var JsonRPC = function(conf) { if (!this instanceof JsonRPC) return new JsonRPC(); this.avgTimeout = 2000; this.serverConf = conf; }; JsonRPC.prototype = { encode: function(obj) { return base64.btoa(JSON.stringify(obj)); }, ariaRequest: function(url, multicall, funcName, params, success, error) { var startTime = new Date(); var conn = this; $.ajax({ url: url, timeout: this.avgTimeout, data: { jsonrpc: 2.0, id: 'webui', method:\./g) == -1 ? 'aria2.' + funcName : funcName, params: params.length ? this.encode(params) : undefined }, success: function(data) { conn.avgTimeout = 3 * (new Date() - startTime); return success(data) }, error: error, dataType: 'jsonp', jsonp: 'jsoncallback' }); }, invoke: function(opts) { var rpc = this; var scheme = rpc.serverConf.encryption ? 'https' : 'http'; rpc.ariaRequest( scheme + '://' + + ':' + rpc.serverConf.port + '/jsonrpc', opts.multicall, opts.func, opts.params, opts.success, function() { // check if authentication details are given, if yes then use a hack to support // http authentication otherwise emit error if (!rpc.serverConf.user.length) { console.log("no user name and still error!!!"); return opts.error(); } var authUrl = scheme + '://' + rpc.serverConf.user + ":" + rpc.serverConf.pass + "@" + + ':' + rpc.serverConf.port + '/jsonrpc'; // hack is to basically inject an image with same uri as the aria2 rpc url, // most browsers will then cache the authentication details and we dont have // to give them next time we make a request var img = $('').attr("src", authUrl); $('body').append(img); img.remove(); // timeout to let the image load and then make a request, setTimeout(function() { rpc.ariaRequest( authUrl, opts.multicall, opts.params, opts.success, opts.error ); }, rpc.avgTimeout); } ); } }; var SocketRPC = function(conf) { if (!this instanceof SocketRPC) return new SocketRPC(); var rpc = this; rpc.serverConf = conf; rpc.initialized = false; rpc.handles = []; var scheme = rpc.serverConf.encryption ? 'wss' : 'ws'; rpc.sock = new WebSocket(scheme + '://' + + ':' + conf.port + '/jsonrpc'); rpc.sock.onopen = function() { rpc.initialized = true; }; rpc.sock.onclose = rpc.sock.onerror = function() { _.each(rpc.handles, function(h) { h.error() }); rpc.handles = []; }; rpc.sock.onmessage = function(message) { var data = JSON.parse(; for (var i = rpc.handles.length; i--; ) { if (rpc.handles[i].id === { if (data.error) rpc.handles[i].error(); else rpc.handles[i].success(data); rpc.handles.splice(i, 1); return; } } }; } SocketRPC.prototype = { invoke: function(opts) { var data = { jsonrpc: 2.0, id: 'webui_' + utils.randStr(), method:\./g) == -1 ? 'aria2.' + opts.func : opts.func, params: opts.params.length ? opts.params : undefined }; this.handles.push({ success: opts.success, error: opts.error, id: }); this.sock.send(JSON.stringify(data)); }, }; var AriaConnection = function(conf) { var conf = conf || { host: 'localhost', port: 6800, user: '', pass: '' }; var jRPC = new JsonRPC(conf); if (typeof WebSocket != "undefined") { var sockRPC = new SocketRPC(conf); } return { conf: conf, invoke: function(opts) { opts = utils.mixin(opts, { success: function() {}, error: function() {}, params: [], func: '' }); if (!sockRPC || !sockRPC.initialized) return jRPC.invoke(opts); else return sockRPC.invoke(opts); } }; }