angular.module("ui.bootstrap", ["ui.bootstrap.tpls", "ui.bootstrap.accordion","ui.bootstrap.alert","ui.bootstrap.carousel","ui.bootstrap.collapse","ui.bootstrap.dialog","ui.bootstrap.dropdownToggle","ui.bootstrap.modal","ui.bootstrap.pagination","ui.bootstrap.tabs","ui.bootstrap.tooltip","ui.bootstrap.transition"]); angular.module("ui.bootstrap.tpls", ["template/accordion/accordion-group.html","template/accordion/accordion.html","template/alert/alert.html","template/carousel/carousel.html","template/carousel/slide.html","template/dialog/message.html","template/pagination/pagination.html","template/tabs/pane.html","template/tabs/tabs.html","template/tooltip/tooltip-popup.html"]); angular.module('ui.bootstrap.accordion', ['ui.bootstrap.collapse']) .constant('accordionConfig', { closeOthers: true }) .controller('AccordionController', ['$scope', '$attrs', 'accordionConfig', function ($scope, $attrs, accordionConfig) { // This array keeps track of the accordion groups this.groups = []; // Ensure that all the groups in this accordion are closed, unless close-others explicitly says not to this.closeOthers = function(openGroup) { var closeOthers = angular.isDefined($attrs.closeOthers) ? $scope.$eval($attrs.closeOthers) : accordionConfig.closeOthers; if ( closeOthers ) { angular.forEach(this.groups, function (group) { if ( group !== openGroup ) { group.isOpen = false; } }); } }; // This is called from the accordion-group directive to add itself to the accordion this.addGroup = function(groupScope) { var that = this; this.groups.push(groupScope); groupScope.$on('$destroy', function (event) { that.removeGroup(groupScope); }); }; // This is called from the accordion-group directive when to remove itself this.removeGroup = function(group) { var index = this.groups.indexOf(group); if ( index !== -1 ) { this.groups.splice(this.groups.indexOf(group), 1); } }; }]); // The accordion directive simply sets up the directive controller // and adds an accordion CSS class to itself element. angular.module('ui.bootstrap.accordion').directive('accordion', function () { return { restrict:'EA', controller:'AccordionController', transclude: true, replace: false, templateUrl: 'template/accordion/accordion.html' }; }); // The accordion-group directive indicates a block of html that will expand and collapse in an accordion angular.module('ui.bootstrap.accordion').directive('accordionGroup', ['$parse', '$transition', '$timeout', function($parse, $transition, $timeout) { return { require:'^accordion', // We need this directive to be inside an accordion restrict:'EA', transclude:true, // It transcludes the contents of the directive into the template replace: true, // The element containing the directive will be replaced with the template templateUrl:'template/accordion/accordion-group.html', scope:{ heading:'@' }, // Create an isolated scope and interpolate the heading attribute onto this scope link: function(scope, element, attrs, accordionCtrl) { var getIsOpen, setIsOpen; accordionCtrl.addGroup(scope); scope.isOpen = false; if ( attrs.isOpen ) { getIsOpen = $parse(attrs.isOpen); setIsOpen = getIsOpen.assign; scope.$watch( function watchIsOpen() { return getIsOpen(scope.$parent); }, function updateOpen(value) { scope.isOpen = value; } ); scope.isOpen = getIsOpen ? getIsOpen(scope.$parent) : false; } scope.$watch('isOpen', function(value) { if ( value ) { accordionCtrl.closeOthers(scope); } if ( setIsOpen ) { setIsOpen(scope.$parent, value); } }); } }; }]); angular.module("ui.bootstrap.alert", []).directive('alert', function () { return { restrict:'EA', templateUrl:'template/alert/alert.html', transclude:true, scope:{ type:'=', close:'&' }, link:function (scope, element, attrs) { scope.type = scope.type || 'info'; scope.dismiss = function () { scope.close(); }; } }; }); /* * * Angular Bootstrap Carousel * * The carousel has all of the function that the original Bootstrap carousel has, except for animations. * * For no interval set the interval to non-number, or milliseconds of desired interval * Template: {{anything}} * To change the carousel's active slide set the active attribute to true * Template: {{anything}} */ angular.module('ui.bootstrap.carousel', ['ui.bootstrap.transition']) .controller('CarouselController', ['$scope', '$timeout', '$transition', '$q', function ($scope, $timeout, $transition, $q) { var self = this, slides = self.slides = [], currentIndex = -1, currentTimeout, isPlaying; self.currentSlide = null; /* direction: "prev" or "next" */ = function(nextSlide, direction) { var nextIndex = slides.indexOf(nextSlide); //Decide direction if it's not given if (direction === undefined) { direction = nextIndex > currentIndex ? "next" : "prev"; } if (nextSlide && nextSlide !== self.currentSlide) { if ($scope.$currentTransition) { $scope.$currentTransition.cancel(); //Timeout so ng-class in template has time to fix classes for finished slide $timeout(goNext); } else { goNext(); } } function goNext() { //If we have a slide to transition from and we have a transition type and we're allowed, go if (self.currentSlide && angular.isString(direction) && !$scope.noTransition && nextSlide.$element) { //We shouldn't do class manip in here, but it's the same weird thing bootstrap does. need to fix sometime nextSlide.$element.addClass(direction); nextSlide.$element[0].offsetWidth = nextSlide.$element[0].offsetWidth; //force reflow //Set all other slides to stop doing their stuff for the new transition angular.forEach(slides, function(slide) { angular.extend(slide, {direction: '', entering: false, leaving: false, active: false}); }); angular.extend(nextSlide, {direction: direction, active: true, entering: true}); angular.extend(self.currentSlide||{}, {direction: direction, leaving: true}); $scope.$currentTransition = $transition(nextSlide.$element, {}); //We have to create new pointers inside a closure since next & current will change (function(next,current) { $scope.$currentTransition.then( function(){ transitionDone(next, current); }, function(){ transitionDone(next, current); } ); }(nextSlide, self.currentSlide)); } else { transitionDone(nextSlide, self.currentSlide); } self.currentSlide = nextSlide; currentIndex = nextIndex; //every time you change slides, reset the timer restartTimer(); } function transitionDone(next, current) { angular.extend(next, {direction: '', active: true, leaving: false, entering: false}); angular.extend(current||{}, {direction: '', active: false, leaving: false, entering: false}); $scope.$currentTransition = null; } }; /* Allow outside people to call indexOf on slides array */ self.indexOfSlide = function(slide) { return slides.indexOf(slide); }; $ = function() { var newIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % slides.length; return[newIndex], 'next'); }; $scope.prev = function() { var newIndex = currentIndex - 1 < 0 ? slides.length - 1 : currentIndex - 1; return[newIndex], 'prev'); }; $scope.$watch('interval', restartTimer); function restartTimer() { if (currentTimeout) { $timeout.cancel(currentTimeout); } function go() { if (isPlaying) { $; restartTimer(); } else { $scope.pause(); } } var interval = +$scope.interval; if (!isNaN(interval) && interval>=0) { currentTimeout = $timeout(go, interval); } } $ = function() { if (!isPlaying) { isPlaying = true; restartTimer(); } }; $scope.pause = function() { isPlaying = false; if (currentTimeout) { $timeout.cancel(currentTimeout); } }; self.addSlide = function(slide, element) { slide.$element = element; slides.push(slide); //if this is the first slide or the slide is set to active, select it if(slides.length === 1 || {[slides.length-1]); if (slides.length == 1) { $; } } else { = false; } }; self.removeSlide = function(slide) { //get the index of the slide inside the carousel var index = slides.indexOf(slide); slides.splice(index, 1); if (slides.length > 0 && { if (index >= slides.length) {[index-1]); } else {[index]); } } }; }]) .directive('carousel', [function() { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, controller: 'CarouselController', require: 'carousel', templateUrl: 'template/carousel/carousel.html', scope: { interval: '=', noTransition: '=' } }; }]) .directive('slide', [function() { return { require: '^carousel', restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, replace: true, templateUrl: 'template/carousel/slide.html', scope: { active: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs, carouselCtrl) { carouselCtrl.addSlide(scope, element); //when the scope is destroyed then remove the slide from the current slides array scope.$on('$destroy', function() { carouselCtrl.removeSlide(scope); }); scope.$watch('active', function(active) { if (active) {; } }); } }; }]); angular.module('ui.bootstrap.collapse',['ui.bootstrap.transition']) // The collapsible directive indicates a block of html that will expand and collapse .directive('collapse', ['$transition', function($transition) { // CSS transitions don't work with height: auto, so we have to manually change the height to a // specific value and then once the animation completes, we can reset the height to auto. // Unfortunately if you do this while the CSS transitions are specified (i.e. in the CSS class // "collapse") then you trigger a change to height 0 in between. // The fix is to remove the "collapse" CSS class while changing the height back to auto - phew! var fixUpHeight = function(scope, element, height) { // We remove the collapse CSS class to prevent a transition when we change to height: auto element.removeClass('collapse'); element.css({ height: height }); // It appears that reading offsetWidth makes the browser realise that we have changed the // height already :-/ var x = element[0].offsetWidth; element.addClass('collapse'); }; return { link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var isCollapsed; scope.$watch(attrs.collapse, function(value) { if (value) { collapse(); } else { expand(); } }); var currentTransition; var doTransition = function(change) { if ( currentTransition ) { currentTransition.cancel(); } currentTransition = $transition(element,change); currentTransition.then( function() { currentTransition = undefined; }, function() { currentTransition = undefined; } ); return currentTransition; }; var expand = function() { doTransition({ height : element[0].scrollHeight + 'px' }) .then(function() { // This check ensures that we don't accidentally update the height if the user has closed // the group while the animation was still running if ( !isCollapsed ) { fixUpHeight(scope, element, 'auto'); } }); isCollapsed = false; }; var collapse = function() { isCollapsed = true; fixUpHeight(scope, element, element[0].scrollHeight + 'px'); doTransition({'height':'0'}); }; } }; }]); // The `$dialogProvider` can be used to configure global defaults for your // `$dialog` service. var dialogModule = angular.module('ui.bootstrap.dialog', ['ui.bootstrap.transition']); dialogModule.controller('MessageBoxController', ['$scope', 'dialog', 'model', function($scope, dialog, model){ $scope.title = model.title; $scope.message = model.message; $scope.buttons = model.buttons; $scope.close = function(res){ dialog.close(res); }; }]); dialogModule.provider("$dialog", function(){ // The default options for all dialogs. var defaults = { backdrop: true, modalClass: 'modal', backdropClass: 'modal-backdrop', transitionClass: 'fade', triggerClass: 'in', resolve:{}, backdropFade: false, modalFade:false, keyboard: true, // close with esc key backdropClick: true // only in conjunction with backdrop=true /* other options: template, templateUrl, controller */ }; var globalOptions = {}; // The `options({})` allows global configuration of all dialogs in the application. // // var app = angular.module('App', ['ui.bootstrap.dialog'], function($dialogProvider){ // // don't close dialog when backdrop is clicked by default // $dialogProvider.options({backdropClick: false}); // }); this.options = function(value){ globalOptions = value; }; // Returns the actual `$dialog` service that is injected in controllers this.$get = ["$http", "$document", "$compile", "$rootScope", "$controller", "$templateCache", "$q", "$transition", function ($http, $document, $compile, $rootScope, $controller, $templateCache, $q, $transition) { var body = $document.find('body'); function createElement(clazz) { var el = angular.element("
"); el.addClass(clazz); return el; } // The `Dialog` class represents a modal dialog. The dialog class can be invoked by providing an options object // containing at lest template or templateUrl and controller: // // var d = new Dialog({templateUrl: 'foo.html', controller: 'BarController'}); // // Dialogs can also be created using templateUrl and controller as distinct arguments: // // var d = new Dialog('path/to/dialog.html', MyDialogController); function Dialog(opts) { var self = this, options = this.options = angular.extend({}, defaults, globalOptions, opts); this.backdropEl = createElement(options.backdropClass); if(options.backdropFade){ this.backdropEl.addClass(options.transitionClass); this.backdropEl.removeClass(options.triggerClass); } this.modalEl = createElement(options.modalClass); if(options.modalFade){ this.modalEl.addClass(options.transitionClass); this.modalEl.removeClass(options.triggerClass); } this.handledEscapeKey = function(e) { if (e.which === 27) { self.close(); e.preventDefault(); self.$scope.$apply(); } }; this.handleBackDropClick = function(e) { self.close(); e.preventDefault(); self.$scope.$apply(); }; } // The `isOpen()` method returns wether the dialog is currently visible. Dialog.prototype.isOpen = function(){ return this._open; }; // The `open(templateUrl, controller)` method opens the dialog. // Use the `templateUrl` and `controller` arguments if specifying them at dialog creation time is not desired. = function(templateUrl, controller){ var self = this, options = this.options; if(templateUrl){ options.templateUrl = templateUrl; } if(controller){ options.controller = controller; } if(!(options.template || options.templateUrl)) { throw new Error(' expected template or templateUrl, neither found. Use options or open method to specify them.'); } this._loadResolves().then(function(locals) { var $scope = locals.$scope = self.$scope = $rootScope.$new(); self.modalEl.html(locals.$template); if (self.options.controller) { var ctrl = $controller(self.options.controller, locals); self.modalEl.contents().data('ngControllerController', ctrl); } $compile(self.modalEl.contents())($scope); self._addElementsToDom(); // trigger tranisitions setTimeout(function(){ if(self.options.modalFade){ self.modalEl.addClass(self.options.triggerClass); } if(self.options.backdropFade){ self.backdropEl.addClass(self.options.triggerClass); } }); self._bindEvents(); }); this.deferred = $q.defer(); return this.deferred.promise; }; // closes the dialog and resolves the promise returned by the `open` method with the specified result. Dialog.prototype.close = function(result){ var self = this; var fadingElements = this._getFadingElements(); if(fadingElements.length > 0){ for (var i = fadingElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { $transition(fadingElements[i], removeTriggerClass).then(onCloseComplete); } return; } this._onCloseComplete(result); function removeTriggerClass(el){ el.removeClass(self.options.triggerClass); } function onCloseComplete(){ if(self._open){ self._onCloseComplete(result); } } }; Dialog.prototype._getFadingElements = function(){ var elements = []; if(this.options.modalFade){ elements.push(this.modalEl); } if(this.options.backdropFade){ elements.push(this.backdropEl); } return elements; }; Dialog.prototype._bindEvents = function() { if(this.options.keyboard){ body.bind('keydown', this.handledEscapeKey); } if(this.options.backdrop && this.options.backdropClick){ this.backdropEl.bind('click', this.handleBackDropClick); } }; Dialog.prototype._unbindEvents = function() { if(this.options.keyboard){ body.unbind('keydown', this.handledEscapeKey); } if(this.options.backdrop && this.options.backdropClick){ this.backdropEl.unbind('click', this.handleBackDropClick); } }; Dialog.prototype._onCloseComplete = function(result) { this._removeElementsFromDom(); this._unbindEvents(); this.deferred.resolve(result); }; Dialog.prototype._addElementsToDom = function(){ body.append(this.modalEl); if(this.options.backdrop) { body.append(this.backdropEl); } this._open = true; }; Dialog.prototype._removeElementsFromDom = function(){ this.modalEl.remove(); if(this.options.backdrop) { this.backdropEl.remove(); } this._open = false; }; // Loads all `options.resolve` members to be used as locals for the controller associated with the dialog. Dialog.prototype._loadResolves = function(){ var values = [], keys = [], templatePromise, self = this; if (this.options.template) { templatePromise = $q.when(this.options.template); } else if (this.options.templateUrl) { templatePromise = $http.get(this.options.templateUrl, {cache:$templateCache}) .then(function(response) { return; }); } angular.forEach(this.options.resolve || [], function(value, key) { keys.push(key); values.push(value); }); keys.push('$template'); values.push(templatePromise); return $q.all(values).then(function(values) { var locals = {}; angular.forEach(values, function(value, index) { locals[keys[index]] = value; }); locals.dialog = self; return locals; }); }; // The actual `$dialog` service that is injected in controllers. return { // Creates a new `Dialog` with the specified options. dialog: function(opts){ return new Dialog(opts); }, // creates a new `Dialog` tied to the default message box template and controller. // // Arguments `title` and `message` are rendered in the modal header and body sections respectively. // The `buttons` array holds an object with the following members for each button to include in the // modal footer section: // // * `result`: the result to pass to the `close` method of the dialog when the button is clicked // * `label`: the label of the button // * `cssClass`: additional css class(es) to apply to the button for styling messageBox: function(title, message, buttons){ return new Dialog({templateUrl: 'template/dialog/message.html', controller: 'MessageBoxController', resolve: {model: { title: title, message: message, buttons: buttons }}}); } }; }]; }); /* * dropdownToggle - Provides dropdown menu functionality in place of bootstrap js * @restrict class or attribute * @example: */ angular.module('ui.bootstrap.dropdownToggle', []).directive('dropdownToggle', ['$document', '$location', '$window', function ($document, $location, $window) { var openElement = null, close; return { restrict: 'CA', link: function(scope, element, attrs) { scope.$watch(function dropdownTogglePathWatch(){return $location.path();}, function dropdownTogglePathWatchAction() { if (close) { close(); } }); element.parent().bind('click', function(event) { if (close) { close(); } }); element.bind('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var iWasOpen = false; if (openElement) { iWasOpen = openElement === element; close(); } if (!iWasOpen){ element.parent().addClass('open'); openElement = element; close = function (event) { if (event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } $document.unbind('click', close); element.parent().removeClass('open'); close = null; openElement = null; }; $document.bind('click', close); } }); } }; }]); angular.module('ui.bootstrap.modal', []).directive('modal', ['$parse',function($parse) { var backdropEl; var body = angular.element(document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]); var defaultOpts = { backdrop: true, escape: true }; return { restrict: 'EA', link: function(scope, elm, attrs) { var opts = angular.extend(defaultOpts, scope.$eval(attrs.uiOptions || attrs.bsOptions || attrs.options)); var shownExpr = attrs.modal ||; var setClosed; if (attrs.close) { setClosed = function() { scope.$apply(attrs.close); }; } else { setClosed = function() { scope.$apply(function() { $parse(shownExpr).assign(scope, false); }); }; } elm.addClass('modal'); if (opts.backdrop && !backdropEl) { backdropEl = angular.element(''); backdropEl.css('display','none'); body.append(backdropEl); } function setShown(shown) { scope.$apply(function() { model.assign(scope, shown); }); } function escapeClose(evt) { if (evt.which === 27) { setClosed(); } } function clickClose() { setClosed(); } function close() { if (opts.escape) { body.unbind('keyup', escapeClose); } if (opts.backdrop) { backdropEl.css('display', 'none').removeClass('in'); backdropEl.unbind('click', clickClose); } elm.css('display', 'none').removeClass('in'); body.removeClass('modal-open'); } function open() { if (opts.escape) { body.bind('keyup', escapeClose); } if (opts.backdrop) { backdropEl.css('display', 'block').addClass('in'); if(opts.backdrop != "static") { backdropEl.bind('click', clickClose); } } elm.css('display', 'block').addClass('in'); body.addClass('modal-open'); } scope.$watch(shownExpr, function(isShown, oldShown) { if (isShown) { open(); } else { close(); } }); } }; }]); angular.module('ui.bootstrap.pagination', []) .directive('pagination', function() { return { restrict: 'EA', scope: { numPages: '=', currentPage: '=', maxSize: '=', onSelectPage: '&' }, templateUrl: 'template/pagination/pagination.html', replace: true, link: function(scope) { scope.$watch('numPages + currentPage + maxSize', function() { scope.pages = []; //set the default maxSize to numPages var maxSize = ( scope.maxSize && scope.maxSize < scope.numPages ) ? scope.maxSize : scope.numPages; var startPage = scope.currentPage - Math.floor(maxSize/2); //adjust the startPage within boundary if(startPage < 1) { startPage = 1; } if ((startPage + maxSize - 1) > scope.numPages) { startPage = startPage - ((startPage + maxSize - 1) - scope.numPages ); } for(var i=0; i < maxSize && i < scope.numPages ;i++) { scope.pages.push(startPage + i); } if ( scope.currentPage > scope.numPages ) { scope.selectPage(scope.numPages); } }); scope.noPrevious = function() { return scope.currentPage === 1; }; scope.noNext = function() { return scope.currentPage === scope.numPages; }; scope.isActive = function(page) { return scope.currentPage === page; }; scope.selectPage = function(page) { if ( ! scope.isActive(page) ) { scope.currentPage = page; scope.onSelectPage({ page: page }); } }; scope.selectPrevious = function() { if ( !scope.noPrevious() ) { scope.selectPage(scope.currentPage-1); } }; scope.selectNext = function() { if ( !scope.noNext() ) { scope.selectPage(scope.currentPage+1); } }; } }; }); angular.module('ui.bootstrap.tabs', []) .controller('TabsController', ['$scope', '$element', function($scope, $element) { var panes = $scope.panes = []; $ = function selectPane(pane) { angular.forEach(panes, function(pane) { pane.selected = false; }); pane.selected = true; }; this.addPane = function addPane(pane) { if (!panes.length) { $; } panes.push(pane); }; this.removePane = function removePane(pane) { var index = panes.indexOf(pane); panes.splice(index, 1); //Select a new pane if removed pane was selected if (pane.selected && panes.length > 0) { $[index < panes.length ? index : index-1]); } }; }]) .directive('tabs', function() { return { restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, scope: {}, controller: 'TabsController', templateUrl: 'template/tabs/tabs.html', replace: true }; }) .directive('pane', function() { return { require: '^tabs', restrict: 'EA', transclude: true, scope:{ heading:'@' }, link: function(scope, element, attrs, tabsCtrl) { tabsCtrl.addPane(scope); scope.$on('$destroy', function() { tabsCtrl.removePane(scope); }); }, templateUrl: 'template/tabs/pane.html', replace: true }; }); /** * The following features are still outstanding: popup delay, animation as a * function, placement as a function, inside, support for more triggers than * just mouse enter/leave, html tooltips, and selector delegatation. */ angular.module( 'ui.bootstrap.tooltip', [] ) .directive( 'tooltipPopup', function () { return { restrict: 'EA', replace: true, scope: { tooltipTitle: '@', placement: '@', animation: '&', isOpen: '&' }, templateUrl: 'template/tooltip/tooltip-popup.html' }; }) .directive( 'tooltip', [ '$compile', '$timeout', '$parse', function ( $compile, $timeout, $parse ) { var template = ''+ ''; return { scope: true, link: function ( scope, element, attr ) { var tooltip = $compile( template )( scope ), transitionTimeout; attr.$observe( 'tooltip', function ( val ) { scope.tt_tooltip = val; }); attr.$observe( 'tooltipPlacement', function ( val ) { // If no placement was provided, default to 'top'. scope.tt_placement = val || 'top'; }); attr.$observe( 'tooltipAnimation', function ( val ) { scope.tt_animation = $parse( val ); }); // By default, the tooltip is not open. scope.tt_isOpen = false; // Calculate the current position and size of the directive element. function getPosition() { return { width: element.prop( 'offsetWidth' ), height: element.prop( 'offsetHeight' ), top: element.prop( 'offsetTop' ), left: element.prop( 'offsetLeft' ) }; } // Show the tooltip popup element. function show() { var position, ttWidth, ttHeight, ttPosition; // If there is a pending remove transition, we must cancel it, lest the // toolip be mysteriously removed. if ( transitionTimeout ) { $timeout.cancel( transitionTimeout ); } // Set the initial positioning. tooltip.css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block' }); // Now we add it to the DOM because need some info about it. But it's not // visible yet anyway. element.after( tooltip ); // Get the position of the directive element. position = getPosition(); // Get the height and width of the tooltip so we can center it. ttWidth = tooltip.prop( 'offsetWidth' ); ttHeight = tooltip.prop( 'offsetHeight' ); // Calculate the tooltip's top and left coordinates to center it with // this directive. switch ( scope.tt_placement ) { case 'right': ttPosition = { top: ( + position.height / 2 - ttHeight / 2) + 'px', left: (position.left + position.width) + 'px' }; break; case 'bottom': ttPosition = { top: ( + position.height) + 'px', left: (position.left + position.width / 2 - ttWidth / 2) + 'px' }; break; case 'left': ttPosition = { top: ( + position.height / 2 - ttHeight / 2) + 'px', left: (position.left - ttWidth) + 'px' }; break; default: ttPosition = { top: ( - ttHeight) + 'px', left: (position.left + position.width / 2 - ttWidth / 2) + 'px' }; break; } // Now set the calculated positioning. tooltip.css( ttPosition ); // And show the tooltip. scope.tt_isOpen = true; } // Hide the tooltip popup element. function hide() { // First things first: we don't show it anymore. //tooltip.removeClass( 'in' ); scope.tt_isOpen = false; // And now we remove it from the DOM. However, if we have animation, we // need to wait for it to expire beforehand. // FIXME: this is a placeholder for a port of the transitions library. if ( angular.isDefined( scope.tt_animation ) && scope.tt_animation() ) { transitionTimeout = $timeout( function () { tooltip.remove(); }, 500 ); } else { tooltip.remove(); } } // Register the event listeners. element.bind( 'mouseenter', function() { scope.$apply( show ); }); element.bind( 'mouseleave', function() { scope.$apply( hide ); }); } }; }]); angular.module('ui.bootstrap.transition', []) /** * $transition service provides a consistent interface to trigger CSS 3 transitions and to be informed when they complete. * @param {DOMElement} element The DOMElement that will be animated. * @param {string|object|function} trigger The thing that will cause the transition to start: * - As a string, it represents the css class to be added to the element. * - As an object, it represents a hash of style attributes to be applied to the element. * - As a function, it represents a function to be called that will cause the transition to occur. * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved when the transition finishes. */ .factory('$transition', ['$q', '$timeout', '$rootScope', function($q, $timeout, $rootScope) { var $transition = function(element, trigger) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var transitionEndHandler = function(event) { $rootScope.$apply(function() { element.unbind($transition.transitionEndEventName, transitionEndHandler); deferred.resolve(element); }); }; // Only bind if the browser supports transitions if ( $transition.transitionEndEventName ) { element.bind($transition.transitionEndEventName, transitionEndHandler); } // Wrap in a timeout to allow the browser time to update the DOM before the transition is to occur $timeout(function() { if ( angular.isString(trigger) ) { element.addClass(trigger); } else if ( angular.isFunction(trigger) ) { trigger(element); } else if ( angular.isObject(trigger) ) { element.css(trigger); } // If the browser doesn't support transitions then we immediately resolve the event if ( !$transition.transitionEndEventName ) { deferred.resolve(element); } }); // Add out custom cancel function to the promise that is returned // We can call this if we are about to run a new transition, which we know will prevent this transition from ending, // i.e. it will therefore never raise a transitionEnd event for that transition deferred.promise.cancel = function() { if ( $transition.transitionEndEventName ) { element.unbind($transition.transitionEndEventName, transitionEndHandler); } deferred.reject('Transition cancelled'); }; return deferred.promise; }; // Work out the name of the transitionEnd event var transElement = document.createElement('trans'); var transitionEndEventNames = { 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition': 'transitionend', 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd', 'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd', 'transition': 'transitionend' }; for (var name in transitionEndEventNames){ if ([name] !== undefined) { $transition.transitionEndEventName = transitionEndEventNames[name]; } } return $transition; }]); angular.module("template/accordion/accordion-group.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("template/accordion/accordion-group.html", "
" + " " + "
" + "
" + "
"); }]); angular.module("template/accordion/accordion.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("template/accordion/accordion.html", "
"); }]); angular.module("template/alert/alert.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("template/alert/alert.html", "
" + " " + "
" + "
"); }]); angular.module("template/carousel/carousel.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("template/carousel/carousel.html", "
" + "
" + " " + " " + "
" + ""); }]); angular.module("template/carousel/slide.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("template/carousel/slide.html", "
" + ""); }]); angular.module("template/dialog/message.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("template/dialog/message.html", "
" + "

{{ title }}

" + "
" + "
" + "

{{ message }}

" + "
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" + " " + "
" + ""); }]); angular.module("template/pagination/pagination.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("template/pagination/pagination.html", "
" + "
" + ""); }]); angular.module("template/tabs/pane.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("template/tabs/pane.html", "
" + ""); }]); angular.module("template/tabs/tabs.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("template/tabs/tabs.html", "
" + " " + "
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" + ""); }]); angular.module("template/tooltip/tooltip-popup.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache){ $templateCache.put("template/tooltip/tooltip-popup.html", "
" + "
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