//>>built // wrapped by build app define("dojox/storage/CookieStorageProvider", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dojox/storage/Provider,dojox/storage/manager,dojo/cookie"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){ dojo.provide("dojox.storage.CookieStorageProvider"); dojo.require("dojox.storage.Provider"); dojo.require("dojox.storage.manager"); dojo.require("dojo.cookie"); dojo.declare( "dojox.storage.CookieStorageProvider", [dojox.storage.Provider], { store: null, cookieName: 'dojoxStorageCookie', storageLife: 730, // in days initialize: function(){ this.store = dojo.fromJson(dojo.cookie(this.cookieName)) || {}; this.initialized = true; dojox.storage.manager.loaded(); }, isAvailable: function(){ /*Boolean*/ return dojo.cookie.isSupported(); }, put: function( /*string*/ key, /*object*/ value, /*function*/ resultsHandler, /*string?*/ namespace){ this._assertIsValidKey(key); namespace = namespace||this.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; this._assertIsValidNamespace(namespace); fullKey = this.getFullKey(key,namespace); this.store[fullKey] = dojo.toJson(value); this._save(); var success = dojo.toJson(this.store) === dojo.cookie(this.cookieName); if(!success){ this.remove(key,namespace); } if(resultsHandler){ resultsHandler(success ? this.SUCCESS : this.FAILED, key, null, namespace); } }, get: function(/*string*/ key, /*string?*/ namespace){ /*Object*/ this._assertIsValidKey(key); namespace = namespace||this.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; this._assertIsValidNamespace(namespace); // get our full key name, which is namespace + key key = this.getFullKey(key, namespace); return this.store[key] ? dojo.fromJson(this.store[key]) : null; }, getKeys: function(/*string?*/ namespace){ /*Array*/ namespace = namespace||this.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; this._assertIsValidNamespace(namespace); namespace = '__'+namespace+'_'; var keys = []; for(var currentKey in this.store){ if(this._beginsWith(currentKey,namespace)){ currentKey = currentKey.substring(namespace.length); keys.push(currentKey); } } return keys; }, clear: function(/*string?*/ namespace){ namespace = namespace||this.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; this._assertIsValidNamespace(namespace); namespace = '__'+namespace+'_'; for(var currentKey in this.store){ if(this._beginsWith(currentKey,namespace)){ delete(this.store[currentKey]); } } this._save(); }, remove: function(/*string*/ key, /*string?*/ namespace){ namespace = namespace||this.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE; this._assertIsValidNamespace(namespace); this._assertIsValidKey(key); key = this.getFullKey(key, namespace); delete this.store[key]; this._save(); }, getNamespaces: function(){ /*string[]*/ // There must be a better way than // to execute a regex on *every* // item in the store. var results = [this.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE]; var found = {}; found[this.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE] = true; var tester = /^__([^_]*)_/; for(var currentKey in this.store){ if(tester.test(currentKey) == true){ var currentNS = currentKey.match(tester)[1]; if(typeof found[currentNS] == "undefined"){ found[currentNS] = true; results.push(currentNS); } } } return results; }, isPermanent: function(){ /*Boolean*/ return true; }, getMaximumSize: function(){ /* mixed */ return 4; }, hasSettingsUI: function(){ /*Boolean*/ return false; }, isValidKey: function(/*string*/ keyName){ /*Boolean*/ if(keyName === null || keyName === undefined){ return false; } return /^[0-9A-Za-z_-]*$/.test(keyName); }, isValidNamespace: function(/*string*/ keyName){ /*Boolean*/ // we *must* prevent namespaces from having // underscores - else lookup of namespaces // via RegEx (e.g. in getNamespaces ) would // return wrong results. // // The only way around this would be to // disallow underscores in keys. if(keyName === null || keyName === undefined){ return false; } return /^[0-9A-Za-z-]*$/.test(keyName); }, getFullKey: function(key, namespace){ // checks for valid namespace and // key are already performed. return "__" + namespace + "_" + key; }, _save: function(){ dojo.cookie(this.cookieName,dojo.toJson(this.store),{expires: this.storageLife}); }, _beginsWith: function(/* string */ haystack, /* string */ needle) { if(needle.length > haystack.length) { return false; } return haystack.substring(0,needle.length) === needle; }, _assertIsValidNamespace: function(/* string */ namespace){ if(this.isValidNamespace(namespace) === false){ throw new Error("Invalid namespace given: " + namespace); } }, _assertIsValidKey: function(/* string */ key){ if(this.isValidKey(key) === false){ throw new Error("Invalid key given: " + key); } } } ); dojox.storage.manager.register("dojox.storage.CookieStorageProvider", new dojox.storage.CookieStorageProvider()); });