//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/widget/rotator/Fade", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dojo/fx"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.widget.rotator.Fade"); dojo.require("dojo.fx"); (function(d){ function _fade(/*Object*/args, /*string*/action){ // summary: // Returns an animation of a fade out and fade in of the current and next // panes. It will either chain (fade) or combine (crossFade) the fade // animations. var n = args.next.node; d.style(n, { display: "", opacity: 0 }); args.node = args.current.node; return d.fx[action]([ /*dojo.Animation*/ d.fadeOut(args), d.fadeIn(d.mixin(args, { node: n })) ]); } d.mixin(dojox.widget.rotator, { fade: function(/*Object*/args){ // summary: // Returns a dojo.Animation that fades out the current pane, then fades in // the next pane. return _fade(args, "chain"); /*dojo.Animation*/ }, crossFade: function(/*Object*/args){ // summary: // Returns a dojo.Animation that cross fades two rotator panes. return _fade(args, "combine"); /*dojo.Animation*/ } }); })(dojo); });