//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/widget/Iterator", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dijit/Declaration"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.widget.Iterator"); dojo.require("dijit.Declaration"); dojo.experimental("dojox.widget.Iterator"); // level: prototype, designed for dijit.chat.demo /* example: from markup: | | |
| ${name} is a ${type} |
example: programmatic: | var store = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({ url: "countries.json" }); | | var iter = new dojox.widget.Iterator({ | store: store, | template: "" | }); | example: programmatic from an array of objects: | var dataArr = [ | { name: "foo", valueAttr: "bar" }, | { name: "thinger", valueAttr: "blah" } | ]; | | var iter = new dojox.widget.Iterator({ | data: dataArr, | template: "" | }); example: programmatic from an array of strings: | var dataArr = [ | { name: "foo", valueAttr: "bar" }, | { name: "thinger", valueAttr: "blah" } | ]; | | var iter = new dojox.widget.Iterator({ | data: dataArr, | template: "" | }); */ dojo.declare("dojox.widget.Iterator", [ dijit.Declaration ], { constructor: (function(){ var ctr = 0; return function(){ this.attrs = []; this.children = []; this.widgetClass = "dojox.widget.Iterator._classes._"+(ctr++); } })(), start: 0, fetchMax: 1000, query: { name: "*" }, attrs: [], defaultValue: "", widgetCtor: null, dataValues: [], // an array of strings data: null, // should be a reference to an Array store: null, _srcIndex: 0, _srcParent: null, _setSrcIndex: function(s){ this._srcIndex = 0; this._srcParent = s.parentNode; var ts = s; while(ts.previousSibling){ this._srcIndex++; ts = ts.previousSibling; }; }, postscript: function(p, s){ // figure out the position of the source node in it's parent this._setSrcIndex(s); // this._srcIndex = dojo.query(">", this._srcParent).indexOf(s); this.inherited("postscript", arguments); var wc = this.widgetCtor = dojo.getObject(this.widgetClass); this.attrs = dojo.map( wc.prototype.templateString.match(/\$\{([^\s\:\}]+)(?:\:([^\s\:\}]+))?\}/g), function(s){ return s.slice(2, -1); } ); dojo.forEach( this.attrs, function(m){ wc.prototype[m] = ""; } ); this.update(); }, clear: function(){ if(this.children.length){ this._setSrcIndex(this.children[0].domNode); } dojo.forEach(this.children, "item.destroy();"); this.children = []; }, update: function(){ if(this.store){ // we're executing a query this.fetch(); }else{ // we came from an array of objects. Easier! this.onDataAvailable(this.data||this.dataValues); } }, _addItem: function(/*Object*/config, idx){ if(dojo.isString(config)){ config = { value: config }; } var widget = new this.widgetCtor(config); this.children.push(widget); dojo.place(widget.domNode, this._srcParent, this._srcIndex+idx); }, getAttrValuesObj: function(item){ var obj = {}; if(dojo.isString(item)){ dojo.forEach(this.attrs, function(attr){ obj[attr] = (attr == "value") ? item : this.defaultValue; }, this); }else{ dojo.forEach(this.attrs, function(attr){ if(this.store){ obj[attr] = this.store.getValue(item, attr)||this.defaultValue; }else{ obj[attr] = item[attr]||this.defaultValue; } }, this); } return obj; }, onDataAvailable: function(data){ this.clear(); // console.debug(data); dojo.forEach(data, function(item, idx){ this._addItem(this.getAttrValuesObj(item), idx); }, this); }, fetch: function(query, start, end){ this.store.fetch({ query: query||this.query, start: start||this.start, count: end||this.fetchMax, onComplete: dojo.hitch(this,"onDataAvailable") }); } }); dojox.widget.Iterator._classes = {}; });