != typeof n && Go(t, e, n) && (e = n = o),
n === o &&
("boolean" == typeof e
? ((n = e), (e = o))
: "boolean" == typeof t && ((n = t), (t = o))),
t === o && e === o
? ((t = 0), (e = 1))
: ((t = Vu(t)), e === o ? ((e = t), (t = 0)) : (e = Vu(e))),
t > e)
) {
var r = t;
(t = e), (e = r);
if (n || t % 1 || e % 1) {
var i = Jn();
return Wn(t + i * (e - t + Te("1e-" + ((i + "").length - 1))), e);
return wi(t, e);
(hr.reduce = function(t, e, n) {
var r = gu(t) ? en : dn,
i = arguments.length < 3;
return r(t, Io(e, 4), n, i, Vr);
(hr.reduceRight = function(t, e, n) {
var r = gu(t) ? nn : dn,
i = arguments.length < 3;
return r(t, Io(e, 4), n, i, qr);
(hr.repeat = function(t, e, n) {
return (e = (n ? Go(t, e, n) : e === o) ? 1 : qu(e)), xi(Bu(t), e);
(hr.replace = function() {
var t = arguments,
e = Bu(t[0]);
return t.length < 3 ? e : e.replace(t[1], t[2]);
(hr.result = function(t, e, n) {
var r = -1,
i = (e = Wi(e, t)).length;
for (i || ((i = 1), (t = o)); ++r < i; ) {
var a = null == t ? o : t[ca(e[r])];
a === o && ((r = i), (a = n)), (t = _u(a) ? a.call(t) : a);
return t;
(hr.round = Ks),
(hr.runInContext = t),
(hr.sample = function(t) {
return (gu(t) ? Cr : Ci)(t);
(hr.size = function(t) {
if (null == t) return 0;
if ($u(t)) return Mu(t) ? Nn(t) : t.length;
var e = Fo(t);
return e == Y || e == nt ? t.size : ci(t).length;
(hr.snakeCase = ys),
(hr.some = function(t, e, n) {
var r = gu(t) ? rn : ji;
return n && Go(t, e, n) && (e = o), r(t, Io(e, 3));
(hr.sortedIndex = function(t, e) {
return Ni(t, e);
(hr.sortedIndexBy = function(t, e, n) {
return Mi(t, e, Io(n, 2));
(hr.sortedIndexOf = function(t, e) {
var n = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
if (n) {
var r = Ni(t, e);
if (r < n && pu(t[r], e)) return r;
return -1;
(hr.sortedLastIndex = function(t, e) {
return Ni(t, e, !0);
(hr.sortedLastIndexBy = function(t, e, n) {
return Mi(t, e, Io(n, 2), !0);
(hr.sortedLastIndexOf = function(t, e) {
if (null != t && t.length) {
var n = Ni(t, e, !0) - 1;
if (pu(t[n], e)) return n;
return -1;
(hr.startCase = bs),
(hr.startsWith = function(t, e, n) {
return (
(t = Bu(t)),
(n = null == n ? 0 : Lr(qu(n), 0, t.length)),
(e = Ii(e)),
t.slice(n, n + e.length) == e
(hr.subtract = Js),
(hr.sum = function(t) {
return t && t.length ? vn(t, Ts) : 0;
(hr.sumBy = function(t, e) {
return t && t.length ? vn(t, Io(e, 2)) : 0;
(hr.template = function(t, e, n) {
var r = hr.templateSettings;
n && Go(t, e, n) && (e = o), (t = Bu(t)), (e = Gu({}, e, r, Eo));
var i,
u = Gu({}, e.imports, r.imports, Eo),
s = rs(u),
c = $n(u, s),
l = 0,
f = e.interpolate || Yt,
p = "__p += '",
h = ee(
(e.escape || Yt).source +
"|" +
f.source +
"|" +
(f === At ? Ft : Yt).source +
"|" +
(e.evaluate || Yt).source +
d =
"//# sourceURL=" +
("sourceURL" in e ? e.sourceURL : "lodash.templateSources[" + ++Se + "]") +
t.replace(h, function(e, n, r, o, u, s) {
return (
r || (r = o),
(p += t.slice(l, s).replace(Zt, Cn)),
n && ((i = !0), (p += "' +\n__e(" + n + ") +\n'")),
u && ((a = !0), (p += "';\n" + u + ";\n__p += '")),
r && (p += "' +\n((__t = (" + r + ")) == null ? '' : __t) +\n'"),
(l = s + e.length),
(p += "';\n");
var v = e.variable;
v || (p = "with (obj) {\n" + p + "\n}\n"),
(p = (a ? p.replace(yt, "") : p).replace(bt, "$1").replace(wt, "$1;")),
(p =
"function(" +
(v || "obj") +
") {\n" +
(v ? "" : "obj || (obj = {});\n") +
"var __t, __p = ''" +
(i ? ", __e = _.escape" : "") +
? ", __j = Array.prototype.join;\nfunction print() { __p += __j.call(arguments, '') }\n"
: ";\n") +
p +
"return __p\n}");
var g = Cs(function() {
return Xt(s, d + "return " + p).apply(o, c);
if (((g.source = p), xu(g))) throw g;
return g;
(hr.times = function(t, e) {
if ((t = qu(t)) < 1 || t > L) return [];
var n = R,
r = Wn(t, R);
(e = Io(e)), (t -= R);
for (var i = gn(r, e); ++n < t; ) e(n);
return i;
(hr.toFinite = Vu),
(hr.toInteger = qu),
(hr.toLength = Uu),
(hr.toLower = function(t) {
return Bu(t).toLowerCase();
(hr.toNumber = Fu),
(hr.toSafeInteger = function(t) {
return t ? Lr(qu(t), -L, L) : 0 === t ? t : 0;
(hr.toString = Bu),
(hr.toUpper = function(t) {
return Bu(t).toUpperCase();
(hr.trim = function(t, e, n) {
if ((t = Bu(t)) && (n || e === o)) return t.replace(Lt, "");
if (!t || !(e = Ii(e))) return t;
var r = Mn(t),
i = Mn(e);
return Ki(r, bn(r, i), wn(r, i) + 1).join("");
(hr.trimEnd = function(t, e, n) {
if ((t = Bu(t)) && (n || e === o)) return t.replace(It, "");
if (!t || !(e = Ii(e))) return t;
var r = Mn(t);
return Ki(r, 0, wn(r, Mn(e)) + 1).join("");
(hr.trimStart = function(t, e, n) {
if ((t = Bu(t)) && (n || e === o)) return t.replace(Dt, "");
if (!t || !(e = Ii(e))) return t;
var r = Mn(t);
return Ki(r, bn(r, Mn(e))).join("");
(hr.truncate = function(t, e) {
var n = k,
r = A;
if (Eu(e)) {
var i = "separator" in e ? e.separator : i;
(n = "length" in e ? qu(e.length) : n),
(r = "omission" in e ? Ii(e.omission) : r);
var a = (t = Bu(t)).length;
if (Sn(t)) {
var u = Mn(t);
a = u.length;
if (n >= a) return t;
var s = n - Nn(r);
if (s < 1) return r;
var c = u ? Ki(u, 0, s).join("") : t.slice(0, s);
if (i === o) return c + r;
if ((u && (s += c.length - s), ju(i))) {
if (t.slice(s).search(i)) {
var l,
f = c;
for (
i.global || (i = ee(i.source, Bu(Ht.exec(i)) + "g")), i.lastIndex = 0;
(l = i.exec(f));
var p = l.index;
c = c.slice(0, p === o ? s : p);
} else if (t.indexOf(Ii(i), s) != s) {
var h = c.lastIndexOf(i);
h > -1 && (c = c.slice(0, h));
return c + r;
(hr.unescape = function(t) {
return (t = Bu(t)) && Ct.test(t) ? t.replace(xt, Ln) : t;
(hr.uniqueId = function(t) {
var e = ++le;
return Bu(t) + e;
(hr.upperCase = ws),
(hr.upperFirst = xs),
(hr.each = Ba),
(hr.eachRight = za),
(hr.first = $a),
(function() {
var t = {};
return (
Gr(hr, function(e, n) {
ce.call(hr.prototype, n) || (t[n] = e);
{ chain: !1 }
(hr.VERSION = "4.17.10"),
Ge(["bind", "bindKey", "curry", "curryRight", "partial", "partialRight"], function(
) {
hr[t].placeholder = hr;
Ge(["drop", "take"], function(t, e) {
(mr.prototype[t] = function(n) {
n = n === o ? 1 : zn(qu(n), 0);
var r = this.__filtered__ && !e ? new mr(this) : this.clone();
return (
? (r.__takeCount__ = Wn(n, r.__takeCount__))
: r.__views__.push({
size: Wn(n, R),
type: t + (r.__dir__ < 0 ? "Right" : "")
(mr.prototype[t + "Right"] = function(e) {
return this.reverse()
Ge(["filter", "map", "takeWhile"], function(t, e) {
var n = e + 1,
r = n == j || 3 == n;
mr.prototype[t] = function(t) {
var e = this.clone();
return (
e.__iteratees__.push({ iteratee: Io(t, 3), type: n }),
(e.__filtered__ = e.__filtered__ || r),
Ge(["head", "last"], function(t, e) {
var n = "take" + (e ? "Right" : "");
mr.prototype[t] = function() {
return this[n](1).value()[0];
Ge(["initial", "tail"], function(t, e) {
var n = "drop" + (e ? "" : "Right");
mr.prototype[t] = function() {
return this.__filtered__ ? new mr(this) : this[n](1);
(mr.prototype.compact = function() {
return this.filter(Ts);
(mr.prototype.find = function(t) {
return this.filter(t).head();
(mr.prototype.findLast = function(t) {
return this.reverse().find(t);
(mr.prototype.invokeMap = _i(function(t, e) {
return "function" == typeof t
? new mr(this)
: this.map(function(n) {
return ri(n, t, e);
(mr.prototype.reject = function(t) {
return this.filter(uu(Io(t)));
(mr.prototype.slice = function(t, e) {
t = qu(t);
var n = this;
return n.__filtered__ && (t > 0 || e < 0)
? new mr(n)
: (t < 0 ? (n = n.takeRight(-t)) : t && (n = n.drop(t)),
e !== o && (n = (e = qu(e)) < 0 ? n.dropRight(-e) : n.take(e - t)),
(mr.prototype.takeRightWhile = function(t) {
return this.reverse()
(mr.prototype.toArray = function() {
return this.take(R);
Gr(mr.prototype, function(t, e) {
var n = /^(?:filter|find|map|reject)|While$/.test(e),
r = /^(?:head|last)$/.test(e),
i = hr[r ? "take" + ("last" == e ? "Right" : "") : e],
a = r || /^find/.test(e);
i &&
(hr.prototype[e] = function() {
var e = this.__wrapped__,
u = r ? [1] : arguments,
s = e instanceof mr,
c = u[0],
l = s || gu(e),
f = function(t) {
var e = i.apply(hr, tn([t], u));
return r && p ? e[0] : e;
l && n && "function" == typeof c && 1 != c.length && (s = l = !1);
var p = this.__chain__,
h = !!this.__actions__.length,
d = a && !p,
v = s && !h;
if (!a && l) {
e = v ? e : new mr(this);
var g = t.apply(e, u);
return g.__actions__.push({ func: Va, args: [f], thisArg: o }), new gr(g, p);
return d && v
? t.apply(this, u)
: ((g = this.thru(f)), d ? (r ? g.value()[0] : g.value()) : g);
Ge(["pop", "push", "shift", "sort", "splice", "unshift"], function(t) {
var e = ie[t],
n = /^(?:push|sort|unshift)$/.test(t) ? "tap" : "thru",
r = /^(?:pop|shift)$/.test(t);
hr.prototype[t] = function() {
var t = arguments;
if (r && !this.__chain__) {
var i = this.value();
return e.apply(gu(i) ? i : [], t);
return this[n](function(n) {
return e.apply(gu(n) ? n : [], t);
Gr(mr.prototype, function(t, e) {
var n = hr[e];
if (n) {
var r = n.name + "";
(ir[r] || (ir[r] = [])).push({ name: e, func: n });
(ir[ho(o, $).name] = [{ name: "wrapper", func: o }]),
(mr.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new mr(this.__wrapped__);
return (
(t.__actions__ = no(this.__actions__)),
(t.__dir__ = this.__dir__),
(t.__filtered__ = this.__filtered__),
(t.__iteratees__ = no(this.__iteratees__)),
(t.__takeCount__ = this.__takeCount__),
(t.__views__ = no(this.__views__)),
(mr.prototype.reverse = function() {
if (this.__filtered__) {
var t = new mr(this);
(t.__dir__ = -1), (t.__filtered__ = !0);
} else (t = this.clone()).__dir__ *= -1;
return t;
(mr.prototype.value = function() {
var t = this.__wrapped__.value(),
e = this.__dir__,
n = gu(t),
r = e < 0,
i = n ? t.length : 0,
o = (function(t, e, n) {
for (var r = -1, i = n.length; ++r < i; ) {
var o = n[r],
a = o.size;
switch (o.type) {
case "drop":
t += a;
case "dropRight":
e -= a;
case "take":
e = Wn(e, t + a);
case "takeRight":
t = zn(t, e - a);
return { start: t, end: e };
})(0, i, this.__views__),
a = o.start,
u = o.end,
s = u - a,
c = r ? u : a - 1,
l = this.__iteratees__,
f = l.length,
p = 0,
h = Wn(s, this.__takeCount__);
if (!n || (!r && i == s && h == s)) return Ui(t, this.__actions__);
var d = [];
t: for (; s-- && p < h; ) {
for (var v = -1, g = t[(c += e)]; ++v < f; ) {
var m = l[v],
$ = m.iteratee,
y = m.type,
b = $(g);
if (y == N) g = b;
else if (!b) {
if (y == j) continue t;
break t;
d[p++] = g;
return d;
(hr.prototype.at = qa),
(hr.prototype.chain = function() {
return Pa(this);
(hr.prototype.commit = function() {
return new gr(this.value(), this.__chain__);
(hr.prototype.next = function() {
this.__values__ === o && (this.__values__ = Pu(this.value()));
var t = this.__index__ >= this.__values__.length;
return { done: t, value: t ? o : this.__values__[this.__index__++] };
(hr.prototype.plant = function(t) {
for (var e, n = this; n instanceof vr; ) {
var r = fa(n);
(r.__index__ = 0), (r.__values__ = o), e ? (i.__wrapped__ = r) : (e = r);
var i = r;
n = n.__wrapped__;
return (i.__wrapped__ = t), e;
(hr.prototype.reverse = function() {
var t = this.__wrapped__;
if (t instanceof mr) {
var e = t;
return (
this.__actions__.length && (e = new mr(this)),
(e = e.reverse()).__actions__.push({ func: Va, args: [Ea], thisArg: o }),
new gr(e, this.__chain__)
return this.thru(Ea);
(hr.prototype.toJSON = hr.prototype.valueOf = hr.prototype.value = function() {
return Ui(this.__wrapped__, this.__actions__);
(hr.prototype.first = hr.prototype.head),
Re &&
(hr.prototype[Re] = function() {
return this;
(Me._ = Dn),
(i = function() {
return Dn;
}.call(e, n, e, r)) === o || (r.exports = i);
}.call(this, n(38), n(39)(t)));