//>>built define("dojox/rpc/Rest", ["dojo", "dojox"], function(dojo, dojox) { // Note: This doesn't require dojox.rpc.Service, and if you want it you must require it // yourself, and you must load it prior to dojox.rpc.Rest. // summary: // This provides a HTTP REST service with full range REST verbs include PUT,POST, and DELETE. // description: // A normal GET query is done by using the service directly: // | var restService = dojox.rpc.Rest("Project"); // | restService("4"); // This will do a GET for the URL "/Project/4". // | restService.put("4","new content"); // This will do a PUT to the URL "/Project/4" with the content of "new content". // You can also use the SMD service to generate a REST service: // | var services = dojox.rpc.Service({services: {myRestService: {transport: "REST",... // | services.myRestService("parameters"); // // The modifying methods can be called as sub-methods of the rest service method like: // | services.myRestService.put("parameters","data to put in resource"); // | services.myRestService.post("parameters","data to post to the resource"); // | services.myRestService['delete']("parameters"); dojo.getObject("rpc.Rest", true, dojox); if(dojox.rpc && dojox.rpc.transportRegistry){ // register it as an RPC service if the registry is available dojox.rpc.transportRegistry.register( "REST", function(str){return str == "REST";}, { getExecutor : function(func,method,svc){ return new dojox.rpc.Rest( method.name, (method.contentType||svc._smd.contentType||"").match(/json|javascript/), // isJson null, function(id, args){ var request = svc._getRequest(method,[id]); request.url= request.target + (request.data ? '?'+ request.data : ''); if(args && (args.start >= 0 || args.count >= 0)){ request.headers = request.headers || {}; request.headers.Range = "items=" + (args.start || '0') + '-' + (("count" in args && args.count != Infinity) ? (args.count + (args.start || 0) - 1) : ''); } return request; } ); } } ); } var drr; function index(deferred, service, range, id){ deferred.addCallback(function(result){ if(deferred.ioArgs.xhr && range){ // try to record the total number of items from the range header range = deferred.ioArgs.xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Range"); deferred.fullLength = range && (range=range.match(/\/(.*)/)) && parseInt(range[1]); } return result; }); return deferred; } drr = dojox.rpc.Rest = function(/*String*/path, /*Boolean?*/isJson, /*Object?*/schema, /*Function?*/getRequest){ // summary: // Creates a REST service using the provided path. var service; // it should be in the form /Table/ service = function(id, args){ return drr._get(service, id, args); }; service.isJson = isJson; service._schema = schema; // cache: // This is an object that provides indexing service // This can be overriden to take advantage of more complex referencing/indexing // schemes service.cache = { serialize: isJson ? ((dojox.json && dojox.json.ref) || dojo).toJson : function(result){ return result; } }; // the default XHR args creator: service._getRequest = getRequest || function(id, args){ if(dojo.isObject(id)){ id = dojo.objectToQuery(id); id = id ? "?" + id: ""; } if(args && args.sort && !args.queryStr){ id += (id ? "&" : "?") + "sort(" for(var i = 0; i 0 ? "," : "") + (sort.descending ? '-' : '+') + encodeURIComponent(sort.attribute); } id += ")"; } var request = { url: path + (id == null ? "" : id), handleAs: isJson ? 'json' : 'text', contentType: isJson ? 'application/json' : 'text/plain', sync: dojox.rpc._sync, headers: { Accept: isJson ? 'application/json,application/javascript' : '*/*' } }; if(args && (args.start >= 0 || args.count >= 0)){ request.headers.Range = "items=" + (args.start || '0') + '-' + (("count" in args && args.count != Infinity) ? (args.count + (args.start || 0) - 1) : ''); } dojox.rpc._sync = false; return request; }; // each calls the event handler function makeRest(name){ service[name] = function(id,content){ return drr._change(name,service,id,content); // the last parameter is to let the OfflineRest know where to store the item }; } makeRest('put'); makeRest('post'); makeRest('delete'); // record the REST services for later lookup service.servicePath = path; return service; }; drr._index={};// the map of all indexed objects that have gone through REST processing drr._timeStamps={}; // these do the actual requests drr._change = function(method,service,id,content){ // this is called to actually do the put, post, and delete var request = service._getRequest(id); request[method+"Data"] = content; return index(dojo.xhr(method.toUpperCase(),request,true),service); }; drr._get= function(service,id, args){ args = args || {}; // this is called to actually do the get return index(dojo.xhrGet(service._getRequest(id, args)), service, (args.start >= 0 || args.count >= 0), id); }; return dojox.rpc.Rest; });