define("dojox/mobile/_compat", [
"dojo/_base/array", // array.forEach
"dojo/_base/connect", // connect.connect
"dojo/_base/fx", // fx.fadeOut, fx.fadeIn
"dojo/_base/lang", // lang.extend, lang.isArray
"dojo/_base/sniff", // has("webkit"), has("ie")
"dojo/_base/window", // win.doc, win.body
"dijit/registry", // registry.byNode
], function(array, config, connect, bfx, lang, has, win, domClass, domConstruct, domStyle, fx, easing, ready, uacss, registry, xfx, flip, EdgeToEdgeList, IconContainer, RoundRect, RoundRectList, ScrollableView, Switch, View, require){
var EdgeToEdgeList = dojox.mobile.EdgeToEdgeList;
var IconContainer = dojox.mobile.IconContainer;
var RoundRect = dojox.mobile.RoundRect;
var RoundRectList = dojox.mobile.RoundRectList;
var ScrollableView = dojox.mobile.ScrollableView;
var Switch = dojox.mobile.Switch;
var View = dojox.mobile.View;
// module:
// dojox/mobile/compat
// summary:
// CSS3 compatibility module
// description:
// This module provides support for some of the CSS3 features to dojox.mobile
// for non-CSS3 browsers, such as IE or Firefox.
// If you load this module, it directly replaces some of the methods of
// dojox.mobile instead of subclassing. This way, html pages remains the same
// regardless of whether this compatibility module is used or not.
// Recommended usage is as follows. the code below loads dojox.mobile.compat
// only when isWebKit is true.
// dojo.require("dojox.mobile");
// dojo.requireIf(!has("webkit"), "dojox.mobile.compat");
// This module also loads compatibility CSS files, which has -compat.css
// suffix. You can use either the tag or @import to load theme
// CSS files. Then, this module searches for the loaded CSS files and loads
// compatibility CSS files. For example, if you load iphone.css in a page,
// this module automatically loads iphone-compat.css.
// If you explicitly load iphone-compat.css with or @import,
// this module will not load the already loaded file.
var dm = lang.getObject("dojox.mobile", true);
dm = dojox.mobile
lang.extend(View, {
_doTransition: function(fromNode, toNode, transition, dir){
var anim;
if(!transition || transition == "none"){
toNode.style.display = "";
fromNode.style.display = "none";
toNode.style.left = "0px";
}else if(transition == "slide" || transition == "cover" || transition == "reveal"){
var w = fromNode.offsetWidth;
var s1 = fx.slideTo({
node: fromNode,
duration: 400,
left: -w*dir,
top: domStyle.get(fromNode, "top")
var s2 = fx.slideTo({
node: toNode,
duration: 400,
left: 0,
top: domStyle.get(toNode, "top")
toNode.style.position = "absolute";
toNode.style.left = w*dir + "px";
toNode.style.display = "";
anim = fx.combine([s1,s2]);
connect.connect(anim, "onEnd", this, function(){
fromNode.style.display = "none";
fromNode.style.left = "0px";
toNode.style.position = "relative";
var toWidget = registry.byNode(toNode);
if(toWidget && !domClass.contains(toWidget.domNode, "out")){
// Reset the temporary padding
toWidget.containerNode.style.paddingTop = "";
}else if(transition == "slidev" || transition == "coverv" || transition == "reavealv"){
var h = fromNode.offsetHeight;
var s1 = fx.slideTo({
node: fromNode,
duration: 400,
left: 0,
top: -h*dir
var s2 = fx.slideTo({
node: toNode,
duration: 400,
left: 0,
top: 0
toNode.style.position = "absolute";
toNode.style.top = h*dir + "px";
toNode.style.left = "0px";
toNode.style.display = "";
anim = fx.combine([s1,s2]);
connect.connect(anim, "onEnd", this, function(){
fromNode.style.display = "none";
toNode.style.position = "relative";
}else if(transition == "flip"){
anim = xfx.flip({
node: fromNode,
dir: "right",
depth: 0.5,
duration: 400
toNode.style.position = "absolute";
toNode.style.left = "0px";
connect.connect(anim, "onEnd", this, function(){
fromNode.style.display = "none";
toNode.style.position = "relative";
toNode.style.display = "";
}else {
// other transitions - "fade", "dissolve", "swirl"
anim = fx.chain([
node: fromNode,
duration: 600
node: toNode,
duration: 600
toNode.style.position = "absolute";
toNode.style.left = "0px";
toNode.style.display = "";
domStyle.set(toNode, "opacity", 0);
connect.connect(anim, "onEnd", this, function(){
fromNode.style.display = "none";
toNode.style.position = "relative";
domStyle.set(fromNode, "opacity", 1);
dm.currentView = registry.byNode(toNode);
wakeUp: function(/*DomNode*/node){
// summary:
// Function to force IE to redraw a node since its layout
// code tends to misrender in partial draws.
// node: DomNode
// The node to forcibly redraw.
// tags:
// public
if(has("ie") && !node._wokeup){
node._wokeup = true;
var disp = node.style.display;
node.style.display = "";
var nodes = node.getElementsByTagName("*");
for(var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++){
var val = nodes[i].style.display;
nodes[i].style.display = "none";
nodes[i].style.display = "";
nodes[i].style.display = val;
node.style.display = disp;
lang.extend(Switch, {
_changeState: function(/*String*/state, /*Boolean*/anim){
// summary:
// Function to toggle the switch state on the switch
// state:
// The state to toggle, switch 'on' or 'off'
// anim:
// Whether to use animation or not
// tags:
// private
var on = (state === "on");
var pos;
pos = -this.inner.firstChild.firstChild.offsetWidth;
pos = 0;
this.left.style.display = "";
this.right.style.display = "";
var _this = this;
var f = function(){
domClass.remove(_this.domNode, on ? "mblSwitchOff" : "mblSwitchOn");
domClass.add(_this.domNode, on ? "mblSwitchOn" : "mblSwitchOff");
_this.left.style.display = on ? "" : "none";
_this.right.style.display = !on ? "" : "none";
var a = fx.slideTo({
node: this.inner,
duration: 300,
left: pos,
onEnd: f
if(on || pos){
this.inner.style.left = pos + "px";
lang.extend(RoundRect, {
buildRendering: function(){
// summary:
// Function to simulate the borderRadius appearance on
// IE, since IE does not support this CSS style.
// tags:
// protected
this.domNode.className = "mblRoundRect";
RoundRectList._addChild = RoundRectList.prototype.addChild;
lang.extend(RoundRectList, {
buildRendering: function(){
// summary:
// Function to simulate the borderRadius appearance on
// IE, since IE does not support this CSS style.
// tags:
// protected
dm.createRoundRect(this, true);
this.domNode.className = "mblRoundRectList";
postCreate: function(){
addChild: function(widget, /*Number?*/insertIndex){
RoundRectList._addChild.apply(this, arguments);
redrawBorders: function(){
// summary:
// Function to adjust the creation of RoundRectLists on IE.
// Removed undesired styles.
// tags:
// public
// Remove a border of the last ListItem.
// This is for browsers that do not support the last-child CSS pseudo-class.
if(this instanceof EdgeToEdgeList){ return; }
var lastChildFound = false;
for(var i = this.containerNode.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
var c = this.containerNode.childNodes[i];
if(c.tagName == "LI"){
c.style.borderBottomStyle = lastChildFound ? "solid" : "none";
lastChildFound = true;
lang.extend(EdgeToEdgeList, {
buildRendering: function(){
this.domNode = this.containerNode = this.srcNodeRef || win.doc.createElement("UL");
this.domNode.className = "mblEdgeToEdgeList";
IconContainer._addChild = IconContainer.prototype.addChild;
lang.extend(IconContainer, {
addChild: function(widget, /*Number?*/insertIndex){
IconContainer._addChild.apply(this, arguments);
lang.mixin(dm, {
createRoundRect: function(_this, isList){
// summary:
// Function to adjust the creation of rounded rectangles on IE.
// Deals with IE's lack of borderRadius support
// tags:
// public
var i, len;
_this.domNode = win.doc.createElement("DIV");
_this.domNode.style.padding = "0px";
_this.domNode.style.backgroundColor = "transparent";
_this.domNode.style.border = "none"; // borderStyle = "none"; doesn't work on IE9
_this.containerNode = win.doc.createElement(isList?"UL":"DIV");
_this.containerNode.className = "mblRoundRectContainer";
_this.srcNodeRef.parentNode.replaceChild(_this.domNode, _this.srcNodeRef);
for(i = 0, len = _this.srcNodeRef.childNodes.length; i < len; i++){
_this.srcNodeRef = null;
for(i = 0; i <= 5; i++){
var top = domConstruct.create("DIV");
top.className = "mblRoundCorner mblRoundCorner"+i+"T";
_this.domNode.insertBefore(top, _this.containerNode);
var bottom = domConstruct.create("DIV");
bottom.className = "mblRoundCorner mblRoundCorner"+i+"B";
lang.extend(ScrollableView, {
postCreate: function(){
// On IE, margin-top of the first child does not seem to be effective,
// probably because padding-top is specified for containerNode
// to make room for a fixed header. This dummy node is a workaround for that.
var dummy = domConstruct.create("DIV", {className:"mblDummyForIE", innerHTML:" "}, this.containerNode, "first");
domStyle.set(dummy, {
position: "relative",
marginBottom: "-2px",
fontSize: "1px"
} // if (has("ie"))
if(has("ie") <= 6){
dm.applyPngFilter = function(root){
root = root || win.body();
var nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
var blank = require.toUrl("dojo/resources/blank.gif");
for(var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++){
var img = nodes[i];
var w = img.offsetWidth;
var h = img.offsetHeight;
if(w === 0 || h === 0){
// The reason why the image has no width/height may be because
// display is "none". If that is the case, let's change the
// display to "" temporarily and see if the image returns them.
if(domStyle.get(img, "display") != "none"){ continue; }
img.style.display = "";
w = img.offsetWidth;
h = img.offsetHeight;
img.style.display = "none";
if(w === 0 || h === 0){ continue; }
var src = img.src;
if(src.indexOf("resources/blank.gif") != -1){ continue; }
img.src = blank;
img.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src+"')";
img.style.width = w + "px";
img.style.height = h + "px";
if(!dm._disableBgFilter && dm.createDomButton){
dm._createDomButton_orig = dm.createDomButton;
dm.createDomButton = function(/*DomNode*/refNode, /*Object?*/style, /*DomNode?*/toNode){
var node = dm._createDomButton_orig.apply(this, arguments);
if(node && node.className && node.className.indexOf("mblDomButton") !== -1){
var f = function(){
if(node.currentStyle && node.currentStyle.backgroundImage.match(/url.*(mblDomButton.*\.png)/)){
var img = RegExp.$1;
var src = require.toUrl("dojox/mobile/themes/common/domButtons/compat/") + img;
node.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src+"',sizingMethod='crop')";
node.style.background = "none";
setTimeout(f, 1000);
setTimeout(f, 5000);
return node;
} // if(has("ie") <= 6)
dm.loadCssFile = function(/*String*/file){
// summary:
// Overrides dojox.mobile.loadCssFile() defined in
// deviceTheme.js.
if(!dm.loadedCssFiles){ dm.loadedCssFiles = []; }
// for some reason, IE hangs when you try to load
// multiple css files almost at once.
return function(){
var ss = win.doc.createStyleSheet(file);
ss && dm.loadedCssFiles.push(ss.owningElement);
}(file), 0);
dm.loadedCssFiles.push(domConstruct.create("LINK", {
href: file,
type: "text/css",
rel: "stylesheet"
}, win.doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]));
dm.loadCss = function(/*String|Array*/files){
// summary:
// Function to load and register CSS files with the page
// files: String|Array
// The CSS files to load and register with the page.
// tags:
// private
var obj = {};
array.forEach(dm.getCssPaths(), function(path){
obj[path] = true;
dm._loadedCss = obj;
if(!lang.isArray(files)){ files = [files]; }
for(var i = 0; i < files.length; i++){
var file = files[i];
dm._loadedCss[file] = true;
dm.getCssPaths = function(){
var paths = [];
var i, j, len;
// find @import
var s = win.doc.styleSheets;
for(i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
if(s[i].href){ continue; }
var r = s[i].cssRules || s[i].imports;
if(!r){ continue; }
for(j = 0; j < r.length; j++){
// find
var elems = win.doc.getElementsByTagName("link");
for(i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++){
return paths;
dm.loadCompatPattern = /\/mobile\/themes\/.*\.css$/;
dm.loadCompatCssFiles = function(/*Boolean?*/force){
// summary:
// Function to perform page-level adjustments on browsers such as
// IE and firefox. It loads compat specific css files into the
// page header.
if(has("ie") && !force){
setTimeout(function(){ // IE needs setTimeout
}, 0);
dm._loadedCss = undefined;
var paths = dm.getCssPaths();
for(var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++){
var href = paths[i];
if((href.match(dm.loadCompatPattern) || location.href.indexOf("mobile/tests/") !== -1) && href.indexOf("-compat.css") === -1){
var compatCss = href.substring(0, href.length-4)+"-compat.css";
dm.hideAddressBar = function(/*Event?*/evt, /*Boolean?*/doResize){
if(doResize !== false){ dm.resizeAll(); }
if(config["mblLoadCompatCssFiles"] !== false){
} // end of if(!has("webkit")){
return dm;