// graph takes dspeed and uspeed, it queries them every second and draws
// the last 20 secs, it also takes draw as an optional attribute and only
// draws the graph when it is true, if not given then graph is always drawn
.module('webui.directives.dgraph', ['webui.filters.bytes', 'webui.services.deps'])
.directive('dgraph', ['$', '$filter', '$parse', function($, filter, parse) {
  return function(scope, elem, attrs) {
    var canDraw = true;

    var graphSize = 20
      , dspeed = 0, uspeed = 0
      , dconf = {
        label: "Download Speed",
        data: [],
        color: "#ff0000",
        lines: { show: true }
      , uconf = {
        label: "Upload Speed",
        data: [],
        color: "#00ff00",
        lines: { show: true }
      start = new Date

    // hack for the null height for flot elem
    elem.height(elem.width() / 2);

    var graph = $.plot(elem, [dconf, uconf], {
      legend: { show: true },
      xaxis: {
        show: true
      yaxis: {
        tickFormatter: function(val, axis) {
          return filter('bspeed')(val);
        min: 0

    var draw = function() {
      var width = elem.width();
      if (width == 0) return;

      elem.height(width / 2);

      graph.setData([dconf, uconf]);

    function update() {
      var cnt = ((new Date - start)/1000).toFixed(0);

      dconf.data.push([cnt, dspeed]);
      if (dconf.data.length > graphSize) dconf.data.shift();

      uconf.data.push([cnt, uspeed]);
      if (uconf.data.length > graphSize) uconf.data.shift();

      // if any parents is collapsable, then confirm if it isnt
      if (canDraw)

    scope.$watch(attrs.dspeed, function(val) {
      dspeed = val;

    scope.$watch(attrs.useed, function(val) {
      uspeed = val;

    if (attrs.draw) {
      scope.$watch(attrs.draw, function(val) {
        canDraw = val;

    var interval = setInterval(update, 1000);

    angular.element(window).bind('resize', draw);
    elem.bind('$destroy', function() {
