//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/widget/Loader", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dijit/_Widget,dijit/_Templated"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.widget.Loader"); dojo.deprecated("dojox.widget.Loader", "", "2.0"); dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); dojo.declare("dojox.widget.Loader", [dijit._Widget,dijit._Templated], { // summary: a configurable global xhr-listener to display // a loading message during running xhr's or to simply provide // base-level topic to subscribe to for custom loading messages // // loadIcon: String // location to the icon used. loadIcon: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.widget.Loader","icons/loading.gif"), // loadMessage: String // string to use for progress loading loadMessage: 'Loading ...', // hasVisuals: Boolean // true to display a fixed loading message in TR cornder, false to unly provide // "Loader" topic to subscribe to for your own custom loading message. hasVisuals: true, // attachToPointer // true to use visual indicator where cursor is attachToPointer: true, // duration: Integer // time in ms to toggle in/out the visual load indicator duration: 125, // _offset: Integer // distance in px from the mouse pointer to show attachToPointer avatar _offset: 16, // holder for mousemove connection _pointerConnect: null, _xhrStart: null, _xhrEnd: null, templateString: '
' +' ' +'
', postCreate: function(){ // summary: setup the loader if(!this.hasVisuals){ this.loadNode.style.display = "none"; // _destroy()? }else{ if(this.attachToPointer){ dojo.removeClass(this.loadNode,"dojoxLoader"); dojo.addClass(this.loadNode,"dojoxLoaderPointer"); } this._hide(); } this._setMessage(this.loadMessage); // FIXME: create our connections. would be easier, and this might be redundant // if Deferred published something. XHR published stuff. FIXME to use that. this._xhrStart = this.connect(dojo,"_ioSetArgs","_show"); this._xhrEnd = this.connect(dojo.Deferred.prototype,"_fire","_hide"); }, _setMessage: function(/* String */ message){ // summary: set's the message in the loader this.loadMessageNode.innerHTML = message; }, _putLoader: function(/* Event */ e){ // summary: place the floating loading element based on mousemove connection position dijit.placeOnScreen(this.loadNode,{ x: e.clientX+this._offset, y:e.clientY+this._offset }, ["TL","BR"]); }, _show: function(){ // summary: publish and show progress indicator dojo.publish("Loader",[{ message: 'started' }]); if(this.hasVisuals){ if(this.attachToPointer){ this._pointerConnect = this.connect(document,"onmousemove","_putLoader"); } dojo.style(this.loadNode, { opacity:0, display:"" }); dojo.fadeIn({ node: this.loadNode, duration:this.duration }).play(); } }, _hide: function(){ // summary: publish "xhr ended" and hide progress indicator dojo.publish("Loader",[{ message: 'ended' }]); if(this.hasVisuals){ if(this.attachToPointer){ this.disconnect(this._pointerConnect); } dojo.fadeOut({ node: this.loadNode, duration:this.duration, onEnd: dojo.partial(dojo.style, this.loadNode, "display", "none") }).play(); } } }); });