//>>built define("dojox/string/sprintf", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", // dojo.getObject, dojo.mixin "dojo/_base/lang", // dojo.extend "dojo/_base/sniff", // dojo.isOpera "./tokenize" ], function(dojo, lang, has, tokenize){ var strLib = lang.getObject("string", true, dojox); strLib.sprintf = function(/*String*/ format, /*mixed...*/ filler){ for(var args = [], i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){ args.push(arguments[i]); } var formatter = new strLib.sprintf.Formatter(format); return formatter.format.apply(formatter, args); }; strLib.sprintf.Formatter = function(/*String*/ format){ var tokens = []; this._mapped = false; this._format = format; this._tokens = tokenize(format, this._re, this._parseDelim, this); }; lang.extend(strLib.sprintf.Formatter, { _re: /\%(?:\(([\w_]+)\)|([1-9]\d*)\$)?([0 +\-\#]*)(\*|\d+)?(\.)?(\*|\d+)?[hlL]?([\%scdeEfFgGiouxX])/g, _parseDelim: function(mapping, intmapping, flags, minWidth, period, precision, specifier){ if(mapping){ this._mapped = true; } return { mapping: mapping, intmapping: intmapping, flags: flags, _minWidth: minWidth, // May be dependent on parameters period: period, _precision: precision, // May be dependent on parameters specifier: specifier }; }, _specifiers: { b: { base: 2, isInt: true }, o: { base: 8, isInt: true }, x: { base: 16, isInt: true }, X: { extend: ["x"], toUpper: true }, d: { base: 10, isInt: true }, i: { extend: ["d"] }, u: { extend: ["d"], isUnsigned: true }, c: { setArg: function(token){ if(!isNaN(token.arg)){ var num = parseInt(token.arg); if(num < 0 || num > 127){ throw new Error("invalid character code passed to %c in sprintf"); } token.arg = isNaN(num) ? "" + num : String.fromCharCode(num); } } }, s: { setMaxWidth: function(token){ token.maxWidth = (token.period == ".") ? token.precision : -1; } }, e: { isDouble: true, doubleNotation: "e" }, E: { extend: ["e"], toUpper: true }, f: { isDouble: true, doubleNotation: "f" }, F: { extend: ["f"] }, g: { isDouble: true, doubleNotation: "g" }, G: { extend: ["g"], toUpper: true } }, format: function(/*mixed...*/ filler){ if(this._mapped && typeof filler != "object"){ throw new Error("format requires a mapping"); } var str = ""; var position = 0; for(var i = 0, token; i < this._tokens.length; i++){ token = this._tokens[i]; if(typeof token == "string"){ str += token; }else{ if(this._mapped){ if(typeof filler[token.mapping] == "undefined"){ throw new Error("missing key " + token.mapping); } token.arg = filler[token.mapping]; }else{ if(token.intmapping){ var position = parseInt(token.intmapping) - 1; } if(position >= arguments.length){ throw new Error("got " + arguments.length + " printf arguments, insufficient for '" + this._format + "'"); } token.arg = arguments[position++]; } if(!token.compiled){ token.compiled = true; token.sign = ""; token.zeroPad = false; token.rightJustify = false; token.alternative = false; var flags = {}; for(var fi = token.flags.length; fi--;){ var flag = token.flags.charAt(fi); flags[flag] = true; switch(flag){ case " ": token.sign = " "; break; case "+": token.sign = "+"; break; case "0": token.zeroPad = (flags["-"]) ? false : true; break; case "-": token.rightJustify = true; token.zeroPad = false; break; case "\#": token.alternative = true; break; default: throw Error("bad formatting flag '" + token.flags.charAt(fi) + "'"); } } token.minWidth = (token._minWidth) ? parseInt(token._minWidth) : 0; token.maxWidth = -1; token.toUpper = false; token.isUnsigned = false; token.isInt = false; token.isDouble = false; token.precision = 1; if(token.period == '.'){ if(token._precision){ token.precision = parseInt(token._precision); }else{ token.precision = 0; } } var mixins = this._specifiers[token.specifier]; if(typeof mixins == "undefined"){ throw new Error("unexpected specifier '" + token.specifier + "'"); } if(mixins.extend){ lang.mixin(mixins, this._specifiers[mixins.extend]); delete mixins.extend; } lang.mixin(token, mixins); } if(typeof token.setArg == "function"){ token.setArg(token); } if(typeof token.setMaxWidth == "function"){ token.setMaxWidth(token); } if(token._minWidth == "*"){ if(this._mapped){ throw new Error("* width not supported in mapped formats"); } token.minWidth = parseInt(arguments[position++]); if(isNaN(token.minWidth)){ throw new Error("the argument for * width at position " + position + " is not a number in " + this._format); } // negative width means rightJustify if (token.minWidth < 0) { token.rightJustify = true; token.minWidth = -token.minWidth; } } if(token._precision == "*" && token.period == "."){ if(this._mapped){ throw new Error("* precision not supported in mapped formats"); } token.precision = parseInt(arguments[position++]); if(isNaN(token.precision)){ throw Error("the argument for * precision at position " + position + " is not a number in " + this._format); } // negative precision means unspecified if (token.precision < 0) { token.precision = 1; token.period = ''; } } if(token.isInt){ // a specified precision means no zero padding if(token.period == '.'){ token.zeroPad = false; } this.formatInt(token); }else if(token.isDouble){ if(token.period != '.'){ token.precision = 6; } this.formatDouble(token); } this.fitField(token); str += "" + token.arg; } } return str; }, _zeros10: '0000000000', _spaces10: ' ', formatInt: function(token) { var i = parseInt(token.arg); if(!isFinite(i)){ // isNaN(f) || f == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || f == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) // allow this only if arg is number if(typeof token.arg != "number"){ throw new Error("format argument '" + token.arg + "' not an integer; parseInt returned " + i); } //return '' + i; i = 0; } // if not base 10, make negatives be positive // otherwise, (-10).toString(16) is '-a' instead of 'fffffff6' if(i < 0 && (token.isUnsigned || token.base != 10)){ i = 0xffffffff + i + 1; } if(i < 0){ token.arg = (- i).toString(token.base); this.zeroPad(token); token.arg = "-" + token.arg; }else{ token.arg = i.toString(token.base); // need to make sure that argument 0 with precision==0 is formatted as '' if(!i && !token.precision){ token.arg = ""; }else{ this.zeroPad(token); } if(token.sign){ token.arg = token.sign + token.arg; } } if(token.base == 16){ if(token.alternative){ token.arg = '0x' + token.arg; } token.arg = token.toUpper ? token.arg.toUpperCase() : token.arg.toLowerCase(); } if(token.base == 8){ if(token.alternative && token.arg.charAt(0) != '0'){ token.arg = '0' + token.arg; } } }, formatDouble: function(token) { var f = parseFloat(token.arg); if(!isFinite(f)){ // isNaN(f) || f == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || f == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) // allow this only if arg is number if(typeof token.arg != "number"){ throw new Error("format argument '" + token.arg + "' not a float; parseFloat returned " + f); } // C99 says that for 'f': // infinity -> '[-]inf' or '[-]infinity' ('[-]INF' or '[-]INFINITY' for 'F') // NaN -> a string starting with 'nan' ('NAN' for 'F') // this is not commonly implemented though. //return '' + f; f = 0; } switch(token.doubleNotation) { case 'e': { token.arg = f.toExponential(token.precision); break; } case 'f': { token.arg = f.toFixed(token.precision); break; } case 'g': { // C says use 'e' notation if exponent is < -4 or is >= prec // ECMAScript for toPrecision says use exponential notation if exponent is >= prec, // though step 17 of toPrecision indicates a test for < -6 to force exponential. if(Math.abs(f) < 0.0001){ //print("forcing exponential notation for f=" + f); token.arg = f.toExponential(token.precision > 0 ? token.precision - 1 : token.precision); }else{ token.arg = f.toPrecision(token.precision); } // In C, unlike 'f', 'gG' removes trailing 0s from fractional part, unless alternative format flag ("#"). // But ECMAScript formats toPrecision as 0.00100000. So remove trailing 0s. if(!token.alternative){ //print("replacing trailing 0 in '" + s + "'"); token.arg = token.arg.replace(/(\..*[^0])0*/, "$1"); // if fractional part is entirely 0, remove it and decimal point token.arg = token.arg.replace(/\.0*e/, 'e').replace(/\.0$/,''); } break; } default: throw new Error("unexpected double notation '" + token.doubleNotation + "'"); } // C says that exponent must have at least two digits. // But ECMAScript does not; toExponential results in things like "1.000000e-8" and "1.000000e+8". // Note that s.replace(/e([\+\-])(\d)/, "e$10$2") won't work because of the "$10" instead of "$1". // And replace(re, func) isn't supported on IE50 or Safari1. token.arg = token.arg.replace(/e\+(\d)$/, "e+0$1").replace(/e\-(\d)$/, "e-0$1"); // Ensure a '0' before the period. // Opera implements (0.001).toString() as '0.001', but (0.001).toFixed(1) is '.001' if(has("opera")){ token.arg = token.arg.replace(/^\./, '0.'); } // if alt, ensure a decimal point if(token.alternative){ token.arg = token.arg.replace(/^(\d+)$/,"$1."); token.arg = token.arg.replace(/^(\d+)e/,"$1.e"); } if(f >= 0 && token.sign){ token.arg = token.sign + token.arg; } token.arg = token.toUpper ? token.arg.toUpperCase() : token.arg.toLowerCase(); }, zeroPad: function(token, /*Int*/ length) { length = (arguments.length == 2) ? length : token.precision; if(typeof token.arg != "string"){ token.arg = "" + token.arg; } var tenless = length - 10; while(token.arg.length < tenless){ token.arg = (token.rightJustify) ? token.arg + this._zeros10 : this._zeros10 + token.arg; } var pad = length - token.arg.length; token.arg = (token.rightJustify) ? token.arg + this._zeros10.substring(0, pad) : this._zeros10.substring(0, pad) + token.arg; }, fitField: function(token) { if(token.maxWidth >= 0 && token.arg.length > token.maxWidth){ return token.arg.substring(0, token.maxWidth); } if(token.zeroPad){ this.zeroPad(token, token.minWidth); return; } this.spacePad(token); }, spacePad: function(token, /*Int*/ length) { length = (arguments.length == 2) ? length : token.minWidth; if(typeof token.arg != 'string'){ token.arg = '' + token.arg; } var tenless = length - 10; while(token.arg.length < tenless){ token.arg = (token.rightJustify) ? token.arg + this._spaces10 : this._spaces10 + token.arg; } var pad = length - token.arg.length; token.arg = (token.rightJustify) ? token.arg + this._spaces10.substring(0, pad) : this._spaces10.substring(0, pad) + token.arg; } }); return strLib.sprintf; });