//>>built define("dojox/xml/parser", ['dojo/_base/kernel', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/_base/window', 'dojo/_base/sniff'], function(dojo){ dojo.getObject("xml.parser", true, dojox); //DOM type to int value for reference. //Ints make for more compact code than full constant names. //ELEMENT_NODE = 1; //ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2; //TEXT_NODE = 3; //CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4; //ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5; //ENTITY_NODE = 6; //PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7; //COMMENT_NODE = 8; //DOCUMENT_NODE = 9; //DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10; //DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11; //NOTATION_NODE = 12; dojox.xml.parser.parse = function(/*String?*/ str, /*String?*/ mimetype){ // summary: // cross-browser implementation of creating an XML document object from null, empty string, and XML text.. // // str: // Optional text to create the document from. If not provided, an empty XML document will be created. // If str is empty string "", then a new empty document will be created. // mimetype: // Optional mimetype of the text. Typically, this is text/xml. Will be defaulted to text/xml if not provided. var _document = dojo.doc; var doc; mimetype = mimetype || "text/xml"; if(str && dojo.trim(str) && "DOMParser" in dojo.global){ //Handle parsing the text on Mozilla based browsers etc.. var parser = new DOMParser(); doc = parser.parseFromString(str, mimetype); var de = doc.documentElement; var errorNS = "http://www.mozilla.org/newlayout/xml/parsererror.xml"; if(de.nodeName == "parsererror" && de.namespaceURI == errorNS){ var sourceText = de.getElementsByTagNameNS(errorNS, 'sourcetext')[0]; if(sourceText){ sourceText = sourceText.firstChild.data; } throw new Error("Error parsing text " + de.firstChild.data + " \n" + sourceText); } return doc; }else if("ActiveXObject" in dojo.global){ //Handle IE. var ms = function(n){ return "MSXML" + n + ".DOMDocument"; }; var dp = ["Microsoft.XMLDOM", ms(6), ms(4), ms(3), ms(2)]; dojo.some(dp, function(p){ try{ doc = new ActiveXObject(p); }catch(e){ return false; } return true; }); if(str && doc){ doc.async = false; doc.loadXML(str); var pe = doc.parseError; if(pe.errorCode !== 0){ throw new Error("Line: " + pe.line + "\n" + "Col: " + pe.linepos + "\n" + "Reason: " + pe.reason + "\n" + "Error Code: " + pe.errorCode + "\n" + "Source: " + pe.srcText); } } if(doc){ return doc; //DOMDocument } }else if(_document.implementation && _document.implementation.createDocument){ if(str && dojo.trim(str) && _document.createElement){ //Everyone else that we couldn't get to work. Fallback case. // FIXME: this may change all tags to uppercase! var tmp = _document.createElement("xml"); tmp.innerHTML = str; var xmlDoc = _document.implementation.createDocument("foo", "", null); dojo.forEach(tmp.childNodes, function(child){ xmlDoc.importNode(child, true); }); return xmlDoc; // DOMDocument }else{ return _document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null); // DOMDocument } } return null; // null }; dojox.xml.parser.textContent = function(/*Node*/node, /*String?*/text){ // summary: // Implementation of the DOM Level 3 attribute; scan node for text // description: // Implementation of the DOM Level 3 attribute; scan node for text // This function can also update the text of a node by replacing all child // content of the node. // node: // The node to get the text off of or set the text on. // text: // Optional argument of the text to apply to the node. if(arguments.length>1){ var _document = node.ownerDocument || dojo.doc; //Preference is to get the node owning doc first or it may fail dojox.xml.parser.replaceChildren(node, _document.createTextNode(text)); return text; // String }else{ if(node.textContent !== undefined){ //FF 1.5 -- remove? return node.textContent; // String } var _result = ""; if(node){ dojo.forEach(node.childNodes, function(child){ switch(child.nodeType){ case 1: // ELEMENT_NODE case 5: // ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE _result += dojox.xml.parser.textContent(child); break; case 3: // TEXT_NODE case 2: // ATTRIBUTE_NODE case 4: // CDATA_SECTION_NODE _result += child.nodeValue; } }); } return _result; // String } }; dojox.xml.parser.replaceChildren = function(/*Element*/node, /*Node || Array*/ newChildren){ // summary: // Removes all children of node and appends newChild. All the existing // children will be destroyed. // description: // Removes all children of node and appends newChild. All the existing // children will be destroyed. // node: // The node to modify the children on // newChildren: // The children to add to the node. It can either be a single Node or an // array of Nodes. var nodes = []; if(dojo.isIE){ dojo.forEach(node.childNodes, function(child){ nodes.push(child); }); } dojox.xml.parser.removeChildren(node); dojo.forEach(nodes, dojo.destroy); if(!dojo.isArray(newChildren)){ node.appendChild(newChildren); }else{ dojo.forEach(newChildren, function(child){ node.appendChild(child); }); } }; dojox.xml.parser.removeChildren = function(/*Element*/node){ // summary: // removes all children from node and returns the count of children removed. // The children nodes are not destroyed. Be sure to call dojo.destroy on them // after they are not used anymore. // node: // The node to remove all the children from. var count = node.childNodes.length; while(node.hasChildNodes()){ node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } return count; // int }; dojox.xml.parser.innerXML = function(/*Node*/node){ // summary: // Implementation of MS's innerXML function. // node: // The node from which to generate the XML text representation. if(node.innerXML){ return node.innerXML; // String }else if(node.xml){ return node.xml; // String }else if(typeof XMLSerializer != "undefined"){ return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(node); // String } return null; }; return dojox.xml.parser; });