//>>built define("dojox/string/tokenize", [ "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/sniff" ], function(lang, has){ var tokenize = lang.getObject("dojox.string", true).tokenize; tokenize = function(/*String*/ str, /*RegExp*/ re, /*Function?*/ parseDelim, /*Object?*/ instance){ // summary: // Split a string by a regular expression with the ability to capture the delimeters // parseDelim: // Each group (excluding the 0 group) is passed as a parameter. If the function returns // a value, it's added to the list of tokens. // instance: // Used as the "this" instance when calling parseDelim var tokens = []; var match, content, lastIndex = 0; while(match = re.exec(str)){ content = str.slice(lastIndex, re.lastIndex - match[0].length); if(content.length){ tokens.push(content); } if(parseDelim){ if(has("opera")){ var copy = match.slice(0); while(copy.length < match.length){ copy.push(null); } match = copy; } var parsed = parseDelim.apply(instance, match.slice(1).concat(tokens.length)); if(typeof parsed != "undefined"){ tokens.push(parsed); } } lastIndex = re.lastIndex; } content = str.slice(lastIndex); if(content.length){ tokens.push(content); } return tokens; }; return tokenize; });