//>>built define("dojox/string/BidiEngine", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare"], function(lang,declare){ lang.getObject("string", true, dojox); declare("dojox.string.BidiEngine", null, { // summary: // This class provides a bidi transformation engine, i.e. // functions for reordering and shaping bidi text. // description: // Bidi stands for support for languages with a bidirectional script. // // Usually Unicode Bidi Algorithm used by OS platform (and web browsers) is capable of properly transforming // Bidi text and as a result it is adequately displayed on the screen. However, in some situations, // Unicode Bidi Algorithm is not invoked or is not properly applied. This may occur in situation in which software // responsible for rendering the text is not leveraging Unicode Bidi Algorithm implemented by OS (e.g. dojox.GFX renderers). // // Bidi engine provided in this class implements Unicode Bidi Algorithm as specified at: // http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr9/. // // For more information on basic Bidi concepts please read following article: // "Bidirectional script support - A primer" available from: // http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/bidi/bidigen.html // // As of February 2011, Bidi engine has following limitations: // 1. No support for following numeric shaping options: // H - Hindi, // C - Contextual, // N - Nominal. // 2. No support for following shaping options: // I - Initial shaping, // M - Middle shaping, // F - Final shaping, // B - Isolated shaping. // 3. No support for source-to-target or/and target-to-source maps. // 4. No support for LRE/RLE/LRO/RLO/PDF (they are handled like neutrals). // 5. No support for Windows compatibility. // 6. No support for insert/remove marks. // 7. No support for code pages (currently only UTF-8 is supported. Ideally we should convert from any code page to UTF-8). bidiTransform: function (/*String*/text, /*String*/formatIn, /*String*/formatOut){ // summary: // Central public API for Bidi engine. Transforms the text according to formatIn, formatOut parameters. // If formatIn or formatOut parametrs are not valid throws an exception. // inputText: // Input text subject to application of Bidi transformation. // formatIn: // Input Bidi layout in which inputText is passed to the function. // formatOut: // Output Bidi layout to which inputText should be transformed. // description: // Both formatIn and formatOut parameters are 5 letters long strings. // For example - "ILYNN". Each letter is associated with specific attribute of Bidi layout. // Possible and default values for each one of the letters are provided below: // // First letter: // Letter position/index: // 1 // Letter meaning: // Ordering Schema. // Possible values: // I - Implicit (Logical). // V - Visual. // Default value: // I // // Second letter: // Letter position/index: // 2 // Letter meaning: // Orientation. // Possible values: // L - Left To Right. // R - Right To Left. // C - Contextual Left to Right. // D - Contextual Right to Left. // Default value: // L // // Third letter: // Letter position/index: // 3 // Letter meaning: // Symmetric Swapping. // Possible values: // Y - Symmetric swapping is on. // N - Symmetric swapping is off. // Default value: // Y // // Fourth letter: // Letter position/index: // 4 // Letter meaning: // Shaping. // Possible values: // S - Text is shaped. // N - Text is not shaped. // Default value: // N // // Fifth letter: // Letter position/index: // 5 // Letter meaning: // Numeric Shaping. // Possible values: // N - Nominal. // Default value: // N // // The output of this function is original text (passed via first argument) transformed from input Bidi layout (second argument) // to output Bidi layout (last argument). // // Sample call: // | mytext = bidiTransform("HELLO WORLD", "ILYNN", "VLYNN"); // In this case, "HELLO WORLD" text is transformed from Logical - LTR to Visual - LTR Bidi layout with // default values for symmetric swapping (Yes), shaping (Not shaped) and numeric shaping (Nominal). // returns: /*String*/ or throws an exception. // Original text transformed from input Bidi layout (second argument) // to output Bidi layout (last argument). // Throws an exception if the bidi layout strings are not valid. // tags: // public if(!text){ return ''; } if(!formatIn && !formatOut){ return text; } // regex for format validation // Allowed values for format string are: // 1st letter- I, V // 2nd letter- L, R, C, D // 3rd letter- Y, N // 4th letter- S, N // 5th letter- N var validFormat = /^[(I|V)][(L|R|C|D)][(Y|N)][(S|N)][N]$/; if(!validFormat.test(formatIn) || !validFormat.test(formatOut)){ throw new Error("dojox.string.BidiEngine: the bidi layout string is wrong!"); } if(formatIn == formatOut){ return text; } var orientIn = getOrientation(formatIn.charAt(1)) , orientOut = getOrientation(formatOut.charAt(1)) , os_in = (formatIn.charAt(0) == 'I') ? 'L' : formatIn.charAt(0) , os_out = (formatOut.charAt(0) == 'I') ? 'L' : formatOut.charAt(0) , inFormat = os_in + orientIn , outFormat = os_out + orientOut , swap = formatIn.charAt(2) + formatOut.charAt(2) ; if(inFormat){ bdx.defInFormat = inFormat; } if(outFormat){ bdx.defOutFormat = outFormat; } if(swap){ bdx.defSwap = swap; } var stage1_text = doBidiReorder(text, os_in + orientIn, os_out + orientOut, formatIn.charAt(2) + formatOut.charAt(2)) , isRtl = false; if(formatOut.charAt(1) == 'R'){ isRtl = true; }else if(formatOut.charAt(1) == 'C' || formatOut.charAt(1) == 'D'){ isRtl = this.checkContextual(stage1_text); } if(formatIn.charAt(3) == formatOut.charAt(3)){ return stage1_text; }else if(formatOut.charAt(3) == 'S'){ return shape(isRtl, stage1_text, true); } if(formatOut.charAt(3) == 'N'){ return deshape(stage1_text, isRtl, true); } }, checkContextual: function(/*String*/text){ // summary: // Determine the base direction of a bidi text according // to its first strong directional character. // text: // The text to check. // returns: /*String*/ // "ltr" or "rtl" according to the first strong character. // If there is no strong character, returns the value of the // document dir property. // tags: // public var dir = firstStrongDir(text); if(dir != "ltr" && dir != "rtl"){ dir = document.dir.toLowerCase(); if(dir != "ltr" && dir != "rtl"){dir = "ltr";} } return dir; }, hasBidiChar: function(/*String*/text){ // summary: // Return true if text contains RTL directed character. // text: // The source string. // description: // Iterates over the text string, letter by letter starting from its beginning, // searching for RTL directed character. // Return true if found else false. Needed for vml transformation. // returns: /*Boolean*/ // true - if text has a RTL directed character. // false - otherwise. // tags: // public var type = null, uc = null, hi = null; for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++){ uc = text.charAt(i).charCodeAt(0); hi = MasterTable[uc >> 8]; type = hi < TBBASE ? hi : UnicodeTable[hi - TBBASE][uc & 0xFF]; if(type == UBAT_R || type == UBAT_AL){ return true; } if(type == UBAT_B){ break; } } return false; } }); function doBidiReorder(/*String*/text, /*String*/inFormat, /*String*/outFormat, /*String*/swap){ // summary: // Reorder the source text according to the bidi attributes // of source and result. // text: // The text to reorder. // inFormat: // Ordering scheme and base direction of the source text. // Can be "LLTR", "LRTL", "LCLR", "LCRL", "VLTR", "VRTL", // "VCLR", "VCRL". // The first letter is "L" for logical ordering scheme, // "V" for visual ordering scheme. // The other letters specify the base direction. // "CLR" means contextual direction defaulting to LTR if // there is no strong letter. // "CRL" means contextual direction defaulting to RTL if // there is no strong letter. // The initial value is "LLTR", if none, the initial value is used. // outFormat: // Required ordering scheme and base direction of the // result. Has the same format as inFormat. // If none, the initial value "VLTR" is used. // swap: // Symmetric swapping attributes of source and result. // The allowed values can be "YN", "NY", "YY" and "NN". // The first letter reflects the symmetric swapping attribute // of the source, the second letter that of the result. // returns: // Text reordered according to source and result attributes. if(inFormat == undefined){ inFormat = bdx.defInFormat; } if(outFormat == undefined){ outFormat = bdx.defOutFormat; } if(swap == undefined){ swap = bdx.defSwap; } if(inFormat == outFormat){ return text; } var dir, inOrdering = inFormat.substring(0,1) , inOrientation = inFormat.substring(1,4) , outOrdering = outFormat.substring(0,1) , outOrientation = outFormat.substring(1,4) ; if(inOrientation.charAt(0) == "C"){ dir = firstStrongDir(text); if(dir == "ltr" || dir == "rtl"){ inOrientation = dir.toUpperCase(); }else{ inOrientation = inFormat.charAt(2) == "L" ? "LTR" : "RTL"; } inFormat = inOrdering + inOrientation; } if(outOrientation.charAt(0) == "C"){ dir = firstStrongDir(text); if(dir == "rtl"){ outOrientation = "RTL"; }else if(dir == "ltr"){ dir = lastStrongDir(text); outOrientation = dir.toUpperCase(); }else{ outOrientation = outFormat.charAt(2) == "L" ? "LTR" : "RTL"; } outFormat = outOrdering + outOrientation; } if(inFormat == outFormat){ return text; } bdx.inFormat = inFormat; bdx.outFormat = outFormat; bdx.swap = swap; if((inOrdering == "L") && (outFormat == "VLTR")){ //core cases //cases: LLTR->VLTR, LRTL->VLTR if(inOrientation == "LTR"){ bdx.dir = LTR; return doReorder(text); } if(inOrientation == "RTL"){ bdx.dir = RTL; return doReorder(text); } } if((inOrdering == "V") && (outOrdering == "V")){ //inOrientation != outOrientation //cases: VRTL->VLTR, VLTR->VRTL return invertStr(text); } if((inOrdering == "L") && (outFormat == "VRTL")){ //cases: LLTR->VRTL, LRTL->VRTL if(inOrientation == "LTR"){ bdx.dir = LTR; text = doReorder(text); }else{ //inOrientation == RTL bdx.dir = RTL; text = doReorder(text); } return invertStr(text); } if((inFormat == "VLTR") && (outFormat == "LLTR")){ //case: VLTR->LLTR bdx.dir = LTR; return doReorder(text); } if((inOrdering == "V") && (outOrdering == "L") && (inOrientation != outOrientation)){ //cases: VLTR->LRTL, VRTL->LLTR text = invertStr(text); return (inOrientation == "RTL") ? doBidiReorder(text, "LLTR","VLTR", swap) : doBidiReorder(text, "LRTL","VRTL", swap); } if((inFormat == "VRTL") && (outFormat == "LRTL")){ //case VRTL->LRTL return doBidiReorder(text, "LRTL","VRTL", swap); } if((inOrdering == "L") && (outOrdering == "L")){ //inOrientation != outOrientation //cases: LRTL->LLTR, LLTR->LRTL var saveSwap = bdx.swap; bdx.swap = saveSwap.substr(0, 1) + "N"; if(inOrientation == "RTL"){ //LRTL->LLTR bdx.dir = RTL; text = doReorder(text); bdx.swap = "N" + saveSwap.substr(1, 2); bdx.dir = LTR; text = doReorder(text); }else{ //LLTR->LRTL bdx.dir = LTR; text = doReorder(text); bdx.swap = "N" + saveSwap.substr(1, 2); text = doBidiReorder(text, "VLTR","LRTL", bdx.swap); } return text; } }; function shape(/*boolean*/rtl, /*String*/text, /*boolean*/compress){ // summary: // Shape the source text. // rtl: // Flag indicating if the text is in RTL direction (logical // direction for Arabic words). // text: // The text to shape. // compress: // A flag indicates to insert extra space after the lam alef compression // to preserve the buffer size or not insert an extra space which will lead // to decrease the buffer size. this option can be: // - true (default) to not insert extra space after compressing Lam+Alef into one character Lamalef // - false to insert an extra space after compressed Lamalef to preserve the buffer size // returns: // text shaped. // tags: // private. if(text.length == 0){ return; } if(rtl == undefined){ rtl = true; } if(compress == undefined){ compress = true; } text = new String(text); var str06 = text.split("") , Ix = 0 , step = +1 , nIEnd = str06.length ; if(!rtl){ Ix = str06.length - 1; step = -1; nIEnd = 1; } var previousCursive = 0, compressArray = [], compressArrayIndx = 0; for(var index = Ix; index * step < nIEnd; index = index + step){ if(isArabicAlefbet(str06[index]) || isArabicDiacritics(str06[index])){ // Arabic letter Lam if(str06[index] == '\u0644'){ if(isNextAlef(str06, (index + step), step, nIEnd)){ str06[index] = (previousCursive == 0) ? getLamAlefFE(str06[index + step], LamAlefInialTableFE) : getLamAlefFE(str06[index + step], LamAlefMedialTableFE); index += step; setAlefToSpace(str06, index, step, nIEnd); if(compress){ compressArray[compressArrayIndx] = index; compressArrayIndx++; } previousCursive = 0; continue; } } var currentChr = str06[index]; if(previousCursive == 1){ // if next is Arabic //Character is in medial form // else character is in final form str06[index] = (isNextArabic(str06, (index + step), step, nIEnd)) ? getMedialFormCharacterFE(str06[index]) : getFormCharacterFE(str06[index], FinalForm); }else{ if(isNextArabic(str06, (index + step), step, nIEnd) == true){ //character is in Initial form str06[index] = getFormCharacterFE(str06[index],InitialForm); }else{ str06[index] = getFormCharacterFE(str06[index], IsolatedForm); } } //exam if the current character is cursive if(!isArabicDiacritics(currentChr)){ previousCursive = 1; } if(isStandAlonCharacter(currentChr) == true){ previousCursive = 0; } }else{ previousCursive = 0; } } var outBuf = ""; for(idx = 0; idx < str06.length; idx++){ if(!(compress && indexOf(compressArray, compressArray.length, idx) > -1)){ outBuf += str06[idx]; } } return outBuf; }; function firstStrongDir(/*String*/text){ // summary: // Return the first strong character direction // text: // The source string. // description: // Iterates over the text string, letter by letter starting from its beginning, // searching for first "strong" character. // Returns if strong character was found with the direction defined by this // character, if no strong character was found returns an empty string. // returns: /*String*/ // "ltr" - if the first strong character is Latin. // "rtl" - if the first strong character is RTL directed character. // "" - if the strong character wasn't found. // tags: // private var type = null, uc = null, hi = null; for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++){ uc = text.charAt(i).charCodeAt(0); hi = MasterTable[uc >> 8]; type = hi < TBBASE ? hi : UnicodeTable[hi - TBBASE][uc & 0xFF]; if(type == UBAT_R || type == UBAT_AL){ return "rtl"; } if(type == UBAT_L){ return "ltr"; } if(type == UBAT_B){ break; } } return ""; }; function lastStrongDir(text){ // summary: // Return the last strong character direction // text: // The source string. // description: // Iterates over the text string, letter by letter starting from its end, // searching for first (from the end) "strong" character. // Returns if strong character was found with the direction defined by this // character, if no strong character was found returns an empty string. // tags: // private var type = null; for(var i = text.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ type = getCharacterType(text.charAt(i)); if(type == UBAT_R || type == UBAT_AL){ return "rtl"; } if(type == UBAT_L){ return "ltr"; } if(type == UBAT_B){ break; } } return ""; }; function deshape(/*String*/text, /*boolean*/rtl, /*boolean*/consume_next_space){ // summary: // deshape the source text. // text: // the text to be deshape. // rtl: // flag indicating if the text is in RTL direction (logical // direction for Arabic words). // consume_next_space: // flag indicating whether to consume the space next to the // the lam alef if there is a space followed the Lamalef character to preserve the buffer size. // In case there is no space next to the lam alef the buffer size will be increased due to the // expansion of the lam alef one character into lam+alef two characters // returns: text deshaped. if(text.length == 0){ return; } if(consume_next_space == undefined){ consume_next_space = true; } if(rtl == undefined){ rtl = true; } text = new String(text); var outBuf = "", strFE = [], textBuff = ""; if(consume_next_space){ for(var j = 0; j < text.length; j++){ if(text.charAt(j) == ' '){ if(rtl){ if(j > 0){ if(text.charAt(j - 1) >= '\uFEF5' && text.charAt(j - 1) <= '\uFEFC'){ continue; } } }else{ if(j+1 < text.length){ if(text.charAt(j + 1) >= '\uFEF5' && text.charAt(j + 1) <= '\uFEFC'){ continue; } } } } textBuff += text.charAt(j); } }else{ textBuff = new String(text); } strFE = textBuff.split(""); for(var i = 0; i < textBuff.length; i++){ if(strFE[i] >= '\uFE70' && strFE[i] < '\uFEFF'){ var chNum = textBuff.charCodeAt(i); if(strFE[i] >= '\uFEF5' && strFE[i] <= '\uFEFC'){ //expand the LamAlef if(rtl){ //Lam + Alef outBuf += '\u0644'; outBuf += AlefTable[parseInt((chNum - 65269) / 2)]; }else{ outBuf += AlefTable[parseInt((chNum - 65269) / 2)]; outBuf += '\u0644'; } }else{ outBuf += FETo06Table[chNum - 65136]; } }else{ outBuf += strFE[i]; } } return outBuf; }; function doReorder(str){ // summary: // Helper to the doBidiReorder. Manages the UBA. // str: // the string to reorder. // returns: // text reordered according to source and result attributes. // tags: // private var chars = str.split(""), levels = []; computeLevels(chars, levels); swapChars(chars, levels); invertLevel(2, chars, levels); invertLevel(1, chars, levels); return chars.join(""); }; function computeLevels(chars, levels){ var len = chars.length , impTab = bdx.dir ? impTab_RTL : impTab_LTR , prevState = null, newClass = null, newLevel = null, newState = 0 , action = null, cond = null, condPos = -1, i = null, ix = null , types = [] , classes = [] ; bdx.hiLevel = bdx.dir; bdx.lastArabic = false; bdx.hasUBAT_AL = false, bdx.hasUBAT_B = false; bdx.hasUBAT_S = false; for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ types[i] = getCharacterType(chars[i]); } for(ix = 0; ix < len; ix++){ prevState = newState; classes[ix] = newClass = getCharClass(chars, types, classes, ix); newState = impTab[prevState][newClass]; action = newState & 0xF0; newState &= 0x0F; levels[ix] = newLevel = impTab[newState][ITIL]; if(action > 0){ if(action == 0x10){ // set conditional run to level 1 for(i = condPos; i < ix; i++){ levels[i] = 1; } condPos = -1; }else{ // 0x20 confirm the conditional run condPos = -1; } } cond = impTab[newState][ITCOND]; if(cond){ if(condPos == -1){ condPos = ix; } }else{ // unconditional level if(condPos > -1){ for(i = condPos; i < ix; i++){ levels[i] = newLevel; } condPos = -1; } } if(types[ix] == UBAT_B){ levels[ix] = 0; } bdx.hiLevel |= newLevel; } if(bdx.hasUBAT_S){ for(i = 0; i < len; i++){ if(types[i] == UBAT_S){ levels[i] = bdx.dir; for(var j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--){ if(types[j] == UBAT_WS){ levels[j] = bdx.dir; }else{ break; } } } } } }; function swapChars(chars, levels){ // summary: // Swap characters with symmetrical mirroring as all kinds of parenthesis. // (When needed). // chars: // The source string as Array of characters. // levels: // An array (like hash) of flags for each character in the source string, // that defines if swapping should be applied on the following character. // description: // First checks if the swapping should be applied, if not returns, else // uses the levels "hash" to find what characters should be swapped. // tags: // private if(bdx.hiLevel == 0 || bdx.swap.substr(0, 1) == bdx.swap.substr(1, 2)){ return; }; //console.log("bdx.hiLevel == 0: " + bdx.hiLevel + "bdx.swap[0]: "+ bdx.swap[0] +" bdx.swap[1]: " +bdx.swap[1]); for(var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++){ if(levels[i] == 1){chars[i] = getMirror(chars[i]);} } }; function getCharacterType(ch){ // summary: // Return the type of the character. // ch: // The character to be checked. // description: // Check the type of the character according to MasterTable, // type = LTR, RTL, neutral,Arabic-Indic digit etc. // tags: // private var uc = ch.charCodeAt(0) , hi = MasterTable[uc >> 8]; return (hi < TBBASE) ? hi : UnicodeTable[hi - TBBASE][uc & 0xFF]; }; function invertStr(str){ // summary: // Return the reversed string. // str: // The string to be reversed. // description: // Reverse the string str. // tags: // private var chars = str.split(""); chars.reverse(); return chars.join(""); }; function indexOf(cArray, cLength, idx){ var counter = -1; for(var i = 0; i < cLength; i++){ if(cArray[i] == idx){ return i; } } return -1; }; function isArabicAlefbet(c){ for(var i = 0; i < ArabicAlefBetIntervalsBegine.length; i++){ if(c >= ArabicAlefBetIntervalsBegine[i] && c <= ArabicAlefBetIntervalsEnd[i]){ return true; } } return false; }; function isNextArabic(str06, index, step, nIEnd){ while(((index) * step) < nIEnd && isArabicDiacritics(str06[index])){ index += step; } if(((index) * step) < nIEnd && isArabicAlefbet(str06[index])){ return true; } return false; }; function isNextAlef(str06, index, step, nIEnd){ while(((index) * step) < nIEnd && isArabicDiacritics(str06[index])){ index += step; } var c = ' '; if(((index) * step) < nIEnd){ c = str06[index]; }else{ return false; } for(var i = 0; i < AlefTable.length; i++){ if(AlefTable[i] == c){ return true; } } return false; }; function invertLevel(lev, chars, levels){ if(bdx.hiLevel < lev){ return; } if(lev == 1 && bdx.dir == RTL && !bdx.hasUBAT_B){ chars.reverse(); return; } var len = chars.length, start = 0, end, lo, hi, tmp; while(start < len){ if(levels[start] >= lev){ end = start + 1; while(end < len && levels[end] >= lev){ end++; } for(lo = start, hi = end - 1 ; lo < hi; lo++, hi--){ tmp = chars[lo]; chars[lo] = chars[hi]; chars[hi] = tmp; } start = end; } start++; } }; function getCharClass(chars, types, classes, ix){ // summary: // Return the class if ix character in chars. // chars: // The source string as Array of characters. // types: // Array of types, for each character in chars. // classes: // Array of classes that already been solved. // ix: // the index of checked character. // tags: // private var cType = types[ix], wType, nType, len, i; switch(cType){ case UBAT_L: case UBAT_R: bdx.lastArabic = false; case UBAT_ON: case UBAT_AN: return cType; case UBAT_EN: return bdx.lastArabic ? UBAT_AN : UBAT_EN; case UBAT_AL: bdx.lastArabic = true; bdx.hasUBAT_AL = true; return UBAT_R; case UBAT_WS: return UBAT_ON; case UBAT_CS: if(ix < 1 || (ix + 1) >= types.length || ((wType = classes[ix - 1]) != UBAT_EN && wType != UBAT_AN) || ((nType = types[ix + 1]) != UBAT_EN && nType != UBAT_AN)){ return UBAT_ON; } if(bdx.lastArabic){nType = UBAT_AN;} return nType == wType ? nType : UBAT_ON; case UBAT_ES: wType = ix > 0 ? classes[ix - 1] : UBAT_B; if(wType == UBAT_EN && (ix + 1) < types.length && types[ix + 1] == UBAT_EN){ return UBAT_EN; } return UBAT_ON; case UBAT_ET: if(ix > 0 && classes[ix - 1] == UBAT_EN){ return UBAT_EN; } if(bdx.lastArabic){ return UBAT_ON; } i = ix + 1; len = types.length; while(i < len && types[i] == UBAT_ET){ i++; } if(i < len && types[i] == UBAT_EN){ return UBAT_EN; } return UBAT_ON; case UBAT_NSM: if(bdx.inFormat == "VLTR"){ // visual to implicit transformation len = types.length; i = ix + 1; while(i < len && types[i] == UBAT_NSM){ i++; } if(i < len){ var c = chars[ix] , rtlCandidate = (c >= 0x0591 && c <= 0x08FF) || c == 0xFB1E ; wType = types[i]; if(rtlCandidate && (wType == UBAT_R || wType == UBAT_AL)){ return UBAT_R; } } } if(ix < 1 || (wType = types[ix - 1]) == UBAT_B){ return UBAT_ON; } return classes[ix - 1]; case UBAT_B: lastArabic = false; bdx.hasUBAT_B = true; return bdx.dir; case UBAT_S: bdx.hasUBAT_S = true; return UBAT_ON; case UBAT_LRE: case UBAT_RLE: case UBAT_LRO: case UBAT_RLO: case UBAT_PDF: lastArabic = false; case UBAT_BN: return UBAT_ON; } }; function getMirror(c){ // summary: // Calculates the mirrored character of c // c: // The character to be mirrored. // tags: // private var mid, low = 0, high = SwapTable.length - 1; while(low <= high){ mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2); if(c < SwapTable[mid][0]){ high = mid - 1; }else if(c > SwapTable[mid][0]){ low = mid + 1; }else{ return SwapTable[mid][1]; } } return c; }; function isStandAlonCharacter(c){ for(var i = 0; i < StandAlonForm.length; i++){ if(StandAlonForm[i] == c){ return true; } } return false; }; function getMedialFormCharacterFE(c){ for(var i = 0; i < BaseForm.length; i++){ if(c == BaseForm[i]){ return MedialForm[i]; } } return c; }; function getFormCharacterFE(/*char*/ c, /*char[]*/formArr){ for(var i = 0; i < BaseForm.length; i++){ if(c == BaseForm[i]){ return formArr[i]; } } return c; }; function isArabicDiacritics(c){ return (c >= '\u064b' && c <= '\u0655') ? true : false; }; function getOrientation(/*Char*/ oc){ if(oc == 'L'){ return "LTR"; } if(oc == 'R'){ return "RTL"; } if(oc == 'C'){ return "CLR"; } if(oc == 'D'){ return "CRL"; } }; function setAlefToSpace(str06, index, step, nIEnd){ while(((index) * step) < nIEnd && isArabicDiacritics(str06[index])){ index += step; } if(((index) * step) < nIEnd){ str06[index] = ' '; return true; } return false; }; function getLamAlefFE(alef06, LamAlefForm){ for(var i = 0; i < AlefTable.length; i++){ if(alef06 == AlefTable[i]){ return LamAlefForm[i]; } } return alef06; }; function LamAlef(alef){ // summary: // If the alef variable is an ARABIC ALEF letter, // return the LamAlef code associated with the specific // alef character. // alef: // The alef code type. // description: // If "alef" is an ARABIC ALEF letter, identify which alef is it, // using AlefTable, then return the LamAlef associated with it. // tags: // private for(var i = 0; i < AlefTable.length; i++){ if(AlefTable[i] == alef){ return AlefTable[i]; } } return 0; }; var bdx = { dir: 0, defInFormat: "LLTR", defoutFormat: "VLTR", defSwap: "YN", inFormat: "LLTR", outFormat: "VLTR", swap: "YN", hiLevel: 0, lastArabic: false, hasUBAT_AL: false, hasBlockSep: false, hasSegSep: false }; var ITIL = 5; var ITCOND = 6; var LTR = 0; var RTL = 1; /****************************************************************************/ /* Array in which directional characters are replaced by their symmetric. */ /****************************************************************************/ var SwapTable = [ [ "\u0028", "\u0029" ], /* Round brackets */ [ "\u0029", "\u0028" ], [ "\u003C", "\u003E" ], /* Less than/greater than */ [ "\u003E", "\u003C" ], [ "\u005B", "\u005D" ], /* Square brackets */ [ "\u005D", "\u005B" ], [ "\u007B", "\u007D" ], /* Curly brackets */ [ "\u007D", "\u007B" ], [ "\u00AB", "\u00BB" ], /* Double angle quotation marks */ [ "\u00BB", "\u00AB" ], [ "\u2039", "\u203A" ], /* single angle quotation mark */ [ "\u203A", "\u2039" ], [ "\u207D", "\u207E" ], /* Superscript parentheses */ [ "\u207E", "\u207D" ], [ "\u208D", "\u208E" ], /* Subscript parentheses */ [ "\u208E", "\u208D" ], [ "\u2264", "\u2265" ], /* Less/greater than or equal */ [ "\u2265", "\u2264" ], [ "\u2329", "\u232A" ], /* Angle brackets */ [ "\u232A", "\u2329" ], [ "\uFE59", "\uFE5A" ], /* Small round brackets */ [ "\uFE5A", "\uFE59" ], [ "\uFE5B", "\uFE5C" ], /* Small curly brackets */ [ "\uFE5C", "\uFE5B" ], [ "\uFE5D", "\uFE5E" ], /* Small tortoise shell brackets */ [ "\uFE5E", "\uFE5D" ], [ "\uFE64", "\uFE65" ], /* Small less than/greater than */ [ "\uFE65", "\uFE64" ] ]; var AlefTable = ['\u0622', '\u0623', '\u0625', '\u0627']; var AlefTableFE = [0xFE81, 0xFE82, 0xFE83, 0xFE84, 0xFE87, 0xFE88, 0xFE8D, 0xFE8E]; var LamTableFE = [0xFEDD, 0xFEDE, 0xFEDF, 0xFEE0]; var LamAlefInialTableFE = ['\ufef5', '\ufef7', '\ufef9', '\ufefb']; var LamAlefMedialTableFE = ['\ufef6', '\ufef8', '\ufefa', '\ufefc']; /** * Arabic Characters in the base form */ var BaseForm = ['\u0627', '\u0628', '\u062A', '\u062B', '\u062C', '\u062D', '\u062E', '\u062F', '\u0630', '\u0631', '\u0632', '\u0633', '\u0634', '\u0635', '\u0636', '\u0637', '\u0638', '\u0639', '\u063A', '\u0641', '\u0642', '\u0643', '\u0644', '\u0645', '\u0646', '\u0647', '\u0648', '\u064A', '\u0625', '\u0623', '\u0622', '\u0629', '\u0649', '\u06CC', '\u0626', '\u0624', '\u064B', '\u064C', '\u064D', '\u064E', '\u064F', '\u0650', '\u0651', '\u0652', '\u0621']; /** * Arabic shaped characters in Isolated form */ var IsolatedForm = ['\uFE8D', '\uFE8F', '\uFE95', '\uFE99', '\uFE9D', '\uFEA1', '\uFEA5', '\uFEA9', '\uFEAB', '\uFEAD', '\uFEAF', '\uFEB1', '\uFEB5', '\uFEB9', '\uFEBD', '\uFEC1', '\uFEC5', '\uFEC9', '\uFECD', '\uFED1', '\uFED5', '\uFED9', '\uFEDD', '\uFEE1', '\uFEE5', '\uFEE9', '\uFEED', '\uFEF1', '\uFE87', '\uFE83', '\uFE81', '\uFE93', '\uFEEF', '\uFBFC', '\uFE89', '\uFE85', '\uFE70', '\uFE72', '\uFE74', '\uFE76', '\uFE78', '\uFE7A', '\uFE7C', '\uFE7E', '\uFE80']; /** * Arabic shaped characters in Final form */ var FinalForm = ['\uFE8E', '\uFE90', '\uFE96', '\uFE9A', '\uFE9E', '\uFEA2', '\uFEA6', '\uFEAA', '\uFEAC', '\uFEAE', '\uFEB0', '\uFEB2', '\uFEB6', '\uFEBA', '\uFEBE', '\uFEC2', '\uFEC6', '\uFECA', '\uFECE', '\uFED2', '\uFED6', '\uFEDA', '\uFEDE', '\uFEE2', '\uFEE6', '\uFEEA', '\uFEEE', '\uFEF2', '\uFE88', '\uFE84', '\uFE82', '\uFE94', '\uFEF0', '\uFBFD', '\uFE8A', '\uFE86', '\uFE70', '\uFE72', '\uFE74', '\uFE76', '\uFE78', '\uFE7A', '\uFE7C', '\uFE7E', '\uFE80']; /** * Arabic shaped characters in Media form */ var MedialForm = ['\uFE8E', '\uFE92', '\uFE98', '\uFE9C', '\uFEA0', '\uFEA4', '\uFEA8', '\uFEAA', '\uFEAC', '\uFEAE', '\uFEB0', '\uFEB4', '\uFEB8', '\uFEBC', '\uFEC0', '\uFEC4', '\uFEC8', '\uFECC', '\uFED0', '\uFED4', '\uFED8', '\uFEDC', '\uFEE0', '\uFEE4', '\uFEE8', '\uFEEC', '\uFEEE', '\uFEF4', '\uFE88', '\uFE84', '\uFE82', '\uFE94', '\uFEF0', '\uFBFF', '\uFE8C', '\uFE86', '\uFE71', '\uFE72', '\uFE74', '\uFE77', '\uFE79', '\uFE7B', '\uFE7D', '\uFE7F', '\uFE80']; /** * Arabic shaped characters in Initial form */ var InitialForm = ['\uFE8D', '\uFE91', '\uFE97', '\uFE9B', '\uFE9F', '\uFEA3', '\uFEA7', '\uFEA9', '\uFEAB', '\uFEAD', '\uFEAF', '\uFEB3', '\uFEB7', '\uFEBB', '\uFEBF', '\uFEC3', '\uFEC7', '\uFECB', '\uFECF', '\uFED3', '\uFED7', '\uFEDB', '\uFEDF', '\uFEE3', '\uFEE7', '\uFEEB', '\uFEED', '\uFEF3', '\uFE87', '\uFE83', '\uFE81', '\uFE93', '\uFEEF', '\uFBFE', '\uFE8B', '\uFE85', '\uFE70', '\uFE72', '\uFE74', '\uFE76', '\uFE78', '\uFE7A', '\uFE7C', '\uFE7E', '\uFE80']; /** * Arabic characters that couldn't join to the next character */ var StandAlonForm = ['\u0621', '\u0627', '\u062F', '\u0630', '\u0631', '\u0632', '\u0648', '\u0622', '\u0629', '\u0626', '\u0624', '\u0625', '\u0675', '\u0623']; var FETo06Table = ['\u064B', '\u064B', '\u064C', '\u061F', '\u064D', '\u061F', '\u064E', '\u064E', '\u064F', '\u064F', '\u0650', '\u0650', '\u0651', '\u0651', '\u0652', '\u0652', '\u0621', '\u0622', '\u0622', '\u0623', '\u0623', '\u0624', '\u0624', '\u0625', '\u0625', '\u0626', '\u0626', '\u0626', '\u0626', '\u0627', '\u0627', '\u0628', '\u0628', '\u0628', '\u0628', '\u0629', '\u0629', '\u062A', '\u062A', '\u062A', '\u062A', '\u062B', '\u062B', '\u062B', '\u062B', '\u062C', '\u062C', '\u062C', '\u062c', '\u062D', '\u062D', '\u062D', '\u062D', '\u062E', '\u062E', '\u062E', '\u062E', '\u062F', '\u062F', '\u0630', '\u0630', '\u0631', '\u0631', '\u0632', '\u0632', '\u0633', '\u0633', '\u0633', '\u0633', '\u0634', '\u0634', '\u0634', '\u0634', '\u0635', '\u0635', '\u0635', '\u0635', '\u0636', '\u0636', '\u0636', '\u0636', '\u0637', '\u0637', '\u0637', '\u0637', '\u0638', '\u0638', '\u0638', '\u0638', '\u0639', '\u0639', '\u0639', '\u0639', '\u063A', '\u063A', '\u063A', '\u063A', '\u0641', '\u0641', '\u0641', '\u0641', '\u0642', '\u0642', '\u0642', '\u0642', '\u0643', '\u0643', '\u0643', '\u0643', '\u0644', '\u0644', '\u0644', '\u0644', '\u0645', '\u0645', '\u0645', '\u0645', '\u0646', '\u0646', '\u0646', '\u0646', '\u0647', '\u0647', '\u0647', '\u0647', '\u0648', '\u0648', '\u0649', '\u0649', '\u064A', '\u064A', '\u064A', '\u064A', '\uFEF5', '\uFEF6', '\uFEF7', '\uFEF8', '\uFEF9', '\uFEFA', '\uFEFB', '\uFEFC', '\u061F', '\u061F', '\u061F']; var ArabicAlefBetIntervalsBegine = ['\u0621', '\u0641']; var ArabicAlefBetIntervalsEnd = ['\u063A', '\u064a']; var Link06 = [ 1 + 32 + 256 * 0x11, 1 + 32 + 256 * 0x13, 1 + 256 * 0x15, 1 + 32 + 256 * 0x17, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x19, 1 + 32 + 256 * 0x1D, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x1F, 1 + 256 * 0x23, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x25, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x29, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x2D, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x31, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x35, 1 + 256 * 0x39, 1 + 256 * 0x3B, 1 + 256 * 0x3D, 1 + 256 * 0x3F, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x41, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x45, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x49, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x4D, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x51, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x55, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x59, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x5D, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x63B - 0x63F */ 1 + 2, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x61, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x65, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x69, 1 + 2 + 16 + 256 * 0x6D, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x71, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x75, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x79, 1 + 256 * 0x7D, 1 + 256 * 0x7F, 1 + 2 + 256 * 0x81, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, /* 0x64B - 0x652 */ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0x653 - 0x65B */ 1 + 256 * 0x85, 1 + 256 * 0x87, 1 + 256 * 0x89, 1 + 256 * 0x8B, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,/* 0x660 - 0x66F */ 4, 0, 1 + 32, 1 + 32, 0, 1 + 32, 1, 1, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1, 1+2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1+2, 1, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1+2, 1, 1 ]; var LinkFE = [ 1 + 2, 1 + 2, 1 + 2, 0, 1+ 2, 0, 1+ 2, 1 + 2, 1+ 2, 1 + 2, 1+2, 1 + 2, 1+ 2, 1 + 2, 1+2, 1 + 2, 0, 0 + 32, 1 + 32, 0 + 32, 1 + 32, 0, 1, 0 + 32, 1 + 32, 0, 2, 1 + 2, 1, 0 + 32, 1 + 32, 0, 2, 1 + 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1 + 2, 1, 0, 2, 1 + 2, 1, 0, 2, 1 + 2, 1, 0, 2, 1 + 2, 1, 0, 2, 1 + 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0 + 16, 2 + 16, 1 + 2 +16, 1 + 16, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1+2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 ]; var impTab_LTR = [ /* L, R, EN, AN, N, IL, Cond */ /* 0 LTR text */ [ 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], /* 1 LTR+AN */ [ 0, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0 ], /* 2 LTR+AN+N */ [ 0, 3, 0, 0x11, 2, 0, 1 ], /* 3 RTL text */ [ 0, 3, 5, 5, 4, 1, 0 ], /* 4 RTL cont */ [ 0, 3, 0x15, 0x15, 4, 0, 1 ], /* 5 RTL+EN/AN */ [ 0, 3, 5, 5, 4, 2, 0 ] ]; var impTab_RTL = [ /* L, R, EN, AN, N, IL, Cond */ /* 0 RTL text */ [ 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 ], /* 1 RTL+EN/AN */ [ 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0 ], /* 2 LTR text */ [ 2, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 0 ], /* 3 LTR+cont */ [ 2, 0, 2, 0x21, 3, 1, 1 ] ]; var UBAT_L = 0; /* left to right */ var UBAT_R = 1; /* right to left */ var UBAT_EN = 2; /* European digit */ var UBAT_AN = 3; /* Arabic-Indic digit */ var UBAT_ON = 4; /* neutral */ var UBAT_B = 5; /* block separator */ var UBAT_S = 6; /* segment separator */ var UBAT_AL = 7; /* Arabic Letter */ var UBAT_WS = 8; /* white space */ var UBAT_CS = 9; /* common digit separator */ var UBAT_ES = 10; /* European digit separator */ var UBAT_ET = 11; /* European digit terminator */ var UBAT_NSM = 12; /* Non Spacing Mark */ var UBAT_LRE = 13; /* LRE */ var UBAT_RLE = 14; /* RLE */ var UBAT_PDF = 15; /* PDF */ var UBAT_LRO = 16; /* LRO */ var UBAT_RLO = 17; /* RLO */ var UBAT_BN = 18; /* Boundary Neutral */ var TBBASE = 100; var TB00 = TBBASE + 0; var TB05 = TBBASE + 1; var TB06 = TBBASE + 2; var TB07 = TBBASE + 3; var TB20 = TBBASE + 4; var TBFB = TBBASE + 5; var TBFE = TBBASE + 6; var TBFF = TBBASE + 7; var L = UBAT_L; var R = UBAT_R; var EN = UBAT_EN; var AN = UBAT_AN; var ON = UBAT_ON; var B = UBAT_B; var S = UBAT_S; var AL = UBAT_AL; var WS = UBAT_WS; var CS = UBAT_CS; var ES = UBAT_ES; var ET = UBAT_ET; var NSM = UBAT_NSM; var LRE = UBAT_LRE; var RLE = UBAT_RLE; var PDF = UBAT_PDF; var LRO = UBAT_LRO; var RLO = UBAT_RLO; var BN = UBAT_BN; var MasterTable = [ /************************************************************************************************************************************/ /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F */ /************************************************************************************************************************************/ /*0-*/ TB00, L , L , L , L , TB05, TB06, TB07, R , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*1-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*2-*/ TB20, ON , ON , ON , L , ON , L , ON , L , ON , ON , ON , L , L , ON , ON , /*3-*/ L , L , L , L , L , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*4-*/ ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , L , L , ON , /*5-*/ ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*6-*/ ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*7-*/ ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*8-*/ ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*9-*/ ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , L , /*A-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , ON , ON , ON , /*B-*/ ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*C-*/ ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*D-*/ ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , L , L , ON , ON , L , L , ON , ON , L , /*E-*/ L , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*F-*/ ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , L , L , L , TBFB, AL , AL , TBFE, TBFF ]; delete TB00; delete TB05; delete TB06; delete TB07; delete TB20; delete TBFB; delete TBFE; delete TBFF; var UnicodeTable = [ [ /* Table 00: Unicode 00xx */ /************************************************************************************************************************************/ /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F */ /************************************************************************************************************************************/ /*0-*/ BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , S , B , S , WS , B , BN , BN , /*1-*/ BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , B , B , B , S , /*2-*/ WS , ON , ON , ET , ET , ET , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ES , CS , ES , CS , CS , /*3-*/ EN , EN , EN , EN , EN , EN , EN , EN , EN , EN , CS , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*4-*/ ON , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*5-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*6-*/ ON , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*7-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , ON , ON , ON , ON , BN , /*8-*/ BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , B , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , /*9-*/ BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , BN , /*A-*/ CS , ON , ET , ET , ET , ET , ON , ON , ON , ON , L , ON , ON , BN , ON , ON , /*B-*/ ET , ET , EN , EN , ON , L , ON , ON , ON , EN , L , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*C-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*D-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , ON , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*E-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*F-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , ON , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L ], [ /* Table 01: Unicode 05xx */ /************************************************************************************************************************************/ /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F */ /************************************************************************************************************************************/ /*0-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*1-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*2-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*3-*/ ON , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*4-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*5-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , ON , ON , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*6-*/ ON , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*7-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , /*8-*/ L , L , L , L , L , L , L , L , ON , L , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*9-*/ ON , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , /*A-*/ NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , /*B-*/ NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , NSM , R , NSM , /*C-*/ R , NSM , NSM , R , NSM , NSM , R , NSM , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*D-*/ R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , /*E-*/ R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , R , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , /*F-*/ R , R , R , R , R , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON , ON ], [ /* Table 02: Unicode 06xx */ /************************************************************************************************************************************/ /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F */ /************************************************************************************************************************************/ /*0-*/ AN , AN , AN , AN , ON , ON , ON , ON , 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delete AN; delete ON; delete B; delete S; delete AL; delete WS; delete CS; delete ES; delete ET; delete NSM; delete LRE; delete RLE; delete PDF; delete LRO; delete RLO; delete BN; return dojox.string.BidiEngine; });