app.factory('$utils', function() { return { getFileName: function(path) { var seed = path.split(/[/\\]/); return seed[seed.length - 1]; }, randStr: function() { var str = []; var hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef"; for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) { str[i] = hexDigits.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0x10), 1); } return str.join(""); }, // maps the array in place to the destination // arr, dest (optional): array // func: a merge mapping func, see ctrls/download.js mergeMap: function(arr, dest, func) { if (!dest) dest = []; for (i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) { if (i >= arr.length) { // remove the deleted downloads dest.splice(i, dest.length - arr.length); break; } if (!dest[i]) dest[i] = {}; func(arr[i], dest[i]); } // insert newly created downloads while (i < arr.length) { dest.push(func(arr[i++])); } return dest; }, // change time units changeTime: function(time) { time = parseFloat(time); if (isNaN(time) || !isFinite(time)) return " infinite"; if (!time) return " infinite"; if (time < 60) return time.toFixed(2) + " s"; else if (time < 60*60) return (time/60).toFixed(2) + " min"; else if (time < 60*60*24) return (time/(60*60)).toFixed(2) + " hours"; else return (time/(60*60*24)).toFixed(2) + " days!"; }, // change length units changeLength: function(len, pref) { len = parseFloat(len); if(len <= (1<<10)) return len.toFixed(1) + " " + pref; else if(len <= (1<<20)) return (len/(1<<10)).toFixed(1) + " K" + pref; else if(len <= (1<<30)) return (len/(1<<20)).toFixed(1) + " M" + pref; else return (len/(1<<30)).toFixed(1) + " G" + pref; }, // get download chunks from aria2 bitfield getChunksFromHex: function(bitfield, numOfPieces) { var chunks = [], len = 0, numPieces = parseInt(numOfPieces); var totalDownloaded = 0; if (numPieces > 1) { var chunk_ratio = 1 / numPieces; var piecesProcessed = 0; for (var i = 0; i < bitfield.length; i++) { var hex = parseInt(bitfield[i], 16); for (var j = 1; j <= 4; j++) { var bit = hex & (1 << (4 - j)); if (bit) totalDownloaded++; var prog = !!bit; if (len >= 1 && chunks[len - 1].show == prog) { chunks[len - 1].ratio += chunk_ratio; } else { chunks.push({ ratio: chunk_ratio, show: prog }); len++; } piecesProcessed++; if (piecesProcessed == numPieces) return chunks; } } } return chunks; } }; });