//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/widget/Pager", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dijit/_Widget,dijit/_Templated,dojo/fx"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.widget.Pager"); dojo.experimental("dojox.widget.Pager"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.require("dojo.fx"); dojo.declare("dojox.widget.Pager", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { // summary: A Pager, displaying a list of sized nodes templateString: dojo.cache("dojox.widget", "Pager/Pager.html", "
    "), /*===== // iconPrevious: String? // The url of the previous page icon iconPrevious: "", // iconNext: String? // The url of the next page icon iconNext: "", =====*/ iconPage: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.widget", "Pager/images/pageInactive.png"), iconPageActive: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.widget", "Pager/images/pageActive.png"), // store: Object // A dojo.data Data store store: null, // data store for items // orientation: String // Either "horizontal or "vertical" to define the direction the pages will slide orientation: "horizontal", // or vertical // statusPos: String // A string describing where to put the Pager "current page" indicator. Options are // "leading" or "trailing". In the case of horiztonal orientation, "leading" indicates // positioned above the PageItems. In the case of vertical, "leading" indicates "before". statusPos: "leading", // pagerPos: String // TODOC pagerPos: "center", // duration: Integer // Time in milliseconds to transition the pages duration: 500, // itemSpace: Integer // Spacing between items? TODOC itemSpace: 2, // resizeChildren: Boolean // TODOC resizeChildren: true, // itemClass: String // The full dotted named of a Class to use for the internal Pager Items. itemClass: "dojox.widget._PagerItem", // itemsPage: Integer // The numbers of items to display in each "Page" itemsPage: 3, postMixInProperties: function(){ var h = (this.orientation == "horizontal"); dojo.mixin(this,{ _totalPages:0, _currentPage:1, dirClass: "pager" + (h ? "Horizontal" : "Vertical"), iconNext: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.widget", "Pager/images/" + (h ? "h" : "v") + "Next.png"), iconPrevious: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.widget", "Pager/images/" + (h ? "h" : "v") + "Previous.png") }); }, postCreate: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); //this.connect(this.domNode,"onkeypress","_handleKey"); this.store.fetch({ onComplete: dojo.hitch(this, "_init") }); }, _a11yStyle: function(e){ // summary: top level onfocus/onblur listen to set a class "pagerFocus" on some node // and remove it onblur dojo[(e.type == "focus" ? "addClass" : "removeClass")](e.target,"pagerFocus"); }, _handleKey: function(e){ // summary: Handle keyboard navigation internally var dk = dojo.keys; var key = (e.charCode == dk.SPACE ? dk.SPACE : e.keyCode); switch(key){ case dk.UP_ARROW: case dk.RIGHT_ARROW: case 110: case 78: // key "n" e.preventDefault(); this._pagerNext(); break; case dk.DOWN_ARROW: case dk.LEFT_ARROW: case 112: case 80: // key "p" e.preventDefault(); this._pagerPrevious(); break; case dk.ENTER: switch(e.target){ case this.pagerNext : this._pagerNext(); break; case this.pagerPrevious : this._pagerPrevious(); break; } break; } }, _init: function(items) { this.items = items; this._renderPages(); this._renderStatus(); this._renderPager(); }, _renderPages: function(){ var pcv = this.pagerContainerView; var _h = (this.orientation == "horizontal"); var style = dojo.style; if(_h){ var pagerH = dojo.marginBox(this.pagerContainerPager).h; var statusH = dojo.marginBox(this.pagerContainerStatus).h; if (this.pagerPos != 'center'){ var addonHeight = pagerH+statusH; }else{ var addonHeight = statusH; var widthSub = this.pagerIconNext.width; var containerWidth = style(pcv, 'width'); var newWidth = containerWidth-(2*widthSub); style(pcv, { width: newWidth+'px', marginLeft: this.pagerIconNext.width+'px', marginRight: this.pagerIconNext.width+'px' }); } var totalH = style(this.pagerContainer, 'height') - addonHeight; style(this.pagerContainerView, 'height', totalH+'px'); var itemSpace = Math.floor(style(pcv, 'width') / this.itemsPage); if(this.statusPos == 'trailing'){ if(this.pagerPos != 'center'){ style(pcv, 'marginTop', pagerH+'px'); } style(pcv, 'marginBottom', statusH+'px'); }else{ style(pcv, 'marginTop', statusH+'px'); if (this.pagerPos != 'center'){ style(pcv, 'marginTop', pagerH+'px'); } } }else{ var pagerW = dojo.marginBox(this.pagerContainerPager).w; var statusW = dojo.marginBox(this.pagerContainerStatus).w; var containerW = style(this.pagerContainer, 'width'); if(this.pagerPos != 'center'){ var addonWidth = pagerW + statusW; }else{ var addonWidth = statusW; var heightSub = this.pagerIconNext.height; var containerHeight = style(pcv, 'height'); var newHeight = containerHeight - (2 * heightSub); style(pcv,{ height: newHeight+'px', marginTop: this.pagerIconNext.height+'px', marginBottom: this.pagerIconNext.height+'px' }); } var totalW = style(this.pagerContainer, 'width') - addonWidth; style(pcv, 'width', totalW+'px'); var itemSpace = Math.floor(style(pcv, 'height') / this.itemsPage); if(this.statusPos == 'trailing'){ if (this.pagerPos != 'center'){ style(pcv, 'marginLeft', pagerW + 'px'); } style(pcv, 'marginRight', statusW + 'px'); }else{ style(pcv, 'marginLeft', statusW + 'px'); if(this.pagerPos != 'center'){ style(pcv, 'marginRight', pagerW+'px'); } } } var _PagerItem = dojo.getObject(this.itemClass); var paddingLead = "padding" + (_h ? "Left" : "Top"); var paddingTrail = "padding" + (_h ? "Right" : "Bottom"); dojo.forEach(this.items, function(item, cnt){ var contentContainer = dojo.create('div', { innerHTML: item.content }); var pagerItem = new _PagerItem({ id: this.id + '-item-' + (cnt + 1) }, contentContainer); this.pagerItems.appendChild(pagerItem.domNode); var containerProps = {}; containerProps[(_h ? "width" : "height")] = (itemSpace - this.itemSpace) + "px"; var p = (_h ? "height" : "width"); containerProps[p] = style(pcv, p) + "px"; style(pagerItem.containerNode, containerProps); if(this.resizeChildren){ pagerItem.resizeChildren(); } pagerItem.parseChildren(); // only display amount of items as defined in itemsPage style(pagerItem.domNode, "position", "absolute"); if (cnt < this.itemsPage){ var pos = (cnt) * itemSpace; var trailingDir = (_h ? "left" : "top"); var dir = (_h ? "top" : "left"); style(pagerItem.domNode, dir, "0px"); style(pagerItem.domNode, trailingDir, pos+"px"); }else{ style(pagerItem.domNode, "top", "-1000px"); style(pagerItem.domNode, "left", "-1000px"); } style(pagerItem.domNode, paddingTrail, (this.itemSpace/2)+"px"); style(pagerItem.domNode, paddingLead, (this.itemSpace/2)+"px"); }, this); }, _renderPager: function() { var tcp = this.pagerContainerPager; var zero = "0px"; var _h = (this.orientation == "horizontal"); if(_h){ if(this.statusPos == 'center'){ }else if (this.statusPos == 'trailing'){ dojo.style(tcp, 'top', zero); }else{ dojo.style(tcp, 'bottom', zero); } dojo.style(this.pagerNext, 'right', zero); dojo.style(this.pagerPrevious, 'left', zero); }else{ if (this.statusPos == 'trailing'){ dojo.style(tcp, 'left', zero); }else{ dojo.style(tcp, 'right', zero); } dojo.style(this.pagerNext, 'bottom', zero); dojo.style(this.pagerPrevious, 'top', zero); } }, _renderStatus: function() { this._totalPages = Math.ceil(this.items.length / this.itemsPage); // FIXME!! this.iconWidth = 0; this.iconHeight = 0; this.iconsLoaded = 0; this._iconConnects = []; for (var i = 1; i <= this._totalPages; i++){ var icon = new Image(); var pointer = i; dojo.connect(icon, 'onclick', dojo.hitch(this, function(pointer) { this._pagerSkip(pointer); }, pointer)); this._iconConnects[pointer] = dojo.connect(icon, 'onload', dojo.hitch(this,function(pointer){ this.iconWidth += icon.width; this.iconHeight += icon.height; this.iconsLoaded++; if (this._totalPages == this.iconsLoaded){ if (this.orientation == "horizontal"){ if (this.statusPos == 'trailing'){ if (this.pagerPos == 'center'){ var containerHeight = dojo.style(this.pagerContainer, 'height'); var statusHeight = dojo.style(this.pagerContainerStatus, 'height'); dojo.style(this.pagerContainerPager, 'top', ((containerHeight/2)-(statusHeight/2))+'px'); } dojo.style(this.pagerContainerStatus, 'bottom', '0px'); }else{ if (this.pagerPos == 'center'){ var containerHeight = dojo.style(this.pagerContainer, 'height'); var statusHeight = dojo.style(this.pagerContainerStatus, 'height'); dojo.style(this.pagerContainerPager, 'bottom', ((containerHeight/2)-(statusHeight/2))+'px'); } dojo.style(this.pagerContainerStatus, 'top', '0px'); } var position = (dojo.style(this.pagerContainer, 'width')/2)-(this.iconWidth/2); dojo.style(this.pagerContainerStatus, 'paddingLeft', position+'px'); }else{ if (this.statusPos == 'trailing'){ if (this.pagerPos == 'center'){ var containerWidth = dojo.style(this.pagerContainer, 'width'); var statusWidth = dojo.style(this.pagerContainerStatus, 'width'); dojo.style(this.pagerContainerPager, 'left', ((containerWidth/2)-(statusWidth/2))+'px'); } dojo.style(this.pagerContainerStatus, 'right', '0px'); }else{ if (this.pagerPos == 'center'){ var containerWidth = dojo.style(this.pagerContainer, 'width'); var statusWidth = dojo.style(this.pagerContainerStatus, 'width'); dojo.style(this.pagerContainerPager, 'right', ((containerWidth/2)-(statusWidth/2))+'px'); } dojo.style(this.pagerContainerStatus, 'left', '0px'); } var position = (dojo.style(this.pagerContainer, 'height')/2)-(this.iconHeight/2); dojo.style(this.pagerContainerStatus, 'paddingTop', position+'px'); } } dojo.disconnect(this._iconConnects[pointer]); }, pointer)); if (i==this._currentPage){ icon.src=this.iconPageActive; }else{ icon.src=this.iconPage; } var pointer = i; dojo.addClass(icon, this.orientation+'PagerIcon'); dojo.attr(icon, 'id', this.id+'-status-'+i); this.pagerContainerStatus.appendChild(icon); if (this.orientation == "vertical"){ dojo.style(icon, 'display', 'block'); } } }, _pagerSkip: function(page){ if (this._currentPage == page){ return; }else{ // calculate whether to go left or right, take shortest way var distanceP; var distanceN; if (page < this._currentPage){ distanceP = this._currentPage - page; distanceN = (this._totalPages + page) - this._currentPage; }else{ distanceP = (this._totalPages + this._currentPage) - page; distanceN = page - this._currentPage; } var b = (distanceN > distanceP); this._toScroll = (b ? distanceP : distanceN); var cmd = (b ? "_pagerPrevious" : "_pagerNext"); var connect = this.connect(this, "onScrollEnd", function(){ this._toScroll--; if(this._toScroll < 1){ this.disconnect(connect); }else{ this[cmd](); } }); this[cmd](); } }, _pagerNext: function(){ if(this._anim) return; /** * fade slide out current items * make sure that next items are ligned up nicely before sliding them in */ var _anims = []; for (var i = this._currentPage * this.itemsPage; i > (this._currentPage - 1) * this.itemsPage; i--){ if (!dojo.byId(this.id+'-item-'+i)) continue; var currentItem = dojo.byId(this.id+'-item-'+i); var marginBox = dojo.marginBox(currentItem); if (this.orientation == "horizontal") { var move = marginBox.l - (this.itemsPage * marginBox.w); _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({node: currentItem, left: move, duration: this.duration})); }else{ var move = marginBox.t - (this.itemsPage * marginBox.h); _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({node: currentItem, top: move, duration: this.duration})); } } var previousPage = this._currentPage; if (this._currentPage == this._totalPages){ this._currentPage = 1; }else{ this._currentPage++; } var cnt = this.itemsPage; for (var i=this._currentPage*this.itemsPage; i>(this._currentPage-1)*this.itemsPage; i--){ if (dojo.byId(this.id+'-item-'+i)){ var currentItem = dojo.byId(this.id+'-item-'+i); var marginBox = dojo.marginBox(currentItem); if (this.orientation == "horizontal") { var newPos = (dojo.style(this.pagerContainerView, 'width')+((cnt-1)*marginBox.w))-1; dojo.style(currentItem, 'left', newPos+'px'); dojo.style(currentItem, 'top', '0px'); var move = newPos-(this.itemsPage*marginBox.w); _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({node: currentItem, left: move, duration: this.duration})); }else{ newPos = (dojo.style(this.pagerContainerView, 'height')+((cnt-1)*marginBox.h))-1; dojo.style(currentItem, 'top', newPos+'px'); dojo.style(currentItem, 'left', '0px'); var move = newPos-(this.itemsPage*marginBox.h); _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({ node: currentItem, top: move, duration: this.duration})); } } cnt--; } this._anim = dojo.fx.combine(_anims); var animConnect = this.connect(this._anim, "onEnd", function(){ delete this._anim; this.onScrollEnd(); this.disconnect(animConnect); }); this._anim.play(); // set pager icons dojo.byId(this.id+'-status-'+previousPage).src = this.iconPage; dojo.byId(this.id+'-status-'+this._currentPage).src = this.iconPageActive; }, _pagerPrevious: function(){ if(this._anim) return; var _anims = []; for (var i=this._currentPage*this.itemsPage; i>(this._currentPage-1)*this.itemsPage; i--){ if (!dojo.byId(this.id+'-item-'+i)) continue; var currentItem = dojo.byId(this.id+'-item-'+i); var marginBox = dojo.marginBox(currentItem); if (this.orientation == "horizontal") { var move = dojo.style(currentItem, 'left')+(this.itemsPage*marginBox.w); _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({node: currentItem, left: move, duration: this.duration})); }else{ var move = dojo.style(currentItem, 'top')+(this.itemsPage*marginBox.h); _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({node: currentItem, top: move, duration: this.duration})); } } var previousPage = this._currentPage; if (this._currentPage == 1){ this._currentPage = this._totalPages; }else{ this._currentPage--; } var cnt = this.itemsPage; var j=1; for (var i=this._currentPage*this.itemsPage; i>(this._currentPage-1)*this.itemsPage; i--){ if(dojo.byId(this.id+'-item-'+i)){ var currentItem = dojo.byId(this.id+'-item-'+i); var marginBox = dojo.marginBox(currentItem); if (this.orientation == "horizontal") { var newPos = -(j * marginBox.w) + 1; dojo.style(currentItem, 'left', newPos+'px'); dojo.style(currentItem, 'top', '0px'); var move = ((cnt - 1) * marginBox.w); _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({node: currentItem, left: move, duration: this.duration})); var move = newPos+(this.itemsPage * marginBox.w); _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({node: currentItem, left: move, duration: this.duration})); }else{ newPos = -((j * marginBox.h) + 1); dojo.style(currentItem, 'top', newPos+'px'); dojo.style(currentItem, 'left', '0px'); var move = ((cnt - 1) * marginBox.h); _anims.push(dojo.fx.slideTo({node: currentItem, top: move, duration: this.duration})); } } cnt--; j++; } this._anim = dojo.fx.combine(_anims); var animConnect = dojo.connect(this._anim, "onEnd", dojo.hitch(this, function(){ delete this._anim; this.onScrollEnd(); dojo.disconnect(animConnect); })); this._anim.play(); // set pager icons dojo.byId(this.id + '-status-' + previousPage).src = this.iconPage; dojo.byId(this.id + '-status-' + this._currentPage).src = this.iconPageActive; }, onScrollEnd: function(){ // summary: Stub Function. Fired after the slide is complete. Override or connect. } }); dojo.declare("dojox.widget._PagerItem", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], { templateString: '
  • ', resizeChildren: function(){ var box = dojo.marginBox(this.containerNode); dojo.style(this.containerNode.firstChild, { width: box.w +'px', height: box.h + 'px' }); }, parseChildren: function(){ dojo.parser.parse(this.containerNode); } }); });