//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/wire/ml/Data", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dijit/_Widget,dijit/_Container,dojox/wire/ml/util"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.wire.ml.Data"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Container"); dojo.require("dojox.wire.ml.util"); dojo.declare("dojox.wire.ml.Data", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Container], { // summary: // A widget for a data object // description: // This widget represents an object with '_properties' property. // If child 'DataProperty' widgets exist, they are used to initialize // propertiy values of '_properties' object. startup: function(){ // summary: // Call _initializeProperties() // description: // See _initializeProperties(). this._initializeProperties(); }, _initializeProperties: function(/*Boolean*/reset){ // summary: // Initialize a data object // description: // If this widget has child DataProperty widgets, their getValue() // methods are called and set the return value to a property // specified by 'name' attribute of the child widgets. // reset: // A boolean to reset current properties if(!this._properties || reset){ this._properties = {}; } var children = this.getChildren(); for(var i in children){ var child = children[i]; if((child instanceof dojox.wire.ml.DataProperty) && child.name){ this.setPropertyValue(child.name, child.getValue()); } } }, getPropertyValue: function(/*String*/property){ // summary: // Return a property value // description: // This method returns the value of a property, specified with // 'property' argument, in '_properties' object. // property: // A property name // returns: // A property value return this._properties[property]; //anything }, setPropertyValue: function(/*String*/property, /*anything*/value){ // summary: // Store a property value // description: // This method stores 'value' as a property, specified with // 'property' argument, in '_properties' object. // property: // A property name // value: // A property value this._properties[property] = value; } }); dojo.declare("dojox.wire.ml.DataProperty", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Container], { // summary: // A widget to define a data property // description: // Attributes of this widget are used to add a property to the parent // Data widget. // 'type' attribute specifies one of "string", "number", "boolean", // "array", "object" and "element" (DOM Element) // (default to "string"). // If 'type' is "array" or "object", child DataProperty widgets are // used to initialize the array elements or the object properties. // name: // A property name // type: // A property type name // value: // A property value name: "", type: "", value: "", _getValueAttr: function(){ return this.getValue(); }, getValue: function(){ // summary: // Returns a property value // description: // If 'type' is specified, 'value' attribute is converted to // the specified type and returned. // Otherwise, 'value' attribute is returned as is. // returns: // A property value var value = this.value; if(this.type){ if(this.type == "number"){ value = parseInt(value); }else if(this.type == "boolean"){ value = (value == "true"); }else if(this.type == "array"){ value = []; var children = this.getChildren(); for(var i in children){ var child = children[i]; if(child instanceof dojox.wire.ml.DataProperty){ value.push(child.getValue()); } } }else if(this.type == "object"){ value = {}; var children = this.getChildren(); for(var i in children){ var child = children[i]; if((child instanceof dojox.wire.ml.DataProperty) && child.name){ value[child.name] = child.getValue(); } } }else if(this.type == "element"){ value = new dojox.wire.ml.XmlElement(value); var children = this.getChildren(); for(var i in children){ var child = children[i]; if((child instanceof dojox.wire.ml.DataProperty) && child.name){ value.setPropertyValue(child.name, child.getValue()); } } } } return value; //anything } }); });